Nokia hidden features. Hidden features of cell phones

Often there is no need for many of them, and there is no time to deal with them. Unless some children and teenagers, due to their less workload and greater curiosity, manage to figure out and use all these photo and video cameras, thirty-two gigabyte flash memory, an MP3 player with an equalizer, a radio receiver with the ability to change modulation types, the Wi -Fi and a great many other features.

Therefore, apparently, wanting to save our and their time, and not wanting to waste tons of paper on unnecessary writing, mobile phone developers simply do not indicate in the technical documentation some functions of the devices that seem to them not so significant.

However, our meticulous Russian, by the method of, so to speak, “scientific poke” with his finger into the keyboard of his mobile phone, regularly discovers mysterious features in this device that are not described in the instruction manual. What most of them happily seek to post information on the Internet - these spaces are simply littered with such messages. Just as phone models quickly become obsolete and change, these messages also quickly become obsolete, and thousands of new ones appear.

Such curiosity of our citizens is due to the peculiarities of their life and way of life. Due to the significant lag in the Russian standard of living from the standard of living in developed countries, used cell phones are in great demand.

When purchasing such a phone, it is important to know something about its past. So, it was found that such information in Nokia phones is given by the key combination * # 92702689 #. By typing a combination of these characters, you can find out the total time of conversations on this device, the date of the last repair, the date of issue.

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Written by: Vladimir
Is there more for Samsung?

Written by: miss.moll
Tell me, please, I have Alcatel OT2005X how to delete outgoing messages in it, the screen flashes that the message memory is full. There are only 3 incoming SMS left. But I can’t find outgoing messages.

Written by: someone
for touch phones of the Samsung brand there is such a trick to take on the keyboard * # 0 * # checked!

Posted: 45
and on the rover there is a thread

Written by: Katya
Hello! Please tell me the secret codes for the phone mts Qwerty white 635? Please help it is very necessary. Thanks in advance.

Written by: Yuri
Please help the Samsung D 900 turns off by itself, what can I do? Maybe there is some sort of reboot command? Many thanks in advance!

Written by: Satana Claus
There is another not tricky code for PHILIPS phone [email protected], but I recommend "think twice, press once". Actually here it is *#3646633#

Written by: Stalker 23 years ™
there are a couple of service codes, and that's it? Well, thank you for that (we must appreciate the work of people !!!)

Written by: silver surfer

Written by: silver surfer
Well, the "tricks" given in this article are rather not "power enhancement" of the device, but its various (convenient and useful in many cases, of course) service functions. I think there is no such "cheat code" to increase the "megapixel" of the camera)) - and indeed "turn on" something that was not originally built into the phone itself. On the other hand, these "cheat codes", of course, are intended primarily for testers of the manufacturer, and possibly also for service center employees; therefore, indeed, in some cases, they can "screw up" something in the phone. But different codes for displaying information about many technical parameters of the phone, and launching "self-testing" functions are, of course, always useful.

V 5.16 - software version

22-06-99 - date

NSM-1 - equipment code (model)


Dial from the keyboard: * # 06 # - the IMEI number will be displayed on the display.

Allows you to check if your SIM card supports StopClock mode. When the card is switched to this mode, power consumption is noticeably reduced and, accordingly, the battery life is increased. As a rule, everything modern SIM cards this mode is supported.

Warranty codes

*#92702689# [*#war0anty#]

Enter the warranty codes menu. You don't really need them, but you can view them using the menu scroll arrows.

3. Shows month and year of sale (if installed). Here you can set the date, but be careful - this can only be done once in the life of the phone. :)

This feature, when enabled, should, in theory, significantly improve the quality of transmitted speech, but, unfortunately, it must be supported by the operator cellular communication. When it works, the power consumption of the phone in talk mode slightly increases (about 5%). As far as I know, none of the Russian mobile operators support this feature. The principle is based on a different speech compression algorithm (ACELP) and occupies a wider frequency band.

Dial *3370# to enable (the phone should reboot) or #3370# to disable this feature.

HR CODEC (Half Rate)

Significantly degrades the quality of speech, but saves the battery by about 30%. Again, must be supported by the cellular operator. I am not aware of Russian networks that support this function.

Dial *4720# to turn on (phone should reboot)

or #4720# to disable this feature.

"Secret" button "Power" (61хх, 7110)

If you briefly press the power button on your phone, you will enter the "quick change" mode of profiles (user settings). A very handy feature that I personally use often. It was "documented" in the 7110 model.

"Secret" 54#

If you are using the SIM card storage notebook, then knowing exactly the address of the phone number in memory (the cell number in the SIM card) it is possible to quickly extract the required number into the dialing buffer of the device. Just enter the cell number (for example, 6) and press # (pound sign). The number will immediately appear on your display.

Error in microcode (61xx)

This error does not lead to any serious consequences and will never happen during normal use of the phone. Here is the sequence of actions in which it manifests itself - the phone simply reboots.

1. Enter the calendar (Menu-8)

2. Make a note or reminder

3. Enter some text in the edit box

4. Press and hold the Clear button until the text is clear, then press Back.

5. Press 0. You will return to the main screen, but a space will appear on the screen (which you will not see, of course).

6. Dial any 4 digits (for example, 1234).

7. Using the arrow keys, move the cursor to the beginning of this line of numbers (press the down arrow twice).

8. Now enter 6 more digits and press Send (green tube).

9. Wait a few seconds. The phone will start flashing the key and display backlight and eventually reboot.

You can get answers to some other questions by reading the Nokia61xx FAQ by 2Pac.

Network Monitor (61xx)

This is a hidden menu in your Nokia phone. If you want to activate this menu, you must use a program that will reprogram some of the chips in your phone.

For example, network monitor in Nokia 6110:

1. Check your software version. You can ONLY continue if you have 4.33, 4.73 or 5.24!

2. Dismantle EEprom.

3. Select EEProm (ATMEL B 24C64) in the program.

4. Read data from EEProm and save and backup.

5. If you have v4.33 or 4.73 then change address 03B8 from 00 to FF.

6. If you have v5-24 then change 0378 from 00 to FF.

7. Write the new data to the EEProm, and solder it back to the portable phone.

8. Turn on your phone and you will have a new menu 10.

Network Monitor gives you the following information:

Number (number) of the Courier (transport)

PKC level in dBM

Received signal quality C1 (track loss criterion used for cell selection and reselection). Range --99 to 99

RLT (Radio Link break)

Loss of time Information regarding network parameters

TMSI (Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity)

Cell Identification (CELL ID, cell number used)

MCC (Mobile Country Code)

MNC (Mobile Network Code)

LAC (Location Area Code)

Ciphering (On/Off)

Hopping (On/Off)

DTX (On/Off)

Your business card on display:

  • Change the menu (Menu 2-7-2-1) of your supplier to anything you want (3 characters maximum)
  • Set the telephone cost unit (Menu 2-7-2-1) to 1
  • Enter the cost limit (Menu 2-7-1-1) like your phone number
  • Change one profile (Menu 3-...-3) to your name
  • How to get new ring tones:

    SMSC dialing (center number) +358405202999

    Send SMS with the word: TONES

    Send this to 99999

    When you receive a response (this will be in the language of the boost) you will receive a list of tunes.

    Select one and send it to the same number.

    After a while, YOU will receive a melody.

    You can edit the melody and then enter it into the phone's memory!

    If it works, he should write New ringtone received.

  • Check, activate or remove map restrictions
  • Enter *pw+1234567890+1 - Provider-Lock status
  • Press(print) *pw+1234567890+2 - Network-Lock status
  • Press(print) *pw+1234567890+3 - Provider(???)-Lock status
  • Press(print) *pw+1234567890+4 - SimCard-Lock status
  • 1234567890 (master code) - 10 digit code depending on IMEI
  • Revealing Hidden Menus nokia 6110

    There are two menus on the nokia 6100 series which is not enabled in normal mode but only appears when some accessories are fitted, namely the hands free kit or the car kit.

    Please note that following the instructions below may void your warranty, for which I am not responsible.

    If you look at the bottom of the phone, you will see 7 contacts.

    Enabling the Hands Free Menu

    If you short pins 1 and 2 then the word "Headset" should appear. Menu 3-6 is now available to you.

    Enable car menu.

    Short pins 2 and 3 for a few seconds and you should have the word "Car".

    Menu 3-7 is now available to you.

    Delete Menu

    The only way to delete menus is to select, select menu restore factory settings. When asked, enter your security code (default is 12345). Doing this will get rid of the menu, but it will also delete the resulting ringtones.

    Police Radar.(NOKIA 5110/6110/6150/8850)

    In order to detect a police radar, do the following steps:

    Settings -"

    Secret Settings -"

    Activate and enter the code 00000 then press OK

    Now you will have a new icon on the display, which means now that if within a radius of 1 km. there will be a radar, the phone will tell you about it by beeping (like SMS)

    This does not work in some countries!

    In some phones, you can remove SP-Lock directly from the phone menu!

    1) Insert another operator's card.

    2) Turn on the phone and hold the volume up button for more than 3 seconds.

    then release and your phone will ask for PIN code?

    3) Press the "C" button

    4) Then press the * button as many times as 04*PIN*PIN*PIN#

    The phone will write the PIN code has been changed.

    Now turn your phone off and on again. He will take the card!

    Netmonitor - Engineering menu

    With the advent of new phone models, the NETMONITOR menu changes its structure a little, but the main points remain unchanged. They can be divided into two parts: network information and information about phone settings. In this issue we will describe the items related mainly to network information and a little terminal information, but first I would like to acquaint you with the NETMONITOR menu structure and the principles of working with this service menu.

    In general, NETMONITOR includes 90-150 items (windows) according to the numbering, but some items in the phone may be skipped. For example, item 19 may immediately be followed by item 22. If any data is not displayed in the NETMONITOR lines, the value XX appears. The menu starts with window number 1. To enter NETMONITOR, you need to: activate it in your phone, find the last item in the NOKIA menu with the inscription NETMONITOR, press OK, and in the window that appears, dial the number of the NETMONITOR item and where you want to go, for example 1. After that, press OK and you are in the service menu. Move on it with the arrows. To exit the NETMONITOR menu, repeat the above procedure only instead of the item number, enter zero in the box. If software phone allows this, then holding the * button while in any NETMONITOR item, you will see a small hint on this item. To exit it, also hold the * button.

    Many may have a question: How to activate the described menu in the phone without a cable and programs? The activation procedure is very simple, and I advise you to contact any mobile phone store. I think you will definitely be recommended who can help you with the solution of this issue in your locality.

