What is Internet marketing: briefly about the main thing. Internet marketing and a variety of online advertising methods What is Internet marketing in simple words

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Now Internet marketing is something more than selling information products; now there is trade in information space, software products, business models and many other goods and services. Companies such as Google, Yahoo, and MSN have risen to new level and segmented the online advertising market, offering local advertising services to small and medium-sized businesses. Return on investment has increased and costs have been reduced. This type of marketing has become the basis of modern capitalism, allowing anyone with an idea, product or service to reach the widest possible audience.

The use of the term "Internet marketing" generally refers to the use of direct response marketing strategies traditionally used in direct mail, radio and television commercials, only here they are applied to the Internet business space.

These methods have proven to be very effective when used online due to the ability to accurately track statistics, coupled with the ability to be in relatively constant contact with consumers, whether B2B or B2C. This precision analysis capability is now used everywhere, which is why you can so often see terms such as ROI - return on investment, conversion rate - effective visit rate (also known as site conversion), and also instantly get statistics on sales, demand, etc. .

In 2012, according to the results of a study by RAEC, the advertising market was: contextual advertising- 37.55 billion rubles, media advertising - 19.20 billion rubles, video advertising - 1.74 billion rubles. At the same time, the search marketing market occupied 10.24 billion rubles, and the social market SMM marketing- 4.67 billion dollars.

According to RAEC forecasts for 2013, the volume of the contextual advertising market should increase by 28%, media advertising by 16%, and video advertising by 72%. Search marketing by 19% and social by 32%.

Business models

Internet marketing is associated with several business models. The main models are business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C). B2B consists of companies doing business with each other, while B2C involves direct sales to the end consumer. The B2C model appeared first. The B2B scheme turned out to be more complex and began to operate later. Rarer models include the consumer-to-consumer (C2C) model, where ordinary Internet users trade with each other and sell goods to each other. Examples include the international auction eBay or the file sharing system Kazaa. And also the C2B model - the seller of a product or service is a private individual, and the consumer is a commercial organization.


Internet marketing primarily provides consumers with the opportunity to obtain information about products. Any potential consumer can use the Internet to obtain information about a product, as well as buy it. Although, if there is no information about one product there, or he does not find it, then most likely he will purchase another product from a competitor.

The use of Internet marketing methods is aimed at saving money (on wages of sales staff and on advertising), as well as expanding the activities of companies (transition from the local market to the national and international markets). At the same time, how large companies, and small ones, have more balanced chances in the struggle for the market. Unlike traditional advertising media (print, radio and television), entering the market via the Internet is not very expensive. An important point is that, unlike traditional marketing promotion methods, Internet marketing provides a clear statistical picture of the effectiveness of a marketing company.

Compared to other types of media marketing (print, radio and television), Internet marketing is growing very quickly. It is gaining more and more popularity not only among businesses, but also among ordinary users who want to promote their effective website or blog and make money from it. However, in developed countries, online marketing and advertising costs account for about 5% of total advertising costs.


Limitations in online marketing create problems for both companies and consumers. If a consumer has a slow Internet connection, this makes it difficult to use animated videos, presentation films and high-quality graphics in advertising, although, in principle, the problem with speed is a matter of time; every day there are fewer and fewer “slow” users. High-speed Internet takes the place of dial-up.

The next disadvantage is that Internet marketing does not allow consumers to try out a product before making a purchase. But most consumers solve this problem simply. They get acquainted with the product they are interested in in a regular store, and make a purchase in an online store. Germany, for example, passed a law in 2000 (Fernabsatzgesetz, later merged with the BGB), according to which any buyer can return an item purchased online without any explanation and receive a full refund. This is one of the main reasons why online trading is so developed in Germany.

The problem of the buyer’s inability to “touch” the product can also be solved in other ways, for example, some online store owners use high-quality and resolution photographs of the product, trying to convey all the details and features of their products in the images. The use of special photographic equipment for digitizing product images in 3D format (3D image), allowing the online store visitor to view the product from all angles, is also gaining popularity.

Another inhibitory factor is the limited payment methods that consumers trust. But, in principle, all these restrictions apply only to B2C.


For both companies and consumers involved in online business, security issues are very important. Many consumers are afraid to shop online because they are not sure what their personal information will remain confidential. There have already been cases where companies doing online business have been caught disclosing confidential information regarding their customers. Some of them declared on their websites that they guarantee the confidentiality of consumer information. By selling information about their clients, such companies violate not only their declared policies, but also the laws of several states at once.

Some companies buy information about consumers, then offer the consumer money to remove this information from the database. Either way, many consumers are unaware that their private information is being shared and are unable to prevent unscrupulous companies from sharing this information.

The issue of security is one of the main ones for companies that take online business seriously. Encryption is one of the main methods used to ensure the security and confidentiality of transmitted data on the Internet.

The Impact of Internet Marketing on Business

Internet marketing has had a huge impact on a number of business areas, including the music industry, banking, the market for portable electronic devices (mobile phones, players, etc.), the so-called “flea market” and, most importantly, advertising.

In the music industry, many consumers have started purchasing and downloading MP3 music online instead of purchasing .

Internet marketing has also influenced the banking industry. An increasing number of banks are offering their services online. Online banking is more convenient for the client, as it eliminates the need to visit the bank or its branches every time. In the United States today, about 50 million people use online banking services. Online banking is one of the fastest growing sectors of internet business. Increasing Internet connection speeds play an extremely important role in this. Of all Internet users, about 44% use Internet banking services.

Online auctions have gained popularity, and flea markets are struggling to survive. Unique items that used to be found at flea markets are now sold on online auction sites such as eBay. Also, the development of auctions has greatly influenced the prices of unique and antique items. If before it was difficult to find information about the price, now you can look at the price of a similar item at auction. And have at least a general idea of ​​the cost of the product, since you can always find out how much this or that item was sold for. More and more sellers of such products are conducting their business online from home.

