Computer related professions. Rating of professions related to personal computers

Computer science is a science that studies all aspects of obtaining, storing, retrieving, transforming, transmitting and using information. This is an area of ​​human activity associated with the processes of converting information using computers.
Information technologies have long been used in all spheres of our lives. Economy, healthcare, law enforcement - everything is closely related to information communications, office equipment, and software. Professions related to computer technology, programming and information technology are gaining increasing popularity among young people.
Informatics lies at the heart of the IT profession. Its most common representatives are programmers.
Programmers are specialists who develop algorithms and programs based on mathematical models. Programmers can be roughly divided into three categories.
Application programmers – specialists involved in the development of specific programs necessary for the operation of the organization. For example, this includes 1C programmers.
System programmers program operating systems, interfaces to distributed databases data, work with networks.
Web programmers deal with networks, but usually global ones, such as the Internet. They write web interfaces to databases, create dynamic web pages, etc.
Let’s take a closer look at professions related to the academic subject “computer science.”


A programmer works in the areas of design, production and operation software based on modern information technologies. The main task of the programmer is to develop programs based on the analysis of mathematical models and algorithms for solving scientific, applied, economic and other problems that ensure the implementation of these algorithms and tasks by means of computer technology.
The programmer’s responsibilities include developing technology, stages and sequence of problem solving; choosing a programming language and translating used models and algorithms of problems into it; determination of information for processing on a computer (its volume, structure, layouts and input schemes, method of storage and reproduction).
The programmer is engaged in preparing programs for debugging and carrying out debugging, checking programs based on logical analysis, and adjusting them during the finalization process.
Provides support for implemented programs and software. Develops instructions for working with programs, draws up the necessary technical documentation.
For efficient work a programmer needs mathematical abilities and technical thinking; developed long-term and operational memory, memory for symbols (signs, symbols, plans, diagrams, graphs); concentration; abstract thinking; analytical mind; ability to perceive large amounts of information.
It is important to have such qualities as pedantry, ability long time engage in painstaking work, independence, diligence, determination, striving for professional excellence.
A mathematician-programmer is engaged in conducting mathematical research to solve scientific, technical and production problems. As part of his professional activity, a mathematician studies the theoretical objects of mathematics itself and develops methods for solving problems using computational methods and computer hardware. Deals with solving theoretical problems in mathematics, i.e., constructing mathematical models (quantitative characteristics of real things) to study life processes; conducting research in various fields of mathematical science in order to search for new laws and patterns of the phenomenon or process being studied.
To work effectively, a mathematician-programmer needs mathematical and analytical abilities, logical thinking, a high level of concentration and attention span, good development of short-term memory, memory for numbers and symbols, and spatial imagination. An aptitude for analysis, detailing information, and a penchant for research work are important. Great value have qualities such as erudition, curiosity, methodicalness, and patience. The effectiveness of professional activities will be hampered by a humanitarian mindset, inability to analyze information, absent-mindedness, inconsistency in actions, and daydreaming.

System programmer

A system programmer is a specialist who knows all the nuances of system software, computer architecture and computing systems. He is developing operating systems, utilities, drivers for a monitor or printer, graphics engines for computer games, software systems that ensure the coordinated operation of computer components, and sometimes databases.
A system programmer hardly deals with application programs; he builds a multi-level structure that combines individual components (processor operation, network equipment, RAM, execution of application programs, etc.) into modules, and the modules into a single computer organism or computer network. In addition to development software modules and their integration, a system programmer is engaged in the adaptation and modification of software products for a specific system, based on its logic and tasks.
A system programmer develops software modules, drivers, software systems, OS, etc. He takes part in testing, debugging, and modification of the product he created.
The profession requires a penchant for exact sciences and technology; analytical thinking, high level development of attention functions. The work of a system programmer requires knowledge of mathematics, physics, basic computer algorithms, organization of modern operating systems, drivers, model building, etc.

System administrator

The system administrator (network administrator) ensures the smooth operation of the automated system, server software and network security system files and data. If necessary, he can work in related and related positions: systems engineer, database administrator.
The system administrator is responsible for installing network software on servers and workstations, ensuring software integration on file servers, database management system servers and workstations. Resolves support issues network security(protection from unauthorized access to the network, viewing or changing system files and data), as well as security of internetwork communication. Carries out timely copying and backup of data, maintains server software in working condition. Develops instructions for working with network software and brings them to the attention of users. Responsible for registering users, assigning IDs and passwords, and monitoring the use of network resources. Identifies user and network software errors and restores system functionality.

