REGSVR32 - Register or unregister a DLL in the Windows registry. REGSVR32 - register or unregister a DLL in the Windows registry Register a DLL file in windows OS

Multi-component object model ( C component O objects M dress- COM) is the main means of interaction between programs of any type: libraries, applications, system software etc. and defines a standard mechanism by which one piece of software (server) provides its services to another (client), which is ensured by the use of certain protocols for interaction between them (between client and server). The server can be a dynamic link library (DLL) that is loaded while the application is running, or a separate independent process that can be a component of an application or system program, or even a process running on another computer. For finding required by the client server, special information from the Windows registry is used, which is generated during registration server in the system, most often in the form of a dynamically loaded DLL module. Registration is required because programs do not work with the DLL, OCX, ACX, EXE files themselves, but with objects representing a specific set software interfaces. The following registry keys are used to register a DLL:

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID- when registering COM-objects of libraries for all users of the system;

HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID- when registering COM-objects of libraries only for the current user;

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Classes\CLSID- for registering 32-bit DLLs in 64-bit Windows OS;

Upon registration, a key is created in the specified registry key with a name equivalent to the globally unique identifier GUID registered object. A COM GUID is a class identifier. To distinguish class identifiers from other identifiers, they use a registry subkey named CLSID. The GUID is a 128-bit hexadecimal value enclosed in curly braces:

(23170F69-40C1-278A- 1000-000100020000

When registering, a subsection is created in the registry with a name corresponding to the GUID, containing information about the path and name of the executable file, its version, registration time, information about the developer, and other parameters that determine the specific properties of the object being registered. Deletion or corruption of registration data causes the registered system component to become inoperable or application program, which is usually accompanied by a DLL search error message and a suggestion to reinstall the problematic software. Instead of reinstalling, it is quite possible to get by with re-registration of a damaged object using the utility regsvr32.exe available in all versions of operating systems Windows families.

Utility regsvr32.exe is standard program command line to register and unregister OLE controls, ActiveX controls, and DLLs in Windows registry. In 64-bit Windows versions there are two versions of the file regsv32.exe:

64-bit version in directory %systemroot%\System32(usually - C:\Windows\System32)

32-bit version in directory %systemroot%\SysWoW64(usually C:\Windows\SysWoW64)

The utility requires elevated privileges to work, so the command prompt window must be called with administrator rights (“Run as administrator”).

At startup regsvr32.exe without command line parameters, or when run with invalid parameters, a tooltip is displayed:

REGSVR32 command line format:

Regsvr32] DLL file

/u-- calls DllUnInstall, unregisters the server

/i- calls DllInstall, passing it an optional command_string as a parameter;

/n- does not call DllRegisterServer; can be used with the /I switch;

/s– "silent" mode; message boxes are not displayed;

Examples of using regsvr32.exe:

regsvr32 /u "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7-zip32.dll"- Unregister the specified DLL. Upon successful cancellation, a message is displayed:

To suppress the output of a message, use the parameter /s:

regsvr32 /u /s "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7-zip.dll"

As a result of executing this command, from the context menu Windows Explorer called right click mouse, the 7-Zip archiver item will disappear. To restore it, you need to register 7-zip.dll with the command:

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7-zip.dll"

You must not forget about the bitness of registered objects in 64-bit versions of the OS. If you need to register a 32-bit object, you must explicitly specify the path for the 32-bit edition of the utility regsvr32:


Or without using environment variables:


As an additional software tool to manage registration of COM objects, very convenient to use free utility by Nirsoft RegDLLView.exe. The program does not require installation in the system, has a small size and allows you to:

Get a convenient list of all objects registered in the system.

Perform registration or unregistration of the selected objects.

Create a .reg file to perform unregistration of one or more DLLs.

Register or re-register the specified file.

In addition, it is possible to check digital signatures executable files of registered objects, view or change their properties, as well as launch the registry editor displaying the information of the selected GUID through the right-click context menu item "Open in Regedit".

