How to remove a settlement from a Yandex page. How to remove Zen from the Yandex page in the browser on your computer and phone

How to remove or change the search engine in the browser. How to remove Yandex search engine from Chrome

How to remove or change a search engine

How to remove or change a search engine. I am writing this post because I received a desperate request for help in a comment. Here it is verbatim:

“Hello Tatyana...I read the mail...I read your newsletter...please help me get rid of that got into my laptop without my knowledge...z

but I tried all the browsers and working on the Internet became much worse... everything is in Russian and I live in Greece... there’s nowhere to wait for help... please... I really need it.”

Here is the first video tutorial

“How to remove the search engine from your computer and browser Google Chrome»

The man asked for help removing the search engine. Of course for experienced users this is not a problem. Although, I read about one such system, called Webalta, so it can only be removed through the registry of your computer. It is introduced into the computer using a Trojan program.

How nice! Is this really how they hope to become popular? So they have already become popular; in Yandex, 1,433 people in a month ask how to remove this system. Since we are talking about this system, I am giving you a link to the blog, where they explain in clear language and with screenshots how get rid of this scourge.

The only thing I want to add, for beginners, is that some people don’t have the Run program in Start (this is the command line). For it to appear, you need to click Start -> All Programs -> Accessories, and then click Run. I warn you! If you access your computer's registry, be very careful!!! Just in case, first check whether you have created a system restore point. If not, then create it manually, because if you do something wrong, you can immediately restore the system.

And of course, to prevent such crap from getting into your computer, I advise you to use good antivirus. I tried a lot of them and realized that there is simply no better antivirus than Kaspersky. Moreover, you can take advantage of the offer from Yandex and use the full version absolutely free for six months!

This is all good, we have a reliable antivirus, but still unwanted program somehow got into our computer. Most likely, we ourselves “missed it” when we downloaded another program or browser. You need to carefully look at where you put the checkboxes when loading, since often they are already checked. In this case, you just need to remove them.

And now I suggest watching the video for those who use a browser Mozilla Firefox

And finally, the funny thing is, I almost never use the Mozilla browser, I prefer Google Chrome. But since I was doing a video tutorial, I had to open it more often than usual. And this is what I discovered. It turns out that my Mozilla also has a search engine attached to it and it’s called Babylon :). Well, I think I’ll quickly kick her out now. I went into Programs and Features and deleted Babylon Toolbar (it’s circled in red), I circled in green another obsessive bug Ask Toolbar

I restarted the browser, but it didn’t help, as it was, it still is. Then I wrote about:config in the search bar

I pressed the “I’ll be careful!” button. . Although it’s okay if I don’t, you can always reinstall the browser

In the search bar of the list I typed Babylon, a list of all Babylon applications opened

I clicked on every line right click mouse and clicked Reset

I restarted Mozilla, and oh joy, the babylon disappeared! Follow the same procedure if you want to get rid of the Ask search engine. And finally, watch the video on how to change the search engine in the Opera browser

Now you know how to remove or change the search engine in your browser, and I answered the question of a visitor to my blog.

Sincerely, Tatyana Chironova

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Removing Questionable Search Engines from Google Chrome

Careless installation of dubious software often entails the hidden installation of additional unnecessary services. Such intrusive services are sometimes not easy to remove. This happens due to the fact that unscrupulous developers use all possible ways, to make it more difficult to remove them from the browser by an unscrupulous search engine.

For example, many programs of dubious quality install their own search engines in the browser without your knowledge.

To remove such a dubious search engine from your browser, sometimes you have to work hard.

Questionable search engine

One of these dubious search engines is (Fig. 1):

This search engine is installed due to the carelessness of users when installing programs of the same dubious quality as the system itself.

The name of this search engine is similar to the domestic search engine, but has nothing to do with the Yandex search engine.

Unscrupulous developers of deliberately chose a name similar to the Yandex search engine in order to mislead the user who will install their software.