Web designer

A web designer is a specialist in the field of web development and design whose responsibilities include designing user interfaces for websites or applications.
The main activities of web designers are related to designing the structure of web pages, finding the most user-friendly ways to present information, and the artistic design of sites.
The website is the face of the organization and the most accessible source latest news about her activities. It should look presentable and make it possible to quickly find the information you need. A web designer is responsible for how an Internet resource looks and is perceived. He creates logos, banners, presentations and other graphics.
Web designers design the logical structure of web pages, think through the most convenient types of information presentation, and engage in the artistic design of a web project. These specialists develop the concept of a web page or application, create design layouts of sections, pages, modules, think through site navigation, develop a convenient, aesthetically attractive user interface. They are responsible for the graphic and information content of the site: they process photographs, images, illustrations, and determine where the text should be placed.
The professionally important qualities of a web designer are: creativity, aesthetic and artistic taste, developed attention functions (distribution, volume, concentration and switching), a high level of development of figurative, logical and analytical thinking and memory, fine color discrimination.

Software Tester

Testing is an activity performed to evaluate and improve the quality of software. In most cases, it is based on the detection of defects in software systems. Testers are specialists who make software workable and meet the requirements.
Testers play two roles at the same time: they are both users and experts in identifying problems. On the one hand, they build an algorithm for the behavior of a typical user when working with a specific software product, i.e., in a practical way they try to determine what difficulties they will encounter ordinary person, who will use this software in his work in the near future.
On the other hand, testers compare the results of the software product being studied with other indicators, that is, they search for possible errors and malfunctions in the functioning of the program. By simulating various situations that may arise during testing, these specialists try to find out whether the result matches initial expectations.
In the process of work, testers develop testing methods, they come up with a testing scenario and implement it themselves. They report any errors or incorrect behavior of the program to the software developers so that they can fix everything before the product is released. The tester’s task is to compile the most detailed report on the testing performed, which should indicate the analysis and causes of the problems encountered. After registering and analyzing defects, the programmer looks for ways to solve the problems and corrects errors.
These specialists check the software product to ensure it meets the necessary requirements. They do this by modeling various situations, which examine how well individual program functions work. Software testing is often painstaking work testing hundreds of options. various jobs one module.
Success in professional activities will be facilitated by a high level of development of technical and mathematical abilities, flexibility and dynamism of thinking, and analytical abilities.

Information Security Specialist

Modern companies are increasingly faced with the need to ensure data confidentiality and prevent leakage or unauthorized access to information. The task of ensuring comprehensive information security falls on the shoulders of an information security specialist.
The main goal of such a specialist is to secure information in the company from leaks, losses, intruders and spies. He develops a strategy, installs special programs, explains safety rules to employees, and analyzes leaks that have already occurred.
An information security specialist must conduct an audit existing system security, analyze information risks and, in accordance with this, develop and implement measures to ensure the company’s information security: select, install and configure technical means of information protection.
The responsibilities of an information security specialist also include constant monitoring of the information security system and support of technical means of protecting it. In addition, the specialist responsible for information security has to train other employees to comply with the basics of information security. Of course, the list of requirements is quite serious, but the advantages of such a complex profession are also obvious: high demand in the labor market, interesting and highly paid work with modern computer technologies and equipment.
To work effectively, a specialist needs mathematical abilities and technical thinking, well-developed attention (volume, distribution and concentration), verbal and logical memory, systematic and flexible thinking, and analytical abilities.

SEO specialist

Every day the number of sites on the global Internet increases. The main purpose of creating a website is to convey necessary information up to the user. SEO is an abbreviation of the phrase Search Engine Optimization is the name given to different methods of working with search engines in order to improve the site's position in search results according to user requests.
SEO specialist - specialist in search engine promotion website that develops optimization and promotion measures information resource on the Internet. This is one of the new, modern and very promising professions in the field of computer technology. The work of a specialist in the field of SEO is in great demand and allows the employer to minimize costs on contextual, banner, display and other types of advertising.
An SEO specialist is responsible for promoting websites to the top positions in search engines. It carries out a set of measures aimed at increasing the site’s position in search engine results for predetermined keywords.
As part of his professional activities, an SEO specialist analyzes a website for compliance with search engine requirements; develops recommendations for improving website indexing by search engines, optimizing page code, changing its structure, internal linking pages. He also selects and analyzes keywords, forms the semantic core of the website.
Professionally important qualities of an SEO specialist are: developed abstract-logical and analytical thinking, technical and mathematical abilities, a high level of development of concentration and attention span, balance and perseverance.

