Image editing quality of fractal graphics. Raster, vector and fractal graphics

In our today's article, you will learn: how and with what you can draw bewitching mysterious futuristic fractals, and there will be something to do this coming weekend.

A fractal is a complex geometric figure, consisting of parts similar to the whole figure. Some objects from our life have fractal properties, for example, snowflakes, tree crowns, etc. Fractal graphics fascinates with their mystery and definitely attracts our eyes and most people like these drawings - this is how the magic of fractals works on people. Fractal drawings can be similar to surreal and quite realistic. Therefore, fractals are used in various fields: from creating textures and backgrounds to fantastic landscapes for games or illustrations.

Fractals are created not just by the movement of a brush, as real artists create paintings, but by mathematical calculations, the basic element of which is a mathematical formula. This is how simple fractals are built only on the basis of mathematical equations.

There are not as many programs that create fractal images as we would like. In this regard, it is problematic to find a functional program on the Internet and even in popular program directories, one of which is our website. Therefore, we decided to correct this mistake by writing for our readers this article-digest of programs for generating fractals, which you can also download from our catalog.


Apophysis is an interesting tool for creating fractals based on basic formulas. Fractals created according to such fractal formulas can be changed beyond recognition using various parameters (transformation, color, transformation, gamma, brightness, scale).

Download Apophysis fractal generator.


ChaosPro is one of the best free generators fractals, with which you can easily create many futuristic fractal patterns.

The program is quite easy to understand due to a simple and convenient interface and automatic generation fractals. Having accumulated experience in creating fractals, it will be possible to switch to full control over the generation of fractals with large quantity settings (color, blur, iteration, projection, size, layering of images, filters, etc.).

2D fractals can be converted to 3D fractals using the 3D transform. The program allows you to create animation based on fractal images.

Created fractals are saved as projects in the program's own format or exported to raster images (JPG, BMP, PNG). 3D transformations are saved as 3D objects in POV format, while animations are saved in AVI format.

Download the program for creating fractals ChaosPro.


Fragmentarium is a free fractal program, the main beauty of which is the ability to write your own formulas and which will be used to build fractals.

Before trying to write your own formulas for creating fractals, you can use some of the standard formulas that are already loaded into the program.

The program can create 2D and 3D fractals with high resolution and excellent quality. In addition, in Fragmentarium, you can also create fractal animations.

The main criterion for using this program to create fractals is that your computer has a more or less modern video card.

Download the Fragmentarium fractal generator.


Incendia is a complete free and multi-processor program for generating 3D fractals.

The latest version of the program has a fairly rich functionality for generating full-fledged three-dimensional fractals, allowing you to generate perfect images with a resolution of 1024 to 8192 pixels.

The program includes 45 varieties of all kinds of fractals and a large library of textures, as well as the ability to export fractals as animation.

Beginning with latest versions Incendia program, along with it comes the Geometrica application, with which you can export 3D fractals to other 3D graphics editors.

Download the complete Incendia fractal generator.

Ultra Fractal

Ultra Fractal is the best program to create unique professional quality fractals. The program interface is simple and somewhat reminiscent of the program interface Adobe Photoshop Moreover, the program is accompanied by detailed illustrated documentation.

Created and finished fractal images can be visualized in high resolution, which can be used in printing, and saved in the program's own format or in popular raster image formats (jpg, png, bmp, psd), and the animation is exported to video format (avi).

The program already comes with several hammered formulas for creating fractals - this is the most in a simple way creating fractal images for beginners. Subsequently, the created fractals can be edited according to standard formulas to your taste by adding translucency, gradient, layering, masks, scale, distortion or cropping to the fractal.

Download the best fractal generator Ultra Fractal.


XenoDream - this program is an environment for creating a variety of futuristic volumetric structures by combining simple shapes and fractals.

It is not necessary to know fractal formulas to create a 3D fractal, in XenoDream you can create random fractal structures with just one click. With a variety of settings that great amount, you can change the position, size, rotate, add gradients, etc. In addition, you can control the camera by changing its position, focus and tilt, you can also change the light sources and the presence or absence of shadows even for individual shapes.

