How to check a beeline account by phone. How to check the balance on Beeline? Cash control methods

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Quick response:
You can find out your Beeline balance in the following ways:

  • *102# ... This is a full-time team showing how much money is on prepaid plans.
  • *110*04# ... Query the current account status for postpaid clients.
  • Official portal BEELINE... Here you need to enter "Personal Area", service section mobile communications... In this case, you do not need to enter any requests and commands, the balance of funds will be displayed on the website page.

In addition to cash, subscribers can pay for communication services with bonus points. These are on-net units that are equivalent at par to the national currency. In Russia, bonus point is equal to 1 ruble.

  1. *106# ... The request displays the available remainder of the SMS package.
  2. *107# ... The number of bonus points accumulated by the subscriber.
  3. *108# ... Remaining traffic after activation of additional megabyte packages for unlimited Internet.

Cellular communications in Russia appeared in the 90s of the last century. At the time, this was an elite service available to only 0.5% of the population. Currently, the connection to this type of communication is almost 100%. It would seem that such a development of the direction should not leave blank spots for subscribers. For example, a simple and daily used function, how to find out the balance on the Beeline. All users know the cherished combination for checking the status of their personal account. However, this elementary procedure can be performed in several ways, as only a few people know about. In view of such mobile illiteracy, it makes sense to analyze all the ways to check the balance on Beeline.

One should start by considering common truths. What is phone balance? In fact, these are virtual monetary units that allow the subscriber to use the services cellular communication... All providers, including Beeline, are characterized by two payment methods for the tariff plan: prepayment and postpaid. In the first case, the subscriber deposits into his personal account any amount that opens access to all the resources of the package. In the second, the user first uses the services and then pays the invoice.

It should be noted that different variants payment, imply various options for checking the balance. For this, a basic set of commands is used, which are communicated to the client when purchasing a tariff plan. You can find out your Beeline balance in the following ways:

  • * 102 #. This is a full-time team showing how much money is on prepaid plans.
  • * 110 * 04 #. Query the current account status for postpaid clients.
  • Official portal BEELINE. Here you need to enter the "Personal Account", section of mobile services. In this case, you do not need to enter any requests and commands, the balance of funds will be displayed on the website page.

Important! You won't be able to find out the balance on the iPad using standard methods: the gadget “can't” send requests. In this case, subscribers can see the amount of available funds through the SIM-menu, where the utility "My Beeline" is installed.

Checking your balance

In addition to cash, subscribers can pay for communication services with bonus points. These are on-net units that are equivalent at par to the national currency. In Russia, the bonus point is 1 ruble. How to find out the Beeline balance in this case? You can view the number of available bonuses and the remainder of activated packages using the following commands:

  1. * 106 #. The request displays the available remainder of the SMS package.
  2. * 107 #. The number of bonus points accumulated by the subscriber.
  3. * 108 #. Remaining traffic after activation of additional megabyte packages for unlimited Internet.

It is worth noting that this information can be found in " Personal account»On the mobile page.


Beeline phone balance can be done in other ways. It should be noted right away that all practically available options exclude subscription fee, only for some services there is a minimum write-off from the personal account. Here we can highlight the ability to check the balance by voice. The request is absolutely free, the service is designed specifically for visually impaired people. To do this, you need to call 0674 04. In addition, you can get comprehensive information on the tariff plan by making an outgoing call to 0697. In these cases, communication is not charged throughout the country.

In addition, you can use the service "Balance on the screen". The service is connected free of charge, however, for access to resources, the operator carries out a daily write-off in the amount of 50 kopecks. How to check the balance with Beeline in this way? There is a set of commands for this:

  • * 110 * 902 #. A number to verify that the service is available on the mobile device used.
  • * 110 * 901 #. Request to activate the offer.
  • * 110 * 900 #. Disconnection.

Important! When the option is connected, the balance will be independently displayed on the phone screen at certain time intervals.

You also need to know about the cost control service that works on prepaid tariff plans... The balance of funds will be displayed when the state of the personal account approaches the shutdown threshold. Here the commands * 110 * 161 # and * 110 * 160 # are used to activate / deactivate, respectively.

Additional features

The BEELINE company makes it possible to find out the state of the account of any subscriber of the network. This service is intended for people who cannot always adequately control their expenses. This category includes children and the elderly. For this, the following queries are applicable:

  1. * 131 * 5 * number #. Request to check the status of another subscriber's account.
  2. * 131 * 6 * number #. Getting the balance of the specified contact.
  3. * 131 * 9 #. Obtaining information about users who can check the account status.
  4. * 131 * 0 #. Refusal to use the service.

