How the keyboard layout switches. Punto SWITCHER - program for automatic keyboard switching

In some cases, you need to change the key combination that switches the keyboard layout.

Sometimes the keys on the keyboard stop working or begin to shindle.

Yes, and switch the layout with a combination of two keys is not comfortable. For example, I like to assign the layout on the "Tilda" key, below the ESC key.

In any case, this is a matter of habit.

IN Windows Standard Combinations of the switching keys may be such:

  • Alt + Shift.
  • Ctrl + SiFT.
  • Win + gap

How to assign a layout change key in Windows 7

In Windows 7, everything is much easier. And the actions are less than in the eight and dozen.

Right-click on the keyboard layout icon next to the clock.

In the opened menu, select the "Parameters" item.

In the opened window, switch to the "Switching" tab.

Click the button "Create a keyboard key"

We put what we need and press "OK".

After pressing "Apply" and "OK".

If you look at the layout indicator next to the clock, you will see a pop-up tip on the standard key combination to switch the layout installed in the system.

As can be seen from the screenshot - a combination of Win + space is used. Before you look for the settings, I advise you to try whether other standard layout switching combinations work.

In some cases, they are quite enough. In Windows 8, in addition to Win + Space, there is still a combination of Alt + Shift - these are default settings.

In any case, after setting, you will have Win + space and the combination you assigned.

Click the mouse over the layout icon next to the clock - the window pops up, select the "Setting language" item in it

In the "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" window, click on the "Create key combination" button.

Then, in the group "Changing the input language", we select the combination of us from the available and click "OK".

In the previously open window, click "Apply" and "OK".

In fact, the choice is not large - only 3 options, two of them are standard for Windows.

In older windows versions The choice was much richer.

I have no doubt that in later versions of Windows, the most uncomfortable - win + space

How to assign a layout change key in Windows 10

Click on the left mouse button on the layout indicator on the taskbar.

We find the item "Related Parameters" and click on the link " additional settings Dates and time .. "

In the "Switching Input Methods" clause on the link "Change the key of the language panel keys"

The "Languages \u200b\u200band Text Input Services" window opens. There we go to the second tab "Switching keyboard".

Select the "Switch input language" string and click on the "Create key combinations" button.

We choose the key combination and click "OK".

In the window "Languages \u200b\u200band text input services" we click apply and "OK"

September 29, 2010 at 09:51

National keyboard layouts and ways to switch them

  • Interfaces

Did you know that the switching of the layouts came up with sadists? Well, well, not sadists, but people who do not use this more often than once every two days.

Operating systems vaccinate us the habit of switching the keyboard layouts. With Russian to English, with English to Russian. And someone else and Ukrainian, or another language. Someone enjoys the combinations of Alt-Shift, someone Ctrl-Shift, someone else somehow. The inconvenience is experiencing everything. The Internet is full of questions, how to hang the layout switching to the Caps Lock unnecessary key (one key - not two). Various options for various operating systems and various desktop environments are offered. An indispensable attribute of any desktop any operating system - The current keyboard layout indicator. People switch layouts, score the letters not in the same language, motley, switch again.

And what if someone had told you that switch the keyboard layout at all? No, I do not offer to place all the letters of two or three languages \u200b\u200bon one layout. What I want to say is much easier and universal, it is necessary only a little strap.

Suppose we need to write a few words in the search field search engine Goggle. Let's come up with several algorithms of how different users can solve this task.

2) Remember what language is now selected (hold the garbage in my head).
3) Compare whether this is the language on which you want to print.
4) If not, calculate how many times you need to change the layout to set the desired language (if languages \u200b\u200bare only two - the answer is always once).
5) Switch layout the right amount time.

Or, another algorithm:

1) Put focus to the text field.
2) Find the current layout indicator on the screen.
3) Compare whether the language is on the indicator on which you want to print.
4) and 5) are the same as in the previous case.

And some come like this:

1) Put focus to the text field.
2) Try to start typing a request (I'm lucky!).
3) Compare whether the language turned out to be in print.
4) If not, erased printed.
5) and 6) are the same as 4), 5) from the previous case.

Gray, yes? And now the correct algorithm:

1) Put focus to the text field.
2) Enable the desired layout.

Those. All these actions to clarify the current layout, indication and switching - complete nonsense. The layouts do not need to be switched, layouts need to be included immediately before entering the text.

Switching layouts is switching mode. We switch mode, for example, a light bulb when you turn on or turn off. We are doing so, because it is important for us that the light burned while we are in the room and did not interfere when we go to bed, or did not spend energy when we leave. In the case of the keyboard, it does not matter to us which layout is selected most of the time. While we do not recruit text, it does not affect anything.