Computer operator

A computer operator is engaged in solving problems of automation of production, storage and processing various information. Checks the PC's serviceability and readiness for operation. Enters information into computer memory from various media and communication channels for the purpose of further work with her. Engaged in the processing of engineering, technical, economic, sociological and other information. Works with spreadsheets, word processors, graphic editors. Sorts materials, performs mathematical calculations, compiles statements, tables, reports.
Performs work on testing PC files with anti-virus programs, ensures the functioning of the computer system, maintenance PC. It detects all malfunctions and malfunctions, determines the causes of these malfunctions and, if possible, eliminates them.
Profession "electronic operator" computers"(personal computers) is associated with the production of information and information services in institutions and organizations, in enterprises of various organizational and legal forms.
For a computer operator, developed functions of attention are important: concentration and stability (the ability to concentrate on one subject for a long time and quickly move from one type of activity to another), distribution and switching (the ability to concentrate on one subject for a long time and quickly switch from one type of activity to another). Success in work will be facilitated by the good development of all types of memory and a high level of development of technical abilities.

layout designer

Layout is the process of designing pages of books, magazines, newspaper pages, other types of printing, as well as web pages. A text editor is a specialist involved in the formation and arrangement of text and graphic elements to create pages of any printed publication, as well as web pages of sites.
In the simplest case, layout is typing text on a computer. But when we talk about printing, publishing and the production of printed products, then there is a need for specialist layout designers. The final appearance of the publication and its visual appeal for readers depend on the work of the layout designer.
The work of a layout designer in printing is the process of arranging, compiling pages of a book, newspaper, magazine from typed texts, headings, illustrations in accordance with a pre-approved layout of the publication at the pre-press stage based on generally accepted rules for the arrangement and design of texts. The layout designer carries out typing and correction of text, selection of fonts, sizes of illustrations. Engaged in the arrangement of text and graphic material in accordance with sketches, preparing the layout for printing. When creating a page, the wizard adheres to several dozen generally accepted rules. In the future, the layout designer will have to correct technical, spelling and other errors introduced into the layout. To do this, the specialist must be fluent in proofreading marks. The process of printing, checking and correcting can be repeated two or three, or even more times.
Web page designers design pages of web resources using a special markup language (for example, HTML), as well as using cascading style sheets (CSS), etc.
The work of a layout designer is impossible without computer equipment and special graphics programs(Adobe InDesign, Adobe Page Maker, Corel Draw). A modern layout designer must be fluent in graphic and text editors, be able to work with publishing systems and graphics programs.
The work will require a combination of technical and artistic talent, developed visual and figurative thinking, good aesthetic taste, a sense of style, spatial imagination, color perception and an accurate spatial eye. What is required is an aptitude for working with information, the ability for long-term painstaking and monotonous activity, sustained attention, perseverance, accuracy, self-criticism, perseverance, and patience.
It is important that the layout designer is a literate and erudite person in various spheres of life, because he needs not just to mechanically arrange the material, but to understand its essence and ensure that the form of presentation allows the content to be revealed to the readers to the maximum extent.
Layout designers can work in the media, publishing houses, printing houses, design and development studios, advertising or publishing firms, enterprises and organizations, educational institutions, etc.


Vasilyeva Vera and Sukhneva Alina



State-owned special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities “Shadrinskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school No. 12 of III, IV types”

City competition research work and projects

“First discovery” among primary school students

Research project

"Computer and profession."

Completed by: 4th “A” class students Vera Vasilyeva, Alina Sukhneva.

Head: Olga Viktorovna Gorbunova, computer science teacher.

Shadrinsk, 2015


1. Analysis of sociological millet………………………………...5

2. Types of professions and computer …………………………………..6

3. Practical part……………………………………………10





Computers and information systems firmly entered our lives and made it much easier. Most people, especially young people, cannot imagine their life without this miracle machine. Until recently, having a computer in the family was considered a luxury. Nowadays, everything has changed so much that it is not surprising that in every cell of society there are several computing devices.

What can be common between the profession of a teacher and an accountant, a lawyer and a designer, a police officer and a cashier, a doctor and a sound engineer? Initially, it seems that these professions have nothing in common, since we are talking about completely different professions. If we remember that we live in the age of global informatization, then all these professions are united by the fact that they use a computer.

What makes the same device so important for doing so many different jobs? We asked ourselves this question and will try to answer it within the framework of our project.

Object of study:professions that use computers in their activities.

Subject of research:why and how exactly adults use a computer in their profession.

Target: Develop and create a video clip “Computer and Profession”. Find out exactly how the computer helps representatives of various professions.


  • Conduct and analyze a sociological survey among parents.
  • Study the types of professions that use computers in their activities.
  • Select the most popular professions.
  • Select the most convenient form for presenting research data.
  • Develop and create a video clip.

Research methods:sociological survey, conversation, interview, analysis, research.

