How to remove built-in programs in Windows 10. If the operating system is already installed

Compared to previous systems, Windows 10 has many more tools and capabilities for uninstalling both user applications and programs preinstalled on the system. We will talk further about how you can remove this or that application. If you include specialized utilities in the list, you can count at least five such methods.

How to uninstall apps in Windows 10 through the options menu?

So, the surest way to uninstall programs is to use the settings section, called directly from the main Start menu, where you select the applications item, and in it - the line of applications and features.

Next, a list of absolutely all programs registered in the system will appear. How to remove apps on Windows 10? You just need to click on the program icon, and then use the delete button in the block that appears. This technique is good because after activating uninstallation during the removal process, the user will not see any windows for the process and the result of its completion. When the removal is complete, the application will simply disappear from the list of programs.

However, not all programs can be removed in this way. Some of them, in particular the pre-installed applications of the system itself, will be inaccessible, and the move and delete buttons will be inactive.

How to remove an application from your computer through the Control Panel?

Basically, more simple method uninstalling user applications with almost similar actions can be called using the standard “Control Panel”, as was done in earlier systems.

In the question of how to remove applications in Windows 10, the first step is to call the panel itself. For quick access You can use the “Run” menu, in which the control command is entered. After that, you just need to go to the programs and components section.

In the list, if you compare it with that described for the previous case, the components built into the system will not be presented. But you can use a hyperlink to view installed updates, select an update and immediately remove it.

Uninstall Uninstallable Preinstalled Programs Using PowerShell and Command Prompt

As you can already see, the first two methods are good in their own way. But neither in the first nor in the second case should you uninstall the preinstalled standard programs the system itself will not work. No unlockers will help.

So how can you remove such programs? To do this, you will have to use either the PowerShell toolkit or the command line. To the unaccustomed to the ordinary user, this technique may seem quite complicated, however, if you understand the essence, there will be no special problems here.

So, first we use the “Run” menu and enter the powershell command (you can also use search), after which the console must be started as an administrator.

Consider a situation where we need to uninstall the Evernote application from the Windows Store. First of all, we execute the Get-AppxPackage command, after which absolutely all programs from the “Store” will be shown on the screen.

The list may be quite large, so it is better to specify the request by writing the line Get-AppxPackage -Name *Evernote* (instead of this application you can insert the name of any other program to be removed).

In the information block, you need to copy the line with the full name of the application (PackageFullName field). After this, you can proceed with uninstallation.

Enter the command Remove-AppxPackage and paste the copied file separated by a space full name. In our case, the entire line will look like the image above. Now the matter remains small. We press the enter key, after which the deletion process is activated.

In the question of how to remove applications in Windows 10, one of the solutions you can use is the command line, which is called up from the “Run” menu cmd command(again, run as administrator).

To get a list software products the line product get name is used. Let's say we need to remove the Word test editor.

First of all, let's filter the list office programs. To do this, use the command wmic product where “Name like ‘%Office%"” get Name.

For complete uninstallation, write the line product where name=”Microsoft Word MUI” call uninstall /nointeractive and press the enter key. The /nointeractive operator is only necessary to prevent the uninstallation progress from being displayed on the screen.

Note: If you want to sort by developer name software(vendor), you can use the command wmic product where “Vendor like ‘%Name%"” get Name, Version (instead of Name, enter the name of the software manufacturer).

Using highly targeted utilities

All these were just tools of the system itself. And for many they may seem quite complicated. A simpler method of removing everything possible is to use special uninstallers. As an example, consider iObit Uninstaller

To remove custom applications, you can use a list that is very similar to the one we see in the programs and components section (by the way, you can also use batch removal of several applications at once).

To uninstall programs built into Windows, you need to go to the Win Manager section, use the applications item in the list that appears, and select the Windows applications block in the window on the right. Now let's just celebrate unnecessary applications and press the delete button.

iObit Uninstaller is also good because it can scan and remove residual objects, including files, folders and registry keys. To do this, in the settings, so as not to repeat the steps each time, you need to activate an in-depth scan, and upon completion, select all objects, check the file destruction option and click the delete button.