A message appears that the *. dll(for example, VCompLib.dll). In this case, the program, of course, does not start.

Error messages can be different (this depends mainly on the language in which the program is written), for example: "Component "MSCOMM32.OCX" not correctly registered: file is missing or invalid" , or "The application failed to start because MSVBVM50.DLL was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this issue", or "Runtime DLL/OCX File error". This may bring up a window Program Compatibility Assistant with a message This program requires a missing Windows component.

Ways to solve the problem

If you encounter errors related to *. dll, necessary:

1. Reinstall the program.

2. If reinstalling the program does not help, you need to check the presence of the required files in the system.

Files *. dll, as a rule, should be located in the folder \Windows\System32(less often - in the catalog specific program). If the files are present, you need to check them in.

If the required files are not there, search for them on the Internet, download and copy to a folder \Windows\System32 and to the program directory. Now we need to register them.

How to register *.dll files

Registering *. dll performed using the registration server regsvr32.exe(whose disk address is \Windows\System32).

Consider registration methods:

1. Press the button Start;

- in the text field Find programs and files enter regsvr32 filename–> Enter .

2. Press the button Start;

- in the text field Find programs and files enter cmd;

- in the list that appears (under the heading Programs) right click cmd.exe;

– select from the context menu Run as administrator;

– enter the password if prompted;

- in the opened window at the system prompt, enter regsvr32 filename , click Enter.

3. If you are using file manager Total Commander , you can register *. dll using the command line Total Commander.

If registering *. dll successful, a window will appear RegSvr32 with the corresponding message, for example: "Successful execution of DllRegisterServer in C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvbvm50.dll":


1. When registering *. dll they are recorded in Windows Registry. However, in the thread the corresponding parameter is created REG_DWORD with meaning 1 .

2. Using the command regsvr32:

regsvr32 ] dll file

/u- cancel registration DLL;

/s– “silent” mode – message windows are not displayed;

/i- calls DllInstall, passing an optional command_string as a parameter, when used with the /u switch, calls DLLUnInstall;

File DLL is a functional module that can be used by several programs, provided that it is registered.

Typically, operating systems register DLLs in background but sometimes due to damage hard drive, software installation errors or infection computer virus may need to register DLL file manually.

This guide will show you how to perform this procedure.

Method 1
  • Click Start
  • In the "Search programs and files" text box, enter:
    regsvr32 [full_file_name]
    The full name of the file, if there are spaces in the path, must be written in quotation marks.

    For example: regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\1cv77\BIN\v7plus.dll"

  • Press Enter

Method 2
  1. When *.dll files are registered, they are written to the Windows Registry. However, in the thread a corresponding REG_DWORD value is created with a value of 1.
  2. Using the regsvr32 command:
    regsvr32 ] dll file
    - unregisters a DLL
    /s– “silent” mode – message windows are not displayed
    /i- calls DllInstall, passing an optional command_string as a parameter, when used with the /u switch, calls DLLUnInstall
    /n- does not call DllRegisterServer. Can be used with the /i switch.

We continue a series of articles in which we get to know and study the processes built into Windows 10. From time to time, these processes attract the attention of users with an increased load on the processor or memory of your computer, or the simple curiosity of the user makes him go to his preferred search engine and “google” what this or that process is responsible for. In this article you will find details about regsvr32.exe or "Server Microsoft registration».

Regsvr32.exe - what is it?

It should immediately be noted that regsvr32.exe, he is " Microsoft Registration Server" is a system component operating system. It is used to register Windows Components programs (DLLs and ActiveX objects) or remove them if necessary. By default, regsvr32.exe is not enabled. It is initiated only at the right moment, which is determined by the operating system or the installers / uninstallers of applications on your computer.

Microsoft registration server regsvr32.exe loads CPU

It happens, yes. From time to time, each user is faced with the fact that some system process begins to act up and load the resources of your computer. Regsvr32.exe is no exception. If you feel a drop in performance, an increase in processor temperature and fan noise, then some process is loading your CPU more. It may be the Microsoft Registration Server.

