Programs for automatic filling of forms. Autofill Cells in Microsoft Excel Autofill Application

200 children wanted to study at the lyceum. But the school enrolled only 75 students. There was a countdown on this site. At the appointed time, the form was opened and the parents began to fill it out. The form appeared in parts - some information was loaded from another page.

Those who did not fit in 1.5 minutes were overboard. More about .

The first thing that came to mind: [the tool was made so that anyone could use it - you don’t need to know how to program].

Mozilla Firefox JavaScript Editor

If you press Shift F4 at the same time, a window will appear where you can write any JavaScript and execute it by clicking the "Run" button. For example, this is how you can display a message on the screen

Alert("My message");

Script to automatically fill in form fields

I didn’t have a second chance, I didn’t know what the developers could change, what data would be transmitted, so I played it safe. I ran this JS in the editor.

// applicant data requestAnimationFrame(step00); var start = null; function step00(timestamp) ( var raz ="input, input:not()").filter(function(a) (return a.offsetHeight > "5")) ; // if text fields are larger than 5px if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length // until there are more than 5 such fields, repeat the function (more reliable than setTimeout and setInterval delay) requestAnimationFrame(step00); ) else ( // when there are more than 5 such fields, fill them raz.value = "Ivanova"; raz.value = "Natalia"; raz.value = "Ivanovna"; raz.value = "0000"; raz.value = "000000"; raz.value = "DEPARTMENT OF THE FMS OF RUSSIA ON..."; raz.value = "01.01.2009"; for (var i = 0; i // эмулировать (имитировать) действия посетителя raz[i].dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); raz[i].dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); raz[i].dispatchEvent(new Event("keydown")); raz[i].dispatchEvent(new Event("keyup")); } requestAnimationFrame(step01); !} // run next function } } // data about the child var start = null; function step01(timestamp) ( var raz ="input, input:not()")).filter(function(a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.value != "Natalia") && (a.value != "Ivanovna") && (a.value != "0000") && (a.value != "000000") && (a.value ! = "BY THE DEPARTMENT OF THE FMS OF RUSSIA ON...") && (a.value != "01.01.2009"))); // if text fields are larger than 5px and do not contain previously filled text (excl. last name) if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length // registration address var razstart = null; function step02(timestamp) ( var raz ="input, input:not()")).filter(function (a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.value != "Ivanova") && (a.value != "Natalia") && (a.value != "Ivanova") && (a .value != "0000") && (a.value != "000000") && (a.value != "DEPARTMENT OF THE FMS OF RUSSIA ON...") && (a.value != "01.01.2009") && (a.value != "Ivanov") && (a.value != "Ivan") && (a.value != "Ivanovich") && (a.value != "01.01.2009") && (a.value != "city of Samara") && (a.value != "III-EP") && (a.value != "000000"))); if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length "5 ") && (a.innerHTML.indexOf("register") != -1))).dispatchEvent(new Event("click")); // emulate clicking on a button larger than 5px and containing the text "register" requestAnimationFrame(step03); requestAnimationFrame(step04); requestAnimationFrame(step05); ) ) // Contact details var start = null; function step03(timestamp) ( var raz ="button")).filter(function(a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.innerHTML. indexOf("mail") != -1))); if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length == 0) ( requestAnimationFrame(step03); ) else ( raz.dispatchEvent(new Event("click ")); var razI ="input")).filter(function(a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.value == " "))); razI.value = " [email protected]"; razI.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); razI.dispatchEvent(new Event("change")); ) ) // button "Load data by required properties" var start = null; function step04(timestamp) ( var raz ="button")).filter(function(a) (return (a.offsetHeight > "5") && (a.innerHTML. indexOf("load") != -1))); if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp; if (raz.length == 0) ( requestAnimationFrame(step04); ) else ( raz.dispatchEvent(new Event("click ")); ) ) // checkbox "I consent to the processing of personal data" var start = null; function step05(timestamp) ( var raz ="input")).filter(function(a) (return a.offsetHeight > "5")); if (!razstart) razstart = timestamp;if (raz.length == 0) ( requestAnimationFrame(step05); ) else ( raz.checked = true; // tick raz.dispatchEvent(new Event("click")); // emulate a click raz.dispatchEvent(new Event("click")); ) )

The search module is not installed.

Hope Balovsiak

Users who often spend a lot of time on the Internet, such as registering products, sending out materials, or shopping online, spend a lot of time filling out various web forms. Logins, passwords, names, addresses, index and more...

Endless waiting for registration to complete after entering almost the same data. To simplify this routine work can be special programs designed to automatically fill out forms.

There are a lot of programs of this class on the Web, but there are only a few real generalists among them, since most of these programs often have too narrow specialization.

While surfing the Internet, you often have to fill out various forms on web pages, while indicating the same data - last name, first name, address, date of birth and much more. By using special programs you can save this data in a special database, and if necessary, substitute it into forms on web pages.

