Earn on the page vk. Earnings Vkontakte

Most people registered on VK spend time watching the news, not thinking about the fact that spending just a few hours a day on this site, you can earn good money. Vkontakte earnings can be received different ways, differing in labor intensity.

Thanks to a huge number registered users, there are many advertisers on the site who are willing to pay for useful advertising. Therefore, anyone without much difficulty will choose for themselves suitable option, which will bring additional finance.

From this article you will learn:

Earnings in VK - what you need to work and how much you can earn

Earnings on Vkontakte directly depend on how much time you are willing to spend on specific actions and what goal to achieve. Can you make big money here? The range of income in VK is quite wide and theoretically not limited by anything - you can receive from 10-20 rubles a day to 1-5 thousand dollars a month.

You can find a suitable strategy for yourself and start making money through Vkontakte at any time, so you should not wait until everything best niches become fully occupied.

How to make money on your own page or Vkontakte group

First of all, consider the options if you have gathered a sufficient number of subscribers. To start, you need to have at least a couple of thousand of them, you can talk about serious earnings when an audience of 30-100 thousand or more is covered.

There are four most profitable options for how to make money in VK:

  • Selling your own services or products.
  • Sale of goods of third parties.
  • Earnings on advertising posts.
  • Participation in affiliate programs.

Provision and advertising of their services and projects

Many VK users today promote pages and groups in order to advertise and sell their own services. This option will be relevant for those who have certain hobbies that can make a profit or are versed in a particular area and are ready to help others for money.

Examples of who is suitable for such earnings on the Internet:

  • Programmers and web designers who can make quality projects.
  • Photographers, videographers, organizers of holidays.
  • Seamstresses, people who are fond of handmade.
  • Translators, tutors.

An example of a VKontakte community with the provision of services

If you have succeeded in some business, then you can make anything to order - toys, gadget accessories, clothes, shoes, jewelry, gifts, bouquets and much more.

NOTE. Since the main audience of VK is still schoolchildren and students, goods that are of low cost, which any resident of our country with an average income can afford, are in the greatest demand.

Sale of goods

You can make money on VKontakte by offering users various products by creating a full-fledged online store on your profile. Most often they are ordered on sites such as AliExpress, after which they are put up with a certain margin.

But it is not necessary to purchase products in advance. This is one of the ways by which you can earn money without investments with the withdrawal of about 20-30 thousand per month, first finding a buyer and taking an advance payment from him. At this cost, you make a purchase, wait for its delivery, and then transfer it to the buyers, taking the remaining amount for the service. Thus, you can sell goods at 2 times the price, some manage to raise the price by 5-7 times.

An example of a VKontakte selling page

What exactly to sell - everyone decides for himself, after comparing the demand and competition in each niche.

The most demanded today are:

  • Children's and adult clothes, accessories.
  • Goods for sports.
  • Cosmetics and household chemicals of foreign production.
  • Elite alcohol and high-quality foreign products.
  • Household appliances, including second-hand.

As practice shows, on these topics you can earn the most.

NOTE. The functionality of the VK site allows you to post products in the group header with the price indicated, so that visitors can quickly find the products they need and place an order.

The owner of an online store who wants to make money in VK needs to carefully consider many organizational issues:

  • determine the assortment;
  • methods of payment and delivery;
  • provide for the possibility of a return;
  • organize seasonal promotions and sales, etc.

The better the service in VK is developed, the more likely it is to find regular customers and attract new ones, and, accordingly, earn more.

Earn money by posting advertisements

The cost of the service varies greatly, depending on the subject and the number of subscribers.

Group monetization through affiliate programs

Many today are interested in the question - how to make money on VKontakte on affiliate programs? After all, this area is one of the most profitable even for those who have just begun to be interested in monetizing publics in VK.

The essence of the affiliate program is that you get a certain percentage of the profit if the visitor went to the site via a link placed in your group and purchased a product or service.

From time to time we are faced with the fact that we recommend our friends or relatives to purchase a certain thing, or contact a specific specialist. And in this case, for such recommendations in VK to strangers, you can earn about 10-15% of the money they spent, and in some cases this figure reaches 70-100%.

To start working with affiliate programs, you need to take care of the following factors:

  • Choose the services or products that are in demand and have an adequate price and good quality.
  • Post links similar in topic to your group in VK, which will interest maximum amount potential clients.