    And finally, the description itself is "broken" across the screens:

    Screen 1 "Information of the main, serving channel"

    a - H or " " , indicates whether network frequency hopping (FH) is enabled

    bbb - channel number (decimal)

    ccc- reception level in dBm, the larger the value, the weaker the signal

    ddd - transmitter power, if the transmitter is on, * is shown at the beginning, value 5 means maximum power e-number of the current time slot,

    ff- timing advance, from 0 to 63. Multiplying this number by 540, you can get the distance to the BS (in meters), from which the phone receives the main channel

    g - reception quality, from 0 to 7, based on the number of errors in the channel (BER value), the worst is 7

    mmmm - radio link timeout value or 0 for negative values. Maximum value: 64

    nnn- value of the C1 criterion (from -99 to 99), the actual difference between the minimum possible signal level set in the network and the current level

    ppp- value of cell reselection criterion (С2): from -99 to 99. If the phone is in phase 1, then the value of С1 is displayed

    oooo- channel type:

    1. THR0: TCH HR subchannel 0 semi-rate coding

    2. THR1: TCH HR sub-channel 1 semi-rate coding

    3. TFR: TCH FR full rate coding

    4. TEFR: TCH EFR optimized full rate coding

    5. F144: TCH FR data link, baud rate 14.4 kbps

    6. F96: TCH FR data link, baud rate 9.6 kbps

    7. F72: TCH FR data link, baud rate 7.2 kbps

    8. F48: TCH FR data link, baud rate 4.8 kbps

    9. F24: TCH FR data link, baud rate 2.4 kbps

    10. H480: TCH HR data channel, rate 4.8 kbps, sub-channel 0, semi-rate coding

    11. H481: TCH HR data link, baud rate 4.8 kbps, sub-channel 1, semi-rate coding

    12. H240: TCH HR data channel, rate 2.4 kbps, sub-channel 0, semi-rate coding

    13. H241: TCH HR data channel, baud rate 2.4 kbps, sub-channel 1, semi-rate coding

    14. FA: TCH FR receive signal channel only (FACCH)

    15. SEAR - network search

    16.NSPS - device in No Service mode, Power Save, no signal

    Screen 2" Additional Information main service channel"

    aa - paging channel mode

    NO - standard, EX - extended, RO - channel reorganized, SB - the same as before

    b - maximum number of retransmissions

    c - roaming availability indicator "R"

    dd - BSIC value, from 0 to 63. (base station code)

    ee - reason for ending the last call

    Screen 3 "Information of the main channel, adjacent 1st and 2nd channels"

    aaa - decimal channel number

    bbb - C1 value (from -99 to 99) When calling, shows the BSIC of the station)

    ccc - receive level in dBm

    ddd - C2 value (from -99 to 99)

    e,f - F if the BS is in the invalid zone or there is no value otherwise

    g,h – priority (B- prohibited, N- normal, L- low) or empty

    Screen 4 "3rd, 4th and 5th channel information"

    Screen 5 "Information of the 6th, 7th and 8th channels"

    Same as previous screen

    Screen 6 "List of networks"

    aaa - country code (for example, 250-Russia, 255-Ukraine)

    bb - network code (for example 01-UMC, MTS)

    Location of values:

    Last network first error network

    Previous network second error network

    Second network third erroneous network

    Third network fourth erroneous network

    Screen 7 "Control Channel Information"

    a - 1 if supported emergency calls (112)

    b - 1 if the connect-disconnect procedure is valid

    c - 1 if HR half-rate coding mode is supported

    d - 1 if the value of C2 is used in the network

    e - 1 if system information is in 7 and 8 bit format

    f - 1 if the network supports the Cell Broadcast service

    g - 1 if reconnect is supported

    The following parameters are used only for two band sets:

    h - Support for ECSC-1 or 0, X in dedicated mode

    i - Support for 2-TER -1 or 0, X in dedicated mode

    j - multiband report (0,1,2,3) is displayed in all modes

    Screen 10 "information about paging channel and T3212 counter"

    aaaaaaaa - TMSI value in hexadecimal format

    bbb - current value of counter T3212

    ccc - timeout value for the T3212 counter (multiply the value by 6, we get the phone re-registration interval in the network in minutes)

    d - paging repeat period from 2 to 9.

    ee - erroneous value of the signal channel in the interval from the BS to the phone

    ff - TCH/SDCCH gain value (from 0 to 93)

    ggggg - VCTCXO DAC control (-1024 to 1023)

    hhh – control channel value

    Screen 11 Network Settings

    aaa - country code (Russia - 250, Ukraine - 255)

    bbb - network code (MTS-01, UMC

    cccc - locations (Location Area Code)

    dddd - main control channel number

    eeee - unique cell code (often means BS number plus sector number)

    Screen 12 "parameters, DTX status, IMSI"

    aaa - Use of encryption algorithms. Options OFF, A51, A52

    bbb– Frequency hopping ON OFF

    ccc - DTX value (transmitter off at moments of silence): ON or OFF

    ddd - connect IMSI YES or NO

    Screen 13 "DTX Switching Information"

    aaaaaaaaaa - status: DTX: ON - mobile station uses DTX, OFF - does not use, DTX: DEF - default value is used.

    bbb - default value for DTX

    ccc - base station DTX value: MAY, USE or NOT

    Screen 14 "display indicator"

    aa - 00 or 01

    Screen 17 "Enable BTS TEST mode"

    ON or OFF (allows you to bind the phone to one cell, the method is described in the last issue of our magazine and more details here)

    Screen 18 "screen backlight control"

    aa - ON or OFF

    Screen 19" Cell Barred Function Control


    Screen 20" general information about battery charge"

    aaa - battery voltage in volts, decimal, no dot. 3.93 is displayed as 393.

    bbbbb - charge mode status:

    ххххх – the charger is not connected or charging is prohibited

    Charg - there is a charge

    Maint - charger maintenance

    Faile - charge error or failure

    DisCh - charge complete

    InitC - initialization of the charge process

    BatCk - battery test in progress

    ChaCk - charger check

    CelBr - charge stopped due to battery cell failure

    BSIFa - charging stopped due to battery BSI measurement error

    TmpFa - charging stopped due to battery NTC measurement error

    VolFa - charging stopped due to voltage measurement error FactC - fast charging mode

    FullM - the battery is charged and is being used

    HotM - battery is hot and in use

    ColdM - battery is cold and in use

    TxOnC - Transmitter is on and charging

    Ni TxNoF - The transmitter is on and Ni is charging, the battery is not full

    LithC - Li-ion battery is being charged LiAFu - PWM level is lower than full battery limit

    LiFul - PWM level is lower than the full battery limit at the time determined by the full charge

    LiTx0 - The transmitter is on and the Li-ion battery is being charged

    LNFTx - Transmitter is on and Li-ion battery is charging, battery is not full

    ColdC - cold charging

    I_Che - starting checks

    L_Che - Checks when charging Li-ion

    F_Che - Checks for fast charge

    M_Che - Perform charge checks.

    MaBFD - BFD Charger Operation

    LiDCH- Charge Li-ion DCH

    LiHot - Li-ion "hot" charge

    ccc - battery temperature in degrees Celsius, from -30 to +90

    ddd is the charging time in H/MM format, 255 means 2 hours 55 minutes.

    eee - charger voltage, no decimal point.

    fff - charger control value, from 0 to 255

    gggg - lithium battery type or size for NiMH

    hhhh - full battery delay counter. When the battery has received a full charge and the charge has fallen below a certain internal limit, this counter is started.

    Screen 21 "battery voltage data"

    aaaa - difference between measured and required voltage (no decimal point)

    bbbb- difference between current voltage and previous voltage measurement

    ccc - maximum voltage ripple

    ddd - minimum voltage ripple

    eee- medium voltage

    Screen 22 "Full Battery Information"

    aaa - DerivCount value, 0 to 1, no decimal point displayed: 012 corresponds to 0.12

    bbb- ChargeAmount value (display similar to aaa)

    ccc- VolDiffToMax value (display similar to aaa)

    ddd - VolDropCnt value (display similar to aaa)

    eee- VolDiffTime value (display similar to aaa)

    fff - AverDiff value (display similar to aaa)

    ggg - Set temperature function (display similar to aaa)

    hhh - Set voltage function (display similar to aaa)

    Screen 23 "Battery and terminal mode monitor"

    aaaa- transmitter switch-on voltage without decimal point ( mV)

    bbb- transmitter turn-off voltage without decimal point (b.bbb) mV

    cccc - current charge

    dddd - probable level of work in standby mode

    eee-estimated battery age (0-new, 100-old)

    fff - percentage battery level (0-100)

    gggg - current consumption shown by PSM (mA)

    hhh - battery temperature (only for Li-ion batteries)

    iiii- charge capacity (mAh)

    jjjj - indicates how much capacity the battery must receive to reach the next "dice" on the charge indicator.

    Show EMEI number *#06# >

    Show phone software version *#9999# > or for 2110i *#170602112302# > or *#682371158412125# >

    Show phone production date *#3283# >

    Show EMEI number *#06# >

    Shows software version *#3110# >

    Restores factory settings *#7780* >

    Entering the special menu *#92702689# > Commands in the special menu:

    To reduce electricity consumption, you can turn off the EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) # 3370 # >

    To enable the EFR function *3370# >

    To reduce the battery discharge rate and enable the HR (Half Rate) function *4720# >

    To enable the HR function #4720# >

    To disable SP encodings (provided that the machine's PIN code is enabled): When prompted for a PIN code, press "C", then either "up arrow" or "down arrow". Press "C" until the display is clear. Then enter the command to change the PIN code, but do not actually change it - **04*PIN*PIN*PIN# > The only problem is that this procedure will have to be repeated every time the device is turned on.

    To reduce electricity consumption, you can turn off the EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) # 3370 # >

    To enable the EFR function *3370# >

    To reduce the battery discharge rate and enable the HR (Half Rate) function *4720# > then turn the phone off and on again.

    To enable the HR function #4720# >

    To view IMEI number *#06# >

    Show software version *#0000# >

    Entering the special menu *#92702689# > Commands in the special menu:

    6232 OK shows the month and year of manufacture

    7332 OK shows the date of the last change in the program

    7832 OK shows sale date (if entered)

    37832 OK, you can enter the date of sale MMYY (careful! cannot be changed later)

    9268 OK shows serial number(IMEI)

    View firmware version *#0000# >

    View IMEI *#06# >

    Entrance to service menu: *#92702689# > By successively pressing down you will see after IMEI:

    1 IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identification)

    2MM/YY (release date)

    3 Date of purchase (here you can enter the date of purchase if your phone is new. Remember that the date is entered once and if you entered the wrong date, then it will be impossible to correct it later!