IE Scripter

Developer site:
Distribution size: 1.2 MB
Status: shareware

As a result of installation, IE Scripter adds its own button to the browser toolbar Internet Explorer. Having met the form on a web page, you need to enter the data, and then click this button. An additional panel will be displayed in the browser window, with the help of which the program operation is controlled. You can save the data entered in the form. At the same time, the program allows you to select which values ​​to keep and which to omit.

Having met the form on another site, in order to use the saved data, click the Load button, and the program will automatically substitute all the values ​​in required fields. True, it should be noted that the program does not always work correctly, especially for drop-down fields. In addition, it is not intended to use different data for one page opened in Internet Explorer, for example, you cannot apply data from several mailboxes- the program is not able to remember several sets of values.

In addition to this method of filling, you can store in the IE Scripter database a default set of values ​​that the program will use when filling out the forms it encounters on web pages. These parameters should be set in the program settings window. It should be noted that the set of standard parameters is insufficient, and they are not always enough to fill out forms. These parameters can be loaded from a set saved in Internet settings explorer. In addition, the program does not have the ability to edit the list keywords, by which the type of the field in the web form is determined.

The program has flexible settings. Settings can be saved in a special file. Among additional features programs can be noted password generation tool and cookie viewing.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 2.8 MB
Status: shareware

After installation and mandatory registration of the iNetFormFiller program, its icon will be placed in the system tray.

The main window of the program contains questionnaires with very detailed information about the user. It seems that the developers of the program have provided for everything possible options input fields, even those that are very rare when filling out web forms. The form data is stored in a profile, which can be customized by randomly selecting the fields that will be included in it, as well as creating groups of fields. In addition, the questionnaire can contain fields of absolutely any standards. However, some fields can be linked to each other. In this case, when you enter certain information in one field, the rest associated with it can be filled in automatically. specified values. When creating a profile, the program supports deleting extra fields. And ready-made profiles can be saved as templates and used later when creating other profiles.

AT Internet browser Explorer, after installing the program, an additional iNEtFormFiller toolbar is embedded.

This program also knows how to fill out forms in two ways - by substituting saved data into the fields on a web page, or by saving data that was entered into forms on a web page. To fill out the form, just click the Fill button, and all data will be saved in the form.

All pages filled out by the program are stored in a special section - the list of form cards. If you select a form card in the list, the fields of this page will be shown next to the program window, which can be edited offline by simply entering the necessary values ​​there. In fact, a form card is the same web page with a form, but with the structure preserved.

In the batch data entry mode, the program allows you to fill in online forms with standard data, while you can specify which data should be entered from the profile, and which should be entered manually.

Another interesting tool available in iNetFormFiller allows you to record every user action performed in the browser. In this mode of operation, the program remembers not only the filled fields, but also each click on a link or button. You can remember almost any set of actions, and then just play it back right amount times, changing, if necessary, some parameters.

It should be noted flexible program settings. For each page, the program allows you to set your own settings, including various saving and filling options. Thanks to the functions of exporting and importing settings and saved profiles, the program database can be transferred to another computer.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 1.8 MB
Status: shareware

The functionality of RoboForm makes this program stand out from its peers, making it one of the best in its category.

This program also adds its own button to the browser toolbar. RoboForm is able to save the data that you entered into web pages. At the same time, the program stores this data in special records called pass cards. These pass cards can be used to fill out forms. And if you enter some data into forms on web pages, the program will be able to recognize your actions and prompt you to save this data.

With the help of the person editor, you can manually save data for later use when filling out forms. The contents of the program database, pass cards, as well as the ability to add new entries to the program database can be password protected.

If several users work with the program, for each of them you can set their own parameters for filling out forms.

It should be noted the wide range of program settings. For example, RoboForm allows you to fully customize the composition context menu Internet Explorer, it is also possible to customize the key combinations used by the program to fill out forms.


Developer site:
Distribution size: 1.59 MB
Status: shareware

The program allows you to work with large quantity various data to fill out web forms. The main inconvenience of working with the program is that for each form you need to create your own separate list of field values. And to fill out the form, you should select in the program the required list of field values ​​for it, prepared in advance. Therefore, using WebM8, it is quite difficult to fill out different web forms that occur on different web pages. But if you need to fill out the same forms, the program will be the perfect solution for you.

Few people like to enter the same or the same type of data into a table for a long time and monotonously. This is a rather boring job that takes a lot of time. AT Excel program it is possible to automate the input of such data. To do this, the function of autocomplete cells is provided. Let's see how it works.

Autocomplete in Microsoft Excel performed using a special fill marker. In order to call this tool, you need to hover over the lower right edge of any cell. A small black cross will appear. This is the fill marker. You just need to hold down the left mouse button and drag to the side of the sheet where you want to fill in the cells.

How the cells will be filled already depends on the type of data that is in the source cell. For example, if there is plain text in the form of words, then when dragging with the fill handle, it is copied to other cells of the sheet.

Autocomplete cells with numbers

Most often, autocomplete is used to enter a large array of numbers that follow in order. For example, a certain cell contains the number 1, and we need to number the cells from 1 to 100.

As you can see, after that, the entire required range was filled with numbers in order.

