What is SMS? Text message. How to send SMS

Have you ever encountered the need to send SMS using a computer? Currently, this issue is not nearly as relevant as it used to be. Today, almost all operators provide this service batch. That is, the user only needs to purchase a certain package of services and within its framework he is provided with from several hundred free messages to an infinite number of them.

However, even today a situation may often arise when you need to send an SMS, but you don’t have a mobile phone at hand, or there is no money left on your balance. And in this case, it would be very good to know how to send SMS from a computer to a phone for free.

Direct links for sending SMS and MMS

Especially for you, dear reader, we have compiled a list of pages from which you can send SMS or MMS:

  • SMS from the MTS website: https://sendsms.ssl.mts.ru/
  • MMS from the MTS website: https://sendsms.ssl.mts.ru/
  • MTS program for sending SMS and MMS from a computer: http://www.mts.ru/mob_connect/messaging/sms/sending_sms/pcm/
  • SMS and MMS from the Megafon website: http://moscow.megafon.ru/help/info/message/
  • SMS from the Beeline website: http://beeline.ru/customers/products/mobile/services/details/otpravka-sms/
  • MMS from the Beeline website: https://mms.beeline.ru/
  • SMS from the TELE2 website: http://ru.tele2.ru/send_sms/
  • MMS from the TELE2 website: http://spb.tele2.ru/services/messaging/mms-send/
  • SMS from the Skylink website: http://skylink.ru/msk/sms/
  • SMS from the Kyivstar website: http://www.kyivstar.ua/ru/kr-620/sms/

Description of all methods of sending SMS via PC

Currently, there are still quite a large number of working ways to send a text message using a computer. And among the most relevant for the average user are the following:

  1. Sending through the website of the mobile operator;
  2. Sending using third-party online services;
  3. Using the capabilities of SMS mailing;
  4. Use of special software.

What's the best way? Each user will determine this for himself. All of the listed options are distinguished by ease of use, as well as functional features, so first it is better to study them all in more detail, and then choose which one you can use, if necessary.

Sending through the mobile operator's website

The simplest and most trouble-free way. Many users have long discovered all the functions of online accounts that can be registered on the website of their provider cellular communication. There you can get detailed information according to your tariff, it’s easy to change it or order additional services, get acquainted with latest news and promotions, as well as take part in various sweepstakes and quizzes conducted by the operator. And the list of services provided by the operator often includes sending SMS. All you need to do is find the appropriate form and send a message.

The advantages of this method:

  • simplicity;
  • free;
  • availability.
  • free SMS applies only to the network;
  • if sent to another operator, money is withdrawn (you won’t be able to cheat, since the account is always linked to the number);
  • The number of characters in a message is often strictly limited.

As you can see, this is a completely working method and is quite enough to satisfy most of the needs of the average user.

Sending through third-party online services

In the past, there were simply a huge number of sites providing such services. However, after operators themselves implemented it on their online resources, their number decreased significantly. However, some of them have survived to this day, so armed with a search engine you can quickly find a couple of suitable sites.

Their advantage is that you can send SMS to any operator, but the main disadvantage is the presence of advertising inserts in the message. But this is understandable; the creators of such resources also need to make money somehow.

SMS mailing

How to send SMS from computer to phone using this method? It must be said right away that the method is quite labor-intensive compared to others. First of all, here you need to find postal service, supporting SMS messaging and register an e-mail address there, preferably maintaining complete anonymity. In the future, having entered your account, you can send messages to different operators, focusing on the following format: “phone number@Internet address of the provider” (this request must be entered instead of the usual e-mail addresses recipient). You can find out the necessary operator details using an Internet search engine.

Why all this rigmarole? This method has one wonderful advantage - using anonymous mailbox You can also send anonymous SMS. True, there are also disadvantages. The first is the difficulty of finding a suitable mailer. And the second is that some providers could change the algorithm for sending to subscribers, or even abandon it altogether. So it won't work in all cases.