The effect on the advertising industry was and remains truly enormous. In just a few years, online advertising has skyrocketed to tens of billions of dollars per year. Advertisers have begun to actively change their preferences, and today Internet advertising already occupies a larger market niche than radio advertising (in developed countries).

What is Internet Marketing? What online tools do internet marketers use? What are the different internet marketing strategies? How to become an internet marketer?

Hello friends! In this article I will discuss the topic of Internet marketing in detail and in clear language.

Why is the Internet becoming one of the most important marketing channels? The fact is that classic promotion concepts - personal selling, sales promotion (discounts, promotions), word of mouth marketing, advertising and persuasion - are all actively migrating to the Internet!

Therefore, in this review we will look at what is happening around us - how the world is changing thanks to the Internet and new digital technologies. Let's break the concept of Internet marketing into four key blocks and consider each in detail separately. Let's discuss new opportunities for promotion. Let's look at examples and cases. Let's go!

What is Internet Marketing

Internet marketing (internet marketing or digital marketing) is a whole range of activities using Internet marketing tools that companies use to communicate with their customers and clients in order to sell them their product or service.

What are these tools? There are quite a lot of them, and therefore it is easy for a non-specialist to get confused in them. To make it easier for you to understand them and imagine the entire landscape of Internet marketing, I have compiled a clear visual map with four key blocks. According to them, all Internet marketing can be divided into the following parts: Search, Display advertising, E-commerce and Analytics.

Internet Marketing: 4 Key Blocks

Review of the Russian Internet space in 2018

Let's start by doing brief overview what is happening around us - how the world is changing thanks to the Internet and digital technologies.

1. People who watch little TV migrate to the Internet:

Penetration of TV and Internet. Source: Russian Target Group Index Q4 2015

2. In the first half of 2018, Runet caught up and even slightly surpassed TV in terms of advertising revenue:

It is important to note here that 80% of the Runet is contextual advertising (more on this below).

3. Offline and online channels communications with the consumer are actively combined into one continuous customer service. The main thing is that it is convenient for the buyer - no matter where he is, how he buys (online or offline) and what device he uses (he could start on a computer and continue with a smartphone).

This is called omnichannel:

  • It is now very important for businesses to be present at all touch points through mobile internet to attract consumers: videos, review sites and search.
  • the website of a company or brand should be as convenient as possible for use on a mobile device (not everyone has understood this yet)
  • For many companies, the role of a mobile application is increasing (but not for all - it is important to understand this and not waste money)

Now let's look at each of the four main blocks of Internet marketing, which we have already discussed above, in turn.

4 key blocks of internet marketing

Block 1: SEARCH

Finding the right information is a basic need of every Internet user. This is where the Internet began. Therefore, the TOP 5 most visited resources on the Runet confidently include Yandex and Google.

TOP 5 Internet resources

In response to your request, the search robot provides links to resources with relevant information. They are ranked using a complex search engine algorithm according to the degree of maximum usefulness for the user. Therefore, the most relevant resources usually appear on the first page of search results, which can in the best possible way help a person find the answer to a question that interests him.

In Russia, the search market is divided between two main players - Yandex (with a share of about 55%) and Google (about 34%). Google dominates the world.

Here's what Yandex search results might look like:

As can be seen from the figure above, a standard search engine page consists of three parts:

  1. Search query (in our case “internet marketing”)
  2. Contextual advertising (paid ad, signed with a yellow “advertising” icon)
  3. Organic results (real unpaid search results)

If products or services in your market are actively searched for on the Internet, then it makes sense for a company to strive to get listed in search results for such queries. To find out easily detailed statistics For various requests, you can use the Yandex service wordstat.yandex.ru. Here is an example of statistics for the query “internet marketing”:

Example of statistics for the query “internet marketing”

In the column on the left we see the number of impressions per month, as well as what was searched for with the phrase or word we requested. On the right, the system issues similar requests. This indispensable tool for internet marketer.

Experts also divide all requests into 4 types: high-frequency (HF), mid-frequency (MF), low-frequency (LF) and micro-low-frequency (MLF). Thus, we can divide the statistics from the example above into these four groups:

4 groups of requests by frequency

Naturally than more popular request, the more competition there is for it. Therefore often search engine promotion start from low frequency positions.

SEO or search engine optimization

Depending on the market, objectives and its capabilities, a company may decide to promote through organic search results, through paid contextual advertising, or in both directions simultaneously.

U organic results there are a number of advantages: they trust it more and they click on it more often. It is also important to get to the first page of search results (usually about 10 links), since approximately 80-90% of users find the desired result on it. Moreover, up to 70% of clicks on the first page can come from the first TOP 3 answers.

Organic "natural" search results are affected by search engine optimization website (abbreviated SEO, from English. Search Engine Optimization, or simply search engine promotion).

SEO is a whole range of activities - from changing the site’s code to filling it with useful and relevant content (information) - with the goal of raising the site’s position in organic results.

Another additional advantage of search engine promotion is the fact that a user who sees a company’s website on the first page of organic results automatically considers it more authoritative this request, in comparison with other competitors who were not included in this TOP 10.

Unlike paid contextual advertising, the results of search engine optimization efforts become visible only after some time has passed, from one to several months. And truly high-quality content gains more and more impressions per month over time and brings traffic to the site for years. Because when they start sharing, commenting on and saving to favorites, the search engine determines this as an indicator of usefulness and gives priority in the search results.

When ranking sites, search robots take into account several hundred parameters, so narrow promotion specialists understand all the intricacies of search optimization. However, one of the most key factors is the relevance, usefulness and completeness of the information provided. That’s why it’s so important to fill your website with content that is interesting to users and that best answers their questions. Most likely, you are reading this article because it was in the top search results, which means it best answers your question. search query(which the author will be very happy about).

Naturally, your content should be relevant to your business, products or services. Therefore, work on optimization at the initial stages includes the process of collecting key phrases(keywords) for which you will conduct search engine promotion and for which you will optimize your content. Experts name a list of such phrases semantic core.

Contextual advertising

To better understand this, look at the graph below. It clearly shows that 80% of the entire online advertising market comes from contextual advertising (we’ll talk about media advertising below).