IMPORTANT. Please note that this option will be beneficial only if most of the public's subscribers are real people who are really interested in the topic, and not fake bots and fake pages.

After you have decided on the choice of an affiliate program and registered in it, find in personal account referral links and post them on your group page. Sales and revenue are also monitored in the VK profile information.

Remote work in VK

It should be clarified that these methods take a little time and do not require any investments, but the significant income described in the previous methods can not always be obtained from them. Therefore, such options are more suitable for students who want to earn extra money in their free hours.

Working as a group administrator or moderator

Most owners of business projects on the Internet have several dozen groups on social networks, and one person will not physically have time to monitor their timely filling. Therefore, they hire administrators who are responsible for maintaining public attendance.

They usually do the following:

  • They post relevant content - news, photos, audio and video files, contests, etc.
  • Create discussions and answer subscribers' questions.
  • They follow the rules.
  • Attract new members.

Such work is suitable only for those who spend several hours at the computer every day, since it is necessary to follow a large group in VK daily.

Writing posts in groups for money

In addition to moderators, many VKontakte groups are looking for copywriters who will write interesting and competent posts.

You are suitable for this job if:

  • You know how to write well.
  • They are able to determine the target audience and interest readers with an interesting style.
  • Know the principles of marketing and sales psychology.

Before you start working, you need to familiarize yourself with the materials of competitive publics in order to understand what exactly is required of you.

The level of income depends on the number of written texts, some groups need 2-3 publications per week, others need several every day.

Design of communities and posts in groups

Being creative and understanding work graphic editors, you can make good money by doing branding posts and designing groups - creating an original header, avatar, graphic menu.

Today, many VK publics, as well as regular sites on the Internet, are the face of organizations and companies, and the owners are willing to pay for their attractive appearance.

An example of the design of the group header in VK

Earnings will depend on your professional skills. For example, you can draw such a hat in an hour and.

Advertising Specialist

Quite in demand in VK is the position of a specialist in targeting advertising. The main task is to show ads to a certain circle of users who are most interested in receiving such information and are potential customers.

This way of promoting goods and services has become especially popular in social networks, including VKontakte, since here you can collect as much as possible full information about users.

The task of a specialist is to have a good understanding of the selection criteria target audience and adjust the materials, selecting the most promising areas. Of all the options for remote work in VK, this method is considered the most profitable if you have certain knowledge in the field of marketing.

Websites and services for making money VKontakte

How to make money on your VKontakte page if you have a certain number of friends and posts on the wall? Very simple - using specialized services that pay for various completed actions - reposts, likes, advertising records. To do this, you need to register on the site and select the tasks that you want to complete.

The most popular services that allow you to earn money in VK are:

  • VKtarget - you can join communities, like and share posts with friends, post videos, add as friends, and much more. Pay is one of the highest on the internet. Funds are credited instantly, the minimum amount for withdrawal is only 25 rubles.
  • VKserfing - about 300 new tasks are available on the service daily, which are also performed using the VK page. There is a generous referral program. Withdrawal of funds from 50 rubles is available.
  • V-like - there are fewer tasks than on previous sites, but they are paid relatively high. Withdrawal from 15 rubles, referral system - 5-10%.
  • SMMOK - has certain requirements for a page in VK, which should not be fake, but also pays quite high for actions. Dozens of new tasks appear every day, on which you can earn not so little.
  • Sociate is a serious service that allows the owners of groups and communities to profit from advertising, including using automatic options.
  • Socialtools - by completing simple tasks, you can earn money in VK and other social networks. Among the shortcomings is a relatively long withdrawal of funds compared to other described resources.
  1. To understand how to make good money in VK, it is advisable to try various options and figure out which one will be optimal for you. And perhaps it will be possible to apply several of the described ones at once, which will significantly increase profitability.
  2. For a better understanding of your capabilities, watch free video tutorials, which are presented in large numbers by bloggers with experience in making money in VK.
  3. If you decide to get your first money on earning services, register for two or three at once, complete several tasks on each and determine which one is the most profitable and convenient. In addition, it is quite possible that you will realize your potential and find new ways to monetize that will bring in a lot of income.
  4. And also think about where you will withdraw the money you earn - be sure to register electronic wallets, or rather several, in different systems, since different services can work with different systems.

