Payment questions. Paid Surveys

Good mood to you all! What will we talk about today? I think it's time to plunge into the direction of fraud on the Internet. And since our project is entirely devoted to paid surveys, the conversation will be quite specific.

Divorce with polls- we will analyze this topical issue today from and to! The primitive is complete, as, indeed, the whole principle of deception on the Internet. But many do not know anything about this, it is necessary to clarify.

In general, scammers are rare nonentities. Do you know why? Here a man got into a divorce with a survey, lost money. What's next? And then he will consider the entire direction of marketing on the Internet as a scam.

But there are also official marketing ones that have nothing to do with fraud. But it is almost impossible to convince someone who has been burned once, but I will try anyway.

So, let's go through the main points and try to understand what the essence of divorce in the polls is. Go…

The Biggest Poll of 2020 Is the Essence of a Divorce Scheme with Fixed Payment Polls

Friends, remember once and for all one simple thing:

essence of any deception on the Internet is to transferred / invested money no matter what or where. How can a person be encouraged to do so? It's simple - you need to twist a good amount at his nose, albeit virtual money. Never and under no circumstances to anyone on the Internet do not transfer money! By following this simple rule, you will never be deceived!

As for the divorce on the polls, it is built exactly according to this scheme, because when a good amount is twisted at your nose, you will need to pay something to receive the coveted money. In this case, this is called a fixing payment. And all this nonsense is called:

the biggest poll of 2020. It can also be called: a survey from the state or social. Poll from Magnit or All-Russian. Poll from Sberbank or simply and concisely - happy or lucky questions. You may also receive a letter in the mail with the message: “In the largest draw among address owners Email it was your email that was selected by the generator random numbers”, and then a link to what will be discussed below. All this is a scam!

Let's go through the points. Now I myself will try for you to pass this most grandiose survey and show you all the stages of this madness. No, I'd rather go through a happy survey, there's no difference, they all have the same divorce scheme. He is a hoax in Africa too...

The first thing we see:

Next, I must indicate my last name, which, of course, I am not going to do. You can enter anything in this field, it does not matter. I entered my happy life number “7” there and clicked on the “take part” button. Wow, it worked, it's already alarming and smacks of an obvious scam. What will happen next? And here's what:

Some kind of ridiculous carousel begins, sort of like choosing happy questions from sponsors. As for me, it already smells very strongly of a divorce. And now, after a few seconds, I am happy as never before, because now I can earn as much as 116,707 rubles for some 6 questions.

Just think about it - only 6 questions and more than 100 thousand rubles! Yes, it's a holiday!

Then I go through this happy and, of course, the most grandiose survey, because such amounts are paid for 6 questions only on some other planet, but not on mine ... This is a really grandiose event in my life! And it looks like this:

Friends, here's what you think: who is it all designed for? Well, what kind of person, being in their right mind, would believe that they would just count off almost 117,000 rubles for a few answers to such questions? I don't want to offend anyone, but who really believes in this ... my condolences. In general, I answered these questions about soda. By the way, this grandiose survey with a clear smell of divorce and completely delusional questions lasted no more than a minute. Next I see this:

Well, friends, we got to the point of divorce in the polls!

In order for you to receive this nice amount and finally become the happiest person, you just need to produce in favor of these "benefactors" fixing payment in the amount of 161 rubles. What a trifle ... After all, 116,707 rubles are at stake ...

What can I say? This is a primitive divorce for 161 rubles. Obviously, no money will be transferred to you. For what, I would like to ask? For 6 answers about your favorite soda? Well, this is nonsense! It's just beyond my understanding! Who believes in it? Well, show me such a person ...

I repeat once again - essence of any divorce and there is only one scam on the Internet: to give a fool to earn a round virtual sum very quickly. Then force him to make a payment in order to receive this money, while constantly poking a tidy sum in his nose. The plot is insanely idiotic. But it works! Otherwise, this divorce in the polls would not be on the Internet, but the Internet is simply teeming with this deception. Are there really so many idiots...

That's the way it is, friends. Now let's talk about real polls on the Internet. They exist, only each study there lasts 15 minutes and they pay an average of 60 rubles for it.

Are all surveys a scam, or is it possible to actually take surveys on some sites and earn money without investment?

One thing needs to be clear:

Marketing research is a real-life area of ​​the market. Not only here, but all over the world! And on this, the truth can be earned by any of you! If you want to fully delve into this direction, then. But be prepared for work and questions not about your favorite soda, although the questions there are also not so difficult, but still. The questionnaires themselves are not difficult, but this is at first glance. It’s easy to complete one survey, but a dozen is another matter, and if it’s like that every day… it’s not such an easy task, but really doable! A little lower I will provide you with a list of official marketing sites, participation in which is completely free and there is no deception.

No fixing payments will be required from you, but you will have to work hard right away, because after registration you need fill out your profile. This is a prerequisite, since on the basis of information from your profile, certain questionnaires and studies will be selected for you in the future.

So, let's move on to the list of questionnaires that conduct far from the most grandiose surveys and earnings on them are far from 117,000 rubles per 1 minute, but about 3,000 rubles per month. There is no divorce here!

List of official Russian and foreign survey sites without prepayment and investments with an income of about 3,000 rubles per month

I bring to your attention a list of official projects that conduct real population surveys via the Internet.

Such sites pay an average of 60 rubles for each survey, which lasts from 5 to 20 minutes. No investments and fixing payments from your side will be required!

The maximum payment for each completely completed questionnaire can reach 800 rubles, but this happens no more than once a year, and the survey itself for such money is not easy.

  1. The Russian project Questionnaire is the best marketing site to date! Works more than 10 years! What distinguishes it from others - almost the only one who withdraws your earned money to bank cards.
  2. And this Swedish questionnaire is also interesting - YouThink! Withdraw money in 10 minutes bank cards! Works like clockwork! This is not a scam for soda questions... Be sure to fill out your profile after registration!
  3. Representative from the USA LifePoints - the company to which he belongs has been operating since 1946. Withdrawal of funds to PayPal or and certificates.
  4. Surveys is a Swedish site. Russian is! A very simple and profitable marketing project!
  5. Poll site My opinion - money does not pay, but this is not a scam! They just pay with goods from the catalog, there is literally everything! An interesting project.
  6. The following site is headquartered in London. I-say - a lot of tasks for the Russian-speaking audience of respondents! Do not deceive and do not divorce! The British people are honest! You won’t earn huge amounts here, but a penny saves a ruble ...
  7. Thepanelstation - unbelievable but true! This site is from India. What makes him different from the rest? There is a mobile application. possible from the phone.
  8. Expert opinion is a Russian project. Pays only 40 rubles for each questionnaire. But on the other hand, he sends a lot of tasks and they are relatively simple.
  9. Do you want a super poll? Myiyo is a German project! It pays well, but the profiles themselves could be more.
  10. Another project from the USA Platnijopros sends a lot of questionnaires, but often in the middle of the survey it turns out that you do not fit this study. This is his only downside. Otherwise, a normal project, not seen in a divorce.
  11. Well, the last guest will be from Switzerland Questionnaire - everything is like everyone else, but there is a minus! You will have to wait a long time for the payment, but it will come! Don't cheat! Not a scammer! Not a divorce! It’s just that the Swiss mountains are making adjustments to the timing of payments ...

Here is a list of sites. On them you can safely register,. This is true marketing research, which is actually carried out on the Internet by order of various companies, banks and manufacturers of goods.

Now I propose to return to the topic of divorce in the polls. Let's talk about obvious signs of deception that should alert you.

The main signs of a scam and deception - how to distinguish an honest and real questionnaire from a scam site? Friends, it's very easy!

If you connect your sanity, then identifying a divorce on the Internet is very easy. Here is another example of this nonsense masquerading as a Magnit chain of stores:

I have already become happy, now it remains to become lucky ... The same brown "candy" just changed the wrapper. Okay, jokes aside! Let me list main features a survey site that actually has nothing to do with marketing, because it is pure scam:

  • Lack of registration. Entering only the first and last name is 100% a sign of a fake site. On a real questionnaire, you will not only enter your full name, but also sit for 10 minutes filling out profile questionnaires about your interests. Yes, and a letter with a link to the mail will come, by clicking on which you confirm the registration (it's free).
  • Absolutely disproportionate payment for some primitive and simple actions. Well, you must admit, why would someone pay you more than 100 thousand for 6 stupid questions? Well, who will do it? Why would he? Real questionnaires pay about 60 rubles. for the survey and do not ask to secure anything with your money.
  • The promise of instant payout is a 100% sign of a divorce! Remember one thing - a genuine questionnaire will never transfer money to you immediately. In principle, there are no such marketing sites. Instant payments in this field of activity simply do not exist. Money is usually withdrawn within 3 days, this is the minimum. On average 10-20 days. Maximum 3 months, this is exactly the project that is on my list on last place. The Swiss mountains are to blame ...
  • Fraudsters also like to use the names of banks for their own purposes. Wandering on the Internet poll from Sberbank. The approach is somewhat different, but the essence is the same - they poke a tidy sum in the nose, which, again, was credited almost just like that, and in order to receive it, they simply say - transfer money to us, a little bit, the smallest ...
  • It may take a couple of weeks before the first assignment is sent to you. These are marketers and they need to work on your information from your profile, and this is the time. Divorce on the questionnaire looks different - before you have time to register, you are immediately offered a large number of surveys, and, moreover, very simple and short. Before we could look back, there were 500 rubles on your account. Decide to withdraw and start - pay for this, pay for that. This type of fraud is already more "reasonable". When amounts for 100 thousand appear, well, this is just for complete idiots. Sorry, but that's how it is!
  • When a questionnaire requires entering a phone number, and then a code from SMS, this is also not very good. But, for the sake of truth, I must say - on some official questionnaires this also takes place and there is no there is no divorce. But if you enter the code on a fake site, then paid subscription provided on your phone. Look for

If you are interested in the whole truth about paid surveys on the Internet and how much money you can really earn on them, then my article is what you need.

