Is it possible to restore VKontakte correspondence. How to restore correspondence in VK: work instructions for PC and phone

People often share information through social networks. In most cases, it is valuable, so the question of recovering accidentally deleted messages in Contact is quite common.

How to recover deleted messages on Vkontakte

  • In case of accidental deletion of one message, it can be restored immediately. To do this, click on the "Restore" link in the place of the disappeared entry. If the page in the browser is immediately refreshed after deletion, then the link to access the recovery will disappear, and it will not be so easy to return the message.
  • To return all deleted correspondence, the method described above is not suitable. During the deletion, the site asks for confirmation of this action, so it will not be possible to restore the cleared dialog.
  • If the page in Contact is linked to mail and event notifications are enabled in the settings, it is possible to view the content of deleted correspondence in notifications.
  • To enable notifications, you need to: log in to your page in Contact; open the "Settings" section in the menu; go to the "Notifications" item; In the appeared field "Alerts by mail" you need to enter email address your mail; for the “Frequency” item, you need to set the value to “Always notify”.
  1. After enabling this function, notifications about recent events in contact with. This will allow you to view even those dialogs that have been deleted in the account.
  2. But there is a limitation, and it lies in the fact that too large messages in the mail are not displayed in full.
  3. If at the time of deleting dialogs, notifications were not enabled, then viewing messages through email impossible.
  4. In this case, you can only ask the interlocutor to send the necessary correspondence.
  5. If a friend also deleted all messages, then you can contact support. In this case, the received answer will not be joyful, because technical support workers will most likely say that it is impossible to restore deleted correspondence.


  • On some sites you can find information about what to return deleted messages in VKontakte, you can use specialized programs or "special people".
  • Users are encouraged to install some browser extensions that will add several "useful" features.
  • In fact, such additions will not be able to help restore messages. These records cannot be trusted. They are left by scammers who, with the help of similar programs steal data from pages in VKontakte and send spam under someone else's name.

Anyway, let's try to figure out how given function possible for users. Maybe nothing will help us?

Appeal to the administration

The first option, which can serve us well, is to contact the site administration with a request to restore your correspondence. This is the only way you can quickly and easily read deleted messages in the "Contact".

To do this, log in social network, and then go to the Help section. It is located at the very bottom of the page. Further, in the window that appears, you will have to describe the current situation, and also ask to restore your correspondence. All or with a specific user. As a rule, if your request is approved, you will also have to prove your rights to own the profile. After that, they will help you, and you will be able to read deleted messages in "Contact". is not the only option that can help in solving today's issue. There are also a number of interesting simple actions. Which ones? Let's see.

From the archive

How to read deleted messages It is worth noting that when cleaning a correspondence, it is removed only from the user who performed this action. This means that the second member of the conversation will keep all the phrases.

So, if you want to read deleted messages, you can always contact your interlocutor with a request to find you this or that phrase and forward it. As a rule, if the conversation was with your friend, then no problems will arise. Otherwise, you can forget about this scenario.

To be honest, the method studied now is not the most popular. Especially if you suddenly need information of great antiquity. For example, which was about six months ago when there was an active correspondence with this user. In this case find necessary information happens to be very difficult. Nevertheless, deleted messages in "Contact" can be read in several more ways. What exactly? Let's take a look at them.


Here is another quick and interesting scenario. He will definitely help you learn how to read deleted messages in "Contact". For example, you can restore what was deleted. True, this must be done in a very short time. How? Let's figure it out.

So, if you notice that you accidentally deleted a message, you can return it to history. The main thing - do not go from the page and do not update it. Leave everything as it is. After cleaning the correspondence, you will receive a message that the operation was successful, as well as the "Restore" line. If you click on it, then all conversations and phrases will fall into place. You can read messages, sort them, and then remove them unnecessary information. That's all.

To be honest, this option is not very popular. Probably due to the fact that it is necessary to turn it just instantly. Indeed, in a different situation, it will be several times more difficult to understand how to read deleted messages in "Contact". Let's see what other methods exist to solve the problem.


For example, some users may stumble upon specialized programs, which offer to expand the standard functions of the social network. Among the additions, you can also find the ability to read previously deleted messages. Actually it is very interesting feature. True, it must be treated with extreme caution.

The thing is that such programs are often real viruses. Instead of helping people, they simply infect computers and also steal user accounts. If you dare to use such applications, then be prepared for not the best consequences. To be honest, from this method best to refrain.


And now we will get to know you with another version of the development of events. In particular, it is suitable for those who do not particularly trust programs. Such users, as a rule, resort to the help of special hosting. They allow you to read the deleted correspondence.