And in the Russian contextual promotion market itself, Yandex dominates with a market share of 72%.

9 advantages of advertising on the Internet

  1. Interactivity

Almost any type of advertising on the Internet provides something that advertising on TV is not capable of - this is the opportunity to interact with it. This means that the advertiser has much more opportunities to engage his audience, entertain them, and immediately provide them with any additional information, answer questions in real time and ultimately be more likely to successfully sell her your product or service.

  1. Often cheaper

The cost of advertising on TV is still cheaper in terms of the cost of one contact. But small and medium-sized businesses cannot overcome the economic barrier to entry into the TV advertising market. After all, even a relatively small budget for TV promotion starts from tens of millions of rubles.

The cost itself is regulated by the market, since the system sets the price per click in automatic mode depending on demand and the number of advertisers on a given topic.

  1. Contact quality and the ability to measure it

When a person watches TV, then when advertising block Often the first thought is to go to the kitchen or restroom. When a person sits in front of a computer or smartphone screen, his attention remains more focused. Especially if he is purposefully looking for something. A paid contextual ad directly responds to his request, so it is often not ignored. Thus, the same message, for example, on TV and on the Internet can differ qualitatively in terms of the level of impact and the ability to convey this message in its entirety.

In addition, the Internet makes it possible to track and measure all user interactions with an advertising message. This means that the advertiser has the ability to track the effectiveness of their advertising messages in real time and study the behavior of visitors to their site in order to best tailor their advertising messages, make them more effective and maximize sales per dollar spent. In the Analytics block, we will take a closer look at the key measurable indicators of the site.

  1. Opportunity to tell a long story

Thanks to interactivity, online advertising, when properly organized, makes it possible to tell a longer story about your product or service. And the longer the story you can tell, the more chances you have to influence the buyer and his perception in order to sell him your product.

  1. Access to a young audience

As we already saw in the graph at the beginning of the article, a whole layer of people has appeared, especially young people, who practically do not watch TV. Often these are people with high purchasing power. And the Internet in their case is one of the few marketing channels through which they can be reached.

  1. Targeting capability

Every year there is an opportunity for narrower and smarter targeting. Basic parameters can be geography and gender, and more advanced ones can be models for searching for people similar to those who have already bought something from you or performed another targeted action (this model is called Look Alike - translated from English as “search for similar people”).

  1. Possibility of operational A/B testing

You can run two or more versions of your ad at the same time to quickly identify the best one. effective way submissions. This is a very big advantage for business. They definitely need to be used.

  1. Quick launch of an advertising campaign
  1. New opportunities every year

Since technology is developing very quickly, every year more and more new opportunities to convey messages to consumers appear online. From smarter targeting to new devices that connect to the global web (for example, digital watches).

4 main models for paying for advertising on the Internet

Let's now look at the 4 main payment models on the Internet:

  1. We have already mentioned the first basic model above - this CPC (cost per click)– cost per click. Money is debited only if the ad is clicked on.
  2. Second payment model CPT or also CPM (from the English cost per thousand / mille)– cost per thousand impressions (for example, banners)
  3. Basic payment model for video advertising - CPV (English: cost per view)– the cost of watching the video to the end. The money is debited if you watched the commercial to the end without clicking the “skip” button.
  4. There is another basic payment model - this CPA (from the English cost per action)– payment for user action. This action could be registration, filling out a form, or making a purchase.

So, we have already looked at two types of online promotion – SEO and contextual advertising. Now let's look at the following big block– media advertising.

Block 2: Display advertising on the Internet

Let's look at the key formats.


Banners are the most “ancient” type of media advertising. These are the same static or animated graphic blocks that we see on many sites. The purpose of such advertising is to attract attention so that the user clicks and goes to the advertiser’s website. Therefore, as a rule, a short teasing message is placed on banners, and the details of the offer are already revealed on the site after the transition.

Example - banner on home page Yandex:

As a rule, banners have a standard size: 240x400, 600x90 dpi and others. There are also non-standard solutions such as banners, which are located in the page header, or rich rich media (rich - media) - these are rich banners that open on top of the site content and are accompanied by audio-video nearby.

Here I would also like to note that there are two types of advertising rotation:

  1. Static placement— when your advertising banner is constantly on the page (for example, if only your advertising is on the Yandex main page all day long)
  2. Dynamic rotation– when every time the site is loaded, materials from different advertisers appear.

Another type of banner is a text-graphic block (it is often abbreviated as TGB). Their trick is that they look less like advertising and more like an editorial recommendation, so they can be more credible. Here is an example of TGB on VKontakte:

TGB example

Video advertising or online video

In recent years, there has been an explosive growth in the popularity of video content on the Internet. Therefore, video advertising has become one of the fastest growing segments of online advertising. It is usually posted on such popular platforms as YouTube, Rutube, VKontakte and other video resources, including social networks.

For reference, here are the two largest video platforms in Russia:

  • YouTube covers 52% of the Russian population in +100 thousand cities. Its audience: 28 million unique users per month.
  • GPMD covers 51% of the population in Russia in +100 thousand cities. Its audience: 27 million unique users per month.

The most basic view video advertising is the so-called pre-roll - it is played at the very beginning of watching the video and is often accompanied by a “skip” button. As a rule, pre-rolls range in length from 6 to 15 seconds.

Also, commercials can appear inside and at the end of the video content being watched. They are respectively called mid-rolls and post-rolls (mid -roll and post -roll).

As we already discussed in the section about the advantages of advertising on the Internet, interactivity is inherent in most formats. Therefore, video advertising is accompanied by a link to the advertiser’s website and makes it possible to extend contact with the user, engage him and tell a longer story. Here interesting example such a solution from the Jacobs coffee brand. At the end of their commercials with the famous Italian “dancing millionaire,” they offered to receive a gift from the star by clicking on a link.

