The term content in ps. What is content? What is meant by the term content in PS

Exercise 1. Find on the Internet the law of the Russian Federation "On information, informatization and information protection" and highlight the definitions of concepts:

Information - information(messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation;
Informatics is the science of the methods and processes of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, analyzing and evaluating information using computer technologies that make it possible to use it for decision making
Information processes - the science of the methods and processes of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting, analyzing and evaluating information using computer technologies that make it possible to use it for decision making
Information technologies - processes, methods of searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information and methods for implementing such processes and methods;
Information system- a set of information contained in databases and information technologies and technical means that ensure its processing;
Information and telecommunications network - a technological system designed to transmit information over communication lines, access to which is carried out using computer technology;
Information owner - a person who has independently created information or who has received, on the basis of a law or an agreement, the right to allow or restrict access to information determined by any signs;
Access to information - the possibility of obtaining information and its use;
Confidentiality of information - a mandatory requirement for a person who has access to certain information not to transfer such information to third parties without the consent of its owner;
Provision of information - actions aimed at obtaining information by a certain circle of persons or transferring information to a certain circle of persons;
Electronic message - information transmitted or received by the user of the information and telecommunications network;
Documented information - information fixed on a tangible medium by documenting information with details that make it possible to determine such information or, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, its tangible medium;

Task 2. Fill the table:

Years of application 1930 - 1950 1960 - 1970 1970 - 1980 The second half of the 70s - the beginning of the 90s - 90s - our time - In developing
Element base Electric lamp Transistor Integrated circuit (IC) Large integrated circuit (LSI) Very large integrated circuit (VLSI)
Number of computers in the world (pcs.) Dozens thousands Tens of thousands More than 10 7 A lot of
Speed ​​(operations per second) 10 5 10 6 10 7 More than 10 7 10 12
Information carrier Punched Card Punched Tape Magnetic tape Disk Flexible, hard disk, laser disk, etc. Laser discs, solid state drives.
Software Binary code, mnemonic code Mnemocode, assembler, algorithmic languages; operating systems (OS) OS, algorithmic languages, assembler, program libraries OS, algorithmic languages, assembler, API (application packages), networks, utilities OS, PPP, IT( Information Technology), networks, utilities, artificial intelligence, multimedia
Computer dimensions Large Significantly less minicomputer microcomputer

Task 3. Match:

Generation 1 Transistors

Generation 2 Microprocessor

Generation 3 Electronic lamps

Generation 4 Integrated Circuits

Task 4. List the current regulatory documents (laws) governing information processes modern society.

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Art. 15 official publication of laws; Art. 23 privacy, secrecy of correspondence and telephone conversations and messages; Art. 29 freedom of speech and thought, the right to information, etc.).
2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 128 intellectual property as an object of civil law; Art. 150: intangible benefits: personal dignity, honor and good name, business reputation, privacy, personal and family secrets, copyright and other personal non-property rights and other intangible benefits Article 434 form of contract: contract in writing can be concluded by exchanging documents via electronic communication, which makes it possible to reliably establish that the document comes from a party to the contract, etc.).
3. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Art. 129 libel; Art. 130 insult; Art. 137 violation of privacy; Art. 138 violation of the secrecy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraphic or other messages; Art. 146 violation of copyright and related rights; Article 182 Knowingly false advertising Article 237 Concealment of information about circumstances endangering human life or health Article 272 Unlawful access to computer information Article 273 Creation, use and distribution malware for computers; Art. 283 disclosure of state secrets; Art. 303 falsification of evidence, etc.).
4. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Chapter 13. Administrative offenses in the field of communications and information).
5. Law No. 23001 of 07.02.1992 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (Article 26.1. Remote method of selling goods, which also means selling goods via the Internet).
6. Law of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1991 No. 2124I “On the Mass Media”.
7. Federal Law of January 13, 1995 No. 7FZ “On the procedure for covering the activities of state authorities in the state media”.
8. Federal Law of January 13, 1995 No. 7FZ “On the procedure for covering the activities of state authorities in the state media”.
9. Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126FZ “On Communications”.

Task 5. Law of the Russian Federation No. 3523-I "On the legal protection of computer programs and databases" defines

Task 6. Law No. 152 - OFZ "On Personal Data" came into force July 27, 2006 ____, the purpose of which is

Task 7. Fill in the table “Socially necessary conditions in the information society”.

Skill Reason for owning
Knowledge of office information technology Without this skill, life in the information society becomes more difficult.
Printing In the information society, a lot of information is transmitted in the format of texts, in order to interact with people on the Internet, printing is used.
Document Formatting Sometimes it is necessary to completely rewrite a document, for this you can bring it to its original format
Pasting objects Many documents without images or other objects in them do not convey the full meaning or are incomplete
Document review Sometimes you need to evaluate some text for errors or inaccuracies.
Ability to adapt to new interfaces and toolbars In the information society, some updates and changes are constantly taking place, and without this skill it will be difficult for a person to accept something new

Task 8. Answer the questions.

