We need any job for a lot of money. “This is a very dangerous job”: how does male prostitution work? Construction work

The secret to making money is not in a well-paid job, but in finding creative ways to solve other people's problems. You don't need a degree to do this.

To put your out-of-the-box thinking to work, read about these famous and not-so-famous ways to boost your budget. In this article you will find many ideas on how to make money quickly, as well as some financial tips.

The article is quite lengthy, if you don’t have time to read, save the PDF and read it when you have time.

Resale of goods and services

Selling used books

Perhaps you, or your parents or friends have a bookshelf with old books.

Such books can be sold profitably. I have collected all the information on this topic in this article -

If you speak English, then you should take a closer look at foreign online auctions, where books published in the USSR and pre-revolutionary Russia are readily bought.

Bankruptcy auctions

There are a lot of enterprises and individuals. individuals declare themselves bankrupt.

By law, all their property must be sold at auction.

At such auctions you can buy anything, from apartments, land plots to cars and televisions, and at a price much lower than the market price.

I told you how to make money from bankruptcy trading in this article -

Reselling goods on Avito

The earning scheme is very simple, the only condition is that you must know the product you will be working with well.

Alexander buys guitars, fixes them up and resells them.

And Mikhail buys cameras with good optics and resells the optics separately.

Investments in goods amounted to 17.5 thousand rubles, income - 24 thousand. Net profit, respectively, is 6.5 thousand rubles.

Receives a good income. Here is his story - .

Earning money through mediation

Andrey Timoveev in his article told how he made money through mediation.

He resold pallets, was an intermediary for a team of finishers, was an intermediary for companies involved in removing snow from roofs, and resold training kits.

8850 thousand rubles in three hours! Not bad at all!?

If you are interested in the intermediary business, then read -

Real estate agency

If you communicate easily with people, then you should pay attention to an interesting business based on renting out rooms or apartments.

By collecting applications from landlords and reselling this information to tenants, you can make good money, and you can work without an office.

The first month was incredibly difficult, and we only managed to rent out eight rooms.

Read this true story -

Participation in research

Sign up for focus groups

From time to time, advertisements appear on the Internet seeking participants for various studies.

This could be focus groups on testing hair dye or, for example, testing electronic cigarettes.

Be careful and choose your employer carefully, there are many scammers in this area. Good vacancies can be viewed.

Participation in medical research

If you are not afraid of doctors, you can make money this way.

Some studies may ask you (especially if you have a medical condition) to test new treatments or medications that may have negative side effects.

Other studies may ask participants to exercise without any long-term side effects.

You can find a job through a search engine, there are many vacancies. Here is an example of such a vacancy:

Participation in marketing research

Become a secret shopper

This means evaluating the products and services of companies and organizations without their knowledge.

On average, you can earn 150 rubles for one task; you can complete 2-3 tasks per day.

Photographing goods

The millionagents company is constantly recruiting secret inspectors. Upon receiving the assignment, you will need to go to specified stores and photograph certain products, sometimes fill out a questionnaire and answer questions.

You can read more about this method of earning money in my article -

Taking online surveys

Unleash your artistic potential

Selling photos

If you have a camera and a good sense of light, color and composition, you can take and sell stock photos. That is, ordinary photographs that are bought by websites and print publications for their articles.

The main star of this industry, Yuri Arcurs, according to some estimates, earns several million dollars a year.

Photos of surroundings (trees, houses, streets) are easier to take but don't sell very well, but photos of people (eg people arguing, people kissing, people laughing) usually sell better because they are in greater demand.

Selling drawings

If photography is not your thing, then you can try your hand at creating caricatures and caricatures of famous people. Such works sell well on photo stocks.

Mikhail Vetyutnev draws cartoons and sells them.

Donald Trump drawings - 74 downloads, $91 earned.

Read about it in his article

Sale of sketches for tattoos

Do you like creating sketches for tattoos? You can make money from this. There is a special website where you can sell your works. You can get $300 for one sketch, how do you like this prospect?

Creating T-shirt designs

We come up with a print design for a T-shirt, post it on a special website, and receive a percentage of sales. Even I, having no drawing skills, created several prints and made money from them.

If you are familiar with English, you can earn more:

Handmade (handicrafts)

If you have any crafting skills, consider selling your crafts online.

For people who know how to work with their hands, the Internet is a great place to sell their work.

I have a series of articles in which craftsmen tell how they make money from handmade products. Choose the method that suits you and earn money:

Make money from your hobbies

Create a blog

Of course, there is a lot of competition in the online world, but one thing that makes a good website or blog stand out is the dedication and enthusiasm of its creator.

Many website owners focus too much on SEO and keywords, but if you write about what really matters to you, you will be far ahead of your competitors.

I have prepared several articles for you on this topic:

Earnings from games

Do you like to play games? You can make money from your hobby.

A top League of Legends player can earn from $120,000 a year, excluding prize money.

Earning money on video

If you are truly passionate about something, then create a YouTube channel and tell others about your passion.

Over time, popularity will come to you, and with it big earnings.


If you like to be creative and come up with something new, then try your hand at naming. Coming up with names and slogans for websites, companies and organizations.

Top freelance namers on the free-lance.ru exchange earn 10-25 thousand rubles. for a completed order.

Film Comments

This method of earning money will be of interest to those who like to watch movies on the Internet. Some online cinemas pay several rubles for a commentary on a film.

You can combine business with pleasure -


Do you like taking photos? Do you have an Instagram account? Turn it into a profitable business.

I translated an article by a famous American marketer, in which he explains in detail how to turn your Instagram account into a profitable business.

Her account is filled with beautiful pictures from her life. And last year she earned around £120,000.

Selling your recipes

Do you love to cook? You can make money from this. Take photographs of the process and send the photos along with the recipe to special sites.

