Changing and customizing the start page in the Google Chrome browser. How to change the start page in browsers on your computer and phone, how to remove a virus that prevents you from doing this How to change the home page of your browser

It would seem the browser Internet Explorer today it is not used by many people, however this is not the case, it is still used by many users. By the way, you can verify this if you look at the website traffic statistics, for example. And these users sometimes have problems with changing their favorite home page for various reasons: either when installing a program or game, a change occurred home page, or the browser's start page has changed due to a virus.

After reading this guide, you will learn how to:

  • change home page Internet Explorer
  • make, or any other page of your favorite and familiar site the Internet Explorer home page

How to make the start page in Internet Explorer?

IN in this example We will consider the Yandex site as the home page for the explorer; another site is installed in a similar way.

Through program settings

So, we are faced with the task of changing the home (start) page of the Internet Explorer browser. First, go to the Start menu and select Control Panel.

Browser or reviewer is a program for viewing pages of sites published on the Internet (for example, IE, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome).

Double click on the icon Internet Options

The Internet Options dialog box will appear in front of you. On the General tab, find the Home page item and instead of the text specified in the text field, enter the address of our usual home page (for Yandex), (for

Having entered the address of your favorite page in the text field, close this window by clicking on the OK button.

Now it's time to look at the result of the work done. Let's close or minimize all windows so that Desk and double-click on the Internet Explorer icon.

After our browser window opens, the starting home page should load.

Via the Windows Registry

Is it possible to change the home page in Internet Explorer? Yes. To do this, you need to open the Registry Editor window, for example: open the “Run” dialog via Win + R and enter the regedit command. In the window that opens, you need to find the branch: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main in the Start Page parameter, specify the address of the new browser start page.

That's it! It turns out everything is much simpler than it seems!

Video for Windows 7

With UV. Andrey Kudryashov!

We present to your attention detailed instructions about how you can set or change the start page in the most popular browsers, such as Internet Explorer 8, Mozilla Mozilla FireFox 11, Google Chrome 18, Opera 11, as well as how to make sure there is no start page.

Internet Explorer 8: Changing the Start Page

One of the most famous browsers, which is easy to configure and manage.

In order to change or assign the start page in this browser, you first need to launch it and in the main window that opens, select the “Tools” tab, and then “Internet Options”:

Then in the “Internet Options” window that opens, on the “General” tab, enter the address of the required page in the text field (step 1) and click on the OK button (step 2). If you want to make the start page the one you are currently on, then to do this you need to click on the “Current” button, as shown in the figure:

If you do not want to use the start page, then you can click on the “Empty” button. After this, when you start the browser, it will open blank page, and the address of the page used will change to this:

Google Chrome 18: Start Page Change

New popular and universal browser from Google.

In order to change or assign the start page, in this browser you should click on the wrench icon in the upper right corner of the main window and select “Settings” in the drop-down menu.

  1. Select “Settings”;
  2. In the “Initial group” section, set the switch to the “Next pages” position;
  3. Click on the "Add" link.

In the window that opens, enter the address of the page that you want to make the start page in the “Add page” field. You can add multiple pages, in which case they will be opened when you launch the browser in different tabs. Click the "OK" button.

If you do not want to use the start page, then in step 2 you should set the switch to the “Page quick access" In this case, you do not need to enter anything else, because the text field will become unavailable.

Mozilla Firefox 11: Start Page Change

A very popular browser with many add-ons and extensions.

In order to change or assign the start page in Mozilla Firefox, select the “Tools” tab in the main program window in the menu bar, and select “Settings” in the menu that opens.

Then in the “Settings” window that opens, you need to select the first item “Basic”. In the “Home Page” section, enter the address of your start page in the text field and click OK.

  1. select “Show blank page”;
  2. Click OK.

Opera 11.62: change of start page

This browser is very common among most users.

Changing or assigning the start page of this browser is quite simple. If your menu bar is inactive, then in the upper left corner you should click on the “Opera” button, and in the menu that opens, select “Settings”, then “General settings”.

If the menu bar is active, then you should simply select the “Tools” menu item and also select the “General settings” item in the list that opens. Then in the window that opens, you need to go to the “Basic” tab and enter the address of the start page in the text field, as shown in the figure:

If you do not want to use the start page in this browser, then in the Settings window:

  1. expand the drop-down list as shown in the figure below;
  2. select “Open Express Panel”;
  3. click OK.

After this, your browser will open the Express panel at startup instead of the start page.

Removing the start page in all browsers

The start page in all browsers can be removed if, instead of the current start page, you specify the “about:blank” page in the text field, as shown in the figure:

In this case, the browser will start its work from a blank page.


This article provides information on how to change the start page in Mozilla Firefox. After all, cases are different. Sometimes, the user may unknowingly change the settings during installation. software downloaded from the Internet. Sometimes this can happen due to malware.

What is the Mazila Firefox start page

The Mozilla Firefox start page is the page that opens when you launch the browser of the same name. It consists of a set of popular sites selected by developers from the Mozilla Corporation. This selection can be changed if desired to suit your needs and preferences. This handy feature allows users to organize their favorites.

You can manipulate the start page as follows. In the upper right corner of the browser, select the icon with three horizontal stripes, then click on context menu to the "Settings" tab.

In the page that opens, in the “Basic” item, it is possible to make changes, namely the following:

  • how to make a search engine;
  • how to make the start page in Firefox;
  • how to change the home page in Mozilla;
  • how to select a folder for downloading files;
  • various manipulations with tabs.

When starting Firefox

It is possible to customize the display of the home page at your discretion in three options:

  1. Selecting a home page generated by developers search engine (if desired, you can either add the necessary sites or delete unused ones at any time).
  2. Show blank page.
  3. Show windows and tabs that were open when the browser was closed (useful feature when working unfinished with many tabs).

Home page

As for the “Home Page” settings, everything is also very simple. There are also three options for displaying the home page:

  1. By selecting this item while the page is open, a link will appear in the “Home Page” column, for example to “”. You can insert any other necessary link into this window.
  2. At this point, you can customize your home page by selecting the required link from the history of visiting Internet sites.
  3. If you are not satisfied, you can restore the default home page display settings.

Hello. To view pages on the Internet we use special programs- browsers. There are several of them today. But the main and popular ones are Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser, Microsoft Edge. Due to the nature of our activities, the first thing we do when entering the Internet is to open a specific site on our topic. A politician - news, a financier - opens a portal with the latest data on the financial market, a lawyer - monitors the latest innovations in the legislative framework, an athlete - monitors sports news. Most young people immediately enter social media. In short, everyone starts their day by receiving useful information for yourself.

Over time, everyone determines for themselves one resource that is most useful for them, which they constantly visit. Most people, when they first launch their browser, enter the address of a site that contains useful information for them.

Today we will set the most useful site as the home page. That is, when you open the browser, the site will automatically load with useful content. How to do this? Now we’ll tell you for beginners.

How to set the home page in the browser? So, let's start, as always, with the most popular today - Google Chrome.

Setting the start page or pages in Google Chrome

Let's take as an example the website of the Vesti program ( with the latest news on various directions activities.

Open our browser, go to the Main Menu and select Settings.

On the new Settings tab, select the group of settings “ Open at startup»

By default it was set to " New tab» in the form of visual bookmarks. Read how to install them in our article “”. We need to choose the third option - Specified Pages. Select this item and click on the link Add.

In the pop-up window in the field, enter our website address for the Vesti program. The address is immediately added and a new field for entering the address appears at the bottom. This way, you can add several of your most visited sites, which will automatically open when you launch your browser.

If you would like to add everything open tabs at the time of being in Settings to start-up, press .

To remove a page from the list, select it and click on the cross. After all pages have been added, click OK.

That's it, the start pages have been added successfully. To check, close the browser and launch it again. The browser automatically opens the specified pages upon startup.

Setting up a home page in Mozilla Firefox

Similarly, you can set the home page to Mozilla browser Firefox.

Let's go to Main menu and press the item "Settings".

On the settings tab "Basic" indicate the address we need

And although here additional fields pages for entering do not appear, you can still add several pages. How to do this? To do this, first open the necessary pages that you want to open when you start the browser in different tabs, then go here to Settings and click " Use current pages».

You can also add a page from your browser bookmarks to the start page. To do this, just click Use bookmark. Next, in the bookmarks window, select the desired bookmark.

Restart the browser.

Home pages in Opera

Setting the home page or pages to Opera browser almost the same as in Google Chrome. Let's go to Main menu, select the item Settings

To quickly access Settings, you can use the keyboard shortcut Alt + P.

Everything else is familiar to us. In the “At startup” settings group, set the “Open a specific page or several pages” item, then click “Set page” and in the pop-up window indicate the address of the desired page or pages. Exactly the same as in Google Chrome. After adding pages, click OK. Restart the Opera browser.

Start page in Yandex Browser

Yandex Browser is different from all of the above. It is not possible to install any other page except the main Yandex page. You can verify this by going to Settings.