Trying to remove in Google Chrome settings

When trying to remove from the list of search engines in chrome://settings/searchEngines Google browser Chrome, a warning appears indicating that this setting is enabled by the administrator (Figure 1).

For this reason, it is not possible to remove or override the search engine using the Google Chrome browser. But we will fix this in another way.

Correcting browser shortcut values

First of all, in the process of removing dubious search engines, you need to check the properties of your browser shortcut, because the value of the “Object” line is often replaced (Fig. 2):

If instead of the standard value you have:

there is something similar to this:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" ""

then feel free to delete everything unnecessary and leave only the following line:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

Do not forget about the quotes, they must also be specified, because the path to the browser contains spaces and therefore, the path to the browser executable file is surrounded by double typewritten quotes.

So, when you are sure that there is nothing unnecessary in the “Object” line, let’s move on to the next step - editing the registry value.

Editing the Registry

At first glance, it may seem that this step is too difficult and impossible, but in reality everything is quite simple.

To launch the Registry Editor, press the Win+R key combination and enter the command:

Click the “OK” button and when prompted to grant administrator rights, click the “Yes” button.

The Registry Editor will open, in which you need to go to the following path:


Having opened the desired registry branch, we will see the registry keys, with the search engine forcibly registered (Fig. 3):

First of all, we need to change the value of the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled key from the value “1” to the value “0”.

After that, change the values ​​of the “DefaultSearchProviderInstantURL” and “DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL” keys to empty strings.

By doing this, we edited the registry values ​​responsible for assigning search engine policies in the browser.

Finishing touches

There is very little left to do - to force the Group Policy values ​​to be applied.

To do this, run command line as administrator and run the following commands sequentially:

RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicyUsers"

RD /S /Q "%WinDir%\System32\GroupPolicy"

After executing these commands, messages will appear indicating that the policy update for the user and computer was completed successfully (Fig. 4):

After this, restart your computer and you can change the search engine in the usual way - in the Google Chrome browser.


Thus, we were able to remove the force-installed search engine without resorting to third party programs. was removed using standard means operating system Windows 7.

2016-03-14 15:42

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How to restore the default search engine

The question of restoring the default search system often arises after some unwanted software changes it without permission.

Changing the search engine for the omnibox (combined address bar)

Open your browser settings:

Click the Configure search engines... button:

Set the default trusted system, for example, Yandex:

How to remove a search engine from your browser

Remove unwanted or unknown systems from the list, if present. (Often malicious sites set their service by default without the user's knowledge).

After removing all unnecessary items, click Finish:

Attention! The default system cannot be deleted. To remove it, you must first assign another one as default.

How to add a new search engine to your browser

Let's say your favorite service is not on the list. For example, you accidentally deleted it. Here's how to add it.

1 Open your browser settings page:

2 Click the Configure search engines... button:

3 In the window that opens, add a new search provider to the Other search engines list.

To do this, you need to fill in three fields:

  • system name
  • keyword
  • link with parameter %s

For example:

  • Yandex

Below are the correct lines for different systems:

(google:baseURL)search?q=%s&(google:RLZ)(google:originalQueryForSuggestion)(google:assistedQueryStats)(google:searchFieldtrialParameter)(google:bookmarkBarPinned)(google:searchClient)(google:sourceId)(google:instantExtendedEnabledParameter )(google:omniboxStartMarginParameter)(google:contextualSearchVersion)ie=(inputEncoding)

4 Press Enter or click on an empty field:

5 Hover your mouse over the contents of field No. 3 and click Set as default:

After this, your favorite service will become the default search engine in the current browser:

After this, you can close the settings page.

If the search settings are lost

If, after restarting the browser, a service you do not need is installed by default again, it is recommended to do the following:

1. Check to see if your browser has an extension that controls the default search service. Disable or remove any extensions you don't know.

2. Close all browsers. End all browser processes in Task Manager.

3. Run a system scan using MalwareBytes Anti-Malware, AdwCleaner and, if possible, HitmanPro.

4. Check that your browser shortcuts are correct. You can use the FixerBro utility.

how to remove "Yandex" from the start page

Before the reader gets acquainted with a detailed consideration of the question of how to remove "Yandex" from home page, it makes sense to touch upon main reason a difficulty that arises for many users, the name of which is naive inattention. After all, installing this or that software, many of us don’t even pay attention to the fact that the installation windows have a certain bulleted list of “consent” checkboxes. Recklessness and short-sightedness subsequently have not entirely favorable results. Now about everything in detail.

Race for the Championship

Every Internet product developer strives to occupy the highest level of demand. The question that arises is: “How to remove “Yandex” from the start page?” - the result of inventive cunning of programmers. Agree, the more difficult the decision, the more time it takes to resolve it. As a result, seeing inexperience, the user becomes a “voluntary hostage” of the Internet game scenario imposed by someone “Yandex: whoever is not with us will be ours!” Let us free you from the excessive care and effective intrusiveness of service developments of professionals. For your attention five in various ways, how to remove “Yandex” from the start page. Let's get started!

Standard option No. 1. When not everything has time to “register”

The web browser does not matter which one it is, it has a diverse set of tools in its arsenal: extensions, plugins, applications and an integrated configuration environment. The principle of their operation is practically no different, but the interface of each of them still has signs of individuality. Therefore, to solve the question of how to remove “Yandex” from the start page, the two most popular browsers will serve as an example.

  • The upper right corner of the browser is the “Control Settings” icon (horizontal lines).
  • Select "Settings" from the drop-down menu.
  • Activate the "Next Pages" item and click "Add".
  • We remove addresses of “unwanted” sites from the list.
  • In the appropriate checkbox we enter the URL required for the work.

In this case, when launching Chrome the pages that you specified in the corresponding list will be loaded.

  • Activate the "Quick page..." item in the "Start group" section.
  • In the paragraph below " Appearance" must be marked with the marker "Show button...".
  • By clicking on the "Change" link, enter the address home page(starting).

Now the “Dome” icon will appear at the top of the screen on the left and by clicking on it you will be taken to the main page, the address of which you specified in the settings.

  • Upper left corner "Settings", in the drop-down menu select "Settings" again.
  • In the window that opens, in the “Home Page” section, enter the required starting address.

Original option No. 2. “Infected” shortcuts

How to remove the Yandex start page if standard methods are powerless? Check the browser icon:

  • Right-click on the shortcut.
  • Select Properties.
  • In the "Object" checkbox, carefully review the path (directory) of the called browser.
  • If you find any “tail” with “Yandex” content, remove the “obsessive trailer”.

Extraordinary option No. 3. Host binding

  • Double click: "My Computer".
  • Open the system partition of the disk.
  • Let's go to Windows folder, then system32.
  • Enter etc in the search bar.
  • We open the found file, which, by the way, is located in the system drivers.
  • With the help standard notepad look at the data content. However, they just need to be removed.
  • Save your changes and enjoy!

Extravagant option No. 4. Influential personality

If none of the methods described above had the desired effect, and everything remains as before (the “uninvited guest” does not leave the browser), most likely, the question of how to change the browser start page requires “advanced” consideration.

  • Let's go to settings.
  • On the left side of the interface, click "Extensions".
  • "Settings" menu.
  • Then "Add-ons" - "Extensions".

Attention: considering the difficulty of understanding why this or that application is installed, and sometimes the “pest” can disguise itself as anything, just methodically disable them, analyzing the result of your actions by restarting the browser. Having discovered the “culprit” of your misadventures, delete it.

Final option No. 5. Browser “metastases”

Sometimes the question of how to remove the start page of a particular Internet “invader” is solved quite simply.

  • Go to the control panel.
  • Then in the menu of installed programs.
  • Review the list carefully. Various Tool Bar or Conduit applications are the “cancer” of your Internet browser.
  • Uninstalling will solve your problem.