IMPORTANT. You should not expect that large sums will come in the first weeks of work - usually months, and sometimes more than a year, pass before the first large profit is received. But this is not a reason to quit what you started halfway through - if you develop and find new ideas, sooner or later you will be satisfied with the result.

You will learn how you can earn on VKontakte (VK.com) without initial investment, how much you can earn through the VK network and how to withdraw the money you earn.

We welcome our readers to the pages of the HiterBober.ru business magazine! The founders of the resource Vitaly and Alexander are with you.

Today we will talk again about ways to earn money through the Internet. The topic of the article is getting a stable income through the social network VKontakte.

This topic will be of interest to anyone who wants to start their own business from scratch or wants to find Additional income in free time.

So get comfortable - we're getting started!

1. Earnings VKontakte - how and how much you can earn through the social network vk.com

Statistics show that every third inhabitant of the planet is registered in one or more social networks. The audience of several billion consists mainly of young, capable and energetic people with financial wealth.

You can use the VKontakte network solely for entertainment, correspondence with friends, searching for new acquaintances and interest groups. There is another possibility - to spend your time more wisely, namely, to use VK to make money.

Think for yourself: you still sit on VKontakte - if instead of chatting with friends and watching the news, you engage in a more profitable type of activity, this will bring you not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

You can earn even more in VK if you take special courses on business promotion in social networks and Internet marketing.

He managed to build a remote business through the power of internet marketing and visit 32 countries in 2 years, combining business and travel.

Thanks to the knowledge gained in the free course, we have increased the income of our HeatherBeaver project.

If you decide to earn VKontakte from 50,000 rubles a month or engage in Internet marketing in any other form right from home, we can confidently recommend this training program to you.

Working through VK does not require intellectual efforts and complex actions. You also don’t have to get up for work on an alarm clock: you can earn money in VK at any time of the day.

2. Ways to make money on VKontakte - TOP-5 popular

In this publication we will talk about five ways to earn money, but in reality there are many more. Perhaps you personally will be able to create your own, even more effective and profitable method of earning through VK.

We will consider the simplest and most affordable options that even a high school student can use if he has free time and a desire to try his hand at commercial endeavors.

Group organizers can take part in a variety of projects: with payment for an action, for an order, for registering in a service, a game, filling out an application for a purchase, for each visitor attracted to the partner's site.

All you have to do is connect affiliate programs to your group in VK and earn money on them automatically.

Step 5. Withdraw earned money

When working through affiliate programs, there is an accumulative system with a certain minimum for withdrawing to a wallet (Qiwi, YandexMoney, WebMoney). The conditions for withdrawing money from the account are different for each affiliate program.

If the attendance of the group is small, it is logical to choose those systems where the withdrawal amounts are small. In addition, in many affiliate programs there is such a thing as a "hold" - the initial period of work, during which payments are not available.

4. Services for making money on VKontakte groups

Now more about services for making money in VK. To begin with, we will list the most popular of them, and then we will compare their pros and cons in the final table.

The most relevant services.

07/27/2018 at 13:00

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Social networks have long been tightly integrated into our lives and there is probably no person who is not registered on Vkontakte. But social networks can be not just a site for communication and pastime, but also good tool for earnings.

In this article, you will learn about the best sites for making money in VK, I personally checked all the sites and they are honest.

How to make money in VK?

The essence of the work is very simple, in order to start earning you just need to have an account on the social network, then you register on the sites discussed below and start earning.

You will perform simple tasks using your account:

✔Join the community

✔ Like

✔Write a comment


✔Add as friend

✔And much more

For each task you will receive money, most sites pay money to a Webmoney wallet, so I advise you to register it.

How much can you earn?

For each task you will receive 0.05-1 ruble, this is certainly not much, but the tasks are very easy and do not require much time to complete. Also, each site has affiliate program and if you want to earn more, invite referrals.

Thus, working on several sites, you can earn per month up to 10,000 thousand rubles . You can work not only with the VK social network, but also with others, then the number of tasks will be an order of magnitude greater.

Websites for making money in VK

VKtarget is the best site for making money with VK, here is the highest payment for tasks. Payment for joining a group can reach 1 ruble, so that you have as many tasks as possible, you must indicate the city of Moscow in your profile.