Writing product reviews

Many online stores willingly pay for such services. Product reviews are a great way to make money and the job doesn't require much artistic talent or literary training, which makes it different from many other article writing jobs.

Personally, my biggest record in this direction is 100 rubles for a review of 150 characters. If we take an average, since I work directly, then 100 rubles per 1000 characters.

Here are some articles on this topic – –

Write sales texts

There is a huge demand on the Internet for high-quality texts on various topics. Start working as a copywriter. You can read about how much you can earn from rewriting.

Part time job

Walking pets

Walking a few dogs at the park during the week is a good way to have fun, get some exercise and meet new people, and on top of that, make a little extra money.


If you are young and full of energy, you can work as a promoter. You will need to distribute leaflets and participate in product presentations.

All the subtleties and complexities of this work are described in this article -


You can earn some money in your free time from study or work by becoming a courier.

You can register as a courier on the Deliveryist website and you will receive tasks on your smartphone. What you need to do and how much they pay you will learn from this article -

If there is no Delivery Service in your city, then you may be interested in working as a courier in a pizzeria. Do you want to know the whole truth about this work?

Minor repairs

Whether you are good with computers or know how to fix plumbing, there are many people who need your help. I described where to find orders in this article -

Growing and selling your products

If you have your own plot of land, you can arrange

Or you can rent several hectares and organize

Become an entrepreneur

From the outside, all this seems very complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact, entrepreneurship is an ordinary job with its pros and cons.

Anyone can become an entrepreneur if they have the desire.

I have several articles on my website in which entrepreneurs talk about their experiences.


A simple cleaning business can bring in 120 thousand rubles per month. And you won’t have to carry a mop, everything will be done by hired employees.


Another variant. You can take courses as massage therapists and earn 60 thousand rubles a month. How do you like this prospect?

Mikhail Vetyutnev kindly shared his experience as a massage therapist -


Maybe you have a good camera? You can make good money from photography. Yes, there is fierce competition now, and everyone has cameras in their smartphones, but there are still free niches where you can make money.

Your own coffee shop

You probably thought, well, no, this is not for me, it requires a lot of money. You are wrong.

To start a mini-coffee shop you will need no more than 200 thousand rubles.

Andrey Timofeev says -

Profit per month reached 42 thousand rubles. After half a year, he recouped all costs.

Home business - manicure

After the divorce, the woman did not give up, but trained as a manicurist and created a successful home business.

Own pizzeria

Serious business with serious income.

To start, you will need about 400 thousand rubles. If you do everything correctly, you can count on a net profit of 120 thousand rubles per month.

Creation and distribution of advertising leaflets

You can offer companies the service of distributing advertising leaflets to the mailboxes of city residents.

It seems that this business is not very profitable, but in fact you can earn up to 70 thousand rubles a month from this.

Unusual ways to make money

What people don't make money from. Let me give you a few examples.


The work is not easy and requires certain character qualities from the sitter. But you can earn money quickly and no special knowledge is required.


There are meteorite hunters. Meteorites are very expensive and there are people who search for them.

If you are a creative and creative person, then these ways of earning money will be interesting to you.

Creative competitions

You can make short videos on a given topic and win cash prizes.

eYeka website

It is a free site with a community of over 250,000 authors from 154 countries. The site holds creative competitions in various fields: animation, video, graphic design, label and packaging design, illustration, script writing, creative writing, photography.

There is a lot of competition, but the prizes are very good.

For example, a competition:

Assignment: How can we convey the idea to Chinese youth that they can get a powerful boost of energy by taking a shower!


  1. Prize 4000 €
  2. Prize 2000 €
  3. Prize 2000 €
  4. Prize 1000 €
  5. Prize 1000 €

Ideas for cards

There are sites that pay for original card ideas.

If your idea wins, you will receive from $50 to $500.

Competitions on the Internet

You can find and participate in simple competitions held by site owners.

Most often this is a competition for the best commentator. Usually the winnings range from 100 to 300 rubles.

Model for Titigram

The startup Tittygram sells photos with messages on girls' chests. Naturally, female models also earn money.

The fee record set by one of the models is 15,000 rubles in one day.

What criteria are used to select models and technical requirements for photographs can be found in my interview with the founders of the service -

Web model

Working as a web model on a special website where female models communicate online with registered users and receive money for it.

Use the law of supply and demand

Most of us are familiar with the law of supply and demand - if a product (or service) is available in large quantities, then it is cheaper and, conversely, the more unique the product (or service), the more expensive it is.

We don't apply the law of supply and demand in our own lives - in particular, our careers. For example, if you strive to do something that many other people are already doing (and doing it for free, as a hobby), then it will be more difficult for you to make money from it.

On the other hand, if you do something that most people don't want to do or do it better than everyone else, then you can make a lot more money.

If your goal is to earn enough money to retire early, you need to make earning money a priority, not job satisfaction.

If you plan to leave the rat race early, then you will have to do it anyway.

You should take a closer look at those types of jobs that pay a lot, but with difficult working conditions. If you can control your expenses while keeping them low for 10 years, you can build savings for a modest, early retirement or supplement your income. You will do what you really love and not have to worry too much.

But keep in mind that to achieve this, you will need clear goal setting and a strong will.

Recognize that time is money

Eventually, you may reach a point where your assets do all the work for you, and all you have to do is sit back and count the money!

Watch inflation, it gradually destroys your assets

Inflation makes today's money less valuable in the future. To win the race against time and inflation, learn to invest your money in the right places.

Savings accounts can help you keep up with inflation, but to stay ahead, you should invest in bonds, stocks or other investment vehicles that return funds above the average rate of inflation.

