How to boost wifi reception on tv. We distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from LG TV

If you study the modern TV market, then for the most part they support Smart TV functions. As an example, manufacturer LG has webOS TVs, Samsung has its own Smart system, while Sony and Philips use Android TV. Of course, there are still many other manufacturers, but this is not about that. You must understand that Smart TVs are an additional source of income for manufacturers, as they are aimed at selling additional accessories with a good marketing approach.

With such TVs, users can take advantage of a lot of cool chips. Among them, accessing the Internet directly from TV, watching YouTube, reading the news, monitoring the weather and many others.

But you need to pay attention to those who do not like to overpay, to what will be more profitable - to buy a TV with Smart TV or buy a TV without these functions, but choose a set-top box for it. All because it is not uncommon Android set-top box makes the TV much more, shall we say, “Smart” than embedded systems. But let's not talk about that yet, as the article is about how to connect a TV without wi-fi to the Internet via wi-fi.

Many TV models with Smart TV embedded in it are delivered to customers without a built-in wi-fi receiver. Of course, the vast majority of new models of 2017 come with a built-in receiver. Let's look at how to connect your TV without a wi-fi receiver to the Internet via wi-fi.

If the TV is not connected to the Internet, then there is no access to Smart-functions. The presence of a LAN port does not always solve the problem, since an extra cable around the apartment will be annoying if it is not stretched through a box in the wall. And now this is still not enough, since not everyone has the opportunity to do this. And the cable is annoying with its presence because of the possibility of even just hooking it and dumping an expensive TV.

TVs with Smart TV without a wi-fi module can be attributed to the insidious plan of manufacturers. You can also equip the TV with a wireless module and make it a little more expensive within a couple of dollars. But they do not do this, wanting to sell the original wi-fi adapters at a three-fold high price. Not infrequently, the price of such an adapter starts at $100. Yes, and finding these adapters is not so easy. It is interesting that TVs without wi-fi modules are sold and do not take into account the wishes of customers to connect to the global network using the usual wi-fi.

There are several options for connecting a TV without a wi-fi module to the Internet via wi-fi.

To begin with, we advise you to simply study in detail specifications your TV and use the information from the manufacturer's official website for this. It happens that wi-fi is already present on your TV and it can be connected to wireless networks. Often the instructions for LG TVs help, as well as a separate instruction for connecting Philips to Android TV. If, nevertheless, there is definitely no built-in wi-fi receiver, then there is an option to purchase a branded external USB adapter.

The second option is to buy a familiar wi-fi adapter manufactured by TP-Link, D-Link and others. It just needs to be reflashed to work with the corresponding TV. We ourselves did not try to do this, but it is very easy to find such information and firmware options on the Internet. Although according to the information presented, this process is clearly not an easy one.

The third option is to buy an ordinary inexpensive wi-fi router or repeater and subsequently configure the device to act as an adapter for TV without wi-fi. And now in more detail about this option for connecting a TV without wi-fi to the Internet via wi-fi.

How to dowi-fi adapter from a router for TV with Smart without built-inwi-fi modules.

Everything is very, very simple. Almost any modern router can operate in different modes. More precisely, as an amplifier (repeater), as an access point, adapter or wireless bridge.

And now step-by-step instruction how to make a wi-fi adapter from a router for your TV in order to connect the latter to wi-fi.

1. Buy a router. Any old one can be used. You can use completely cheap models like Netis and Totolink. Here the choice is yours, as routers from other manufacturers are also suitable.

2. Set up the router in adapter mode. If this mode is present, then the router you have chosen will receive Internet from a wi-fi network located at home and transmit this Internet to TV using the usual network cable. You can use the bridge mode or the same network amplifier. Only in this mode, the router will still strengthen your wi-fi network.

3. Use a network cable to connect your TV to the router.

As a result, your TV receives the Internet via wi-fi and you do not need to pull a separate cable through the entire apartment.

Approximately it will look like this:

You can also use a regular repeater with a LAN port as an adapter. Fortunately, LAN ports are present on almost all models.