Practical significance of the work:Create a video clip “Profession and the Computer” that will help schoolchildren understand the extent of computer penetration into various professions. To interest and motivate students to study computer technology in depth at school.

Project skills acquired during implementation of this project, will help students in further studies.

1. Analysis of a sociological survey.

Every student in the future will have to decide on a profession. In the rapidly developing world of information technology, the share of computer penetration in professions is only increasing every year.

Among the students' parents primary school and the middle level of our school, a questionnaire was administered: “Do you use a computer in your work?” Of the 72 parents surveyed, 53 use computer technology in their work.

Parents use computers in such professions as: teacher, salesman, technologist, storekeeper, receptionist, operator, designer, boss, economist and many others.

To the question: “Can you imagine your work without computer equipment?”, parents answered:

No, all my work consists of filling out data using a computer.

No, it makes searching for information thousands of times easier and makes it possible to communicate with people living far away.

No, all information about employees is entered into the system.

No, a computer is necessary when working with documents and during events.

We decided to find out in the course of working on the project in which areas of professional activity a computer is needed and how exactly adults use it in their work.

2. Types of professions and computer.

There are a large number of fields of activity, ranging from medicine to art.We have identified the following main areas of activity in society and created a diagram (Appendix 1):

  • social sphere - the work of teachers, doctors, librarians, organizers of clubs, sports sections;
  • science and higher education - employees of research institutes and higher educational institutions;
  • culture and art - writers, artists, actors, directors, composers;
  • law enforcement and army;
  • banks;
  • production activity - work at different levels in the production of consumer products, tools, means of transportation, that is, activity in agriculture, industry, construction, public utilities, trade;
  • government bodies at all levels.

Through interviews, surveys and information from various sources, we found out exactly how the computer is used in these areas.

Computers in education.

The use of computer technologies in the educational process makes it possible to use psychological and pedagogical developments in pedagogical practice that make it possible to intensify the educational process and implement the ideas of developmental education. The capabilities of computer technology as a tool of human activity and a fundamentally new means of teaching have led to the emergence of new methods and organizational forms of training and their faster implementation in the educational process.

Computers in medicine.

Thanks to computers, doctors can diagnose diseases with amazing efficiency. A tomograph effectively conducts preventive examinations and provides an accurate image of a person’s internal organs. In the intensive care unit, the patient is “connected” to a computer that monitors the number of heartbeats: if it suddenly decreases to a dangerous level, the computer will immediately notify the doctor or nurse. Medical data banks allow doctors to keep abreast of the latest scientific and practical advances. Computer networks are used to send messages about donor organs. Computers are used to train health workers in practical skills. This time the computer acts as a patient who needs immediate help. Computers store patient records in their memory.

Computers in the field of culture and art.

In the hands of an artist, a computer becomes a drawing tool. Illustrators, designers, cartoonists, filmmakers believe that computer technology We provide them with new opportunities in their creative activities. Using tools such as a plotter, graphics tablet, and light pen, artists create multi-color drawings, graphs, maps, and diagrams.

Recently, more and more professional writers are using word processors to improve the quality and speed up their work. Journalists, authors of technical texts, screenwriters, textbook authors, and many others use computers when working with texts. Word processor facilitates editing and verification of texts. It eliminates the need to retype texts - saving time. The use of special programs helps to identify and eliminate spelling and syntax errors.

Computers in law enforcement agencies.

The ability of computers to store large amounts of information is used by law enforcement agencies to create a file of criminal activity. Electronic data banks with relevant information are easily accessible to state and regional investigative agencies throughout the country. Thus, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) maintains a national data bank, which is known as the National Crime Information Center. With the help of a computer, through small crimes it is possible to “reach” large ones. In crime labs, I use computers to help analyze substances found at crime scenes. The conclusions of a computer expert often prove decisive in the evidence in a pending case.

Banking operations.

Performing financial calculations using a home personal computer is just one of its possible applications in banking. Powerful computing systems allow you to perform a large number of operations, including processing checks, recording changes to each deposit, accepting and issuing deposits, processing loans, and transferring deposits from one account to another or from bank to bank. ATMs allow customers to avoid long lines at the bank and withdraw money from their account when the bank is closed.

Computers in trade.

As customers place their purchases on the counter, the cashier passes each item through an optical scanning device, which reads the universal code printed on the purchase. The price of this item is stored in the computer's memory and displayed on a small screen so that the buyer can see the cost of his purchase. Once all selected items have passed through the optical scanning device, the computer immediately displays the total value of the items purchased. In this case, the final payment to customers occurs much faster than when using a cash register.

The use of a computer not only allows you to significantly speed up settlements with customers, but also makes it possible to keep under control at all times the quantity of goods sold and in stock.

Computers in production.

