How to find the 1cv8 cdn file. Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited

  • Firstly, it will help you better understand what happened. And in rarer cases, it can even help solve the problem yourself.
  • Secondly, if you couldn’t cope on your own, then first and foremost you should contact a specialist for help. technical support with the contents of the information and diagnostic window that appears.

Let's take a closer look at the contents of the received dialog message:

Line 1.A “Start session with information base forbidden." is a standard notation indicating installed lock user login to the program. With such blocking, a special file with the extension “.cdn” is automatically created in the infobase directory (for more details, see the following sections).

Line 1.B usually indicates the reason, duration of blocking, as well as other useful information. Depending on who or what (in the case of a system) the entry blocking was installed, as well as for what purpose, the information in this block may be different. Line " Backup" is a standard entry for manual or routine backup (in this case, the line “To perform a backup.”) of the information base using 1C Enterprise.

Administrator, in case of creating a lock in 1C 8.3 Enterprise user mode, or 1C programmer, in case of specifying a lock programmatically in the configurator, can come up with your own messages:

Line 2 gives a hint on how to run the program from the command line Windows strings, if you know the so-called “permission code” (see next step).

Line 3 explains the process and what the buttons do.

Step 2. Solution on how to remove the lock and enter the 1C 8.3 database

Session locks can be roughly classified as follows:

  • Planned. When a session lock was started manually or automatically, serving a scheduled process in the 1C database (backup, routine task, update);
  • Others, erroneous. When a lock is installed as a result of erroneous user actions or errors encountered by the system itself, when it does not automatically remove the previously installed lock. For example, a backup process was started, but the user interrupted it by forcefully closing the program.

Method 1

In both cases, when setting session blocking, as mentioned above, a file with “.cdn” permission is created in the storage directory of the current infobase:

Thus, simple solution program startup errors due to session blocking will result in the deletion of the 1Cv8.cdn file.

However, the user should first ask the question: “After all, if sessions are blocked, does this mean that this is due to something?” Perhaps another user with administrative functions (hereinafter referred to as the administrator) launched a really important task or processing in 1C 8.3 Accounting that cannot tolerate the presence of several users in the database at the same time.

Method 2

If such a situation is possible, then you should contact the administrator and find out whether you can enter the database and whether he has a special permission code, which was mentioned just above. In this case, we will use the second method - by entering a blocked infobase by launching the program from the command line, specifying the permission code in one of the launch parameters:

  • “C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv8\common\1cestart.exe” – path to the 1C Enterprise 8.3 launcher;
  • ENTERPRISE – means that the program will start in user mode, i.e. in 1C Enterprise mode;
  • /F”F:\Bazy1C\Accounting” – denotes the file information base (parameter /F) and the path to it (the server database address is indicated in the /S parameter);
  • /C Allow Users to Work – an optional parameter: if checked, the system will not start, but the lock will be removed (the lock file will be destroyed), and subsequently users will be able to access the information base.

If the parameter is not set, then the specific user is allowed to log in, but the lock is not removed. Full unlock this user can do in user mode by going to the Support and Maintenance panel (section Administration – group of commands Program Settings – command Support and Maintenance:

And calling the form Blocking users by the command of the same name:

In the form that opens, you can unblock sessions by clicking the Unblock button, where /UC12345 – the /UC parameter specifies the permission code (12345). Parameter names are written in English.

For more information about command line parameters, see the 1C 8.3 Enterprise help.

Method 3

There is an alternative and even easier for the user method of using the above parameters for launching an information base (hereinafter referred to as IB) - it is possible to register the required ones in the properties of the database of interest.

1. In the launcher window (marked “A”), select the locked database and click the Change button, after which the window for editing information security properties (marked “B”) will open:

In property Additional launch options we write down the unlock code and, if necessary, a parameter to allow users to work (in this case, after the first launch and before the next launch, this parameter must be deleted). These parameters were described in more detail above.

Please note: when automatic backup occurs (directly or as part of another procedure, for example, during an automated update), the system blocks the 1C 8.3 information base and sets standard code unlock " Backup ».

Therefore, if the procedure fails and the database remains blocked, but there is no way to delete the cdn file, then you can use the parameter when starting the information security: /UCBackup.