What happens. A router or the same repeater can be purchased at any of the stores, including ours. When compared with proprietary Wi-Fi receivers from LG, Philips, Samsung, and so on, the price may differ significantly. It all depends on what you choose. Just original adapters are very expensive.

We hope that we were able to solve your problem with connecting a TV without a wi-fi module (receiver) to your home wireless network.

Although, you probably remember, the beginning was with a LAN connector, and then many installed wifi adapter via USB.

I have the case when Wifi on the TV is already in the package. But, I confess, for some reason I first used the LAN connector.

Probably because there (at the TV) there was already a cable. But when the time came to repair the apartment, I thought.

And why do I need all the cables, wires.


Decided, I'm going to wifi connection internet to TV. And it’s kind of cool for me, if not like UHD or the usual 4K.

Of course there is a solution called Smart TV.

Connecting to the Internet on modern devices is as easy as possible. If we want to watch a movie or receive a service via Wifi, we need a router.

Probably everyone has one, I emphasize the idea, a router with Wifi.

Note that not everyone modern TV It has

But if such a module is not installed initially, the issue is solved simply. It is advisable to purchase and install Wifi via USB!

Of course, first find out which USB modules the manufacturer recommends. So you save yourself the headache with the selection of compatible devices.

Check your router settings before connecting directly. The main thing is that in LAN settings DHCP service has been enabled.

The connection itself. Connecting a TV to the Internet is no more difficult than connecting a computer. Of course, each device has its own unique features, but the idea is the same everywhere.

We set up the connection.

*Turn on the TV and press the Settings button on the remote. Maybe it will be called something else. But the meaning is the same. You should get into the settings menu. Next, I will explain using the example of an LG TV. As already noted, I have LG.

*In settings There is a "Network" tab. In it you need to select the item "Network connection".

*On the screen A list of available wireless networks will appear. Choose the one you need.

*Enter password, unless, of course, there is a need for this, and such a need will be if the router already has a password.

If the password is entered without errors and there are no problems with the network, then a message will appear on the screen saying that the wireless network is working properly. Confirm by clicking ok.

Why clicking?

I'm kidding, my TV has two remotes. So in the working (small) there is a bear function, like on a computer. On the TV screen, you can see an arrow that you point at the right one and click with the remote control wheel.

Distracted, but it doesn't matter - CONTINUE.

Sometimes you may be asked to enter an IP or DNS. Select "Automatic". In the same way, a network map can be created. As you can see, there is nothing difficult to start watching movies on TV via wifi.

If your router and TV supports WPS technology, then you are a lucky person!

Just click on the router WPS button and in the TV settings, select the appropriate item - "WPS". The TV will immediately connect to the network and will not require you to enter additional data.

But if you connected and the signal is bad, even with interference, then it makes sense to dig further.

WiFi channel in router settings.

Due to the fact that interference appears on the channel, there are many problems in the operation of the Internet via Wi-Fi. We are talking about router channels, yes, there are such!

Frequent breaks, low speed connections, unstable operation, etc. All this may be due to the fact that other networks start working on the channel on which your network works, and it turns out that the channel is very busy.

Because of this, problems with Aunt Shura can beat and, of course, if you watch a movie from a computer on a TV.

So there is only one conclusion, the signal of your router and the neighbor's (house, entrance, apartment) intersect, which means they work on the same channel. Because of this, unpleasant problems arise: slow Internet speed, disconnected connection, and many, many other problems.

In the end, something should be done with this byaka.

We think it’s logical, with the factory settings, some one channel is selected, to which all Vasya’s neighbors connect, because they also don’t know about the channels in the router. Therefore, it is best to set it to AUTO mode at the beginning.

This means that the device itself will look for a less loaded element and connect using it.

But this does not always give success or I will say so the best choice.

To select a static value, analyze your network with the inSSIDer utility. It will show the load of all elements. So you can choose the most free for further connection to it.

Change settings.