In conclusion

Remember that every search engine is interested in you as a regular user. They may offer you a lot of useful and, in general, free applications, extensions and programs. But if something starts to “stress” you, think about it. Perhaps the answer is somewhere nearby.

How to remove search engine from browser

Problem: After installing any program or application, the default start page changes to The start page cannot be changed through the browser settings, and a message is displayed stating that it was set by the administrator.

What to do, how to remove


The easiest way to remove the search from the start page is to use the AdwCleaner program. You can download it here:

Install it (weighs 1.5 MB), run the scan, delete the results found. To check, it is best to restart your computer in safe mode.

What the program does:

  1. Corrects errors in browser shortcuts;
  2. Cleans the registry;
  3. Deletes files and folders created malware;
  4. Removes jobs from the job scheduler.

After cleaning, you need to go to your browser settings and change the start page.

You can also remove manually:

  1. You need to open the properties of the browser shortcut on your desktop and remove the link from the “Object” field. Here is an example for Google Chrome: “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” is highlighted in red needs to be erased.
  2. Then open the registry editor (Start - RegEdit command). Open the search window (F3 key) and search for yamdex. Remove the found key from the registry. You should then repeat searching and deleting keys until there is nothing left that contains yamdex entries.

After the procedure is completed, the inscription stating that the search engine was installed by the administrator disappears. And it can be changed.

Read how to remove Yandex forever, the default Yandex start page, Yandex extensions and other programs that appeared on your computer. Many Russians use Yandex products to search for information and browse the Internet. But it is not always convenient to use this particular system. In this case, you need to remove Yandex from the screen. To do this, you need to understand where the services on your computer come from and why you can’t remove them using simple means.

Where does Yandex come from on your computer?

Several years ago, Mail .ru services were installed on the computer along with programs. Now they can also be found with various utilities, but not as often as Yandex. Unlike Mail .ru, Yandex extensions can be removed using simple actions, they do not try to install quick links or games on your computer. But nevertheless, for users accustomed to Google, Rambler or Bing search, the presence of Yandex on their computer can create many problems.

You can protect yourself from the intrusive service of the Russian search engine by carefully installing utilities. During signing licensing agreements, you need to pay attention to the installation program's suggestions. If you are offered to download Yandex services, you must refuse or remove markers from unnecessary items.

You should be no less careful on the Yandex search page; there are often offers to install extensions or Yandex Browser.

Why do simple methods of removing Yandex not always work?

The difficulty in removing a proprietary browser and Yandex Bar arises due to the large number of processes that open these programs. Some of them flow into background, preventing you from deleting the browser or changing the search engine to a custom one. These processes were created to prevent browser hacking, but they also work against ordinary users.

There are several ways to get rid of unnecessary programs:

  • forcefully terminate processes and remove utilities;
  • use special utilities;
  • start the computer in safe mode and get rid of extraneous system components.

Let's figure out how to remove Yandex from the start page in different ways. It is worth trying several ways to solve the problem to find the optimal one.

What methods can you use to get rid of the Yandex browser?

First, let's briefly list the methods on how to get rid of the Yandex browser. We talked about this in more detail. The general algorithm will be as follows:

  1. Using the Task Manager, delete all processes initiated by Yandex.
  2. Then proceed with removal using one of the following methods:
    • through the “Control Panel”;
    • using the CCleaner utility.

An important condition is to place a marker next to the phrase “Clear settings” in the deletion consent line. In this case, the start page will change in other browsers. After uninstallation, it is recommended to clear the device memory and fix registry errors - these options are available in the CCleaner utility. It will also allow you to remove programs from startup.

Instructions for deleting Yandex services

Almost all Yandex services are configured to self-heal, so you may not be able to get rid of them using the methods listed above. To definitely remove Yandex from your computer, take a few steps:

Start your PC in Safe Mode

The most in a simple way The solution to the problem of how to remove Yandex autostart is to boot the PC in safe mode. Its peculiarity is that only the processes necessary for the operation of the system are activated. All third party utilities are in an inactive state.