3. Click the Finish button and return to the launcher window, where we launch IS using the 1C:Enterprise button. Thus, the error “Starting a session with the infobase is prohibited. “Backup” has been eliminated:

If 1C 8.3 Enterprise operates in a client-server version, but the user does not have access rights and necessary knowledge to administer databases in this mode, then in this case you should contact your system administrator for help. We only note that in the client-server version, in addition to access through command line with additional parameters, it is possible to remove the blocking using the 1C:Enterprise server cluster administration utility, namely, it is necessary to remove the flag in the properties of the desired infobase Session start blocking is enabled.

Anatomy of the 1Cv8.cdn lock file

The curious can look inside the 1Cv8.cdn file created when sessions are blocked - it’s simple text file, which can be opened with the appropriate Notepad editor:

The text in the file is surrounded by curly braces that list the following locking parameters, separated by commas:

  • 1 (0) – sign of setting the blocking (1 – installed; 0 – disabled);
  • 20160706154700 – full date (date + time) of the start of session blocking, in our case it is July 06, 2016 20:00:00;
  • 20160706154700 – full date (date + time) of the end of session blocking, in our case it is July 06, 2016 20:00:00 (if the end date is not specified, then by default the value 00010101000000 is entered into the parameter);
  • Next comes the text parameter, where auxiliary text is placed in double quotes and displayed to the user in the dialog box;
  • “123” – permission code is specified.

As you can see, the file contains all the parameters displayed in the information and diagnostic dialog box that appears.

On the website you can read other free articles and video tutorials on the 1C Accounting configuration (


Small organizations usually work with the database in file mode. This is an inexpensive (no need to purchase a 1c server) way to organize collaboration between several users. However, it has serious drawbacks. The main one is network work with the database in shared access mode. As a result, the speed of working with a file is limited by the network speed; in addition, when sharing to a Windows network share not in better side changes the data caching settings of this file, which sharply reduces the writing speed. If there is an emergency shutdown of the network while data is being written, the database may be damaged, often irreversibly.
Fortunately, when implementing the model managed forms starting with version 8.2, 1c provided the ability to work with a file database via a web server. This method has the following advantages:
1. The speed of working with data is much higher, since there is no need to transfer “raw” data over the network during processing.
2. The database is not afraid of network interruptions during recording, since direct work with the data file occurs through the web server module. A disruption in data transmission over the network can only cause a temporary interruption in the work of users, but not damage to the data in the database, and certainly cannot cause the destruction of the database itself.
3. Undemanding in terms of network speed and the speed of client computers. This ensures easy scaling - by upgrading just one server you can significantly improve performance.
4. Ability to work both in the 1c thin client and in a web browser.
5. Higher security against data leakage, since users do not have direct file access to the database.

However, when working in this mode, you may encounter the following problem. The fact is that the 1c module for the web server is single-threaded. Accordingly, all 1c users connected to one web server join a single queue of server calls. If server calls take a long time, which is possible when there is a significant amount of data in the database or when executing complex queries, then this can completely paralyze the work of other users: they will be forced to wait.

Here is what is written on this issue on the 1c website: “The component for working with the file database and the infobase data itself are loaded directly into the address space of the web server. At the same time, the load on the web server increases significantly, and users of one infobase do not have the opportunity work in parallel. All their requests to the database are lined up in one queue" (c)

But this problem can be solved quite simply. It is necessary to use several web servers instead of one, even to the point of assigning each client its own server process. Unfortunately, 1c does not provide the ability to automatically publish a configuration via a web module on multiple server instances. However, for an Apache server this can be done by running multiple server instances specifying different configuration files.

Description of the program

The program relays incoming TCP connections from the specified “main” port to one of the ports on which the web server is running. Launching Instances Apache web server occurs automatically when the program starts. To ensure this, the program first creates temporary configuration files, which it specifies when starting web server instances.

Relaying connections occurs as follows: An incoming connection is checked against the table of active translations. If a broadcast from the source IP address already exists, then the web server instance associated with this broadcast is used and the connection is relayed to the appropriate Apache port. If the incoming connection is not found in the translation table, then it is sent to the web server instance with the smallest (or zero) number of active broadcasts, and information about this is stored in the translation table. Broadcasts whose lifetime exceeded the session timeout (25 minutes by default) are considered inactive and are removed from the broadcast table. Web server instances are restarted automatically at background in such a way as to minimize the time of service unavailability. Restarting web servers frees up memory.