On different devices, the change occurs in different ways, so below I will show how to do this on popular models.
TP Link

First you need to go to the control panel of the device. Connecting to it, enter in address bar address,

Login and password are the same everywhere: admin.

Now take a close look at the panel on the left. Find the same menu item highlighted in the photo below. In the "Channel" item, select the desired number.

Save your changes.

As you can see, this is very easy to do. Just reboot the router in order for it to rebuild to a new value.


Entering the settings is exactly the same as the router described above.
With this router, things are much easier. Open the tab called "Wi-Fi" and find the corresponding item.

Just enter your number and save.

By the way, in some models you can see the workload of each element, so there is no need for various programs.


The input is the same, so go to the settings and solve the problem with the knowledge gained. Of course, if you have it.
Here, changing the Wi-Fi channel in the router settings is similar to the D-Link device. Only the tab is called "Wireless Network".

After saving the settings, you don't even need to reboot. He will do it himself.


Login data remains the same as other routers. Go to the "Wi-Fi network" item and change the data in the corresponding item. Save all changes.


Maybe not the most popular router, but to someone he is nicer than all the others. The input is the same, but you can not specify the password. Open the highlighted tab. And in the item "Channel" specify your value.
Save your changes.

*Do not set 12 or 13 value. Some devices may simply stop seeing your Wi-Fi, so it's not worth the risk. Choose any unoccupied number.

*When installing the necessary changes in the settings of your router, be sure to check whether it correctly detected your country. This is necessary for the correct display of the elements available to you.

*After scanning your network, you find that all elements are busy, then you need a router with a frequency of 5 GHz.
Buying a new device with a different frequency will solve your problems. The speed there is much better due to the small load. Thus, if you can buy a new device, then choose with that frequency.

*HOWEVER, I think that in auto mode everything should work well. If there are any problems, you can reboot the router and it will select another channel.

And if you forcibly install, say, a second channel, which a few more people will choose, then nothing good will come of it.

So we act as mentioned above!

If nothing good came of it, or you have a desire, then you can use the inSSIDer program, or WiFiInfoView to search for a free channel.

Good luck Friends!

Amplified wi-fi is necessary to improve the quality of receiving and transmitting various data and watching videos over a wireless network. Since the quantity various devices(smartphones, tablets, laptops), whose operation depends on the availability of Internet access, is increasing every year, then a weak or unstable radio signal worries almost every owner of a router.

The reasons for the decrease in the speed of the Internet over a wi-fi network may be interior partitions, load-bearing walls, mirrors, household appliances, or other nearby access points to the worldwide network. There are several ways to solve this problem.

Changing the channel used by the wi-fi router

Anyone who wants to have amplified wi-fi should choose a channel free from the influence of extraneous radio signals. Such a popular program as inSSIDer will help determine the degree of its workload (the official website also presents free version for Android), which you can install yourself on a computer (or laptop) that has an adapter. The utility helps to determine the optimal channel for the network by scanning and diagnosing in real time all those closest to the computer wifi connections. After familiarizing yourself with all the presented networks and channels, you must perform the following actions:
  • select the “Wireless mode” section located in the router settings (“Wireless network” or “Wireless”);
  • click on "Settings wireless mode” and change the value of the “Channel” parameter by selecting a free (or least loaded) channel.

Change the location of the router

Due to the correct placement, the wi-fi router transmits amplified signal allowing you to expand your network coverage. To do this, it should be located in close proximity to the device that is used to access the Internet. When several devices located in different rooms are connected to the Internet at the same time, it is recommended to install the router as high as possible, choosing for this the central part of the apartment (or house). Such an arrangement, characterized by the absence of remote rooms, will help to strengthen wi-fi on a laptop, computer, smartphone or tablet due to a uniform signal distribution.

Setting the maximum power value in the router settings

Before use this method amplification wifi signal it is necessary to study the instructions that came with the router, since the procedure depends on the model and manufacturer. Most often, to increase the power of the router at home, in the "Settings" (or "Advanced settings") section, change a parameter such as "signal strength" by setting the most great importance("100%" or "High").