Using special software

Also quite a popular method today. It is distinguished by its quite acceptable simplicity (you just need to install the program on your computer, configure it according to the instructions in the readme file, and you can get to work) and efficiency. Messages are sent to most operators without any special restrictions.

True, as one might expect, there are also disadvantages. The first is the price of the issue. Paid programs are not cheap (but at the same time they also have a number of interesting features, such as anonymity or number substitution). The second one is a very poor choice. free programs and the fact that under the guise of such software they often disguise dangerous viruses, so you need to carefully monitor the antivirus response and not ignore its warnings.

It is also possible to send SMS from communication programs such as Mail Agent or QIP.

Text messaging is simple and quick way stay in touch, accessible to any owner cell phone. Learning how to send text messages is not difficult - a little practice, a little patience and you will succeed! Over time, you may even find that you enjoy texting more than calling or emailing. Read this article and you will learn a lot of new and useful things about text messages!


Text messages on smartphones

    From the main menu, select Messages. On Apple devices, it looks like a replica cloud, as it is depicted in comics. On other smartphones, this icon looks like an envelope.

    Create a new message. On Apple devices, look for the pen icon in the top right; clicking on it will open a window for creating a new text message. On other smartphones, look for the “Create new message” menu item or something like that.

    Specify the recipient of the message. This can be done either by selecting the recipient from the contact list, or, if the recipient is not on your list, by simply entering his phone number in the appropriate field. There may be several recipients, please note.

    • You can start typing the recipient's name in the “To” field, then the phone will automatically prompt you suitable options from your contact list, and all you have to do is select the appropriate entry.
    • Alternatively, you can go to the contact list, find the person you need there, open his contact and select the “Send SMS” action there.
    • If you've already exchanged text messages with someone, you can simply go to the Messages menu and open a conversation with that person again.
  1. Write a message. When the cursor in the text field blinks, it means one thing - it’s time to write, fortunately the keyboard will also appear at that moment! Then everything is intuitively simple.

    • Option for iPhone: you can click on the microphone icon, then you will send a message recorded from words. The main thing is to speak more clearly while recording. Of course, the smartphone will not put punctuation marks, but if you are too lazy to type, then this is quite a worthy option.
    • Stay tuned for bug fixes. Some smartphones “monitor” their owners and, if a word is misspelled, they offer several replacement options. If you want to use a replacement word, press the spacebar and the word will be added automatically. Otherwise, click on X.
  2. Send a message. Are you finished writing? Send it. Modern smartphones display dialogue messages in cute comic-style bubbles. And this is convenient, because you can always scroll to the beginning of the dialogue.

    • iPhone and some other smartphones can detect that the other person is typing a response to you - then the corresponding symbols will be displayed in the speech bubble. If you see this, wait until your interlocutor responds.
  3. Send a picture or video. On Apple devices, the Camera icon (to the left of text field), on other smartphones - the “Send Picture” option or similar. In this case, you can send both a photo from the gallery and proceed to taking a new photo. After selecting a photo, click on “Use” and “Send”.

    • Again, you can always select a photo directly from the gallery - the corresponding options will help you.
  4. Personalize your text messages. Text messages are not just banal sending of messages, it is a much more thoughtful and interesting process! Familiarize yourself with its options and settings - well, at least with the notification settings for receiving new messages.

    • Go to Settings > Texting and turn read receipts on/off. This option can be useful when you are sending something really important (instructions on how to drive somewhere, etc.), but in other cases it can even be annoying.

    Text messages on older phones

    1. Select the Messages, Text or SMS icon from the main menu. U different phones- different icons, so look for them. Once you find the icon, select it in an accessible way.

      Select the “Create New Message” option. An empty text field will open in front of you.

      Enter the recipient in the address bar. You can enter either a number or the recipient's name, and then select it from a list of matching entries in your contact list.

      Start typing your message. Remember, each button on the case has 3 to 4 letters assigned to it. Accordingly, in order to get to, say, the second letter assigned to a key, this same key must be pressed twice. To get to the third letter, you will have to press three times and so on.