The program can create fractal animations that are saved as separate images.

Ready-made futuristic fractals can be saved in the program's own format or exported to popular graphic formats (jpg, bmp, psd, tga), three-dimensional objects can be saved in obj, povray inc and Depth Maps formats.

Download software environment to create XenoDream fractals.

In this article, we looked at several well-known solutions that are still being developed and updated to this day. They allow you to generate futuristic fractals. Each program has its own characteristics and directions, so it is impossible to say which one is better.

The search module is not installed.

In the world of fractal graphics

Svetlana Shlyakhtina

It is probably difficult to find people who would not be fascinated by the contemplation of fractal graphics - in its mysterious elements, someone may imagine the night flame of a fire, someone - long lashes of swaying algae in the water column, someone - the whole mystery of the Universe.

But one way or another, fractal graphics definitely attract our eyes, and software packages for its creation can become the stepping stone that will allow you to get closer to real fractal creativity, especially since all of them are relatively easy to learn.

Using fractals, not only surreal images can be built, but also quite realistic ones (for example, fractals are often used to create clouds, snow, coastlines, trees and bushes, etc.). Therefore, fractal images can be used in a variety of areas, from creating ordinary textures and background images to fantastic landscapes for computer games or book illustrations. And such fractal masterpieces (as well as vector ones) are created by mathematical calculations, but unlike vector graphics, the basic element of fractal graphics is the mathematical formula itself - this means that no objects are stored in the computer’s memory, and the image (no matter how intricately) is built solely on the basis of equations.

There are not so many programs for generating fractal images on the market, and it is problematic to find them in popular software catalogs. Existing solutions are mostly free and developed by enthusiasts (of course, very unstable), although there are quite solid commercial options. Let's try to cover the most interesting of them.

Ultra Fractal

Developer: Frederik Slijkerman
Program website:
Distribution size: 5 MB
Distribution method: shareware (watermark demos: Ultra Fractal Animation Edition -, Ultra Fractal Standard Edition-
Price: Ultra Fractal Animation Edition - $129, Ultra Fractal Standard Edition - $59
Work under control:
Windows 98/2000/XP/2003

Ultra Fractal is the best solution for creating unique professional quality fractal images. The package features a user-friendly interface, many elements of which are reminiscent of Photoshop (which makes it easy to learn), and is accompanied by incredibly detailed and beautifully illustrated documentation with a series of tutorials that walk through all aspects of working with the program step by step. Ultra Fractal is presented in two editions: Standard Edition and extended Animation Edition, the capabilities of which allow not only generating fractal images, but also creating animation based on them. Created images can be rendered in high resolution, suitable for printing, and saved in the program's own format or in one of the popular fractal formats. Rendered images can also be exported to one of the raster graphic formats (jpg, bmp, png and psd), and finished fractal animations can be exported to AVI format.

The principle of creating fractal images is quite traditional, the simplest thing is to use one of the formulas included in the delivery (the built-in browser will help you navigate the possible appearance of the image generated by the selected formula), and then edit the formula parameters in the desired way. If the experiment fails, then recent activities easy to cancel. There are a lot of ready-made fractal formulas, and their number can be expanded by downloading new formulas from the program website. Advanced users can try their luck in creating their own formula, for which the package has a built-in text editor with support for basic templates based on standard fractal formula programming language constructs.

