How to install the 1s 7 program.

It is known that the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform has compatibility issues with 64-bit systems Windows family(XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008). What to do if you still need to run this software product on a 64-bit operating system? Next we will look at the solution to this issue.

The essence of the problem lies in the very outdated architecture of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform (it’s time to bury it!). With the idea of ​​installing on 64-bit operating system using setup.exe you need to leave immediately. It won't work.
You should do this:

Step 1. Install the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform correctly (i.e. in accordance with all books and instructions) on a 32-bit operating system. It is better if it is not a server operating system (so as not to fight with possible problems ahead of time).

Step 2. Copy folder C:\Program Files\1cv77\BIN from a 32-bit system to a folder C:\Program Files (x86)\1Cv77\BIN 64-bit system. Make appropriate shortcuts to the 1cv7.exe (or 1cv7s.exe) file on the user’s desktop.

Step 3. (Step for Windows server operating systems) Add exception to DEP. For this we will open Control Panel –> System–> Tab Additionally

Click on the button Options. A window opens Performance Options. Open tab Data Execution Prevention.

When you first open it, the list will be empty. You should press the button Add and select files 1cv7.exe(or 1cv7s.exe). After this you can accept the changes.
Disable DEP (select option Enable DEP for major programs and Windows Services ) not worth it. The purpose of DEP can be found in the footnote below.

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) (English) Data Execution Prevention) is a security feature built into the operating system familyWindows, which does not allow the applicationexecute code from a memory area marked "data only". It will prevent some attacks that, for example, store code in such an area using a buffer overflow. DEP operates in two modes: hardware, for processors, which can mark pages as “not for code execution”, and software, for other processors. This feature first appeared in Windows XP Service Pack 2.
Step 4. Install drivers for the HASP key. You can find drivers for the HASP key for the 64-bit version of Windows on the Aladdin website.
The following drivers should be used:
  • Drivers for the key HASP Device Driver 5.22;
  • License Manager (for the key to work on the network) HASP License Manager 8.32;
Step 5. Defeat remaining problems in case using Windows Vista/7 and Windows Server 2008/2008 R2. You can read about what needs to be done in my post.


After publishing this post, I encountered an unpleasant feature. I got my hands (almost simultaneously) on two laptops with the Windows 7 x64 operating system installed. It turned out that single-user version 1C:Enterprise 7.7(in my case the configuration was Accounting) DOES NOT WORK on a 64-bit operating system. No matter what I did, the protection key did not give up and tried not to be detected. Alas, software platform 1C:Enterprise 7.7 is old and problems like this will never be fixed.

However, during the experiment, it was possible to establish that in the case of using a multi-user license, working on a computer with installed Windows 7 x64 in 1C:Enterprise 7.7 is possible and everything written above is absolutely true. It is advisable to choose a computer with a 32-bit operating system as a place to place the security key.

The described case can become a serious problem for system administrators when switching to new equipment. I am inclined to believe that in each individual case it is necessary just test one way or another.

As shown by the reader's response to ours, dedicated to the features of 1C Enterprise 7.7 in Windows environment 7 (Vista), we have raised a pressing issue. At the same time, the difficulties that our readers have to face begin at the installation stage. Therefore, we decided to fill this gap.

A small lyrical digression or “do you need it?”

Before we begin to consider technical problems, we would like to try to understand the question: “is the game worth the candle?” The question is far from idle. The latest release of 1C Enterprise 7.7 (7.70.027) was released at the end of 2006; in fact, the development of the platform ended two years earlier with the release of the 25th release.

Therefore, we must clearly understand that today we are trying to launch in a modern OS environment an application that was five years old, moreover, it is at the end of its life cycle; the same 25th release, even at the time of its release, was already in many ways obsolete. Therefore you do everything at your own risk, All possible problems, including plant downtime, data loss, etc. will be exclusively yours, neither 1C nor Microsoft are responsible here and cannot be held responsible.

If your company is seriously planning a transition to new platform, especially if you plan to use 64-bit systems, then we advise you to consider the option of switching to 1C Enterprise 8.1, especially since 1C offers good discounts for upgrades. We tend to consider the use of 1C Enterprise 7.7 in a Windows 7 environment solely as temporary a solution used within the transition period (implementation of 1C 8.1, personnel training, etc.) and is categorically not recommended as a standard solution.