    4 Date of repair (if repair was carried out)

    5 Date handed over to user? ATTENTION: to exit this mode, you must turn off and then turn on the device.

    Checking if the card supports SIM-clock-stop mode (only for firmware version 5.24 or later) *#746025625# >

    Enable Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR): *3370# > will be activated after phone reboot (uses more power)

    Disable Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR): #3370# > and EFR will be disabled after phone reboot

    Enable Half Rate Codec: (only available for firmware version 4.33 or earlier) enter *4720# >and Half Rate mode will be enabled after phone reboot Disable Half Rate Codec: enter Enable #4720# >and Half Rate Codec will be deactivated after phone reboot

    Codes for smartphones:

    * # 06 # - IMEI of the smartphone (IMEI number - consists of 15 digits, it is unique and every phone has it). This number must match the number on the box.

    *#0000# - firmware number

    safe mode ("PENCIL" + Power)

    And most importantly for the following three ways formatting smart - first remove the memory card from the phone, otherwise it may be damaged!!!

    *#7780# - restore original (working) smart settings

    *#7370# - reset smart to factory settings (i.e. all software, contacts, calendar, etc. are deleted - smart becomes clean!)

    ATTENTION! To use the last two codes, you will need to enter the phone lock code (default 12345)

    Hard-Reset ("acrobatic", this is an extreme case !!! It is done on the OFF smart.) Press three keys at the same time "Green" (Send a call) + "3" + "*" and without releasing the three buttons, press the phone's power key and wait for the formatting message splash screen that will appear after a while.!

    Safe Mode when you turn on the phone - "PENCIL" + "Power Buttion"

    1. Turn off your phone

    2. Press "PENCIL" (and DO NOT release)

    3. Press the power button

    4. Hold the "PENCIL" until the FULL load!!!

    *#2820# - unique address of the Bluetooth module of your device (may be needed by other devices that cannot display names).

    *#7370925538# - cleaning "Wallet" (for 6600 and above - which have "Wallet").

    *3370# (phone must reboot) improves sound quality (using EFR) but reduces battery life.

    #3370# resets the sound quality to normal (cancels *3370# code).

    EFR CODEC (Enhanced Full Rate)

    This feature, when enabled, should, in theory, significantly improve the quality of the transmitted speech, but, unfortunately, it must be supported by the mobile operator. When it works, the power consumption of the phone in talk mode slightly increases (about 5%). As far as we know, none of the Russian mobile operators support this feature. The principle is based on a different speech compression algorithm (ACELP) and occupies a wider frequency band.

    *4720# enable Half Rate Codec (HFR)

    HR CODEC (Half Rate)

    Significantly degrades the quality of speech, but saves the battery by about 30%. Again, must be supported by the cellular operator.

    *#92702689# enter service menu [*#war0anty#] (Not for series 60)

    1. Shows the machine's serial number

    2. Date and year of manufacture (e.g. 0299)

    3. Shows month and year of sale (if installed). Here you can set the date, but be careful - this can only be done once in the life of the phone.

    4. Date of last repair (if any).

    6. Transmits everything phone numbers, pictures and calls from one phone to another (perhaps for recovery purposes). In models with an infrared port, this procedure also works through it.


    ##002# - Cancel all redirects.

    **004*number# - Enable forwarding of all calls to the number...

    ##004# - Re-register all redirects (no answer, no reception, busy).

    **21*number# - Immediate forwarding of all calls and activation.

    *21# - Activate immediate call forwarding.

    #21# - Disable immediate forwarding of all calls.

    *#21# - Check the status of forwarding all calls.

    **61*number# - Activate forwarding to a number if there is no answer.

    *61# - Activate call forwarding if there is no answer.

    #61# - Disable forwarding if there is no answer.

    *#61# - Check redirect status if no answer.

    **62*number# - Activate forwarding to the number if out of the reception area.

    *62# - Activate call forwarding if out of area.

    ##62# - Re-register forwarding if out of zone.

    #62# - Disable forwarding if outside the zone.

    *#62# - Check call forwarding status if out of area.

    Q: What standby codes can be entered on a Nokia phone?

    A: Fit most mobile Nokia phones

    *#0000# Shows the firmware version

    *#9999# Try this code if the previous one doesn't work

    *#06# Shows the IMEI number. This number must match the number

    on the box.

    *3370# Using EFR - Enhanced Full Rate Codec. Can improve

    sound quality, but will reduce battery life (approximately 5%).

    #3370# Sets the sound quality to normal (disables the previous code)

    *4720# Half Rate Codec (HFR)

    #4720# disable Half Rate Codec (HFR)


    1. Serial number

    2. Production date

    3. Date of sale (?) - can be set only once

    4. Date of last repair (0000 - no)

    To exit, you need to turn off and on the phone

    12345 Default security code

    *#73# Resets the timer and game records

    *#7780# Restore default settings (be careful)

    The long-awaited Nokia 6500 Classic may well repeat the fate of the 6230, namely, become a benchmark in the business phone segment. The 10 mm thick case made entirely of anodized aluminum is a weighty argument for any phone, and if we are talking about Nokia, then it’s just a delight. Each apparatus is individually polished, which in turn guarantees the uniqueness of each tube.

    The lines and design solutions close to the heart of the Russian user are embodied in a really stylish and elegant case. Even a weight of 94 g is perceived adequately in appearance.

    The filling is a standard Series 40 with pleasant little things like 1 GB of internal memory (it is worth noting that there is no card slot in the phone), a TFT screen (2-inch QVGA) with support for 16 million colors and a resolution of 240x320 pixels (diamond cut conical aperture display once again speaks of the company's serious approach to this model), an MP3 player with support for the WMA format. Of course, data transfer can be carried out using GPRS, EDGE, WCDMA, Bluetooth 2.0 (EDR, etc.) and micro USB. For complete happiness, only Wi-Fi is missing, which here would not be superfluous at all.

    The phone is definitely a very interesting model, and with an estimated price of about 12,000 rubles, this is a serious claim to victory in the "Business Device of the Year" nomination.

    The phone is moderately stylish, but not imposing, moderately functional, but not hi-tech, in other words, it is a real middle link. Frankly speaking, Nokia's clamshells have recently had a rather ambiguous design. The general line can be traced in 6555, but the ideas are presented at a different level. Recessed swivel mechanism, smooth back panel, yes even analog clock on the external display in absentia relished a large number of potential users. Looming in the background is the fact that the 6555 is Nokia's first WCDMA flip phone. In today's realities for Russian market it's an empty sound. But the internal QVGA display, which displays 16 million colors with a resolution of 240x320 pixels, is already a serious argument.

    In addition to the standard and familiar set of functions for the Series 40 platform, the user will find 30 MB of internal memory ( microSD cards up to 4 GB), a 1.3 megapixel camera, Bluetooth 2.0 +EDR (A2DP profile, etc.) and an MP3 player (no radio, unfortunately).

    Nokia 6136, 6131, 6070

    The most advanced and innovative device with Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) technology, which allows you to seamlessly switch from the GSM band to a Wi-Fi wireless network using VoIP telephony services. This technology, subject to low tariffs for traffic in wireless networks and their wide distribution will allow the user to significantly reduce their communication costs.

    Nokia 6136 also works in the GSM 850/900/1800/1900 bands and supports EDGE. Specifications

    • display - 262 thousand colors;
    • 1.3 MP camera with 8x digital zoom;
    • support for microSD memory cards;
    • stereo FM receiver, Visual Radio;
    • bluetooth;
    • MMS, email, Nokia Xpress audio messaging;
    • up to 5 hours of talk time, up to 280 hours of standby time in GSM networks;
    • up to 5.5 hours of talk time, up to 82 hours of standby time in UMA mode.

    Middle class bed. A distinctive feature is the presence of a QVGA display (320 x 240 pixels) that displays 16 million colors.

    The representative of the 40th series of the company is a recognizable corporate design, a familiar menu. The device operates in the GSM 900/1800/1900 bands and supports EDGE.


    • VGA camera;
    • FM tuner;
    • XHTML browser, e-mail client;
    • support for MP3 and MIDI formats (including setting for a call).

    Nokia starts shipping the new Nokia N70 phone.

    Specifications of Nokia N70:

    Work in networks GSM 900/1800/1900 MHz, in networks of the third generation WCDMA 2100.

    Color display with a resolution of 176×208 pcs, displaying up to 262K colors

    Two cameras: 2x 20x digital zoom and VGA camera with 2x digital zoom for video calls

    Browsing Supported JPG files, 3GP, MP3, PPT, DOC, EXCEL, PDF

    Bluetooth technology

    Slot for removable memory cards type RS-MMC.

    Nokia 5140i is positioned by the company as a mobile phone for people leading an active lifestyle. The 5140 differs from the new model with the prefix i in a smaller number of colors displayed on the screen (4 thousand) and minor changes in the interface, as well as in the color design of the cases. The new phone comes in two colors: black and dark green.


    The phone is made in a classic form factor. Rubber pads with wavy patterns, framing the plastic case on all four sides, immediately give out the “non-traditional” style of the phone. They do not allow any of the plastic sides to scratch on the surface of the table. The device is not heavy, the weight does not exceed 100 g. The dimensions are also unremarkable: 106.5 × 46.8 × 23.8 mm. The screen is small: 128x128 pixels, slightly tinted.

    On the back surface there is a VGA camera window and below there are two holes for attaching a special wrist strap.

    On the top end there is a standard on/off key, as well as a loudspeaker hole. Below, under the rubber plug - Pop-Port and a connector for connecting a network charger.

    On the left sidewall there is a volume control swing, on the right we find the Push-To-Talk key and the infrared port window.

    The buttons on the front panel are squeezed out in a single rubber array. Moisture doesn't bother them. The key travel is quite clear. The navigation keys and edges of the four-way joystick key are too crowded, which results in a lot of erroneous clicks. For an "extreme" phone, this is unacceptable. A very interesting light element is located in the upper part of the front panel: in addition to the main function - giving a light signal (white light flashlight, for about 25 seconds), it also performs another, completely non-standard function - a kind of "level". The fact is that it is filled with liquid and the deviation of the bubble contained in it indicates in which direction the surface is inclined.

    The case does not consist of front and rear panels, as is the case with normal phones, but, as it were, of two plastic "glasses" put on the base. Due to this feature of the case, there can be no crackling when squeezing the phone. Everything is very tightly assembled. How to open the case - you will not guess right away. Visible buttons not on the back. It turned out that the case opening buttons are hidden on the sides, under the rubber pads. Everything is quite simple: I pressed two fingers on the sides and pulled it towards myself - the “glass” was removed

    Basic properties

    Under the cover is a medium-capacity 760 mAh battery. Below it is a slot for a SIM card. The battery is able to last more than five days with an average level of calls and other functions.

    The display is made using a passive matrix displaying 65,536 colors. In the summer sun, readability falls sharply, the tinting of the screen surface affects.

    "Cold start" after connecting the battery, as well as moving through the menus and applications, take a fraction of a second. In this sense, the phone is quite "nimble".