In addition, after reading the article to the end, you will learn the tricks that will help you earn much more on online surveys.

To be specific, thenten times morethan a regular member gets. Yes, it is possible, although it will take more effort.

What are paid online surveys?

Let's start with the most important question that interests beginners: “Why would someone pay you money for answering questions?”

The answer is very simple - big brands it is very important to know your opinion. They spend millions of dollars studying the opinions and preferences of their target audience.

So, online surveys collect the opinions of the audience, and then resell it to large companies. In this chain, you also receive your reward - for each completed survey.

What is the earning on online surveys?

Here everything is also very simple.

  • You register on the site and wait for surveys that are suitable for you.
  • As soon as a suitable survey appears, you are informed about it.
  • You begin to take a survey, that is, answer simple questions. This usually takes 10 to 50 minutes.
  • Upon completion, you receive a reward from 5 to 200 rubles, depending on the complexity and size of the survey.

TOP 25 sites with paid surveys.

Below I have compiled 25 sites that pay members with real money, not certificates.

I divided them into 2 groups, depending on whether Russian is available on the site.

If you have not previously earned paid surveys, then I recommend starting with Russian-language sites. Earnings on them will be simple and intuitive.

15 Russian-language questionnaires that pay:

Withdrawal of money:
Survey fee:
Payment systems:
Withdrawal from 1000 rubles.
Reach in 10-20 days
5-150 rub. Yandex money
A plastic card
Internet Questionnaire
Russia Withdrawal from 500 rubles.
Reach in 3-7 days
5-200 rub. Yandex money
Russia Withdrawal from 5 euros
Reach in 5-10 days
0.02-1.5 euro PayPal
Paid Survey
Withdrawal from 300 rubles
Arrive in 1-2 days
10-60 rub. PayPal
Withdrawal from 300 rubles
Reach in 30 days
20-120 rub. WebMoney
Russia Withdrawal from 200 rubles
Reach in 3-10 days
20-150 rub. PayPal
Expert opinion
Withdrawal from 500 rubles
Arrive in 7-14 days
20-100 rub. WebMoney
Withdrawal from 100 rubles
Arrive in 1-3 months
20-150 rub. Yandex money
Visa card
Russia Withdrawal from 750 rubles
Reach in 10-20 days
5-40 rub. PayPal
Withdrawal from 20 euros
Reach in 15-30 days
7-100 rub. PayPal
Iberia System
Withdrawal from 300 rubles.
Reach in 3-60 days
6-100 rub. WebMoney
Withdrawal from 250 rubles.
Reach in 2-5 days
20-120 rub. Skrill
Withdrawal from 50 hryvnia
Reach in 5-15 days
0.5-20 hryvnia WebMoney
Withdrawal from 2 euro
Arrive in 1-3 days
0.1-1 euro Skrill
Profi Online Research
Withdrawal from 450 rubles.
Reach in 7-15 days
10-60 rub. WebMoney

The site management often changes the conditions (available countries, withdrawal methods, remuneration), so check the latest information on the official sites.

TOP 10 foreign questionnaires.

If you know English or are willing to use online translators, and know how to use a VPN, then you can earn more. To do this, you can register on English-language questionnaires as a resident of the United States or Great Britain.

Read more about how to earn US rewards while in Russia, read below in the article.

In the meantime, here's my pick:

Basic rules for registration and earnings.

Firstly, one should not think that money is handed out here just like that. In order to earn, you have to thoughtfully take surveys.

Each of them takes 10-50 minutes of continuous work. You should be prepared for the fact that this is a rather exhausting task.

If you are ready to work, then go to the main rules:

To withdraw money, you will need payment systems. This is the most convenient way cash out rewards.

You will need Yandex Money, WebMoney and PayPal.

Register PayPal to the email that you will specify when registering for questionnaires. Some services allow you to withdraw money only if specified mail and wallet address are the same.

  • Choose Gmail.

The vast majority of surveys will send survey invitations to you by email.

At the same time, it often happens that letters from foreign services do not reach Russian mail:,,, etc.

  • Use one mail for all questionnaires.

It is very convenient if all invitations come to one place. It is better if it is a separate mail only for questionnaires.

Trust me, this will make it much easier for you to keep track of new surveys.

  • Set up notifications.

You should learn about the new survey as soon as possible. Therefore, you need to set up notifications that will notify you of a new letter in the mail.

There are several ways to set up Gmail notifications.

The first way is an application on a mobile phone. Set it up so that each new email is accompanied by sound signal so you won't miss anything.

The second way is push notifications on the computer desktop. They are very easy to set up:

After successful setup, a pop-up window will appear on the desktop with each new letter.

  • Start taking the survey as soon as possible.

Each survey is limited by time or by the number of respondents.

That is, let's say a brand wants to get the opinion of 5,000 people. As soon as this number is reached, the poll is closed.

Those who did not make it were left without a reward.

It happens that the required number of people is recruited within the first 30-60 minutes. So get started as soon as possible. This is what notifications are for.

  • Register on a large number of sites with paid surveys.

If you think that sites will bombard you with surveys, then I hasten to disappoint you. Polls come very infrequently.

It happens that some services send surveys only a couple of times a month.

In addition, there are situations when there are no surveys for several weeks, and then 5 surveys come at once within one week.

Therefore, for highest income you need to register for the maximum number survey sites.

You can find the current paying sites in my selection above in this article. Or in collections on other resources that you trust.

  • Check your spam folder

You can be sure that the first letters from questionnaires will definitely fall into the Spam folder.

Be sure to add the addresses of the questionnaires in White list so as not to skip the questionnaires.

When a letter gets into spam, I usually just click on the "Not spam" button and the letter is immediately transferred to the inbox, and new letters no longer end up in spam.

  • Answer thoughtfully.

I understand that during the passage of the survey there is a desire to stumble answers at random. But I wouldn't recommend doing that.

For the survey site itself, unconscious answers are harmful. So they try to fight it.

Duplicate questions are added to the survey. Often they do not completely duplicate each other - the same question is asked from different angles.

If you answer these two questions differently, you may not be rewarded. Since they will suspect you of answers at random.

In addition, if such a violation repeats, you may generally stop receiving questionnaires for surveys.

How much can you earn on surveys “on white”?

What does "in white" mean? And how is this different from "black"?

Let's be honest with each other. The majority of participants in paid surveys are not very wealthy people.

Most brands are interested in the opinion of people with high purchasing power. That is, those who consume a lot of goods and services.

That is why most of the participants complain that polls come very rarely.

If you look at the reviews, it becomes clear that they manage to accumulate the minimum amount for payment within 6-12 months.

Total, average real earnings on surveys is 400-800 rubles per month.

But this is only if you work honestly (in white), that is, you answer questions truthfully.

Even if you are a beginner and do not know anything on the Internet, such earnings can be considered too small.

Not surprisingly, many participants feel that such rewards are not worth the effort.

In reviews of different survey sites, you can see the amounts that people earn from each such site:

And here is an example of statistics on completed surveys:

But still, you can earn a more or less decent amount on surveys.

I will talk about this below.

“Gray” ways and tricks that can increase your earnings on surveys dozens of times.

If you do not like to cheat or are afraid that your karma will deteriorate, then stop at 500 rubles a month or look for another way to earn money.

In addition, a higher income will require more effort from you.

But if you are ready for this, then let's begin.

Method 1. How to increase income by 5 times?

The first way is pretty obvious.

In order for you to receive more surveys, you need to get into as many as possible large quantity audiences.

Which people are most often invited to surveys:

  • Age: 25-45 years old
  • Family, 2-3 children
  • Income 50-100 tr. per month
  • Own apartment
  • Lives in the largest cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg
  • There is a car, it is better more expensive
  • Uses expensive gadgets

Did you get the hint?

I repeat that I do not urge you to go over to the “dark side”.I will just tell you how some people increase their income several times over.


They create a fictional image for themselves.

The required image is a wealthy family man with an apartment, a car, children and a high income.

But this is not enough. They try to reach as many audiences as possible.

For example:

  • If there are children, then necessarily of different ages and gender. The first is 4, the second is 9, the third is 14.
  • If he uses gadgets, then different ones: Apple laptop, Lenovo tablet, Samsung phone.
  • 2 cars of different brands: the husband has a crossover, the wife has a sedan.
  • The invented character has many bad habits, suffers from chronic diseases and leads an active lifestyle.

