What is a tablet and why is it needed. Tablet computers: a tablet for the healthy? Tablet PC

Tablet PC

Tablet Toshiba laptop 3500

Tablet personal computer (tablet pc, tablet PC) - a class of laptops equipped with a tablet device handwriting, integrated with the screen. Tablet PC allows you to work with a stylus or fingers, without using a keyboard and mouse.

The user can enter text using the built-in handwriting recognition program, on-screen (virtual) keyboard, speech recognition, or a regular keyboard (if included with the device).

Most tablet PCs run operating system Windows XP Tablet PC Edition. Tablet PCs appeared in wide sale after the release of this edition, in the fall of the year. Prior to this, devices of this type were used in narrower markets - in manufacturing, in medicine and government agencies. There are also tablets running various variants of GNU/Linux.

By design, tablet PCs are divided into:

  • "clean tablets"- devices without a full keyboard;
  • tablet laptops, also called "convertible" (Eng. convertible) or transformers, because of its ability to transform: the device can look like a laptop, the screen can be rotated around the axis by 180 ° and put on the keyboard - the laptop will look like a tablet.
  • UMPC- a compact version of the tablet computer, designed to replace the PDA. It has some design differences, as well as some differences in the interface, as it is designed specifically for finger control. May have a built-in keyboard, usually non-standard.

In addition, tablet computers are divided into two classes according to how the tablet works:

  • The electromagnetic principle of the tablet. The most numerous class, allows you to work with the tablet only with a special stylus. The advantages of this approach are the high accuracy of text recognition, the accuracy of determining the pressing force, as well as the lack of response to accidental pressing with the hand or fingers when writing. As a rule, Wacom technology is used.
  • Pressure sensitive tablet. Less numerous class, although becoming more popular over time. The good thing is that such a tablet can be controlled without using a stylus, which can be convenient in some situations. In addition, this approach allows you to create interfaces specially designed for finger control, including recognition of multiple touches and gestures. UMPCs belong to this class. The disadvantages are less accuracy, worse quality of letter recognition, the negative impact of the tablet on the quality and brightness of the screen, as well as the possibility of accidental clicks when writing.

The most popular tablet laptops are Acer and Fujitsu, as well as

Tablet PCs vs. Laptops


  • The tablet PC is much more "human" - you can stand or walk with it, holding it in one hand. With the second hand, you can enter text or click on links when surfing the web. It is convenient to read e-books from it using the vertical screen orientation.
  • Lying on the table, the folded tablet PC allows you to work without interrupting your line of sight (for example, at a business meeting)


  • A tablet laptop is about $300 more expensive than a regular laptop with the same specifications, although this difference is expected to decrease to $75 over time.
  • The screen attachment of a tablet laptop is less secure because the screen is held on by one rotating hinge - unlike a conventional laptop, the screen of which is held by two hinges.
  • The tablet PC screen is currently limited to 14 inches. In addition, a special touch-sensitive screen coating reduces viewing angles and brightness.


see also

See what "Tablet PC" is in other dictionaries:

    tablet- oh, oh. planchette f. Rel. to the tablet. Stuffed tablet table, seal. Brock. 46 508. He was finishing a large order from the Research Institute for a thin tablet work, but, being a shy and timid person by nature, he did not ask for an advance. V. Barvenko Gon. //… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    TABLET, flatbed, flatbed (special). adj. to the tablet. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Tablet computers are no longer a novelty these days. They have firmly established themselves in the electronics market and continue to gain popularity among users, primarily because of such an important advantage as compactness. Manufacturers (and these are not only well-known brands) are releasing more and more new tablet models, as they are called by the people. To navigate the choice, you need to take into account many criteria so as not to get confused when buying and not be upset if your choice does not meet expectations.

What is a tablet computer? First of all, it should be noted that its main difference from other computers is the touch screen, with the help of which the tablet is controlled. That is, the owner of the tablet does not need a mouse or keyboard. Technological progress does not stand still and now there are already models that can be controlled with several fingers (multi-touch gestures).

Of course, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that in terms of its capabilities, the tablet is inferior to an ordinary desktop computer or laptop. However, it can also be useful:

    1. If you need to view pages and websites on the Internet (web surfing).
    2. If you need to work with programs and applications that require an Internet connection.
    4. If you are viewing graphic files, photo albums and galleries, etc.
    5. When you want to listen to music or watch videos, the tablet plays multimedia files.
    6. If you love electronic games.
    7. If you use email.
    8. If you want to be always available for communication, for example, in ICQ, Skype, M-agent and other similar communication programs.
    9. If you use IP-telephony and video communication.

