What is intitle datalife engine printable version. Details about *.tpl files of the Dle template and their purpose

DatalifeEngine aka DLE- this is one of the most feature-rich and "adequate" CMS. Such it is for developers, and for administrators, and for users. The initial idea was to organize blogs and media on the Internet. The script has wide basic capabilities, which make CMS convenient for website builders. The kernel is designed in such a way that it allows you to work without problems with resources that are visited by many "users". Big Advantage DLE Nulled 13.2- and this latest version before leaving new version DLE 13.3, which will take place this year, is also about convenience and wide customization options. Even a non-specialist is able to figure out the operation of the system within two to three days. And the novelty promises to be ideal for studying and understanding the structure of templates. If 13.1 is an intuitive system with a ton of features, then 13.2 is likely to see even more security developments. However, the release will show.

Speaking of popular engines for various portals, one cannot but mention DataLife Engine. It was created in Russia specifically for convenient and comfortable control information resources, blogs, news portals. At the moment, it is in the TOP-5 most popular CMS among all those used in the CIS countries. The latest version in force is 13.2. It is really good and convenient, it has a lot of advantages and a minimum of disadvantages, which we will talk about in the full version.

And again update DLE. Everyone knows that the system is developing very dynamically, but the current functionality will seem exciting from the point of view of visiting the web resource and administrators. Let's talk about the main advantages of Datalife Engine past and new versions. New system plugin installation is supported just perfect. Well, of course, do not forget that with the help of RSS you can import and export not only news, but also various informers. At the same time, the site is already available automatic update. And smartphones are now supported in automatic mode without sacrificing adaptation. All these words, read the main innovations in the full news.

DatalifeEngine: its advantage in the new version over other CMS:

The DatalifeEngine system known as is unique. The creators really tried, endowing it with amazing features. Since its development, the system has become insanely popular. Why did this happen? Most CMS are quite complex and incomprehensible to some users. Whereas this one is not only simple, but also extremely convenient, including for those who are rather remotely familiar with web programming.
The quality of execution is what webmasters like. DLE allows you to create full-fledged information websites, manage them without resorting to the use of multi-step codes, CSS. And for bloggers, the system is a godsend. But let's move on to the main advantages in the full news...

The script "DataLife Engine" is a multifunctional system aimed at managing a web resource. A powerful system makes it possible to manage the flow of incoming information, control publications, articles, and analyze indicators. The primary goal in the development of "DataLife Engine" was the organizational process of scaling media resources on the Internet as well as managing web blogs. The system is endowed with a wide range standard features, which allow DLE to be highly competitive when choosing software for the development of a network resource. Thoroughly developed composition of the kernel leads to a fairly low baseline in terms of server resources.

Not much time has passed, and we get another update from Celsoft in the form of DLE version 11.3. This version also pleased us well with new goodies. Namely, the redirect control module was redesigned (the old one was buggy and really "old"), caching for memcache was redesigned. To the module feedback added the ability to send screenshots or files. Also a big plus was the ability to use only https://. Who does not know Google has been asking for a long time to transfer all sites to a secure protocol. Finally, they added the ability to shove micro-markup without problems. Now your site in the search will stand out beautifully, which will surely bring more visitors to your project. Well, as always, we fixed bugs, which is always there.

Here is the next update of the well-known CMS from Celsoft DataLifeEngine version 11.2. In this update, finally, cellsoft has done what webmasters have been asking for and implementing with various hacks over the years. Who doesn't know - DLE is a very powerful engine that was first created for news sites. To do this, he was equipped with a personal antivirus, open source, and created a lot of modules for it, so that it would be possible to create a powerful and unique portal from the new site. The full number of innovations can be viewed at off. site, we'll talk about the main ones ...

Data Life Engine is a long-established CMS from CelSoft. The history of versions of this engine has been going on since 2000. The engine was first created for news sites. Now this is the main CMS for full-fledged Internet portals. Great amount hacks and modules makes it even more functional and optimized. DLE is very easy and simple to learn, which allows even a beginner to easily learn the engine. To date, the level of its protection and personal antivirus makes it almost impenetrable to various crackers. And finally, it can be discussed and downloaded for 11.1. Read about this and more in the full post.

Data Life Engine is an excellent CMS for both news sites and full-fledged Internet portals. The number of modules and hacks allows you to customize the DLE just for yourself. Also, the DLE engine is easy to learn, and is suitable for both beginners and pros. Multi-level protection and personal antivirus will also work for you. And the DLE 11 version of the owners is simply shocking. So we waited for the next update from Celsoft. In this update of the engine, we are waiting for great innovations.

So the long-awaited release of dle 10.0 has come. It is not known why the developers skipped the 9.9 version of dle and jumped it, but Celsofta has its own bugs) The anniversary version added new interesting features, such as a new template for mobile devices, a new innovative spam protection, a nice improved security and much more.