You can start using this mode by following simple instructions:

  1. In the Start menu, find the Run link.
  2. Enter Msconfig.exe in it, confirm your action with the Enter key or the “Ok” button.
  3. A window will open in front of you in which you need to select the “Download” tab.
  4. Place markers next to the words Safe boot, Minimal (safe load, minimum).
  5. Confirm your actions with the “Ok” button.

After the configuration is completed, the computer will reboot. It will start again in safe mode.

Remove all installed Yandex utilities

Now you need to get rid of everyone software products, created by the Yandex publishing house. To do this, you can use the standard “” or CCleaner utility. Here is a description of how to remove the Yandex search engine. This step will help you get rid of the browser and Bar.

  1. From the Start menu, go to Control Panel.
  2. Select "Programs and Features", "Add or Remove Programs".
  3. In the list, select all programs developed by Yandex.
  4. Remove them using the special button.

If you use CCleaner, then you need to act in the same way. The difference between this utility and the standard one is that it is better at deleting the remaining files in system folders. It is best to install this program, since it will be needed later to clean the registry.

Reset your browsers

An important part of solving the problem is how to remove search bar Yandex is working with browsers. You can take everything away proprietary utilities from this developer, but the browser will still have a search from Yandex and its start page. Here are ways to reset such settings.

How to remove Yandex on Google Chrome
How to remove Yandex forever

The instructions for using this browser are simple:

  1. First, check if you have an extension from Yandex. To do this, open your browser settings (three vertical dots in the upper right corner) and follow the path: “ Additional tools» – “Extensions” (or follow this link: chrome://extensions/).
  2. A page with installed add-ons will open in front of you. Find “Yandex Search” and click “Delete”. Other extensions can also be installed, for example, “Visual Tabs”.
  3. Open any page in the browser again and go to “Menu” - “Settings”.
  4. In the window that opens, find the “Additional” line and go to the very bottom of the page.
  5. Click on the line “Restore default settings” and confirm your actions.

After these manipulations, your browser will default to Google search, the same search engine will open on the main page. In this case, bookmarks and saved passwords will remain on the device.

Uninstall Yandex in Mozilla Firefox:

For this browser, the solution to the problem of how to remove the Yandex start page is almost the same as for Chrome:

  1. Find the Help menu tab.
  2. Check the list of extensions by opening them from context menu this section.
  3. Go back to Help and open Troubleshooting Information.
  4. Select " Reset Firefox".

After this, your browser settings will also be reset. Please note that the search path the necessary buttons may vary slightly as browsers are updated regularly. In other browsers, you need to follow the same scenarios - look for the “Settings” or “Help” tabs in the menu, and in them there are buttons for resetting user settings.

Get rid of leftover files

The easiest way to delete leftover files after uninstalling Yandex applications is to use the CCleaner utility:

  1. Open it and find the “Registry” tab.
  2. Search for errors in the system registry.
  3. Then click on the “Fix marked” button and confirm the creation of a backup copy.
  4. In most cases, you will need to give the utility an additional permission - “Delete value”.

Now all you have to do is reboot your computer so that it starts in normal mode. All Yandex components have been removed.

Removing Zen from the main browser page

If you are not satisfied with just the presence of Zen recommendations on browser pages, then you can check out ours. Here we will give brief overview, how to remove Zen from the Yandex main page. Let us immediately stipulate that it will not be possible to completely get rid of Zen’s recommendations separately. This service has been integrated into the main page.

Only those who use “ Visual bookmarks" To do this they need:

  1. Click the “Settings” button located under the colored footnote buttons.
  2. Select the item “Show recommendations feed” and remove the marker from it.
  3. Confirm your actions with the “Save” button.

If you want to see only search on the start page, then it is best to get rid of Yandex extensions and services. In this case, Zen recommendations will not distract you. It’s easy to remove Yandex Zen from the main browser page - go to the settings and change the search engine to another one. It is worth noting that you should not set MSN as the starting one, as it contains even more spam. If you want to find a more ascetic search engine without unnecessary links, then your best bet is Google.