Computers are used in a wide range of industrial tasks. For example, a dispatcher at a large plant has at his disposal an automated control system that ensures the uninterrupted operation of various units. Computers are also used to control temperature and pressure during various manufacturing processes. When the increase or decrease in temperature or pressure exceeds the permissible norm, the computer immediately sends a signal to the control device, which automatically restores the required conditions.

Various jobs in factories, such as assembly lines, involve repetitive tasks such as tightening bolts or painting parts.

Computers in government agencies.

The secretary of almost any institution processes texts when preparing reports and letters. The institutional apparatus uses a personal computer to display wide-format tables and graphic material on the display screen. By using computer systems documentation is introduced and ensured e-mail and connection with data banks. Computer networks connect different users located in the same institution or located in different regions of the country.

It can be concluded that computers and information Technology have firmly entered our lives and professions various directions and areas of activity.

3. Practical part.

Stage I.

According to the survey results, the majority of parents use a computer in their work. We will determine a list of professions for interviewing.

  1. Teacher, lecturer, trainer, circle leader.
  2. Accountant.
  3. Secretary.
  4. Music worker.
  5. Psychologist.
  6. Medical worker.
  7. Cashier, salesperson.
  8. Security guard, policeman.
  9. Bank employee.
  10. Librarian.
  11. Civil servant.

Stage II. Collection of video fragments.

For a visual presentation and presentation of the essence of our project, we decided to prepare a video clip “Computer and Professions”. We compiled questions for the interview. We asked questions to representatives of various professions, both at our school and at the places of work of parents and specialists in various fields of activity in our city. All interview fragments were recorded on a digital camera.

Stage III. Creating a video clip.

Windows Movie Maker is one of the simplest and most accessible editors that allows you to create your own videos and presentations. This application is distributed free of charge and hasrelatively user-friendly interface.

  1. Select the “Create project” item. After changing the program operating mode, go to the “File” menu again. Select the “Import to collections” item and wait for the explorer to start. Select video files that will be included in the project. We add each file one by one to the working project.
  2. Now click the “Display timeline” button. This allowed us to quickly synchronize the location of the images. We moved each file one by one to the “Video” category, located at the bottom of the program window.
  3. Click the “View video transitions” link. Select the transition you like and view it by clicking on it double click with the mouse – copy and paste after 1-2 video fragments.
  4. Adding titles. Click the next menu item “Create titles and credits”. The captions menu will open. Click on the first item of this menu. Enter the name in the first field. Then we will change the title animation by clicking on the appropriate link. We select a suitable animation from a fairly large list, click the “Change font and text color” link and adjust the design.
  5. In the same way, by selecting the last menu item “Create titles and credits”, we create credits at the end of the film.
  6. Go to the "File" menu and select the "Save movie file" option. We waited for the new menu to launch, selected the file format and indicated the storage location. We checked the resulting film by launching it with an available player.

Stage IV. Video presentation.

After preparing the video clip, we will present our work at a school conference, and also post the material on the school website.


As a result of working on the project, we found out that computers have firmly entered modern life and the professions of adults. All students will sooner or later have to decide on a profession and should pay special attention to studying information technology at school, since almost no profession is conceivable without computer equipment and computer technology.

We studied the areas of professional activity and identified a list of professions for interviewing. A representative from each of the professions we selected confirmed the importance of the computer in their professional activities. After all, the computer is an assistant in counting, processing large amounts of information, storing databases, monitoring, searching necessary information and performs a large number of other functions.

To compile and present the data obtained during the work on the project, we selected the program Windows Movie Maker. The program interface is intuitive to the user. Therefore, based on our project, students can create their own videos on other topics.


  1. Guryev S.V. Using a computer as a tool in the educational process. .
  2. How to use Windows Movie Maker.
  3. Computer in medicine .
  4. Computer and the world around you.
  5. Periodicals: magazines “Home Computer”, “Hard@Soft”.
  6. Rastrigin L.A. Alone with a computer - M.: Radio and Communications, - 2003 - 224 p.


Appendix 1.

Scheme 1. Areas of activity


2.Composers of the computer world

3.New specialties will arise tomorrow



According to teachers, in every school graduating class there are children who dream of acquiring a profession related to computers. They enter institutes and universities in faculties that are called differently: computational mathematics, cybernetics, applied mathematics, computer science. What exactly will they do after graduating from university? The answer to this question is often not known not only by parents and teachers, but also by the children themselves, whose desire to “be with a computer” is not burdened with a clear idea of ​​their specialty. The article published below is an attempt to fill this gap, to talk about specialties related to the mathematical and software of computers and systems.