Please note that you cannot remove the Microsoft Registration Server - this is a standard part of the operating system required for correct operation Windows. You won't be able to remove it or disable it, but you can find the reason why regsvr32.exe is behaving inappropriately.

First of all, use the universal solution to all problems - reboot. Perhaps you are dealing with a banal bug that will disappear after starting Windows from scratch. If the reboot did not help and the process further loads the computer's resources, then some application accesses the registration server to work with a DLL library or another component. A hang, system crash, or a simple bug can cause a call to fail, which in turn leads to a constant load.

It is because of this that you should not try to kill regsvr32.exe itself. It is not in itself to blame for the high loads. The reason is the application that is performing the call, so you need to find this program and try to solve the problems that have arisen in it.

Since there is little detail about all processes in the standard Task Manager, you will need to use the Microsoft-developed Process utility explorer. It can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website.

When you have identified the source of the problem, you need to look for ways to solve it. We can offer several different options. Not the fact that all of them will help. Windows is a complex thing and sometimes problems arise, the source of which can be very difficult to find. In many cases, these tips have helped fix the heavy load of the regsvr32.exe process, so try all of the options listed.

Microsoft Registration Server Program Stopped Error

Sometimes users encounter the above error directly related to regsvr32.exe. Again, the problem is not in the registration server itself, but in some application that conflicts with this system component. If you encounter this problem try the following:

How to disable or remove regsvr32.exe

This may be exactly what you are looking for, but before attempting to remove or disable this component, we want to assure you that you should not do this. The Microsoft Registration Service is just a tool that is used to register libraries. Disabling it (if it is possible in principle) will not solve the problem and will rather lead to more more malfunctions. Instead of trying to disable regsvr32.exe, try to find the source of the error or abnormal high CPU usage as mentioned in the instructions above.

Recently, many Windows users On 10/8/7, they began to observe an increased load on the processor and disk due to the Regsvr32.exe service, aka “Microsoft Registration Server”. The anomaly is easy to track through the standard "Task Manager". In the article, we will describe in detail what Regsvr32 is, why it causes a high load on the system, and how to disable the problematic process.

What is this process?

Microsoft Registration Server is system utility, which is activated when installing or removing various DLLs in Windows. These libraries can belong to both third-party software and games, as well as scheduled system updates. AT normal mode the background work of the Regsvr32.exe process is almost invisible. However, after recent OS updates that the developers screwed up again, the registration server shows high CPU and Disk usage. Moreover, the load rises not only at the moment third party installations, but also when the PC is idle.

How exactly does Regsvr32.exe load the processor?

If we talk about the source of the anomalous load, then it can be any DLL file that has “frozen” and cannot be loaded in the system. Most often, the problem is in background programs that are registered in startup, or failed security updates.

It is worth noting that the Regsvr32.exe process itself has failed in Windows (7, 8 or 10) before, but the problem has become widespread since the beginning of 2018. This is most likely due to the fact that Microsoft began to monitor computers with outdated version security updates and install them on a voluntary-compulsory basis. In the previous article, we talked about automatic download program that activates the update to version 1709.

How to turn off the registration server load?

If we talk about deletion, then it’s impossible to simply erase the regsvr32.exe service from the system, yet this is a system option. But you can try to find the source of the problem and disable it. Here's what to do right away:

Determine the source of the Regsvr32.exe crash

If all the half-measures described above do not help, then you need to use specialized software to detect problematic files. To do this, you can do the following:

After finding the source, turn to searching the Internet. Perhaps the program requires additional drivers, or there is its official version.


That's all - now you know what the “Microsoft Registration Server” service means and for what reasons it can load the processor. Finally, I want to note that in especially neglected cases, instead of regsvr32.exe can be activated by a virus, so check its location through the same Manager. If you get NOT to the address C:\Windows\System32, then delete it and run the computer through anti-virus scanners (AdwCleaner, MalwareBytes, Dr.Web).