    Sound very good. Bright and juicy, with the presence low frequencies. At maximum volume, there is no hint of noise and wheezing. No noise and when listening to the speakerphone at maximum volume. The call sound is very loud, you can hear it even in a noisy subway. Ringtones can be downloaded by yourself. Supported formats: MIDI and MP3. In total, about 4 MB of memory is available to the user, and only 2.1 MB are initially free. Not even funny.

    The phone works in EGSM 900, GSM 1800 and 1900 networks, supports Java™ MIDP 2.0 (maximum MIDlet size 128 kb), EDGE: Class 6 with download speeds up to 177.6 kbps, GPRS (General Packet Radio Service): class 10, download speed up to 62.4 kbps, WAP2.0, TCP/IP, synchronization with a PC by PC Suite, which, however, you will not find in the kit, you will have to download from the manufacturer's website.

    Menu. In standby mode, the display shows: the current time, the name of the mobile operator, signal reception and battery levels (as usual, on the left and right sides of the screen), commands for programmable keys, and, do not believe it, the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit! The font color in standby mode is configured from the Settings-Display menu. Changeable also background picture, screen saver and color schemes screen as a whole. This is achieved by choosing themes, which, moreover, can be reconfigured piece by piece to the taste of the user. Menu sections can be displayed as individual icons or as a list.

    Messages. Here are collected all the phone functions related to writing, sending and receiving any type of text and multimedia messages: SMS (11 templates), MMS (no templates), Email. Also chat and voice messages on the answering machine.

    Contacts. For one contact, you can set: phone number, PTT address, e-mail, Internet address, mail and note, as well as a photo, as always with Nokia, which is not displayed on the entire screen. Contacts can be divided into groups, add a voice tag and speed dial. Small and miserable by today's standards. There is a possibility to copy a contact list from phone to SIM-card and vice versa. It happens to be useful.

    Calls. Displays all missed, received and dialed call numbers, their duration, time and date, as well as the GPRS packet data transmission counter. Everything is standard.

    Settings. As always - the most intense section. We find in this menu the ability to select a mode (preset four plus two of our own); change the theme, alerts for various events and calls, backlight level, display properties; set time and date; configure the quick access menu (one-touch dialing), connect devices via infrared (yes, it is available here), options for sending and receiving calls (forwarding, etc.), setting general operating modes for phone functions (language, memory status , key lock, etc.), and security options.

    Gallery. Files of all formats, preinstalled and received, are collected here: Photos, Videos, Themes, Graphics, Alarms, as well as voice mail recordings.

    Multimedia. Camera with a maximum photo resolution of 640x480 pixels. There is also the ability to record audio clips in AMR format, self-timer, "night" mode. Stereo Radio: Only works when a headset is connected. Dictaphone: able to record and conversation. Sound level meter: Measures environmental noise in decibels.

    PTT. A separate menu contains numerous settings for the Push-to-Talk walkie-talkie function.

    Sport. Most interesting section Menu in the device under test. Here are the "things" necessary in the sports camp: compass: yes, a real digital compass; thermometer: measures the ambient temperature with the ability to display information on the display in standby mode; stopwatch: without it, as you know, not a single athlete can do; timer countdown.

    Organizer. Standard set: alarm clock with the ability to set the days of the week (without it, nowhere), calendar, to-do list, notes, calculator.

    Applications. In addition to two games: Adventure Race (cycling) and Bowling, this section contains a very curious application Fitness coach (fitness trainer). After half an hour of entering all kinds of physical and metric data about yourself, up to the pulse in a normal and rapid state, the fun begins. The program allows you to choose a method physical activity(exercise bike, running, rowing, stairs, swimming, etc.) and then punctually counts the seconds of the session and shows you the various necessary information about how to do these same exercises, what and how to take breaks, and also allows you to follow the blows pulse. There is a choice of activities in the gym, swimming pool and even on the street. Naturally, a training log is kept. In a word, if you get addicted to this program, it will become your indispensable assistant in any sports.

    As a conclusion we can say: Nokia 5140i is built on the Series 40 platform and has a very rich set of features. In addition to having almost all the main modern features, including support for EDGE data transfer technology and Push-to-Talk portable radio functions, the device has a whole set of unique features that are not inherent in ordinary, normal phones. Therefore, we can safely say that it will easily take its rightful place in a special, narrow niche of "extreme" phones.

    Minuses: a small screen, a faded display that fades in the sun, an unfortunate location of the joystick and soft buttons.

    pros: rich functional saturation (and not only traditional functions), excellent protected case, low price.

    Nokia has released the GSM (900/1800/1900MHz) slider 6111. The phone features a megapixel camera, LED flash, 6x digital zoom, Bluetooth, FM radio and a 128 x 160 pixel LCD display with up to 262k colors.

    Classic Nokia clamshell. The dual-band GSM (900/1800MHz or 850/1900MHz) device 6060 is equipped with only one screen of a standard resolution for this class of models, LED indicator status and supports Expense Manager applications along with MP3 ringtones.

    Nokia 2125- compact CDMA clamshell at an affordable price, with a typical set of functions and features, such as an advanced currency converter, calculator, FM radio, a 128 x 128 dot color display (64K colors) and an LED flashlight. display, support for polyphonic melodies, the ability to change panels (Xpress-on), voice dialing and a voice recorder.

    Nokia-N-Gage 2

    Nokia has released photos of its new concept phone. It is possible that this is how the N-Gage 2 will look like - a retractable joystick allows you to draw conclusions about the gaming orientation of the device.

    Nokia 6255i

    Nokia is going to expand its presence in the CDMA market with a new model - 6255i, equipped with the main functions of smartphones of the 3650/3660/6600 series, except for the infrared port and the ability to view office files - here Nokia is still behind Samsung, which has added such capabilities to mid-range phones. class. It's a pity, this device will be available only to Cellular One subscribers.

    Among the main advantages of the device, one cannot fail to mention the operability in the AMPS 850 MHz / CDMA 850/1900 MHz and CDMA2000 1X standards, the presence of an MP3 player, loudspeaker, VGA camera with flash, built-in Bluetooth support. The main functions of Nokia 6255i:

  • Form factor: clamshell
  • Video recording
  • Streaming audio/video playback
  • MMC connector
  • Voice control, voice dialing
  • Synchronization with PC
  • GPS sensor, emergency call functions
  • Dimensions: 87.3x47x26 mm
  • Weight: 125g
  • The Nokia 6255i will cost $150 with a two-year service contract.

    2 4.11.04 p> The Skulls trojan, targeted at the Nokia 7610 and supposedly working with other phones using Symbian, began to spread over the network. Once launched, it replaces all icons with skull pictures and limits the functionality of the phone to simple dialing and answering calls. However, according to Symbian, it is still unclear whether Skulls is really malicious, or just a poorly written program.

    Secrets of the Nokia 6110

    *#06# shows IMEI code

    *#0000# shows the software version of the phone

    *#6110# try this code if the previous one doesn't work

    *#746025625# stop Sim-Clock (battery saving mode)

    this code will only work on phones with software version 5.24.

    *#92702689# entrance to the special menu:

    1: Shows the serial number

    2: Shows the month and year of manufacture

    3: Shows (if entered) the information where the phone was purchased

    here you can also record phone sale information (one time only)

    4: Shows the date of the last change in the program - if entered

    6: Transfers all phones, pictures, sounds from one phone to another (if supported)

    Software type: NSE-3

    v.5.47(xx-xx-99) latest version

    V.5.31 (18-02-99)

    V.5.40 (25-05-99)

    V.5.31 (18-02-99)

    V.5.24 (19-09-98)


    V.4.59 (01-06-98)

    V. 4.51 (26-03-98)

    V. 4.33 (11-03-98)

    When dialing the view software version code

    something like this should appear on the screen:

    Software version

    Software release date

    Shows the phone type. If it is GSM 900 (standart), GSM 1800 (DCS 1800) or GSM 1900 (PCS1900). But Nokia 2110, 3110, 8100(i) are all NHE types, while 5110 and 6110 are NSE-1 and NSE-3 types

    EFR Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR):

    Enable: Dial *3370# and EFR will be activated after rebooting the phone (consumes a lot of power)

    Shutdown: Dial #3370# and EFR will turn off after rebooting the phone.

    Half Rate Codec:

    Enable: Dial *4720# and Half Rate will be activated after the phone is rebooted (power consumption decreases)

    Shutdown: Dial #4720# and Half Rate will be turned off after rebooting the phone

    Enhanced Full Rate mode allows you to get much better sound quality with the same number of bits of transmitted information, but loads your provider's network more, while the duration of the conversation is reduced by about 5%

    Half Rate mode degrades the sound quality, but unloads the network and allows the provider to pass more calls through it, while the duration of the conversation increases by about 30%

    Tricks and Glitches

    power button:

    If you briefly press the Power button, the profile menu will appear on the screen.

    If you press one more time, the phone will turn off. Use the up and down keys to scroll through and change the various settings.

    Dial 1#, 2#........54# on the keyboard (when you are not in the menu) and you will get the phone number that is assigned to this key during speed dialing

    (during a call) if you press and hold the menu key for 3 seconds, the Call Menu will appear on the display (trasfer, mute, etc.)

    Quick typing messages

    When you type a message, you must wait a few seconds if you want to type two identical letters in a row. For example, when typing the word "letter", you must wait before entering the second letter "t"..

    It will be much faster if you press the # key twice followed by "t".

    Free call Your phone must have Net Monitor mode.

    This mode has been removed in some versions, such as v4.73 and v5.04.

    1 Enable NetMonitor in Nokia 51xx / 61xx

    2 Use test number 497

    3 Now you have the opportunity to chat for about 90 seconds.

    There is no confirmation that this trick still works. Service Provider Lock The Service provider (SP) lock mode used to bind the phone to a specific SiM card. In this case, if you insert a SIM card of another operator, the phone will refuse to work, but another card of the same operator will work.

    All Nokia phones (2110 and above) have four various modes bindings that can be used to bind cards by four different operators. But the majority

    phones activated only one. (lock 1)

    The main code used in Nokia phones:

    #pw+(master code)+Y#ї

    This code is used to check, activate and unbind to the SIM card (SP-lock).

    Use the * key to type p, + and w characters.

    "Y" can be 1,2,3 or 4 - depending on what type of binding you choose.

    #pw+1234567890+1# for Provider-Lock status

    #pw+1234567890+2# for Network-Lock status

    #pw+1234567890+3# for Provider(???)-Lock status

    #pw+1234567890+4# for SimCard-Lock status

    (master code) ten digit number based on the phone's IMEI number.