  • Save money. All the extra money you earn won't do you any good if you can't save.
  • Work to eliminate any debt you may have. If you have a large debt load, you are making money for someone else. The sooner you pay off your loans and debts, the sooner you will stop throwing money away
  • Start analyzing your decisions from the perspective of a business firm. In economics, the goal of a firm is to increase profits. Well-run firms spend money only when they expect a return on their investment and they allocate their resources to the most profitable niches. Of course, you are not a company and you think differently, but if you spend most of your money on investments that will give you a high return, you will earn more money and that is good news for the shareholders (you and your family).


  • Beware of schemes that promise instant riches! Millions of people still fall for such tricks. If something sounds too good to be true, it really is bad.
  • Don't lose sight of what's truly important to you in your quest for money. Sure, you can earn more if you work more, but will you and your family get satisfaction from that extra money?

Money can do a lot for you, but don't forget about your health - it's priceless.

useful links

In addition to the information above, I would like to recommend that you read the book by Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad, it is guaranteed to change your worldview and attitude towards money.

I also recommend subscribing to the channels of two millionaires - Oscar Hartmann And Evgeniy Chernyak. They interview successful entrepreneurs. See how people on the Forbes list act and think.

13 952 0 Hello, dear readers of our site. In this article we will talk about how you can make money without the help of the Internet. Today you will learn: where to start? How to quickly earn money without the Internet from scratch. Can a schoolchild earn money without the Internet.

How to get started outside the World Wide Web

Not everyone is suited to working on the World Wide Web. Many citizens simply cannot sit in front of a monitor all day and do the necessary work. It is also worth considering that profits on the World Wide Web, although large, are far from constant.

It is precisely restless people who are suitable for working offline. Where to start working without the Internet? Before looking for a job you will need:

  • take a piece of paper and write on it the desired salary;
  • write down all your talents and abilities;
  • determine what you do best.

You must clearly understand what you want to do and how much you will receive for your work. Of course, you can always go to work for “someone else’s uncle” and carry out all the instructions, as practically many citizens do. But if you want to achieve great success, you need to put in maximum effort and think things through.

If necessary, you can set a goal and write a step-by-step plan for its implementation. Every step must be under control, only then will your income be good.

How to make money quickly without the Internet

To make it easier for you to make a choice, here are some popular ways to make quick money without the Internet when you needed money yesterday.

Ways to make money quickly Approximate income
Car washup to 1000 rubles per day
Donating blood or spermup to 2000 rub.
Posting leafletsup to 800 per day
Selling something to a thrift store, pawn shop, or flea marketDepends on the product
Taxiup to 200 rubles for 1 trip
Collection and delivery of waste paper, glass, metal to receptaclesDepends on volumes
Performing urgent work: at a construction site, cutting the lawn, cleaning and removing snow, unloading goods, laying out goods, etc.Piece-work payment
Working in a call centerPiece-work payment
Street performer: puppeteer, musician, artist, etc.Depending on the traffic of the place where you will stand.
Carrying out work for students: translations of texts, writing coursework, essays, diplomas.Piece-work payment
Copywriting and rewriting.Depends on your qualifications. From 100-200 rubles per article and to infinity.
Other freelance.Piece-work payment

If you have a little time, and you need money not urgently, but in the near future, then the following ways to earn really fast money will help you with this. But they will take a little longer.

Insurance agent

This is a great job with flexible hours. All you need to do is contact the office of the insurance company and sign an agency agreement. Next, you will need to attract clients and sell insurance contracts.

First of all, services can be offered to family and friends, since many have a car that must be insured annually under the MTPL program. Additionally, it is worth offering clients life or apartment insurance.

For each completed contract, the agent receives a reward. The more policies he takes out, the more funds he will receive. The main thing is to maintain your own client base and constantly expand it.

For one completed contract you can get from 500 rubles.

Private teacher

If you know a foreign language well, you can offer the services of a private tutor. To find regular customers, you can post regular advertisements near educational institutions.

If necessary, you can print small booklets and distribute them to mailboxes in homes in your neighborhood. If you do your work efficiently, there will be no end to your clients.

For an hour of work you can earn from 300 to 1500 rubles.

Nanny job

If you get along well with children and have the necessary knowledge and skills, you can offer nanny services. You can find an employer in a newspaper with free advertisements. It is worth considering that in most cases you will have to sit with the child five days a week.

This is a very responsible job, but well paid. If additional training sessions are conducted with the child, the fee for nanny services may be significantly higher.

You can earn from 1,500 rubles per day of work.

Animal Nanny

Oddly enough, this direction has recently become very popular. Almost every family has a pet. But what if the long-awaited vacation has arrived and you want to spend it abroad?

In this case, you will need a so-called animal nanny. At the same time, many offer to look after pets on their territory.

As a rule, the services of such specialists cost from 300 to 500 rubles per day. Do not forget that food is not included in this amount; you will need to buy it yourself or prepare pre-prepared food in special containers.

Real estate services

One of the most profitable and in-demand professions is working as a realtor. A realtor is an agent who helps you find the property you need and receive guaranteed payment for it.

To get started you will need:

  • fill out a resume and send it to real estate companies;
  • receive an offer and undergo free training;
  • start working actively.

It is worth considering that this is a difficult job that requires stress tolerance, since you will have to work with clients.

Income up to 100,000 rub. from the concluded deal.

Network marketing

If you know how to communicate well with people and sell various products, then you should pay attention to working in network marketing. You can sell: cosmetics, everyday products, sports writing and much more.

The main advantage of this type of activity is that you can offer several types of products at once. To get started, you will need to select a supplier and enter into an agency agreement.

Income depends only on you, on how you know how to sell.

Mystery shopper

This is an excellent and well-paid direction with a flexible work schedule. All you need to do is:

  • visit various stores, banks, insurance companies or car dealerships under the guise of an ordinary buyer;
  • purchase goods or receive services;
  • describe the quality of service in the report;
  • record communications during the visit using a voice recorder or hidden camera.