That is, when filling out the profile, checkboxes are often set. The main thing is not to overdo it. The questionnaire must look realistic.

In order not to forget anything, everything is recorded. This description will come in handy later when answering surveys.

Now it remains only to register this representative of the middle class on the maximum number of questionnaires.

If the profile is filled out correctly, the number of invitations to surveys increases by 3-5 times.

Putting on the mask of a fictional character, people answer questions the way their character would answer. Sometimes they peep into a cheat sheet with a description.

This approach helps to increase income up to 5 times.

Great, now you can count on an income of 3-4 thousand rubles a month.

But this is not the limit.

Method 2. How to earn more than 10,000 rubles per month on surveys?

The next step to the "dark side" will require not only additional efforts, but also new tools.

If someone has registered on 10 questionnaires and receives an average of 500 rubles from each, then why not register 3 accounts in each of them?

So his income will increase by 3 times, that is, 1,500 rubles from each.

But you need to keep in mind that not fools work on survey sites. And they are trying their best to fight fake accounts.

How exactly do they fight?

  • Track visitors by ip.
  • Require withdrawal only to verified payment systems.
  • Make sure your email address and PayPal address are the same.
  • Some questionnaires ask for passport data when withdrawing money.

Nevertheless, people manage to get around these restrictions.

How exactly do they do it?

  • Use VPN when filling out questionnaires and taking surveys. That is, they change their ip. You can use paid or free VPNs. For example, this one.
  • Log into each account from different browsers.
  • They ask their friends and relatives to authorize payment systems in order to withdraw money to them. Profiles are pre-created in the names of these friends.
  • If it is known that passport data is required for withdrawal, these data are requested from the same friends. Of course, their names must be pre-specified in the profiles.

How do I get more survey invitations from multiple accounts?

Profiles are created so that they fall into different target audiences.

That is, all answers when filling out information about yourself should be found in at least one of the profiles.

It is necessary to involve as many diseases, brands, brands, bad habits, etc. as possible.

That is, if one profile is obese and wears glasses, then the other must suffer from dystrophy and use a hearing aid.

Of course, it is very easy to get confused here. Therefore, you need to record information about each profile and refer to the records when completing surveys.

What amount can you expect?

Depending on the number of created profiles, income also grows. But, accordingly, the work becomes more.

Working under this scheme, you can get more than 10 thousand rubles a month.

But the “dark side” does not end there.

Method 3. How to increase income even more?

Income growth is based on the fact that residents of Western countries receive more rewards for completing surveys than residents of the former CIS,

But if you are not ready to change permanent residence, then VPN will always help you get the ip of the country you need.

That is, each questionnaire works with a certain set of countries. In some cases, the site will not open at all from the territory of your state.

If there are no surveys for your country, then you can easily impersonate a foreigner.

Even if the questionnaire you have chosen works with both your country and Western countries, it would be more rational to impersonate a foreigner. This way you can earn more.

The main problem that awaits you is foreign language. But she is easily solved. just enable the translation feature in your browser.

You also need to clarify whether this questionnaire requires confirmation of the place of residence when withdrawing money.

You already know the rest: VPN, different browsers, multiple profiles, withdrawal to friends' payments.

How to deal with postal address and check cashing.

As you already understood, you must indicate your real name so that you can confirm your identity or cash out the reward.

But the postal address should not be yours, but actually existing somewhere in the country where you pretend to be a resident. You can choose absolutely any address on the card if you are not going to withdraw money by check.

But, there are questionnaires that pay decent rewards to participants, but pay out money only by checks. These checks come in the mail.

How to receive and cash checks?

  • If you have friends in the US or the country you claim to be a resident of, please provide their address when registering. When the check arrives, they'll just mail it to you.
  • You can enter a US mailing address and take surveys, and when you have enough money to pay, change the address. The formal reason may be your move to another country. Then the company sent you a check to Russia.
  • Use the services of companies that cash checks or forward your checks to you in Russia or another country. Example companies: and

An additional way to make money on surveys is an affiliate program

Another way to earn money, which is not suitable for everyone, is the affiliate program of paid surveys.

Some survey sites offer rewards to active participants who are willing to invite people through their affiliate links.

Conditions are different everywhere.

Someone offers a percentage of the referral's earnings. Someone fixed remuneration for each registration (about 5-15 rubles).

To be honest, the conditions of affiliate programs in the questionnaires are not at all interesting.

Apparently, they themselves are not interested in a sharp increase in participants.

If you want to make money by attracting referrals, then in other topics you can find much more profitable conditions.

What is the best questionnaire?

This is a common question. For some reason, people want to know which of their sites is the best.

In fact, you don't need to ask this question. Because for a more or less decent income, you will need to register on the maximum number of questionnaires.

It happens that people register on 30-50 sites. They are found all over the world.

But if you really want to know which questionnaire is the best in my opinion, then here is my TOP 3:

These sites consistently pay out money to members, behind them are large companies they have a lot of polls.

How to protect yourself from scammers?

At first glance, it seems that the only way you can be deceived is not to pay money for surveys.

But in fact, verified survey sites consistently pay the participant.Although sometimes the payment can last a couple of months.

However, people have lost and are losing tens of thousands of dollars when they try to make money on paid surveys.

So I have a few warnings for you:

  • Don't transfer money to anyone.

Survey sites offer only earnings without investment.

Therefore, if after registration you are offered to pay a commission for withdrawing rewards or for participating in a survey, then this is definitely a scam.

  • Do not share your card number and CVV code with anyone.

You're not going to buy anything from survey sites, so they don't need your card details.

But at the same time, if attackers know the data of your card, they can steal money from it.

  • Do not pay to access the site.

If you are offered to pay to access a survey site that pays $10-$100 per survey, don't do it.

As I said, making money on paid surveys is making money without investment. If you are asked for money for something, then this is a fraud.

  • Don't believe in sky-high rewards.

As you already know, you can’t earn much on one survey site. And for passing one survey they pay no more than 300 rubles.

Therefore, if you are promised thousands of dollars for filling out one or more questionnaires, then this site should be treated with extreme suspicion.

The most common way scammers can try to scam you.

It all starts with the fact that you see a sentence with something like the following content:

“Get 90,000 rubles for completing one survey!”

After registration, you are given a questionnaire containing several questions.

When you answer them, the promised amount will be credited to your balance on the site.

This is where the fun begins.

To withdraw this amount, you will be required to pay a small commission. For example, 200 rubles.

Then they will ask for another 400 rubles for operating expenses. Because another 900 for something else.

Money will be pulled as long as you pay. There were cases when people managed to extract tens of thousands of rubles in this way.

It is obvious that you will not wait for the money. So don't fall for this scam.

Frequently asked Questions.

1. Do you need optional equipment to take surveys?

For the vast majority of surveys, all you need is a computer (or laptop) and internet access.

2. Can I take surveys from my phone?

Some sites offer to install applications with which you can work from your smartphone.

However, most surveys still require you to complete the surveys from a computer.

Without a PC, the lion's share of profiles will not be available to you.

3. Why are surveys being cut off?

Unpleasantly, when I answered a couple of introductory questions and saw the message: “Sorry, you are not suitable for us.”

This happens because you don't hit the right target audience.

To make this happen less often, try to answer the introductory questions in a way that you won't be weeded out.

-Do you want to buy a phone soon?

-Of course!

-Do you use an LG vacuum cleaner?

-The only thing I use!

Have you recently used the services of travel agencies?

- Yes, just got back from the tour!

4. When are more polls coming?

You can highlight the days when participants receive an increased number of invitations to surveys: Thursday and Friday.

And on weekends, on the contrary, a slight lull.

So try to be active on Thursday and Friday and have access to a computer to take as many surveys as possible. And on the weekends you can relax a little.

5. What is forbidden to indicate in the profile?

There is one non-obvious thing.

Do not indicate that you or your relatives work in the fields of marketing, PR, advertising, journalism.

As practice shows, such people receive invitations to surveys an order of magnitude less often than those who indicated other areas of work.

Also, you can not specify this data directly when passing surveys.

6. Can I take a survey online and get paid right away?

You can receive money immediately in your hands only if you pass an offline survey.

These surveys are often held in major cities and must be booked in advance if you qualify.

As for the Internet, here the money does not come to you immediately.

After completing the survey, the money is credited to your balance fairly quickly (instantly or within a couple of hours).

But you will have to spend time to accumulate the minimum amount for withdrawal and wait for the transfer from the questionnaire.

Hi all! Today we will talk again about services where you can receive money for surveys with instant withdrawal.

Consider the problems that you may encounter, how to get around them, and what resources you should pay attention to.

This type extra income very popular in many foreign countries, but on this moment not yet so common in our country.

- This is a specialized site for conducting marketing research based on a survey of potential customers.

Basically, surveys are conducted by intermediary firms that are engaged in the promotion and improvement of the quality of other organizations.

In a very competitive environment, many firms turn to intermediaries to find out which renewal and promotion strategy to choose.

In turn, the questionnaire can broadly answer this question, as it covers a huge target audience.

Such services select suitable respondents according to the subject of the customer organization. Therefore, the results of such surveys can be considered objective and can be used for further analysis.

What do survey participants get?

  • The customer of the survey receives the necessary data to choose a further strategy and tactics;
  • The service receives a commission;
  • The respondent receives additional income.

What problems can you face

I repeat, questionnaires are not particularly popular in the CIS countries. Small companies do not order surveys because they are not willing to pay to get the opinion of their customers.

Therefore, surveys are mainly ordered by large firms and organizations.

From this follows the main problem - a small number of available polls of a highly specialized focus.

Things are better abroad: almost all new firms conduct marketing analysis in the form of Internet surveys before launching. Therefore, many of these firms operate successfully in the future.

The problem of a small number of surveys leads to the second - the minimum wage. The fewer questionnaires are filled out, the less money is added.

Therefore, it is worth registering immediately on, so that tasks come constantly.

Another problem of the respondent is the incorrect filling of the questionnaire.

Very little data about yourself, your hobbies and hobbies, work and life leads to the fact that the service cannot find suitable tasks.

From the quality of filling your account directly depends on your earnings.

TOP of the best questionnaires with a minimum amount for withdrawal

  1. a great site for making money. Each task is completed no more than 10 minutes, and payment is made to WebMoney or PayPal wallets, the minimum amount is 300 rubles;
  2. i-Say- The company has been working on the Internet for a long time. Here, the population of the Russian Federation from cities with a population of over a million can both participate in surveys and voting, and communicate with other community users on certain topics. There are several ways to withdraw money, as well as various gifts and prizes;
  3. My opinion- project participants receive prizes for active participation. By filling out surveys, you will receive bonuses that can later be exchanged for valuable gifts (tablets, laptops or smartphones). The results are very often published in the media;
  4. Expert opinion— this site is one of the best, with paid surveys. Questionnaires are received frequently and constantly. You can withdraw at least 500 rubles. This is not a problem as the money accumulates quite quickly. If you attract partners, then an additional bonus will be 15 rubles;
  5. YouThink is a survey site that helps famous brands understand what consumers like. For passing the first questionnaire pays 95 rubles.
  6. Paid Survey- This project was developed by Global Data Service. After registration you get 10 rubles. If you participate in small surveys every day, then the amount will regularly increase by 30 rubles. You can withdraw from 300 monetary units;
  7. Ruble club- a relatively young site, but quite promising. For one task you can get from 15 to 450 rubles. Sometimes they send various kinds of goods (chocolate, soap, and so on) as a sampler. All this is free.
  • GlobalTestMarket;
  • Internet Questionnaire.


Summing up, I would like to note that you should not rely heavily on this type of income and make it the main one. It should be understood that this additional way receiving income.

But if you simultaneously register on 5-6 sites at once and take surveys on each of them every day for several hours a day, you can get a good profit.

Especially if you are a student or have some free time.

That's all for today!

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See you soon!

P.S. If you want to get instructions and tools for earning up to $200 in 1 evening, go

Hello, dear readers of the site. This article will talk about paid surveys for money.

You will receive information about whether it is possible to make money on surveys and how to do it. Learn about the pitfalls in this business. You will also get acquainted with the best questionnaires for work.

Surveys for money on the Internet - is it true or false?

Before mastering new way income in the network, a person asks the question - is it true that I can earn money here or not? Or maybe scammers will deceive me, and I will lose my money?

Fear paralyzes a person and prevents him from achieving more in life. It's normal to be afraid of something new. In online earnings, you need not be afraid to act, but at the same time you need to be careful, reasonable and careful in payment transactions.

Paid Surveys It's not a scam, it's reality.

The network does have special services that pay people to take surveys. However, there are also scam sites on the Internet, the main task of which is to lure out money and personal data of the user. In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you need to be able to calculate them.

Beware of scammers

Consider the signs by which you can identify an Internet scammer in the field of paid surveys.

Sign #1. One-page site

A one-pager is a site that consists of one page. All fraudulent information supported by fake reviews fits on one web page.

Sign #2. Lack of registration

Questionnaires without registering They are 100% scammers.

On such sites, you usually only need to enter your first and last name. In honest projects, the registration procedure is required. After it, you still need to fill out a profile questionnaire in order to gain access to surveys.

Sign #3. Instant withdrawal

Another reason to be concerned is instant deposit promise money to your account.

Real survey sites transfer the fee within 3 days or more when the minimum amount for withdrawal is reached.

Sign number 4. High survey cost

On the Internet, as in real life, no one will pay big money for simple actions.

If you are offered several thousand rubles for passing one study, then be sure that you stumbled upon scammers.

The actual fee for the survey is from 20 to 100 rubles. In rare cases - several hundred rubles.

Sign number 5. Cover by big companies and demand for money

AT fraudulent schemes famous brand names are often used. On the Internet, you can find surveys on behalf of Sberbank, Magnit, Pyaterochka and other commercial organizations.

Also, deceivers like to add words to the name of the study - "social", "state" etc.

Such proposals are accompanied a promise of a large amount of money (50 - 100 thousand rubles) after the end of the survey.

To get such a large reward, you need to do the so-called "fixing payment". The amount of the contribution is small - 100, 200 rubles.

By believing the words of the attackers and transferring the required amount, you will not only lose money, but also give the bank card details, including a three-digit pin code, to the scammers.

Bank details- the main target of scammers. Having received them, they will promptly remove everything cash from the map.

Legitimate survey sites do not charge users and do not ask for a PIN from a card. In such projects, you can work absolutely free and without investment.

By being aware of the signs of a scam, you will increase your chances of being protected from their activities. The main thing is to be vigilant, do not lose your “head” when you see the promise of mountains of gold for simple work.

Who pays for surveys

Commercial companies conduct market research to track the degree of satisfaction with their products and services.

The purpose of these tests is find out the opinions of consumers and customers about the company's products and services.

Market analysis will allow marketers to understand what buyers like and what not. As a result of research, flaws in products can be identified, which will be eliminated in the future.

In order to get the opinion of customers, marketers use the Internet. The global network makes it possible to cover different segments of the population and form an objective assessment of the product.

For participating in paid surveys, you get money from survey sponsors.

The flow of funds between firms, questionnaires and users is extremely simple. Manufacturers order research and pay money to survey services. The site administration takes a small part of this amount, and the rest is paid to the respondents.

How to make money from surveys: 5 easy steps

There are five steps you need to take to start making money from surveys and tests.

Step #1. Create an email

Register mailbox can on, The account creation process only takes a few minutes.

Email required for registration in questionnaires. In the future, notifications of available surveys for passing will be sent to it.

To work with different sites, it is better to use one mailing address. So invitations from all the sites you use will be collected in one place.

In order not to miss the messages from the questionnaires, check your mail regularly. It happens that some emails end up in the Spam folder.

Step #2. Register e-wallets

You will need an online wallet to transfer remuneration for surveys.

From the wallet, you can receive money immediately to a Sberbank card or a card of another financial and credit organization.

To work with Russian-language questionnaires, a Yandex.Money or WebMoney wallet is suitable. Foreign analogues to withdraw funds to respondents use payment system PayPal.

Step #3. Register for surveys

It is not profitable to cooperate with one survey site, since the interval between invitations can be several days or weeks.

That's why select 5 - 10 sites with paid surveys. Using more questionnaires will allow you not to sit idle, which means that your income will be higher.

The list in this article will help you make your choice. Compare the pros and cons of each of the services, read people's reviews about the resource.

Step number 4. Fill out a profile form

This stage is very important, since competently filling out the profile is the key to success in making money on surveys. The procedure for entering data about yourself, about your interests will take you 10-15 minutes.

The personal questionnaire is free, although there are questionnaires that are willing to pay for you to complete it.

Specify the maximum complete and correct information About Me. Incomplete information will reduce the number of surveys offered to you.

Step number 5. Complete the survey and get paid

In order not to independently monitor mail for new letters, turn on notifications.

When you receive an offer to take a survey and earn money, don't delay this is a case on the back burner, because the number of applications is limited.

For example, the customer agreed with the questionnaire 1000 sports questionnaires. The site sends a notification to all eligible candidates that a new survey has appeared. The first 1,000 respondents who respond to the letter will begin testing. For other users, access to the survey will be closed.

Continue to participate in surveys, and when the amount on the virtual account reaches the minimum threshold indicated by the project, withdraw money to an electronic wallet, phone or card.

Internet surveys: TOP 10 best surveys that pay real money

We have prepared for you a list of official sites for making money on surveys. It included both Russian-language and foreign projects without a "fixing payment" and other contributions.

Site 1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire( is the most famous survey service on the Runet.

The project was founded in 2007. Persons who have reached 12 years of age are allowed to study. However, underage users aged 12, 13 can only take part in surveys with the consent of their parents or legal guardians.

The survey is available not only for Russians, but also for citizens of neighboring countries: Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The amount of the fee for completing one complete survey varies from 40 to 100 rubles.

The project administration provides respondents with a choice four types of reward: money, chance, gold and good.

The first option is most often chosen because money is the main motivating factor for people. In this case, the survey fee is credited to the intrasystem account.

Using the option "chance" you will be entered into a weekly prize draw. You will have the opportunity to win headphones, a phone and other gifts.

The third type of reward is "gold". Here, the royalty is paid in the form of virtual gold coins, which can later be exchanged for goods.