2.Composers of the computer world

You can take a risk and compare a computer with some musical instrument, a piano, for example. Before you touch the keys, your instrument must have been built by craftsmen, and composers must have written the music in a language understandable to everyone - in musical notation. It's the same with computers: there are people who create the equipment, and those who write the music - computer programs. The hardware is usually called “hard” (from the English hard - hard, hard, or even simpler - “hardware”), and the software is called “soft” (from the English soft - soft). The creators of “software” are precisely the “composers” of the computer world. And just like in music, there are several specializations here, which we will talk about below. In the meantime, a little history.

How it was before

Electronic computers appeared in the mid-40s of our century. ENIAC, created in 1946 in the USA, is considered the first in the world. In the Soviet Union, the first machine began operation in 1951, it was called MESM (Small Electronic Computing Machine). The honor of its creation belongs to the group of S. A. Lebedev, later a famous academician, who is called the father of domestic computer technology.

The first computers were unique installations, and the circle of specialists who knew how to make them solve complex computing problems remained very limited. Programming was done at the machine instruction level, meaning the machine needed a detailed and detailed list of operations that all its nodes had to perform. Commands were encoded with numbers represented in octal, hexadecimal or binary system. The programmer was required not only to know many details related to the design of the machine, but also great intuition and resourcefulness of the mind in order to squeeze into the Procrustean bed of the very modest, by modern standards, capabilities of an electronic machine.

The process of coding programs was very slow, a large number of errors appeared, and the class of a programmer was determined by his ability to quickly find his own mistakes. At that time, two types of specialists arose - algorithmists and programmers-encoders. The task of the algorithmist was to accurately describe the chosen method of calculation, and the task of the programmer was to encode the algorithm in a digital language understandable to the machine. It soon became clear, however, that the last operation was technical work, if, of course, the algorithm was described in detail and accurately. The idea arose to make the electronic machine do this work itself.

Translators - specialists in programming systems

Today, representatives of a wide variety of professions, students and even schoolchildren are engaged in writing programs for computers. This became possible thanks to the emergence of special languages ​​in which we give commands to the computer. Representatives create machine languages new profession- specialists in programming systems, or, as they are also called, translators.

To put it simply, there are two types of computer languages: machine-dependent and machine-independent. The first (assemblers, or autocode languages) are used to communicate with the machine in its own language. Assemblers are still used by highly qualified specialists.

Fortran is considered the ancestor of machine-independent programming languages. This name is an abbreviation of two English words FORmula TRANslation (formula translator). It is close to the generally accepted mathematical notation.

Then other languages ​​appeared (Basic, Prolog, C family). It is by mastering these machine-independent languages ​​that a philologist or accountant can write a specific application program. But in order for a machine to work with it, a translator is needed - a program that translates what is written into computer language. Creating a computer language and translators requires highly qualified specialists. In addition, many problems arise in this area that require theoretical resolution.

A new direction of research and a new specialty emerged - theoretical programming. It is based on such branches of mathematics as the theory of algorithms, mathematical logic, algebra, the theoretical foundations of approximate methods of calculation, the theoretical foundations of search methods, graph theory, the theory of formal languages ​​and grammars. That is why these disciplines are given great importance in the departments of computational mathematics.

In the mid-80s, mass production of personal computers began. At first several hundred thousand were produced per year, then several million, and currently about thirty million computers annually.

The problem of a simple and accessible form of communication with a computer for every person - a friendly interface, as they say, has acquired a different social meaning. Therefore, the tasks of system programmers have expanded and changed qualitatively. In fact, in order to navigate through the many columns with English abbreviations, a certain amount of preparation is required, and even a junior school student can “click” with the mouse on an icon or on a clear inscription.

The user-friendly interface is based on the idea of ​​interactive human-machine interaction. In such a dialogue, the computer plays the role of a guide along the roads of its unique capabilities and an unobtrusive leader of the user’s actions. The user is required to correctly formulate his requests and choose further steps from the options offered by the computer.

In general, we can say that the professional knowledge of a system programmer includes programming languages, translators, methods for assembling programs from ready-made pieces, debugging programs in terms of high-level languages, and libraries of ready-made components.

Operators - operating system developers

Operating systems are the heart of all computer software. They control the input of information into the machine from the keyboard or from disks, the placement of input and output data in storage devices, and their manipulation. These programs include translators, loaders, find the necessary library programs, are responsible for the operation of the monitor, displaying the necessary information, and much more.

The complexity of operating systems is increasing every year, because both the requirements of the mass user and the needs of science and technology are growing. Therefore, a new specialty has sprung off from the specialty of system programming - operating system developers, operator engineers, as they are called.

With the advent of multiprogramming (the simultaneous solution of several tasks on a computer at different stages of execution), the functions of operating systems became especially complicated and several complex problems arose.