Who can use and under what conditions:

Licensed products

Free Trial

Historically, the word shareware denoted programs that were freely distributed by third parties (for example, via BBS or FidoNet, in CD-ROM collections of programs) and contained a request to pay money to the author of the program. However, over time, the meaning has changed [source not specified 783 days] and when people talk about shareware, they increasingly mean not free distribution, but the tricks used by the authors of shareware programs to induce the user to pay for what he received for free (but not free) program. Now, shareware is most often understood as a method of distributing commercial software on the market, in which the user is offered a version of a commercial product that is limited in features, validity period, or a ban on use for purposes other than evaluation.

Freely distributed products

Task 9. After studying the source "User Agreement" Yandex answer the following questions:

1. Where is the page with the Yandex user agreement located?

2. In what cases does Yandex have the right to refuse a user to use its services?

3. How does Yandex monitor user transactions?

4. What is meant by the term "content" in the PS?

this means attaching any file to a personal message: multimedia, text, archive, distribution, etc.

5. What does the PS say about the prohibition of publishing materials related to:

When posting materials, the user must indicate the source of information and who is the second. It also does not have the right to post content that discriminates against people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds.

The user does not have the right to distribute unauthorized advertising, spam.

handling animals?

The user does not have the right to distribute information that demonstrates violence and cruel actions against animals.

6. What is the maximum size of files and archives hosted by users when using the free hosting service?

This is determined by the owners of a particular hosting, based on the amount of memory in their servers

7. Your mailbox on Yandex Mail will be deleted if you have not used it for more _ 6 months _.

Task 10. Complete the task to search for a catalog of educational resources:

Download Internet.

In the search bar, enter the phrase "educational resource catalog".

List which sections include educational resources on the Internet.

Describe any three.


1. Federal educational resources

2. Regional educational resources

3. Educational publishing and educational press

4. Conferences, exhibitions, competitions, olympiads

5. Software tools

6. Electronic libraries, dictionaries, encyclopedias

7. Resources for administration and methodologists

8. Resources for distance learning

9. Information support of the exam

10. Resources for Applicants

11. Subject Resources educational program

12. Extracurricular and extracurricular activities

Name Characteristic

Federal educational resources - The section contains a list of websites of federal educational authorities, educational institutions of the federal level, information websites of federal programs and projects, a list of federal information and educational portals, as well as descriptions latest systems access to educational resources of the Internet, created at the state level within the framework of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education.

Regional Educational Resources - The section contains a list of websites of regional educational authorities and regional information and educational portals. The section presents the projects "Education" and "Informatization of the education system", implemented in the regions of the Russian Federation. The study of the resources of the section allows you to get a general idea of ​​the features of the functioning and prospects for the development of the education system in the Russian regions.

Tool software - The section contains a list of the main computer software tools, the use of which allows you to automate most types of educational activities in order to improve their efficiency. The resources of the section contain information about the features of the introduction of information and telecommunication technologies into education. Scenarios of training sessions carried out using computer technology are described, educational electronic publications and resources, the specifics of their creation and use are discussed. The listed resources contain links to software tools that can be used to improve the performance of a teacher, head teacher or principal. The resources of the section are intended for administration, methodologists and teachers educational institutions, as well as specialists involved in the development of learning tools and technologies.

Task 11. Use the Universal Reference Encyclopedia to find answers to the following questions:

Specify the time when the Gregorian calendar is approved.

What is the diameter of an atom? 1 10–24 – 5 10–23 m

Specify the lethal sound level. ~ 16384 dts.

What is the boiling point of iron? 3200 degrees

What is the melting point of mercury? -38 degrees

What is the speed of the moon's revolution around the earth? 1.022 km/s

What is the mass of the earth? 5.9736 10²⁴ kg

What is the highest mountain in Russia? Elbrus

Describe the Campa people. - one of the peoples of Peru, living in the basins of the rivers Ucayali, Apurimac, Pachitea. Alternative title- ashaninka or asheninka. The population in Peru is 50 thousand people. Individual representatives also live in Brazil. The number of 120 thousand people. The traditional social organization is a community of several related paired families. Marriage is patrilocal, kinship is bilateral.

Indicate the years of the reign of Ivan I. from 1325 to 1340

Indicate the years of the reign of Catherine I. 1684-1727.

Indicate the years of the reign of Ivan IV. 1533 to 1584

Indicate the years of Khrushchev N.S. from 1958 to 1964

In what year was the first wooden bicycle invented? After 1817

Task 12. Explore the update organization software through the Internet. Set up automatic software updates weekly at 12.00. Describe installation procedure automatic update software.

test questions

1. What is the information society?

2. What are information resources?

3. What characterizes the national resources of society?

4. What is software installation (uninstallation)?

5. What is the difference between licensed, shareware and freeware?

7. What methods of personal identification are used when providing access to information?

8. Why software piracy hurting society?

9. What are the software and hardware ways to protect information?

10. What is the difference between simple copying of files and installation of programs?

11. Name the stages of program installation.

12. How to start installed program? How to delete unnecessary program from a computer?

Answers on questions

1. Information society - a society in which the majority of workers are engaged in the production, storage, processing and sale of information, especially its highest form - knowledge.