How to choose a tablet computer?

Before you make a choice, you need to know that several types of devices are meant by a tablet computer. The most common options are two: tablet Personal Computer and internet tablet. The first is practically full computer, that is, if necessary, you can connect a keyboard and mouse to it, and it will be no different from a laptop. In addition, a familiar, full-fledged operating system is installed on a tablet personal computer: Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

And the second is nothing more than a symbiosis of a smartphone and a laptop. It is compact and designed primarily for browsing websites and working with various web applications. Unlike the former, it is not compatible with IBM PC computers. Operating systems on Internet tablets are installed the same as on mobile devices: Android, Apple iOS or other systems that are suitable for working with web applications: Google Chrome OS, Jolicloud.

Naturally, Internet tablets are inferior in their functionality to tablet personal computers. As a rule, users perceive a tablet computer exactly as an Internet tablet. And if they are wondering how to choose a tablet computer, they mean the second option. The popularity of tablets is growing for several reasons: due to low cost, convenient and uncomplicated interface, due to the focus on working on the Internet, and also because of the possibility of a long battery life.

Now let's figure out what parameters you need to consider when choosing a tablet computer.


Quite often, when choosing a tablet, people give the most great importance his appearance But the most important thing in a computer is the processor. It is clear that the processor of a tablet computer is not as powerful as that of a desktop or laptop, but it does not need much power. If you plan to use it for web surfing, then a processor with clock frequency 600 MHz, but it would be nice, nevertheless, to have some margin, for example, 800 MHz. But if you want to watch high-quality video files or play video games, then you will need a processor with a frequency of at least one gigahertz. However, the more the better.

It should be noted that processors installed on tablets consume less power than conventional PCs. It is best to purchase a tablet with a new generation processor, since the newer the processor generation, the more relevant the operating system it supports. That is, than the choice of processor for a tablet should be based on its novelty and frequency.


This is the second important selection criterion. We are now talking about two types of memory: operational and built-in. From random access memory(RAM) depends on the speed of your computer and the number of applications that you can work with at the same time. So: 512 MB is the minimum amount of memory at which the tablet will work, but slowly and sadly; from 768MB to 1 GB - the amount of memory for trouble-free work with several programs at the same time; more than 1 GB is the amount of memory that your tablet can handle resource-intensive tasks, such as next-generation video games. But, as a rule, one gigabyte is enough.

Built-in memory is the memory of the computer itself, that is, it is the determining factor in the amount of information that you can store on it. This indicator is also, in general, the more the better. But it is worth clarifying that the tablets have a slot for an additional memory card, so if you missed the purchase, then this is fixable, the amount of memory can be increased. Modern tablet computers accept memory cards up to 64GB inclusive.

Operating system.

The operating system installed on the device is also enough important point. You won't find Windows familiar to all of us here. On tablets iPad computers installed, of course, the Apple iOS operating system, which has a huge minus, namely: all Apple devices at a cost much more expensive than other similar devices, in addition, for many programs that you need to install, you will have to pay extra. The operating system installed on the majority of tablet computers Google Android also used in various mobile devices. When choosing it, try to purchase the version with the most new firmware.

There are a number of operating systems for tablets, but they are much less common. This is the Windows RT OS related to Windows family 8, designed specifically for tablets. And Windows 8 itself, the most popular operating system for desktop computers and laptops. The listed operating systems differ in the interface and organization of work with the tablet.

Screen size and resolution.

After all of the above, you can pay attention to the appearance, that is, the screen. Tablets are available with screens ranging from 4 to 11 inches, but the most popular ones are from 7 to 10 inches. How bigger screen diagonally, the more convenient it is to work with, that is, the image quality will be better, and the interface elements will be larger. However, as the screen diagonal increases, so does the size of the tablet. If you do not plan to carry it with you all the time, then the best choice for you would be a diagonal of 9 to 10 inches. For those who need to keep the tablet at hand all the time, it is better to choose a model with a screen diagonal of 5 to 7 inches. Such a device is not only compact, but also at a much cheaper price.

The next screen parameter is its resolution, that is, the number of vertical and horizontal dots that, in fact, it consists of. These dots are called pixels, and screen resolution is measured in pixels. For example, if the documentation indicates that the tablet screen is 800x600, this means that 800 pixels fit vertically, and 600 horizontally. The higher this value, the better the image can be obtained, the easier it will be to read small text.