The first problem is related to the strategy for distributing machine resources between programs competing with each other in the calculation dynamics. If the distribution strategy is chosen poorly, then the efficiency of the machine will significantly decrease and the user will have to wait a long time for results, losing valuable time and sometimes money. With a good strategy, users can save on both. The second problem is to exclude the influence of some tasks on the solution of others that are simultaneously in progress. The third problem is distribution. RAM between independent tasks. Naturally, all these problems are hidden from the average user, and he should not take into account that many others are in the machine at the same time as his task.

The remote multi-terminal access mode brought a lot of new puzzles to operators. This mode occurs when terminals are connected to the central computer, allowing several independent users to work on the machine simultaneously. Terminals are a keyboard for typing data and a monitor located at a great distance from the computer, in another room or even in the city. Terminal access mode is a kind of forerunner of network interaction.

Networkers - developers of network interaction programs

Consolidation of computers, creation of local and global networks required operating systems to perform new functions. Relatively recently, a new specialty of network programmers has emerged.

The entire computer network, from the point of view of its management, is divided into interconnected levels. Programs that implement control algorithms at these levels are called network programs. The rules of work here are strictly standardized by special protocols of the corresponding levels. Therefore, specialists developing network programs must have a good knowledge of the system of protocols adopted in a given network, the rules for forming addresses of network points, methods of transporting information, etc.

Currently global computer networks, the most famous of which is the Internet, are capable of transmitting to their subscribers not only text information, but also audiovisual. Their property was called "multimedia". Developing programs to control it is quite complex. The fact is that the transmission of image and sound codes requires high speed and, generally speaking, leads to heavy load communication lines. Therefore, programs are needed that can “compress” text and audiovisual information at the input and decrypt it at the output. In addition, at all levels of the network, methods are provided to control the correctness of transmission and ways to protect information from accidental and intentional distortion. Thus, the need for specialists in protecting information from unauthorized access arose. In this area, closely related to the theory of coding and encryption, there are its own approaches, its own methodology and its own technical techniques.

PC-related professions are among. In addition, they mostly assume:

  • interesting responsibilities;
  • flexible work schedule;
  • decent salary level.

Below we list the main computer specialties and briefly characterize their essence. Read and make a choice to your liking.

All professions of the type you are interested in can be divided into two large categories - one part of them is focused primarily on techies, the other - on people creative.

However, let us clarify that this division is arbitrary - even when dealing directly with hardware, you have to get creative from time to time. In turn, when drawing illustrations or writing texts for websites, you need to master certain programs and be able to configure them.

Creative work at the computer

So, who can a person who dreams of working on a PC and has any talent become? There are many options. Let's list the main ones:

  • Internet journalist - collects and processes current material (and sometimes in video format);
  • copywriter - prepares texts for websites on given topics;
  • rewriter - reworks ready-made texts into new, unique ones;
  • editor of a website or public page - monitors the development of the resource and its replenishment, communicates with readers;
  • web designer - creates visual elements of web pages and designs them;
  • computer artist - creates drawings in various graphic editors, collaborates with game and program developers, website owners;
  • optimizer - promote sites to the top results, polishing them in accordance with the requirements of search engines and the nature of queries.

This also includes the professions of layout designer (in the media) and designer - they work exclusively on a PC.

Technical computer specialties

The choice is again quite large:

  • repair technician - repairman for PCs, laptops, tablets;
  • system administrator - a company employee who is in charge of setting up and debugging its computer equipment;
  • programmer is a specialist who knows certain programming languages ​​and uses them to create new information products;
  • tester - evaluates the quality of programs.

Each computer profession has many branches. The same programmers can carry out fundamentally different tasks— some write games, others create databases, others make engines for websites.

It's hard to imagine modern world without information technology. They are used in almost all areas in the form of specialized equipment, software, game projects, etc. Almost all professions involve computers to a greater or lesser extent.

In private and public organizations, computers have already become an integral part of the work process, due to which it has been possible to speed up the interaction of employees and reduce bureaucracy. For this reason, information technology is so popular among employers.

Computer-related professions may also be of interest because they are promising and profitable. It is not worth listing all areas of activity in which information technology is involved in one way or another, since there are a lot of them. This review will look at some computer-related professions.

Online programming

Every year educational institutions A huge number of web programmers are leaving. However, the demand for qualified workers not only does not decrease, but also increases. But this characterizes many computer-related professions.

To work in this field, you need to be able to create Internet projects, implement, optimize codes, develop scripts, write various interfaces and understand what databases are.