The following points should be especially noted:
Associated with the web server workflow is client computer, and not the 1C:Enterprise client session. Accordingly, if there are several connections from one computer, they will all be served by one web server. However, this is more efficient than having all users of the entire local network in one server process.
For terminal server this decision will be poorly applicable for the reason stated above. All connections from the terminal server will come from one IP address, and accordingly, they will be broadcast to one web server worker process.
It is necessary to disable the use of a proxy server in client applications, since in this case all clients will connect to the program from the proxy server address. When using a thin client, this is solved with the /NoProxy launch key, when using a web client - through the browser settings.
All names and paths in the ini file must be specified in the Latin alphabet
Before performing actions that require setting an exclusive mode (deleting marked objects, testing and fixing, etc.), you must stop the UPF MicroServer program (service) and perform these actions through a normal connection to the database. This is due to the peculiarities of the mechanism for setting exclusive mode during multi-user access through a web server, which is not fully compatible with this technology.
This solution in no way affects 1c licensing; it does not increase or decrease the need for client licenses.

System Requirements

1C version 8.2 and higher (recommended at least 8.3.5), with installed thin client For file mode and with web server extension modules.
OS Windows XP, 7, 2003Server
Apache 2.2
Administrator rights to install and configure the program
Firewall permissions to connect to used ports
Availability of sufficient free space RAM to launch a specified number of web servers with 1c modules. Memory requirement is determined application solution(configuration). In particular, for BP 3.0 you should plan for a minimum of 0.5 GB per web server instance.

Launch and setup

The program can be launched as a regular console application, or installed as Windows service named apache_1c_redir. It is preferable to work in service mode. To install the program as a service, you need to run redir_1c.exe with the "-i" switch or select the appropriate item from the program group in the Start menu. To remove a service, use the "-r" switch.
Program parameters are set using the redir_1c.ini file, which is located in the program directory. The following is a description of the ini file parameters. Letters of national alphabets are not allowed in parameter values; all file paths must be specified in Latin characters!
Specifies the tcp port on which the program accepts connections from clients. It must be free, that is, no other network service should be running on it. The value is an integer - the port number.
Specifies the IP address at which the program accepts connections from clients. If the parameter is not specified, the program accepts requests on all IP interfaces of the computer.
Specifies a list of ports that will be used for automatic start Apache web server instances. Ports must be free. The value is a set of integers - port numbers, separated by commas. The number of ports determines the number of web server instances. In the Lite version, the first 3 ports are used, the rest are ignored. The number of ports (the number of Apache instances) does not limit the number of users, it only affects the ability to perform 1c server calls in parallel.
Apache web server executable file. The value is a string specifying the path to the httpd.exe file installed on this computer Apache web server, without quotes.
Web server module for 1c. The value is a string specifying the path to the wsap22.exe file installed on the 1c platform on this computer, without quotes.
Infobase description parameter. Unlike other parameters, these parameters can be repeated several times in the file - one parameter for each published infobase.
The value is the name of the database to publish and the path to the database, separated by a semicolon. The name of the database for publication is a string of Latin letters and numbers without spaces and without quotes. Path to database - full path to the database directory, without quotes.
Indicates the program's working directory, where the program saves web server configuration files during operation, and also displays a translation table. It can be specified either as a full path without quotes, or simply as the name of a subdirectory in the program directory. If the parameter is not specified, the program creates a temporary directory in the system temporary files directory, deleting it upon completion. If a directory is specified and it does not exist, the program will create it and delete it after successful completion.
Specifies the log file where the program writes events. The parameter can be specified either as a full path without quotes, or simply as a file name in the program directory. If the parameter is not specified, program messages are output to the console. Should be specified if the program is run as a service.
Sets the level of event detail, 0—minimum detail, 1—full. With full detail, the start and end of each TCP connection is recorded. Full detail when using a log file can lead to increased load on disk subsystem and to spending free space on disk.
Sets the time in seconds that has passed since the last activity of the client IP address, after which the program can consider the client session closed, and accordingly will no longer count it in the broadcast counter on specific port. Default is 25 minutes. It is not recommended to set a lower value without special need and testing on a specific solution.
Specifies the directory for temporary 1s session data. If the parameter is not specified, 1c uses infobase directories for temporary data. It is recommended to specify this to prevent database directories from becoming clogged with unnecessary temporary files.
Designed for 1C version 8.3 and higher. Specifies a line with additional parameters that are specified in the infobase publication file (.vrd), as they should be written in the xml file format in the pool section. Example:
VRD_POOL_OPTIONS=size="10000" maxAge="300" attempts="5" attemptTimeout="500" waitTimeout="500"
How to install the program
Run the installer, confirm your acceptance of the license agreement, select the directory where the program will be installed. If you need to work in demo mode, rename the demo key file redir_1c.key.demo to redir_1c.key (if there is a working key in the program directory, save or rename it first). Set program parameters in the ini file. Check correct operation program by launching it and connecting to it from a web browser via address bar like “http://_server_:_port_/_base_”. If necessary, install the program as a Windows service.