2. Information resources are the ideas of mankind and instructions for their implementation, accumulated in a form that allows their reproduction.
4. This is the removal of the program.
5. Licensed programs only work with the purchase of a license or during testing (usually 30 days), but still require the purchase of a license. Conditionally free programs have two versions: -free (the capabilities of the program are limited, but it still works); - licensed (when buying a license, all the features of the program are opened). Free programs work under any conditions and do not require any payment. P.S. shareware and licensed programs can be hacked and their features can be used like their full versions.
  1. Contact a lawyer or patent office.
8. Because programmers create programs for profit, it takes more than one year, besides that they do nothing and expect to get paid for it, and computer pirates hack the program and distribute it for free
9. 1. power failure protection; 2. failure protection of servers, workstations and local computers; 3. protection against failures of information storage devices; 4. information leakage protection of electromagnetic radiation.
10. 1) During installation, the necessary values ​​are also written to the registry (file associations, etc.) 2) To be able to check if the installation is pirated.
11. Reading the user agreement -> choosing a directory for installation -> actual installation -> closing the installer


1. Informatics and ICT: a textbook for primary and secondary vocational education. Tsvetkova N.S., Velikovich L.S. – Academy, 2011

2. Informatics and ICT. Workshop for professions and specialties of technical and socio-economic profiles. N. E. Astafieva, S. A. Gavrilova, ed. M.S. Tsvetkova, Academy, 2012

3. Informatics and ICT. Basic level: textbook for 10-11 cells. / I.G. Semakin, E.K. Khenner. - 4th ed., corrected. - M. - Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2008 - 246 p.: ill.

4. Informatics and ICT. Basic level: workshop for 10-11 cells. / I.G. Semakin, E.K. Khenner. - 4th ed., corrected. - M. - Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2008

5. Informatics and ICT. 10 cells Basic level, ed. N.V. Makarova - St. Petersburg - Leader, 2010

6. Informatics and ICT. 11 cells Basic level, ed. N.V. Makarova - St. Petersburg - Leader, 2010

7. Encyclopedia of school informatics / ed. I.G.Semakina. – M.: Binom. Knowledge Lab, 2011

8. http//;

9. http//;


Section 2. Information and information processes

Runet has finally begun to expand: companies offer their services via the Internet, shops open their "representations" on the Web, and even Russian schoolboy Misha from 5th "B" has his own website.

Without content, the site does not make any sense - be it even an ordinary business card site, even an online boutique. The concept of content includes all the content of the website, the information of each of its pages. People who do not understand Internet terms mistakenly believe that content is just text, articles. In fact, this includes photos, and videos, and illustrations, and even interactive elements. From an SEO point of view search engine optimization) for website promotion, the most important thing is text content. The uniqueness of the text, correctly selected keywords, volume of articles, as well as (lack of copies, including partial ones, on other sites), keyword saturation, volume of articles and HTML layout.

Speaking of HTML: in an html document, content means service information located in the field of the same name. This field contains a summary description of a particular Internet resource. Recall that content is extremely important for search engines.

What is meant by the term content in ps? PS is a search engine, for example, Google or Yandex. Accordingly, “ps content” is texts, pictures and other things that you can find in a search engine.

What are the types of text content?

SEO Copywriting- this is any text: an article, press release, review or news posted on the site. This type of text content is the most effective for attracting targeted traffic (traffic is determined by the number of site visitors). Seo text includes keywords and phrases, thanks to which the search engine ranks the website in search results above others.

Rewriting- the most popular and therefore accessible text content. True, it cannot be called particularly effective.

Selling text is the elite in the world of text content. The main purpose of such a text is to encourage the reader to take action (purchase something, use the service, click on advertising banner or follow the link).

A small digression: professional content managers use three types of text content at once. They collect information on the chosen topic of the text in the search results, make a high-quality rewrite, harmoniously entering keywords into the text (now our rewriting is becoming SEO copywriting), and in the final part of the text they attribute an excellent advertising passage with a call to action.

Posting- This is a single message, usually consisting of several sentences. This kind of textual content is created by the users of websites, twitter is a prime example.

Unique and non-unique content

What does content unique or non-unique mean? refers to any content that has never been published on any site. Non-unique is, on the contrary, borrowing, partial reprinting, and sometimes brazen theft, which can be considered a violation of intellectual property law. Yes, copyright is also relevant on the Web. By the way, the non-unique content of your site will not even be indexed by search engines. You can steal or slightly modify even the coolest and most useful article, but you will not attract visitors to it, since no one will simply see it.

Relevance of content and its quality is a guarantee good traffic, the influx of audience to the site.

It is worth noting that the uniqueness of the content is not yet a success. It is important that it be valuable, useful, and not a random collection of words. This is important not only for your audience, but also for search engines, which are able to distinguish between unique content and ordinary spam. If you use when creating unique content for your site, then its value for the search engine will increase many times over.