Payouts are available to all known payment systems and even to a mobile phone, the minimum withdrawal amount is 25 rubles.

V-Like is another good site that allows you to earn money by completing tasks. All these services are similar, user-friendly interface, you will definitely cope.

Smmok is also quite a popular site, there is an opportunity to earn money with the help of others social networks, payment is made only on Webmoney.

Below I have collected all the other sites for making money, all sites have a clear and convenient interface, register and earn money.


I advise you to select several sites and work on them at the same time, when tasks run out on one, you can switch to another. Give work at least 3-4 hours of work, then you can earn substantial money.

I also advise you to make several new accounts for this type of earnings, since if you use the main account, there is a chance of getting a ban for very high activity.

Reading time: 25 min

The development of social networks in recent years has stable trends. Today, all the novelties that just appear on the network are immediately adapted to social networks, making this resource very attractive in terms of various advertising platforms, product promotion, and increasing the popularity of individual resources and sites.

The most popular ways for ordinary users to get real using social networks without creating your own platform or website, is joining various groups, liking, subscribing to news, commenting on certain events or articles. For all this you can get real money, which, with the right organization of work, may well be enough for pocket expenses, paying for telephone and Internet services.

And in order to understand how it works and where you need to start your first steps, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular resources that work with social networks and are ready to pay for small and simple tasks for users who have accounts in social networks, such as VKontakte.

    1 Earning VK: how to earn VKontakte

    2 Sites where you can earn VK (VKontakte) and other social networks

    • 2.1 VKTarget: the best site for making money on VK (VKontakte) and other social networks

      2.3 Sociate: good income for owners and administrators of social media groups

      2.4 VkSerfing: a great exchange for earning VK income

      2.5 VKSTORM: exchange for VK work

      2.6 Prospero: social media money making project

      2.8 Forumok: 3-tier affiliate program

      2.10 CashBOX: A great place to make money on social media

VK earnings: how to earn VKontakte

The principle of working in popular social networks such as VKontakte, Moi MIR, as well as international Twitter, and Facebook is very simple. The user here does not need special skills and knowledge of programming, the need to obtain a higher economic or mathematical education. Everything that may be required to earn Vkontakte- it's just to create your own group, or a popular, public page, and then just promote it.

To create conditions for obtaining a decent VK earnings(VKontakte) you will need to fill your group with unique content (videos, photos, interesting texts, documents, other materials that are valuable both for everyone and for a specific group of stakeholders). Next, you will need to increase the level of traffic to your site and bring it to a minimum level of 3,000 visitors per day.

Here it is important to remember two main areas due to which you will lose your target audience:

  • lack of interesting, “live” content of your site;
  • very frequent update available information that prevents users from accessing it.

To ensure an increase in attendance and a set of the required number of visitors at the start of the project, you will need to spend a little on its advertising. This can take about 300 rubles for advertising. This will allow several hundred thousand users to pay attention to your project, and then, in order for them to stay here, you need to provide them with something really useful and interesting.

Sites where you can earn VK (VKontakte) and other social networks

Now a little about the sites with which you can start earning VK without having your own groups.

VKTarget: the best site for making money on VK (VKontakte) and other social networks

To here you just need to go to account one of the social networks - and you are a user of the resource! Applications for the implementation of simple ones appear immediately after the first login to your new account.

There is a clear interface, user-friendly website design, and an excellent affiliate program. The minimum threshold for the payment of earned funds is 50 rubles. The funds received for tasks are transferred to your account instantly, but the withdrawal will have to wait a bit - from 2 to 5 days. See video about the best social networking site VkTarget:

We earn in social networks with Ad-Social and with an application for working in social networks using mobile devices (smartphones, tablets)

To register on the proposed resource, just go here with an account created in one of the popular social networks. It has a simple, interesting, calm interface, a pleasant, work-friendly design.

This resource can be used both to advertise your own groups and sites, and to participate in advertising of existing resources. For the work, there are points, which can later be exchanged at the rate of 1000 points for 50 rubles. The exchange counts 5 points for the most active users every day.