Many companies are willing to pay for such an inspection visit from 500 to 2000 rubles to check the quality of service or your employees.

Own business

You can really make money without the Internet with the help of your business. At the same time, in order to receive money, you can choose the type of activity that suits you.

To become the owner of your own business you will need:

  • decide what niche you will work in;
  • determine the initial capital, since your business requires investment;
  • draw up a business plan;
  • work hard and grow your business.

Experienced businessmen advise choosing the direction in which you are well versed. If you can cut hair well, then it’s worth opening a hairdressing salon and offering quality services to the public.

How to make money for a schoolchild without the Internet

But what should a schoolchild who wants to earn a little money during the holidays or free time from school do? Where can a teenager under 18 make money without the Internet? In fact, there are a large number of options for generating income.

First, a little motivation about how schoolchildren became millionaires.

For those who are inspired, we have selected several relevant and in-demand business or income ideas that a schoolchild can easily implement.

Master of manicure and pedicure

Of course, this option is well suited for the fair sex, who can do high-quality manicures and pedicures. All you need is:

  • special set;
  • lamp;
  • set of varnishes.

Initial investments can be no more than 10 thousand rubles. You can ask your parents or beloved grandmother for these funds.

For manicure services you can earn up to 1000 rubles per client . The main thing is to do your job well and constantly offer your services to family and friends.

Distribution of promotional products

To start earning money in this direction, special experience and knowledge are not required at all. This is easy money that a student can get for a few hours of work. To get money you need to deliver leaflets to mailboxes or hand them out on the street.

Male heterosexual prostitution is a rare phenomenon not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Interview with a man who sells his body to women and couples.

Maxim, 42 years old

“I have been married for a long time, I have children. My family doesn't know anything about how I make money. I started escorting 12 years ago when I felt dissatisfied. There were a lot of interesting things that I wanted to try in sex. For example, I like to wear lingerie. I can't show this at home. My wife is a modest, country woman. She does not require any additional options in sex, she is very correct, she has never even asked for cunnilingus. We can say that she is a plus, and I am a minus. But I love her very much, and she loves me.

I wanted to make my fantasies come true and gradually I came to the idea of ​​sex work. I started advertising on various dating sites and saw that they were interested in me and wrote to me. Over time, the hobby became a completely permanent job.

I'm not gay at all, I can't even call myself bi. I don't want men at all. But I have to serve not only women, but also men, especially when a couple calls me. I can be a “bottom”, but not a “top”, and I warn passive gays that they have nothing to do with me. At first I perceived sex with men as a cost of production, but I can tolerate it, and sometimes I even enjoy it.

Each escort has his own role. For example, I often work with married couples, because my first clients were just a couple. My husband called me for his wife. He said on the phone that he wanted to give his wife such a gift. We only agreed on a striptease. I'm not a professional, I haven't studied anywhere, but I can dance sexy. It turned out quite nicely, but after the striptease my customers demanded a continuation. During my dance, the woman began to undress, although we did not initially agree on this. But in the end everything went fine. Then I did cunnilingus for the first time in my life. The clients were satisfied, I visited them two more times.

“At first I even wanted to pump myself up, but then I realized that my clients needed a person who would be no better than them. You undress, they undress - and there is no contrast.”

If I’m going to visit my family, I’m not afraid that my husband will suddenly become jealous of my wife - that never happened. Moreover, if I go to a couple, it is most often on the initiative of the husband. It happens that a woman needs sex, but a man can no longer do it. There are many nuances - everything is different for everyone. In my career, no two pairs were the same. Sometimes people invite me because they don’t want to cheat on each other, and when everything is under control, it’s not cheating. Sometimes a husband invites his wife to call a boy, because he himself has long wanted to try a man. Then he joins us during sex. There are men who are turned on by the fact that his wife is having sex with someone in front of him. This happens quite often. I remember how one client gave me a blowjob. At the sight of this, her husband became excited, and she said: “Lord, you haven’t had a hard time for a year!” Usually such people call me later.

This is exactly the moment when family crises occur: either the man doesn’t have it, or the woman doesn’t want it. They don’t know how to help each other, so they call me, and I try to help their grief. I can 100% say that I am helping to strengthen their relationship. We have neither friendship nor familiarity with them: he came, did everything and left. Although I have good relationships with many regular clients, they remember me and congratulate me on the holidays.

I'm not a boy at all. Many people, especially married couples, are happy with my age; they don’t need a macho man, they need a normal person. I have regulars who like me for who I am - without a mountain of muscles. At first I even wanted to pump myself up, but then I realized that my clients needed a person who would be no better than them. You undress, they undress - and there is no contrast. If such a Tarzan with a lot of muscles arrived, my clients would be uncomfortable. Can you imagine, I’m all like - wow! And next to him is a shabby husband with a beer belly. Nobody wants that. This is such a niche that we need both pumped up and regular ones, both young and old. It seems to me that very young girls like jocks more.

I advertise on a variety of sites, including dating sites. Experienced people bring me new clients. There are “quiet people,” as I call them, who call me once every six months and don’t tell anyone about it. There are people who actively go to swingers clubs and share my contacts there.

I have a secondary medical education. I check my health often - 2-3 times in six months. This is a guarantee that I will not reward my clients with anything. Sometimes they ask that there be no condom. Before this, of course, I look at people, at their private parts. I immediately warn clients that I worked in medicine for 9 years. If something worries me, I apologize and refuse. It happens that the client is indignant, but my ad says that sex without a condom is only by agreement. It happens that they get offended and offer a lot of money, but health comes first. Well, I use Miramistin, like all prostitutes.

This is a very dangerous job: either a prostitute will be killed, or a gay man will be hanged. If people call me for recommendations, I go without fear. If strangers call, I Google them, ask for their VKontakte or Odnoklassniki account. It happens that a person maintains an account for 10 years. What kind of fool would do something nasty to me, if here he is all open.