Therefore, it is more logical (well, it seems to me) refers to the input of the text not as a mode, but as an action. The action "I want to write in Russian" and the action - "I want to write in English." And instead of recognizing the previous, unnecessary layout state, always put the desired text before entering.

The words are fine. And in fact?
I can deliver users Microsoft Windows.For them there is a working solution. At least under Windows XP 32-bit works simply wonderful - Punto Switcher. Yes, the irony of fate is an application that thought as a medicine flaws of the layouts of the layouts as a mode is great for changing layouts as a team. True, only for two languages. It is configured very simply - first, you need to turn off the auto-rotation. Secondly, choose a suitable way to switch in the first setup dialog:

Personally, I chose the left Ctrl - English, right - Russian.

I admit honestly, I was not interested in this issue for Linux users. But suggests that it can be done directly in the keyboard setting in GNOME. But, as notes, then these keys stop working as functional, which, of course, is not at all.

But for lovers of poppies, I have no good news - despite the fact that there is a MAC version of Punto Schiech, there is no right functional in it. And other applications that I tried also do not allow specifying different keyboard shortcuts for different layouts. I myself turned out to be in a difficult position, addicted to this method of changing layouts under Windows, and then turning on the poppy.

Posted on October 1: On Twitter, Max Zorin suggested that there is such an extension for system settingslike keyremap4macbook. It allows you to make a lot of useful reassigning keys, and can hang up switching layouts to encrypts or commands, almost like Punto under Windows. It is a pity that she only switches strictly between Russian and US layouts, but, let's say, with the layout of Ilya Burman no longer copes. But then I guessed to download the latest unstable version and it was supported by this layout. But for some reason, for this you need to use abbreviations of two keys: right spit and left commands. No in the life of happiness. But now it works at least somehow.

That in the end
I can not say that such a way of changing layouts is devoid of flaws. The most clear - habit of pressing the Ctrl in advance to press some kind of key combination, and then change your mind. At the same time, as you can guess, the unwanted turning on the layout occurs, possibly not the one on which you just entered the text. But this flaw It is not a lack of concept, but rather a disadvantage of modern keyboards, which you have to share the key to turn on the layouts with the function keys.

If you have ideas, how to make the layouts on defined keys in Linux or Mac OS, write in the comments, be sure to add working methods to the topic.

In this article, let's talk about a convenient keyboard layout switch, - about the free popular Punto Switcher program.

Ease of using this program can be estimated almost immediately after installing and starting printing text, especially maybe those who print the text, i.e. fast.

The essence of the main application Punto Switcher. The fact that it allows you to automatically switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English and back depending on the type of text.

Those. With the usual text set (without using this program), if we, for example, we write the text in the language we need, then we first need to be in the taskbar, or using an additional combination of hot keys, switch to the language you need, trace that we really switched On him and only after that type the desired text.

The Punto Switcher program decides this inconvenience in that the machine itself switches the layout when we just start typing text. This is achieved by the fact that Punto Switcher takes into account what we type symbols and if these character combinations are not found in the words of the currently installed keyboard layout, the program itself will automatically switch the layout and replaces the text to be printed on the right language.

Suppose if we started writing the phrase without using this program: " Good day!"But did not pay attention that we had a keyboard layout in English, we would have happened that:" LJ, HSQ LTYM!”.

Probably everyone came across such a situation: you start writing the text, raise your keyboard to the monitor to look at the text and you see that you write in another language. Then you have to erase everything, switch the keyboard and print again. A little annoying, right?!

With Punto Switcher there are no such problems. And, in addition, the program also has additional functions, such as changing the layout of characters in the already entered text, the automatic transmission of short phrases to the longer, diary, etc. Some of the functions will look further.

Let's start with the installation of the program.

Installing Punto Switcher

Go to site of this program and download it to your computer by clicking on the button Download:

By the way, the main possibilities of Punto Switcher are good and clearly shown to the right of this download button in the interactive menu.

So, run the downloaded installation file. Next, the installation process will begin. It is very simple, but with the release of new versions, developers can change it slightly. At the time of writing the article, the installation interface was the following:

The first window shows where the computer will be installed on the computer. this program. Here you can change anything. And here is invited to make a choice about start page and search.

I personally do not need these additions, so you clean the ticks (if you need, you can leave ticks). Zhmem. Set:

I also do not use Yandex Bar, so I do not put a tick. But if you want to see what it is, then leave. In this case, the special panel from Yandex, which can be turned off in the future, will be added to the browser.

Leave a tick on the start of Punto Switcher and click Ready:

The program is running, will testify the icon in the taskbar:

In the future, if you suddenly leave the program, you can re-run through the Start menu, as shown in the picture:

How to use Punto SWITCHER

As I said at the beginning of the article, if we print some kind of text, we don't even need to switch the keyboard layout yourself, since the program itself switches the keyboard to the desired layout by correcting the entered word. If you still need to first turn on the desired layout, you can use with the left button Ctrl. (1):

But there are non-standard situations.