In order to use this option, you will have to find the appropriate site, and then visit it. Register (in some cases), and then contact the main programmer. With him it will be possible to discuss all the nuances of the provision of services, as well as find out the cost of "pleasure". Usually it is not very big, but not quite miserable either.

Then, at the appointed time, transfer yours from the social network (login and password) to the programmer, and then wait for the result. To be honest, this option is also far from always safe. If you do not know the person who provides you with message recovery services, then there is a huge risk of account hacking. So you will be left without a profile. It will be possible to restore it, but with some effort.

When deleting correspondence, people do not assume that after a short time it will need to be restored. Users are sure that the dialogue does not contain important and valuable information, therefore they do not worry about the possible consequences of rash actions. And at the moment when it is urgent to return the destroyed letters, everyone begins to actively think about whether it is possible to recover deleted messages on Vkontakte. Only to find the answer to the most difficult question, how to return the correspondence that was suddenly needed, is incredibly difficult. This is due to the peculiarities of the work and functioning of the site, which do not allow performing individual actions.

It is not difficult for a user to restore messages if he only deleted a few messages and did not refresh the page later. To do this, you need to perform the simplest action - click the inscription "restore", which appeared at the site of the destroyed record. If the page was updated after the text was destroyed, the inscription disappears, and the letter becomes hopelessly lost.

The same applies to cases where part of the dialogue has disappeared for a long time - it is useless to hope for the return of the lost text after a while.

To succeed in such a situation is incredibly difficult, and often almost impossible, despite the efforts made and attempts to regain the lost.

Is it possible to restore messages in VK after deletion after a while?

It is useless to hope for the return of letters and dialogues deleted long ago. Despite the preservation of a small probability of recovery, the chances of getting the correspondence back are minimal. It’s better to leave thoughts about how to restore deleted messages in VK and focus on more important things.

In situations where it is almost impossible to do without an erased record, it is better to look for alternative solutions to the problem that do not require the use of a social network. This will save time and think about effective ways to deal with difficulties, since it is almost impossible to return old records.

How to recover deleted messages in VK on your phone: android and ios

There are no reliable effective ways restore correspondence on android phone. Even the most modern and powerful smartphones, regardless of the type of installed on them operating systems, including ios, won't help.

There is not a single application or program that allows you to return destroyed records. Those who expect to use the vkpot program should not hope for success. It is able to solve a variety of tasks and significantly simplifies work and communication on a social network, but does not have the function of restoring long-lost dialogues.

Possible courses of action

In the most severe cases, it is worth trying to return letters after deletion using two methods. The probability of success will be low, but it exists, so you should try:

  1. write to support agents to restore the conversation;
  2. contact the person with whom the remote dialogue was conducted.

It is highly likely that in the first case, support specialists will declare that they are unable to help sort out the difficulties and offer to use the mentioned second option. It is designed for the fact that the interlocutor did not delete the correspondence and now has the ability to quickly and free of charge forward it to a less perspicacious and far-sighted friend. If the dialogue is also deleted from him, it is pointless to hope for success: the records have already been irretrievably lost.

Help from third parties

While looking for information about recovering destroyed data, many users stumble upon people who claim to know how to recover remote sms in VK. In reality, this is not so. They are scammers who want to cash in on gullible people. If you trust them and believe that they have special program, which helps to return correspondence, you can:

  • lose money;
  • lose control over your own Vkontakte account;
  • lose personal data, passwords, logins from other sites and portals;
  • bring a virus to your computer or iPhone.

In any case, no matter what the harm done, it will not be possible to return the conversation.

How to return deleted letters in Vkontakte?

As much as users would like, recovering lost messages is almost impossible.

This can only be done in cases where the messages have been deleted recently, and the correspondence page has not been updated. Otherwise, it remains only to ask for help from the interlocutor, who could have saved the necessary part of the conversation.

Under no circumstances should you trust a third party that promises to fix the problem for a small fee. They will not be able and will not help the person who applied, but they will demand an impressive amount, which later cannot be returned. As a result, the user will lose money, but will not achieve what he wants.

Do you know that Murphy's law applies not only in the physical world, but also in the virtual one? What we most fear to lose will certainly be lost. Lost important correspondence in the social network? More proof of that though...

... it's too early to despair! The chance to return deleted messages from oblivion is small, but still there. Today we’ll talk about how to restore correspondence in VK in 5 ways, 3 of which are really effective, 1 is in doubt and 1 more is completely illusory, but who knows, all of a sudden it will help you.

Three aces from the sleeve: basic methods

3 really working ways - these are our trump cards. Post them as soon as possible. Preferably as soon as they notice the loss, otherwise it may be too late.