There is an internal chat where you can chat with other users. To increase the number of points, you can try your hand at the three games available here:

  • “Random choice”, where 10 points are taken from the players (once per hour), and then the entire amount is transferred to one of the lucky ones;
  • "Chests", where 25 boxes contain a different number of points (from zero to 9), and the user tries his luck by opening a certain box (2 points are deducted for this);
  • "Tug of war", where it is required (for 10 points) to join a certain team, and the team that will have more players by the end of the scheduled time becomes the winner, and the total amount of the balance (minus the commission of 10%) is divided among all .

Sociate: good income for owners and administrators of social media groups

The exchange is perfect for owners or administrators of various groups in social networks. Here you have an actual opportunity to establish the cost of an advertising post. This resource has a function that generates a special link for the advertiser.

That is, in fact, you place a special link in your group, by which you will attract an advertiser interested in your audience here. An advertiser interested in your resource will be automatically reformatted into your partners in the future. In the end, you have income from an advertising post, as well as a certain percentage of the order of your new partner.

: an excellent exchange for generating income VK

A young, excellent exchange for receiving VK money is already a very promising place for making money on VK and other social networks. Already today it receives positive feedback from both advertisers and numerous performers. SMS confirmation is set here, which reduces the number of bots and multi-accounts. Of the main areas for receiving money, likes, numerous reposts, or joining groups and communities are leading here.

For performers, it is worth noting the following points:

  • bonuses, contests, fairly generous affiliate program;
  • completed tasks are paid instantly;
  • every Saturday the money is automatically transferred to your WebMoney wallet;
  • the minimum threshold for payments is 500 rubles;
  • daily over 300 tasks.
  • the ability to sort tasks by city, group, number of users, age and gender;
  • only real performers confirmed via SMS;
  • advantageous price policy exchanges;
  • highly detailed statistics on all tasks completed;
  • fast response of technical support on any issues and the ability to quickly resolve problematic issues.

VKSTORM: exchange for VK work

Exchange for VK, somewhat reminiscent of VKSerfing. True, here the balance is kept in local currency - points. The rate of points is not constant, it can change daily, and on average it is about 28 rubles per 1000 points.To be able to withdraw funds, you need to collect an amount of at least 15 rubles to the balance. There is quite an interesting auction.

Prospero: social media money making project

The project to receive money in social networks is an excellent solution for those who are taking their first steps in earning money on the Internet. There is a vast number of different tasks, a large number of interesting applications, there is no threshold for withdrawing funds. Supports interaction with almost all popular social networks.

You can also connect to active members of various forums or blogs. Here you can place all sorts of advertisements for money. They pay for traditional likes, numerous reposts, joining communities. Registration takes place by going to the account of one of the social networks. To increase your income, you can alternately log in from different social networks.

SocialTools : money for advertising in social networks

The exchange belongs to the category of solid and serious resources. Supports almost all known social media accounts. Payment is made for traditional social media actions (likes, posts, introductions, and others), as well as for some special tasks.

After completing 2-3 tasks, it is quite possible to receive an amount within 15 rubles. Has an interesting affiliate program for good income on social media advertising.

Forumok : 3 tier affiliate program

A fairly extensive resource in terms of the directions for completing tasks. Here, in addition to the usual actions for social networks, they also pay for posts on blogs, forums, descriptions of new topics on such resources. Here you can get money for reviews and other similar actions. In other words, everyone here can find their own in order to quickly get a very good income. And here is video about work on the Forumok project:

At also a great 3 tier affiliate program to create a good source of passive income Money!

Likeberi: advertising exchange

Very effective exchange for advertising. To enter, you just need to activate your account by going here using one of the social networks where you are registered. The exchange is new, but has already received a lot of positive feedback from users who work here (both advertisers and numerous performers).

P proposes excellent conditions for cooperation. A large number of interesting tasks (for example, posts with payment from 10 rubles). To withdraw funds, you will need to overcome the threshold minimum amount in the amount of 100 rubles.

CashBOX: a great place to make money on social media

A very interesting exchange, both for posting tasks and those who complete them. There is an excellent pricing policy that suits both parties. Almost all well-known social networks are supported, as well as several popular applications on Cell phones(particularly Apple App Store, as well as Google Play).