However, one should not think that the mystery of a fractal image lies only in a successful formula. Other aspects are no less important. For example, color tuning, which involves choosing a color option and fine-tuning its parameters. Color adjustment is implemented at the level of solid graphics packages, for example, gradients can be created and adjusted independently, adjusting many parameters, including translucency, and saving them in the library for later use. The use of layers with the ability to change their blending modes and adjust the translucency allows you to generate multilayer fractals and achieve unique effects by superimposing fractal images on each other. The use of opacity masks provides masking of certain areas of the image. Transformation filters allow you to perform various transformations on selected image fragments: scale, mirror, crop according to a pattern, distort by swirling or ripples, multiply by the kaleidoscope principle, etc.

fractal explorer

Sirotinsky Arthur, Olga Fedorenko
Program website:
Distribution size: 1.46 MB
Distribution method:
freeware (
Price: for free
Work under control:
Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP

Fractal Explorer is a program for creating images of fractals and 3D attractors with quite impressive features. It has an intuitive classic interface that can be customized according to user preferences and supports standard fractal image formats (*.frp; *.frs; *.fri; *.fro; *.fr3, *.fr4, etc.) . Ready fractal images are saved in *.frs format and can be exported to one of the raster graphic formats (jpg, bmp, png and gif), and fractal animations are saved as AVI files.

Fractal generation is possible in two ways - based on basic fractal images built according to the formulas included in the delivery, or from scratch. The first option allows you to get interesting results relatively easily, because choosing the right formula is easy, especially since a convenient file browser will allow you to evaluate the quality of a fractal from the database even before creating a fractal image based on it. For a fractal image obtained in this way, you can change the color palette, add a background image to it, and determine the blending mode of the fractal and background layers, as well as the degree of transparency of the fractal layer. Then it will be possible to transform the fractal image, scale it if necessary, determine the size of the image and render it. Creating an image from scratch is much more difficult and involves choosing one of two methods. You can choose the type of fractal (classical Mandelbrot, cubic Mandelbrot, etc.) from almost 150 options. And then move on to changing various parameters: setting the palette, background, etc. Or you can try creating your own custom formula using the built-in compiler. Before rendering the finished image, it may be necessary to perform automatic color balance correction and / or manual correction of brightness, contrast and saturation.


Developer: Martin Pfingstl
Program website:
Distribution size: 5 MB
Distribution method: freeware
Price: for free
Work under control:
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

ChaosPro is one of the best free fractal image generators with which you can easily create an endless number of amazingly beautiful fractal images. The program has a very simple and user-friendly interface and, along with the ability to automatically generate fractals, allows you to fully control this process by changing a large number of settings (number of iterations, color palette, blur level, projection features, image size, etc.). In addition, the created images can be multi-layered (layer blending mode can be controlled) and a whole series of filters can be applied to them. All changes applied to the fractals under construction are immediately reflected in the viewing window. The created fractals can be saved in the program's own format, or in one of the main fractal types thanks to the built-in compiler. Or exported to raster images or 3D objects (if a three-dimensional representation of the fractal was previously obtained).

In the list of program features:
- accurate color adjustment, providing smooth gradient transitions of colors into each other;
- simultaneous construction of several fractals in different windows;
- the ability to create animation based on fractal images with the definition of key animation phases, which can differ in any variable parameter: rotation and rotation angles, color parameters, etc.;
- creation of three-dimensional representations of fractals based on ordinary two-dimensional images;
- support for many standard fractal image formats, images in which can be imported and edited in the ChaosPro environment.


Mark Townsend, Peter Sdobnov, Piotr Borys, Susan Chambless, Ronald Hordijk
Program website:
Distribution size: 1.21 MB
Distribution method: freeware()
Price: for free
Work under control: Windows (all)

Apophysis is an interesting tool for generating fractals based on basic fractal formulas. Fractals created according to ready-made formulas can be edited and unrecognizably changed by adjusting various parameters. So, for example, they can be transformed in the editor, either by changing the triangles underlying the fractals, or by applying the transformation method you like: wave-like distortion, perspective, Gaussian blur, etc. Then you should experiment with colors by choosing one of the basic gradient fill options. The list of built-in fills is quite impressive, and if necessary, you can automatically select the most suitable fill for an existing bitmap, which is important, for example, when creating a fractal background in the same style as other images of a certain project. If necessary, it is easy to adjust the gamma and brightness, change the background, scale the fractal object and clarify its location on the background. You can also subject the result to various mutations in the desired style. Upon completion, you should set the dimensions of the final fractal image and save its rendered version as a graphic file (jpg, bmp, png).