Screen size and resolution need to be considered at the same time. For example, if the screen diagonal is 7 inches and its resolution is 800x600, then this combination will be comfortable for work, but if the diagonal is larger at the same resolution, the image will be somewhat blurry and the text less readable. Another point that I would like to mention: the higher the screen resolution of the tablet, the less time without recharging it will be able to work.

Touch screen.

As mentioned above, all tablets have a touch screen, which comes in two types: capacitive and resistive. Capacitive touch screens are very sensitive and respond to a light touch of a finger, but do not perceive the touch of styluses. And resistive touch screens, on the contrary, respond to styluses, and if you use your finger, then the pressure on the screen should be decent. The choice of screen here depends on how you feel more comfortable working with the tablet: a finger or a stylus.

Offline work.

It is clear that battery life, that is, battery life, is also an important indicator for a tablet, because, as a rule, you take it with you. If we compare two tablets with an equal battery capacity, then with the same mode of operation, the one with a smaller screen will last longer. Opt for a battery with a capacity of 2000 mAh or more. The weight of your tablet also matters, because it is a portable device. For tablets with a screen diagonal of 7 inches, the optimal weight is up to 300 grams, and for 10 inches - up to 700 grams.

Additional devices.

Since a tablet computer is most often used to surf the Internet, it must have Wi-Fi and 3G adapters. To be able to connect external devices, for example, USB flash drives, it should have USB connectors for them, and to increase memory - a slot for a memory card. There are others useful devices Perhaps not so important, but sometimes necessary, these are a webcam, a GSM receiver, Bluetooth, an Ethernet connector and an HDMI connector for connecting a monitor.


Pay attention to the material from which the body of the tablet is made. If the case is metal, then it is more durable, there are fewer scratches on it, and it looks solid. But models with a plastic case weigh less, and Wi-Fi works better in them. Actually, the plastic is also different, depending on the model. Regardless of the case material, the tablet needs a case to protect the screen.

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Why you need it: seven reasons to buy a tablet

Before talking about the advantages of tablets, it is worth deciding what exactly this term implies. Traditionally, a tablet is a type of laptop that provides for handwriting input using a touch screen. In other words, you can think of a tablet as either a much-grown touchscreen smartphone or a netbook without a traditional keyboard. That is why the tablet is so often compared with the first, then with the second, but this is not entirely true. Tablets usually run on special operating systems such as Android, iOS, webOS, and so on.

What reasons motivate us to buy a tablet?

Reason one: it makes things easier

Tablet computers greatly simplify the performance of simple everyday tasks: checking mail, surfing the Internet, viewing and simple editing of documents, viewing graphs and drawings, reading e-books. The diagonal of most tablets usually varies from 7 to 10 inches, which is quite comparable with netbooks. A screen of this size allows you to fully load web pages and view office documents almost no scrolling. Tablets are quite handy for demonstrations, such as your own portfolio, graphs, diagrams, and so on. The presence of a touch screen significantly reduces the time for such small movements as scrolling through files or zooming, and the finger-oriented interface is much more convenient than a mouse or laptop touchpad.

Thanks to the abundance of programs for tablets, it can become a real professional tool. Office applications let you create and edit documents and spreadsheets on the go. Available for iOS and Android devices, Photoshop Express is a great tool for mobile image retouching. The well-known Garage Band app for iPad is a real mini-studio for music lovers.

In a word, thanks to app markets for tablets, almost any task can be solved. Nevertheless, the essence of tablets was very accurately characterized by former Apple CEO Steve Jobs on iPad presentations 2: “A tablet and a desktop computer are like a car and a truck. A car can do a lot of things, but for the tougher jobs, you need a truck.” So the tablet should be perceived as a convenient tool for simple work and do not expect more serious functionality from it.

Reason two: it is suitable for home

You can find a lot of applications for a tablet at home. When tablets first appeared, many considered them only a prestigious photo frame, but this is far from being the case. It is much more convenient to read the latest news, check mail or select photos from the next trip while sitting on the couch, and not at your desk. In addition, many tablets today have the function of connecting to a TV via HDMI, that is, through the tablet it is possible to play videos or photos on the TV screen. For example, Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablets, Apple iPad 2, Acer Iconia Tab 501 and others are equipped with similar outputs, however, special adapters and cables are required for connection. Again, thanks to the application market, the tablet can become a convenient planner for current affairs and purchases, an alarm clock, an adviser and a true friend.