Limitations of the free version of the program

If the program does not find the correct key file(redir_1c.key), it runs in Lite mode. In this case, the number of launched web server instances is limited to 3, the number of user sessions is not limited.
If the program finds a demo key file, it starts in demo mode. There is no additional limitation on the number of web server instances to be launched, but the program's operating time is limited to 4 hours. After this time, the program will be terminated and user sessions will be terminated. Each subsequent launch starts the countdown anew.

Brednev Alexander, 2014

Stable and efficient work with 1C - important condition for high-quality and timely preparation of the necessary reports.

But in case of failures file system or access to certain documents, there is no need to be upset. In most cases, the causes of this problem are unimportant. It is enough just to take into account the main factors that can lead to them.

Almost everyone may experience a connection error with the 1Cv8.cdn file. There are various possible causes for this problem. But in any case, don’t be nervous - you can almost always eliminate them and restore access to the necessary data. Let's look at the most common cases.

1C file access error - the folder is on the local computer

First and common cause in practice it becomes finding the desired file not on a separate server, but on your own computer. In this case, the computer does not contain a DNS server, and you may lose rights to the data folder even after a normal update operating system. Because of this, network access is lost. The best option To prevent such a situation in the future, still store the database directly on a separate server configured for operation.

1C file access error - less serious local user factors

Other common reasons include network failures at the level of routers, connectors, due to various settings firewall, antivirus that block necessary network connections.

For a solution it's worth checking network connections, network equipment. Next, we check the rights to the folder in which the 1C database is located. Checking network settings your computer, antivirus program.

At reappearance To resolve this issue, you should try installing a third-party DNS server in the future.

But still, for the future, we can recommend placing the 1C database on a server OS. Thanks to the capabilities and features of such a platform, it is possible to avoid such problems with the correct settings. To do this, you don’t even need to purchase a server - standard cloud storage is enough.

We have looked at the main reasons for the lack of access to the 1C database; eliminating them does not require a lot of time - just a little patience and follow our instructions. If the above methods do not help, a more comprehensive and professional diagnosis of the current situation is required, it is better to seek the help of a system administrator.

It happens, one day, out of nowhere, the 1C program gives us: Error connecting to the 1C:Enterprise server. Not a single worker process is running. Connection to the database is impossible. Several options for finding errors and solutions: ... 28
I have already written several articles: Setting up and optimizing a server, cluster 8.3 Adding, restarting, optimizing the work processes of a cluster server is now a little more detailed: Cluster 1C 8.3 First of all, after... 18
Many people have problems with rphost.exe, different types: rphost takes up all the memory rphost loads the processor rphost eats up memory and 1C is not even running, and in the manager the following: every minute the calculation is 2-3 megabytes. How to... 17
If background process COM connection fails with the error: (Processing.XMLDataExchange.ObjectModule(15947)): Error when calling the constructor (COMObject): -2147221005(0x800401F3): Invalid class string You need to register the ComConnecto library

An important condition for high-quality and timely preparation of the necessary reports.

But in case of file system failures or access to certain documents, you should not be upset. In most cases, the causes of this problem are unimportant. It is enough just to take into account the main factors that can lead to them.

Almost everyone may experience a connection error with the 1Cv8.cdn file. There are various possible causes for this problem. But in any case, don’t be nervous - you can almost always eliminate them and restore access to the necessary data. Let's look at the most common cases.