Situation 1. For example, Punto Switcher can change the word to another layout where we do not need.

This may be in some cases, for example, when we need to enter in English somewhere on the site your login or password consisting of a chaotic character set.

So, Punto Switcher can automatically switch the layout, which will make a word with Russian characters.

In this case, you can click on the keyboard key Break (2) to cancel the automatic keyboard shift for this word. This will return a set of characters in English, although he is chaotic.

Situation 2. There may be a situation where we specifically disable auto definition through the context menu of the program, calling it with the left mouse button in the program icon in the taskbar, i.e. So that the program does not change automatically layout.

And then auto definition forgot to turn on.

Or just Punto Switcher did not have launched, and we have already printed a lot of text, without paying attention that we do not write in that layout.

In this case, you can select all this text and click the key combination Shift. (3) + Break(2), - provided that the program is already running, naturally (if disabled). As a result, the entire text will be changed, as if written in another layout.

Situation 3. There is another situation. We printed the text, but then we decided that some words in the text or even the whole text we need it to be written not to the lower case letters, but the title.

Then we can simply highlight the text you need and click the key combination Alt.(4) + Break(2). The same applies to the case, if we are written in capital, and we need to translate into the lowercase.

Settings Punto Switcher

The Punto Switcher program can be additionally addicted under your own. There everything is quite simple and understandable, so on all settings to write, I think no special meaning (You can independently understand or just leave everything as it is and use the default settings).

I will pay only attention to some settings that some users can still come in handy.

IN Task panels On the program icon, press the right mouse button and go to Settings:

Section Hot Keys

In this section, you can assign hot keys to quickly perform any operation. The first three actions we have already considered higher. If you do not suit the keys to implement the task, then in this section you can change them, as well as add new ones for others you need.

Here, for example, the following function is: Translister selected text. We have already spoken about the transliteration of the text, so if you wish, you can see what it is.

Suppose it is not suitable for memorizing the combination of these keys. We change it to a more appropriate:

When we enter new keys, you need to press them on the keyboard at the same time, and they themselves will affect this new key to select the key combination.

Section Program-Exceptions

In this section, you can specify for which programs we do not want to work in the autoction, i.e. Punto Switcher does not switch the layout automatically. I have thus indicated special programin which I create and storing logins and passwords:

Section of the Auto Plant

Pretty valuable function, especially when we write often the same suggestions or phrases.

May be, emails To a friend, we always begin with the phrase: " Hi, Konstantin!».

Here we can specify, for example, any short word or letters that will be associated with us with a longer phrase we need:

Now, when writing a letter, we can simply write the desired short phrase, a pop-up full phrase will appear for this short replication:

Zhmem. ENTERfor author. Ready!

Additional language in Punto Switcher

Some users need to add an additional keyboard layout language, such as Ukrainian.

To do this, press the right mouse button on the Punto Switcher icon, choose additionally -\u003e System Properties:

Choose in the list of Ukrainian:

Ukrainian language added! It remains to click Apply and OK:

I don't use the rest of the settings in the Punto Switcher program - I do not see their special need for yourself. But, perhaps in your case, something will come in handy. For example, it may be DiaryThat keep everything we write on your computer, if, of course, we will turn it on in the settings for such a task.

In general, look at the rest of the settings yourself. If you do not figure it out, write in the comments, let's discuss.

Punto Switcher is a program for automatically switching the keyboard layout. The program monitors the correct keyboard layout when typing on a computer, and if necessary, automatically replaces the keyboard layout.

Many families are familiar when when typing on the keyboard, the user forgot to change the keyboard layout, for example, from English to Russian. The user introduces the word "Hi" thinking that he dials the text in the Russian layout, and this is actually introduced this word "GHBDTN" in the English keyboard layout. The Punto Switcher program will understand that the user is wrong, and switches to the correct keyboard layout.

The main features of the free Punto Switcher program:

  • automatic keypad switching
  • auto Plant
  • correction of selected text and text in the clipboard
  • sound clearance
  • switching the keyboard layout using hot keys
  • maintaining a diary in which the entire typed text is saved
  • saving in the clipboard 30 of the last texts

In the Punto Switcher program, you can not only correct the layout and register, but also to perform the following actions: Check spelling, to produce transliteration, clean the selected text from formatting, etc.

When switching layouts, and in some other cases, Punto Svitcher gives sound signal, notifying you about these actions.

You can download free program Punto Switcher from the Official Site of Yandex - the manufacturer of this application.

Punto Switcher download

Settings Punto Switcher

Enter the Punto Sweatcher settings will be from the notification area. After clicking on the right mouse button on the program icon, select context menu Point "Settings".