Content as a means of promotion

As you already understood, unique content can be considered as one of the most effective means for website promotion. Unique pictures, photographs and drawings, one-of-a-kind texts (high-quality, of course) can attract a large number of readers or potential customers to the site - depending on what subject the site is talking about.

Sites that provide only unique content have a trust. The concept of trust has no numbers, it indicates the degree of trust in the site, both on the part of users and search engines. Sometimes this factor wins even SEO optimization.

Content is a product of intellectual activity, and any product can be a commodity. If you are planning to create a website, then it is not necessary to independently engage in its content -. You can do this as in big company with an impressive staff of professional copywriters, and on the copywriting exchange.

The term "content" can be found in various fields. In this article, we will understand what content is in general, what content is in search engines oh and mobile operators.

FROM of English language content translates as "content". And in this case, we mean not a synonym for the table of contents, but rather the content.

Content- is content or information content information resource or internet site.

Content is the author's creation

You don't have to look far for content examples. The article you are reading right now is content. This is text content for the Technologicus website. Most likely, you watched videos on various hosting sites, for example, on YouTube. All videos on this resource are video content. AT in social networks images are often fasted, this is also content. If to speak in simple terms, then content is what a particular author creates.

Everything that I write and publish on the website, I post on YouTube video hosting on the Technologicus Portal channel is content, my content.

What is meant by the term content in PS?

For search engines, content is published information. If we take this site again, then all the articles on it are content for the Yandex and Google search engines. If you heard the expression "filling with content", then these are just more beautiful words for "writing and publishing articles." Such work on the Internet is usually done.

What is the content of mobile operators?

And now it's time to move on to less pleasant content - from mobile operators. Power Users the phrases “ordering content” and “content providers” are literally freezing out. They are logically related to cheating, fraud and losing money from a mobile phone account.

Yes, here the content is still the same content created by the authors. Another thing is that this is not the most useful information, for which they ask for money, sometimes very solid.

What is content from MTS, Beeline, Megafon and Tele2? This is a different kind of very short content: news, jokes, weather forecast, astrology, etc. And everything would be fine, but this content is paid. Sometimes the payment is one-time - about 7-20 rubles for one portion of weak content, and sometimes it's a subscription, about 5-30 rubles per day. And this money will be debited until you turn off the subscription yourself, which is not so easy for some people. But you don’t want to lose 150-900 rubles a month for unnecessary content.

I have come across content many times, and I will say this - I have not seen anything worthy for that kind of money.

Content providers are mini-companies that provide you with content under an agreement with mobile operator. It is thanks to content providers that many people have formed a negative attitude towards the word content. "Thanks, you bastards!"

And here is one of the videos on the YouTube channel: I talk about mobile subscriptions (from a content provider) in a video that is video content.

Paid and free content

As you already understood, content can be paid and free. With free, everything is simple - these are informational news or article websites (some major internet portals are asked to issue paid subscription, but there are not so many of them), social networks, video hosting, etc. Usually, the content on these resources is free.

Paid content is typical for various kinds of Internet services, sites with mobile subscriptions, content provider services. Remember: content is not bad, paid content- it's not bad too. But when they sell you poor or free content for a lot of money, it's terrible.

Lab Report #7

"Licensed and freely distributed software products. Organization of software updates using the Internet»

Student of the PIbz-1331 group

Yakunina V.A.

Lecturer: Tuishchev A.I.

Togliatti, 2016

Target: study licensed and freely distributed software products; learn how to organize software updates using the Internet.

Theoretical information for laboratory work

Classification of programs according to their legal status

Programs according to their legal status can be divided into three large groups: licensed, shareware and freely distributed.

1. Licensed programs. In accordance with license agreement the developers of the program guarantee its normal functioning in a certain operating system and are responsible for this.

Developers usually sell licensed programs in boxed distributions.

The box contains CDs from which the program is installed on users' computers, and a user manual for working with the program.

Quite often, developers provide significant discounts when purchasing licenses for using the program on a large number of computers or educational institutions.

2. Shareware programs. Some software firms offer shareware programs to users for advertising and promotion purposes. The user is provided with a version of the program with a certain period of validity (after the expiration of the specified period of validity, the program stops working if payment has not been made for it) or a version of the program with limited functionality(in case of payment, the user is informed of a code that includes all the functions of the program).

3. Free software. Many software and computer hardware manufacturers are interested in the wide distribution of software free of charge. Such software tools include:

Þ New unfinished (beta) versions of software products (this allows them to be widely tested).

Þ Software products that are part of fundamentally new technologies (this allows you to conquer the market).

Þ Additions to previously released programs that fix bugs found or enhance functionality.

Þ Drivers for new or improved drivers for existing devices.

But whichever software you choose, there are general requirements for all software groups :

ü Licensing purity (the use of software is allowed only under the license agreement).

ü Possibility of consultation and other forms of support.

ü Compliance with the characteristics, configuration, class and type of computers, as well as the architecture of the computer technology used.

ü Reliability and operability in any of the provided modes of operation, at least in the Russian-speaking environment.