The first and most common reason in practice is finding the required file not on a separate server, but on your computer. In this case, the computer does not contain a DNS server, and you may lose rights to the data folder even after a normal operating system update. Because of this, network access is lost. The best option to prevent such a situation in the future is to store the database directly on a separate server configured for operation.

1C file access error - less serious local user factors

Other common reasons include network failures at the level of routers, connectors, due to various firewall and antivirus settings that block necessary network connections.

To solve this, you should check your network connections and network equipment. Next, we check the rights to the folder in which the 1C database is located. We check the network settings of our computer and antivirus program.

If this issue occurs again in the future, you should try installing a third-party DNS server.

But still, for the future, we can recommend placing the 1C database on a server OS. Thanks to the capabilities and features of such a platform, it is possible to avoid such problems with the correct settings. To do this, you don’t even need to purchase a server—standard cloud storage is enough.

We have looked at the main reasons for the lack of access to the 1C database; eliminating them does not require a lot of time - just a little patience and follow our instructions. If these methods do not help, a more comprehensive and professional diagnostics In this situation, it is better to seek help from your system administrator.


29.04.11 — 13:34

8.2, Library of Standard Subsystems configured backup for 12 days.
At half past one I try to enter the database and it gives the message “ENTERPRISE /F”D:PATH” /CAllowUsers to Work/UC<Код разрешения>Can you tell me what permission code this is?


1 — 29.04.11 — 13:35

i.e. a message that the database is locked and to remove the lock (0)


2 — 29.04.11 — 13:36

(1) enter the unlock code)


3 — 29.04.11 — 13:37

(2) where can I get it?


4 — 29.04.11 — 13:47

(3) could have entered before it was blocked)


5 — 29.04.11 — 13:48

reboot try the server


6 — 29.04.11 — 13:49

(3) Is the database file or client-server?


7 — 29.04.11 — 13:52

If the database is a file version, then look for the file 1Cv8.cdn in the database directory and delete it.

If the database is a server version, then open the database properties through the cluster console and remove the corresponding blocking flag.


8 — 29.04.11 — 15:03

(7) File option, Thank you, I deleted the 1Cv8.cdn file and everything worked.
Thanks again.

The user doesn't know what he wants until he sees what he gets.
E. Yodan


Error accessing file 1Cv8.cdn

Ctrl-F5 or Ctrl-R

The thread has been archived. Adding messages is not possible.
Every hour on the Magic Forum there are more 2000 Human.

ok, write me an email - there will be a key.

7.7 does not support

In the advanced settings of the database itself, you can specify not to create an archive. You can specify this for all databases at once using the magic wand.

“When you finish it, make it possible to change %USERPROFILE% and %TEMP%” - that’s interesting. You are talking about the %temp% folder which 1C itself uses when updating the database. If yes, then the updater does not affect it in any way. Please write to me at - more details on this issue, I have the key and implementation in the program.

error accessing file 1cv8.cdn windows 7

So your task is to update from cf, right?

Option #1
1. in the advanced database settings, check the box "Update from if possible" latest version
2. put this cf in the update of its version, well, that is, if this cf is accounting version, then it should be put in the templates folder, in the update of accounting to, next to cfu

Option No. 2
Specify this cf directly through additional operations (to the right of the update button), the item "Run update from cfu (or cf) that I specify..."

Friends, I don’t just give out keys, please understand - otherwise I will be tortured with requests. I give the keys in gratitude for constructive ideas and suggestions for the development of the program.

Klerk.Ru > Enterprise automation > 1C > 1C error. Database file is missing

View full version: Error 1C. Database file is missing

Good evening. Problems with 1C, 3 hours ago everything worked well, but now it gives an error:

Platform: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 (
Mode: (no compression)
Localization: Information base: Russian (Russia), Session: Russian (Russia)
Interface option: Taxi

15.07.2014 20:37:15
Infobase not found
due to:
Database file 'C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\1C\Accounting/1Cv8.1CD' is missing

And when opening another infobase it gives an error:
The information base was not found.

Create a new one?
despite the fact that about 30 minutes ago everything opened.