Developer: Nicolas Desprez
Program website:
Distribution size: 2.5 MB
Distribution method:
freeware (
Price: for free
Work under control: Windows (all)

Chaoscope is a program for generating conventional 2D fractal images and obtaining their 3D representations during rendering. Created 2D and 3D fractal images are saved in the program's own formats or exported to bmp format.

Two-dimensional fractals can be generated in two ways. You can open one of the built-in library projects of fractal images and modify it in the intended way by adjusting the parameter values ​​and choosing a color palette. And you can create a new image based on a certain type of fractal - in this case, you will not see any image in the working window, since all the parameters that characterize given type, are initially equal to zero. Therefore, it is required to determine their values, which is very problematic for an unprepared user manually - there are many parameters, and their specific names (p1, p2, p3, etc.) do not mean anything, and they are not described in Help. It is wiser to go the other way - use the Attractor=>Search command, and the program itself will find the necessary values ​​for a possible fractal image. In this way, using the Search command a couple of dozen times, you can find some interesting option, for further refinement of which you still have to turn to the options and color palettes. At the last stage, you may need to perform color auto-correction. After that, you can immediately export the fractal image to bmp-format, or visualize it, during which its three-dimensional fractal analogue will be generated.


Developer: Thomas Renn
Program website:
Distribution size: 4 MB
Distribution method: shareware (30 day demo that adds a watermark to images -
Price: $15
Work under control:
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

Mystica is a versatile generator of unique fantastic 2D and 3D images and textures that can later be used in various projects, for example as real textures for Web pages, desktop backgrounds or fantastic background images that can be used, for example, when decorating children's rooms. books. The package has a non-standard and rather complex interface and can work in two modes: Sample (focused on beginners and contains a minimum of settings) and Expert (designed for professionals). Created images can be any size and then exported to popular 2D graphics formats. Directly from the program window, they can be sent via e-mail, publish in Html-gallery or create a video based on them in divx, mpeg4 formats, etc. The program's built-in 3D engine can be used to create 3D scenes for computer games, such as fantastic backgrounds and landscapes.

Image generation is carried out on the basis of fractal formulas embedded in the package, and the image preparation system is multi-level and includes very detailed setting colors, the possibility of simple transformations of generated elements and a lot of other transformations. These include applying filters, changing lighting, adjusting colors, brightness and contrast, changing the material used in the generation, adding "chaotic" structures to the image, etc.

fractal extreme

Developer: Cygnus Software
Program website:
Distribution size: 2.95 MB
Distribution method: shareware (15 day demo -
Price: $34,95
Work under control:
Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP

Fractal Extreme is a simple and quite functional (albeit heavily overpriced) program for generating 2D fractal images, which are usually created by converting basic images or by yourself based on a suitable type of fractal. Setting the parameters of a fractal image includes adjusting the number of iterations, setting the color palette and the nature of the projection. In addition, the fractal image is easy to scale and crop, as well as fit to the required size. If desired, you can generate fractals randomly using the Options=>Plug-In Setup command. Created images are saved as projects in native format or can be exported to bmp format.

fractal world

Developer: YurkinSoft
Program website:
Distribution size: 740 KB
Distribution method: shareware (30-day demo -
Price: 135 rub.
Work under control:
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP

Fractal World is a simple full-screen fractal image generator that can be created completely in automatic mode, and defining their initial parameters. The images you like the most are easy to save and use as screen savers for your desktop. The simple interface of the program and its modest size make it possible to recommend its use in the educational process when studying by schoolchildren. different types charts.