Systematic router firmware update

Strengthening wi-fi on a laptop, computer or tablet is possible after updating the outdated (or defective) “firmware” of the router. Usually in such cases, manufacturers offer to download for free posted on the official website current version firmware, since it is possible to strengthen wi-fi only after eliminating errors in the "firmware". Please make sure you are compatible before starting the upgrade. new version firmware and router models, and for this it is necessary to determine the hardware and current versions of the “firmware”. Information about current version can be found through the device interface located in the router settings. The factory settings are listed on the back of the router.

Replacing the standard router antenna with a more powerful one

Increase coverage area home network an amplified wi-fi antenna will help, the coefficient of which differs in the largest value (5 - 8 dBi). This method is only suitable for owners of routers with external (removable) antennas. It is also necessary to remember that if the router model assumes the simultaneous presence of two (or three) antennas, then everything must be replaced. To ensure a stable signal, do not place antennas in different rooms (they should be nearby).
If the router differs by the presence of only a built-in antenna, which cannot be replaced, then to improve the signal and increase the area wifi coverage manufacturers recommend changing the location of the antennas, spreading them in different directions (up and sideways).

Installing a wi-fi repeater

A repeater (or repeater) is such a special transceiver device, the main purpose of which is to increase the coverage area wireless router due to the complete repetition, amplification and retransmission of all received signals. This gadget is easy to use. It is usually installed between the signal source (router or modem) and the computer by connecting directly to a regular electrical outlet. To configure the device, you only need to know the name (ssid) and password of the network you are using.

Purchasing a router that supports the 5 GHz band

Because of wireless connection is now installed in almost every apartment, then the frequencies of home networks often intersect, leading to an overload of the same channel. Household appliances can also serve as sources of additional interference ( microwaves, cordless phones, video surveillance systems, etc.), which, like most routers, operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. Therefore, buying a router capable of transmitting a signal in the 5 GHz band can solve this problem. This range is almost always free from various interferences, since it does not intersect with channels using the 2.4 GHz frequency, its coverage extends over a large area, providing channels free from other networks (about 44). But the transition to such a range is possible only when other devices (tablets, radiotelephones) can use it for work.

Using the above effective ways, you can significantly increase the speed home internet via wi-fi, and for this you do not need to purchase expensive gadgets. It is enough to study in detail the settings of the router or use additional inexpensive devices.

Hi all!
I doubted whether it was worth writing this review at all, because everything is indecently simple, but nevertheless I decided. Perhaps the information will be useful for someone. I just decided to show how easy and cheap it is to improve the reception of a wi-fi signal. Under the cut, a small overview of two antennas and the result of installing them on a TV box.

with from my past reviews, as planned, went to the parents. And in their house it's just great amount networks in the 2.4 GHz band.

The router is located in the corridor, and the box is next to the TV in the far corner of the hall. In addition to the polluted ether, signal attenuation is also added, it turns out that the equipment is removed almost to the maximum possible distance in a 3-room apartment, almost diagonally across the entire apartment.

The internal film antenna of the box could not boast of outstanding results anyway, at my house the speed was about 35 Mbps.
And for parents in such difficult conditions, it completely fell by 2 times.

However, even in this case, everything continued to work normally, IPTV and online movies can be watched quite comfortably, without brakes. And all these experiments with antennas are actually not such a necessity. Rather, my desire is more to just try what will happen.

Let's look at a cheaper antenna first. It costs and the kit already has an SMA connector.
Claimed gain is 3DBI.

Now it's time to pick up a soldering iron. We cut off the unnecessary connector, prepare the cable.

Next, in a suitable place in the case, you need to make a hole for the connector. Then unsolder the native antenna, and instead of it, solder the prepared tail of the cable. After that, insert the connector into place, tighten the nut and assemble the housing.

It looks like this.

And the result.

The increase in speed is already noticeable.

It is collapsible and looks better than the first one.

But he did not use it, because. already soldered the connector from the first antenna, and this one fit perfectly.

And, as expected, this antenna showed the best result.