Platform 32 bit

We did not encounter any particular problems with installing release 7.70.027 on 32-bit versions of Windows 7, regardless of the distribution version and component composition. We fundamentally did not consider possible problems with installing previous releases; if you have to use outdated software, then you need to use the most recent version. If you do not have the 27th release, then you can get it from any 1C partner.

The first problem awaits us upon startup; the program reports a missing security key. This is normal, the HASP driver included with 1C is incompatible with new OSs. You need to download the latest version of HASP from the manufacturer's website; for the network version you will also need latest version Net HASP License Manager.

Configurations are installed in the same way; we have not had any problems with the latest releases. If you cannot install a release or configuration for some reason, but there is such a need, you can use another method; for 64-bit systems this is the only way to “install” 1C Enterprise. More on this below.

Platform 64 bit

It is impossible to directly install 1C 7.7 on a 64-bit system, this is due to the 16-bit installer that is still used, but the application itself is 32-bit, which allows it to work successfully in 64-bit Windows versions. 1C Enterprise 7.7 does not store any global settings, all entries are in the thread HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\1C related to the current user (as well as in branches HKEY_USERS for multi-user systems) and contain a list of databases, paths to them and other user settings. If missing, these keys are created automatically the first time you start the program. This allows you to simply move the folder from installed program from one machine to another while fully maintaining the functionality of the application.

To “install” 1C 7.7 on a 64-bit OS, we need a machine with a 32-bit system (Windows XP is best) on which to install the application and the necessary configurations for it. After which the folder with the program (by default C:\Program Files\1Cv77) is copied to the appropriate location in the 64-bit system (by default C:\Program Files (x86)\1Cv77). Then the HASP drivers for 64-bit systems and, if necessary, the NetHASP License Manager are installed. All that remains is to display the shortcuts and work.

But not everything is so rosy. Due to the above features of the installer, you you can't To fully support 1C, update releases and regulated reports, you will have to first install it in a 32-bit environment. In the network version, you should avoid using 64-bit workstations for employees involved in maintenance or programming for 1C.

SQL version

1C Enterprise 7.7 for SQL, of course, can be installed in a Windows 7 (Vista) environment, but the meaning of such an action tends to zero. Windows 7 does not support SQL Server 2000, 1C Enterprise 7.7 does not support later releases of SQL Server.

There are two unofficial way“cross a snake with a hedgehog”: patch 1C to work with SQL Server 2005 or replace libraries in Windows 7 ODBC drivers responsible for working with SQL, to their counterparts from Windows XP. We We absolutely do not recommend try none of them. The first method is questionable from the point of view of licensing purity, the second threatens the stability of the system as a whole, primarily other applications that use ODBC. In addition, there is a possibility of destruction or distortion of information in the database due to an incorrect request or other non-standard situation, or downtime (which is no better) due to a failure in a “cunning” connection.

Anticipating objections that someone patched it and has been working for a month (quarter, year), we would like to remind you once again that by such actions you are taking on yourself all possible liability for any failures, downtime, data loss and other possible emergency situations. No one will figure out what exactly caused the failure. Any qualified specialist will certainly point out the use of incompatible products and wash his hands of it or will work, but at a completely different price (while giving absolutely no guarantees). Are you ready to take on such responsibility? If yes, then don’t say later that you weren’t warned.

In this article I will try to briefly talk about the principles of operation of the 1C:Enterprise version 7 , its installation and launch. I will describe the installation for 32 -bit operating systems, about the features of installing 1C:Enterprise 7.7 on 64 Read the -bit system.

1. What you will need

  1. Distribution of the required 1C:Enterprise platform + protection key.
  2. Distribution of the required configuration (or a ready-made configuration).

2. Brief information about the 1C:Enterprise 7 system

The 1C system is used to automate various business processes. Depending on the required tasks, it may have different options supplies. Like any other system for working with databases, 1C consists of a database management system (DBMS) - Platforms, and directly from databases (DBs) having various Configurations. The most common configurations are:

  • “Accounting” - database configuration for accounting automation.
  • “Trade and Warehouse” - for automation of warehouse accounting and trade.
  • “Salaries and Personnel” - for payroll calculation and personnel records.