ü The presence of an interface that supports work using the Russian language. For system and tool software, an interface in English is acceptable.

ü Availability of documentation required for practical application and development of software, in Russian.

ü Ability to use fonts that support Cyrillic.

ü The presence of a specification that specifies all the requirements for hardware and software necessary for the operation of this software.

Advantages of licensed and disadvantages of non-licensed software

Licensed software has a number of advantages.

Technical support of the software manufacturer.

When using purchased licensed software, users may have various questions. Owners licensed programs have the right to use the technical support of the software manufacturer, which in most cases allows you to resolve the problems that have arisen.

Software update.

Software manufacturers regularly release licensed program update packages (patch, service-pack). Their timely installation is one of the main means of protection personal computer(especially it concerns antivirus programs). Legal users receive all released updates promptly and free of charge.

legitimacy and prestige.

By purchasing unlicensed software, you are breaking the law, as you are purchasing "stolen" software. You expose yourself and your business to the risk of legal sanctions from copyright holders. Organizations that use illegal software have problems with software license cleanliness checks that are periodically conducted by law enforcement agencies. For copyright infringement, in some cases, not only administrative, but also criminal liability is provided. Violation of copyright laws can negatively affect the company's reputation. Non-genuine copies of software may cause incompatibilities between programs that normally work well with each other.

Keeping up with technical progress

Software management will help you identify your company's software needs, avoid the use of outdated software, and help you right choice technology that will allow the company to achieve its goals and succeed in the competition.

Professional pre-sales advice

Users feel the benefits of purchasing licensed software already when they purchase it. The sale of licensed products is carried out by employees of companies - authorized partners of the world's leading software manufacturers, qualified specialists. The buyer can count on professional advice on choosing the best solution for the tasks facing him.

Increased functionality

If you have any wishes for the functionality of the product, you have the opportunity to transfer them to the developers; your wishes will be taken into account when releasing new versions of the product.

By purchasing unlicensed software, you are at great risk.

Administrative liability for copyright infringement

According to Article 7.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 1, the import, sale, rental or other illegal use of copies of works or phonograms in order to generate income in cases where copies of works or phonograms are counterfeit: entails the imposition of an administrative fine: legal entities- from 300 to 400 minimum wages with confiscation of counterfeit copies, works and phonograms, as well as materials and equipment used for their reproduction, and other instruments of committing an administrative offense.

Criminal liability for copyright infringement

According to Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (part 2), illegal use of objects of copyright or related rights, as well as the acquisition, storage, transportation of counterfeit copies of works or phonograms for the purpose of sale, committed on a large scale, are punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 400 minimum wages or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to four months, or by compulsory work for a term of 180 to 240 hours, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to two years.

When using an unlicensed, that is, a version modified by pirates, a software product, a number of problems may arise.

Ø Incorrect work of the program. A hacked program is a modified program that has not passed the testing cycle after the changes.

Ø Unstable operation of the computer as a whole.

Ø Problems with connecting peripherals (incomplete set of device drivers).

Ø No help file, documentation, manual.

Ø Inability to install updates.

Ø Absence technical support product from the developer.

Ø Risk of infection computer viruses(from partial loss of data to complete loss of content hard drive) or other malware.

Task number 1. Find on the Internet the law of the Russian Federation "On information, informatization and information protection" and highlight the definitions of concepts:

1. information information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation
2. information technology processes, methods for searching, collecting, storing, processing, providing, disseminating information and methods for implementing such processes and methods
3. information and telecommunications network a technological system designed to transmit information over communication lines, access to which is carried out using computer technology
4. access to information access to information and its use
5. confidentiality of information obligatory for a person who has gained access to certain information, the requirement not to transfer such information to third parties without the consent of its owner
6. email information transmitted or received by the user of the information and telecommunications network
7. documented information information recorded on a tangible medium by means of documentation with details that allow such information to be identified or, in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, its tangible medium

Task 2. After reviewing the Yandex User Agreement source, answer the following questions:

Question Answer
1. Where is the page with the Yandex user agreement located?
2. In what cases does Yandex have the right to refuse a user to use its services? If the User provides incorrect information or Yandex has reason to believe that the information provided by the User is incomplete or unreliable, Yandex has the right, at its sole discretion, to block or delete the User's account and refuse the User to use its services (or their individual functions).
3. How does Yandex monitor user transactions? - Service "Yandex.Bar" (monitors the attendance of pages and sites); - Yandex.Metrica service (records and transmits data on how, what and when was done on a particular site); - "Yandex.Mail" (has access to the user's personal information); - Punto Switcher(controls the pressing of the keyboard keys - monitors the user's operations); - "Yandex.Webvisor" service
4. What is meant by the term "content" in the PS? text, graphics, multimedia (video, audio) - everything from which information can be obtained in the future.
5. What does the PS say about the prohibition of publishing materials related to: ü copyright infringement and discrimination against people; Do not use content that is illegal, harmful, ..., violates copyright, promotes hatred and / or discrimination of people on racial, ethnic, gender, religious, social grounds;
sending spam; Do not use downloading, sending, transferring or any other method of posting advertising information that is not specifically allowed, spam (including search), lists of other people's addresses Email, pyramid schemes, multi-level (network) marketing (MLM), Internet earnings systems and e-mail businesses, chain letters
the treatment of animals; Do not post information containing materials that incite ethnic hatred, incite violence against any person or group of persons, or inhumane treatment of animals, call for illegal activities ...
ü posting and promoting pornography It is forbidden to post and promote pornography and children's erotica, as well as advertising of intimate services ...
6. What is the maximum size of files and archives hosted by users when using the free hosting service? 2 GB
7. Your mailbox on Yandex Mail will be deleted if you have not used it anymore The mailbox on the Yandex.Mail service will be deleted if the User has not used it for more than 24 months