Well last way payroll is "good". By choosing this option, you get the opportunity to transfer the money earned to charity.

Minus! The smallest amount to withdraw funds from the system is 1000 rubles. To earn that much, you need to complete at least 20 tests.

For citizens of the Russian Federation, the payment of money is made to the WebMoney wallet, Yandex.Money and bank card. Other users can only transfer fees to e-wallets.

For filling out the profile questionnaire, the administration of the resource gives each participant 50 rubles. In addition, you can receive 15 rubles to the account for each person invited to the project.

Site 2. Internet Poll

Internet Poll( is another popular project for public opinion research.

The site was launched simultaneously with the main competitor - the Anketka service in 2007.

The design of the site is made in a convenient, minimalist style.

Here you will find paid surveys from well-known sponsors: Ozone, Samsung, Avito, etc.

The project has a point system. 1 point is equivalent to 1 ruble. The maximum payment for one questionnaire is 50 points (50 rubles).

chief minus questionnaire is that withdrawal of remuneration is made only to the phone.

The minimum threshold is 500 rubles. The transaction is carried out within two weeks.

The site interacts with the charity foundation ( Therefore, everyone has the opportunity to do a good deed by transferring money there.

Site 3. My Opinion

My opinion( is a cool survey site with a modern, sophisticated design.

The site went online in 2015. During its short life, the questionnaire surpassed many old competitors and became one of the market leaders.

In the project, the unit of calculation is Bonus Points. Operations in rubles or dollars are not provided in the system.

Bonuses can be earned in the following ways:

  1. Passing surveys (up to 100 bonuses);
  2. Participation in mini-surveys (5 bonuses for each);
  3. Purchasing goods in partner stores(up to 20% of the amount);
  4. Involving other people in the project (30 bonuses per person).

Since they don’t give money for work in this questionnaire, but give bonuses, accordingly, there is no option to withdraw funds to an electronic wallet.

On average, the questionnaire pays 50 bonuses for participating in one test.

Bonuses can only be spent on the purchase of products in the site catalog. The minimum cost of the goods is 500 points.

Site 4. Expert opinion

Expert opinion( is a "young" service of paid surveys. Actively started working in 2015.

Withdrawal of funds is available on WebMoney and cellular telephone. The operation is possible if there is 500 rubles on the balance sheet. Money is credited to the account within 14 days from the date of application.

After registering in the project, you should immediately fill out eight 2-minute profile questionnaires in the following areas: home and family, finance, education and work, cars, products and services, alcohol and cigarettes, health, travel.

For each questionnaire you will receive 10 rubles. As a result, in 20 minutes you will earn 80 rubles.

To assess the quality of the respondent's work in the system, trust rating. By default it is 100%. As the survey progresses, this value will change.

On average, Expert Opinion pays users 25-30 rubles per survey.

Additional income can provide program "Bring a friend". For each person invited to the project, the site is ready to give 15 rubles 50 kopecks. However, there is a condition for earning money: a friend must register, fill out profile questionnaires and pass at least one survey.

Site 5. Myiyo

Myiyo( is a German questionnaire with a reliable reputation. The site was created in 2006.

The project is focused more on the European audience. However, citizens of a dozen other countries, including Russia and Ukraine, can also take part in testing.

The site uses point system to pay for work. 1000 points (points) corresponds to 1 Euro.

For registration actions, you can earn the first points:

  • profile filling - 500 pt.,
  • email activation - 100 pt.

The cost of one test reaches 2000 points. Such a "generous" rate is rare. Most surveys pay between 100 and 400 points. The price of the study depends on the country of residence. So for residents of Europe, the rate will be higher than for the population of Ukraine, Russia or Africa.

Minus project - high minimum threshold to receive money.

Funds are transferred only to a PayPal wallet from 20,000 points (20 Euro). It will take a long time to save such an amount: from several months to a year. Users attracted to the site through a referral link can help with this.

Site 6. Internet Questionnaire

Internet Questionnaire( is a well-known online survey service for money. The site was opened in 2010.

Visually, the site looks very simple, without any chips, as if the webmaster used free template. However, “by clothes” is definitely not worth judging here. The daily attendance of the resource is more than 13,000 people.

The site is available only for citizens of the Russian Federation. For residents of Kazakhstan, the service works on another domain.

Everything in the project calculations are made in points. 1 point = 1 ruble.

Participation in one survey is estimated from 10 to 400 points. You can withdraw money from the account from 500 rubles and more. Funds transfer tools: Yandex Money, smartphone, charity.

If you are denied a survey, you will in any case receive 5 points for the time spent on the verification questions.

The administration offers each project participant to install a special plug-in in the browser research bar.

This program collects statistics related to the user's behavior on the network. The analytics is anonymous and is used for marketing purposes only.

Per installation this application You will immediately receive 50 rubles to your account. Then every week, provided that you actively use global network, your virtual balance will be replenished by 10 rubles.

Thus, the monthly passive income from the plugin alone will be 40 rubles. We multiply this amount by 12 and get 480 rubles of annual earnings.

For smartphone and tablet owners an alternative to "Research Bar" is an application MySurvey Mobile Connect.

This program has even more favorable conditions compared to a similar computer version.

For installing the application you will earn 100 rubles. Each week of online activity will bring you 250 rubles. However, the cost of mobile traffic. The developers claim that the application consumes about 100 kilobytes of traffic per day.

Site 7. Questionnaire

Questionnaire( - another "old man" on our list. The site was launched in 2006.

For a profile questionnaire, the service gives 5 rubles. The surveys are intended for the population of the Russian Federation and Ukraine. The cost of tests is different: from 15 rubles to 500 rubles.

You can cash out the fee in the following ways: WebMoney, Yandex.Money, phone, bank card, Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Earnings on this questionnaire are not limited to filling out questionnaires for money. Participants are given the opportunity to forum replies reward project.


  • a small minimum for withdrawing money (100 rubles);
  • forum;
  • 10% affiliate program;
  • transfer of money directly to the card is available;


  • payment of remuneration may be delayed (several months);
  • those. support is not always responsive.

Site 8. Paid Survey

Paid Survey( - launched in 2009.

Polls are intended for residents of Russia and the CIS countries.

The interface of the service is simple and has not been updated for a long time, which can alienate modern users.

Average pay for a 15-20 minute study - 30 rubles.

Withdrawal of funds starts from 300 rubles. Receiving money is possible only on the PayPal wallet. Also, the fee can be transferred to one of the charitable foundations cooperating with the project.

Site 9. RubleClub

RubleClub( is a community of online shoppers. To join the club, you must pass free registration. The service gives 150 rubles to each new member of the club.

By becoming a community member, you You will be able to purchase goods in partner stores through the RubleClub website. In doing so, you will receive discount ranging from 2 to 10%.

Another area of ​​activity of the service is paid questionnaires. For participation in one study, you will have an average of 40 rubles.

You can withdraw funds by reaching 750 rubles on the balance sheet. The money is transferred either to a PayPal wallet or to a cell phone.

The project has a profitable 10 - 20% referral program.

Site 10. I-say

I say( is an "old" international questionnaire. The project was opened in 1999.

For filling personal profile there is no reward. However, answering the questions of a personal questionnaire is still worth it, as this will increase the likelihood of receiving invitations in the future.

On average, the questionnaire sends out monthly 3 - 4 questionnaires. The cost of one study varies from 5 to 250 points.

Earned points can be converted into money and withdrawn via PayPal. The minimum for withdrawal is 850 points (5 Euro).

In addition, points can be spent on the purchase of a certificate Ozon, LitRes, Eldorado, iTunes, etc.

You can participate in I-say research using your iPhone or Android. Mobile app will allow you to fill out questionnaires not only at home, but also in other places.

Comparative table of questionnaires

There are many more paid survey sites than we have covered. Therefore, we decided to compile a table so that you can quickly navigate and choose the most suitable options for yourself.

Name of the site Profile Bonus Average survey cost and withdrawal pros / Minuses
Questionnaire 80 rubles 40 rubles, 5 rubles (mini-surveys)

from 1000 rub. to phone, Yandex.Money, WebMoney, bank card

(+) ref. program (15 rubles per person)

transfer to card

many polls

reliable reputation

pays 5 - 10 rubles for pre-interrogation

(-) high minimum withdrawal amount

Internet Poll Not 35 rub., 5 rub. for short tests

500 rub. to phone

(+) invitations come often

(-) no ref. programs

withdrawal of money only to the phone

My opinion 50 bonuses 50 bon., 5 bon. (mini polls)

from 500 bonuses for the purchase of goods in the catalog

(+) many polls

5 bon. for not being allowed to study

availability of cashback

ref. system (30 bonds per person)

(- ) bonuses cannot be exchanged for cash

long waiting time for goods (up to 2 months)

Expert opinion 80 rub. 30 rub. for the questionnaire

from 500 rubles to phone and WebMoney

(+) reliable project

ref. prog. (15.5 rubles per participant

good pay for a personal profile

(-) few polls

no compensation for dropouts

Myiyo 600 points (0.6 Euro) from 0.2 to 0.4 Euro for research

from 20 Euro on PayPal

(+) ref. prog. (500 points (0.5 Euro) per participant)

(-) rare invitations

money transfer only to PayPal

high withdrawal threshold

Internet Questionnaire Not 30 rubles per application

500 rub. to Yandex.Money or phone

(+) “Research Bar” program (40 rubles of income every month)

bonus 5 rubles for dropout

(-) no charges for a personal profile

no affiliate program

Questionnaire 5 rubles 15 - 100 rubles. for the survey

from 100 rub. to phone, WebMoney, Yandex.Money, bank card, Bitcoin

(+) small threshold for receiving money

different variants output

10% ref. program

(-) payment delay

not stable work of those. support

Paid Survey 10 rubles 30 rub. for research

from 300 rub. on paypal

(+) time-tested questionnaire

10% partner prog.