There are special sites that prostitutes use. You can search the phone number using a special database of “haemorrhoids” and “passing people”. “Hemor” is a person who calls a prostitute, and then, let’s say, ties her up and rapes her for six hours. If after that he doesn’t kill her, then the prostitute enters his number and data into the system - and then no one will go to him. And if a person is good, he is given the “passing” status. They go to “passing people” without fear. There are other security measures: for example, I park my car far from the clients’ house - what if they want to remember my license plates and find me using them?

Once I came to people who were snorting cocaine and offered to join. It happens that people are suspicious: you walk into an apartment and immediately feel that you will drink something from them, and you will wake up a week later and without a kidney. If I don’t like the apartment, I just turn around and leave. I'm still a man. If there was a girl in my place, it would be more difficult for her.

At first I was afraid that my wife would find out about my work, but after all these years she never guessed anything. I have a very good wife, she doesn't poke her nose into my phone. It’s simple, if it were different, more cunning, it would probably be more difficult to hide.

It happened that clients tried to blackmail and threaten that they would tell my family about everything. But things did not go further than threats. Some clients fell in love, but nothing developed into a relationship. There was affection, they called, I even had to hide. I don’t like it when they call me every five minutes or write SMS. It's a job and nothing more. The girl writes me an SMS, and my wife asks: “Who is writing to you there?” I answer her honestly: “It’s for work.” I'm a doctor, I treat lost souls.

Most of my clients are over 40, some are over 30, and even fewer clients are in their early 20s. I have a couple of female regulars who like older men. There are those who save money to pay me, but mostly they are not poor women at all.

For an hour of work I get two thousand. A month comes out from 100 to 300 thousand, but I don’t work for the flow. The crisis, of course, had an impact. A year and a half ago there weren’t very many orders, but now the situation seems to be leveling off. I don’t have a salary—how many clients, so much money. Ordinary people who do not have an oil rig simply pay according to the price list - I take it inexpensively. And those who earn a lot pay more of their own free will. Sometimes I’ll come for two hours: it costs four thousand, and they’ll add another five on top.

On the website of call men, where clients are looking for me, I wrote an advertisement that I could help girls and women in everyday life: electrical, plumbing

Often invited to hen parties, especially to saunas. These are the safest challenges, I love them. Usually adults, serious women invite me to the sauna. Girls and women who call me often have men. But you can do whatever you want with me. Some people want to try cunnilingus, golden shower, anal sex. Why don't they do this with their boyfriend or husband? I don't know myself. I asked about this a couple of times, but apparently this is a sore point, no one wants to talk. It happened that we didn’t even fuck, I just gave the client an erotic massage for two hours.

“On the website of call men, where clients are looking for me, I wrote an advertisement saying that I can help girls and women with everyday life: electrical work, plumbing.”

I helped many times, because sometimes you come: a lonely wealthy woman, and she doesn’t even have anyone to screw in a light bulb. I'm like "Husband for an hour." But I don’t charge extra money for this. Everything is included in the time paid by the client.

There are strange clients. One guy called me and immediately at the door: “Are you going to drink?” He wanted to pay me to just get drunk with him. I refused, he slammed the door. It happens that a girl calls, I come, but they don’t answer me. Maybe she wanted something, and then got scared and turned off the phone.

One day I came to a call and saw a slightly drunk woman. Nearby are a husband and son, completely drunk. We sat down to talk. She is the boss at the tax office. She drank and talked to me. She chatted for the entire two hours and then said: “I’ll extend you another hour.” I just sat, drank tea, listened. And my son and husband crawled around drunk and didn’t even pay attention to me. She is the commander there, supports the whole family and does what she wants.

I almost never do escorting as an escort - maybe it happened a couple of times. Firstly, I don’t want to get scorched, and secondly, I need to comply with the dress code. During this time there were invitations to go somewhere together. I was invited to Crimea several times and abroad. They offered me normal money, but I can’t afford it. It will not be possible to explain to the family what kind of business trip this is.

I try not to drink alcohol at work. Sometimes - no more than two or three piles. It happens that they invite you to bachelorette parties and ask you to drink to the health of the birthday girl. If you refuse, they will be offended, but you can make sure that other girls drink my glass. They are all cool and cheerful there.

"If brothels became legal, there would be less aggression in society."

Among the clients there are very famous people whom I see on TV. They pay good money. There were politicians from show business. At first I was surprised, but then I got used to it - it’s a common thing. There are people who make scandals on TV, but in life they are completely different. I had a couple of politicians - eccentric, but quite famous - to whom I went with a rubber pussy. There were thoughts: now I will unstrap him, and then they will bury me there so that no one will recognize me. But you see, I’m talking to you, so it turned out okay. But celebrities rarely become regular customers - they constantly need new sensations.

One of my childhood friends doesn’t even accept the word “prostitute.” For him, a prostitute is complete scum. If he finds out that I serve women, and even men sometimes, there will be no more friendship. I can even assent to him - they say, there are only gays and prostitutes around. But in my heart I'm offended. I work with normal people, with normal families. My clients have children and some have grandchildren. But if I don’t help them, their family will fall apart.

You can’t even imagine how many prostitutes of both sexes are around you. If possible, I would legalize prostitution. Many people dream about this, but cannot do it. If everything is done legally, the state will be fine; prostitutes will bring in more taxes than oil. Plus safety: there will be less infection, everyone will have a medical book. And now everyone is hiding.

If brothels became legal, there would be less aggression in society. If a person is not satisfied, he is socially dangerous. It seems to me that after legalization there would be fewer crimes.