But you can do it even easier. You won't need to call autocomplete options. To do this, when you drag the fill handle down, then in addition to holding the left mouse button, you need to hold down another button ctrl on keyboard. After that, filling the cells with numbers in order occurs immediately.

There is also a way to autocomplete the progression series.

Fill Tool

Excel also has a separate tool called "Fill". It is located on the ribbon in the tab "Home" in the toolbox "Editing".

By using this instrument you can also fill the cells with a progression.

Formula autocomplete

Formulas are one of the main tools in Excel. If there are a large number of identical formulas in the table, you can also use the autocomplete function. The essence does not change. You need to copy the formula to other cells in the same way as the fill marker. At the same time, if the formula contains references to other cells, then by default, when copying in this way, their coordinates change according to the principle of relativity. Therefore, such links are called relative.

If you want the addresses to become fixed during auto-completion, then you need to put a dollar sign in front of the coordinates of the rows and columns in the source cell. Such references are called absolute. Then, the usual autocomplete procedure is performed using the fill marker. In all cells filled in this way, the formula will be absolutely unchanged.

Autocomplete with other values

In addition, Excel provides auto-complete with other values ​​in order. For example, if you enter a date and then use the fill handle to select other cells, the entire selected range will be filled with dates in strict sequence.

Similarly, you can autofill by day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday…) or by month (January, February, March…).

Moreover, if there is any number in the text, Excel will recognize it. When using the fill marker, the text will be copied with the number changing in ascending order. For example, if you write the expression “4 building” in a cell, then in other cells filled with a fill marker, this name will be converted to “5 building”, “6 building”, “7 building”, etc.

Adding Your Own Lists

Excel's autocomplete functionality is not limited to certain algorithms or predefined lists, such as days of the week. If desired, the user can add his own personal list. Then, when writing to a cell any word from the elements that are in the list, after applying the fill marker, the entire selected range of cells will be filled with this list. In order to add your list, you need to perform the following sequence of actions.

As you can see, Autocomplete in Excel is a very useful and handy tool that allows you to save a lot of time on adding the same data, repeating lists, etc. The advantage of this tool is that it is customizable. You can add new lists to it or change old ones. In addition, using autofill, you can quickly fill cells with various types of mathematical progressions.

Chrome's autofill feature helps you quickly enter information (such as addresses and bank details) into online forms. When you enter new data in the form, you may see a suggestion to save it for the future.

Chrome does not share your data with third parties without your permission. You can learn more about how Google protects your bank card information.

How to add, change or remove autofill data

How to delete saved data

  1. Delete browsing data by following the instructions.
  2. In the "Additional" section, select Autocomplete data.

How to sync payment information with Google Pay

If you have turned on data sync in Chrome and made an online purchase, Chrome may prompt you to save your bank card in Google Pay.

What to do if autocomplete isn't working

If the information is not automatically filled in when filling out the form, the problem may be the following:

  • The site is not secure enough, so Chrome is not transmitting data. If you are confident in the security of the site, try applying the tips from the article.
  • Chrome browser unable to define some fields in the form.

On one of the sheets of the Excel workbook, there is a database of registration data for official vehicles. On the second sheet, the register of the delegation is maintained, where personal data of employees and cars are entered. One of the vehicles is repeatedly used by employees and enters data into the register each time - this requires extra time for the operator. Better to automate this process. To do this, you need to create a formula that will automatically pull up information about a company car from the database.

Autofill cells with data in Excel

For clarity of the example, we will schematically display the registration database:

As described above, the register is on a separate Excel sheet and looks like this:

Here we implement autocomplete Excel tables. So notice that the column headings in both tables are the same, just shuffled in a different order!

Now let's consider what needs to be done so that after entering the registration number into the register as a value for the cell of column A, the remaining columns are automatically filled with the corresponding values.

How to autofill cells in Excel:

  1. On the "Register" sheet, enter in cell A2 any registration number from column E on the "Database" sheet.
  2. Now, in cell B2 on the "Register" sheet, enter the cell autofill formula in Excel:
  3. Copy this formula to all other cells of the second row for columns C, D, E on the "Register" sheet.

As a result, the table was automatically filled with the corresponding cell values.

How cell autofill formula works

The main role in this formula is played by the INDEX function. Its first argument specifies the source table in the car database. The second argument is the row number, which is calculated using the MATCH function. This function searches in the range E2:E9 (in this case, vertically) to determine the position (in this case, the row number) in the table on the "Database" sheet for a cell that contains the same value that is entered on the "Register" sheet in A2 .

The third argument to the INDEX function is the column number. It is also calculated by the MATCH formula with its other arguments. Now the MATCH function should return the column number of the table from the "Database" sheet, which contains the name of the header corresponding to the original column header of the "Register" sheet. It is indicated by a reference in the first argument of the MATCH function - B$1. So this time, only the first row A$1:E$1 (this time horizontally) of the vehicle registration database is searched for the value. The position number of the original value is determined (this time the column number of the source table) and returned as the column number for the third argument to the INDEX function.

This ensures that the formula will work even if the order of the columns is shuffled in the registry and database table. Naturally, the formula will not work if the column names in both tables do not match, for obvious reasons.