It should immediately be noted that to master this profession it is not at all necessary to receive the appropriate education. You can also develop a skill through self-study. Fortunately, the training materials are in open access. The main thing is to have a desire to develop in this field of activity. In this profession, knowledge and skills are valued, but a diploma does not play a special role.

It should also be noted that this profession requires constant development of skills and study of educational materials. This is due to the fact that new programming languages ​​appear or existing ones are improved. And without constant training, a specialist will simply lose his qualifications.

World Wide Web Artists

Professions related to computers and the Internet can be included in separate lists. But it’s worth talking about WEB designers. To become a highly qualified specialist in this field, you need to have artistic taste and be creative. You can't do it without programming skills. Although in a minimal amount, they are still needed. A specialist working in this field is engaged in the formation of pages for Internet projects and their design.

Main responsibilities include:

  • work on website design;
  • drawing layouts;
  • a selection of formats, colors, sizes of various website components;
  • development of interfaces, logos, corporate identity.

You don’t even have to think about brilliant career growth, since it is not observed as such in this field of activity. However, you can always move into related professions related to computers. It should be noted that this specialty is well paid and is quite promising.

ERP consultant

Modern business cannot do without constant development, without implementation the latest systems control, without increasing productivity. It is unlikely that you will be able to achieve great heights through standard accounting optimization.

In order for a business to develop and make a profit, one must not forget about such components as personnel management, financial department, supplies and sales. A huge number of different factors and aspects need to be taken into account. Systems that allow you to link together the accounting of absolutely all processes in the company will help with this. They are what are called ERP. And to work with them you need a qualified specialist.

The responsibilities of ERP consultants include:

  • analysis of business process features;
  • finding and eliminating deficiencies;
  • searching for opportunities to improve business activities;
  • creating models that will help take your business to a new level;
  • development of technical specifications;
  • introduction of the latest modules into existing systems;
  • maintaining the system in working order, training employees.

System administrator

Professions related to computer science and computers are quite diverse. It is worth highlighting such a position in many companies as a system administrator.

This employee must ensure the operation of computer equipment, networks and servers. His job responsibilities also include providing and restricting access to a variety of resources.

It is very difficult to become a good specialist if you do not have stress resistance, because you will have to deal with different errors every day and look for ways to eliminate them. The routine nature of this work also contributes. Due to loss of concentration, apathy may appear over time.

Also among the main features system administrator care and patience should be emphasized. Without all this, achieving great success in this profession is extremely difficult.


Software testing is a fairly important task that not everyone can handle. Testers are specialists who are able to find in software error and correct it. Highly qualified personnel are required by many companies whose main specialization is the development of programs, Internet projects, and games.

Career growth in this profession is possible. However, for this you will have to study foreign languages. This circumstance is due to the fact that many development companies are focused primarily on the Western segment.

The tester must:

  • have a good understanding of operating systems;
  • be able to model user behavior in order to identify software errors;
  • draw up all necessary documentation.

These types of computer-related jobs are highly controversial. Some experts believe that testing is too boring and tedious. But there are also those who are able to find creative moments even in such a field of activity.


Photography is a profession with which almost everyone is connected in one way or another, albeit at an amateur level. Of course, to take a photo, all you need is a camera. However, processing and printing images is impossible without computers.

To become a good photographer, it is not necessary to obtain a relevant diploma. Naturally, its presence will be a huge plus, but without it your reputation will not suffer. Due to a huge amount With the help of various equipment, the number of photographers has increased many times. You can work in this field both at an amateur and professional level.

Masters of the Printed Word

In modern conditions, professions related to working on a computer, which involve typing text, have become increasingly popular. This could be a rewrite or a copyright. In the first case, we are talking about simply rewriting existing articles, in the second - about creating original texts, personal ones, which is a more difficult task, since good knowledge in a particular area is required.

Naturally, these professions have nothing to do with writing. The earnings of a copywriter and rewriter will largely depend on their professionalism. Having a portfolio can also play a role. To achieve great heights, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

Several more areas of activity

The list of computer-related professions is quite large. Some have been described in detail above. It is worth citing as an example several more interesting areas of activity where information technology plays an important role.

  1. IT evangelist is a field of activity that is closely related to the promotion of software products.
  2. A game designer is a specialist who works on creating game projects. He is primarily responsible for design and creativity.
  3. An e-sportsman is a person who participates in computer games at a professional level.
  4. A forum moderator is a specialist who monitors the work of the forums and communicates with users. He must monitor compliance with the rules and recommendations on a certain Internet resource.
  5. A programmer is a specialist who writes computer programs.


Every day new professions related to computers appear. Only the main ones that are in demand today were listed above. However, there is no doubt that every day more and more new areas of activity will appear in which information technologies will be used. We hope that this review answered the question about what professions are related to computers.