Example of a link from a pre-roll


This is quite an expensive pleasure that only a successful company with a very large budget for Internet marketing can afford. This tool makes it possible to brand an entire portal - for example, like this:

Social networks (SMM)

Russians are among the ten countries with the most active users of social networks. And we spend the largest amount of time online on social media – more than 143 minutes per day on average. Moreover, in 2018 mobile phone has become the main entry point to the Internet in our country.

The following figures demonstrate the scale of penetration of social networks in Russia:

The evolution of social networks

The picture below shows main advertising formats in social networks:

  • Post or announcement in the news feed
  • Video
  • Text-graphic block (TGB)

Case. A friend of mine made a simple one-page website for a private owner who renovates apartments. And I came up with a fairly simple way to effectively promote through Facebook. The fact is that on this platform you can display targeted (targeted) ads, depending on the change various settings profile. Including the status “married”. So, he placed an ad targeting girls whose status had only recently changed to “married.” After all, very often newlyweds begin a cheerful family life with renovations. Thus, the first clients began to come with a very small budget of 1000 rubles.

1. Culture of visual content consumption. People are increasingly sharing ideas, feelings and experiences through images.

  • Up to 60% of information is consumed visually
  • There are already more than 22 million unique Instagram users per month in Russia, and this figure continues to grow rapidly
  • 67% of Russians watch videos at least once a week. Video is increasingly receiving priority for display in the news feed. And live broadcasts are very popular.
  • 87% of millennials (those born after 1985) use their smartphone camera at least once a week, often posting footage on social media

* Data sources : TNS Marketing Index, Facebook, Millward Brown

3. Agents of influence– small and medium-sized bloggers are now on the rise, as their audience trusts them more and shows a much higher level of engagement than their celebrity blogger counterparts.

Social networks are also the main driver of viral content on the Internet. However, it is quite difficult to purposefully create viral content. I estimate that content only goes viral 10% of the time, despite the fact that it was intentionally designed to go viral.


Bloggers or influencers (from the English influence - to influence) are opinion leaders in completely different areas. They have gathered a huge audience of millions of users. For example, the number of followers on Instagram, say, of Ksenia Borodina, is more than 11 million people. Not every federal channel can boast of such an audience. Therefore, a major blogger is already a whole media channel with huge potential for influence. And it's also new powerful tool.

Example of a blogger from Instagram

An online tool for working with bloggers is also called influencer marketing. Obvious benefits of working with bloggers are:

  • Opinion leaders → audience trust
  • Audience targeting
  • Demonstration of the product in action
  • Integration into the plot of a video blog

All bloggers can be divided into 3 groups based on the number of subscribers:

  1. Up to 10,000 subscribers
  2. From 10,000 to 999,000 subscribers
  3. From 1 million subscribers and above

What is important to remember when working with bloggers:

  • We choose depending on the goals of the campaign: top ones for image, niche ones for optimizing costs and conversions (they have a more involved audience)
  • It is already possible to move from one-time cooperation to long-term cooperation
  • It is important for bloggers to provide not only the product, but also information about the product, news, ideas and insights

Typically, the cost of an annual contract with a top blogger with rights to distribute on TV and the Internet starts from 10 million rubles.

However, there is no transparent pricing here. It all depends on the current popularity and demand for a particular person, the presence of his own platform and status of the influencer, and even on his advertising manager.

An Instagram post from a popular blogger like Olga Buzova costs about 200-250 rubles. And if we are talking about advertising for a YouTube blogger like Amiran Sardarov (Khach’s Diary), then we can talk about a fork of 250-700 thousand rubles.

Video games

Video games occupy a large part online traffic, as video game fans love to watch recordings of games online. This is a very dynamically developing area. The numbers speak for themselves:

  • 15% of all YouTube videos are video games
  • Fan-created content generates over 90% of all video game views
  • Gaming content on YouTube is very diverse: news and reviews of games, video instructions, recordings of completed stages and championships
  • 60% of Russian gamers watch gaming videos

*Source: TNS (2015), Newzoo (2015), Google Russia research 2017

We have looked at two large blocks of Internet marketing – Search and Media. Now let's talk about selling online.

Block 3: Electronic commerce (e-commerce)

The role of marketing on the Internet is growing by leaps and bounds due to the fact that sales are quickly moving online. To understand this better, let's look at the statistics:

  • Internet sales already account for about 5-7% of retail trade in Russia
  • Average growth rate is double digits annually
  • Russia is in the TOP 10 countries in terms of online trade volume

The figure below shows what is most often purchased on the Internet (according to GfK):

What do Russians most often buy on the Internet?

As you can see, the range of goods is quite diverse - from small household appliances to products for children.

The entire e-commerce market is divided between three main types of online sellers:

  • online hypermarkets (for example, AliExpress, Yulmart, Ozon)
  • online stores of retailers (for example, M.Video, Auchan, etc.)
  • small online stores (for example, an online store selling ship models, or a website for a craftswoman selling handmade dresses)

To remove barriers and fears of potential buyers, online sellers must address a number of issues:

  • Encourage trial purchase
  • Provide special offers and discounts
  • Minimize delivery time and cost
  • Ensure maximum ease of use of the site and ordering
  • Give quality service(couriers, support service)

Unit 4: Web Analytics: Monitoring, Measurement and Feedback

A unique feature of Internet marketing is the ability to track almost any actions of your customers, as well as collect useful information about your target audience and even about your competitors. Let's look at this one by one.

What to measure: online key performance indicators

Most website owners install Yandex Metrics and Google Analytics counters on them and thus receive very detailed statistics on the site and the behavior of its visitors. When placing contextual advertising, you also get the opportunity to track its effectiveness based on key parameters.

I highlighted 3 blocks of the most important indicators, which will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your online promotion efforts.