The 1C platform may consist of several component, namely:

  • "Accounting" - supports all the necessary capabilities for accounting. Required to work with the Accounting configuration.
  • “Operational accounting” - allows you to maintain operational accounting of any funds (material and monetary). Required to work with the “Trade and Warehouse” configuration.
  • "Calculation" - allows you to support complex periodic calculations, primarily used for payroll calculations. Required to work with the “Salaries and Personnel” configurations
  • “Management of distributed information bases” is a component that allows you to organize work with distributed information bases.
  • “Web extension” is a component that allows you to access 1C:Enterprise data via the Internet.

In addition, the 1C platform comes in different versions, differing in the number of users and type of databases. Namely:

  • “Local version” - the platform allows only one user to work in one database at a time (if there are several databases, then several users will be able to work simultaneously, each individually in their own database).
  • “Version for 3 users”—up to 3 users can work in each database simultaneously.
  • “Network version” - an unlimited number of users can work simultaneously in each database.
  • “SQL version” is the same as the network version, but it is still possible to work with SQL.

Thus, depending on the established tasks, you need your own supply of the 1C:Enterprise system. For example, if you want to organize accounting of goods in a warehouse and automate trade operations from this warehouse and your company employs 10 people who will simultaneously work in terminal mode, then you need the Network version of 1C: Enterprise 7.7, with the “Operational Accounting” component and configuration "Trade and Warehouse".

3. Installation of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform

The distribution kit of the 1C 7.7 platform is usually supplied on floppy disks, even on ITS disks it looks like 10 folders, according to the number of floppy disks.

To start installation you need to run the file setup.exe from directory DISK1. The 1C:Enterprise installation wizard will start. Click " Next" and we get to the installation option selection window, the following options are possible:

  • « Installation on the user's computer (local)" - normal installation of the 1C:Enterprise system. Involves copying all program files, creating shortcuts and updating system information on this computer.
  • « Server installation (administrative)"—creates a directory and installation program on the computer for further installation of the 1C:Enterprise system on user computers in local network. Does not create shortcuts and does not change system information on the computer.

To install 1C directly on this computer(for example, to work in), select the local option and click “ Next» .

Then enter the name and information about the organization (this will later be displayed at startup) and press “ Next» and confirm the entered information. Now we define the installation directory (default C:\Program Files\1Cv77), click " Next" and agree to create a catalog. Click again " Next" and wait for the window with a message about the successful installation of the component and a proposal to install the configuration.

As you can see above, we installed the “1C:Enterprise” component. Operational accounting" to the catalog C:\Program Files\1Cv77. If in the future you need to install another component, for example “Accounting”, then you can install it in the same directory, the components will be combined.

4. Installing the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 configuration

The configuration, as a rule, is also supplied on floppy disks. To install, run the file setup.exe from directory DISK1(or select this file if, after installing the platform, you agreed to install the configuration). The installation wizard will start, click " Next" and we get to the installation option selection window:

  • « New configuration"—must be selected if a standard configuration is being installed on a computer for the first time.
  • « Configuration update» - must be selected if a new one is installed release configuration in order to update a previously installed one.

For initial installation, select the first item and click “ Next". Select a directory (this is the directory in which our database), press " Next" and wait for the message that the installation is complete. Now, if we go to the selected directory, we will see two folders:

  • “DB” is a directory with a new (clean) configuration.
  • “DemoDB” is a configuration with the initial data entered and standard operations performed. Serves for training and demonstration of system capabilities.

As with the installation of the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform, the above algorithm only works for 32 -bit systems. About installing a standard configuration in the Windows operating system x64 can be read.