Fractal Snowflake Generator

Program website:
Distribution size: 565 KB
Distribution method: Shareware (demo version with save limit -
Price: $10
Work under control:
Windows 98/Me/NT4/2000/XP

Fractal Snowflake Generator is a fractal snowflake generator that you can use to decorate your personal website on the eve of the New Year or your own, for example, in Photoshop, new year card. The program not only can work in fully automatic mode, generating snowflakes randomly, but if desired, the generation process can also be controlled by determining the size, proportions, rotation of the snowflake, the colors of the snowflakes and background, etc. The created snowflakes in the demo version can only be saved as a bitmap image by pressing Print key screen. After payment appears additional opportunity saving snowflakes as a vector image in program formats Adobe Illustrator, which allows you to subject snowflakes to further processing and use, for example, when creating appropriate children's illustrations, backgrounds for Web pages, etc.

It is probably difficult to find people who would not be fascinated by the contemplation of fractal graphics - in its mysterious elements, someone may imagine the night flame of a fire, someone - long lashes of swaying algae in the water column, someone - the whole mystery of the Universe.
But one way or another, fractal graphics definitely attract our attention, and software packages for its creation can become the stepping stone that will allow you to get closer to real fractal creativity, especially since all of them are relatively easy to learn.
Using fractals, not only surreal images can be built, but also quite realistic ones (for example, fractals are often used to create clouds, snow, coastlines, trees and bushes, etc.). Therefore, fractal images can be used in a variety of areas, from creating ordinary textures and background images to fantastic landscapes for computer games or book illustrations. And such fractal masterpieces (as well as vector ones) are created by mathematical calculations, but unlike vector graphics, the basic element of fractal graphics is the mathematical formula itself - this means that no objects are stored in the computer’s memory, and the image (no matter how intricately) is built solely on the basis of equations.
1. Art Dabbler program
It is best to start your acquaintance with the basics of fractal graphics with the Art Dabbler package. This editor (by Fractal Design and now owned by Corel) is actually a truncated version of Painter. it great program not only for teaching computer graphics, but above all the basics of drawing. The small amount of memory required (only 10 MB is needed to install it), as well as a simple interface accessible even to a child, allow it to be used in the school curriculum. Like bitmap editor MS Paint, the Art Dabbler fractal editor, is especially effective at the initial stage of mastering computer graphics.
The main attention of the developers of the Art Dabbler package was paid to two factors:
  • creating a simplified interface, the main element of which are toolboxes (here called drawers);
  • the possibility of using the package as a training program. To realize this goal, along with the program itself, the "Learn to draw" tutorial and a training film on a CD are included in the package. The drawing lessons offered in them allow you to observe step by step the process of creating color images by experienced artists using the Art Dabbler package.
The menu bar includes six items: standard for most programs - File, Edit and Help, as well as Effects, Options and Tutors, which are present in most graphic programs and do not need additional comments.
Art Dabbler provides a set of effects (Effects menu) that can be used to alter or distort images. For example, the Texturize effect creates textures for paper, canvas, and more, expanding the artist's creative options.
It should be noted that in Art Dabbler all tools are called drawers in the same way as, for example, similar tools are called palettes in Photoshop, and dockers in CorelDRAW. They store brushes, pencils, an elastic band and other tools, to activate them, just click the icon corresponding to them. On the front walls of the drawers, a small number of buttons and a handle are displayed, by pressing which the user gains access to the entire set of operations carried out through it thanks to the opening additional buttons.
2. Ultra Fractal program
Ultra Fractal is the best solution for creating unique professional quality fractal images. The package features a user-friendly interface, many elements of which are reminiscent of Photoshop (which makes it easy to learn), and is accompanied by incredibly detailed and beautifully illustrated documentation with a series of tutorials that walk through all aspects of working with the program step by step. Ultra Fractal is represented by two There are several editions: Standard Edition and extended Animation Edition, the capabilities of which allow not only generating fractal images, but also creating animation based on them. Created images can be rendered in high resolution, suitable for printing, and saved in the program's own format or in one of the popular fractal formats. Rendered images can also be exported to one of the raster graphic formats (jpg, bmp, png and psd), and finished fractal animations can be exported to AVI format.
The principle of creating fractal images is quite traditional, the simplest thing is to use one of the formulas included in the delivery (the built-in browser will help you navigate the possible appearance of the image generated by the selected formula), and then edit the formula parameters in the desired way. And if the experiment was unsuccessful, then the last action is easy to cancel. There are a lot of ready-made fractal formulas, and their number can be expanded by downloading new formulas from the program website. Advanced users can try their luck in creating their own formula, for which the package has a built-in text editor with support for basic templates based on standard fractal formula programming language constructs.
However, one should not think that the mystery of a fractal image lies only in a successful formula. Other aspects are no less important. For example, color tuning, which involves choosing a color option and fine-tuning its parameters. Color adjustment is implemented at the level of solid graphics packages, for example, gradients can be created and adjusted independently, adjusting many parameters, including translucency, and saving them in the library for later use. The use of layers with the ability to change their blending modes and adjust the translucency allows you to generate multilayer fractals and achieve unique effects by superimposing fractal images on each other. The use of opacity masks provides masking of certain areas of the image. Transformation filters allow you to perform various transformations on selected image fragments: scale, mirror, crop according to a pattern, distort by swirling or ripples, multiply by the kaleidoscope principle, etc.
3. Fractal Explorer