1) Site analytics

  • Site traffic - the number of unique users who visited your site
    • Depends on your specifics
    • 100 people a day is already an audience
  • Time on site
    • 1-2 minutes for a “business card”
    • 5-10 minutes for the store
  • Bounce Rate (abbreviated BR) – what percentage of the audience leaves the site immediately after visiting it without taking a single action
    • 10-20% is good
    • More than 50% is a reason to think about what the reason might be (loads slowly, uninteresting content, displays incorrectly on mobile device, irrelevant content for the visiting audience, and so on)
  • number of impressions – how many times the banner will be shown on the site
  • frequency – how many times the ad will be shown to the user
  • reach – the number of unique users who saw our ad at least once
  • clicks – number of clicks on the banner
  • transitions (conversion or CTR) – the share of clicks from the total number of ad impressions (measured in %)

3) Online store

With paid traffic to the store, for example, targeted actions are tracked - CPO (Cost Per Order - cost of one order) or CPA (Cost Per Action - cost per targeted action)

  • View products
  • Adding items to cart
  • Placing an order

Competitor monitoring

The Internet provides the opportunity to obtain statistics on competitors’ websites and see their traffic sources. There are specialized services for this. As a rule, they are paid, but they give you the opportunity to get superficial review free in demo version.

In the figure below, I took as an example statistics from the site sostav.ru:

Example of competitor website analytics

From these statistics you can see the number of site visits, average visit time, bounce rate, traffic sources and much more.

So, friends, you already know the basic tools of Internet marketing: search engine optimization, contextual and display advertising, SMM and Internet analytics.

Additional Internet Marketing Tools

1. Email marketing (electronic newsletter)

Email is as basic an internet marketing tool as search. It's been around for decades and isn't going anywhere any time soon. Moreover, against the backdrop of various social platforms that replace each other and have appeared relatively recently, email marketing seems to be a very stable and reliable tool. This is still the fastest and most direct way to convey important information to your customers.

Of course, a good internet marketer understands that only high-quality and well-organized email campaigns work. It must be trusted and useful to the recipient.

A recent Campaign Monitor report ranked email as the channel with the best return on investment (ROI) in online marketing, with 59% of respondents saying it was the most profitable online marketing channel for their organization (social media came in second at 21%).

In short, then To organize an email newsletter you need to take 5 steps:

Step 1: database -> collect addresses (on our own, through a subscription on the site, invite friends)

Step 2: We follow 3 golden rules - consent to receive newsletters from you, confirmation of your email and an easy way to unsubscribe

Step 3: We compose a competent newsletter letter - according to all the rules

Step 4: setting up the service automatic mailing(I use MailChimp)

Step 5: analyze statistics - percentage of delivery, open letters, transition to the site, target action or purchase

2. Lead magnet or whitepaper

A lead magnet is another widely used online marketing tool. Its essence is that you offer the user something useful for free in exchange for their email address. Thus, you collect a database of contacts of potential clients, with whom you can then work using email marketing.

A lead magnet can be a free electronic book (ebook or whitepaper) that goes into detail on a particular issue, a training course, or an abbreviated demo version of your product. When properly designed and presented, this tool allows you to remove many barriers to purchase from a potential buyer. This happens for several reasons:

  • your expertise in his eyes increases if it's real useful content, helping to solve a user problem
  • fear of losing money disappears, because he tried the product before purchasing it
  • via follow-up emails you have the opportunity to further increase your expertise, establish trust through the most interesting content and ultimately tell more about your product.

Example. On my website where you are now, I give you the opportunity to download my e-book “Marketing: 100% Packed” for free in exchange for an email address. In the book I talk about 5 main marketing tools. And since I have extensive practical experience in marketing, the material turned out to be very practical, which increases my expertise in marketing matters.

3. Landing

Landing (from the English landing page - landing page) – This is another important Internet marketing tool. Its meaning is that visitors to your website coming from search engines, contextual or display advertising and other platforms are redirected to a special landing page - landing page. It is made in such a way as to tell about the product as attractively as possible and effectively involve the user in the process of purchasing it.

Competent internet marketers usually do:

  • separate landing page for a specific product or service
  • two versions of one landing page, which are then checked using A/B tests to leave the most effective one

Landing pages are often used to collect contacts using a lead magnet. So all 3 additional tools Internet marketing, which we just discussed - email newsletter, lead magnet and landing page are interconnected and are often used in combination.

Let's now look at 3 key internet marketing strategies.

Internet Marketing Strategies

To make it easier for you to understand Internet promotion strategies, they can all be roughly divided into three areas: outbound, inbound and integrated Internet marketing.

Strategy #1: outbound Internet marketing (outbound – from English outgoing)

With this approach, the main source of traffic to your website or landing page comes from the advertisements you place online. For example, from contextual ads in search engines and from advertising on social networks. This means that most of your customers only find out about you when you have an advertising campaign running. In marketing, this strategy is also called push (from English - push), when a company encourages a person to take an action through persistent persuasion.

This strategy is suitable when people do not naturally have a need for a product or service. Therefore, they have to hint about its existence through advertising and persistently convince them to make a purchase.

The downside to this strategy is that without an advertising budget, sales can plummet. And advertising costs themselves significantly reduce profitability.

Strategy #2: inbound internet marketing (inbound – from English incoming)

The inbound marketing strategy, or also called inbound marketing (from the English inbound - incoming) allows you to naturally attract traffic and potential buyers to the site. With this strategy, the company strives in every way to help the user solve his problem, for example:

  • provides him with useful information on his blog for free
  • maximally optimizes the content on its website for user requests and thus gets on the first page of organic search engine results
  • maintains your accounts on social networks efficiently

Due to this, the company receives organic free traffic to its website and potential customers.

To maximize the conversion and retention of this traffic, the company can offer a so-called lead magnet or white paper - additional very useful material in exchange for an email subscription. Thus, by collecting a subscriber base, you get the opportunity to continue communicating with your potential customers, provide them with useful and interesting information, and ultimately convince them to buy your product or service.

In short, inbound marketing collects free traffic from all possible sources: from SEO and blogging to social networks and email marketing.

The advantage of this strategy is the long-term positive effect of its application and the low cost of attracting customers. However, such content marketing requires a lot of time for preparation, professional copywriters and competent specialists in automating this process.

Strategy #3: Comprehensive Internet Marketing

The essence of this strategy is to combine the two previous ones. This integrated approach allows you to strengthen your online promotion in all areas and achieve maximum synergistic effect.

Example. In the infographic below I have shown what an online sales funnel can look like with an integrated marketing strategy. Such funnels are also called automated online sales funnels or simply internet marketing automation.

An example of integrated Internet marketing

Your presence on the Internet

Even if you are not a professional Internet marketer, thanks to modern online services Any person has a great opportunity to quite simply, quickly and independently create their own representative office on the Internet. It can include: your website, blog, social network account and YouTube channel.

For example, The algorithm for creating your website can be as follows:

1. Tilda .cc or wix .com – register, select the type of site and one of the beautiful and functional templates, fill the site with content

2. Select and register your own web address on reg .ru

3. Connect your website on tilda or wix to the purchased web address (domain)

4. We begin to engage in promotion using all the tools described above

We live in a unique time when every person can become an independent media channel and share their experience, knowledge and thoughts. Take advantage of this.

Features of working with agencies

If you are working with an online agency, then it is important for you to set the task correctly from the very beginning. Here's the minimum you need to consider:

1. Brief

  • maximum immersion of the agency into the client’s business
  • a clear description of the problem that needs to be solved
  • mandatory face-to-face meeting to discuss the brief before the agency begins work

2. Clear setting of KPIs to evaluate the agency’s work - if they are not fulfilled, the agency will not receive, for example, a bonus or part of the amount under the contract.

How to become an internet marketer

By reading this article, you have already taken the first step. Now you have a solid understanding of what internet marketing is.

To become an Internet marketer there is no need to obtain a special higher education. The market does not require this at the moment. The main thing is practical skills and knowledge. If I were you, I would do the following:

  1. I would study the free materials available on the Internet on the topic of Internet marketing
  2. I would read several books on this topic
  3. I would listen to a good online course on Internet marketing (there are paid ones, both Russian and foreign, but you can also find free options based on excerpts on each topic)
  4. At the same time, I would practice using basic internet marketing tools with my website and social media accounts
  5. Next, I would get a job as an intern at one of the companies involved in Internet marketing. Well, or immediately as a full-time employee on staff.

Friends, I spent a lot of time writing this article. I really hope that I did my job well, and that it helped you understand the basic principles and tools of Internet marketing. Put them into practice to increase sales of your products or services. You can bookmark the article to return to it later.

Business on the Internet is developing rapidly, opening up new earning opportunities for users. Surely, each of us has repeatedly heard the concept of online marketing, but not everyone understands its essence. This is why this issue is so relevant today and deserves more detailed consideration.

Web Marketing Concept

First, let's look at the question of what internet marketing is. Thorough analysis this term will help you understand why it is needed and how it is implemented.

Internet marketing (IM) is a whole complex of various marketing techniques implemented on the Internet and aimed at attracting as many more persons to the promoted product or service. These users consist of target audience website, online store, public page, etc.

Effective marketing on the Internet helps to quickly promote a service or product, and also promotes the promotion of a website and personal blog. As a result, the conversion of the resource increases, and its owner receives high profits. Often this tool is used to increase the percentage of sales made through the World Wide Web.

Thus, if we look at the question of what Internet marketing is from a different angle, then we can say with 100% confidence that this is one of the main elements of online sales of products and services.

Now let's briefly understand who an Internet marketer is and what the essence of his work is.

To put it as briefly as possible, an Internet marketer is a specialist who promotes services or products through the use of special tools. These tools include:

  • SEO promotion;
  • e-mail newsletters;
  • contextual advertising;
  • distribution of advertising on social networks;
  • banner advertising;
  • Internet traffic arbitration;
  • distribution of video on YouTube.

To achieve maximum results from his activities, a web marketer must use maximum quantity these tools. Of course, it all depends on what exactly he is going to promote, since using all these options in a row can lead to the exact opposite effect.

Features of Internet marketing include the provision of services by professional marketers aimed at website promotion. To achieve this, a number of works are carried out:

  • analysis of user reviews about the resource;
  • assessment of Internet portal navigation;
  • determining how quality the services or products promoted by the site are;
  • readiness of the resource for the upcoming process of promotion in search engines.

Thus, we can draw a small but important conclusion: online marketing is exactly the method of promotion on which the whole business literally rests. Without it, even large companies that decide to open a personal website to increase sales will not be able to achieve the expected results from their online activities.

Types of Internet Marketing

Marketing on the Internet has its own varieties. We have already indirectly examined some of them (IM tools). Now let's look at them in more detail. This will help you understand the specifics of working in this area of ​​business. Below are the most basic types of Internet marketing aimed at attracting the target audience to the site.

  1. Comprehensive Internet marketing. This type of IM involves the use of special tools for online promotion. This means that marketers also develop the company’s website from scratch, not forgetting about creating a group on social networks and placing contextual advertising in search engines. However, you should not think that an integrated approach requires the use of all Internet marketing methods at once. Therefore, if you are going to promote your website yourself, be sure to consult with a qualified marketer before choosing a tool.
  2. Viral MI. This type of Internet site marketing involves the use of a so-called media virus. It is launched with the aim of disseminating information about the company, while saving a lot of money on the services of professional advertisers. Of course, this is also done for a fee.

What does the term media virus mean? There are several options. This could be an animation, a short video, an article or a note, etc. The main condition is uniqueness. A media virus should not be taken from someone, it must be developed specifically for a specific company.

  1. Social media marketing. This type of web marketing is based on attracting the target audience through the most popular social networks - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. This is done with the help of unique content, the distribution of which will be carried out by the network users themselves. This type of marketing of Internet projects is very popular, and moreover, users express much more trust than in conventional advertising.
  2. Internet PR. By contacting authoritative virtual media, you will be able to highlight all the most positive and profitable qualities of your enterprise. Of course, you will have to pay a lot for this, but professionally created advertising will contribute to a rapid increase in the conversion of your site.
  3. Affiliate Marketing, or affiliate programs– another type of online marketing based on mutually beneficial conditions between the site owner and his partner. It is used not only by people taking their first steps in IM, but also by large companies that have already gained wide popularity and demand on the Internet. Examples are Yandex.Market, Wikimart and others.
  4. SMS or email newsletter. If you use this type of web marketing skillfully, it can give pretty good results. However, remember that everything should be in moderation, since Internet users are quite hostile to advertising mailings.