Important! To gain access, the consent of the subscriber of the requested number is required.

If you do not control the state of your phone bill, you can lose contact in difficult life circumstances. How to find out the balance of Beeline? To clarify the amount of the remaining funds, the company offers different methods, among which you can find the most convenient one at the moment.


One of the most accessible methods is to dial on the phone keypad and send a combination of certain characters # 102 # and then click on "call" or send * 102 # and click on the "call" key. As a result of the actions performed, an informational notification about the account status will appear on the device screen. You will not need to pay money for using this service even if the subscriber is outside his home region.

No less convenient way checking the status of the telephone balance - make a call to a free line within the country: 0697. In addition, with its help, customers will be able to clarify their tariff and telephone number, as well as activate or block various services.

It is quite easy to clarify information about the balance as a result of visiting the company's website in your personal account or using the application for mobile iOS devices and Androyd - "My Beeline".

In order to obtain information about the account status of another user of services mobile company you need to make a call to line 06409 and then sequentially execute voice commands.

Additional and bonus balances

To clarify the account of activated additional services, you can use the mobile application, personal cabinet on the website or send a request.

Commands for getting information:

  • Internet traffic volume: * 108 #;
  • bonus account status: * 107 #;
  • the remainder of the SMS package: * 106 #.

How else to find out the balance of Beeline?

Balance on the screen service

As a result of activating this option, information about the amount of the remaining finances will periodically appear on the phone screen. Conveniently, for this, the owner of the device will not need to additionally dial and send special requests. You will not need to pay for connecting the service, and 50 kopecks will be charged for its use for one daily period. You need to know that the option will be unavailable if the subscriber is outside the home network.

To activate the option, make a call to the line 067409901 or send a combination of characters: * 110 * 901 #. It is preferable to get information about whether this service is supported by a specific phone. To do this, you need to send the corresponding request: * 110 * 902 #.

In order to deactivate the service, you need to contact the operator using the line 067409900 or send a certain combination of characters: * 110 * 900 #.

Cost Control Service

Holders of prepaid tariffs will be able to use this option. As a result of its activation, subscribers will receive informational SMS in a situation where there are several days left before the end of the paid period or when the balance reaches a certain limit.

Service management:

  • to activate the option, you will need to send a digital combination: * 110 * 161 #;
  • to cancel the service it is recommended to send the command: * 110 * 160 #.

In order to get information about the state of your own telephone balance, you do not need to have any specific skills. For these purposes, you should just use one of the methods that is currently available.

Knowing how to check the balance on Beeline is a necessity for a person who is accustomed to always being in touch. By controlling the balance of funds on the personal account, the subscriber will not get into an unpleasant situation. With the help of convenient functions implemented by a mobile operator, you can find out how much money is left on the phone - yours or a loved one.

Salon employee Beeline. 5 years in the company. Knows everything about the services and tariffs of the Beeline company.

Articles written

Balance check on prepaid plans

The user of a tariff requiring prepayment is offered several ways to see the balance of his mobile phone. Some of them can be used without having access to the Internet, others only if you have access to the network. But there is always an opportunity to choose the most suitable one in a certain moment time service.

Clarification at the service center

One of the proven ways to get information about the balance is to call the service center on toll free number 0611. Operators work around the clock. It happens that all call center employees are busy. In this case, you can get an answer to your question by following the instructions of the answering machine.

1 more available room service center- 8-800-700-0611. When you are in the international one, you should make a call to the number + 7-495-797-27-27.

USSD request

You can check the balance on your phone using short commands - USSD. By typing a combination of characters * 102 # on the keyboard, the subscriber receives an answer. The waiting time for the necessary information is 2-3 seconds. But it happens that the request does not go through due to the heavy load on the station in which the phone is located. We recommend that you wait a few minutes and resend the command. It is impossible to get an answer if the owner of the mobile device is outside the coverage area of ​​the cellular network.

USSD requests, unlike SMS, are free. Even while in roaming, you will not have to pay for them. You can send short commands in unlimited quantities and at any time. Regardless of the place of residence, you can find out the balance of the personal account mobile phone.

Through the mobile application "My Beeline"

Owners of smartphones running on Android or iOS platforms can check the availability of money in the account in mobile application, which is recommended to be installed by all subscribers of the cellular operator.

The application is convenient to use. Balance information is at home page... Seeing that the money is running out or has completely run out, the user can immediately replenish the balance from bank card, electronic wallet or in another way.

An alternative option is the "Personal Account" on the official Beeline website. After registering on the portal, the subscriber gains access to various services designed for even more convenient use of a mobile phone.