Task 3. After studying the presentation "Computer Software" (located on network drive), Fill the table:

concept The meaning of the concept
1. Software (software) is a set of commands that control the operation of a computer.
2. Utility programs are designed to meeting the needs of their developers
3. Software products (PP) are intended for meet the needs of users, wide distribution and sale
4. Classes of software products: operating systems, application programs and programs for microcontrollers embedded in various devices
5. System software includes operating systems, network software, command-file processors (shells), programming languages, service programs (including test and diagnostic programs, system drivers for peripheral devices, utilities), archivers and anti-virus programs
6. The operating system is designed to managing computer resources and organizing user interaction
7. OS features: - Execution of program requests (input and output of data, start and stop of other programs, allocation and release of additional memory, etc.). Loading programs into RAM and executing them. - Standardized access to peripherals (I/O devices). - Management RAM(distribution between processes, organization of virtual memory). - Manage access to data on non-volatile media (such as HDD, optical discs, etc.), organized in a particular file system. - Providing a user interface. - Saving information about system errors.
8. Application software packages (APPs) are a complex of interrelated programs for solving problems of a certain class of a specific subject area
9. Application software packages include: - editors: text (Word, WordPad) and graphics (CorelDraw, PhotoShop); - spreadsheets(Excel, Lotus 1-2-3); - database management systems (Access, Oracle); - presentation preparation tools (PowerPoint); - integrated PPP; - design automation systems (AutoCad); - shells of expert systems and artificial intelligence systems, etc.

Task 4. Having studied the software of the computer you are working on, fill in the list:

Scroll Microsoft programs office

Task number 5. Answer the questions:

1. What is computer software? The entire set of programs stored on all long-term memory devices of a computer
2. What programs are shareware? Programs that are paid for long-term use but have a free trial period (for example, 30 days) during which you can try out all the functions of the program and decide whether you want to purchase it.
3. What software is classified as free software? - New unfinished (beta) versions of software products (this allows them to be widely tested). - Software products that are part of fundamentally new technologies (this allows you to conquer the market). - Additions to previously released programs that fix bugs found or expand capabilities. - Drivers for new or improved drivers for existing devices.
4. What are the benefits of licensed software? Technical support of the software manufacturer. When using purchased licensed software, users may have various questions. Owners of licensed programs have the right to use the technical support of the software manufacturer, which in most cases allows you to resolve problems that have arisen. Software update. Software manufacturers regularly release licensed program update packages (patch, service-pack). Their timely installation is one of the main means of protecting a personal computer (especially for anti-virus programs). Legal users receive all released updates promptly and free of charge. legitimacy and prestige. By purchasing unlicensed software, you are breaking the law, as you are purchasing "stolen" software. You expose yourself and your business to the risk of legal sanctions from copyright holders. Organizations that use illegal software have problems with software license cleanliness checks that are periodically conducted by law enforcement agencies. For copyright infringement, in some cases, not only administrative, but also criminal liability is provided. Violation of copyright laws can negatively affect the company's reputation. Non-genuine copies of software may cause incompatibilities between programs that normally work well with each other. Keeping pace with technological advances, Software Management will help you identify your company's software needs, avoid legacy software, and help you select the right technology to help your company achieve its goals and compete. Professional pre-sales advice Users feel the benefits of purchasing licensed software already when they buy it. The sale of licensed products is carried out by employees of companies - authorized partners of the world's leading software manufacturers, qualified specialists. The buyer can count on professional advice on choosing the best solution for the tasks facing him. Increasing the functionality If you have any wishes for the functionality of the product, you have the opportunity to transfer them to the developers; your wishes will be taken into account when releasing new versions of the product.
5. What problems can arise when using an unlicensed software product? · Incorrect work of the program. A hacked program is a modified program that has not passed the testing cycle after the changes. · Unstable operation of the computer as a whole. · Problems with connecting peripherals (incomplete set of device drivers). · Lack of help file, documentation, manual. · Inability to install updates. · Lack of technical support for the product by the developer. · Danger of infection with computer viruses (from partial loss of data to complete loss of the contents of the hard disk) or other malicious programs.

Task number 6. Make a conclusion about the lab work done:

Objective: study licensed and freely distributed software products; learn how to update software using the Internet.