Reason #3: Easy to travel with

Perhaps the main advantage of a tablet is mobility, the ability to always have it at hand without any problems. The average weight of tablets ranges from 600 to 900 grams, which is significantly less than most netbooks. The tablet will easily fit in a briefcase or a handbag and will become an excellent companion on the road. Most tablets today have at least 16 GB of memory, which is enough for a collection of favorite tunes, a good hundred e-books and a couple of videos to pass the time on the road.

Using the tablet, you can immediately create photo galleries (for example, Acer Iconia Tab A500 has a read connector microSD cards and USB socket for flash drives). The battery life of tablets is between 6 and 10 hours (for example, the well-known iPad tablet from Apple works for at least 10 hours), which means that you do not need to constantly carry and Charger. In this regard, the tablet is much more like mobile phone, without which today it is simply impossible to do.

Many tablets are equipped with a GPS navigator and contain maps, which can be useful when walking or driving in unfamiliar places. Of course, with a large screen size, the tablet will not be as convenient to use as a traditional GPS navigator, but it will tell you the way in difficult times.

Reason Four: It is also interesting for children

The tablet is good because there can be many scenarios for its use. However, as practice shows, tablets are much more accessible to children than computers or laptops due to their simple design.

According to numerous user reviews, two-year-olds can easily learn how to work with a tablet on mobile system iOS, which runs the popular iPad 2 tablet. More and more companies are developing new educational and educational applications for children today - interactive alphabets, colorful books, fun games. Tablets in this regard provide more freedom for creativity, more interactivity in games and applications due to touch capacitive screens and support for multiple touches (multi-touch). Thus, the tablet can become one of the most original ways learning and development of children, especially since now from mobile technology nowhere to go.

Reason five: it is easy to modify

Bluetooth Keyboard Case and Keyboard Dock

Tablets are good because most of them can be easily modified depending on the needs of the user. We have already mentioned the possibility of connecting tablets to a TV to watch movies. For those who type a lot, the option of tablets with a detachable keyboard (for example, Asus EEE Pad Transformer) is suitable. A Bluetooth keyboard is also suitable for many tablet models, in which case it is worth buying a docking station to fix the tablet in a certain position. For iPad 2, for example, there is a keyboard with a docking station that also recharges the tablet computer. Accessory manufacturers have even gone so far as to create special cases with a keyboard already built into them, which quite elegantly solves the problem of typing on the road or during private moves.

Case with a block for notes

By the way, the range of cases for tablets is incredibly diverse, and you can choose convenient options for your needs. There are even somewhat redundant hybrids: for example, a tablet case contains an additional block for traditional handwritten notes. In a word, with the help of additional accessories from a tablet, you can make a truly functional and convenient device for you.

Reason six: tablets are different

htc flyer, Asus EEE Pad Transformer and Sony Tablet P

Despite the fact that the tablet market is currently only gaining momentum, many manufacturers are already delighting users with a variety of options that are completely different from each other.

Already mentioned above asus tablet EEE Pad Transformer with a detachable keyboard that, when connected to the tablet, makes it incredibly similar to a regular laptop.

The Flyer tablet from HTC is an interesting combination of portability and functionality - a seven-inch screen, light weight and a special stylus for taking notes in almost any application. Such a tablet, due to its size, is suitable for those who are on frequent trips and want to be constantly in touch. The tablet is comfortable to hold in your hand and work with it on the move.

A compromise between seven and ten inches offers Samsung- 8.9 inch Galaxy tablet Tab 8.9. Recently, an elegant solution for ladies has appeared on the market: the Sony Tablet P in the form of a clamshell with two screens based on the Android operating system.

All this diversity indicates that manufacturers continue to look for new forms and variations of tablets for various categories users, which means that it will not be difficult to choose something suitable.

Reason seven: he looks impressive

Say what you like, but the tablet is a fashion device, spectacular in almost any environment. Undoubtedly, your friends and colleagues will appreciate and envy the convenience and mobility of your tablet, as well as feel the benefits of this device when demonstrating its capabilities.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the tablet is not a complete replacement for either a laptop or cell phone, so it can hardly be called one of the most necessary devices. However, the positive aspects of the tablet are quite obvious, so it can be a pretty useful assistant in your mobile family.

A tablet computer is a compact electronic device, which is operated using the touch screen. The tablet PC is most often used to work with the Internet and web applications, but its capabilities are not limited to this. it compact device allows you to read books, work with documents, listen to music and watch videos. More powerful tablet computers have a wider range of applications.