After that, the "Punto Switcher settings" window will be opened. The program settings are posted in several sections:

  • General - Here you can configure the general rules for the program.
  • Hot keys - you can customize hotkeys for more convenient program management
  • Switching rules - here you can configure the program in what cases should be switched to the keyboard layout, and in which you do not need to do
  • Exceptions - You can add to the list of programs in which you will need to disable the automatic switching of the keyboard layout
  • Troubleshooting - Here you can add some additional settings when problems occur
  • Auto Plan - In this section, you can set abbreviations that will be automatically replaced with full words.
  • Sounds - Here are the sound settings for action and events in the Punto Switcher program
  • Diary - you can save all text informationkeyboard

Read more about working with the Punto Switcher diary, you can read in a special article on my site.

The program offers several options for hot keys to switch layouts. In the General section, you can activate the "Switch by:" item, and then select Hot Keys for fast switching Keyboard layouts. PUNTO SWERCHER program responds to fast keystrokes in order to avoid conflict with conventional system combinations.

You can perform any actions using the Punto Switcher program using hotkeys, or including the necessary functions, after clicking on the program icon from the notification area.

Here it will be possible to quickly change some program settings: Enable or disable auto detection, sound effectsIn the clipboard it will be possible to change the layout, translirrate, check spelling, to see the story, you will additionally turn on the diary, see the diary, make a list of references, send a dedicated text to Twitter, view system properties, convert numbers to text.

With the help of the program you can find necessary information On external resources on the Internet. Select "Find" in the context menu, and then decide on the place to search for the desired information.

Fixing errors when typing text in Punto SWITCHER

When setting words that have impossible combinations of letters in Russian or englishThe Punto Switcher program automatically switches the keyboard layout. Next, you will type the text already on the right language.

In simpler cases, the program changes the layout after several entered letters, in more complex cases, the word will change only after full input, after clicking on the space.

You can manually cancel the keyboard layout on the last entered word. Suppose, in the Russian text there will be some English words that the program will want to remake into Russians, or allowed a typo. To do this, you will need to click on the "Pause / Break" key. You can also highlight the text and change the input language, with this very useful key. In this case, the layout also changes with the "SHIFT" + "Pause / Break" keys (Break).

Remember this "magic" key, it will often be to help you out when typing text.

  • Pause / Break (Break) - Using this key, it will be possible to force the input language of the last word, or the selected text.

When entering abbreviations that do not obey the rules, errors are possible in the alteration of word data. You can disable the correction of the abbreviation in the settings of the program. In the "General" section, in the "Additional" tab, you can select the checkbox opposite item "Flight Abbreviations". However, it is not necessary to do this, since with an incorrectly entered abbreviation, you can click on the "Pause / Break" key to fix this word.

There are no "Pause / Break" key on many laptops. What to do with such users?

Replacing the Break key to another key on the laptop

If there is no "Pause / Break" key on your laptop, then instead Yandex offers to use the "F11" key. You can choose any other keys.

In the Punto Switcher settings, enter the hotkeys section. Select an action that needs to be changed. In our case, it is replacing the "Break" key (PAUSE / BREAK). Click on the "Assign ..." button.

In the "Key Combination Selection window" window, activate the item opposite the input field, click in the mouse button field, and then press on the keyboard on the desired key, or immediately multiple keys. After that, click on the "OK" button, the key combinations will be changed.

Instead of the "Break" key, I chose the "F11" key.

As you can see in this image, I changed the "Break" key to "F11" in the settings of the hotkeys.

Change register, transliteration, spelling check

To change the register program, there is a combination of "Alt" keys + "Pause / Break". You will need to highlight the text, and then click on the data of the keyboard keys. As a result, all capital letters will become capital, and capital letters, on the contrary.

To change the transliteration, that is, to transfer the letters of Russian text to Latin letters, or vice versa, you can use the Keyboard Key of the "Alt" + "Scroll Lock". For example, if you need to remake the word "Thank you" into the word written by Latin letters "Spasibo".

Highlight the desired word or text, and then click on this keyboard key. The selected text will be recorded Latin, or Russian letters (if reverse transliteration is performed).

So far there are no rules for unified Russian transliteration, so the alteration of the text will occur according to the rules of Yandex.

With Punto Switcher, you can check the spelling in the clipboard. To do this, click on the program of the program in the field of notifications. In the context menu, first select "Exchange Buffer", and then "Check spelling".

Now you can insert text from the clipboard to the document, in your correspondence, or to another place.

Conclusions Articles

The free Punto Switcher program from Yandex, automatically changes the keyboard layout, performs corrections in the dialed text, performs auto transit, transliteration, spelling check, saves the diary data recorded.