All these areas of Internet marketing are today successfully used not only by professional webmasters, but also by novice Internet marketers and website owners. However, they also cannot do without tools for promotion. We mentioned them briefly earlier, now let's look at them in more detail.

Review of the main internet marketing tools

Internet marketing tools help you quickly promote a website or group on social networks, as well as optimize it for search engine queries. Here are the most effective ones.

SEO optimization

SEO promotion of a website or blog is the creation of unique content using key queries. With their help, the resource becomes visible to the target audience.

The main components of SEO optimization are:

  • placement on the site of text reading materials (articles) that will be interesting for users;
  • within its framework (the so-called internal linking);
  • posting links to the site on social networks or other resources;
  • user-friendly interface;
  • the ability to open the site on any device (template adaptation for different screens).

In order not to harm your resource, you should not engage in SEO optimization, even if you have studied a lot of materials on this topic and mastered the basic basics of such promotion.


Thanks to this tool you can quickly assemble required quantity subscribers or potential clients. In addition, you will have an excellent opportunity to study the main requirements, interests and wishes of users, which will help you tailor your resource specifically to these criteria. In this way you will make it more attractive to users of the World Wide Web.

To implement email newsletters as one of the main online marketing tools, you will need to register with special service. Then create several emails that will be sent to other users' emails. Place a form on your website for your potential client to fill out and you're done. Once you complete all these steps, interested users will definitely respond to your mailings.

Promotion using contextual advertising

Contextual advertising is created specifically for a specific category of users. Your main task is to configure it correctly. If you don’t do this, then you will only waste money without getting a single client.

Targeted advertising on social networks

Targeting is called advertising promotion site on social networks. This Internet marketing tool is also aimed exclusively at people interested only in a specific product or service. To attract the attention of your target audience, you can set it up based on the principle of contextual advertising.

Banner advertising

To place an advertisement, you need to select a site suitable for thematic area. It is better to find several resources at once to attract as many clients as possible. As soon as you agree with the site administration, you can proceed to advertising. However, first determine the dimensions advertising banner so that there is no confusion later.

You can select suitable sites for placement on the stock exchange banner advertising Rotaban .

Advertising on YouTube video hosting

Internet marketing services also include the creation and publication of advertising videos. In order not to spend money on posting them on other sites, create your own channel on YouTube and calmly post your advertisements there. At the same time, remember that the more “tasty” you describe the advantages of your product, the more interested users will purchase it.

Arbitration of Internet or mobile traffic

Purchasing traffic for the purpose of its subsequent resale is called arbitrage. Such an IM tool helps attract only interested users to the site, eliminating users who cannot be useful to you.

The cheapest traffic can be obtained thanks to. This service includes several types of advertising:

  • banner;
  • contextual;
  • targeting;
  • affiliate

Of course, to use this method of attracting the target audience, you will have to spend money, but pretty soon the business will pay off, and your profit will significantly exceed the starting capital invested in its promotion.

So, we looked at all the most famous Internet marketing terms. Now let's talk a little about the merits of such promotion.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The advantages of Internet marketing undoubtedly outweigh the disadvantages, but in order for you to know what you are up against, you must know both sides of this type of activity on the World Wide Web.

So, the most basic advantages of IM are:

  • relatively low price for the services of Internet marketers;
  • high percentage of “contact” with the client;
  • the opportunity to find solvent and wealthy clients;
  • psychological comfort;
  • the ability to easily obtain all the information you need;
  • the ability to change the marketing tool as you promote your business online.

Now let's talk about the disadvantages of internet marketing. Among them it should be noted:

  • a small number of people willing to make a purchase via the Internet;
  • a large number of “left” sites that only confuse the user, preventing them from making a purchase through a truly worthwhile and trustworthy service;
  • absence reliable protection from scammers;
  • ethical discomfort associated with people’s reluctance to provide information about themselves on the Internet.

In fact, IM is practically no different from conventional marketing. There is a difference, of course, but it is insignificant, and the fact is that Internet marketing involves the use of much fewer tools for promotion than usual.

How to start doing internet marketing?

Internet marketing for beginners involves the use of the following tools:

  • creating your own website or personal blog with further placement of SEO optimized texts;
  • contextual advertising;
  • creation and promotion of a public page on social networks.

You can give preference to another approach - online PR. In this case you can:

  • create columns on your resource with interesting and important news;
  • post your publications on third-party resources;
  • organize joint projects with other website owners or bloggers.

Such basics of Internet marketing with elements of PR give excellent results. In addition, even a beginner who is not experienced in matters of doing business online can understand them.

Viral Internet marketing, the basic principles of which we discussed earlier, is also a good option. Enough has been said about how to bring it to life. Thanks to the information received and its careful study, you will be able to master all the rules and tools of IM, which will take you several steps forward in creating and promoting your own business on the World Wide Web.

Nowadays, having your own website is a conscious necessity. Online pages are created not only for self-expression, but also for the purpose of promoting goods and services. And even if the server is informational, its owner is interested in making a profit.

Creating a good website is half the battle. It is extremely important to achieve high traffic so that as many users as possible buy products, read and go to other pages using links. Internet marketers solve similar questions. Internet marketing is activities carried out with the aim of promoting online, increasing brand awareness, and customer loyalty to the products of the advertised company.

Benefits of Internet Marketing

Online sales are more effective due to the rapid dissemination of information and reaching a large target audience in the shortest possible time. Large material costs are not required, but the prices of some orders exceed the cost of traditional advertising.

