Download ammi admin 3.2. Ammyy Admin

Free program to control a computer remotely via a local network or the Internet. The connection is made through an encrypted communication channel to increase security and prevent interference from prying eyes. Today you can download the latest version in Russian for free.

Connecting a remote desktop and working with it at home on your monitor has never been easier. Need help setting up the system new program or games via the Internet to your friend without leaving home - use . Your keyboard and mouse for assistance are transferred to the “patient’s” desktop in a matter of minutes. It is not necessary to specify IP addresses; the program will automatically assign a unique ID to the computer for subsequent addressing, but this does not prohibit the use of a connection by IP address.

Thanks to its small size and quick start(does not require installation) Ammyy Admin is the main competitor for the more common analogue -. Both programs are free for non-commercial use.
The program interface is intuitive and consists of two areas. The left area contains data for connecting to your computer, and the right one is used to connect to a remote computer. If you need to connect to your computer, then launch Ammiadmin and provide the generated ID in the left area to the person who is going to connect. To connect to a remote computer, you will need to enter in the right area of ​​the window the IP address or ID generated by the program on the connected machine. When connecting to a computer via Ammiadmin, a window will appear on the screen asking for access rights for the user who is connecting. You can give full access, restrict to viewing only, or reject the connection request.

Main features:

  • connect computer using ID without password
  • does not require installation on a computer
  • does not require local computer administrator rights to operate
  • uses its manager to share files
  • communication via messenger or voice chat
  • checking connection speed
  • ability to maintain a contact book
  • ability to set up permanent access rights without asking for confirmation
  • The program is distributed free of charge, as is. If this violates someone's copyright, please report it.

    Ammyy Admin is a free program for remote access to a computer ( remote ammi admin).

    Program Ammyy Admin free for non-commercial use and with a limit of 15 hours per month of remote connection operation (by ID), which is quite enough for home use. If you use it frequently and have long-term connections, you will need to purchase the program.

    You can download a program for remote computer control and get started within a few seconds.

    Try managing a remote computer right now! Setting up remote access to a computer from Ammyy Admin- it's quick and easy!

    on the Official website

    Of course, there is nothing viral there now, but perhaps the admin’s project will be closed - based on last year’s correspondence with technical support. As of today, nothing has changed:

    According to available information, there was also a hack of the Ammyy website:

    Moscow, November 12, 2015. Analysts from the international antivirus company ESET have discovered a new vector of the Buhtrap cyberattack aimed at Russian businesses. Attackers have compromised distributions of the popular remote access and administration system Ammyy Admin. The cyber campaign “Operation Buhtrap” (“accountant trap”) was disclosed by ESET in the spring of 2015. The attackers distributed banking spyware using phishing emails and recruitment malware to control an infected PC. 88% of attack victims are companies from Russia. In October 2015, ESET analysts discovered malicious activity on the Ammyy Group website. The attackers managed to upload to the server a modification of the distribution package of the Ammyy Admin program, containing the installer of a legitimate program and malware from the Buhtrap group. The compromised distribution was available for download for about a week. Buhtrap is a downloader. It receives a list of software installed on the system and sites visited by the user. If the system is of interest to attackers, the installation archive with files for cyber espionage begins to be downloaded. Malicious code allows you to intercept keystrokes, obtain smart card information and interact with remote server. Despite the fact that Ammyy Admin is a legitimate program, it has already been used in malicious campaigns. Therefore, some antivirus products, including ESET NOD32, detect it as a potentially unwanted application. Nevertheless, software product used by corporate users in Russia and other countries. Among the clients of Ammyy Group are: Russian banks and Fortune Global 500 companies. ESET's investigation found that Ammyy was used to distribute multiple malware families in October-November 2015. On October 26, the Trojan downloader Lurk was distributed, on October 29 - CoreBot, on October 30 - the Buhtrap group program, in early November - the banking Trojan Ranbyus and the Netwire RAT remote access tool. These programs are not related to each other, but the fake Ammyy Admin distributions performed the same actions. It can be assumed that the attackers who hacked the Ammyy Group website provided services for distributing malicious content to various cyber groups. The Buhtrap group is developing new methods to compromise corporate users. Like the operators of the Carbanak banking Trojan, attackers have mastered schemes typical of targeted attacks. The use of watering hole attacks (compromising websites visited by potential victims) allows us to characterize Buhtrap as an ART group (Advanced Persistent Threat - “persistent threats of increased complexity”).

    More information about the Ammyy Admin Program

    Ammi Admin stands out for its simple and intuitive interface, which is convenient to work with not only for professionals, but also for novice users. The program does not need to be installed on the computer; the user just needs to download ammi admin and open the file. This solution provides the ability to work from a flash drive, which is very convenient for users working with a large number computers, for example, for system administrators. Ammi Admin does not work in a terminal environment or on virtual machines!

    To establish a connection between computers, the user needs to perform basic steps: just provide your ID or IP to another user.
    After connecting, you only need to confirm the connection, as well as the rights granted to the connected user. The user can restrict access to certain functions.

    Features of the program

    Ammi Admin has additional functions and features. Of the most important reasons, why it is worth working with ammyy admin, the following points can be highlighted:

    • Compatibility. Ammi Admin has support for various operating systems of the Windows line, including both the rather outdated 2000 and XP, and the most latest versions 8 and 8.1. The program also fully supports working with servers in operating systems Windows Server 2000, 2003 and 2008.
    • High speed. The traffic optimization system implemented in the program allows you to get high speed working with a remote computer. Thanks to the optimization of the application, the user also receives a high level of stability at various Internet connection speeds.
    • Voice chat. For more convenient work with a remote computer, the Emmy Admin program provides the ability to voice chat, which greatly simplifies work during training, as well as in technical support for users.
    • Working with Firewall. Ammi Admin works great with most well-known programs for network control. The user does not need to configure ports or create exceptions that create a vulnerability in your system; the program supports working with the firewall enabled.
    • High functionality. The ami admin application has many functions that make working with remote devices much easier. One of the innovations is the ability to reboot and change users using the program. Ammi Admin also provides the opportunity to conduct online presentations, which provides additional convenience in work.
    • Free. The developer provides a free version for private use. For commercial use and also for obtaining additional functions and features, you must purchase the full version of the program. You can download ammi admin for free on this page of our website.

    For more convenient work with a large number of remote computers, the user can create a contact book for the fastest connection to a specific computer. In turn, the owner of the computer to which the connection is being made can assign the appropriate access level for each operator, including the need to enter a password.


    In the application, the developer managed to implement new system crypto operations. The transfer of information, including mouse movements, keystrokes, and other actions, is carried out by the admin program exclusively in protected form. Besides, this system cannot be disabled by the user. Data encryption complies with global standards RSA and AES, which confirms the high degree of protection of your data.

    To connect, a special code is used, which is created based on the unique ID code of the computer itself. When establishing a connection, the user determines the user rights to be granted. Thus, the user of the connecting computer cannot perform operations to which he has not been granted access.

    File manager

    Remote access to a computer ammyy also allows you to transfer various files. Built-in file manager Supports transferring files up to 140 TB. Moreover, if the connection is lost, Ammi Admin has a file transfer recovery function, which is very convenient for transferring large files with an unstable connection.

    The user gets the opportunity to fully work with files on a remote computer, including moving, copying, deleting, renaming, and creating folders on the hard drive.

    Ammyy Admin

    Ammyy Admin provides one of the most convenient solutions in the field of remote access. A high level of stability, as well as connection speed, provide reliable operation with remote computers, including both servers and classic PC options. Moreover, Ammyy Admin has a high level of data transmission security.


    Ammyy admin what is this program?

    Ammy Admin allows you to remotely control another computer. The operator receives an image of the user's desktop, to which he connects and can perform all necessary actions, including working with files. To connect, the owner of the connected computer must know the ID or IP of the other computer. To get information from regular users of the program, you can read reviews about Ammyy admin.

    How to use Ammyy Admin?

    To establish a connection, you need to run the application on both computers and provide the ID or IP to the owner of the connected computer. The operator just needs to enter the received ID or IP and click the “Connect” button. When connecting, the user must confirm granting access to the other user. You can also restrict rights to perform only certain operations.

    Ammyy Admin exit from full screen mode?

    To exit Ammyy Admin full-screen mode, press the key combination Ctrl+Alt+Shift+F.

    Setting up Ammyy Admin

    Parameters are configured not only in the settings item, but also directly during connection in the “Encoding Settings” and “Connection settings” items. The program is initially set to default parameters, which provide comfortable work for most users.

    Ammyy Admin how to change ID?

    Unfortunately, on at the moment ID change is possible only through replacement hard drive or flashing the BIOS.

    If your computers are connected to the same router, the program assigns the same ID to all of them, please contact Ammyy Admin technical support.

    Ammyy Admin how to remove the restriction?

    To remove the restriction you must purchase full version program or download another version.

    How to remove Ammyy Admin from your computer?

    Since the program does not require installation to work, it also does not require uninstallation; the user simply needs to delete the program file. But if Ammyy Admin is installed as a service, then you need to stop the service and delete it through the program menu.

    Ammyy remote doesn't work?

    The ammyy remote application does not work most often due to the fact that the antivirus on the remote computer ate it :) Read more about this above in “Important!”

    Why can't I download ammy admin?

    Problems downloading ammy admin - the problem is described above. The antivirus deletes the downloaded file. To download ammi admin you need to temporarily disable your antivirus. You need to do this carefully and download ammi admin only from the official website!

    How to find your id remotely?

    Description for different programs

    p.s. They come to me using the search words: “ammy admin online presentations.” I still don’t understand what it is. Show your computer screen (presentation) to others? But this is not convenient - you can only show it to one person... What are you looking for, please write in the comments. I will answer :)

    Download Ammyy Admin 3.5 for free

    5, votes: 4

    Imagine the situation that almost everyone who has just become the owner and at the same time user of a laptop (computer) finds themselves in. You have yet to understand this miracle called a PC and knowledge, accordingly, you have little or even no knowledge. But I have a good friend who understands all this. One problem - this person lives far away. And bad luck - the computer starts to slow down, freeze, and glitch. You could call this friend and convey all the symptoms in words. But would a doctor be able to cure a person remotely without examining the patient?

    Having the Ammyy Admin program, you can let a specialist fix your computer problems in a few mouse clicks and a couple of keystrokes.

    Ammyy Admin- This software, which makes it possible to quickly and safe mode connect remotely to any computer via the Internet. Once connected to a remote device, you will have full access and control of it as if you were directly behind it, although the distance may be hundreds or even thousands of kilometers.

    You can download Amiadmin 3.5 in Russian for free from the official website in a few clicks or by clicking on the link after the program description. If you download from the developers site, then you need to home page click on the start button “Working with Ammyy Admin (free)” and enter the address in the window that appears email, then click on “Get Started”.

    Features of Amiadmin 3.5:

    • The program is free for non-commercial use.
    • After downloading, you can use it immediately without installing it on your computer.
    • The size of the program is less than one megabyte, which allows you to download Amiadmin 3.5 for free even to a floppy disk.
    • Possibility of both manual and automatic settings to optimize traffic.
    • There is a voice chat option to help you communicate with a remote user.
    • To secure the connection, encryption using AES and RSA standards is used.
    • When using paid version available to run on OS Linux

    Scope of applicationAmmyyAdmin:

    • Remote configuration of various software (you can always help friends or relatives).
    • Server administration.
    • Opportunity to conduct various trainings on working with software.

    So that you can download Amiadmin 3.5 without unnecessary problems, we have packaged it in a ZIP archive, since there is a problem when, when downloading a program, a browser or antivirus can block it. A similar glitch occurs even if you download AA 3.5 from the official website.

    Ammyy Group OS version: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8
    License: For free Safety: Verified by VirusTotal
    Russian language: Eat Add. OS:
    Update date: 06.03.2017 Version: 3.5

    Ammyy Admin 3.5 - Free program for remote control desktop and system administration. Ammyy Admin is widely used for organizing remote office, remote technical support clients or relatives and friends, conducting online presentations and distance learning.
    The advantages of the program are transparency for all known firewalls, work with computers located in different local networks, security of transmitted data, ease and speed of use. Ammyy Admin will establish a connection between computers within a few seconds after launch, regardless of what local networks these computers are located on and how they are connected to the Internet.

    Nowadays, the benefits that remote access to a computer provides are no longer a luxury, but a vital necessity. Increasingly, the business of many large and not very large companies depends on the technology of remote access to a computer, which Ammyy Admin 3.5 can provide in a very high-quality version. . Here are the most popular opportunities that the program can offer: system administration, remote technical support, distance learning, online conferences. Download for free, install Ammyy Admin on your computer and try to use remote access to another PC, you will understand that it is very simple, and most importantly convenient!
    High protection and reliability of the program is one of the main advantages of Ammy Admin. Eliminates falsification of keys required to establish a session, authentication based on an identifier hardware, as well as hybrid RSA + AES data encryption, so that if the data is intercepted by a third party, decryption will be impossible.
    More than 2 million users of Ammyy Admin 3.5 around the world. Among which, large and medium-sized companies and corporations, as well as home users, are happy to use all the advantages of remote, free access for personal non-commercial purposes.

    Main features of the program

    • Ammyy Admin will connect remote computers in a matter of seconds after launching the program.
    • Works via HTTPS Proxy.
    • The program operates at high speed regardless of your Internet connection speed.
    • Built-in voice chat: having headphones and a microphone, you can easily talk to a person over remote computer.
    • Encrypted data. Encryption occurs according to AES and RSA standards, which eliminates the transmission of data in an insecure manner.

    This program does not require installation, and to remotely control another computer you just need to download Ammyy Admin 3.5 and run the executable file. The program interface is intuitive and consists of two areas. The left area contains data for connecting to your computer, and the right one is used to connect to a remote computer. If you need to connect to your computer, then launch Ammyy Admin 3.5 and provide the generated ID in the left area to the person who is going to connect. To connect to a remote computer, you will need to enter in the right area of ​​the window the IP address or ID generated by the program on the connected machine. When connecting to a computer via Ammyy Admin, a window will appear on the screen asking for access rights for the user who is connecting.
    You can install Ammyy Admin for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8.

    Version 3.5 added:

    1. Added a reconnect button for the operator, which allows you to reconnect with one click.
    2. Fixed a bug: the desktop was displayed incorrectly if the client had a scale other than 100% and was running Windows 7 or higher.
    3. Fixed a bug: sometimes the cursor was not displayed.
    4. Russification has been almost completely completed.

    You can download Ammyy Admin 3.5 for free by clicking on the link that we have placed a little lower. Install this remote access program and see that managing other computers over the Internet has never been so easy.

    And 1C franchisee companies are approached by clients with very “small” problems and needs, and very often they are refused such offers. After all, who would want to travel somewhere for an hour and a half for 20 or 30 minutes of work?

    But we live in the 21st century, and today it is not at all necessary to go to a client to configure a 1C program, update a configuration, provide advice on working with a specific document, or write a small report - all these and many other works can be done remotely!
    All we need is a program Ammyy Admin.

    Ammyy Admin – assistant in performing work remotely

    The Ammyy Admin program was specially designed to make connecting to a remote desktop as convenient and convenient as possible. in a simple way. With its help, you can gain remote access to your computer from anywhere in the world without having to install a program, perform complex settings or solve problems with Firewalls.

    Advantages of Ammyy Admin:

    • free for home use;
    • does not require installation. Download the file and start using it;
    • works immediately regardless of the settings of the firewall, antivirus, security policies, etc.

    Important! To avoid glitches and errors in the operation of the program, it is strongly recommended to use the same version on both computers (on the connected computer and the computer to which the connection is made). You can download the program either from the developer’s website or from the link below.

    Download the Ammyy Admin program as an archive. To use it you need to unzip the file.

    How to use the Ammyy Admin program

    1 step. Download and run the program on your computer (Operator’s computer). Ask the Client to do the same on a remote computer (Client’s computer).

    After clicking the “Run” button, a system warning window will appear Windows security. Click the “Run” button.

    Step 2. The Client informs the Operator of his identifier (ID). By telephone or other means, the Client informs the Operator of his ID indicated in the green window.

    Step 3. The operator enters the client ID in the appropriate window and clicks the “Connect” button.

    Step 4 The Client must allow the connection for the Operator. Without such permission, connecting to a remote computer is impossible.

    Step 5 Working on a remote computer. The Operator will have a Client remote desktop window that can be controlled. You can login full screen mode and work with the remote computer as if it were your own.