(-) the project is not developing

Ruble Club 150 rub. 40 rub. for the questionnaire

from 750 rub. by PayPal or phone

(+) generous reward for entering personal data

10 – 20% ref. program

(-) high withdrawal limit

i-Say Not 5 - 250 points per test

from 350 points: PayPal, gift Certificate

(+) wide range of awards

frequent questionnaires

dropout fee

(-) no affiliate program

ask gfk Not 30 rub.

from 300 rubles: phone, Yandex.Money, WebMoney

(+) different payment options

100 points for referring a friend

(-) few polls

Auto poll Not 50 - 70 rubles. for research

from 1000 rub. by postal order

(+) for motorists

(-) very few profiles

no ref. systems

high minimum wage

GlobalTestMarket 50 Sweepstakes 30 rub. for the test

from 200 rubles: PayPal, purchase of goods on

(+) many polls

American project

there is a ref. prog.

(-) frequent screening

Surveys Not 30 - 50 rubles. for the poll

from 300 rubles: PayPal, WebMoney, gift voucher

(+) a small minimum wage

have a partner. prog.

(-) ref. remuneration is accrued only to users who monthly invite 50 people or more to the project

ThePanelStation Not 50 rub. for the test

from 300 rubles: PayPal, Ozone gift certificate

(+) high average cost of one questionnaire

consolation bonus of 2-3 rubles per dropout

there is a mobile version

(-) no partners prog.

long money transfer

Marketagent 10 points (0.1 Euro) 0.2 – 2.5 Euro per survey

from 8 Euro to PayPal or Skrill

(+) referral program 50 points (0.5 Euro) per friend

(-) new invitations are rare

high minimum wage

YouThink 95 rubles 20 - 150 rubles. for the questionnaire

300 rub. to wallets (Yandex.Money, Qiwi, WebMoney, PayPal); 500 rub. to map

(+) pays for filling out a profile

many options for cashing out fees

many profiles

(-) “Youth” of the project

Mobrog Not 20 - 100 rubles per study

from 250 rub. PayPal, Skrill

(+) there is a mobile app

a small minimum for the transfer of funds

20 rub. for a referred friend

(-) very few polls

Profi Online Research Not 30 rub. for the questionnaire

from 450 rubles: WebMoney, phone

(+) many polls

(-) no affiliate program

Toluna 2500 points (20 rubles) 30 - 40 rubles. for the test

105,000 points (830 rubles) on PayPal

84,000 points (700 rubles) to the phone

12,000 points (100 rubles) - certificate "Litres"

(+) frequent invitations

money for mini tests, games, lotteries, theme creation

mobile app

500 points (4 rubles) for an invited participant

(-) Points are only valid for 16 months.

IberyaSystem Not 6 - 100 rubles. for the survey

from 300 rubles: WebMoney, PayPal, gift card

(+) there is a mobile version

7 rub. per new user

(-) restriction on referring friends (minimum 50 people per month)

delayed payouts and frequent dropouts

E-polls Not 50 - 250 rubles. for the questionnaire

from 250 rub. on Qiwi

(+) raffle prizes

high cost of surveys

(-) money can be withdrawn only to qiwi wallet

no ref. prog.

Itopros Not 100 - 200 rubles per study

from 1000 rubles: phone, gifts

(+) expensive polls

for screening the site will pay 10 rubles

20 rub. per user (no more than 20 people)

(-) very rare receipts of questionnaires

only for IT professionals

Izly 30 rubles 30 rub. for the survey

from 500 rubles: WebMoney, Yandex.Money, bank card, phone

(+) 15% ref. program

(-) problems with disbursements

few profiles

Scanner.gfk Not 300 rub. per month

900 rub. to phone, Yandex.Money, bank card

(+) no analogues of the project

annual bonus of 1000 rubles (500 rubles for the 1st year).

surveys, checks scanning.

for updating the profile once a year reward of 200 rubles

(-) work specifics

How much can you earn and how to increase income

So, what is the real earnings on surveys? What amount should be expected? Such questions are of interest to everyone who intends to participate in marketing research for money.

The amount of monthly earnings is individual and depends on several factors:

  • the number of completed surveys;
  • the number of invited partners;
  • completeness of filling in the personal questionnaire;
  • the honesty of the respondent.

Factor #1. Number of questionnaires

Surveys do not provide a fixed income. Everything depends on you. If you constantly participate in research, then your earnings will be stable. If you start to be lazy, then your income will fall.

To receive maximum profit You must complete as many surveys as possible.

In order to provide yourself with a permanent job, you need to register in 5-10 questionnaires. The information provided in the article will help you in this matter.

Factor #2. Number of partners

Most survey sites offer users to participate in an affiliate program.

For example, in the Questionnaire, a fixed payment of 15 rubles is due for each new participant. So, 100 active referrals will replenish your balance by 1500 rubles.

An army of partners can give you passive income. However, you need to know how to attract referrals.

Factor #3. Profile

Filling out a personal questionnaire is major step in preparatory actions before starting work in the questionnaire. After all, the number of questionnaires sent by the site administration in the future depends on how completely and truthfully you answer questions about your personality.

Factor #4. Personal qualities of the respondent

The survey should be conducted honestly and without haste. The fact is that the wording of some questions may be different, but the essence is the same.

If you lie and quickly answer the test, then there is a great risk of giving a different answer to identical questions.

If the administration of the questionnaire convicts the respondent of dishonesty, then the number of surveys will decrease significantly.

About earnings

Paid surveys are not a job, but a part-time job, so you don’t need to hope for a high income.

On average for one 15-20 minute test questionnaires willing to pay from 30 to 40 rubles.

In rare cases, you can get 100 rubles for each survey. However, expensive studies take more time and are intended for narrow specialists.

The table shows approximate calculations of monthly earnings on surveys.

Number of surveys per day Total number of questionnaires Average cost of a survey Time spent per day Monthly income
1 30 30 - 40 rubles. 20 – 30 min. 900 - 1200 rubles.
2 60 40 – 60 min. 1800 - 2400 rubles.
3 90 60 – 90 min. 2700 - 3600 rubles.

So, if you spend from 1 to 1.5 hours daily on surveys, you can earn about 3,000 - 4,000 thousand, excluding referral income.

Advantages and disadvantages of making money on surveys

Like any other activity, making money on profiles has its positive and negative sides. Let's turn to them.


  • Low entry threshold. Suitable for different strata of society: teenagers, students, pensioners, mothers on maternity leave, etc.
  • Work at home. No need to spend money on travel to the place of a part-time job.
  • Free schedule. You decide when and how much you work.
  • There is no boss. You have no leader and no one controls you.
  • Earnings from different devices. You can participate in research personal computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.


  • Low earnings. Even with hard work, you can’t count on a monthly income of more than 3,000 - 4,000 thousand.
  • The risk of fraud. Your part-time job is unofficial. You do not enter into a contract with survey sites. Therefore, there is a risk that your account may be blocked and not paid a fee.
  • Withdrawal of money. To cash out, you have to save virtual money up to a certain amount: 300, 500, 1000 rubles. This procedure may take several months.


Making money from surveys is real. You can verify this by reading user reviews. However, this way of working has its downsides.

But if you have free time and are interested in trying paid surveys for a taste, then don't delay and start acting right now.

Hello, dear readers of our magazine about making money site. Today I will introduce you to such a type of work as earn money online surveys . So what do they represent? Let's take it in order.

Paid surveys on the Internet for money have recently become very popular and all because you can really make money on them! And most importantly, you can earn simple and easy !

Earnings on paid surveys are available even to an ordinary student (mostly over 14 years old, but there are exceptions). Among all the ways to work on the Internet, this is perhaps one of the easiest.

When making money on questionnaires, you sometimes have to think, in some cases even write your own opinion, which makes this type of part-time job more interesting and exciting, but in particular more paid compared to.

💡 Pros of earning on surveys:
The big advantage is that for them Not needed no special skills. Yes, and investments are also not required!

Of course, you should not expect big money from surveys, but still have income up to 1,000 - 3,000 rubles. per month quite possible.

Agree, such an amount for such simple work is a very good financial support and, perhaps, just right for additional income!

By the way, for sure, for many it will also be interesting to learn about others up to 500-1000 rubles a day! Read about it in a separate post! 👈

From today's article, you will learn:

  • Where to start and how to make money on paid surveys without investment?
  • What proven questionnaires should you use to earn money?
  • How can you increase your earnings from surveys?
  • What do people who are already making money from surveys say?