Additionally, there is an opportunity to receive income from surveys, various production tasks. You can log in to your account through a social network, email or account.The minimum cost of an application for a task ranges from 0.1 - 0.3 dollars. A very promising project for those who are taking their first steps in the network. There is a progressive affiliate program. And here is video about working on the CashBOX service:

Summing up a little, I would like to indicate that the resources listed above can be actively used not only to obtain money VK or other social networks, but also the promotion of existing blogs, forums, groups, raising the popularity of photographs, videos, or simply informational material.

Remember, all novice workers will find their niche here, regardless of whether they have their own resources or are just about to learn how to create them.Reliable, proven, profitable and quite profitable! In conclusion, I recommend reading an article about.

I already wrote that the Internet is not just a way for people to communicate, but also a place for active and passive income. Almost everyone can make money on VKontakte if you know how.

Today I would like to tell readers about how you can make money using the most popular social network in Russia. Today we’ll talk about how to quickly monetize an account on a popular network.

According to statistics, VK occupies a leading position in Russia in terms of the number of registered users and is increasing its numbers every day. In the world ranking, VKontakte is in fifth place according to SimilarWeb. According to statistics, 97 million people use this social network every month, of which 82 million are active users.

The tools that are implemented in the application allow not only to download or view content, but also make VK a field for the implementation of financial projects by making financial investments and earning income. As a rule, earnings from activities in this social network start from several hundred rubles per month and are not limited to a ceiling of a specific figure. I propose to consider in detail the popular ways to make money on VKontakte.

With a systematic and analytical approach, VKontakte is a worthy platform for the implementation of financial projects and income generation, which is not limited in size.

Ways to make money on VKontakte

Like all income received from any activity, earnings on VKontakte can be active and passive. Every user has a chance to make money on the Internet, which this social network gives. Active earnings in VKontakte does not require special experience, knowledge and depends solely on you. What are the types of active earnings in this social network? Let's consider in more detail.

Earnings on groups

The category of groups (publics, communities and other mass associations of VK users) is a promising field of activity for generating income. The user's ability to create and manage groups allows you to earn on VKontakte advertising, affiliate programs, or the promotion and sale of goods and services to the same users.

The internal system rating of the social network automatically generates a list of the most popular communities in which advertisers prefer to publish. By publishing posts, articles and products from such advertisers, you can earn quite decent money.

Earn on likes

Another way to earn money is through special programs promoting communities. We will dwell on them a little later in more detail. The principle of operation is simple and does not require special skills, experience and other qualities and characteristics: it is enough to have a VK account. Earnings represent income from daily activities such as reposting posts, joining groups, likes, adding friends, publishing multimedia and other content, commenting on publications.

Basically, you do the same things you do every day, but you get paid for it too! Isn't it a dream? Naturally, this method, like making money on Instagram, will not bring gigantic income, it is rather a nice bonus. Why is this even needed? The main task of the advertiser is to attract the attention of the target audience. And advertisers are willing to spend some money on it. The distribution of advertising in this way is much more efficient and faster than through traditional sources of information - the media, TV, radio and allows you to attract the "necessary" audience, selected according to the criteria of age, social status, etc.

Work as a moderator

A moderator as a profession is one of the most demanded phenomena in the virtual space, as well as, in fact, earnings on games on the Internet. This is one of the in-demand and paid online activities that is gaining popularity. Modern business is increasingly immersed in virtual network, leaving in reality only the necessary minimum to ensure performance. Business project owners have dozens of groups that must be updated in a timely and correct manner.

The task of the moderator is to monitor such publics, maintain their popularity and attendance, and increase the audience of users. Moderators in groups are daily engaged in posting content, monitors the implementation of the rules in groups by its members, performs communication functions with group members and provides full information support to community members and earn on it.

Page and post designer

Another way to make money on VKontakte is the thematic design of posts and community pages. Getting income in this way also does not require special skills and knowledge, the intuitive interface of the social network allows you to create convenient menus, attractive design and other useful things for ordinary users. The work of a VK page designer is simple and allows you to earn decent money on VKontakte - from 3000 for complete design project. True, at the initial stage, you will have to actively engage in the search for customers and improve your skills.

Sale of goods and services

The social network in its latest modification is equipped with a good trading platform and payment services: thinking about how to get rich, you can sell any services and goods to 82 million active users. Sales and subsequent earnings require the fulfillment of a number of conditions: advertising costs, page or group design, marketing and promotional activities aimed at the conversion (promotion) of your store.