Increasing sales volumes is impossible without research. Internet marketing is good because it makes it possible to make the most accurate calculations. The site owner or moderator monitors statistics on purchases and user movements around the site. Special tools allow you to determine how many people visit a site per unit of time and which links are clicked on most often. The information obtained in this way is used to develop an advertising campaign and increase the popularity of the site. Internet marketing is a science on the successful development of which business results depend.

You can learn the basics of Internet marketing for free, deepen your knowledge of SEO, contextual advertising and other promotion channels in the Cybermarketing.ru center - www.cybermarketing.ru?ref=29b1c110

Basic components of online marketing

Web marketing strategies are developed taking into account the following components:

  1. Object of promotion: product, non-food product, service, brand, personality.
  2. Suggestion: in order for consumers to pay attention to the promoted products, it is necessary to note the competitive advantages of the product and (or) offer bonuses, discounts, or participation in promotions. It is necessary to explain to the client what exactly his benefit is.
  3. Target audience: people of a certain gender, age, profession, social group, from whom the proposed product or service may be in demand.
  4. Conversion: site visitors are not yet buyers and clients. Internet marketing methods, which we will discuss below, help make them so.
  5. Promotion - ways to attract the target audience, achieve maximum conversion to make a profit.

Specifics of Internet Marketing

Since the virtual space differs from the real one, selling goods and advertising services online has its own characteristics:

  • continuity of time and space: advertising texts and videos are available on the Internet around the clock;
  • versatility: thanks to network protocols the same marketing campaign can be applied anywhere in the world, taking into account linguistic and mental differences;
  • multi-channel: you can communicate the benefits of a product or service on a web page using email, using FTP, audio and video recording, social networks, mobile applications etc.

Fundamentally important point is to take into account the characteristics of the Internet audience. Users purposefully search necessary information and can turn off advertising at any time. Therefore, the advertising message must be formulated in such a way that the page visitor has a desire to click on the proposed link, take part in a survey, write a comment, or place an order. Internet marketing is a means of stimulating purchases. Passive perception of texts is useless from a sales point of view.

How to sell on the Internet

So many. The most common ways to work with clients are:

  1. SEO. The likelihood of visiting a site (and therefore seeing an advertisement) depends on which search line the page is located on. Most often, users click on the first ten links. The remaining thousands and even millions of sites remain unclaimed. To prevent this from happening, you need to work hard on search engine optimization.
  2. E-mail - creating a thematic mailing list and placing a subscription form on the site pages. Potential Buyers and clients voluntarily leave their email addresses to receive newsletters. As a result, a target audience is formed.
  3. Direct (writing personal letters). Unlike spam, such messages contain personal messages or the name of the company. This increases the likelihood of reading the letter and, consequently, making a purchase.
  4. Viral marketing. This method is implemented using tools such as the distribution of free resources (videos, computer games, applications, e-books) with links to the relevant site or with a request to recommend the page to a friend.
  5. Experiential Marketing. Marketers don’t just talk about a product, but engage the client’s sensory sphere and give them the opportunity to experience the corresponding emotions.
  6. Videos. Original, high quality video will attract the attention of a large number of users. Perhaps someone would like to place the video on their website or recommend the video to friends.
  7. Metamarkets: virtual platforms that talk about real trade objects, manufacturers and distributors of goods.

Types of advertising

  1. Contextual. Such messages are created in accordance with the theme of the site and look like regular articles. The product or service is offered unobtrusively.
  2. Banner. One resource is advertised on another. Banner placement occurs by prior agreement with the site owner.
  3. Media. An intermediate option between banner and contextual advertising. Banners are made directly for the target audience and are placed taking into account the context of the resource.


You can increase your own sales by letting others earn money. The site owner provides partners with advertising of his resource, paying for the service with a percentage of purchases or transferring funds for clicks. Participation in affiliate programs is quite effective Internet marketing. Promoting products through other sites helps increase sales, and owners of information sites earn money from advertising.

A type of program - dropshipping - involves the independent sale of goods by the owner of another server with the deduction of a commission.

Public relations

Another effective Internet marketing strategy is working with public opinion. Articles posted on news or entertainment portals, attract the attention of users and are not perceived as advertising messages.

The purpose of PR is to create a positive image of the company, product, and a positive impression of the service. The specificity of technology is the use of direct and indirect methods of working with the target audience: propaganda, explanation, maintaining communication, organizing cooperation, studying feedback.

Online store marketing

It is fundamentally important for owners of an online trading platform to attract more buyers. Specialists monitor the moment a new user appears and do everything possible to ensure that the visitor stays on the site longer. The pinnacle of professional excellence is turning a buyer into a regular client.

For sales to be successful, it is necessary to study demand and check the competitiveness of the product. The simplest way To do this, type the appropriate query into a search engine. You should indicate not only the names, but also the characteristics of the products.

An online store needs advertising. The main advantages of such retail outlets- saving time and reduced prices, but this is not enough. It is necessary that as many users as possible know about the site. Contextual advertising works best to increase sales, but SEO promotion is cheaper. Advertising on social networks is quite effective. But it does not provide comprehensive information about the client’s needs. You can use other types of advertising.

If sales are less than one percent per month, then it is recommended to either reduce prices or reconsider the advertising campaign.

Internet Marketing Development

It is difficult to determine who first came up with the idea of ​​selling online. History has not preserved the name of this man. Most people spend at least eight hours at the computer and actively use World Wide Web. On the Internet they not only sell and buy goods, but also order tickets, read books, get acquainted with abstracts and articles. No less popular are searching for cooking recipes and communicating on social networks. So we can say with confidence that modern Internet marketing is one of the dynamically developing areas of trade. A huge target audience and a simple interface contribute to successful online business.

In Russia, sales are gradually moving into the mobile sphere. Owners of sites adapted for relevant applications create SMS newsletters, make call backs. Because cell phones, almost every user has a smartphone, and the number of online shoppers is increasing all the time.

As development trends on the Internet, scientists indicate an increase in contextual advertising, the spread of viral marketing, the use of video platforms and the creation of meta-markets. Domestic companies are studying and implementing foreign experience in virtual trading.