Balance check in the special menu of the SIM card

If you do not want to call, send messages, type the code on the keyboard, and you need to find out the balance, it is recommended to use the SIM card menu. It is available to any Beeline subscriber, regardless of which mobile device he owns.

By adhering to the following algorithm, you can see how much money is left in the account:

  1. Find the "SIM card menu" folder on your smartphone. Depending on the model of the mobile device, it can be located in different tabs, but more often it is "Tools" or "Settings". You can navigate by the icon in the form of a SIM.
  2. Opening this folder, the user sees the menu. You need to find the section "My Beeline" and open it.
  3. Among several tabs inside the section, you need to select the one whose name is "My balance". In the window that appears, click on the "Main" line. This is how the subscriber sends a balance request.
  4. In a few seconds, a push message will be sent to the phone. It will provide the requested information, that is, the amount of the balance on the mobile account.

Balance control for postpaid tariffs

A subscriber who has chosen a tariff that provides for the use of mobile communications also has several ways to control the balance on the personal account of a mobile phone:

  1. USSD request. You need to send a short command *110*04# ... After that, the screen will display the amount of outstanding debt.
  2. Service number 0697 ... By calling it, the subscriber will hear a voice autoinformer, which will notify about the presence or absence of money on the phone.
  3. SMS. The mobile operator sends subscribers notifications containing information about the amount owed. But this service must be connected by the user himself. To do this, he needs to dial a combination of numbers on his phone: 067409231 .
  4. Balance on the screen. Expenses for each outgoing call can be controlled by sending a short command to the provider *110*901# ... After activating the service, the current balance will be displayed on the phone screen. There is a daily fee for this notification, which is debited from the phone account.

Is it possible to find out the balance of another Beeline number

Beeline subscribers have the opportunity. This is often necessary for parents who want to control their children, or for adults to always stay in touch with their elderly parents. By typing on your phone a certain set of characters in the form of a USSD command, you can get an answer within a few seconds.

For a one-time control, you should send to the provider * 131 * 1 * the phone number of the ward #. If you want to receive information in automatic mode you need to dial another combination - * 131 * 5 * phone number #.

Not every person wants an outsider to be able to determine how much money is on his mobile phone account. Beeline offers such subscribers to use the function that prohibits outsiders from finding out the balance of their cellular. This can be done using the USSD command - * 131 * 0 * your phone number #. There is one more way to enable the ban - you need to call the service number 06409.

In our time, being in touch means always being able to receive calls and deliver important news, and for business people it is also a way to be one step ahead of competitors. But for this you need to be sure of the sufficiency of funds on your mobile account. That is why Beeline has provided several ways to check the balance. Moreover, subscribers can control the balance of money not only on their account, but also on mobile devices relatives living in other cities of Russia.

USSD command

A universal way to check the balance on Beeline is to send the USSD command * 102 #. In response, the subscriber will see the amount available for use on the mobile phone screen. With the help of this combination, almost all prepaid subscribers will find out the balance, due to its obvious advantages:

  • is free;
  • fast and does not require the presence of the Internet;
  • available around the clock;
  • an unlimited number of requests are allowed.

How to find out the debt to subscribers with a postpaid payment system? For them, Beeline has allocated a separate USSD command * 110 * 45 #, which allows you to find out the balance by SMS. In response, the operator's service department will send a message, which will indicate the amount invoiced for payment.

Balance checking services

Often, subscribers ask the question of how you can remotely find out the balance on the Beeline in the phones of underage children or elderly parents? Realizing the relevance of the issue, Beeline extended a helping hand in the form of the "Balance of loved ones" service, detailed description which can be found in the article.

Subscribers with one of the postpaid tariffs can activate the "Financial Report" service free of charge in order to have information about all their payments, expenses, available balance and amount to be paid. A single USSD request * 110 * 321 # or a call to the number 067409321 is used to activate and manage the service.

Service numbers

Of course, one cannot help but remember short number mobile consultant Beeline - 0611. Having called him, the smart answering machine will first briefly tell you about the Personal Account, and then dictate the balance on the SIM card account. In addition, the mobile consultant will inform you about the tariff, connected services, and will also help you to get Additional information about tariff plans and promotions available for the transition.

To use another way to check the balance on Beeline, just call the service number 0697 (prepayment) or 06745 (postpaid). Immediately after connection, the autoinformer will announce the available balance on the phone.

Balance check via the Internet

You can determine the balance on the SIM card without having a phone at hand. But for this you need to find a computer with Internet access in advance and fulfill two conditions:

  • register on the website of the mobile operator Beeline, gaining access to the Personal Account;
  • set a permanent password to get rid of the one-time password sent via SMS.