Fractal Explorer is a program for creating images of fractals and 3D attractors with quite impressive features. It has an intuitive classic interface that can be customized according to user preferences and supports standard fractal image formats (*.frp; *.frs; *.fri; *.fro; *.fr3, *.fr4, etc.) . Ready fractal images are saved in *.frs format and can be exported to one of the raster graphic formats (jpg, bmp, png and gif), and fractal animations are saved as AVI files.
Fractal generation is possible in two ways - based on basic fractal images built according to the formulas included in the delivery, or from scratch. The first option allows you to get interesting results relatively easily, because choosing the right formula is easy, especially since a convenient file browser will allow you to evaluate the quality of a fractal from the database even before creating a fractal image based on it. For a fractal image obtained in this way, you can change the color palette, add a background image to it, and determine the blending mode of the fractal and background layers, as well as the degree of transparency of the fractal layer. Then it will be possible to transform the fractal image, scale it if necessary, determine the size of the image and render it. Creating an image from scratch is much more difficult and involves choosing one of two methods. You can choose the type of fractal from almost 150 options. And then move on to changing various parameters: setting the palette, background, etc. Or you can try creating your own custom formula using the built-in compiler. Before rendering the finished image, it may be necessary to perform automatic color balance correction and / or manual correction of brightness, contrast and saturation.
4. Program ChaosPro
ChaosPro is one of the best free fractal image generators with which you can easily create an endless number of amazingly beautiful fractal images. The program has a very simple and user-friendly interface and, along with the ability to automatically generate fractals, allows you to fully control this process by changing a large number of settings (number of iterations, color palette, blur level, projection features, image size, etc.). In addition, the created images can be multi-layered (layer blending mode can be controlled) and a whole series of filters can be applied to them. All changes applied to the fractals under construction are immediately reflected in the viewing window. The created fractals can be saved in the program's own format, or in one of the main fractal types thanks to the built-in compiler. Or exported to raster images or 3D objects (if a three-dimensional representation of the fractal was previously obtained).
In the list of program features:
  • precise color adjustment, providing smooth gradient transitions of colors into each other;
  • simultaneous construction of several fractals in different windows;
  • the ability to create animation based on fractal images with the definition of key animation phases, which can differ in any variable parameter: rotation and rotation angles, color parameters, etc.;
  • creation of three-dimensional representations of fractals based on ordinary two-dimensional images;
  • support for many standard fractal image formats, images in which can be imported and edited in the ChaosPro environment.
5. Apophysis program
Apophysis is an interesting tool
nt for generating fractals based on basic fractal formulas. Fractals created according to ready-made formulas can be edited and unrecognizably changed by adjusting various parameters. So, for example, they can be transformed in the editor, either by changing the triangles underlying the fractals, or by applying the transformation method you like: wave-like distortion, perspective, Gaussian blur, etc. Then you should experiment with colors by choosing one of the basic gradient fill options. The list of built-in fills is quite impressive, and if necessary, you can automatically select the most suitable fill for an existing bitmap, which is important, for example, when creating a fractal background in the same style as other images of a certain project. If necessary, it is easy to adjust the gamma and brightness, change the background, scale the fractal object and clarify its location on the background. You can also subject the result to various mutations in the desired style. Upon completion, you should set the dimensions of the final fractal image and save its rendered version as a graphic file (jpg, bmp, png).
6. Program Mystica
Mystica is a versatile generator of unique fantastic 2D and 3D images and textures that can later be used in different projects, for example as real textures for Web pages, desktop backgrounds or fantastic background images that can be used, for example, in
design of children's books. The package has a non-standard and rather complex interface and can work in two modes: Sample (focused on beginners and contains a minimum of settings) and Expert (designed for professionals). Created images can be any size and then exported to popular 2D graphics formats. Directly from the program window, they can be sent by e-mail, published in an Html gallery, or created based on them as a video in divx, mpeg4 formats, etc. The built-in 3D engine of the program can be used to create 3D scenes for computer games, such as fantastic backgrounds and landscapes .
Images are generated based on the fractal formulas embedded in the package, and the image preparation system is multi-level and includes a very detailed color setting, the possibility of simple transformations of the generated elements and a lot of other transformations. Among them are the use of filters, changing the lighting, adjusting the color gamut, brightness and contrast, changing the material used in the generation, adding "chaotic" structures to the image, etc.
Fractal images are used in a variety of areas, from creating simple textures and background images to fantastic landscapes for computer games or book illustrations. Fractal images are created by mathematical calculations. The basic element of fractal graphics is the mathematical formula itself - this means that no objects are stored in the computer's memory, and the image is built solely on the basis of equations.
The mystery of a fractal image does not lie in just one successful formula. Other aspects are no less important. For example, color adjustment, transformation filters, etc.
There are a lot of programs for creating fractal images. These programs have their advantages and disadvantages. With the development of technology, the number of programs is increasing, and their quality and capabilities are improving.