Let the first database be ‘C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\1C\Accounting

I'm panicking. Help.

get out of there slowly, but the faster the better

Angelica Nick

15.07.2014, 22:47

Anonymous, why such conclusions?

15.07.2014, 22:52

In the configurator, I always saved the database after each day (this is to be on the safe side), and then inserted it. Maybe your programmer has a copy.

15.07.2014, 22:58

Try it in the configurator, there is something about restoring the database.

Angelica Nick

16.07.2014, 00:05

AnonymousX, well, let's hope it's a copy, that is

16.07.2014, 01:44

We need a hacker - a “computer burglar”! 😎

I recently had the same nonsense, the antivirus blocked 1C as malware. Look in your antivirus, I have a programmer who rules everything.

Old grumpy

16.07.2014, 10:28

In the configurator, I always saved the database after each day (this is to be on the safe side), and then inserted it. Maybe your programmer has a copy. What other programmer? a programmer would not put a database in this ‘C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\1C\Accounting’.

mousey guivosils, :abuse:

16.07.2014, 11:20

Are you running the program on the same PC and under the same user?
In any case, try searching to find the 1Cv8.1CD file on your computer.


21.01.2017, 21:09

Colleagues, help!

The 1C file disappeared without a trace. A 1C specialist from the consulting company we work with couldn’t find the file using Team Viewer and washed his hands of it...

There is no administrator in the company. The 1C files were stored on one of the computers. Backups were not configured (no one knew this, so they themselves forcibly backed up to work at home if necessary and that’s all).

The chief accountant is not dealing with the problem (although she is about to submit VAT), and the director is also not taking any action.

There are suspicions that if the database is not restored (since no one seems to want to do this), someone will have to enter everything again (from the development of events it seems that I am an ordinary drunk with a simple-to-average salary).

What assumptions and proposals will there be?

Please someone respond. I need work (but there’s so much of it - I can’t get up all day long, I work like a robot, and what if I have to restore it at the same time in a whole month).

Angelica Nick

22.01.2017, 00:05

What do you mean the file has disappeared? What did they do, who were they allowed on the computer? What error does it give?

22.01.2017, 09:51

look at the contents of the folder in Explorer
‘C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\1C\Accounting’
what files are there now?
if this is the work of ransomware, then some files in this directory should have remained, because

1C 8.3: Error in access mode to database file 1cv8.1cd

ransomware does not delete files, but renames them and encrypts the contents


22.01.2017, 10:58

Angelica Nick,

It doesn't show any error. Before this, our 1C specialist (from a consulting company) connected to us via Team Viewer and tried to understand why 1C did not start from a new domain account on this computer. Those. It was launched from other accounts, but not from a new one. On my computer he was looking at our AccountingCORP folder and the file in it, looking to see if all the boxes were checked, then he went into Anti-Virus, he also wanted to check something, he was knocked out of Team Viewer, then he connected again and began to look further , and realized that the 1C file (1Cv8.1СD) had disappeared from the Accounting Corp folder, 1C tried to find it, but could not.
Our IT people from Germany have access to all the files, they write that they did nothing at this time and this is our problem.

Now the AccountingCORP folder has all the folders and files except this...(I can’t attach a print screen here)

There are folders 1, 1CHelpIndex, 1Cv8FTxt, 1Cv8JobScheduler, 1Cv8Log, 1Cv8Temp, and all 0 KB files: 1Cv8.1CD.cfl, 1Cv8.1CL.cfl, 1Cv8.cgr.cfl, 1Cv8tmp.1CD.cfl, 1Cv8tmp.1CL. cfl . Everything that is there.

On Monday I’ll be in the office, 1C is on my computer there (or rather, the AccountingCORP folder is visible on the network, it’s on the next computer).

23.01.2017, 11:06

this is strange, there is a service file 1Cv8.1CD.cfl, but the 1Cv8.1CD file itself with the database is not there
if it were an encryption virus, then other files with strange extensions would appear in the folder + the virus would begin to extort money for decrypting files

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20.12.13 — 12:00

Total opinions: 3

In connection with the release of the ZUP for 1Cfresh (a letter arrived today), I wonder who has already plunged into the world of clouds, so to speak.
I tried a drink with fresh juice a long time ago for myself, I understood what it was and how, and I scored it. And clients are not thirsty. But this is in Predzazh0pinsk.
What about the situation in the country? otherwise, maybe everything is already “there”?