Now you know how to permanently remove Yandex from your computer. After removing any of its components, we recommend cleaning the registry to prevent applications from being restored. If you have any questions, leave them in the comments. Share the information you receive with your friends, read our other articles and don’t forget to communicate.

The setting of your browser's home page is controlled not by the OS, but directly by the browser you choose. If you use popular programs like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Opera or Google Chrome, you can remove existing installations home page in the settings. Let's look at the example of the Arena page, which very often appears in an involuntary way. So, how to remove the Arena start page?

Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet browser Explorer. This is the default browser on most Windows computers.
  2. Click "Tools" in the top menu bar and select "Internet Options."
  3. Select the General tab.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open a browser window.
  2. Click "Tools" in the top menu bar and select "Options."
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Clear the existing values ​​in the Home Page field, or select Blank.
  5. Click "OK" to confirm the changes.


  1. Double-click the icon on your desktop or in the Programs menu to open a browser window.
  2. Click the "Edit" button in the top menu and select "Settings".
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Clear the existing values ​​in the Home Page field, or select Blank.
  5. Click the "X" button in the top right corner of the screen to confirm the change.


  1. Open the Opera browser window.
  2. Click "Tools" in the top menu bar and select "Settings."
  3. Select the General tab.
  4. Clear the existing values ​​in the Home Page field, or select Blank.
  5. Click "OK" to confirm the changes.

Google Chrome

  1. Open a browser window.
  2. Click the settings icon in the top right corner of the screen and select Settings.
  3. Select the "Basics" tab.
  4. Remove the existing value in the "Open this page" field.
  5. Click the "Close" button to confirm the changes.

Sometimes, to remove certain start pages, for example: Yandex, Arena, Rambler, Webalta, you can delete toolbars, the set of which includes start pages. So, how to remove the Yandex start page by removing the toolbar: Click Start -> Programs -> Yandex Toolbar -> Delete. In the same way, you can remove the Rambler start page and many other pages. But there are more complicated situations. For example, Webalta. There are a lot of problems with deleting this page. So, how to remove the Webalta start page?

  1. First, set your viewing permission system files and folder in the Folder Options settings (in the Control Panel)
  2. Close all web browsers.
  3. Next - Start -> Find - enter Webalta. Delete all files with this word.
  4. Then - Start -> Run - enter regedit - then: Edit -> Find - delete everything with the word Webalta.
  5. We look for the user.js file here: C:\Documents and Setting\Username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xx.default, where xx is any value.
  6. Opening this file using a simple notepad, delete the entries “_http// webalta .ru”, and write “about:blank”, remove all unnecessary things from the start page.
  7. We check the prefs.js file in the same folder. Find user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "_http// webalta .ru"), delete Webalta.
  8. In C:\WINDOWS\system32, delete the file called operaprefs_fixed.ini.
  9. Remove shortcuts of all Internet browsers from the desktop, as well as from the panel quick launch. Ready.

These are the simple ways to reset the start page in the browser, now you know how to remove the start page, remember it yourself and share this useful information with your friends.

When the user performs double click Click on the program shortcut to load the browser. The first thing we see on the screen is the initial panel, which displays the sites most frequently visited by the user. There may also be links to pages that were added manually and are not loaded often enough. A person working at this computer can either delete, change or install any page on the panel, while setting up the program in the most optimal way.

The second option for the navigator program is to open pages visited the last time it was loaded. This is not always convenient, especially in cases where a person forgot to remove confidential information.

In this case, to go to the panel described above, you will need to additionally create a new tab. In order to install it, in the Yandex browser there is a button with the “+” icon located at the top of the screen.

Most browsers allow the user to get started by loading a home page, which can be set or modified manually to customize the program to suit their needs. In the Yandex browser in question, this will require some effort, bypassing the standard options, which cannot be removed.