What to use?

When it comes to preferences, many users are inclined to think that the best option will be the use of a special uninstaller, since in the first two cases the removal may be incomplete, and the second two look quite labor-intensive (and even incomprehensible to many).

Windows 10, like its predecessors Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, comes with several pre-installed Modern applications(previously called Metro Apps). These are Calculator, Calendar, Mail, Cortana, Maps, News, OneNote, Groove Music Camera, etc. These applications are pre-installed for every user Windows systems 10. Even if you remove these applications from the graphic Windows interface, they will be installed again in your account from the system account the next time the system is updated.

In this article, we will show you how to correctly remove standard Modern applications in Window 10, which will save additional space on the system disk.

Uninstall modern apps using the new Control Panel

The easiest way is to remove the modern app from the updated Control Panel, which is tightly integrated with the Windows App Store ( Windows Store).

To do this, click the Start button and go to the section Settings -> Apps and features(Applications and features). In the list of programs, find and select the application you want to remove. Click the button Uninstall(Delete).

However, most pre-installed Modern apps are protected and cannot be removed using this tool. The delete button for such applications is inactive. You can remove such applications only with help command line Powershell.

Advice. At complete removal standard Modern application from the system, restoring it will be problematic.

How to Uninstall a Specific Modern App on Windows 10

To remove a specific Modern application, you need to get the system name of that package. To do this, in the Start menu, type PowerShell, in the list of results, right-click on it and select Run as administrator(Without administrator rights, you cannot delete the application).

Let's deduce full list modern apps installed on Windows 10 by running the command:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers

Advice. The results of the command can be redirected to text file for more convenient viewing and searching for the required package name. Get-AppxPackage –AllUsers>c:\folder1\modernapps.txt

In the list of applications, find the application you want to remove. Let's say we want to delete "Solitare Collection". For this we need the field value PackageFullName(full package name). In our example it is:


Copy the package name by highlighting it directly in the command line window and clicking Ctrl+C(this and other new command features Windows strings 10 are described).

Let's remove the application with the following command:
Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_3.2.7340.0_x64__8wekyd3d8abwe

When these commands are executed, the current user's applications are affected. If you need to remove an application from another user of the system, you need to use the parameter -User .

For example, like this:
Get-AppxPackage -User test_user

Accordingly, deleting the application is also performed by specifying the username:

Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_3.2.7340.0_x64__8wekyd3d8abwe -User test_user

If you need to remove an application from all system users at once, use the option -AllUsers

How to remove all modern Windows 10 apps at once

Important. Deleting all apps will also delete the Store app (Windows Store). This means you will no longer be able to install apps from the Windows Store. However, Modern applications are possible (but here is a method that allows you to get the installation appx file of any Windows Store application).

UPDATE. This article describes.

To remove all Modern apps in system account, run the command:

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online

This way, all new accounts will be created without the built-in Modern apps (this also means new user profiles will be created faster).

If you need to remove applications from mounted offline Windows image(assuming the path to the mounted image is c:\offline), the command will be like this:

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage –Path c:\offline | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage –Path c:\offline

To remove all modern apps for the current user:

Get-AppXPackage | Remove-AppxPackage

If you want to remove pre-installed applications for another user:

Get-AppXPackage -User test_user | Remove-AppxPackage

And finally, to remove all apps for everyone Windows users 10, use the command:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage

Advice. If you get an error when uninstalling modern Windows 10 apps 0x80073CFA, this means that this application is built-in and protected. You can remove such applications using these instructions

We have already discussed this in some detail, and as you can see, nothing has changed fundamentally in Windows 10.

Windows 10 by default contains a number standard applications. These pre-installed programs do not take up much disk space, but they occupy a significant part of the Start menu. If you are the type of person who likes order and compactness, you will probably be interested in how to remove built-in applications in Windows 10.