Brief theoretical information

Classification of programs according to their legal status

Programs according to their legal status can be divided into three large groups: licensed, shareware and freely distributed.

Licensed programs. In accordance with the license agreement, the developers of the program guarantee its normal functioning in a certain operating system and bear responsibility for this.

Developers usually sell licensed programs in boxed distributions. The box contains CDs from which the program is installed on users' computers, and a user manual for working with the program.

Quite often, developers provide significant discounts when purchasing licenses for using the program on a large number of computers or educational institutions.

Shareware programs. Some software firms offer shareware programs to users for advertising and promotion purposes. The user is provided with a version of the program with a certain period of validity (after the expiration of the specified period of validity, the program stops working if payment has not been made for it) or a version of the program with limited functionality (in case of payment, the user is provided with a code that includes all the functions of the program).

Freeware programs. Many software and computer hardware manufacturers are interested in the wide distribution of software free of charge. Such software tools include:

  • New unfinished (beta) versions of software products (this allows them to be widely tested).
  • Software products that are part of fundamentally new technologies (this allows you to conquer the market).
  • Additions to previously released programs that fix bugs found or expand capabilities.
  • Drivers for new or improved drivers for existing devices.
But whatever software you choose, there are general requirements for all software groups:
  • Licensing purity (the use of software is allowed only under the license agreement).
  • Possibility of consultation and other forms of support.
  • Compliance with the characteristics, configuration, class and type of computers, as well as the architecture of the computer technology used.
  • Reliability and operability in any of the provided modes of operation, at least in a Russian-speaking environment.
  • The presence of an interface that supports work using the Russian language. For system and tool software, an interface in English is acceptable.
  • Availability of documentation required for practical application and development of software in Russian.
  • Ability to use fonts that support Cyrillic.
  • The presence of a specification that specifies all the requirements for hardware and software necessary for the operation of this software.
Advantages of licensed and disadvantages of non-licensed software

Licensed software has a number of advantages:

  • Technical support of the software manufacturer. When using purchased licensed software, users may have various questions. Owners of licensed programs have the right to use the technical support of the software manufacturer, which in most cases allows you to resolve problems that have arisen.
  • Software update. Software manufacturers regularly release licensed program update packages (patch, service-pack). Their timely installation is one of the main means of protecting a personal computer (especially for anti-virus programs). Legal users receive all released updates promptly and free of charge.
  • legitimacy and prestige. By purchasing unlicensed software, you are breaking the law, as you are purchasing "stolen" software. You expose yourself and your business to the risk of legal sanctions from copyright holders. Organizations that use illegal software have problems with software license cleanliness checks that are periodically conducted by law enforcement agencies. For copyright infringement, in some cases, not only administrative, but also criminal liability is provided. Violation of copyright laws can negatively affect the company's reputation. Non-genuine copies of software may cause incompatibilities between programs that normally work well with each other.
  • Keeping up with technological progress. Software management will help you identify your company's software needs, avoid legacy software, and help you select the right technology to help your company achieve its goals and compete.
  • Professional pre-sales advice. Users feel the benefits of purchasing licensed software already when they purchase it. The sale of licensed products is carried out by employees of companies - authorized partners of the world's leading software manufacturers, qualified specialists. The buyer can count on professional advice on choosing the best solution for the tasks facing him.
  • Increased functionality. If you have any wishes for the functionality of the product, you have the opportunity to transfer them to the developers; your wishes will be taken into account when releasing new versions of the product.
By purchasing unlicensed software, you are at great risk.

Administrative liability for copyright infringement. According to article 7.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation 1, import, sale, rental or other illegal use of copies of works or phonograms for the purpose of generating income in cases where copies of works or phonograms are counterfeit: entails the imposition of an administrative fine: on legal entities - from 300 to 400 Minimum wage with confiscation of counterfeit copies, works and phonograms, as well as materials and equipment used to reproduce them, and other instruments of committing an administrative offense.

Criminal liability for copyright infringement. According to Article 146 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (part 2), illegal use of objects of copyright or related rights, as well as the acquisition, storage, transportation of counterfeit copies of works or phonograms for the purpose of sale, committed on a large scale, are punishable by a fine in the amount of 200 to 400 minimum wages or in the amount of the wage or other income of the convicted person for a period of two to four months, or by compulsory work for a term of 180 to 240 hours, or by deprivation of liberty for a term of up to two years.

When using an unlicensed, that is, a version modified by pirates, a software product, a number of problems may arise:

  • Incorrect program operation. A hacked program is a modified program that has not passed the testing cycle after the changes.
  • Unstable operation of the computer as a whole.
  • Problems connecting peripherals (incomplete set of device drivers).
  • Lack of help file, documentation, manual.
  • Unable to install updates.
  • Lack of technical support for the product from the developer.
  • The danger of infection with computer viruses (from partial loss of data to complete loss of the contents of the hard drive) or other malicious programs.
Organization of software updates via the Internet.