And now, sit back - we will analyze together all the main features of paid surveys, so that it is easier for you to decide whether you need this type of income. And if you need it, then in our article you can find step by step instructions to earn money from surveys. 🙂

1. Surveys for money on the Internet online: who pays for what?

A little later, we will look at which survey sites are better to register and earn. And now let's clarify a little why and who pays money for surveys!😀

Surveys are primarily intended for sociological and marketing research among the population.

They are usually owned by various large companies who seek to know the opinion of direct consumers of certain goods and services. Sometimes a special agency acts as an intermediary between the user and the manufacturer.

With the help of surveys, you can find out exactly what products consumers like and why. Thanks to this approach, sales increase, therefore, the company's profit also grows, as the manufacturer begins to focus on the opinions of customers and offer the most popular services and products.

That is why companies are willing to pay money for taking surveys - because it is beneficial to them in the first place!

☝️About fee and duration of surveys!
One time survey can take approximately 10 to 45 minutes. Payment for it, as a rule, directly depends on the duration - on average from 20 rub. up to 100 rubles.

Online surveys are now very common, which are conducted via the Internet. For this, special sites are created on the Internet, which are called questionnaires .

Although it must be said that there are also agencies that conduct local surveys for money in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk and other large cities. In this case, surveys are usually conducted for 1-2.5 hours, but in this case you can immediately earn 1000-2000 rubles!

But such polls are not so common, and they are not suitable for everyone! Therefore, in this article, we will mainly tell you about making money on online surveys over the Internet!

Beware: scammers!
In order to register and start taking surveys, you do not need no investment. Those resources that offer to pay you to participate are definitely scammers.

Also, reliable questionnaires never ask you to confirm your registration by sending sms to any number or perform another paid action.

You should beware of such sites and do not waste your time on them, but work only with proven questionnaires that pay real money.

If you decide to engage in such a type of income as paid surveys on the Internet for money, you can be absolutely calm, because this is enough simply and even an inexperienced Internet user can deal with them.

No special skills or knowledge are needed. Only needed Internet access and some free time.

Your only task is to answer questions as authentically as possible and share your opinions, as well as preferences and tastes, in order to eventually get paid for it. 😀

By the way, access to registration in another excellent questionnaire has recently become available -. It differs, first of all, in high pay - for some surveys they pay 300 rubles and more .

In addition to surveys, the Internet Questionnaire offers to install the Research Bar program and earn even more (+ you will be paid an additional 50 rubles for its installation).

This so-called closed questionnaire- it is far from always possible to register on it - only by special recommendation (i.e. link). Therefore, while registration in the questionnaire is open, have time to register in it too. 👈

Questionnaire No. 2 - Questionnaire

Questionnaire No. 3 - LifePoints

Questionnaire No. 4 - Ruble Club

- the resource began its activity relatively recently.

Surveys mostly come with payment by 30-40 rubles but quite often!

With it, you can not only earn on surveys, but also receive discount coupons for online purchases as a reward.

The site cooperates with many popular stores, thereby providing its members with the opportunity to significantly save on purchases of various things.

⭐️ Additionally, after registration, a bonus is immediately credited to the account balance in the form of 150 rubles .

Minimum amount, which can be withdrawn, is equal to 750 rubles. Payments are made by the main account to the PayPal wallet.

From this questionnaire, I have already deduced a little more 2000 rubles and now for a short period on the balance sheet has accumulated 380 rubles !

You can register for the survey.

An example of earning on the Ruble Club questionnaire

Questionnaire #4 - Paid Survey

Example of available surveys and their cost

Questionnaire No. 6 - Questionnaire

- one of the oldest questionnaires, which during its existence has experienced both ups and downs. They occurred mainly due to a change in leadership.

But despite all the problems, the project has always fulfilled its obligations to users in full and consistently paid out funds. At the moment, it has over 1.2 million registered users!

The cost of surveys can sometimes reach up to 90 rubles! Withdrawal can be ordered when the total amount is reached 100 rubles, which is very, very convenient!

Questionnaire - examples and cost of questionnaires

Withdrawal is available to the following payment systems:

The questionnaire is really worthwhile, so be sure to join its ranks! You can register! 👈

Questionnaire No. 7 - My opinion

My opinion ( is a project that is famous for excellent conditions for their users. Perhaps it is the best of the Russian-language questionnaires. Available in all CIS countries.

As a reward, the participant is credited with a certain number of bonuses. Having collected the required amount, you can make an exchange for anything, there are a lot of options - from various toys to electronics and technology.

⭐️ For a completed personal questionnaire after registration, the questionnaire immediately accrues 50 bonuses! For completing surveys, they usually give up to 100 bonuses !

How to make money on the questionnaire "My opinion"

Questionnaire #8 - Izly

Izly( - the site was launched a long time ago and gained wide popularity.

❗️ The average cost of a survey is 30-40 rubles, but the difference from other services is that there are few questions in each study and they are all specific. It usually takes no more than 15 minutes to complete such a survey.

After completing the survey within a couple of days (however, as elsewhere), the money is credited to your account!

Withdrawal of funds is carried out to the following electronic wallets: to Yandex, WebMoney or mobile phone balance.

It is worth noting that although the site is available in any corner of the planet, it is more focused on residents of the CIS countries, as can be seen from the nature of the surveys and the Russian-language interface.

Questionnaire No. 9 - ABC Poll

ABC Poll( - the site began its existence relatively recently and positions itself as a direct partner of the Swedish company CINT.

Research funding companies favor Russian-speaking audiences and those who live in the eastern part of Europe. Therefore, residents of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine are in priority.

Maybe you have already taken part in surveys from CINT, then it will not be news to you that they can find many interesting surveys with decent pay.

After registering with active work, you will soon be able to use the first withdrawal on PayPal or WebMoney.

Questionnaire No. 10 - PoprosOnline

PollsOnline( ) - Provided by Ressol, an organization that conducts market research on consumer products and services.

⚡️ Rewards per survey completed vary from 10 to 100 rubles. Withdrawal is possible on the balance of a mobile phone and Pay Pal. The minimum amount is 300 rubles.

Often, raffles with pleasant prizes are organized for participants.

Questionnaire No. 11 - GFK Scanner

GFK Scanner( - this platform is aimed at Russian-speaking users who are located in the CIS countries, mainly in Russia. About 50 thousand users already work with it!

The main goal pursued by the project is the collection of detailed data on the behavior of consumers from the Russian Federation. After you register, you will be sent a special scanner that is designed to read barcodes.

All you need is to remember to use it after visiting the store. This is a full-fledged opportunity to receive good funds on a bank card or mobile phone.

❗️ Usually a week you'll be leaving no more than 10-15 minutes ! For a month for this work usually charge 300 rubles !

Questionnaire No. 12 - MarketAgent

MarketAgent( is a European resource designed for a Russian-speaking audience. Marketing research is carried out here solely to promote products and services.

Of the features of the site, it is worth noting a pleasant registration bonus in the form of points. Also, there are no exchanges for things on the site, all funds are withdrawn in cash.

The cost of surveys is equal to European ones. The minimum withdrawal amount is 200 points(almost 2 euros). The bonus that is credited upon registration is 150 points or 1.5 euros.

Questionnaire #13 - Toluna

Toluna( ) is a project presented by the ThinkAction organization located in France. The resource is one of the best international platforms.

Today, there you can quickly earn the required number of points, which can then be exchanged for valuable and useful household items. In terms of duration, polls take 10 to 20 minutes!

There is also an opportunity to get prize certificates (for which you can purchase goods in online stores, for example, in Ozone)!

It's not uncommon for raffles that give participants the chance to win a big prize, for example, LCD TV. Invitations to research, compared to many other venues, come very often.

Questionnaire No. 14 - Profiresearch

Profi Online Research( - this site differs from most in that it does not provide a referral system.

☝️ Survey invitations are infrequent, usually around five times a month, but there are exceptions. But even the same 100-200 rubles a month will not be superfluous!😀

Has an intuitive interface. There are also surveys from scientific organizations that are not paid.

Questionnaire No. 155 - The Big Question

big question( - the site is one of the oldest and most reliable. It was launched in early 2011.

Slightly different system of remuneration from other surveys. First of all, interesting answers and questions from users are valued, which are paid depending on the number of views.

There are also micropayments that allow participants to transfer funds to each other for the best answers. Payments are made to the electronic wallet WebMoney .

Questionnaire No. 16 - AutoPoll

Auto Poll( is another resource provided by the aforementioned OMI organization. The project is intended primarily for motorists, as it is funded various companies automotive industry.

❗️ The cost of surveys is high compared to other services. For completing one study, you can get from 100 to 500 rubles. The high cost is explained by the fact that the project has a narrow focus.

The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 thousand rubles!💵

Questionnaire No. 17 - ITopoll

IT Poll( - a specialized project aimed at an audience interested in IT technologies and similar topics.

The site is sponsored by leading companies producing software and components for PCs, respectively, the topics of the surveys concern only this area.

On average, one study brings the user about 200 rubles. Various drawings are also regularly held, among which there are valuable prizes: trips, conferences, exhibitions, and other thematic gifts.

Questionnaire №18 — Opinion UA

Opinion U.A.( or - as it may seem from the abbreviation at the end of the name, the service is intended only for residents of Ukraine.