In general, it is preferable to ignore standard programs than to delete them. Most likely, with a major update, the OS will reinstall them all. There are a number of applications that you cannot erase, for example, these include:

  • Cortana;
  • Edge browser;
  • Contact support;
  • Feedback;
  • Other.

There are built-in programs that can be erased using the usual methods, read more in the material:. If by right-clicking on an application in “Start” there is no “Delete” item in the menu, then this is system software that requires a special removal procedure.

Uninstalling a specific stock application

All procedures will be completed using the PowerShell tool. Use the Win + X key combination to bring up the Start button's secondary menu. Launch the PowerShell console as administrator. When prompted by User Account Control, click Yes.

To view the list of applications, including those built-in for your account, use this construction:

Get-AppxPackage | ft Name, PackageFullName –AutoSize

After pressing Enter, a list of applications will appear in the PowerShell window. Check it out. Of interest here are the full names of the preinstalled programs, which are located on the right. Select the full name of the built-in application by right-clicking on it. Next, copy this name, for example, into a text document.

To remove a standard application, use the following construction:

Get-AppxPackage XXXX | Remove-AppxPackage

Where XXXX is the full name preset program. Instead of a long name, you can use a compact one. To do this, you need to take a fragment of the name of the built-in program that clearly indicates it, and place the * icon before and after it. For example, the full name “Xbox” looks like this - Microsoft.XboxApp_41.41.18005.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe, and it can be shortened like this - *xboxapp*. As a result, the command to remove the standard Xbox application will look like this. To execute it, after entering it, click Enter.

To make the procedure for removing standard Windows 10 applications clearer, I present a list of them below in a compact form. Plug these values ​​into the command above.

Value XXXX Description
*windowsalarms*Clock and alarm
*windowscommunicationsapps*Calendar and mail
*zunevideo*Cinema and TV
*officehub*Get Office
*skypeapp*Get Skype
*zunemusic*Music Groove
*getstarted*Getting started
*people*People app
*windowsphone*Phone Manager
*appinstaller*Application Installer
*windowsstore*Windows Store
*soundrecorder*Voice recording
*3dbuilder*3D Builder
*solitaire*Microsoft Solitaire Collection
*mspaint*Paint 3D

Important! The list contains standard Windows Store software. We recommend that you do not remove this firmware.

The team above erased the apps for their account. This command removes the standard software for all users.

Get-AppxPackage -allusers XXXX | Remove-AppxPackage

Removing all built-in programs

Combination Win buttons+ S bring up the search window. Enter PowerShell into it, right-click on the one found Windows element PowerShell, running it as administrator. Windows 10 has the option to remove all pre-installed applications. The command has the following form:

Get-AppxPackage | Remove-AppxPackage

After entering the command above, click Enter. Next, wait for the command to complete. Please note that lines highlighted in red indicate errors, but this will remove applications except those that cannot be erased. And the lines where the deployment operation progresses indicate the successful execution of the command.

The command to remove all standard applications for all accounts is as follows:

Get-AppxPackage -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage

If you don't want to erase certain built-ins, then you need to add a fragment like: where-object ($ –notlike "XXXX") to the command. Where XXXX is the full or compact name of the program. For example, to remove all pre-installed applications except maps and the store Windows command will look like this:

Get-AppxPackage | where-object ($ –notlike "*windowsmaps*") | where-object ($ –notlike "*windowsstore*") | Remove-AppxPackage

Accordingly, you insert your number of fragments into the command, with your application names. Next, place the entire structure in PowerShell by clicking Enter.

Uninstalling pre-installed applications using special software

If you do not want to use commands in PowerShell, and you are more familiar with programmatic user interface, then use uninstaller programs. In addition to uninstallation capabilities, this software has various optimization functions, which are individual for uninstallers. Such special software includes:

  1. CCleaner;
  2. Wise Program Uninstaller (WPU);
  3. Other.

One of the most functional programs is undoubtedly CCleaner; you will find a lot of information about it on the Internet. As an example, consider removing built-in Windows 10 applications via WPU. Follow these steps.