    To unbind by type 1, dial the following code:

    #pw+(master code)+1#ї

    If you just want to check your phone use any ten digit number instead of the master code, for example 1234567890

    Note: Be careful with this code, as the code can only be entered 3 times, then something may happen to your phone

    Security code Information in IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) contains:


    TAC = Type Approval Code (2 first digits = country code).

    FAC = Final Assembly Code (For Nokia FAC=10).

    SNR = Serial number.

    SP = Spare (always SP=0).

    Smartphone from Nokia

    The Finnish company Nokia has introduced a new smartphone - Nokia 9300 - with a very serious declared specifications. Judge for yourself:

    The smartphone is made in the form of a "clamshell", has 2 displays - a small color external display and internal, with a resolution of 640x200 and 65 thousand colors. The 9300 is equipped with 80 MB of built-in memory, expandable up to 2(!) GB using optional MMC memory cards. Of course, the phone is equipped with an infrared port, supports Bluetooth, can play MP3, view documents and spreadsheets using built-in office applications, files in PDF format and many many others.

    In fact, the Nokia 9300 is the same 9500, only without Wi-Fi support and without a built-in camera, which made it possible to reduce the size and weight of the smartphone - now they are 132 x 51 x 21 mm and 167 g, respectively.

    Nokia plans to introduce 2 versions of the tri-band smartphone: one for Europe and Asia (GSM900/1800/1900 MHz) and another for America (GSM850/1800/1900 MHz). The first shipments of the smartphone are expected early next year. The price is still unknown, but knowing Nokia's pricing policy, we can say that it certainly won't be small.

    Nokia introduces a new kind of messaging

    Nokia is developing a new phone that will allow you to create short text messages mid-air. The motion detector in the phone makes the LED-elements glow in the required sequence, displaying the letters of the message. Reading is carried out by moving the phone in space. The block of LED-elements is located on the back wall of the phone model 3220 created by Nokia. Human vision perceives the message as hanging in the air, although only part of it is displayed at the same time.

    It is known that such a message will not exceed 15 characters. It will be easy to read from a distance of 6 meters, with daylight and even further in low light. Nokia believes that such messages can be used by friends to communicate in a crowded room or open-air concerts.

    The lineup mobile technology Nokia looks very diverse and is able to satisfy the needs of people with different incomes, requirements and styles. As you already understood from the name, we will talk about a very interesting mobile phone, hallmark which are extreme design and, as a result, a built-in flashlight... the lineup Nokia phones.

    Nokia 2100

    • Network: EGSM 900 / GSM 1800
    • Weight: 84.5g
    • Screen: monochrome, 96 x 65
    • Dimensions: 106 x 44 x 19 mm
    • Special features: call download, image editor, animated screensavers, SMS chat...

    Nokia 3510i

    • Network: GSM 900 / 1800
    • (memory 180 kB)
    • Screen: 96 x 65, 4096 colors

    Nokia 3520

    • Network: TDMA, AMPS (800)
    • Screen: 96 x 65, 4096 colors

    Nokia 3530

    • Network: GSM 900 / 1800
    • Screen: 96 x 65, 4096 colors
    • Accessibility: WAP 1.2.1, CSD / GPRS

    Nokia 3560

    • Network: TDMA, AMPS (800/1900)
    • Java APIs: CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0, Nokia UI API (300 kB memory)
    • Screen: 96 x 65, 4096 colors
    • Accessibility: WAP 2.0 (XHTML compatible)

    Nokia 3585i

    • Network: CDMA / AMPS CSD/1xRTT, CDMA 1900 / 800 AMPS 800
    • Java APIs: MIDP 1.0
    • Screen: 96 x 65, 4 grayscale
    • Dimensions: 117 x 49 x 24 mm
    • Weight: 116 g.
    • Accessibility: GPS technology (E911), downloadable calls

    Nokia 3595

    • Network: GSM, GPRS 850/1900
    • Java APIs: CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0, Nokia UI API (300 kB memory)
    • Screen: 96 x 65, 4096 colors
    • Accessibility: CSD, GPRS, XHTML Mobile Profile & WAP 1.2.1, SMS, MMS, IM, MIDI calls

    Nokia 3650

    • Network: GSM 900 / 1800 / 1900
    • Screen: 176 x 208, 4096 colors
    • Dimensions: 129.5h x 52.7w x 25.6d mm
    • Java APIs: CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0, Nokia UI API (4 Mb memory)
    • Weight: 130 g.
    • Camera: CMOS 640 x 480
    • Accessibility: XHTML MP (WML 1.3. browser in China), MMS, Symbian 6.1, SMTP, IMAP4, IMAP4P4-SSL/TLS, POP3, POP3-SSL/TLS, speakerphone

    Nokia 5100

    It is this device that has a built-in flashlight and a rather predatory design, which, according to Nokia, is simply bound to appeal to everyone who leads an active lifestyle.

    • Network: EGSM 900 / GSM 1800 / 1900
    • Weight: 104 g.
    • Java APIs: CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0, Nokia UI API
    • Screen: 128 x 128, 4096 colors
    • Dimensions: 108.5 x 49.5 x 22 mm.
    • Accessibility: SMS, MMS, WAP 1.2.1, Infrared, HSCSD: Up to 43.2 kbps
    • GPRS: Up to 40.2 kbps, Stereo FM radio, MIDI calls, speakerphone, thermometer,

    Nokia 6100

    • Network: GSM 900 / 1800 / 1900
    • Weight: 76 g.
    • Screen: 128 x 128, 4096 colors
    • Dimensions: 105 x 44 x 17.5mm
    • Accessibility: HSCSD: Up to 43.2 kbps, GPRS: Up to 40.2 kbps, MIDI calls, speakerphone

    Nokia 6200

    • Network: GSM 850 / 1800 / 1900
    • Weight: 80 g.
    • Screen: 128 x 128, 4096 colors
    • Dimensions: 106 x 45 x 19 mm
    • Accessibility: HSCSD: Up to 43.2 kbps, GPRS: Up to 40.2 kbps, MIDI calls, FM radio

    Nokia 6340i

    • Network: GSM 850/1900, TDMA 800/1900, AMPS 800
    • Weight: 124 g.
    • Screen: 96 x 65 LCD
    • Dimensions: 129 x 46 x 23.35 mm
    • Accessibility: voice dialing, HSCSD: Up to 43.2 kbps, GPRS: Up to 40.2 kbps

    Nokia 6650

    • Network: WCDMA (3GPP) / GSM 900/1800
    • Weight: 134 g.
    • Screen: 128 x 160, 4096 colors
    • Dimensions: 132.3h x 52.3w x 43.2d (mm)
    • Camera: VGA (640 x 480)
    • Accessibility: MMS, MIDP Java, WAP 1.2.1, Bluetooth, Infrared, USB

    Nokia 6800

    • Network: GSM 900/1800
    • Java APIs: CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0, Nokia UI API
    • Screen: 128 x 128, 4096 colors
    • Accessibility: POP3, IMAP4, infrared, polyphonic ringtones, WAP 1.2.1

    Nokia 7250

    • Network: EGSM 900 / 1800 / 1900
    • Java APIs: CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0, Nokia UI API
    • Weight: 92 g.
    • Screen: 128 x 128, 4096 colors
    • Dimensions: 105 x 44 x 19 mm
    • Camera: CIF, 352 x 288
    • Special features: SMS, MMS, infrared port, FM radio, polyphonic melodies.

    Nokia 7650

    • Network: GSM 900/ GSM 1800 EGSM 900 / GSM 1800
    • Weight: 154 g.
    • Screen: 176 x 208
    • Dimensions: 114 x 56 x 26 mm
    • Camera: VGA (640 x 480)
    • Accessibility: MMS. MIDP Java, WAP 1.2.1, SMTP, POP3, IMAP4

    Nokia 7650, like previous models, combines the best digital technologies available today. At first glance, there is a stylish design that has already become traditional for Nokia. Folding device. The dial buttons are hidden behind the front panel and are not visible when folded. Only control keys are available, presented in the form of a joystick with five degrees of freedom.

    When looking at the device closer, the brightness of the large color graphic display with a resolution of 176x208 pixels (35x41 mm) surprises. The display supports 4096 colors. Nokia 7650 is the first multimedia phone with built-in camera, full color display and new MMS technology support! With Nokia's MMS solution, the user of this phone model will receive an SMS message informing them that they have received a multimedia message (MMS) that can be downloaded from a dedicated address.

    The weight of the phone is 154 g. It is heavy for a phone of this class, but if you take into account the possibilities that are contained in this "crumb", you forget about this drawback. Features include an integrated digital camera that can take pictures with a resolution of 640x480 pixels and a depth of 24 bits (16.7 million colors). There is a photo album for pictures of 4 MB in size. Unfortunately, there are no slots for expanding memory.

    Pictures can be sent to other phones that support MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) technology or to a computer. I will add that the camera supports many graphic formats (BMP, GIF 87a, GIF 89a, JPEG, MBM, PNG, WBMP, TIFF-F). The image received on the phone screen can be scrolled in four directions, enlarged, rotated. The only drawback of the camera, in my opinion, is the lack of zoom. The possibility of changing the front panels, which are so popular with previous models, is not provided.

    Especially for this model, a variety of various accessories have been developed. Among them are the means of interfacing with a computer via wireless communication; charging device; phone power supply from the car's on-board network through the cigarette lighter; all kinds of "hands-free" kits and, of course, everything for a mobile office. There is even the possibility of wireless pairing with a computer or similar phone via Bluetooth protocol at a distance of up to 10 meters, allowing you to synchronize data from the diary and phone book without removing the phone itself from the diplomat. A PCMCIA interface card is provided for the computer, it should be noted that no cables are now required: the connection is made using Bluetooth. This card allows you to use your phone as a modem. In this model, you can use a WAP browser at a speed of 43.2 Kbps (HSCSD (High Speed ​​Circuit Switched Data)) and 40.3 Kbps (GPRS (General Packet Radio Service)), send e-mail via SMTP protocols, POP3, IMAP4. It should be noted that the speed depends on the network configuration.

    The phone operates in the GSM900/GSM1800 and EGSM900/EGSM1800 bands. The standard delivery battery is a 750 mAh lithium-ion battery. This capacity is enough for 2-4 hours of talk time or 90 to 230 hours of standby time. The battery does not have the so-called "memory effect", a property in which the presence of a residual charge in the battery does not allow the battery to be fully charged. You can also use nickel-metal hydride batteries. According to the manufacturer, the battery charge time is about two hours.

    The internal antenna does not harm the phone's sensitivity. It is worth noting that the sensitivity of Nokia devices in latest models(starting from 8210) is not inferior, and sometimes even better than handsets from other manufacturers, even with external antennas. In the case of Nokia devices, you should not rely on the opinion that the internal antenna is a sign of poor sensitivity of the device.