Hello friends. I spend almost all of my time. Since most of my sites are built on CMS DLE, I have to work a lot with this engine. I have said before that developers are not friends with SEO, and in general they have never heard such a word, but it turned out to be even worse than it could be. I even prepared a whole series of posts dedicated to the "ossification" of the national engine (see in the category).

But today I would like to talk about such an important thing as the html sitemap for DLE. No matter how much I searched the Internet for a normal card module, I did not find it. There are, of course, several solutions, but all of them do not give the desired result at all, and sometimes even cause harm. I had to write the module myself, or rather entrust the implementation of my “wishlist” to professionals. I express my deep gratitude to Alexander Fomin for his enthusiasm and incredible speed of work.

The sitemap module for DLE that I am about to introduce to you meets all the requirements of seo and is extremely easy to install.

SiteMap - HTML sitemap generation module for DLE

Original name: sitemap
CMS Compatibility: DLE 8.2- 10.6
Spreading: Free, As Is, when distributing a link to the source is required
Current version: 2.2 (from 05/08/2014)
Purpose: Output an unordered list with links to all publications, categories and static pages.
Peculiarities: Visual embed code generator. Detailed setting the principle of displaying all elements of the site - news, categories, static pages - the number of displayed elements, the principle of sorting and sorting order, displaying elements as a link or in plain text, the ability to include / exclude specific elements.

Description and configuration of the HTML sitemap module for DLE

Friends, June 3, 2012 is a big day, a brand new sitemap version 2.0 has been released. We are raising the bar on the usability of our module by new level. We (I hope you, too) liked the visual code generation system implemented in the system and we decided to implement it in the sitemap module. Now you do not need to read manuals and descriptions of all functions and their values ​​- just go to the admin panel, specify a few values ​​and that's it - the module is ready to go!

In addition to the above, I would like to list a few more important features:

  • the module is fully cached;
  • the module uses the DLE API;
  • the map does not display publications that have not passed moderation, as well as those planned for the future;
  • the presence / absence of CNC, as well as the type of CNC are taken into account;
  • such a subtlety is provided - if someone has been working with the DLE engine for a long time, then he remembers that in the early versions there was no CNC at all, and then it appeared, but only of one type (the same as type 3 is now being formed). So this is also provided for in this module - new publications are displayed with a url, the CNC type of which is selected in the admin panel, and old ones, respectively, with the url of the CNC of the old type.

Despite the appearance of a visual generator, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the mechanics of the module.

The module is inserted into the main.tpl template using the tag:
(include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php?param1=value1¶m2=value2")

param1= — module parameter, value1 — parameter value. Module settings come after the sign? and separated by &.

Insert example (displays a sitemap with a list of static pages and news from categories with id=2,3,4):
(include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php?show_static=1&need_cats=2,3,4")

To display the sitemap on separate page, the (include ...) tag must be enclosed in , and the (content) tag must be enclosed in . After that, the module will be available at http://site.ru/sitemap/

After any changes to the parameters and their values, it is necessary to clear the cache in the admin panel.

Module parameters passed via tpl when inserting:

  • need_cats - a list of id categories separated by commas for display in the map
  • exc_cats - list of id categories separated by commas, excluded from the map
  • need_news — comma-separated list of id articles to display in the map
  • exc_news - comma-separated list of article ids to be excluded from the map
    • it is pointless to specify these parameters at the same time
  • need_static — comma-separated list of static page ids to display in the map
  • exc_static - list of id static pages, separated by commas, excluded from the map
    • it is pointless to specify these parameters at the same time
  • cats_as_links - show category names as links (1 or 0)
  • show_static - show static pages in the map (1 or 0)
  • cats_sort - category list sort field (field from dle_category table)
  • cats_msort - category list sorting direction (ASC or DESC)
  • news_sort - sorting field for the list of articles (field from the dle_post table)
  • news_msort - direction of sorting the list of articles (ASC or DESC)
  • static_sort - sort field for the list of static pages (field from the dle_static table)
  • static_msort - direction of sorting the list of static pages (ASC or DESC)
    • There are 2 sorting options:
      • ASC - ascending (alphabetically)
      • DESC - descending (in reverse order)
    • if the field and sorting order are not specified, the specified category settings or standard DLE parameters are used
  • cats_limit- maximum amount output subcategories
  • news_limit - the maximum number of output articles from the category
  • static_limit - the maximum number of displayed static pages

Notice none of the above settings are required, you can not specify anything at all - just insert the tag (include file="engine/modules/sitemap.php") - then the default settings will be used.

Sitemap Appearance and Style Classes

Optional change is provided appearance site maps, for this we open the style file (style.css) of our template and prescribe the classes described below.

List of sitemap CSS classes:

Sitemap_categories - element