Reinstalling all standard applications

In a situation where something goes wrong, you can restore the built-in applications. To do this, place the following construct in PowerShell:

Get-AppXPackage | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml")

Press Enter and wait for the applications to install. If error messages appear in red text, ignore them. This indicates that the pre-installed software is already installed.

If you notice that some applications are not installed, go to the Store and install them from there. To restore firmware for all users, you must add –AllUsers to Get-AppXPackage.

These are the ways you can remove standard Windows 10 applications. It is recommended not to touch them at all. If you erased the firmware, then you can always restore it.

Windows 10 theme is famous for the fact that applications have been developed for it in a huge number. Naturally, the installation of some is completely justified, but questions arise about other programs. It would be good to remove them or put them somewhere out of sight. But Windows 10 wouldn't be Windows 10 if it didn't have some pitfalls. In this case, too, everything is not so simple. Now the initiative in decision-making passes to the developers, so deleting these programs involves certain manipulations that can hardly be found on the desktop.

Applications are delivered for a reason, but with the goal of simplifying the user’s life as much as possible. However, each person has his own specific view on the organization of computer operation. Standard applications can be easily removed from Start:

To do this, you need to go to Start and select the tile of the application that you don’t like.
You need to click on this tile right click mice.
Select Delete.

Unfortunately, this in a simple way Only some applications can be removed. For other programs, you will have to use sophisticated techniques. Installation used to be easy, but now everything goes through the store. To bypass this rule, you need to connect another interface called the command line.

It should be remembered that deleting programs carries a certain risk in Windows 10; you must be prepared for emergency situations.


Windows 10 is a system that strives to offer users a ready-made set of programs. As soon as the initial installation is completed, there is already a minimal package of utilities on board to get started. Naturally, the axis will not allow itself to be voluntarily adapted to personal needs. Therefore, you can use a technical tool that serves as a good support for developers. It's easy to manage:

  • Click on search in the taskbar and write PowerShell.
  • The search results will show the same PowerShell that needs to be opened as an administrator.
  • A window will open that has a command line.
  • This interface is controlled by special commands.
  • There is no need to study them further; the list will be provided below.
  • A specific command is aimed at removing a specific application.

Don't be afraid of the command line interface in Windows 10. Yes, it looks unusual, but in many cases it is much more convenient to work with than with windows. Uninstalling an application starts working immediately after typing the code. Thus, you can get rid of the below programs. This is much easier than scouring the Windows 10 store or the system itself in search of the desired switch. And if you need to restore deleted applications, then you can use a different code.


The user who has taken responsibility for deleting programs may encounter a situation where problems begin after this procedure. It's okay, this setting can be canceled. Just type the code on the command line in one line:

After this, all removed programs will be reinstalled. Windows installation 10 is still fraught with many difficulties, since the system has not yet been fully developed. The fact is that Windows 10 will have to be adapted for a long time. This was typical for all products of previous generations. They did not immediately work as expected, but caused a lot of trouble for users. But this is an inevitable stage that cannot be overcome by other means. Feedback from users can only be given by the initial installation of a test version on computers. People specially selected for testing are one thing, but real consumers are another. That's why free installation was so actively advertised not only on the Internet, but also in the 7th and 8th generation series.

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Hello everyone, we continue our study of the Windows 10 operating system, today’s topic of discussion will be the question of how remove built-in apps in windows 10 Redstone, let's look at what these applications are. I would like to note that there are a number of reasons that may prompt you to follow these instructions, and most often this is not entirely correct work utility data that interferes with your main programs.

Built-in Windows 10 Redstone applications

And so let's look at what these dozens of built-in applications are, essentially these are those applications that come with the standard installation of the operating system, in the top ten these are:

  • Alarm
  • Shop
  • Cards
  • Paid Wi-Fi and Cellular Data
  • etc.

Earlier, I told you that at the time of creating my Windows build, at the moment when the operating system needed to be depersonalized, I caught the error Sysprep 3.14 an unrecoverable error occurred, and it was caused in part by built-in applications in Windows.