1 — 20.12.13 — 12:01

I don't even know what this is


2 — 20.12.13 — 12:02


3 — 20.12.13 — 12:02

I offered it to a couple of clients, but they said they didn’t need it.


4 — 20.12.13 — 12:03



5 — 20.12.13 — 12:06

and how many reviews


6 — 20.12.13 — 12:15

"In connection with the release of the ZUP for 1Cfresh" Ibid:
Features of using the application:

The application was published primarily to familiarize users with functionality edition 3.0, as well as with the features and capabilities of working in the service version 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform.
Maintaining actual records this application possible, but please note that during the trial period the necessary settings are made in the application, so the functionality of the application may be temporarily limited.

Young 1Snow

7 — 20.12.13 — 12:23

(0) Offered to many of my clients. Nobody agreed.

5. KG/AM


8 — 20.12.13 — 12:32

I tried it when it was free. In principle, it’s convenient and I confirm the reviews from (5). From what I didn’t like: 1. Web browsing and timeouts. The accountants complained that due to timeouts they had to constantly log in again. But today, as I understand it, this is solved using a thin client (previously there was no such option)

2. At the time of testing, there was no EDI functionality (exchange of documents with counterparties). I don’t know how now

3. Inability to connect your own additional processing / report. For security reasons, you must contact the competence center (in France with special status) and order processing from them.

Error accessing file 1cV8.cdn

They will write it and send it to 1C. They will check it and connect it. There is no question of any independent development, much less connection. And in conjunction with point 2, I had a problem loading documents from the operational database to the management database

In all other respects, the service has a right to life, and will find its clients

True, there is one BUT.

Saving won't work


9 — 20.12.13 — 12:34

It's like with a telephone. You can install a landline and pay 150 rubles a month for it, or you can take a mobile phone and talk from anywhere, but it will be more expensive.

Same here


10 — 20.12.13 — 12:38

like no fools? who would have thought.


11 — 20.12.13 — 12:39

(10) no, like I was in the wrong forum. It’s like asking Zhiguli owners on a forum if there are Mercedes drivers here. Or ask about 1C on the SAP forum


12 — 20.12.13 — 12:42

You see, fresh is a slightly different level. Where there is fresh food, there is only an admin who changes the cartridge on the printer and that’s it. There are no 1C programmers there, because they are not needed there.
Accounting errors - support line, forum, French. And it's all free
Updates, backups - all this is handled by 1C. a fresh office is an office without 1C nicknames.


13 — 20.12.13 — 12:47

(12) a typical office with visiting admins and remote 1c nicknames, of which there are hundreds of thousands.


14 — 20.12.13 — 13:02

(13) so the point is that “coming 1s nikam” is superfluous in this equation


15 — 20.12.13 — 13:29

(14) you are right, but not quite - here on the forum, there are not only programmers, but also consultants, “advisers”, 1C salespeople.

They are interested in their opinion. And the opinion of the French employees who are also here is interesting.


16 — 20.12.13 — 13:32

I don’t feel any demand for this. That's why I wasn't even seriously interested.

5. KG/AM


17 — 20.12.13 — 13:34

(16) I'm interested in the demand, thank you


18 — 20.12.13 — 13:54

(15) and? Well, let's ask about 1C on the SAP forum
Once again, this is not their area, no consultants, no advisers, much less 1C sellers


19 — 20.12.13 — 13:55

(16) Correct because you are a 1C nickname. Those. earn money and put an imperishable card and withdraw money for life for the service or give it completely to the fresh. That's the question
And naturally there will be no demand, why should I lose money?


20 — 20.12.13 — 13:57

(18)(19) You reason primitively


21 — 20.12.13 — 13:58

(17) There is a demand, at least I always offer fresh juice as an alternative. Another question is that they are usually invited to places where a 1C nickname is needed, i.e. improvements to configs, processing. But fresh has difficulties with this. Therefore, there is no demand, not because there is none, but because you don’t know it. It’s still the same as asking a Lada repairman about selling Mercedes. Like, is there a demand for Mercedes?


22 — 20.12.13 — 13:58

(20) I reason as it is

TurboConf 5 - expanding the capabilities of the 1C Configurator

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