    Such complex electronics are controlled not by ordinary "firmware", but by a real operating system. The Symbian OS operating system is a multitasking OS with open source and the ability to use third party software. The operating system also includes MIDP Java support.

    Functions that have already become standard for a solid phone - voice dialing for 25 numbers, speakerphone, 28 menu languages, games, phone book, calendar, vibrating call. The "novelties" include a voice recorder.

    Worth checking out is the excellent documentation technical support and a high level of service.

    This device will be available for residents of Europe, Asia, Africa only in the second quarter of 2002.

    So, the new device from Nokia will satisfy any appetite for communication, even the most demanding user.

    MMS - a new technology in the world of mobile communications

    The latest development in the world of mobile communications is called Multimedia Messaging Service - multimedia messaging service (MMS for short). MMS is a multimedia messaging service for mobile communications similar to SMS (Short Message Service). This technology significantly expands the horizons and possibilities of mobile communication, making it more flexible, more informative than before. MMS provides automatic, instant delivery of a personalized multimedia message from phone to phone or from phone to e-mail. MMS can contain an image, photo, voice, music, text. An MMS message is a single unit, not text with attached files, as is the case with email. You can also send video clips via MMS. The new development is a logical continuation of the development of SMS technology and is not an extension of WAP. The wide distribution and successful use of SMS prompted developers to develop a new technology for transmitting large-scale data. Like SMS, MMS is an open standard and MMS messages can be sent from existing network services and protocols. The ability to use MMS does not depend on the type of network, you can use the new technology on both GSM and WCDMA. The message is sent directly to the recipient's machine, so the traffic goes between two phones rather than across the entire network. The size of transmitted messages is from 30Kb to 100Kb.

    The delivery speed of a message depends on its size and network. Users will quickly get used to MMS as an extended form of SMS. A sharp increase in the number of phones with MMS support, similar to phones with SMS, is expected. The issue with the tariffication of the new type of messages has not yet been resolved. Most likely, it will depend on the operator.

    Nokia 8910i

    • Network: EGSM 900 / GSM 1800
    • Java APIs: CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0, Nokia UI API
    • Screen: 96x65, 4096
    • Accessibility: WAP 1.2.1, SMS, MMS, Bluetooth

    Nokia N-GageT Game Deck

    • Network: EGSM 900, GSM 1800/1900
    • Processor: 104MHz ARM
    • Weight: 135 g.
    • Java APIs: CLDC 1.0, MIDP 1.0, Nokia UI API, Wireless Messaging API,
    • Mobile Media API (memory 2.8 MB)
    • Screen: 176 x 208, 4096 colors
    • Dimensions: 133h x 69.7w x 19.7d (mm)
    • Accessibility: XHTML, Java MIDP 1.0, Symbian v6.1, SMS, MMS, SMTP, IMAP4, IMAP4P4-SSL/TLS, POP3, POP3-SSL/TLS, speakerphone, FM receiver, MMC slot

    Nokia Camera Headset HS-1C: a curious hybrid

    The most interesting novelty was presented recently Finnish Nokia, - Nokia Camera Headset HS-1C. This device combines headphones with an ultra-portable VGA digital camera that captures still images at resolutions up to 640x480 in 24-bit color.

    The HS-1C is compatible with all Nokia cell phones that support Pop-Port and MMS. Accordingly, "compatible" phones include Nokia 5100, Nokia 6100, Nokia 6610, Nokia 6800 and Nokia 7210.

    Vulnerability in Nokia phones.

    @stake, a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based security company, has discovered a vulnerability in the company's cell phone software. Nokia 6210. Using this vulnerability, a remote attacker can cause a situation similar to DoS in the networking world. The vulnerability lies in the processing of so-called vCards - virtual business cards that can be transferred from one phone to another using SMS. Vulnerabilities affect Nokia 6210 with software version 05.27 and higher. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker must create a vCard that is longer than the maximum length of an SMS message and contains fields with large quantity format string characters. When the phone receives the last part of the vCard, the cell software buffer overflows and it stops functioning. The reaction of the phone itself can be different - it can reboot, block or stop switching SMS messages. To resume normal operation, the batteries must be removed and reinserted.

    Nokia 3310 SSE

    Range GSM 900 / GSM 1800
    Size (mm) 113x48x22
    Weight (g) 133
    Antenna built-in
    Display type graphic
    Display size 10
    Battery Type Ni-MH
    Talk mode (hour) 4,5
    Standby (hour) 160
    call 37+7
    Vibrating alert Yes
    Voice dialing Yes
    Phone book capacity only on the SIM card
    Calculator Yes
    Clock Yes
    Alarm Yes
    Currency converter Yes
    Games 4
    Manufacturer Nokia

    Nokia 3410 SSE

    Range GSM 900 / GSM 1800
    Size (mm) 115x49x22.5
    Weight (g) 114
    Antenna built-in
    Replacement panels Xpress-on™
    Display type graphic high contrast
    Display size 4 lines, 96x65
    Display backlight color green
    Battery Type 950 mAh, Li-Ion
    Talk mode (hour) 4h 10min
    Standby (hour) 260
    call 35+7(own)
    Voice dialing up to 10 numbers (voice dialing via headset is also supported).
    Phone book capacity 200 rooms
    WAP 1.1 WAP Push
    Calculator Yes
    Clock + stopwatch and countdown timer
    Alarm Yes
    Currency converter Yes
    Games Space impact, Bantumi, Snake II, Bumper, Link5, One replaceable Java™ game download
    Additional Information Java™ support for games and downloadable applications, WAP Push. Chat, emoticons. Full-screen screensavers (screensavers). Animated 3D screensavers.
    Manufacturer Nokia

    A number of Nokia phones run on Symbian OS, which can be loaded with a wide variety of software, including even ssh clients. Here is a list of phones with Symbian OS: 3650/3660, 6600, 6620, N-Gage, 7650, 7700, 9210/9290. For those phones fit all the same PuTTy, but already under Symbian. The official website of the project is From my own experience, I can say that administering something, even the simplest one, from a digital keyboard is a very dubious pleasure. In this case, only the keyboard of the 9* series communicator will save you. Otherwise, you will have to poke a lot, typing simple commands.

    The middle model in the family of new smartphones of the former Finnish brand

    Last spring, during the MWC 2017 exhibition, simultaneously with the reincarnation of the legendary Nokia 3310, new smartphones Nokia 3 and Nokia 5 were also announced. As you know, the rights to smartphones and phones under the Nokia brand are currently owned by HMD Global, which calls itself that: “ Home for Nokia phones.

    The well-known Chinese company Foxconn, whose factories also produce Apple smartphones, is directly involved in the production of new models. More precisely, the production of Nokia smartphones is carried out by one of the company's factories, which is located in India. In total, three models have been released in the updated Nokia family so far: Nokia 3, Nokia 5 and Nokia 6. We will start our acquaintance with them with the best option: consider the Nokia 5 smartphone, which is not the most expensive, but not the weakest in terms of specifications, occupying the middle position in the line.

    Key features of Nokia 5 (model TA-1053)

    • SoC Qualcomm Snapdragon 430, 8 cores Cortex-A53 ( [email protected].4 GHz+ [email protected].1 GHz)
    • GPU Adreno 505 @450 MHz
    • Operating system Android 7.1.1
    • Touchscreen IPS 5.2″, 1280×720, 282 ppi
    • Random access memory (RAM) 2 GB, inner memory 16 GB
    • Support Nano-SIM (2 pcs.)
    • microSD support up to 128 GB
    • GSM/GPRS/EDGE networks (850/900/1800/1900 MHz)
    • WCDMA/HSPA+ networks (850/900/1700/1900/2100 MHz)
    • LTE Cat.4 FDD (B1/3/5/7/8/20/28), TD LTE (B38/40) networks
    • Wi-Fi 802.11a/b/g/n (2.4 and 5 GHz)
    • Bluetooth 4.1
    • GPS, A-GPS, Glonass, BDS
    • Micro USB, USB OTG
    • Primary camera 13 MP, f/2.0, autofocus (PDAF), 1080p video
    • Front camera 8 MP, f/2.0, autofocus
    • Proximity sensor, light sensor, fingerprint sensor, accelerometer, gyroscope, step detector, compass
    • Battery 3000 mAh
    • Dimensions 150×73×8.1 mm
    • Weight 161 g

    Contents of delivery

    For the entire new Nokia lineup has been selected uniform design packaging design. This is a fairly simple flat box made of thin cardboard, brightly decorated in a youthful look. It looks inexpensive, but there is a certain certain style of its own.

    The set consists of a connecting cable, as well as network adapter with an output current of 2 A and a maximum voltage of 5 V and worthless plastic headphones without rubber pads that do not stay in your ears. A metal key for extracting cards is fixed on a cardboard insert as standard.

    Appearance and usability

    The design is one of the strong points of the Nokia 5. This essentially inexpensive smartphone with ordinary features looks much more expensive than its level. The case, decorated in a minimalist style, is completely made of metal by milling. The durable frame also has a matte finish that is smooth and pleasant to the touch and does not leave fingerprints.

    In terms of proportions and dimensions, the Nokia 5 is a medium-sized smartphone, small and thin, although not so light. By today's standards, it can even be called elegant. The sides and ends are noticeably rounded, and for external antennas the usual grooves are made not on the back panel, but on the ends themselves, they are almost invisible.

    Due to its small size, the smartphone is generally comfortable to hold in your hand, but its smooth, streamlined surfaces can be quite slippery. Most likely, all this beauty will have to be hidden in a protective case so as not to drop the smartphone on the floor.

    The elongated module with a camera and a flash located on the rear panel, covered with glass and surrounded by a thin chrome rim, also looks stylish. The flash consists of two multi-colored LEDs and shines incredibly brightly - Nokia 5 has one of the most bright flashlights, ever seen in smartphones.

    There is no event LED above the screen. There is no front flash either, its role for the selfie camera is played by the backlight of the screen itself, which turns on a second before shooting; this is a common solution.

    At the bottom there are touch buttons with backlighting, and the time of their backlighting can be manually adjusted to your liking. The central touch button does not have a backlight, it is not mechanical, it has a built-in fingerprint scanner pad.

    There are no complaints about the operation of the scanner, recognition is clear and fast. The finger can be brought at any angle, up to 5 fingerprints are stored. The central touch button itself works as usual: a short touch returns you to the home screen, a long touch calls up Google Now.

    The installation of cards in the smartphone case is not quite usual. There is not a single hybrid connector, but two different ones: one has two slots for Nano-SIM cards, and the second is completely given over to microSD memory cards. It's very convenient, you don't have to sacrifice anything. Considering the very elegant and thin case of Nokia 5, we have to state with sadness that manufacturers resort to the notorious hybrid connectors not at all because of lack of space - they simply save on user comfort, reducing their costs. Against this background, Nokia's decision causes only respect.

