How to make Yandex a search string. What is the address bar of a browser

The browser from the developer Yandex introduced a lot of interesting features designed to give users something that was not in any other browser. One of these elements is a modernized address string, on which several enough useful features. This article describes the "Smart" address bar in Yandex browser and its main features.

The most important function for all users given element interface in the Yandex browser - combining the search and address lines. The browser independently determines what exactly the user enters - a request or a website address, and displays the corresponding information. If you enter something that could be both a website and a query, Yandex will give you both options.

After you select a query in the presented list, the program will remember your choice and switch to the so-called "search" mode. If you want to enter a site name, you need to click on the cross symbol on the left side of the line.

Thus, both convenience is achieved when working with the program, and minimalism, the absence of a busy interface.


Each time you enter this or that information, Yandex tries to give you a lot of tips designed to make the surfing process easier. Here is a short list of them:

  • Clock icon with arrows - means that the user has already found information by this request or visited a flagged website.
  • Gold star icon - it is designed to show that this resource has already been added to the "Favorites" section (Bookmarks bar).
  • The arrow symbol represents the various query options displayed by the application.
  • An orange progress bar shows how the page is loading.

Additional buttons

To the left of the line are 2 more buttons. The first one, in the form of the letter “I”, moves the user to the start page, on which the Yandex express panel is located. The second one is used to go back. However, it allows you not only to move to the previous page, but also to open the previous program from which you switched to the Yandex browser.

Smartline is a unique technology developed by Yandex Corporation and applied in Yandex.Browser. A distinctive feature of this innovation is that through it you can both set search queries and directly enter the domains of the sites you are interested in.

Besides, with a smart line you will have access to:

  1. Search suggestions, which are no longer new to users of search engines such as Google or Yandex, but are an innovation in the world of browsers.
  2. Automatic correction of the keyboard layout if you have chosen the wrong language for entering a query.
  3. If the site is popular enough among Internet visitors, then when you type in its address, the smart line will automatically display the name and address of the site without typing the full address.

How to take advantage of Smartline

To get all the advantages that the technology we are considering from Yandex Corporation provides its users, need to download Yandex browser. It is advisable to use the official source and download the program for Windows and others operating systems and devices from there to avoid infection by various virus programs.

Next, install a browser from Yandex Corporation on your computer equipped with Windows or another OS, or on another electronic device. The process of installing the software will not be difficult for you: just follow all the recommendations of the installer.

How to set up Smartline

Pay attention to the two buttons located to the left of the address bar.

With the help of the first of them, you can choose the search engine that will be installed by you by default. Search engines available after installing the browser include:

  • Wikipedia;
  • Yandex;
  • Google.

Using the second button, you can configure the parameters of the search engines that you use, as well as specify the values ​​assigned to a specific search engine, entering which in the Smart Bar, you can use the search engine you are interested in directly in it, and not set by default. To use this feature, do the following:

Another interesting feature of the technology we are considering is that it can work not only with built-in search engines, but also with your self-installed. How to do it? Use the step-by-step algorithm of actions presented below:

  1. Go to the site of the search engine you are interested in. Let's take as an example.
  2. Find the field where users usually enter their queries and click on it with right button your mouse.
  3. A menu will appear in front of your eyes, in which you will need to click on "Add as a search engine".
  4. In the window that appears in front of you, set the name for the search engine, under which it will be displayed in the search engine settings; set a keyword (this is the name of the value in this window, with which you will search in the Smart line, if you have another one set by default search system); the field where the link is indicated, be sure to leave it unchanged.
  5. Click on "OK".
  6. Test the search engine you have installed by entering its value in the Smart String and typing queries.

What is Yandex.String

This program was developed and released by Yandex. Its purpose is to search on a device equipped with Windows, as in " world wide web", and according to your electronic device. Yandex.String after installation becomes integral part the taskbar of your operating system.

This program can:

  1. Transmit your voice commands to the computer.
  2. Search for what interests you on the Internet, both by entering a query and by using voice commands.
  3. Get almost instant access to the sites you most frequently visit, or to the services of the Yandex Corporation.
  4. Find any file you need on your hard drive, turn on the video or run the utility.

Installing and configuring Yandex.String

In order for the software to work smoothly and you can use its functionality 100%, you need to make sure that one of the following is installed on your personal device. latest versions Windows, namely Windows 7 or higher.

Download the file to install the utility here:

After completing the installation of the software, which does not require special knowledge from you, proceed to configure it.

Start with the appearance of the utility and its location on the taskbar. The developers have provided two solutions:

  1. Line mode, when you can observe the field in which search queries are entered on the taskbar.
  2. Icon mode when there is no search string.

To change Yandex.String modes, right-click on it. In the menu that opens before your eyes, click on the item called " Appearance". In the next menu, select "Line Mode" or "Icon Mode". In the "Appearance" item, you can also change the location of Yandex.String on the taskbar and place it either next to the clock or next to the menu called "Start".

How to use Yandex.String

Consider one of interesting features Yandex.Lines, namely the ability to give orders by voice. However, you need to know the following utility features:

  • Voice orders are understood by the software only if they were given using the Russian language.
  • Say one of the following phrases to activate the software: "Hi, Yandex", "OK, Yandex" or "Listen, Yandex". If the program is running, you will hear a beep.
  • If you pronounce any phrase other than those listed below, the utility will consider that you are sending a search request in Yandex. But, if you say “Restart your computer”, “Open a website” (for example, “open YouTube”), “Go to sleep”, “Open file” (for example, “open powerpoint”) or “Turn off your computer”, the software will understand command and execute it immediately.

If you prefer to learn about the benefits of the product and how to use it through video, then you can watch the following training videos on working with Yandex.String:


In case of problems while working with the program, use the Yandex.Stroka help, which is located at the following link

Search engines are improving every day, helping users to get the right content among huge layers of information. Unfortunately, in many cases, search query cannot be satisfied, due to insufficient accuracy of the request itself. There are several secrets to setting up a search engine that will help weed out not necessary information give more correct results.

In this article, we will consider some of the rules for generating a request in the Yandex search engine.

1. By default, the search engine always returns results for all forms of the entered word. Putting the operator “!” in front of the search word in the line (without quotes), you will only get results with that word in the specified form.

The same result can be achieved by turning on advanced search and clicking the "Exactly as in the query" button.

2. If you put “!!” in front of the word, the system will select all forms of this word, excluding forms related to other parts of speech. For example, it will match all forms of the word "day" (day, afternoon, day), but will not show the word "child".

Context Refinement

By using special operators the mandatory presence and position of the word in the search is specified.

1. If you put the query in quotation marks ("), Yandex will look for exactly this position of words on web pages (ideal for finding quotes).

2. In the event that you are looking for a quote, but do not remember a certain word, put the * sign instead, and be sure to put the entire query in quotation marks.

3. Prefixing a word with a + sign indicates that the word must be found on the page. There can be several such words, and before each you need to put +. A word in a string that is not preceded by this sign is considered optional and the search engine will show results with and without this word.

4. The "&" operator helps to find documents in which the words marked by the operator occur in the same sentence. The icon must be placed between words.

5. The “-” (minus) operator is very useful. It excludes the marked word from the search, finding pages with only the remaining words in the string.

This operator can also exclude a group of words. Take a group of unwanted words in brackets and put a minus in front of them.

Setting up advanced search in Yandex

Some Yandex functions that refine your search are built into a convenient dialog form. Let's get to know her better.

1. Includes regional binding. You can find information for a specific locality.

2. In given line you can enter the site where you want to search.

3. Set the type of file to be found. This can be not only a web page, but also PDF, DOC, TXT, XLS and files to open in Open Office.

4. Enable search only for those documents that are written in the selected language.

5. You can filter the results by update date. For more exact search a string is offered in which you can enter the start and end date of the creation (update) of the document.

Through the browser active search useful and interesting information on all corners of the web according to the interests of the user. The search engine plays a key role in the search, its robots bypass all the sites of the network and create images of pages that are further shown in the search results. The address bar of the Yandex browser helps to interact with the search engine, it is so important that we devoted the entire article to the questions: where is it located, how to work with it, and also added keys for the console. The search bar is much more functional than most users imagine, and working with it is an indispensable part of the gentleman's set of a confident user.

"Smartline" is a unique development in the browser from Yandex, which includes several functions at the same time:

  • Address bar to go to the site by URL;
  • A search string that is used to search for information on the web. It is easily configured for searching on various resources and in various search engines.

Using the "smart line" it is easy to go to any site by address, name or search by phrase. There are also several additional features: search within a specific site, find by name or individual words in the site name, change basic settings search through special characters.