Every now and then, interesting vacancies appear on the Internet for earning money by withdrawing funds from bank cards provided by the employer. There are no special requirements, other than the willingness to run to the ATM one more time. What in return? Earnings of 30-40% of the amount from each used card. Who wouldn't be tempted by such a tempting offer? But behind such work lies something more serious for the hired employee than the possibility of losing a few hard-earned hundreds of rubles. There is a risk of going to jail.

Withdraw money and... go to court?

Bank card fraud has been rampant around the world for a long time. With the help of special devices, skimmers, they steal card data from their unsuspecting owners. Or they use other illegal methods to extract data from the owner of a bank card. The information obtained allows fraudsters to subsequently create similar cards with the stolen information on them. This counterfeit card is an ordinary white plastic with a magnetic tape on which the data is encrypted. They are called “white cards”.

And counterfeiting such a card means that scammers will receive the victim’s money. But cashing out the amounts is too dangerous. There is a high risk of being noticed by law enforcement agencies and caught at the crime scene. And theft of data from cards is a serious crime, after which you can spend several years behind bars. So criminals are looking for fools who will do their “dirty” work for them for a small reward. Will you get caught? Well, without one card, but free. And the data about it has not gone away; you can re-apply it to another white plastic. Don't get caught? Better. There will be money.

The Internet is looking for a gullible person who really wants easy money and is not ready to delve into all the nuances. After all, such work is profitable, easy and does not require any skills. He is invited to receive several cards daily and withdraw money from them at ATMs. For this, he receives a third of the withdrawn amount and transfers it by courier or transfers it to an anonymous electronic wallet, for example Perfect Money. The employee will also receive all pin codes and instructions for withdrawal and behavior. His job is to stick to them and send money. A job that even a schoolboy can handle. What can we say about an adult!

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To keep a low profile, such criminals often look for victims on closed forums, groups, or by sending personal messages to people they like. Therefore, if you receive a message from such a person, you should not think that you are such a lucky person and were chosen because you are a member of a closed group with the employer, and he honored you with trust by offering such an interesting and tempting income. It’s just that you are better suited than others for the role of a simpleton, no matter how sad it may sound.

Anyone who finds such a sweet vacancy already dreams of withdrawing a thousand or two dollars from an ATM every day and getting a third of the amount from it. What job? Where else can you so easily earn 4-8 thousand dollars a month, while spending no more than half an hour a day? But it would be worth thinking about why they are willing to pay so much for such a 5-minute job? Big money is spent where there are either high risks or narrow specific knowledge. No knowledge? This means you are in a high-risk area.

Such an employer, who is interested in withdrawing funds from his cards, does not provide any information about himself, does not require prepayment for cards and tries to minimize dialogue with his employees. After all, there are fewer contacts, and there is less chance that he will be contacted later. The money transfer scheme is sometimes too complicated. It may involve several unsuspecting couriers or random people hired for a one-time delivery of an envelope. All ends must be swept up. Often, only half of the amount on the card reaches the criminal. But he's safe.

What are the dangers of such “work”?

Cashing out funds from a fake card is a criminal offense. And how punishable! You can easily get a 10-year sentence and, instead of making good money, spend several years in a cheerful company with your cellmates. Fraudsters try to reassure their victims that they are not in danger. At most, their cards can be confiscated. But in fact, a person trying to withdraw funds from a “white card” is already a criminal, since he is participating in a criminal scheme.

You should not assume that law enforcement agencies will decide to let you go after talking about earnings and vacancies on the Internet. Yes, they will try to unravel the whole scheme and find the main culprits, but in any case you will go under investigation and risk being in prison for a couple of years. And it is not a fact that investigators will still be able to get to the top of the fraudulent scheme with bank cards. In this case, the “employee” has every chance of becoming the main criminal and becoming a scapegoat.

Fraudsters deliberately look for gullible victims in other cities so as not to risk their skin. After all, such transactions are very easy to track. And as soon as the owner of the card from which the data has been stolen notifies the bank, even a “white” card will be under the gun of law enforcement officers. And now every ATM has video cameras, so the person withdrawing money can easily be spotted. And getting on his trail won’t be that difficult.

Moreover, a hired cash-out employee is unlikely to run far from home in search of an ATM. He will go to the nearest one, and will go there constantly. Not the first time, but another time he will be caught withdrawing money from a stolen card.

Do you want to take such a risk for the sake of 300-400 dollars? Or is it better to walk free? Money and risk or lack of money, but security. Everyone must decide for themselves.

Advance payment scam

Some criminals are still afraid of going to jail for such a serious crime as stealing money from other people's bank accounts. Or perhaps they would like to start such a profitable business, but do not have the necessary skills or devices to steal data from other people’s cards. So they have to be content with little - to scam users on the network for remote work with prepayment.

The scheme for finding clients is almost the same as that of those scammers who make “white” cards. But they are looking for their victims much more confidently and on a larger scale. After all, even if caught, they will not face a sentence of 5-7 years, and they are not going to leave any leads, such as a courier, that could lead to them. Advertisements for employees for simple work cashing cards are plentiful on the Internet. Social networks, forums, message boards, links on blogs for making money - scammers spread their networks everywhere to lure victims. After all, the more people they attract, the greater the profit. And the income of such criminals can reach hundreds of thousands of rubles a month!

The victim is asked to cash out the money for a certain percentage of 30-40% of the amount of available funds. Easy money in 15 minutes of work. Business! Go to an ATM, enter the code, withdraw money and transfer it to the courier or transfer it to an electronic wallet. Unlike the criminals who actually deal with counterfeit cards, these scammers don’t even bother with the scheme of transferring money from an “employee”. After all, even the card won’t reach him! Why then worry and think through the scheme? You can easily come across information that money will need to be transferred personally, through a courier, or even to a verified wallet in WebMoney or Yandex!