If your smartphone has Mobile Internet, then you can see the balance of money using the mobile application "My Beeline". In terms of a set of functions, it is in no way inferior to the classic Personal Account.

To view the account balance by your number, you can additionally install a third-party application on your smartphone.

In conclusion, we can note another non-standard method that allows you to independently check the balance on Beeline, in which you do not need to call anywhere, send a request and connect to the Internet. To use it, you need to find a shortcut in the phone with the name "SIM-menu Beeline", then sequentially select the items "My Beeline" and "My balance". Balance check using this method exists on all SIM cards issued after November 2009.

In this article, we will consider the question of how to find out the balance of Beeline. For the convenience of users, there are several options for how to find out the Beeline balance on the phone. We will consider each of them separately, discuss the possibility of getting acquainted with the balance of another person. Let's dwell on checking funds not only on the phone, but also in different variations of modems.

For tariffs with a prepaid settlement system

A prepaid payment system implies payment before receiving services. First, you need to deposit money into the account, after that you can receive communication services. The advantages of such a system are fast connection, easy cost control and convenience of replenishment. Additional possibilities appear in this calculation mechanics.

  • Instant check of the balance of funds: see the status of the balance at any time on your mobile phone.
  • Even when you run out of money on your balance sheet, you have the opportunity to use the services of the company and be in touch.
  • Use international roaming without additional services and make calls from other countries.
  • The ability to spend money from a mobile phone on a variety of services besides calls and the Internet. Use your mobile account as a kind by credit card(pay for utilities, cinema, just transfer money to another number).

Via USSD commands

USSD requests are the most common type of checking account status. You can find out your Beeline balance by typing *102# and “phone call button”. It is possible to connect the additional service “Indicator of the balance of funds”, it allows you to monitor the movement of money even more closely. After each ruble spent, be it a text message or a call, you will receive an SMS with a report. Activate this service by dialing *110*901# (check if the phone is supported for this by calling *110*902# ).

By calling the operator

It happens that there is no opportunity to dial the USSD command and there is no way to go to the Internet in order to check the balance on the Beeline, a call to the call center will allow you to find out the amount of remaining money. By dialing the short number “ 0611 ”, Then the button, contact the operator and find out all the necessary details about the cash flow. This service is free in Russia from mobile numbers Beeline.

In the SIM card menu on the phone

In your personal account on the Beeline website

To find out how to check your account online, launch your browser. It doesn't matter what platform (Windows, iOS, Android), go to You need to log in to the “Personal Account”, enter the “Balance Management” menu, then go to “My Data”, in “My Balance” it will show all the information regarding the balance of money.

In the mobile application "My Beeline"

In the program “My Beeline” it is easy to find out how much money is on the phone: you don’t have to go to the menu “My balance”. The amount of money and basic information on the balance is shown after authorization in the application.

For tariffs with postpaid settlement system

Postpaid is a payment mechanism where you talk on the phone for a month, use the services mobile operator, and at the end, a report is generated based on spending for the past month. Not to be confused with the credit system, you are not given a loan, payment is made only for the functionality that you have already used. Advantages of the postpaid system.

  • You do not need to constantly look to see if there is money for this or that service.
  • After the invoice has been issued, there is up to 20 days for its payment.
  • The report comes to email, and you can get the amount and payment term in free SMS.
  • Pay a single bill for all family members.
  • You can easily learn how to check the balance of Beeline without leaving your home.

USSD commands

The costs for the current time will be shown by the team *110*45# ... With the help of this command, you will receive an SMS with expenses and the balance on the money account. If the number is connected additional service"Financial report", then by USSD-request *110*321# get full map the limit of expenses, amounts to be paid and the balance on the card.

SMS notification

In the "Postpay" settlement system, you do not need to ask a question of how to find out the Beeline balance via SMS. In this settlement system, messages come automatically. Get notified at the end of the month with the invoice submitted by the firm. Automatic SMS messages come when you exceed half of the limit set for a month, as well as when 80 and 95% of the allotted amount is reached (change it upon request * 110 * 41 * limit amount # ).

How to find out the balance of another person

To find out the account status of a particular person, first you need his consent. Get it on request * 131 * 5 * subscriber's phone #(please note that the phone number is entered “without an 8”). After consent, you will be able to see the balance on the Beeline of this person. If you want to check the account of several people, then it would be advisable to activate the service “Balance of Close ones”. After connecting, the company will notify via SMS when less than 60 rubles remain on the account. At any time, send a request to each connected number.

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