Where is the smart line in Yandex browser?

In the Yandex browser, the “smart line” acts as an address and search line at the same time, so we are talking about the same line. It is not difficult to find it, as it is located almost in the entire width of the browser window.

How to find the Yandex browser address bar by landmarks:

The search bar is always at the top of the browser, even when the tab bar is set to the bottom.

How to replace the search engine?

To perform a search engine replacement, there is special setting in the browser. To install a search engine from the standard set, we recommend using the instructions:

It is possible to install an alternative system by clicking on "Search Settings" in the same section. "Other search engines" are displayed here. If this list is not enough, enter its name in the "Add system" line, the site address in the "Key" field, and a link to the search page in the "Link with %s parameter", where %s is entered instead of a query, for example,

Hiding the address bar of the Yandex browser

It is not possible to permanently delete the address bar in the Yandex browser, since it is an important part of the browser. We can temporarily hide it at the top of the page by making the line drop-down. To remove the search bar for a short time, press F11. AT full screen mode all extraneous elements disappear. Exiting the mode is easy - you need to press the same button.

Why does the search bar in the browser not work?

The address bar of the Yandex browser sometimes does not respond (clicks), which users often complain about. It may also not show search results or redirect to an error page. The causes of such failures are systemic and human errors:

If the "smart line" does not respond to user actions, most likely the Internet simply disappeared. After performing the "Diagnostics of problems" and checking the access to the network, access should resume. When the browser is completely unresponsive to user actions, it must be rebooted or reinstalled, and in extreme cases, a system rollback will have to be performed.

Command line keys for launching Yandex browser

Yandex browser can be launched through the command line. From the console, it is easier to launch the browser with certain settings: set as default, disable security, copy user files, etc.

Consider a few useful parameters command line in Yandex browser:

  • --make-default-browser

    - makes the Yandex web browser the default browser. The program does not start;

  • --no-sandbox

    – turns off the security environment for processes;

  • --user-data-dir

    – copies user files. It has the form --user-data-dir="D:\, where D:\ is the path where the files will be saved. The closing brackets are not needed on the line;

  • --new-window
  • --screenshot

    - take a screenshot of the page being loaded.

How to use keys in console:

There are too many keys to launch Yandex browser from the command line to describe them all. The entire list can be found on the developer's website.

Now we have learned what it is, where it is located, how to use it and why the “smart line” does not work in the Yandex browser. With the above knowledge, searching for information on the network will become many times more efficient.

Among the billions of pages of Internet content, only search engines can help the web user and help him find this or that information. But only a few have at their disposal the knowledge of effective search in large search engines. Google systems and Yandex, because everywhere there are secrets and features.

O Google search engine I already wrote in the post. And today we’ll talk about the Yandex / Yandex search engine.

Yandex is a search engine that can, at your request, find the most relevant web pages, news, pictures, encyclopedia articles or products in the Russian-speaking part of the Internet, answer a question about the weather or cultural events.

It is enough to type a question - just as you would ask a librarian or a know-it-all polymath. For example, where do crayfish hibernate? or brightest star in the northern hemisphere

Yandex is just program, not a person. No need to endow him with omnipotence: they say, there is everything, just say it.

No matter how hard its developers try, no one on the planet has yet managed to create artificial intelligence. Keep this fact in mind and don't try to ask Yandex "human questions". There is little sense from this - they will not understand.

Therefore, let's start with the most important subtleties of information search. The most important and basic here is the correct formulation of the query in the search engine line. The request should clearly describe what you need to find in the bowels of the Internet. For example, for one non-specific query "apple", we notice in the search engine results the website of a political party, and explanations of the term "apple", and various recipes, and many other pages (useful and not very useful). So in each of your requests, you must clearly answer the question: what is the object that you want to find information about on the issuance pages.

By the way, when typing a query, Yandex itself will offer you the most relevant options - search suggestions.

Now about the query: a very long query can both improve the accuracy of the search and worsen it.

It is better to search in Yandex for phrases,
consisting of two or three words.

After receiving the results, wait to click immediately. Take a look at the suggested links. Evaluate: is this exactly what you are looking for? If not, then just refine your query by adding new words.