But it's not that simple. The future employee is explained for a long time and persistently about all the benefits of cooperation, the work scheme, approximate earnings and ease of work. And only at the end there is a small note that at the beginning of the work it will be necessary to deposit a small amount of money to the sender of the cards. A collateral value that will allow the employer to be sure that you will not abscond with the card and will honestly give him part of it.

The cost of the cards is small, 500-2000 rubles, depending on the greed of the “employer”. You can order any number of cards, even a hundred, but you will need to pay for them. After paying for the card, the courier will personally deliver it to you in the city, you will withdraw the money and give the money to him. It’s amazing how people fall for this, but they do it very well! But there is no logic in the proposal!

How can 500 rubles cover the losses of the card sender if he transfers 1000 dollars for use? How can this money act as collateral and a guarantee of money back? After all, an employee can withdraw this thousand bucks, keep it all for himself, and not 30%, and at the same time lose a measly 500 rubles. There is no point. Yes, it is hundreds of times more profitable for an employee to work on a permanent basis and have large sums than to run away with one thousand! But for some reason, a deposit is desperately needed. Yes, and for each card separately.

Why is it needed? And in order for the money to be credited to the fraudster’s account, it evaporates. After all, the whole idea of ​​a vacancy was created in order to lure money from a gullible victim under the guise of good earnings. One has only to transfer the required amount to the “employer’s” account, and he will immediately stop responding to messages. But where to look for him if nothing is known about him, and he has already changed his data a long time ago?

And none of the potential employees wonders how a courier can constantly travel between his city and the employer’s city, especially if one lives, for example, in Barnaul, and the second in Moscow. How much does the journey cost or how long does it take for a courier to get from one city to another? Alas, this point also does not make gullible citizens think about whether they are being fooled.

It’s curious, but the employee is offered bank cards as if they were goods in a store. “We have cards with an amount of $1000, ordering such a card costs 1000 rubles, and there are cards topped up with $2000. But for its delivery you will have to pay 2 thousand rubles.” Doesn’t it make you wonder how a fraudster can have an exact amount of money on each card, and even in round numbers and the same amount on several cards at once? Did someone specially distribute 1 thousand dollars for 50-70 cards? Hardly. This alone should make you want to stay away from such an offer.

The thirst for easy money and freebies greatly outweighs prudence, and people do not think about the fact that they are participating in money fraud and may end up behind prison walls. Or that there is absolutely no logic in the employer’s words. But I don’t want to think about it, I want to earn money quickly, and a lot! This is why scammers catch dozens of new victims every day. It's worth considering some job offers sometimes! This will keep you out of trouble.

Victoria Ryabenko

# Business ideas

According to Rosstat, the average salary in Moscow is 80,881 rubles.

Article navigation

  • Earn money in Moscow from scratch
  • How to make a lot of money
  • Where to make money quickly in Moscow
  • Additional income

There are many options on how you can earn good money in the capital. At the first stage, it is necessary to analyze the available resources, decide on the type of activity and level of earnings. If you have qualifications, a diploma and experience, it is possible to find a highly paid job. If this was not possible, let's look at other options where you can make money.

In the age of the Internet, it is very easy to find a job without leaving home. There are websites with a huge number of vacancies in a variety of fields, as well as groups on social networks with job offers. First you need to register, write a resume and apply for the vacancy that interests you.

If you need any kind of work as quickly as possible, you should pay attention to simple vacancies, applications for which can be submitted via the Internet.

→ Courier in Dostavista. Works for everyone who has a special application installed. You can download it here:

  • iOS
  • Android

Courier at Yandex.Eda – salary up to 2000 rubles per day.

KFC fast food restaurant employee – RUB 34,000. per month, flexible schedule.

Job search in Yandex.Talents - you need to fill out a short questionnaire, indicating all your skills, after which current vacancies will be offered.

Work as a cashier, cook or cleaner at BurgerKing: minimum salary 30 thousand rubles, free food and uniform.

Representative of Vostochny Bank– from 15 thousand, flexible schedule.

Working as a taxi driver in Yandex.Taxi – you don’t need to have your own car.

Working in a Citymobil taxi - earning up to 180 thousand rubles per month.

Work at Tinkoff Bank(at home or in the office) – from 20 to 65 thousand rubles. when executing plans.

Current and verified vacancies can be found on the specialized Moscow website Careerist.ru.

Other job search sites:

  • SuperJob
  • Head Hunter
  • Yandex.Work
  • Avito
  • Job-MO.ru
  • Rosrabota
  • From hand to hand


  • . New vacancies are published daily in the group. A significant advantage is a detailed description of the conditions and remuneration, as well as direct contact with the employer.
  • Work - Moscow. Here you can find daily, part-time or weekend jobs.
  • Temporary job. Part time job. The group accommodates temporary work and part-time work on weekends.
  • If you have definitely decided that it is worth going to Moscow for temporary work, then consider the following job offers.

Work on a rotational basis. It is very expensive for a visiting person to rent a house in Moscow alone, and it can take a significant part of his salary. For most nonresidents, a good solution to the housing problem is to work on a shift basis. The employer provides housing: a room in a dormitory with all amenities. However, you should not count on highly qualified vacancies. Basically, you will work as a loader, cook, packer, seamstress, salesperson or concierge. The average salary ranges from 25 to 60 thousand rubles per month.

Work at a construction site. New vacancies are constantly appearing in the construction industry, and a huge number of general workers and specialists are required. A person can earn money here even without experience. The main vacancies are loader, laborer, electrician, painter. Salary on average ranges from 30 to 80 thousand, depending on the days worked. However, you should be careful in choosing a place of work so as not to lose your honestly earned money. Read the contract carefully and check your rights and obligations of the parties.

Restoration of buildings. At the beginning of a career, this type of earning option can bring good money. After some time, having studied all the intricacies of the craft, you can assemble a team and look for restoration orders yourself.