5. Installing protection drivers

Now you need to install the protection drivers. 1C:Enterprise uses the HASP hardware and software protection system from Aladdin Knowledge Systems Ltd. To run all protection modules you must:

      1. Insert electronic key HASP to USB or LPT port computer, depending on the type of key.
      2. Install HASP4 key driver 6.50 . You can download from the official website or from.
      3. Install HASP4 license manager for Windows, following the installer instructions. At the time of writing, the latest version was . You can download from the official website or from.
      4. Launch shortcut " Installing the security driver", located along the way " Start» — « All programs» — « 1C Enterprise 7.7«

and wait for a message about successful driver installation.

6. Launching the 1C:Enterprise system

Well, finally, everything is installed and you can start working directly in the 1C:Enterprise system. Launch the shortcut " 1C Enterprise", located along the way " Start» — « All programs» — « 1C Enterprise 7.7". If the message “ The program protection key was not found!!!", then you must once again perform all the steps to install the protection drivers described in the previous step. Otherwise, the dialog “ Launch 1C:Enterprise", in which you can:

To launch 1C:Enterprise, you need to go to the " Launch 1C:Enterprise» select launch mode « 1C:Enterprise", mark the required information base and press " OK", after which you need to select a user from the list, enter a password (if set) and press " again OK» .

If you are launching a “clean” configuration for the first time, I recommend that you first create a user to work in the system (you can read about how to do this). After authorization we are taken to the main program window. The system is ready to go!

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Have a nice time!

Today you will learn how to run the 1C Enterprise version 7 program on the Windows 7 or 8 operating system.

So, first, let's go to the section in which all the files with the program are located. Find a folder named "Bin" and launch the 1C program shortcut. After starting the program, add the database that needs to be launched. To do this, specify the path to the database itself and press the “Ok” button. Next, the program and database are launched, as a result of which the program will ask you for a username and password. After entering user data, the program displays a message like:

"The sort order set for the databases is different from the system one."

You can click the "Ok" button, but nothing happens and the database does not start. What should I do to fix this error?

To fix this error, you need to take the following steps:

Restart the program;

Select the database and launch the configurator;

Click the "Ok" button.

Attention! Log in to the program under a username that has administrator rights.

Click the drop-down menu and find the item “Current system installation” and click the “Ok” button and then click “Yes”.

After the manipulations have been performed, at the bottom of the working window you will see the process of the entire operation.

Advice! During the configuration, do not perform any actions on the computer. Otherwise, the entire process may freeze and code page will not be able to readjust.

Depending on the size of the database and the power of your computer, rebuilding tables can take 1 second or more. After going through the entire process, you will be able to see the message “The code table has been changed,” after which click the “Ok” button.

Next, exit the configurator and restart the database. We launch the 1C program, select the database type “Monopoly” and click “Ok”. That's it, the database started in full form, but the program displayed the message "The system user is not defined." This happened because we deleted the user. Despite this, you can perform full-fledged work in the program.

In order to run any script in the 1C program, perform the following steps:

Open the program configurator;

Change the path to the database to the path to the desired script;

Click "Select" and then "OK".

After which you will see a message that the code page has been changed.

With these actions we changed the index of the database and script, which allowed us to launch the necessary elements in full mode.

If you want to visually familiarize yourself with these instructions, then watch a detailed video from our channel:

Installing the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform on a 64-bit operating system is fraught with some difficulties. The fact is that you won’t be able to install 1C through a regular installer, even if you run the program in . But nothing is impossible. Below is step by step instructions for installing 1C:Enterprise on 64-bit Windows, in my case it is .

1. Installation on Windows x32

First you need to install the required 1C:Enterprise platform in any other 32-bit Windows system by changing the default installation path to " C:\Program Files (x86)\1Cv77\"(so that all shortcuts work). I wrote in detail about installing 1C. Then you need to copy the following files to the 64-bit system:

  1. Directory " 1Cv77» out of the way
    « C:\Program Files (x86)\» 32-bit system in
    « C:\Program Files (x86)\» 64-bit system.
  2. Directory " 1C Enterprise 7.7» out of the way
    « C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Main Menu\Programs»
    on a 32-bit system
    « C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs»
    64-bit system
    (Paths may vary depending on the versions of Windows used).
  3. Copy file from path
    « C:\WINDOWS\system32\» 32-bit system in
    « C:\Windows\SysWOW64\» 64-bit operating system.

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