Changing the operating modes of the Internet browser

Adding a new download method yourself

To do this, you must first clarify in which folder on the computer it is located. Yandex installed browser. This is usually the folder on system disk, whose name is the same as the program name. You can clarify its location by selecting the “Properties” item, which opens when the shortcut context menu is displayed (right-click on it).

Open the file called browser.bat for editing. Usually it is located in the Application subfolder of the YandexBrowser folder. The most convenient way to do this is with file manager Total Commander, which has hotkey, which helps to remove unnecessary parts of the contents of any file.

The last line, which looks like this: “c:\users\B91B~1\appdata\local\yandex\YANDEX~1\APPLIC~1\browser.exe” must be changed to the following: “c:\users\B91B~1\appdata \local\yandex\YANDEX~1\APPLIC~1\browser.exe" -

The home page of the Yandex browser is designated in the example as the site This name must be deleted, replacing it with the one that is included in address bar when loading a site that will be used as a start page for subsequent work with the browser.

Everyone who regularly uses Yandex.Browser has long had the opportunity to start using such an interesting add-on as Zen. At the same time, not everyone appreciated this update, so many users of the above-mentioned browser began to think about how to disable this service so that it would not be annoying with its intrusiveness.

It is noteworthy that such an extension works great not only on PCs, but also on Android. Therefore, the question of how to remove Yandex.Zen is quite relevant for owners of mobile devices. So let's get started.

How to remove Yandex Zen from the start page below

To remove the Zen service from Yandex Browser, you need to follow these simple steps.

Open the browser, click on the “Menu” button and find “Settings”. We look for the item “Show Zen in a new tab” and uncheck the box next to it.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here and the annoying service can be removed in just a few clicks. After unchecking the box, all that remains is to restart the browser and you can enjoy the free home page.

Many people are concerned about the question of how to remove Zen from the Yandex page in Google Chrome and other browsers, so we will consider that too.

How to remove Zen from the Yandex home page in Google Chrome

Are you asking yourself how to clean up your computer if your browser is not from Yandex? Don't worry, it's no more difficult than from your native browser.

Chrome also has the Yandex system, which is usually installed along with the browser to make working with the search engine easier. Sometimes, by the way, the user may not even know that he has installed the Yandex system. Thus, the Zen service can be installed along with Yandex.

As in the first case, this service is needed through the settings. As in the first case, through the menu button we need to go to the settings tab and uncheck all the items that, in one way or another, relate to the Zen add-on. In particular, about demonstrating the publication feed.

Next you need to expand and replace the home page. This is done so that the add-on tab is removed from your browser completely and irrevocably. To do this, go to the extensions tab and look for everything related to Yandex, and then delete it.

Next, you need to replace the home page that will appear in front of you when you open new tabs. In the settings, find the item “Open at startup”, next to the item “Specified pages” click “Add”.

We also install Google in the list of search engines. Then delete all other links and click on “Finish”.

Now using “Add or Remove Programs” we remove the Yandex button from the taskbar. All that remains for us is to restart Chrome.

How to remove Zen from the main page of Yandex Mozilla Firefox

This method is very similar to the one that explains how to remove Zen from Yandex Browser. First, you will need to remove the Mozilla tabs hosted by Yandex.Zen from your home page. When they are removed, you can clean the browser directly. To do this, go to the browser menu, and from there to the settings and, finally, uncheck the items related to the service.

This way you will completely remove all traces of tape from Firefox browser. As you can see, this is done very easily and you no longer have to look for information on third-party resources on how to remove or disable the Zen service in your browser.

How to remove Zen from the Yandex main page on your phone (articles for you)

So, we figured out how to remove the Yandex.Zen add-on from browsers on personal computer. The following information will be useful for those who want to remove the Zen service from the browser on their mobile device– phone or tablet. First of all, it’s worth noting that in this case, everything is much simpler than with computers - and it doesn’t matter whether you have Android or iOS.

Everything is extremely simple, and now you will see for yourself. You need to go to your browser, go to the settings through the menu, and then uncheck the items related to the Zen service. That's it! As you can see, it's really not difficult.