      • If you want to dial “Hello”... then it’s better to check if your phone supports T9 dialing. In any case, over time you will get the hang of typing quickly enough. If you make a mistake, move the cursor to it, delete the mistake and write correctly!
    2. Using T9. Actually, we have already mentioned it. T9 is a special program that “predicts” a word by which letter keys you press when composing it. When working with T9, remember that entering each letter is just one press of the corresponding key. Some phones have this option enabled by default, which may be confusing for newbies. However, the T9 makes typing easy and simple.

      • To type the word “Hello”, you need to press 5-6-4-2-3-6 (although the layout may vary slightly). Once. Yes, exactly once for each key. T9 himself will guess that you are not typing “mriadr”, but “hello”.
      • Look for an option that switches the input mode to T9.
      • Always check that T9 has guessed exactly the right word. Sleep and... ahem... another similar word are often confused with each other, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Check the instructions for your phone to see how you can access alternative word options in T9 and, if necessary, choose words from there.
    3. Don't forget about spaces after words. Typically, the spacebar is assigned to the 0 key. After the spacebar, you can start typing the next word.

      • Again, pressing 0 lets T9 know that the word has ended.
    4. Don't forget about punctuation marks. These can be accessed through the unit. You probably already noticed that there are no letters assigned to key 1 - and all because it is responsible for punctuation marks. For all punctuation marks.

      • To get to the desired sign, you will have to press 1 the appropriate number of times.
    5. To send a text message, click on “Send”.

      • Again, be sure to check who you are sending the message to to avoid embarrassment. Enter the recipient's number either directly in numbers or select it from the contact list.

    Texting Etiquette Rules

    1. Use slang and abbreviations wisely.“LOL” and “AFK” are, of course, already part of the Russian language, even codified, but still you shouldn’t overuse such words unless you want to look like a child who’s got his hands on the phone. Please remember that a large number of such abbreviations and abbreviations in the text may not be clear to the recipient of the message. Try to write correctly, not forgetting punctuation marks.

      Watch your message style. Alas, written speech always sounds a little ruder than spoken speech - there is no intonation. So don't forget to use words like "thank you" and "please" to make your messages seem friendlier.

      • Formulate your messages so that they sound as little as possible like orders or commands.
      • Are you in a bad mood? Try not to send text messages at such moments, so as not to accidentally mess things up.
    2. Let's understand that we received a text message. Some people use text messages as their primary means of communication. For beginners, it can be difficult to decide when and how to answer (and whether to answer). Don’t be afraid to send short messages like “Ok” or “Thank you” - this will let you know that you read the message. However, you can always call the person, don’t forget about it.

    3. Remember that personal communication is more important than telephone communication. Can you imagine a situation where talking on the phone is simply inappropriate? Be aware that text messages would also be inappropriate in this case. You understand, it would be very unpleasant, say, to sit in a restaurant with a special someone who is constantly distracted by typing SMS...

      • If you are in a place where silence must be maintained (library, theater, etc.), and you desperately need to send a text message, then switch your phone to silent mode. Few people will like the melody with which your phone greets an incoming message if it sounds at the most tense moment of a film or performance.
      • Please note that on most phones, pressing the OK button or the center joystick key also sends a message to the recipient, which can be much more convenient than digging through the options.
      • Always check who you are sending a message to. The consequences of a mistake in choosing a recipient can be dire.
      • Are you using T9? Trust, but verify!
      • Some sites allow you to send a text message for free.
      • Practice the process of creating a text message. If any difficulties arise, read the instructions!


      • On different phones different settings keyboards, etc. If something is not clear to you, then remember that the instructions for the phone were in the box for a reason.

Your question:

How to send an SMS message to mobile phone?

Master's answer:

Subscribers mobile operators can communicate with each other using short messages. This opportunity appeared almost 20 years ago, or rather in 1992. Then an engineer at the British company Vodafon sent his colleagues an SMS containing Christmas greetings for the first time. Now this option has become incredibly popular.