A unique combination of portability and performance allowed tablet computers to win their place in the sun in such a short time. In addition to these indicators, the buyer should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • types of tablet computer;
  • diagonal;
  • CPU;
  • camera;
  • memory;
  • operating system;
  • touch screen type;
  • battery life;
  • communication opportunities;
  • case material.

Tablet computers are conventionally divided into two types: tablet personal computer and internet tablet.

The first is essentially a full-fledged computer, and in form it is the display part of a small laptop. If necessary, you can connect a mouse and keyboard to it, turning it into a full-fledged computer. These devices install a full-fledged OS - Windows, Linux and Mac OS, it has hardware compatibility with desktop computers.

An Internet tablet is a device that has compact dimensions and its main functional purpose is to work on the Internet. Such tablet computers are not compatible with desktop computers, as they install mobile operating systems or web-based systems. The functionality of such devices is significantly limited compared to tablet PCs.

The screen size of tablet computers varies from 4 to 11 inches.. The most common devices with diagonals of 7 and 10 inches.

If a tablet computer is selected for work, then you need to choose a model with a larger diagonal. The quality of the picture in such a device will be higher, which will allow you to consider even minor details, making it easier to work, especially with graphic programs. To work with Internet resources, tablet computers with a smaller diagonal are most often chosen.

For surfing the Internet, a screen resolution of 800x600 or 1024x480 is suitable. However, in order to better see the details and more convenient to work with graphic programs or play games, you should choose a tablet computer with a screen resolution of 1280x800 or higher.

The heart of a tablet computer is the processor. Internet tablets have a much weaker processor than tablet PCs. But the specifics of the user's work with these devices is such that higher power is not required. Tablet PCs, as a rule, work with more complex programs, are used for games, etc. Therefore, processors with a frequency of 600 MHz to 1 GHz are installed in such devices.

Almost all tablet computers are equipped with a webcam, which allows you to take photos and videos, just like on a smartphone. And access to the Internet will allow you to upload the footage immediately to the network. Majority installed cameras They shoot video in Full HD format with an extension of 1920x1080.

Like their older brothers - laptops and computers, tablet PCs have built-in and RAM memory.

  • Built-in memory ( HDD) is responsible for the amount of information that can be stored on the device.
  • RAM is responsible for speed, the number of applications that can be installed and run on a given device.

Also, most tablet computers have the ability to use removable memory cards.

There are two main types of operating systems (OS) that can be installed on tablet computers. A: iOS for Apple products and Google Android for others. There are several other operating systems that can run on such devices, but they are less stable, less functional and therefore less common.

Two types of touch screens are used to control the tablet computer: resistive and capacitive. Resistive "sharpened" to work with styluses. They can also react to pressing with their fingers, but only quite hard pressing. Capacitive, on the contrary, do not respond to styluses, only to touch with your fingers. Here you need to choose based on personal preferences and convenience.

If the tablet computer will be used to work with graphic programs and photo editors, then it would be more appropriate to purchase a model that uses multi-touch sensor technology. It allows the display to perceive multiple touches at the same time, so you can, for example, zoom in or out with a few fingers.

Tablet PC battery life varies from 2 to 10 hours. For effective work with the device, you should choose a battery with a capacity of at least 2000mAh. The operating time will also depend on its diagonal. The larger the diagonal, the greater the energy consumption.

Tablet computers equipped wireless devices providing access to the Internet, synchronization and data exchange with other media, as well as the possibility of a phone call.

  • Wi-Fi is a feature that allows you to use free Internet in places where the point is set WiFi access or at home wireless network. Today, all tablet models are equipped with such a module.
  • 3G - a module that gives access to high-speed Internet, including without using a modem. With it, you can use the Internet at speeds up to 3.6 Mb / s.
  • 4G / LTE is a function that duplicates 3G, but at the same time gives Internet speeds up to 20Mb / s. However, there are not many operators that support this format.
  • Bluetooth - given function allows you to use wireless headset, transfer data from device to device via a wireless communication channel.
  • GPS - tablets equipped with such a module can become a full-fledged replacement for a car navigator.

Plastic and metal can be used to make a tablet computer case. The metal case is more durable and stronger, does not scratch, does not creak and has a stylish, solid look. However, a tablet computer with such a case will also have a solid weight. Models with a plastic case, depending on the quality of the plastic, can last no less than models with a metal one. At the same time, their weight will be lower, such a case is easier to replace if necessary, and Wi-Fi is better in them.