Removing built-in Windows 10 applications

Let's now go through the procedure for removing built-in Windows 10 applications. In the top ten, not all of these applications can be removed by right-clicking on the program icon,

but there is a way to do this through powershell. Open powershell As administrator, to do this, select the magnifying glass icon ( Windows search) and enter power. As a result, you will find the utility you need, then right-click on it and select Run as administrator.

A blue command line window will open, in which we can remove built-in applications in Windows 10 Redstone. To view the entire list of built-in applications installed on your operating system, enter the following command:

We tell her, give us all the AppxPackage applications. As a result, you will get a list like this. Here they are all yours ((meaning only applications for the new interface, not standard Windows programs, which you can delete through the control panel).

For a more convenient filter, it is better to enter:

Get-AppxPackage | Select Name, PackageFullName

Agree, a more convenient presentation of the list of built-in applications in Windows 10 Redstone

To remove a specific application, use the command:

Get-AppxPackage PackageFullName | Remove-AppxPackage

As you understand, in place of PackageFullName you must insert a value from the list,

It is very convenient to copy from powershell; for this, just select the desired line with the left mouse button and press Enter, you can paste using the right click

You can also perform such a trick, instead of the full name of the application, it is possible to use the “asterisk” symbol, which replaces any other characters. I will give an example:

Let's say we need to delete the People application, we write the following.

Get-AppxPackage *people* | Remove-AppxPackage

(in all cases, you can also use the short name from the left side of the table, surrounded by asterisks). All People apps are no longer available in Windows 10 Redstone.

What we have done is relevant for the current user, if you have the task of uninstalling built-in Windows utilities 10, for all users, then there is a parameter for this allusers.

Get-AppxPackage -allusers *people* | Remove-AppxPackage

As you can see, everything is simple.

List of Windows 10 Redstone app names

The most common utilities that you will want to remove in most cases.

  • people - People application
  • communicationsapps - Calendar and Mail
  • zunevideo - Cinema and TV
  • 3dbuilder - 3D Builder
  • skypeapp - download Skype
  • solitaire - Microsoft Solitaire Collection
  • officehub - download or improve Office
  • xbox - XBOX application
  • photos - Photos
  • maps - Maps
  • calculator - Calculator
  • camera - Camera
  • alarms - Alarms and clocks
  • onenote - OneNote
  • bing - Applications News, sports, weather, finance (all at once)
  • soundrecorder - Voice recording
  • windowsphone - Phone Manager

Remove all standard Windows 10 Redstone applications

Now, in order to avoid doing the necessary routine work, we will delete everything at once. There is this command for this:

Get-AppxPackage - allusers | Remove-AppxPackage

As a result, you will see a deletion like this.

Some utilities cannot be removed by this command, Cortana and AccountsControl.

Before deleting, I recommend that you still make a Windows 10 recovery image, since the list of standard applications also includes the Windows 10 store and some system applications, providing correct work everyone else. During uninstallation, you may receive error messages, but the applications will still be uninstalled (except for the Edge browser and some system applications)

After removing all applications, they can be re-installed, and if you create a new account, they will be installed the first time you use them. To avoid installing them, use the following command:

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online

If you removed one of the pre-installed applications using the Remove-AppxPackage cmdlet, use the following command to remove it from the package store:

By the way, the CCleaner utility allows you to latest version, also remove built-in Windows 10 Redstone applications. Run it, tab Tools > Uninstall Programs and, as you can see, the built-in utilities are also present in this list, and click uninstall.

Since we have learned to break, let's learn to create. As you highlighted above, deleting built-in applications in Windows 10 Redstone is simple, restoring is no more difficult.

Enter this command in powershell:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers| Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”)

it will take some time, so you will have to wait.

Where are shortcuts to programs from the All programs list stored?

Also very frequently asked question, where Windows 10 Redstone stores shortcuts to programs from the All Programs list. It's simple, press the WIN+R keys and in the window that opens, enter:
