How to download an application if it shows error 927. How to resolve Google Play errors when installing and updating applications

Devices under control operating system Android accounts for a significant portion of the market. And this is not surprising, because they cover everything price categories devices. We can say that smartphones and tablets running Android OS are . True, you always have to pay for quality, and if you are going to buy a top-end smartphone for five thousand rubles, you will be disappointed. Due to the huge number of devices produced, it is quite difficult to control the quality of products, which is why various types of errors often occur on such devices. These include errors when loading the application into Play Market, which will be discussed in this article.

There are several errors that can be solved in a similar way

What is Play Market?

Play Market is an application store from Google. Here you can download any of the proposed games, programs, utilities, books, music and videos. That is, all the content for your device finds its place in this very application store. Such a platform is available on absolutely all smartphones, tablets, and, for some time now, computers. Surely you have heard about App Store(a store for Apple devices) or Market Place for devices running the operating system Windows systems. It turns out that if you want to download a game (for example, Angry Birds), you immediately go to the Play Market.

Errors when downloading applications

As with any other program, various types of errors and glitches may occur in the Play Market. Naturally, they can be solved. Therefore, let's look at the three most popular errors when downloading applications with codes 491, 492, 927, and also find out how you can prevent them and continue to use Google services with peace of mind. Let us immediately note that the methods described below, you just need to find the most suitable one. Because the first option will work for some, while another or the third will suit others.

The most popular and, perhaps, solution to almost any technical problem is a simple reboot of the device. Usually, when friends have problems with a smartphone or tablet, or indeed any technology, we ask: “Have you tried turning it off and on?” What’s most interesting is that most often the answer after carrying out this easy procedure will be: “Oh, it worked!” Therefore, you should not neglect this method, because its effectiveness will soon become legendary.

Method 2. Clear the Play Market cache

Let's put jokes aside, because, apparently, the previous method did not help you. Then the second method of eliminating error code 491, 492 or 927 comes into play. We do the following:

  1. Go to application settings. Select “All” (second tab) and search Google Play Market. Let's go into it.
  2. Now click on “Erase data” and “Clear cache”.
  3. After that you can try.

If these steps do not help you, try the following manipulations:

  1. In the same menu from the first item of the previous description, now click “Uninstall updates”. Confirm the operation with the OK button.
  2. In the application settings menu, find the “Downloads” item, where we erase data and clear the cache.
  3. Again, we try to restart the Play Market and install the application or simply update it.

Method 3. Complete destruction

If none of the methods described above suits you, then it’s time to pick up “weapons of mass destruction.” This is, of course, a joke, but now we will try to combine all the methods together to solve the problem with error codes 491, 492 and 927.

  1. We launch the system settings and delete in our Google accounts Gmail account. We confirm the action of the corresponding .
  2. We repeat the steps from the previous method (both categories).
  3. Now we log into your account by going to the settings menu from the first item, and restart your smartphone or tablet.
  4. After launching the Play Market, configure the appropriate settings, and then try to download the game, application or program.

After so much effort and pain, the problem with the error when downloading an application from the store should disappear. If this method didn’t help you either, then most likely you’re on your way to service center or to the master. Although they are unlikely to do more than you and I do today. So you can consider yourself a hero!

Let's sum it up

Today we learned how to fix an error when downloading an application on the Google Play Market with code 491, 492 or 927. Moreover, we looked at three ways to solve this problem. Of course, if none of them suits you, then follow where, most likely, your problem will be solved. We hope that there are more problems with your device running the operating system. Android systems there won't be. Enjoy! And, of course, don’t forget to share your experience in the comments with other users. Perhaps you know some other method or way of solving the problem under discussion.

After long-term use smartphone or tablet Android control, users may encounter error 927 while installing another game or application from the Google Play store. Simply rebooting the device and reopening the store most often does not give the desired result. To resolve Google Play error 927, use the instructions below.

Reasons for the error

During opening Google apps Play, the smartphone almost constantly downloads a lot of information from the network - screenshots of games and applications, icons, text, and so on. All this information is stored in the device’s memory in the form of a cache and gradually accumulates, taking up more and more space. At a time when the cache size becomes quite large and interferes with the stable operation of the device, error 927 may occur in the Google Play store, since the application is unable to download new information from the network.

In order to eliminate this error, you only need to do a few things: simple actions in the phone settings.

How to resolve error 927 in the Google Play Store

Method #1

Most in an efficient way The method that allows you to get rid of error 927 in Google Play is to clear the system cache and other data of the store itself and several applications associated with it.

In order to clear the cache, you need to go to the settings of your smartphone or tablet, find the Applications category, and in it find Google Play Market, Google Play Services, Download Manager.

Go to the settings of each of these applications one by one and perform cache clearing and data erasing operations by pressing the corresponding buttons. After this procedure, all temporary data that has accumulated in your device’s storage will be deleted.

Please note that in some versions Android application Google Play Services can be signed as Google Services Play.

Method #2

If the first method does not help, try deleting the Google account that is used as the main one in the device settings and logging in again.

If you have not cleared the cache as described in the first method, be sure to do so before logging in to your Google account again.

You can log out and log in again in Settings, in the Accounts category.

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Recently my relationship new Galaxy Tab from the Play Market became more complicated: when trying to download the application, error 927 crashed. If you were persistent, then after 4-5 clicks on “Install”, the download still began. But this is not a solution to the problem. Therefore, I started researching the question: what does error 927 mean in the Play Market and how to fix it.

Error 927 in Android Market - what's the problem?

Error 927 in the Android Market occurs if your Google Play application update has not completed or it has errors.

Error 927 Play Market: how to fix it?

I was able to resolve Play Market error 927 by clearing the cache. But I will list all the ways to solve this problem in increasing complexity.

Method 1. Wait

If the file failed to download due to error 927 for the first time, the Play Market application may be in the process of updating. After 3-5 minutes we try again to download the application. Failed? This means there is a bug in the application. Let's move on to the next step.

Method 2: Clear cache

  1. Open “Settings” and on the “Applications” tab find Google Play Market;
  2. Click “Clear data” and “Clear cache”;
  3. Launch the Play Market and try to reinstall the application. If this method did not give results, move on.

Method 3. Uninstall updates

  1. Go to “Settings” – “Applications” – “Google Play Market”;
  2. Click the “Delete updates” button, and also clear the cache and erase data;
  3. Updating to latest version Google Play Market;
  4. We are trying to download the application from the Play Market.

Method 4. Reboot your Google account

Sometimes error 927 in Android Market occurs due to a Google account failure.

  1. Open “Settings” – “Accounts/Accounts” and delete your account Google;
  2. We clear the cache and remove updates for the Play Market (described above) and, if desired, for all Google services;
  3. Reboot Android device and log in through your Google account;
  4. Go to Play Market and install the application.

Method 5. Changing the Internet connection

In rare cases, play market error 927 appears when you have a weak Internet connection. If other methods of solving the problem did not help, I advise you to perform this test: change the method of connecting your Android device. For example, we use WiFi with high quality signal and download the application again. If no error message appears and the download went without problems, contact the main provider to resolve the issue.

Most users successfully solve the problem using the first 3 methods. But even if you took the time to reboot your Google account, it's worth it. Now you get access to your favorite application in a matter of seconds. Instead of clicking on the “Install” button 5-10 times expecting a positive result.

Error 927 in the Play Market is not a new error, but users continue to encounter it. Therefore, it is important to know what methods can be used to get rid of this problem. The error can be solved quite simply, using methods that have been proven over the years.

After completing each of them, you need to check whether the error has disappeared.

How to get rid of error 927 in Play Market

The first thing you should do when an error occurs is to reboot the device. To do this, hold down the device's on/off button and press "Reboot".

2) Clear cache and data.

Information in the cache may cause errors in the Play Market.

To clear cache and data:

1) go to "Settings", go to "Application Manager" and select a tab "All";

2) find in the list "Play Market" and press "Clear data"(this should also delete the application cache);

3) check again whether error 927 appears in the Play Market.

3) Uninstalling Play Market updates.

The error may occur due to compatibility issues between the version of the store itself and the application downloaded from it.To remove updates:

1) open "Settings" and go to "Application Manager", to the tab "All applications";

2) select "Play Market" and going to "Options" click "Uninstall updates".

After uninstalling the updates, with an active Internet connection, the Play Market should automatically update to the latest version. If this doesn't happen right away, it may be worth waiting.

4) Reconnect to your Google account or add another account.

Delete your account. To do this:

1) go to "Settings" and select "Accounts";

3) after deleting, add yours again account by pressing the button "Add account". Enter your address email and password. Check if the error has disappeared.

If the error continues to appear, try adding another previously created Google account. To do this, by analogy, delete your account and add another one. Perhaps by connecting to another account the error will disappear.

For most users encountering error 927 in Play Market data the methods helped.

Error 927 Google Play most often occurs due to various failures during the downloading/updating stage of an application or game. For example, when downloading new version software product the Internet connection is interrupted or problems suddenly appear on the side of the Market itself - regardless of the root of the problem, its solution will be carried out in the same order.

Simple ways to resolve Google Play error 927

First way. In the Applications menu, find Google Play Market and click on it.

Click “Erase data” and confirm.

Do the same procedure with the cache by clicking the corresponding button.

Try installing the desired program/game from the Market. If it doesn't work, go back to the Google Play Market app menu and uninstall the updates.

Go to Google Play again and try installing the application. If all else fails, use the following instructions.

Second way. Open Settings, go to Accounts and select your Google account. Call context menu(most often it opens with the corresponding hardware button, you can also try to launch it by long pressing on the menu item of interest) and delete the account.

Repeat the steps to clear the cache and data of the Google Play Market application, as in the first instructions.

Go back to settings Google account and add your account.

Reboot your tablet/smartphone, accept Google terms, following the automatic setup prompts, then go back to Google Play and install the game/application. This time, error 927 will most likely be absent.