I did not test it in the 5GHz range, because. parents' router does not know how to work in it, it supports only 2.4 GHz ((

By the way, the prefix is ​​​​really good, after the review, the firmware was still updated automatically, and there were no glitches and problems during the operation. There's a promotion going on in the store right now.

If you look now at the TVs that are on the market, then most of them support the Smart TV function. LG has webOS, Samsung has its own Smart system, Philips and Sony work on Android TV. There are of course other manufacturers, but they are less popular. What I mean is that Smart TVs themselves are primarily an additional source of income for manufacturers (due to the sale of additional accessories) and a good marketing move.

For the user, too, there are cool chips. You can go online, watch videos on YouTube, read the news, watch the weather, etc. But here you still need to calculate what is more profitable: buy a TV without Smart TV and a set-top box for it, or overpay for Smart functions. Since a regular Android box can make your TV more SMART than the built-in system. But today is not about that.

Of all the TVs that have Smart TV features, many models come without a built-in Wi-Fi receiver. True, in 2017, almost all models already have a built-in receiver. And if you don’t connect the Internet to the TV, then all these Smart functions in it are simply useless. Yes, all models definitely have a LAN port that allows you to connect the Internet via cable. But agree, it is very inconvenient. You need to run a network cable from the router to the TV.

And all those Smart TVs that I don't have WiFi module, this is another cunning plan of manufacturers. After all, you could insert this wireless module, and make the TV a couple of dollars more expensive. What for? If we can later sell branded Wi-Fi adapters for 100 dollars 🙂 Yes, and now these branded Wi-Fi adapters for Samsung TVs, LG, Philips are very hard to find. They are simply not for sale. And there are TVs, and their users want to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi.

If you have a Smart TV TV without built-in Wi-Fi, and you want to connect it to the Internet via a wireless network, then there are the following options:

  • First, I advise you to look at the characteristics of your TV on the official website. Perhaps your TV still has Wi-Fi, and it can be connected to a wireless network. It may come in handy:, and a separate one. If there is no built-in receiver, then you can search and buy a branded, external USB adapter.
  • The second way is to buy a regular WiFi adapter from D-Link, TP-Link, etc., and its firmware to work with a TV. To be honest, I can’t even imagine how all this is stitched and works there, but I saw such information on the Internet. This is a way for those who are not looking for easy ways.
  • Well, the third option, which I will discuss in more detail below in the article, is the purchase of a regular, inexpensive WiFi router or repeater and set it up as an adapter for a non-Wi-Fi TV.

Let's look at the third option in more detail.

Wi-Fi adapter from a router for Smart TV TV without built-in Wi-Fi module

Everything is very simple. Almost all modern routers can operate in different modes: amplifier (repeater), access point, adapter, wireless bridge. I wrote more about this in the article:. This scheme works like this:

  • We buy a router. Perhaps you have some old one. Maybe even an inexpensive one. Good and budget options Totolink and Netis have. Other manufacturers will do as well.
  • Set it up in adapter mode. If there is such a mode, then the router will receive Internet from your main Wi-Fi network and transmit it to the TV via a network cable. The bridge mode, or network amplifier, is also suitable. True, in this case, the router will further strengthen your wireless network.
  • We connect our Smart TV TV with a router via a network cable.
  • The Internet on the TV works via Wi-Fi.

It looks something like this:

As an adapter, you can also use a regular one, which has at least one LAN port. And it is available on almost all models.

What is the result: a router or repeater can be bought in almost every store. Compared to branded Wi-Fi receivers for LG, Samsung TVs, etc. And it will turn out cheaper (True, depending on which router you choose), since the price of original adapters is very high.

I wrote about setting up different operating modes on different routers in the article:. If you have a model of some other manufacturer, then you can search for setup instructions through the search on our website. Or ask in the comments.

Here is a solution for Smart TV TVs without built-in Wi-Fi. Without a doubt, the best solution is the original receiver. But since they are practically not on sale and their prices are very high, you can use such a scheme. What do you think about it? Write in the comments!