When choosing a tablet computer, you should also take a closer look at the manufacturer. The opinion of consumers in the issue of leadership today is very clear. Apple holds the palm. Samsung, Sony, Asus, Dell are on his heels.

Separate class computer devices with the name of the tablets, which are in size more smartphones and smaller laptops have firmly conquered the markets in recent years. Today, tablet computers are one of the best-selling devices.

What are tablet computers

If we briefly define what a tablet computer is, then we can say that a tablet is a touch-screen device that has the size of an ordinary book and which performs the functions of a computer.

Such devices include the tablets themselves, otherwise called Internet tablets, e-books, transformer laptops, which can take the form of both a laptop and a tablet.

Tablets are smaller and lighter than laptops, making them easy to carry around. Because of their size and processing power, tablets are smaller, but battery life is longer. And compared to smartphones, they have a larger screen size, which is better when watching video or text information for a long time.

Tablet computer device

Today, tablets outwardly look no longer like a book, but like a thin notebook. The entire area is occupied by a touch screen, and the thickness is a few millimeters (about 1 cm). But today's development of technology allows you to fit into such a volume all the hardware modules that are in a regular computer. The tablet computer includes:

  • CPU- can have 1-8 cores, and the operating frequency lies within 1-2 GHz;
  • RAM- volume from 512 MB to 3 GB, DDR2 and DDR3 technologies;

These two parameters (processor and memory) directly affect the performance of the tablet, therefore, the higher the characteristics and the larger the parameters of these modules, the better.

Other modules:

  • Built-in memory- analogue hard drive in a PC, usually the volume is between 4 GB and up to 128 GB;
  • Internet connection modules: Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G— (4G is only planned so far, 3G coverage is available, but not everywhere, Wi-Fi can be at home for everyone or in places of access);
  • Additional hardware modules: front and rear camera, a set of connectors (USB, HDMI, etc.), navigation systems (GPS, GLONAS, etc.), kits various sensors(light, proximity, compass, etc.), card reader.

Tablet features

On the functionality Tablet PC is affected by screen size and performance, depending on the processor and amount of RAM.

Since today's tablets are for the most part devices for consuming content, and not for creating it, then the functions performed by this are determined.

Tablet features:

Tablet functions can be expanded by installing additional applications from the application stores from Apple, Google, Microsoft. The companies created these stores for their operating systems, so depending on who has what store and choose.

It is worth remembering that a tablet cannot completely replace a personal computer due to performance limitations. Rather, it is an addition to the PC, which you can always take with you on the road or travel. It is mobility that is one of the main advantages of a tablet computer.

History of tablets

The first models of tablet computers were also called Tablet PC and Slate PC. Tablet PC differed from other tablets in that the operating system was already installed on them from computers (Windows XP, 7). This allowed the use of conventional programs on the tablet. But the problem was that such systems were not designed to work with touch screens, and therefore it was difficult to control them. Usually these were transformer laptops, in which, when rotated, you can put the screen on the keyboard. It was the very beginning of the 2000s.

And closer to 2010, there were also Slate PC(thin pc). They were smaller and still compatible with the IBM PC, which made it possible to use software from a regular computer. They already installed operating systems redesigned for touch screens. Usage computer programs allowed not only to consume content, but also to create it.

In parallel with this, tablets not compatible with the IBM PC also developed. The use of an operating system not from a computer made it possible to make it as convenient as possible for working with a touch screen. Many add-ons were created to work with such operating systems. Such devices were then called Internet tablets. This emphasized that they were created for the consumption of content, and not for its creation. That is, on such tablets you can listen to music, view videos or photos, surf the Internet. Of course, you can print texts and work with tables on them, but the small screen and the lack of a hardware keyboard impose restrictions on such work. Therefore, attention was not focused on such work, and it was content viewing services that received development.

The year 2010 can be called a revolutionary stage in the development of tablets. It is this year Apple released its first internet tablet called the iPad.

Then everyone saw the advantage of the opinion that tablets should consume content, not create. Tablet PC and Slate PC are gone, the market has since been firmly conquered by Internet tablets. Since that year, all devices with a touch screen, display diagonal sizes from 7 inches to 12 inches, without a hardware keyboard and mouse, are called tablets or tablet computers. It is only possible to single out e-books in a separate class, which also fit this description in size.