First Trump

The VK administration compares deleted messages to burnt letters that cannot be recovered from the ashes. This is not entirely correct, because a paper letter exists in a single copy, and an electronic one - in two: one for you, the second for your interlocutor. With the default settings, deleting correspondence from one user does not lead to deletion from the second. And this means that it is enough to ask the interlocutor to forward the necessary messages to you. Only and everything.

By the way, the administration of VKontakte threw the first trump card to us on the Q&A page :

But! If you checked the box when deleting a message Delete for everyone”, the interlocutor will not be able to help you. This option erases the correspondence with him too.

Fortunately, it is active only for 1 day. After 24 hours, messages saved by another user cannot be deleted.

Second trump card

Effective, but it works for a short time - until you close the correspondence page. You may have noticed that a button appears in place of the deleted message. Reestablish". Clicking on this button brings it back, the main thing is to change your mind in time.

Third trump card

The fact that there is a third ace in your sleeve should be taken care of in advance. If your VK correspondence is still safe and sound, do it now - set up message forwarding to email.

For this:

  • Go to your account settings section. Select " Alerts».
  • Scroll down the page to the " Email alerts».
  • Enter your address mailbox, where you want to receive copies of messages.
  • Determine the frequency of notifications that is convenient - no more than once a day or always.
  • In the list " Feedback » mark « Private messages».

After such a setting, your correspondence will be stored not only in the VK account, but also in the bowels of the mailbox. To search for the desired message, just look at the letters sent from the address [email protected] Just in case, do not forget to check the Spam folder, but rather use the search by the sender's address:

Questionable method from the past (restore from backup)

VK users owe the fourth opportunity to recover deleted correspondence to third-party developers, in particular, the creators of the free VKOpt extension that works in the browser Google Chrome. Some time ago, it provided access to deleted messages directly from the account interface, but today this function, alas, does not work. However, another one works - saving correspondence. If you do this at least once a month, then the risk of irretrievable loss will decrease significantly.

After installing VKOpt, your account will have additional functions. In the message section, there is a menu shown in the screenshot below. In it is the button of interest to us - " Save the conversation».

Clicking on this item opens a window with a choice of saving format - html or txt. When you select the second option, the settings button additionally appears.

The file with the correspondence is downloaded to the computer.

Ghost Method - Restore from Browser Cache

The fifth method is perhaps the most unreliable. They resort to it out of despair, when nothing else helped and, lo and behold, sometimes it works. And not only in the case of VK correspondence, but also with other information that could be preserved. The method consists in "unpatching" the cache.

To access the contents of the web browser cache, it is convenient to use NirSoft's free portable ChromeCacheView utility. Despite the mention of "Chrome", in addition to it, it works with different browsers, in particular with Opera, Yandex and Vivaldi. Perhaps with others too, if the user himself indicates to her the location of the cache folder.

Working with ChromeCacheView is extremely easy. After running the utility (most likely it will open empty window), press the F9 key or go to the " file' and select ' SelectCacheFolder". Specify the path to the cache folder or click one of the buttons highlighted in the screenshot - depending on which browser you use for VKontakte correspondence.

After that, the main window will be filled with cache items. To open an object of interest, select it in the list and press F6. Or go back to the menu File" and press " openLinkinWebBrowser».

That, perhaps, is all. There are not many opportunities to restore VK correspondence, but they exist. And the less time has passed since the removal, the higher your chances.

The site administration has one answer to this and it is written at the top of the page for requests to technical support « Deleted messages are not recoverable(apparently, this question is often addressed). Also, VK does not send SMS to the phone to restore correspondence.

But is it really so? After all, it is already known that VK stores all user materials at home and when contacted by law enforcement agencies, provides full information, including deleted messages and photos. And the fact that after you erase the correspondence is still displayed by your interlocutor, it means that it does not disappear anywhere, but you simply lose access to it. There is a way to restore correspondence, and even several. But we will not consider hacker tools, applications and dubious software.

Using them may harm your computer or result in page theft. It is better to apply the method inside the VKontakte service itself in the developer section.

Through the Developers section

This method recovers deleted messages within 24 hours, but more long term won't work.

To get started, go to the developer section, to the dialog recovery script window. It is done like this.

  1. On your page at the bottom left, find a small link "developers".
  1. Click in the section selection menu on "Documentation".

  1. Open a dialog with the user whose chat history you want to restore. If the entire dialogue is deleted, then go to the page of this person and start a new correspondence with him by clicking "Write a message".
  2. On the last sent message (if there are none at all, write a new one), click right click mouse and in the submenu that opens, select "view page code".