    The buttons on the opposite side are medium-sized, metal. They have, perhaps, a stiffer stroke than we would like, but the response to pressing is very clear, there are no special complaints about the buttons.

    The main speaker is brought to the bottom end, there is also a hole for a spoken microphone and a USB connector. Everything would be fine, but the use of Micro-USB begins to surprise: the general course is clearly taken for use USB connectors Type-C, so why delay with the transition? Still, at some point you have to do it...

    The top end is given over to a 3.5 mm headphone jack. The auxiliary microphone hole is moved a little further, to the back surface, closer to the camera module, which is logical.

    Nokia 5 is available in four different colors: dark blue (indigo), black, silver and copper. The front panel under the glass in both dark and light cases remains the same color: it is always black.


    The Nokia 5 features an IPS display covered by 2.5D Gorilla Glass with sloping edges. The physical dimensions of the screen are 65 × 115 mm, the diagonal is 5.2 inches. The resolution is 1280×720, the dot density is only about 282 ppi. The frame around the screen is standard: on the sides it has a total width of 3.5 mm, top and bottom - 17 mm.

    The display brightness can be adjusted manually or used automatic settings based on the operation of the ambient light sensor. The AnTuTu test diagnoses support for 10 simultaneous multitouch touches.

    Detailed examination using measuring instruments held the editor of the sections "Monitors" and "Projectors and TV" Alexey Kudryavtsev. Here is his expert opinion on the screen of the test sample.

    The front surface of the screen is made in the form of a glass plate with a mirror-smooth surface, resistant to scratches. Judging by the reflection of objects, the anti-glare properties of the screen are better than the screen of the Google Nexus 7 (2013) (hereinafter simply Nexus 7). For clarity, here is a photo in which a white surface is reflected in the off screens (on the left - Nexus 7, on the right - Nokia 5, then they can be distinguished by size):

    The screen of the Nokia 5 is a bit darker (brightness from photos is 107 versus 118 for the Nexus 7). The ghosting of reflected objects on the Nokia 5 screen is very weak, which indicates that there is no air gap between the screen layers (more specifically, between the outer glass and the LCD matrix surface) (OGS type screen - One Glass Solution). Due to the smaller number of borders (glass/air type) with very different refractive indices, such screens look better in conditions of intense external illumination, but their repair in case of cracked external glass is much more expensive, since the entire screen has to be changed. On the outer surface of the screen there is a special oleophobic (grease-repellent) coating (better than the Nexus 7 in terms of efficiency), so fingerprints are removed much more easily, and appear at a slower rate than in the case of ordinary glass.

    With manual brightness control and output white field full screen the maximum brightness value was about 530 cd/m², the minimum was 2 cd/m². The maximum brightness is very high, and given the excellent anti-reflective properties, readability even on a sunny day outdoors should be at a good level. In complete darkness, the brightness can be reduced to a comfortable value. In the presence of automatic brightness control by light sensor (it is located to the right of the front speaker slot). AT automatic mode as the ambient light conditions change, the brightness of the screen both increases and decreases. This function depends on the position of the brightness slider. If it is at 100%, then in complete darkness the auto-brightness function reduces the brightness to 37 cd / m² (normal), in an artificially lit office (about 550 lux) sets it to 160 cd / m² (suitable), in a very bright environment (corresponds to outdoors on a clear day, but without direct sunlight - 20,000 lux or a little more) the brightness rises to 530 cd / m² (to the maximum, it is necessary); if the adjustment is about 50%, then the values ​​​​are as follows: 22, 90 and 380 cd / m² (the first and third values ​​\u200b\u200bare underestimated), the regulator at 0% is 2, 40 and 190 cd / m² (all three values ​​\u200b\u200bare underestimated, which is logical). It turns out that the auto-brightness function works adequately and to some extent allows the user to customize their work to individual requirements. Significant backlight modulation appears only at a very low brightness level, but its frequency is high, on the order of 2.2 kHz, so even in this case there is no visible flickering of the screen.

    AT this smartphone IPS type matrix is ​​used. Micrographs show a typical IPS subpixel structure:

    For comparison, you can see the gallery of microphotographs of screens used in mobile technology.

    The screen has good viewing angles without significant color shift even at large deviations of the gaze from the perpendicular to the screen and without inverting shades. For comparison, here are photos in which the same images are displayed on the screens of Nokia 5 and Nexus 7, while the brightness of the screens was initially set to about 200 cd / m², and the color balance on the camera was forcibly switched to 6500 K.

    White field perpendicular to the screens:

    Note the good (of course, not ideal) uniformity of brightness and hue of the white field.

    And a test picture:

    The color saturation on the Nokia 5 screen is normal, the colors are close to natural, although the color contrast is a bit high. The color balance of the Nexus 7 and the tested screen is slightly different.

    Now at an angle of about 45 degrees to the plane and to the side of the screen:

    It can be seen that the colors have not changed much on both screens, but on the Nokia 5 the contrast has decreased to a greater extent due to strong black highlights.

    And the white box:

    The brightness at the angle of the screens has decreased (at least 5 times, based on the difference in shutter speed), but the Nokia 5 screen at this angle is still slightly brighter. The black field, when deviated diagonally, is highlighted strongly and acquires a bluish or reddish tint. The photos below demonstrate this (the brightness of the white areas in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the screens is the same!):

    And from another angle:

    When viewed perpendicularly, the uniformity of the black field is poor:

    Contrast (approximately in the center of the screen) is normal - about 840:1. The response time for the black-white-black transition is 23 ms (13 ms on + 10 ms off). The transition between 25% and 75% grayscale (according to the numerical value of the color) and back takes a total of 37 ms. The gamma curve constructed from 32 points with an equal interval according to the numerical value of the shade of gray did not reveal a blockage either in the highlights or in the shadows. The fitting exponent is 2.36, which is higher than the standard value of 2.2, but in this case it does not really matter. In this case, the real gamma curve somewhat deviates from the power dependence:

    We did not find the presence of dynamic adjustment of the backlight brightness in accordance with the nature of the displayed image, which is very good.

    The color gamut is almost equal to sRGB:

    The spectra show that the matrix filters moderately mix the components to each other:

    As a result, visually, the colors on this screen almost do not differ from natural ones, almost, since the color contrast is slightly overestimated. The balance of shades on the gray scale is not very good, since in light shades the color temperature is not much higher than the standard 6500 K, and the deviation from the blackbody spectrum (ΔE) is below 10, which is considered an acceptable indicator for a consumer device. However, at the same time, the color temperature and ΔE change strongly towards dark shades - this negatively affects the visual assessment of the color balance. (The darkest areas of the gray scale can be ignored, since the color balance does not matter much there, and the measurement error of color characteristics at low brightness is large.)

    Let's summarize. The screen has a very high maximum brightness and has excellent anti-glare properties, so the device can be used outdoors without any problems even on a sunny summer day. In complete darkness, the brightness can be lowered to a comfortable level. It is permissible to use the mode with automatic brightness adjustment, which works adequately. The advantages of the screen include an effective oleophobic coating, the absence of an air gap in the layers of the screen and flicker, a color gamut close to sRGB. The disadvantages are the low stability of black to the deviation of the gaze from the perpendicular to the plane of the screen, the poor uniformity of the black field and some overestimation of the color contrast. Nevertheless, taking into account the importance of the characteristics for this particular class of devices, the screen quality can be considered high.


    The front module of the Nokia 5 has a sensor with a resolution of 8 megapixels and a relatively wide-angle lens (84 °) with an aperture of f / 2.0, with auto focus and without its own flash. The role of the flash is played by the backlight of the screen itself, it can be forcibly activated when using this function.

    There is a portrait retouching mode with several degrees of effect saturation. The quality of selfie shots is good: the image has good sharpness across the field of the frame and detail, the color reproduction is correct, and the distortion of objects is not so strong, given the wide-angle optics designed for group shots.

    The main camera uses a module with a 13-megapixel matrix with a pixel size of 1.12 microns and a lens with an aperture of f / 2.0. The camera is equipped with fast PDAF phase detection autofocus. The flash is dual-color, it shines very brightly.

    The control menu is organized simply, all settings are collected in one long drop-down list. There are not a lot of settings, the choice of aspect ratio and resolution of photos and videos for both cameras can be set immediately in a single menu subsection, which is convenient. You can manually adjust the white balance, perform exposure compensation, select focus options - or all this can be left to the auto-detection of scene modes.

    The camera can shoot video in the maximum resolution of Full HD @30 fps, there is no stabilization function. Handheld shooting on the go isn't smooth, but otherwise the camera does a pretty good job of shooting video. The image is bright, there are no complaints about sharpness and color reproduction. The sound is recorded quite well.

    Close-ups in low light are good for the camera.

    Good detail in the shadows.

    The camera copes with macro photography.

    Good detail in the distance.

    The text is well done.

    Good sharpness across the frame.

    Detail and sharpness are good.

    The camera can be called almost a flagship one, it is noticeably better than the camera used in Nokia 3. The detailing of the pictures is adequate, distant shots almost do not merge, and even in the shadows the camera works out the details well. Snapshots of text and macro, perhaps, cannot be called ideal. However, the camera will do well with documentary and art photography.

    Telephone part and communications

    Communication capabilities of Nokia 5 are quite satisfactory. Multiple ranges supported LTE frequencies FDD, including 3 bands of interest to us (band 3, 7, 20), as well as two TDD LTE bands. In the city limits of the Moscow region, the device behaves confidently, the quality of signal reception does not cause any complaints.

    In addition, both Wi-Fi bands (2.4 and 5 GHz), Bluetooth 4.1 are supported. Installed in the device NFC module, which successfully works with the Troika travel card. It is possible to connect external devices to USB port in USB OTG mode.

    The phone application supports Smart Dial, the ways of sorting and displaying contacts are standard for android interface, there is a black list for unwanted contacts (can be added to the list of blocked numbers).

    Software and multimedia

    As a software platform, Nokia 5 uses the Android OS of the latest version 7.1.1 - of course, with the possibility of updates over the air. This is one of the most interesting points about the new Nokia smartphones. The creators decided to abandon all sorts of experiments with shells and now they proudly announce that their devices work on an absolutely “pure” Android OS. What's more, HMD Global is so passionate about this topic that they promised all three smartphones, as well as the most recently introduced flagship Nokia 8, a quick update to Android O (Android 8). So far, of the third-party companies, only OnePlus has stated that its previously released OnePlus 3 and OnePlus 3T smartphones will be updated to the eighth version of the Android operating system after its release.

    There are practically no third-party programs here, everything you need is achieved with Google Apps.

    To listen to music, a regular player is used Google Music co sound settings and built-in equalizer presets. Both in headphones and through the speaker, the device sounds loud and clear, the sound is pleasant to the ear, thick and rich. There is only one main speaker in the device, but thanks to the TFA9891 amplifier it sounds powerful enough.