Any operating system, like software products, must be updated some time after installation. Updates are released for:

  • elimination in the security system;
  • ensuring compatibility with newly appeared computer components on the market;
  • program code optimization;
  • improve the performance of the entire system.
If the Center windows updates is enabled, and some software components of the system that are related to the operation of the update service need to be updated for its operation, these updates must be installed before checking, downloading and installing any other updates. These mandatory updates fix bugs, provide enhancements, and maintain compatibility with Microsoft servers that support the service. If the update service is disabled, you will not be able to receive updates for the operating system.

Updates are additions to software that prevent or fix problems and improve the performance of your computer. Security updates for Windows help protect against new and existing threats to your privacy and computer stability. The best way to get security updates is to turn on Windows Automatic Updates and stay up to date with the latest security issues and let the operating system take care of its own security. This article will focus specifically on Windows Update.

It is advisable to update your computer as often as possible. In this case, using automatic updates, the operating windows system installs new updates as soon as they become available. Failure to install updates may expose your computer to a security risk or cause unwanted problems with Windows or programs.

Every day more and more new malware appears that exploits vulnerabilities in Windows and other software to damage and gain access to your computer and data. Updates to Windows and other software can fix vulnerabilities soon after they are discovered. Postponing the installation of updates may make your computer vulnerable to these threats.

Updates and software from Microsoft for Microsoft products are a free support offer, so you don't have to worry about being charged extra to keep your system secure. To find out if other software updates are free, contact the respective publisher or manufacturer. Downloading and installing updates for various programs, depending on the type of Internet connection, you may be charged standard board for local or long-distance telephone calls, as well as fees for using the Internet. Because updates apply to Windows and the programs installed on the computer, regardless of who uses them, after the updates are installed, they will be available to all users of the computer.

All updates are divided into:

  • Important updates provide significant security, privacy, and reliability benefits. They should be installed as soon as they become available, and can be installed automatically using Windows Update.
  • Recommended updates may fix minor issues or improve your computer experience. Although these updates are not intended to correct major deficiencies in the operation of your computer or Windows software, installing them can result in noticeable improvements. They can be installed automatically.
  • Optional updates include updates, drivers, or new Microsoft software that makes your computer more convenient to use. They can only be set manually.
  • Other updates include all updates that are not included in Important, Recommended, or Optional updates.
Depending on the type of update, Windows Update offers the following options:
  • Security updates. These are open source fixes for vulnerabilities in certain products. Vulnerabilities vary in severity and are listed in the Microsoft Security Bulletin as Critical, Critical, Medium, or Low.
  • Critical updates. These are open source fixes for certain problems that are related to critical errors not related to security.
  • Service packs. Tested software suites, which include hotfixes, security updates, critical and regular updates, and additional fixes for issues found during internal testing after the release of the product. Service packs may contain a small number of design or feature changes requested by users.
To update the software via the Internet, it is recommended to enable automatic updates

For automatic software updates, you must log in with account"Administrator".

  1. Click the Start button, click Control Panel, and double-click the Automatic Updates icon.
  2. Select the Automatic (recommended) option.
  3. Under Automatically download and install recommended updates to my computer, select the day and time you want Windows to install updates.
Automatic Updates ensures that updates are installed in the first place, which include security updates and other important updates that help protect your computer. It is also recommended that you visit the website regularly. windows update( for optional updates, such as recommended software and hardware updates, that can help improve the performance of your computer.


Exercise 1. Find on the Internet the law of the Russian Federation "On information, informatization and information protection" and highlight the definitions of concepts:

  • information;
  • Information Technology;
  • information and telecommunications network;
  • access to the information;
  • confidentiality of information;
  • electronic message;
  • documented information.
Task 2. After reviewing the Yandex User Agreement source, answer the following questions:
  • 1. Where is the page with the Yandex user agreement located?
  • 2. In what cases does Yandex have the right to refuse a user to use its services?
  • 3. How does Yandex monitor user transactions?
  • 4. What is meant by the term "content" in the PS?
  • 5. What does the PS say about the prohibition of publishing materials related to:
    • copyright infringement and discrimination against people;
    • sending spam;
    • handling animals?
  • 6. What is the maximum size of files and archives hosted by users when using the free hosting service?
  • 7. Your mailbox on Yandex Mail will be deleted if you have not used it for more than ___.
Task 3. Having studied the organization of software updates via the Internet. Set up automatic software updates every week at 12.00. Describe how to install automatic software updates.

5. Content of the report.

The report must contain:

  1. Job title.
  2. Objective.
  3. The task and its solution.
  4. Work conclusion.
6. Security questions:

  1. What programs are called licensed?
  2. What programs are called shareware?
  3. What programs are called freeware?
  4. What is the difference between licensed, shareware, and freeware?
  5. How can I fix my copyright on a software product?
  6. What methods of personal identification are used when providing access to information?
  7. Why is software piracy damaging to society?
  8. What are the software and hardware ways to protect information?
  9. What is the difference between simple copying of files and installation of programs?
  10. Name the stages of program installation.
  11. What is an installer?
  12. How to run the installed program?
  13. How to remove an unnecessary program from a computer?