To send an SMS message, you must know the recipient's ten-digit number. Open your phone's menu.

Open the "Messages" item. The list that opens consists of the parameters “Inbox”, “New message”, “Outbox” and so on. Select the New Message tab. In the field labeled "Addressee" or "To" enter telephone number addressee. Or, if this is possible, simply add his contacts by opening the tab of the same name and selecting the desired user.

Start entering your message text. Do it in Latin letters or Cyrillic. The “Dictionary” function is available - a predictive text system, by activating which you will only need to press the key with the first letter of the word once, and the system itself will offer several variants of the word.

When you finish typing, click “Send” or “OK.” And, if the Delivery Report feature is activated on your phone, you will know when the recipient receives your message.

If you do not have a phone at hand or your balance is zero, then you can send SMS via the Internet. You need to go to the official website of the recipient operator. For example, Megafon.

On home page There is the option “Send SMS message”. Open it to get to the submission window. Select the first four digits from the list. Enter the rest yourself. Write a message, remembering that it should not exceed 150 characters. Then you need to enter a security code of two words shown in the picture. This is basic anti-spam protection. Click on the “Send” button and your message will immediately be sent to the recipient.

The ability to send short text messages via mobile phones appeared back in 1992, when, along with voice communication mobile manufacturers communication devices implemented the transfer of information from subscriber to subscriber in text form. Although new technology seemed very promising, operators were in no hurry to adopt it. Market mobile communications was still in its formation stage, and no one knew exactly how the innovation would be perceived by users, for whom simple communication by phone already cost a lot of money at that time.

Today, sending SMS is one of the most popular methods of exchanging text messages, although it must be admitted that in recent years, users have increasingly begun to prefer Internet instant messengers. However, thanks to a competent approach to monetization, SMS technology has become actively used in the field of corporate services, for example, for two-factor authentication, confirmations when performing various financial transactions, and so on.

How to send SMS through the official websites of MTS, Megafon, Beeline and Tele2

Almost all major mobile operators have made it possible to send SMS via the Internet from a regular computer, and completely free of charge. Special programs have been created for these purposes, but you can do without them by sending a text message to the subscriber from the operator’s official website. Let's see how to send SMS via the Internet from the websites of the most popular cellular operators in Russia.


Let's start with MTS. We go to the website moskva.mts.ru/personal/sendsms and enter your phone number in the form provided, then the subscriber’s phone number, write a message in the large field and send it, not forgetting to select a confirmation picture. An SMS with a confirmation code will be sent to your number, which you will need to enter immediately on the website, and only after that the message will be transmitted to the subscriber. Everything is free, but the sender’s number must belong to MTS. There is also a small limitation - the length of the SMS cannot exceed 50 characters.


Sending SMS from a computer through the Megafon website is a little easier. The message length for this operator is limited to 250 characters; you do not need to enter a captcha. As with MTS, only subscribers of this operator can send messages from the Megafon website after they indicate their phone number and receive a confirmation code on it. You can send an SMS on the page moscow.megafon.ru/help/info/message.


The most favorable conditions for sending free SMS messages from the Beeline operator. Here it is enough to indicate the subscriber number, and no confirmation in the form of a code is required. Sending an SMS from a computer to a phone is much easier, but the recipient must be a Beeline user. The length of the message should not exceed 140 characters in Latin or 70 in Cyrillic. To protect against bots, you can enter a captcha. The service is available at moskva.beeline.ru/customers/products/mobile/services/details/otpravka-sms.


Not everything is so smooth with the Tele2 operator. Previously, the company provided the opportunity free shipping SMS on the most favorable terms, but then decided to change the policy and from now on this requires a pre-order for the Business SMS service. The connection itself is free, but the monthly plan will cost you money. In general, the service is available for corporate clients Tele2 – legal entities and IP. You can read the terms and conditions in detail at official page msk.tele2.ru/business/business-sms.