A competent sales organization allows you to earn good money, but it requires investments or experience in the relevant field. What is sold on VKontakte? Everything that brings income: goods from China, appliances, cosmetics, accessories and thousands of other things or services. Moreover, many outlets and stores are actively creating groups and pages on this social network to notify users - potential and regular customers - about updating the assortment, discounts, promotions, bonuses.

How to make money on a VKontakte group

If you are not interested in small and unstable incomes brought by the methods described above, then you have far-reaching plans and in the future there is every chance to create a large project. Make money on VKontakte groups: this brings stable and substantial income. In addition, a promoted and popular group is always in demand, it can be sold for good money. Let's figure out how to make money on VKontakte subscribers.

Create your own group

A group, public or community unites people of interest in the VK social network. For some, the creation of local groups is purely entertaining and informational in nature, for example - to unite classmates, classmates, etc., for others - this is a way to get a decent income. Promoted groups bring from 80 thousand rubles a month. Any registered VK user has the option of creating such communities. So, we create a community, public or group.

The creation of a group is inextricably linked with the choice of a concept that will distinguish it from other similar communities in this network. The topic of the group can be informational in nature, be a commercial platform, entertainment portal. The choice of topics determines the further audience: they will be people of all age categories or only a circle of people limited by age limits, a certain social status or profession, hobbies and other qualitative characteristics of users. Popular topics of VK groups are humor, new IT technologies, sports predictions, hobbies, and psychology. You can choose something of your own, which you are well versed in, or focus on the people you want to attract. The unique design, the presence of interactive options - polls and voting, questionnaires, a forum - attract users, which means they increase potential earnings.

Group promotion

Decorated and functional group needs conversion - promotion and promotion. You can invite friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of their acquaintances - the group must be active and visited, likes, comments and other signs of "life" are welcome. Only in this way will she be able to bring in earnings that can be called more or less decent.

Attracting subscribers can and should be done through various services cheats, Google services, by advertising your public in other VKontakte groups. You can, of course, try to post spam on the walls of other VK groups, but this is ineffective and is fraught with blocking. One of effective ways promotion - posting thematic videos on YouTube with a link to your VK group: allows you to attract new users. In addition, the following points should be distinguished: cheating only increases the list of participants, while Google, teaser advertising and YouTube bring real buyers who will buy your goods and services.

Earning money on the VK network begins as soon as your group becomes popular and promoted. You just publish other people's advertising posts on the wall in your groups. Some advertisers contact the administration of the public themselves, while others work through special exchanges. What is required of you: register on the exchange, add your page, indicate the cost of your services and wait for applications.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that the group must have a sufficient number of subscribers to count on a high income. For comparison, you can use the same data from the exchange, compare your capabilities with similar offers. Vkontakte has a strict policy regarding advertising in groups and communities, so the amount of third-party advertising that you can place is limited. However, there are a number of ways to advertise other than direct posts provided by the Client:

  • Reposts;
  • Advertising links;
  • Commercial promotions, lotteries, marketing events ordered by the advertiser.

By posting the maximum number of posts allowed by the administration of the social network, you can earn up to 2000 rubles per day on VKontakte.

Partnership programs

If you have your own VK group, various projects of affiliate programs are available to you, which allow you to passively earn on the actions of your subscribers - registrations in games, clicks on links, purchases and any other actions. All that is required of you is to integrate the affiliate program with the VKontakte group.

Earnings on clicks in VK

As I promised, let's return to the question of how to make money on VKontakte through third-party services. There are a huge number of them. Moreover, both ordinary VK users and owners on their groups and communities can earn money on them. The most popular services are SMMOK, PROSPERO, Blogun, VKTarget, Sociate, Plibber, Socialtools, and other similar services. To receive income, you can not be limited to one service, but register and start earning on several projects at once.


Earnings on likes brings from 0.1 to tens of rubles for the completed task. Among these services, LikesRock, VLike, Socialtools and SMOKK are especially popular. A large number of tasks and a good referral affiliate program to attract new users makes it possible to earn on VKontakte daily likes, as well as other social networks.

You can earn in them on VKontakte by subscribing to groups or users, liking, clicking on links, etc. The services are integrated with payment systems and allow you to quickly withdraw earnings, for example, to WebMoney or Yandex.Money.