If the subject of the query is specific, for example, regarding the “digestive system of the Spanish hedgehog”: o), then the query should consist of no more than 5-6 words (in most cases) When, regarding your long (several words) query, the search engine gives nonsense, then you need to reduce the number of words in the query in order to expand the search area, in the extreme case - it's better than not finding anything at all. Perhaps in this version you will not get 100% what you wanted, but alternatively approximate information is also good, for lack of a better one.

Advice: in the case of very incorrect issuance of your request, the method of selecting synonyms and rephrasing your request helps. Sometimes, this significantly helps to find the information you need, because search engines are guided by the entry keywords in the text of the page, and if you change the query, then the output changes accordingly.

By the way, there are a couple of secrets here.


Search engines have interesting feature,
as "Advanced Search".

Advanced Yandex search is available at:

In the window of this most advanced search, you can manipulate the output a little by setting certain parameters, thereby narrowing the search area.

As you can see, in the Yandex advanced search window, we can set up a specific region, word arrangement, page language, page format, date added, and much more. The Google search engine has a similar and intuitive advanced search interface.

Second, know:

Yandex generates the result taking into account
geographic region in which
the user is located.

Most of the time it's really convenient. But what to do, for example, if we want to order the delivery of roses to a girlfriend who lives in Ufa, while we ourselves are in Murmansk? This mode will interfere.

You can search in Yandex without taking into account the region through the advanced search form -

The form is convenient to use for a one-time operation. If you are making a series of requests, then first set the region using the link in the upper right corner.

Thirdly, before searching in Yandex:

decide what exactly you want to find:
links to websites or the answer to a specific question.

With the first option, everything seems to be clear. We entered the words, got the result, then, we begin to methodically explore the proposed sites. Usual, but long.

The second option is not so obvious. By the way, many (the same 85%) do not know about him.

Look, Yandex visits per month almost all sites Runet, even not very well-known and rarely visited, and downloads all the pages somewhere to itself (on a dimensionless HDD). When you enter a query, then Yandex searches not on sites, but in its already downloaded pages, on that very dimensionless disk, or, as experts say, in the cache.

What does this mean? But the fact that

you can get an answer right away search results,
quickly and without bypassing sites

For example, we want to know the year of construction of the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood. It is enough to enter the query "saved on blood" and the results will be:

"The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood (architect A. Parland) was built on the orders of Alexander III and the decision of the Synod in 1907 on the site of the tragic death of Emperor Alexander II."

Answer received? Yes.

This is a simple example. For complex ones, knowledge of special commands and skill will be required. With the first I will help, the second will come with experience.

In order to effectively master the search on the Internet, you need to know at least basic principles functioning of search engines.

So, Yandex commands for searching:

1. If needed search whole phrase, enclose it in quotes.(By default, the search words can be found anywhere on the page or not at all, and the quotation marks force Yandex to look for the exact phrase.)

Example: "Red roses"

2. If Search words must be in the same sentence and it is admitted that there may be other words between them, then insert an ampersand character.

Example: Red Rose

3. If you need to withdraw pages that must contain some word, then add it to the request and put before it plus sign.

Example: "red roses" + Ufa + prices

4. It is convenient to use the plus sign when you need to search taking into account the preposition, by default the preposition can be ignored.

Example: "red roses" + in Ufa

5. If you put before the word space and two tildes, then pages containing this word will be removed from the results.

Example: "red roses" + Ufa + prices ~ ~ Russia ~ ~ wholesale

6. If the word has synonyms or other words that are close in meaning, then they can be listed through the vertical line, while the entire enumeration is framed with parentheses.

Example: "red roses" + Ufa + (prices | cost) ~~ (Russia | wholesale | wholesale)

In this example, the result will include pages containing "ufa" and one of the words "price" or "cost", while none of them should contain: "russia", "wholesale", "wholesale".

The entire list can be viewed in the Yandex help or in the memo, a link to it is in the advanced search form.

What is morphology consideration in search?

I'll show you with an example...

In Russian, words can have different forms (cases, singular and plural, etc.). In whatever form the word is in the page text (even if it is different from the form of the word in the query), Yandex will find it. For example, if the query "go" is given, then the search will find documents containing the words "go", "goes", "walked", "walked", etc. The request “window” will return information containing the word “windows”, and the request “revoked” will return documents containing the word “revoked”.

Please note that when choosing word forms for search, Yandex distinguishes between parts of speech. For example, if you search for "computer" (noun), then pages with the words "computer" or "computers" will be found, but not "computer" (adjective).

Basic tricks search queries.