However, there is an opportunity to earn on surveys and users who live in Russia, Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan.

This questionnaire has many advantages.

One of them is that research is available regularly and is decently paid.

For many, the downside is that payments are made only once a month, from the 20th to the 25th, and it is possible only to an electronic wallet WebMoney .

2.2. Foreign and foreign questionnaires - 3 best sites

❗️ You will also need to have electronic wallets. If they are not available, then register for them - it's free. The most commonly used payments are on WebMoney, as well as transfers on Yandex.Money and Qiwi.

When working with foreign questionnaires, a PayPal wallet is usually required.

In general, opening online wallets (if you don't already have them) will take a really short time. If you encounter any difficulties, then instructions for creating wallets can always be found on the Internet.

Step 2: Selection of survey sites

At the next stage, you will need to decide on the questionnaires with which you will work. If you do not know which of them to choose, just register on most of the sites listed in this article.

The amount of earnings on surveys directly depends on how many surveys you will take. The more surveys you choose, the more you earn.

There are a lot of similar portals, but among them there are both reliable survey sites and scammers.

☝️ If you have learned about other questionnaires (not presented in this article), then before registering for any of them, you should make sure that it is solvent. This can be done by reading reviews of questionnaires on the Internet on third-party sites.

Because fraud on the Internet is not such a rarity (I know from my own experience)!😞

Step 3: Registration on questionnaires

During registration, you must provide a valid email address and come up with a complex password (don't forget to write it down in a safe place).☝️

After the account is activated, you should fill out the provided questionnaire, which usually includes the following data👇:

  • date and year of birth,
  • country and city of residence,
  • having an education,
  • your place of work
  • electronic wallet for withdrawing money,
  • and much more.

By the way, as many of you already know, some questionnaires are ready pay for the application form (in essence your profile). In this case, it will be necessary to fill out the questionnaire in as much detail as possible.

⭐️ The requirement to provide maximum data from the respondent in the questionnaire is quite understandable - companies need a certain target audience.

For example, a manufacturer of cosmetics and care products is unlikely to be suitable for men who work in a factory or mine. The most promising participants are usually considered young people who live in the city and enjoy various gadgets, and even better if they are actively interested in them.

Based on the data obtained when filling out the profile, the user is assigned to a separate target category. In accordance with the completed questionnaire, in the future you will receive surveys that are suitable for you.

It is worth remembering that in order to make money on surveys, you must provide the most detailed and reliable information. And this is required before you start working with surveys. This is extremely important because companies need an idea about you, whether you are suitable for this or that survey.

⭐️ Useful advice!
Periodically check your mail folder Spam, since sometimes invitations from questionnaires are redirected there.

To minimize this phenomenon, it is better to enter the sender's address in White list, then all letters will stably fall into the folder “Inbox” . Update your profile information as often as possible, change some data, except for the main ones. It is likely that in this way polls will come more often.

And never register multiple accounts in one questionnaire from one IP addresses, since it is prohibited in most services. It will not work to deceive - most likely you will be blocked.

Step 4: Taking surveys and getting paid

After you receive an email notification about an available survey, it is better to start passing as soon as possible. You will ask why? It's simple - usually the number of participants is limited .

For example, a product or service requires the opinion of 10,000 users. It turns out that exactly this number of participants will be able to take the survey. Usually this number is approximately in 5 hours.

☝️ Note!
Remember to provide data that matches the information provided during registration.

For example, if the age is set to 24 and the place of residence is St. Petersburg, and when completing the survey you indicated a different date and city, the system will notice this and identify you as an unscrupulous performer, so the continuation will be denied.

Therefore, when filling out surveys, it is worth giving truthful information about yourself, the same applies to any other tasks. Each question will be tested and compared with previous answers. The more matches are found with the results obtained earlier, the more chances there are to increase the number of surveys received.

Thus, the whole process of passing one study usually consists of the following steps:

  1. Registration procedure at the selected site.
  2. Filling in personal data and passing the provided questionnaire.
  3. Receive an invitation to a survey.
  4. The answer to the questions.
  5. Verification of results by the customer.
  6. Transfer of funds to the balance of the respondent's account.

After the minimum required amount is accumulated, you can withdraw money to your e-wallets! Well, you will definitely figure out how to spend them yourself! 😉

4. How to increase your earnings from surveys?

In order to maximize earnings on surveys on the Internet without investments, you must register on most of them . Register immediately for 10-15 questionnaires, anyway it's free and does not oblige you to anything!

In addition, I recommend registering for foreign questionnaires(listed above⬆️). Usually the payment for their passage is an order of magnitude higher. Thus, if you speak at least a little English, you can make good money on it.

On some Russian-language questionnaires, you can also indicate when filling out the questionnaire what you know English language. On some resources, invitations to surveys in this case will come in an order of magnitude more. In addition, this type of research pays much more.

If you try to use the above methods, you can significantly increase your income. But never forget that strong exaggeration and confusion in the answers may seem suspicious to the system, and then you may be suspended from taking surveys.

Resources with paid surveys, like most other sites for making money on the Internet, offer their users referral program . Its use will definitely increase your earnings (if, of course, the invited participants are active).

❗️ The essence of the referral program:
The principle is the same as on other sites - you invite new respondents (friends or just send a link to an interested person). In this case, the amount earned by the referral does not change.

After the referral completes the survey, a commission will be transferred to the balance of your account, which usually amounts to 10% of the user's income brought by you to the site.

Agree, if you have at least 5 active respondents, you can get a good increase in your basic income.

There are those who do not participate in surveys, but actively invite new participants, and their income is formed solely due to their work.

In other words, what more people accept your invitation to register on the questionnaire and participate in research, the more your income will be, and it is not necessary to complete the tasks yourself.

5. Pros and cons and features of earning on surveys for money

Pros (+) Minuses (-)
1 Surveys can bring a good additional income of several thousand rubles a month. And yet earnings on surveys cannot be called high, there are much more effective ways earnings on the Internet.
2 You can start earning from scratch - without investments and without the presence of "special" skills and abilities. The number of surveys per month is limited (even if you have registered on 10-20 sites), respectively, income is also limited by surveys. It is very difficult to increase it significantly.
3 It doesn't take long to answer the questionnaires. Usually one survey takes 10-20 minutes. For surveys, some sites award points that can only be exchanged for certain products, but cannot be converted into money!

It is worth noting that polls ask politely, but sometimes too meticulously. They often ask and clarify this or that information. This is done in order to determine how much you delve into the process, and how honestly you answer the questions provided.

It often happens that the same questions are repeated (for example, at the beginning of the survey and at the end) - this is intentional to make sure that you are honestly sharing your opinion, and not answering "at random"!

By the way, there are even surveys with video clips, in which you just need to answer questions after a full viewing. Usually, the user is presented with an advertisement of a certain brand for analysis.

Please note that if you do not have the time or desire to undergo this or that study, you can easily refuse it, participation in each is voluntary and optional.

Good advice!
I recommend filling out questionnaires on survey sites in the most detail, since in this case there is a higher chance of receiving more surveys, and therefore earning more!

The more information you provide about yourself, the more invitations you will usually receive to participate in research.

In addition to the article, I will give some real feedback from those who have already tried to make money on surveys:

👩‍💻 Elena : Now I am in a difficult life situation, and the salary from my main job is not enough for everything I need. Therefore, I began to look for ways to earn money, and found online surveys for money.

I read about paid surveys on a forum and decided to give it a try. The result exceeded expectations! The income was small, but stable, and such work did not take much time.

So I signed up with a few more sites, which allowed me to increase my earnings from paid surveys significantly. I withdraw quickly to Yandex, Qiwi or to the map.

If you have at least some free time and constant access to the Internet, I recommend that you consider this type of additional income!

👨‍💼 Victor:
Once upon a time, I also earned small amounts with the help of services that provide paid surveys on the Internet for money, for various little things.

I immediately registered on 8 sites and began to use them to the maximum, answered every invitation, and for good reason. A month later, my financial situation improved a little, which I was incredibly happy about.

Now I stopped making money with paid surveys just because I don’t have enough free time. And it is a pity that on many resources there is no output to the map.

👩‍🦰 Antonina: I just recently started earning online surveys for money, but the result is already there.

I answer reliably, and I began to notice that every day the number of invitations is slowly but growing. Sometimes I don't even have time to answer some.

The most important thing is the maximum data during registration and reliable answers to questions after it.

7. Conclusion

So, we have come to the final moment and are ready to take stock. Definitely earning on surveys has a lot of advantages.

Firstly, it's comfortable. Wherever you are, if you have the Internet at hand, you can always participate and take various studies, even from your phone.

Secondly, it is definitely beneficial. Many users earn decent amounts, so can you. Needless to say, paid surveys are easy!

They are suitable not only for advanced Internet users, but also for beginners. It is also worth noting the universality of such resources, since they are available to everyone, regardless of the degree of education or age.

For many, this type of income is unlikely to become the main one, but what it is great side job — undoubtedly!

Question for readers!
What do you think, is it worth spending your time and making money on surveys? Share your opinion and experience in the comments!

I wish you successful earnings and more luck! 💵😀👍

P.S. Friends, I would be very grateful if you rate the article and share it on social networks!👇🙂