    There is also an FM radio, but there was no built-in voice recorder in the smartphone.


    The Nokia 5 hardware platform is based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 single-chip system, made using 28-nanometer technology. This SoC includes eight 64-bit ARM Cortex-A53 cores with a frequency of up to 1.4 GHz. GPU Adreno 505 is responsible for graphics processing. random access memory is 2 GB and the built-in flash memory is 16 GB. Of these, less than 9 GB of storage and no more than 850 MB of RAM are free.

    The Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 platform has already received a successor in the form of Snapdragon 435, but, unfortunately, an outdated version is installed here. There are actually quite a few differences between these two Qualcomm SoCs: at least, because of the old platform, LTE Cat.6 is not supported in Nokia 5. However, in terms of performance, there is almost no difference between them, both platforms give out about 45K points in AnTuTu, which is below average. Snapdragon 430 is significantly slower than other popular ones at the moment mobile platforms mid-range, such as MediaTek Helio P10, Kirin 655 and even more so Snapdragon 625.

    However, in real use cases, this SoC is still enough to perform basic tasks, you can even play games. Modern Kombat X has almost no lag, other games run even smoother. However, the stock of power for future updates Nokia 5 does not have.

    Testing in comprehensive AnTuTu and GeekBench tests:

    For convenience, we have summarized all the results obtained by us when testing a smartphone in the latest versions of popular benchmarks in tables. Several other devices from different segments are usually added to the table, also tested on similar latest versions benchmarks (this is done only for a visual assessment of the obtained dry numbers). Unfortunately, within a single comparison, it is impossible to present the results from different versions benchmarks, so many worthy and relevant models remain “behind the scenes” due to the fact that they once passed the “obstacle course” on previous versions of test programs.

    Testing the graphics subsystem in 3DMark gaming tests, GFXBenchmark and Bonsai Benchmark:

    When testing in 3DMark for the highest performing smartphones, it is now possible to run the application in Unlimited mode, where the rendering resolution is fixed at 720p and VSync is disabled (due to which the speed can rise above 60 fps).

    Nokia 5
    (Qualcomm Snapdragon 430)
    Moto E4 Plus
    (MediaTek (MT6737)
    HTC One X10
    (MediaTek Helio P10 (MT6755))
    Honor 6X
    (HiSilicon Kirin 655)
    Asus Zenfone 3
    (Qualcomm Snapdragon 625)
    3DMark Ice Storm Sling Shot ES 3.1
    (more is better)
    299 99 421 378 466
    GFXBenchmark Manhattan ES 3.1 (Onscreen, fps) 10 3 5 5 6
    GFXBenchmark Manhattan ES 3.1 (1080p Offscreen, fps) 4,6 1 5 5 6
    GFXBenchmark T-Rex ES 2.0 (Onscreen, fps) 20 11 17 19 22
    GFXBenchmark T-Rex ES 2.0 (1080p Offscreen, fps) 16 6 17 19 23

    Browser cross-platform tests:

    As for benchmarks for evaluating the speed of the javascript engine, you should always make allowances for the fact that the results in them depend significantly on the browser in which they are launched, so that the comparison can only be truly correct on the same OS and browsers, and this possibility is available when testing not always. In the case of Android OS, we always try to use Google Chrome.

    AndroBench memory performance test results:

    thermal images

    Below is a thermal image rear surface obtained after 10 minutes of running a battery test in the GFXBenchmark program:

    Heating is more localized in the upper part of the device, which apparently corresponds to the location of the SoC chip. According to the heat chamber, the maximum heating was 34 degrees (at an ambient temperature of 24 degrees), which is relatively small.

    Video playback

    To test the "omnivorous" when playing video (including support for various codecs, containers and special features, such as subtitles), we used the most common formats, which make up the bulk of the content available on the Web. Note that for mobile devices it is important to have support for hardware video decoding at the chip level, since it is most often impossible to process modern versions using processor cores alone. Also, don't expect mobile device decoding of everything, since the leadership in flexibility belongs to the PC, and no one is going to challenge it. All results are summarized in a table.

    Format container, video, sound MX Video Player Regular video player
    1080p H.264 MKV, H.264 1920×1080, 24fps, AAC plays normally
    1080p H.264 MKV, H.264 1920×1080, 24 fps, AC3 plays normally (HW) video plays fine, no sound
    1080p H.265 MKV, H.265 1920×1080, 24fps, AAC not playable
    1080p H.265 MKV, H.265 1920×1080, 24 fps, AC3 only playable by software decoder (SW) not playable

    Further testing of video playback performed Alexey Kudryavtsev.

    We did not find an MHL interface, as well as Mobility DisplayPort, in this smartphone, so we had to limit ourselves to testing the output of video files on the screen of the device itself. To do this, we used a set of test files with an arrow and a rectangle moving one division per frame (see "Methodology for testing video playback and display devices. Version 1 (for mobile devices)" Red marks indicate possible problems associated with playback of the corresponding files.

    According to the criterion for displaying frames, the quality of playing video files on the screen of the smartphone itself is good, since in most cases frames (or groups of frames) can (but are not required to) be displayed with more or less uniform alternation of intervals and without frame drops. When playing video files with a resolution of 1280 by 720 pixels (720p) on a smartphone screen, the image of the video file itself is displayed exactly along the border of the screen, one to one in pixels, that is, in its original resolution. The range of brightness displayed on the screen corresponds to the standard range of 16-235: in the shadows, about a couple of shades merge with black, and in the highlights, all gradations are displayed.

    Battery life

    The non-removable battery installed in Nokia 5 does not have the largest capacity of 3000 mAh. Nevertheless, even with such a battery, the device demonstrated a very decent level of autonomy, there are no complaints about this parameter to the hero of the review. In real-life usage scenarios, the smartphone can easily get through an eventful day before nightly charging.

    Testing has traditionally been carried out at the usual level of power consumption without the use of power-saving features, although these are naturally available in the smartphone.

    Continuous reading in the Moon + Reader program (with a standard, light theme) at a minimum comfortable brightness level (brightness was set to 100 cd / m²) with auto scrolling lasted until the battery was completely discharged for about 15.5 hours, and with continuous viewing of video in high quality ( 720p) with the same brightness level through home network Wi-Fi device operates for approximately 10.5 hours. In 3D gaming mode, the smartphone can work up to 7 hours.

    From the supplied network adapter (output current 2 A 5 V), the smartphone is charged in approximately 2 hours and 45 minutes with a current of 1.9 A at a voltage of 5 V. Wireless charger not supported.


    Nokia 5 turned out to be quite an interesting device for its price, and the price for it cannot be called high: now certified Nokia 5 is sold in official Russian retail for 13 thousand rubles. This stylish smartphone in a neat thin metal case has a good screen, sounds decent, is very good in terms of shooting quality, has quite satisfactory communication capabilities, is very good for its level in terms of battery life. There is no reason to praise the power of the hardware platform, but for such a price, it is not a failure either. And given the people's love for the Finnish brand, from the next revival of the legendary brand, perhaps something will come of it. At the very least, HMD Global seems to be very determined, and Nokia fans are ready to support it.

    Nokia 6 is the first Android smartphone in Finland. Yes, maybe the device itself is technically not so attractive, but the very fact that this is a kind of first sign of the new Nokia makes us pay more attention to it. Today we are going to take a look at 6 features of Nokia 6.

    Nokia 6 is equipped with a considerable amount of RAM. It has 4 gigabytes of RAM, which is quite a pleasant fact, given the relatively low cost of the device. By the way, all the same 4 gigabytes are installed in the Galaxy S7, and LG V20, the cost of which exceeds $ 600.

    Lots of ROM

    64 gigabytes of internal memory is another nice bonus. For most, this will be enough - the size of the movie, music, photo, game, application will not become a significant problem. But if problems still arise, a microSD card up to 256 gigabytes will come to the rescue.


    Nokia 6 is equipped with a 16-megapixel main camera with dual LED flash, an 8-megapixel front camera. Of course, while it is difficult to talk about the quality of photos, it should be understood that resolution does not always play such a big role.

    However, the difference is still noticeable, and Nokia 6 is ahead of some modern flagships in this parameter, including the iPhone 7, Galaxy S7 and Google Pixel, which are equipped with 12-megapixel modules.

    stereo speakers

    One of the main features of the device is the presence of Dolby Atmos stereo speakers, while the presence of a 3.5 mm headphone jack can also be considered a plus.

    Android Nougat out of the box

    Nokia 6 works out of the box Android control 7.0 Nougat. There is no doubt that in the near future the gadget will be updated to the latest version of Android 7.1.1.

    Relatively low cost

    Yes, of course, giving away $245 for a smartphone on Snapdragon processor 430 is not the best idea, however, if you look at non-Chinese competitors, the price tag is not so “terrible”. In addition, externally the device looks quite interesting.

    Sales of Nokia 6 will start on January 19th. You can only buy a smartphone through an online retailer

    According to phonearena

    There are several hidden features in your cell phone that you might not know about! Here are some features...

    Especially for emergencies...

    112 is a number that can be dialed with mobile phone when emergency. Operates all over the world. When you are out of range of your network, in case of an emergency, you can dial 112 and the phone will search for an emergency number within the networks available in your area.

    Another interesting point: given number can be dialed even when your phone's keypad is locked. Give it a try (just don't connect).

    Are the keys left inside the locked car? Does the car have a remote key? The following tip may someday be very helpful.

    Another argument in favor of buying a cell phone: if the keys are inside a locked car and there are spare keys at home, call someone in the household on your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about 30 cm away from the car door while the person at home presses the unlock button on the spare key by holding it close to their cell phone. Your car will open.

    A great opportunity to save time, because a person does not have to bring you spare keys. The distance in this case does not matter. Whether you're hundreds of miles away, if you can get through to someone with a spare key, you can open your car (or trunk).

    Editor's note: Really works! We were able to open the car doors by transmitting a signal on a mobile phone!

    Hidden battery backup. Imagine that the battery is almost completely discharged, you are expecting an important call, and there is no way to recharge your phone. Nokia phones have a backup battery, to activate which you need to dial *3370# - the phone will reboot using the backup battery and show a 50% increase in the current battery charge.

    The backup battery will be recharged the next time you charge your phone.

    How to block a STOLEN phone? In order to find out the serial number of your cell phone, dial the following combination: *#06#

    A 15 digit code will be displayed on the screen. This code is unique for each phone. Write it down and keep it in a safe place. If your phone is stolen, call your mobile operator and provide this code. The operator will be able to block your phone. Now, even when changing the SIM card, it will be impossible to use the phone. You probably won't be able to get your phone back, but at least you'll know that the person who stole your phone won't be able to use it.