The best online services for sending SMS for free to any operator

The services provided by telecommunications companies for transmitting SMS messages from websites are limited, but in addition to official services, there are also special resources that are not tied to a specific operator. They allow you to send SMS from your computer to your phone for free to any operator. Here are the most popular ones.

My SMS Box

A wonderful service that allows you to send free SMS to any mobile numbers. The advantages of the service are anonymity, no registration requirement, support for mobile operators in other countries, convenience and simplicity. To send a message, you need to go to the page mysmsbox.ru/about#/send, enter the recipient’s number in international format, the text of the message itself in the form provided, indicate your number (a confirmation code will be sent to it) and click the send button.

Additionally, My SMS Box supports adding numbers to the address book and creating anonymous chats. The database contains many SMS templates (congratulatory, comic, etc.), Russian city codes and different countries, search by address and mobile operator is implemented. The project also operates a special service that allows you to receive the most comprehensive information about the caller’s number.


A simple service with which you can send free SMS via the Internet to any phone number Russian operator. The algorithm of actions is extremely simple - enter the recipient’s number, the text of the message, collect a picture from disparate elements and press the send button. Maximum length The message is 60 characters long; as a kind of “payment” after sending, the service displays advertising to the user. The service is available at smscat.ru.


Unlike SmsCat, this resource allows you to send free SMS to numbers of operators in different countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, USA, UK, Germany and 8 more countries. The service does not require registration or authorization. There may be a slight delay in sending messages. Additionally, it is supported to receive a reply message from the recipient to your phone or email. The service is available on the Internet at www.world-sms.org.


Another site that allows you to send free SMS to numbers of operators in different countries. The service is simple and convenient to use. The sender is required to select a country, phone number, enter a message, a verification captcha and click the “Submit” button. Currently, the service is experiencing minor technical problems, which is why it is recommended to type all SMS in Latin characters.

Desktop programs for sending SMS via the Internet

Unfortunately, not always free services SMS sending works correctly, so there is no 100% guarantee that your SMS message will reach the recipient. There are, of course, more reliable tools, but, as a rule, they provide their services on a paid basis and require mandatory registration. In addition to Internet services, there are also special programs that can send free SMS to numbers of Russian and foreign operators. Let's get acquainted with the most popular ones.


A well-known program that can send SMS via the Internet for free to mobile phones of cellular operators in Russia and some countries of the former CIS. Application supported sending MMS, transliteration, proxy, automatic operator selection and database updating, use of CMC templates, address book and journal.

Using iSendSMS is as easy as pie – enter the recipient’s number, the text of the message and click the “Send” button. Additionally, you can specify the subject of the message, the date of sending, and add a personal signature. Among other features of the application, you can view information about operators, create bulk SMS campaigns and edit built-in message templates.

ePochta SMS

Another program with which you can send SMS via the Internet using the ePochta SMS service gateway. It is positioned as a professional tool for creating CMC mailings, but can also be used to send single messages to numbers of more than 200 operators. Registration in ePochta SMS is required, the program has tariffs for sending messages, the possibilities for sending SMS for free are limited and are offered only in test mode.

The program supports replacing the sender's name, using SMS templates, scheduling mailings, receiving a delivery report, working with address books, creating exceptions, maintaining statistics, viewing the balance and remaining available messages. It is worth noting the presence of a simplified version of the interface, containing only three main fields.


This program is a phone management manager, it is not as specific as the previous two, however, it can also be used to send SMS to numbers different operators. MyPhoneExplorer requires pairing with a mobile phone via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or cable. To send a message, in the menu on the left you need to go to the section of the same name, click on the “Create a new message” button on the control panel, indicate the recipient’s phone number in the window that appears and enter a message of no more than 160 characters in Latin or 70 characters in Cyrillic.

In addition to sending SMS, the program has such functions as managing calls, creating calendar events, notes and alarms, multi-synchronization, sending files from a computer to the phone, obtaining information about the phone, firmware, battery level, memory and a number of other parameters. The MyPhoneExplorer app is free and works with smartphones running Android control And Sony phones Ericsson with model interface.

SMS Organizer

Our review ends with SMS Organizer, the most advanced program for sending short messages and sending SMS messages. Sending SMS via the Internet for free is limited to a fixed number of messages; when the limit is reached, you will have to top up your balance with real money. The application itself is free.

Features of this tool include receiving message delivery reports, using templates and text substitutions, maintaining address books, importing and exporting contacts to Microsoft Excel, creating “black” lists and general reporting with saving in Excel, sending messages on a schedule. Supports work with vCard 3.0 format, backup to the “cloud”, use of encryption and proxies, monitoring account status, applying filters when creating mailings.

Working with SMS Organizer begins with creating a list of contacts, which may include the phone number, full name and postal address of the recipient. To send SMS, you need to create a new mailing list, indicate in address book the required numbers, and after they appear in the list of “Contacts (recipients) of mailing”, click “Send message”.

Bottom line

As you can see, sending SMS from a computer to a phone for free is quite possible, but you need to keep in mind that the transfer of short text messages to mobile phone numbers is in any case regulated by the policies of operator companies. This means that you still shouldn’t count on the stability of free SMS delivery. When sending such a message from a third-party Internet service, be prepared for the fact that it will never be transmitted. Only the official websites of the operators themselves can provide guarantees.

To send SMS to your phone for free, all you need is a working computer and Internet access.

Who will benefit from this option?

Sending a message from a computer is convenient in the following cases:

  • There are insufficient funds in your mobile phone account;
  • you have a long correspondence ahead of you, which will most likely cost you dearly;
  • you want to send news abroad, and it is even more expensive than those sent within Russia to your or someone else’s operator;
  • you are interested in mailing to a large number of people;
  • you don’t have a mobile phone at hand or you are prohibited from using it at work;
  • don’t want to be distracted by your mobile phone;
  • as a result of searching for a mobile phone, you risk being left without a free computer that you need for work or entertainment;
  • The phone is being repaired or lost.

Everyone may have their own reasons why they would like to use a computer to send a short letter. In any case, a computer is not required for sending and is only alternative option to send notifications.

Methods for sending SMS via computer

All methods of sending notifications can be divided into several groups:

  • applicable only if you have special programs on your computer;
  • those that are used in the presence of one of the usual programs;
  • carried out through the website of the mobile operator;
  • applicable from special portals.

General conditions for sending SMS from a PC

To send a message, you will need a working computer and good internet connection to load a mobile operator's website page or send a notification via special program .

SMS delivery time

The letter is sent instantly and depends only on the speed of your Internet and the notification you typed.

If not on PC necessary programs, you can use the mobile dispatcher’s website, Internet messenger, or download a special program if the speed of your Internet allows you to do this quickly.

Benefits of notifications not via mobile

Sending messages from a computer is convenient in its form: you can send many messages that are easy to compose on a large screen and edit if desired. Some methods are absolutely free.

Message from computer- this is an excellent communication option when you do not have a mobile operator network. However, your interlocutor is not connected to the Internet or at the moment is offline.

Services for sending messages from a computer are good for maintaining the anonymity of the sender.

Disadvantages of sending emails via computer

If you are using famous programs or a popular resource, the risk that the notification will not be delivered is minimal. However, if you found the portal by chance, or used the first one you came across, you risk that the notification will not be delivered to the recipient.

Some methods are paid and will cost the recipient more than if he sent a message from a phone.

If your message is sent from a computer and you don’t have your phone with you, you’re unlikely to get an answer, and you won’t have a full conversation. Notification via PC is of a one-way informational nature.

Sending through the mobile operator’s website

The easiest way to send a message to a mobile phone is to use the official website of the mobile dispatcher who provides its services to you or the desired recipient. Emails from the operator's portal are delivered immediately after sending. They cannot be sent at a specific scheduled time or desired day.

The Yota operator partially uses some codes. If the phone number of your interlocutor begins with a code that belongs to several dispatchers, you will have to find out its owner using online services or with the recipient himself. For example, by calling him, or using another method of sending an alert.

Mobile provider codes:

    Megaphone: 920, 921, 922, 923, 924, 925, 926, 927, 928, 929, 930, 931, 932, 933, 934, 936, 937, 938, 939, 999;

    MTS: 910, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 919, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 986, 987;

    Beeline: 900, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 908, 909, 950, 951, 953, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966, 967, 968, 969;

    Tele2: 950, 951, 952, 953, 900, 902, 904, 908;

    Yota: 956, 958, 991, 995, 996, 999.


Unfortunately, the official website of this operator does not have the function of sending a message from a computer to a phone. Alternatively, you can use the function of sending a notification when the balance is zero from the phone itself or use other methods.


If your mobile provider is MTS, the procedure is as follows:

  • go to the official MTS website;
  • log into your personal account;
  • If personal account no, you will have to register it;
  • at the bottom of the page find the inscription “Send SMS”.
  • enter the number of the person to whom you want to send the notification;
  • enter the alert text;
  • Click on the “Send” area.

The cost of sending a notification from the MTS portal is calculated in accordance with your tariff. Accordingly, sending is not free, despite the fact that it is carried out without a mobile phone.

After sending the message, a notification of the same name will appear on the page. If the recipient's phone is turned off, he will receive his letter immediately after turning on his device.

Sending SMS using the MTS website is paid!

This method is only suitable for owners of an MTS SIM card, and it does not matter which operator the person you intend to contact has.


Owners of SIM cards from the Beeline provider can also use the service of sending alerts from the resource. To do this, you need to create or log into an existing personal account on the portal and find the option of the same name.

You can send a notification from a resource only to subscribers of the same dispatcher.

After you fill out all the fields necessary information, the “Send SMS” line will light up and you can send a notification to the recipient.

The size of messages from the operator portal is limited: You can only send up to 70 characters in Cyrillic, i.e. in Russian letters. Or up to 140 characters of text in Latin, if the text is transliterated, or written, for example, in English.

Forwarding notifications is free. Its content should not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If the addressee is abroad, and his mobile communications provider is Beeline, you can also send him a notification, and the service will be provided to the addressee free of charge.

For owners of a Beeline SIM card, the site’s service will be convenient for mass mailing to all those who use the same operator. There are no restrictions on the number of alerts sent.

Tele 2

On the portal of the mobile communication provider Tele2, just enter the number of your recipient, the text of the letter of no more than 140 characters in Russian or English. Then check the box next to the text "I'm not a robot" and you can send your notification.

You can send an alert on the Tele2 service only to subscribers of the same operator.

If you did everything correctly, your message will be queued for review and further sending.

Sending “notes” from the portal is free. Also, owners of Tele2 SIM cards can send MMS. They are free only up to the 5th message. The notification can only be sent to users of this operator in Russia. Sending SMS and MMS abroad from the Tele2 portal is impossible.

You can send your notification from another official Tele2 resource. It, unlike the previous one, is not Moscow, but general. Here, to send information, authorization is required through social network. You can choose it according to your desire or depending on the availability of your page in one of them.


If you are the owner of a Yota SIM card, or the recipient of the message uses Yota, you will have to use other methods of sending a notification, since such a function is not available on the Yota resource.

How to make sure that the SMS was delivered?

If you are sending a text from a mobile operator's website, a window should appear in front of you with information that the message has been sent. If your phone account was charged for sending the message, it was delivered. There are no other ways to verify the sending, and most importantly, the delivery of the notification.

If you plan to use a program that has been previously downloaded to your PC, choose the utility that sends notifications about the delivered message. Such programs exist.

Benefits of using the site

Sending news from a mobile operator's portal is convenient primarily because of its format: a large screen, a familiar computer for your work instead of a small smartphone. You can also create a mass mailing to clients whose contact list is stored on your computer if they are not on your phone.