Last year, especially in autumn and winter, when, due to personal circumstances, I turned out to be the most distant from fractal graphics and everything related to it, they began to ask me questions about writing formulas for generating fractals on my own. Once I had an interest in this area. Probably, if there was additional time, and more - a great desire, then I would have gone headlong into this issue. But I understood that the knowledge in the field of programming that I once had during my studies at the university was safely forgotten, because it had not been used for too long. Having powerful tools for creativity in the form of programs already studied and loved, I did not see the point in looking for something that could ultimately not live up to expectations. However, I cannot stay away from the topic, which personally seems to me largely symbolic, since it can become decisive. This is an interest and craving for something new, for development, for uniqueness.
Today I'll tell you about one interesting program, designed for people who understand programming.

So - Fractorama. freeware. The author of the program John F. Dumas works as a developer software, teaches and holds a degree in applied mathematics. The program interface is quite concise. There are two windows in front of you. First - text editor, in which you need to write formulas, and the second is designed to visualize the result of your work - your own finished fractal.
Let's look at the works from the program gallery:

How are you? It reminds me of three programs at once, but it looks very nice.
Some features of the Fract-O-Rama! (that's what the author calls it).
All fractals are created using the Fract-O-Rama fractal scripting language, which allows you to explore a wider range of fractal types than a number of other fractal generators. The program can run on both win32 and Unix environments due to the fact that it was written using Qt. Comes with complete source code. Each download contains documentation and a large number of example formulas. Available different variants downloads - choose the appropriate one.
If you are interested in the process of creating a fractal in this program, take a look at "About Us".
Here is the gallery:
Project page on deviantart
Let me summarize. Before us is a curious program designed for those who know programming or want to learn. It is difficult to judge the state of the project today, since the latest fractals in the gallery are dated 2015. In any case, the program is worthy of attention.