You can find a vacancy on a shift or construction site on the TRUD website.

Earn money in Moscow from scratch

It’s not difficult to make money from scratch in Moscow. Hundreds of new vacancies appear every day. If you are ready for any activity, then finding a job will be easy. Below are a few popular options that can help you make money.

Become a real estate agent. Professional realtors earn quite well in Moscow. There is always a demand for real estate. Residential rental agencies charge a 100% commission, a portion of which is received by the realtor. Typically, the agent's income is 40-50% of the transaction amount. The average cost of renting an apartment in Moscow varies between 50 thousand rubles. If the agent’s commission is 50%, then the net earnings can be 25 thousand rubles.

Rent out your home. If you are the owner of a two or three-room apartment, then one of them can be rented out for 15-20 thousand rubles per month. Agree, a good increase in salary.

Working in a taxi. Taxi services are available to everyone. Especially in the 21st century, when a couple of clicks are enough to place an order. If you have a car and a smartphone, you can have a stable daily income. All you need to do is download the app, pay for access to orders and start working. And then everything depends on the amount of time spent.

Walking the dogs. Most often, Muscovites do not have enough time to walk their pets twice a day, so they hire special people to walk their dogs. You may find several clients in your home or a neighboring one. If you are entrusted with 5–10 dogs, for each of which you will pay 50 rubles, then when you go out for a walk in the morning, you will already receive 250–500 rubles in cash.

Selling photographs. You can start selling photographs. If you have a good camera, a sense of light, colors and composition, then you can start photographing people in tourist places. All you have to do is take a few good photographs, approach the person and show them. And if the photos are pretty good, then the client will agree to pay for a 10-minute photo session. Photos are uploaded to your website or social group. networks, and the client receives a business card with a link to the portal.

How to make a lot of money

The concept of “a lot of money” is very subjective. Therefore, we will consider options for starting a personal business. In this case, you can earn an amount that will be comfortable for you.

Trainings, educational courses. Modern Muscovites are willing to pay a lot of money for a quality education for their children. Developmental classes for preschoolers, thematic and exclusive clubs for teenagers, and preparatory classes with tutors for high school students are popular.

Gather a team of tutors, create a website - it's inexpensive. By investing a little money on promotion, you can earn up to 3,000 rubles a day on orders.

If you are an expert in any field, put together a course of several lessons and earn good money.

Online store. Creating a store online is much easier than in reality. For this you will need a website or a special platform. Social media provides a great opportunity to promote and sell products. To do this, it is enough to form your own group and offer products for sale in it.

Kindergarten at home. This option is suitable for mothers on maternity leave. A group of 3 to 8 children can generate income up to 60 thousand rubles per month. It is necessary to equip a separate room with beds and a play area. For a non-working mother, this is a lot of money.

Beauty salon at home. Social networks allow you to promote your brand on the Internet. Haircuts, hair care, hair extensions, manicures and pedicures are popular services among modern women. High-quality work and a low price attract new clients, who, in turn, recommend you to their friends. The beauty industry is something where you can make good money in Moscow.

Where to make money quickly in Moscow

It’s very easy to make small money quickly in Moscow. The most common type of employment is holding promotions, distributing leaflets and newspapers near the metro. Payment is hourly. If you wish, you can find a job in one day by turning to Internet resources.

Promoter for food tasting in a supermarket. The job is suitable for those who have a few hours of free time every day, if you are interested in making quick money with a daily payment, and also have a medical card. Typically promotions last from one to three weeks. For an hour of work you can get from 200 to 500 rubles. Now count 3-4 hours a day, four times a week.

Work at exhibitions Suitable for girls and boys with model appearance. The purpose of such events is to present the product.

Distribution of leaflets– this is the simplest type of quick money that is suitable for girls and boys. Usually the main work is carried out near the metro and in shopping centers.

Working as a promoter brings in quick money, but like any other job, it has its drawbacks. Sometimes you have to work from morning to evening, at different sites, in cold rooms or outside: in snow and rain. For unfavorable conditions, the employer pays an additional percentage or cancels the working day altogether. You won’t be able to earn good money in one day here.

Men can go to a warehouse or store as a loader at any time of the year, or go to a factory. Young women, due to their characteristics, have a little more limited choice, however, they also have their own methods of making quick money. There are several options for how a girl can make money quickly. Advertising agencies in Moscow are looking for girls with outstanding external data to appear in advertising. There are also promotional vacancies at car dealerships and exhibitions.

Additional income

If you have a permanent job and don’t know what to do on weekends, then you can earn extra money in your free time in Moscow. Nowadays, many television projects, shows, and series are being filmed in the capital, which are in dire need of viewers, heroes, and are looking for new faces.

Anyone can try themselves in a new role and act in a movie or take part in a paid survey. One-time earnings can significantly supplement your budget. Let's consider several options for additional income in Moscow with daily payments.

Participation in paid surveys

Large companies test their product to improve it and make it even more convenient for the consumer. Earning money from surveys is temporary. You can participate no more than once in six months. First you need to determine the target group to which you belong and respond to the ad. You can earn from 400 to 1500 in a few hours. Below are sites with paid surveys.

  • 7ya.ru
  • Paid surveys in Moscow
  • VseOprosy.ru


To make money from delivery, you do not need to officially get a job with the company. Now it’s enough to download the application, register, select an order, complete it and get your first money. The advantages of this income include independent planning of the day, independence and constant income.

  • Dostavista
  • Free-Courier.com
  • Peshkariki

Extras and castings

More than 20 television projects are filmed in Moscow every day. If you dreamed of “getting on TV” and at the same time making money, then you need to be ready to give 100%. Despite its apparent simplicity, being a spectator of an extra is not easy. Many programs are filmed for six to twelve hours at a time. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly express emotions, monitor the process and clap.