Basically, the cost of each message sent from the portal does not differ from regular SMS. However, if your mobile operator Tele2 or the recipient is the owner of a Tele2 SIM card, the service will be provided to you free of charge if you agree to undergo a short authorization.

The method is also relevant for cases when a mobile phone is lost or inaccessible to its owner due to a breakdown and a low battery. When entering the portal, you will not need a verification code from your SIM card, so you will not need a mobile phone.

Using special portals to send notifications

To send a letter to your friends or acquaintances for free, just use one of the many SMS sending sites.

List of the most popular and simple portals that provide the required service:

When you go to the first site, you are immediately taken to a page with a window for entering text. Here you need to enter the recipient's phone number and message text. As stated on the resource, sending is free, but in return you are offered to watch a short advertisement.

Finding this service is very simple, the portal address is short, so you don’t have to search for it for a long time or review numerous services with other services. News can be sent one by one, mass mailing not provided on this site.

As an example, I’ll send a message to my mobile phone. The allowed number of characters for sending is 60. The input text is Russian. To confirm that you are not a robot (this is a common procedure, do not be afraid of it), you will have to assemble a small puzzle.

When the phone number is entered, the text is entered, and the picture is collected, you can send a message. A green check mark will appear as confirmation that the email has been sent.

Website smste.ru

The portal http://smste.ru/ allows you to transmit notifications not only throughout Russia, as in the previous case, but also to Ukraine and Kazakhstan. Similarly, to send a message, you need to fill in all the fields.

Data transfer is possible only when the system recognizes your operator. If your vendor's code base mobile services no, for example, 938 is the Megafon code, you won’t be able to send an SMS. You can also leave a signature for your message on the site. At the end of the window you need to enter a verification word. Maximum quantity characters that can be sent at a time are 160.

Among the operators whose subscribers can send SMS from this resource, there are almost all the most popular ones in Russia and Ukraine.

The portal https://mysmsbox.ru/ also invites its users to send a notification to subscribers Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan . The resource offers a wide selection free services: save the most frequently used recipient numbers, view the history of shipments, copy the text of the message if you are too lazy to come up with something of your own.

To send from this portal, you must enter the phone number of the person you want to contact with information and the text of your letter. The message is sent anonymously.

The resource looks like this:

After entering all the necessary data, you must click on the “Send” area and the message will be sent.

Website ossinfo.ru

The portal http://ossinfo.ru/ offers an extensive list of services, including sending letters to a mobile phone. On the main page of the portal, find the text in the right corner “Send free SMS to number” and click on the operator that your recipient uses.

The text of the message should not contain any information that would contradict the law of the Russian Federation.

Most likely to bypass this requirement will not work, and letters of the same type will be blocked by the resource, and therefore will not be sent or delivered. Other resources are used to carry out bulk dispatches.

The allowed text limit is 70 characters. After entering the recipient's phone number and the message itself, you can select the time for sending the dispatch and click on the “Send” box. If you filled out everything correctly, a window like this should appear with the text:

Sending a letter using Skype is not free!

To send a letter to a mobile phone, you must have certain funds in your program account to pay for the service.

If you are a user of the Mail.ru program, you can easily send a letter to any recipient on your mobile phone without additional visits to special sites or downloading separate applications.

In what order to proceed:

  • go to the Mail.ru program;
  • enter the details of your personal account or your mailbox (no special registration is required in the program);
  • select a contact;
  • if his personal data contains a phone number, send him a message.

Sending the first 15 messages is free.

Special programs for sending letters to mobile phones

There are a great many applications and programs for sending notifications from a computer to a mobile phone. The main requirement for them is delivery of sent letters. In addition, the utility must be free or at least accessible to users. It is desirable that it be simple and fast. Such programs include the following:

  • iSendsms;
  • Funny SMS;
  • Yakoon.

All specified programs can be found on the Internet and downloaded to your PC for free.

The program version must match yours software on a computer or laptop.