Here they only offer to open the quick access page or open those tabs that were open when the browser was last closed. If there is nothing to restore (there will be no tabs), then the browser will open the default start page -

Launching home pages in the Microsoft Edge browser

With the release of a new Windows versions 10 appeared new browser Microsoft Edge included in this version operating system. This browser also has the ability to add pages for the first time you launch the browser. To do this, open the menu “ Additionally", then the item " Options»

In the “Open with” parameter group, set the “Specific page” parameter, indicate the page to be added in the empty input field and press plus. After clicking on the “+”, the page is added and a new input field opens. This way, you can add as many pages as you need to start the browser.

That's all for today. We looked at how to set the home page in different browsers. Thank you for your attention. Until next time.

Life is what happens to us while we are making plans for the future.

We visit some sites much more often than others, and it would be very convenient to make them open automatically or faster. To do this, you can change the start or home page to your favorite ones. On browsers such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex Browser and Microsoft Edge (new Internet Explorer), changing these pages is quite simple and even inexperienced users will not have any problems.

The difference between the start page and the home page

First, let’s clarify the concepts of what start and home pages are:

  • the start page opens automatically when you start the browser;
  • home - only when you click on the corresponding icon in the toolbar.

There is nothing stopping you from making your start and home pages point to the same address.

Initially, the start page was conceived as an opportunity for accelerated access to your favorite site. But usually this only causes a novice user unnecessary hassle when using the Internet. By default, the official website of the developer or the address of a search engine is indicated as the start page. It also happens that when you launch the browser, a “wrong” site opens, which is completely uninteresting to the user. This can all be solved by changing the settings so that the address you need or an empty tab opens.

Some browsers use "start" and "home" instead of "start" and "home".

How to customize the start or home page: install, change or remove

For almost all browsers, these steps are approximately the same, but we will look at everything in order.

Google Chrome ("Google Chrome")

  1. Launch the browser and go to settings by selecting the appropriate item in the main menu.
  2. To assign a home page, in the category " Appearance» Check the box next to “Show Home button”. In the submenu that appears, click "Edit".
  3. After these steps, an icon with a house will appear to the left of address bar browser. Through it you can quickly get to the home page.
  4. Assign the desired home page by selecting Next Page. Enter the desired address and click OK.
  5. To change the start page, go to the “Open at startup” category in your browser settings. Select "Specified Pages" and click "Add".
  6. Enter the address of the desired start page in the window that appears.

You can use open pages as start pages by selecting the appropriate item in the window for adding start pages.

Video: how to change the start page in Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox (“Mozilla” or “Firefox”)


  1. Launch the browser and open the main menu by clicking on the corresponding icon in the upper left corner of the screen. Select "Settings".
  2. In the "On startup" category, select "Open a specific page or multiple pages." Then click Set Pages.
  3. In the window that appears, sequentially add and enter the addresses of the desired pages, then click “OK”.

The “Home Page” function is not provided in the Opera browser. The developers thought that the express panel would be sufficient.

Yandex Browser

  1. Open the main menu by clicking on the icon in the upper right corner of the browser window, then select “Settings”.
  2. To change the start page, select “Tableboard with favorite sites” in the “Open on startup” category.
  3. Now, when you start the browser, the so-called “Zen” window will be displayed with your set of sites.

In Yandex Browser, there is no selection of the start page in the usual sense. The home page invariably remains the address of the Yandex search engine. You can go to it by clicking on the icon with the letter “I” to the left of the address bar.

Microsoft Edge ("New Explorer")

  1. Open your browser's main menu and go to settings.
  2. After scrolling to the bottom of the list of options, click on the “View advanced options” button.
  3. In the Show Home Button category, move the slider to the right until it changes to On. Then select a specific page and enter the desired address. Don't forget to save by clicking on the floppy disk icon.
  4. To change your start page, go back to Settings and in the Open Microsoft Edge With category, select Specific Page or Pages. Then enter the desired address and click on the floppy disk icon to save the changes.

If the page does not want to change and nothing helps

If you still get the same unwanted page, even after changing the settings, the problem is a virus.

If you have an antivirus installed, use it to scan your computer and remove all suspicious programs, after updating the virus signature database.

If you don't have an antivirus or it didn't detect it malicious code, you can use the program from Malwarebytes. It is designed to remove unwanted software.

Users are not always satisfied with the standard options for the browser's home and start pages. This often happens when the browser comes with preinstalled home page or Yandex. In addition, the start page may change after installation various programs or browser add-ons. Once you understand how to configure these functions, you can easily change them at any time.
