State services a unified system of identification and authentication. What is ESIA public services

ESIA (Unified System for Identification and Authentication) is an information system of the Russian Federation that provides users registered in the system with information contained in state and other information systems Oh.

Why is ESIA needed?

Having registered once in the ESIA system, you do not have to go through the registration procedure on state and other resources every time to gain access to any information or service, for example, making an appointment with a doctor, issuing a passport, checking and paying tax debts, etc.

What documents are required for registration

Registration in the ESIA is carried out on the Unified portal of public services. To do this, you will need:

  • passport and SNILS to confirm your identity
  • room mobile phone to confirm registration.

You can read more about the registration procedure in the ESIA in our article on registering an individual on the public services portal.

How to get an activation code

To receive an activation code to confirm your registration, you must select one of the methods for obtaining it:

  • at the MFC (Multifunctional Center)
  • at the Rostelecom office
  • by Russian post

What is the difference between a verified account and an unverified account?

The owner of a confirmed account can use the full list of the catalog of public services, and an unconfirmed account can only view reference information about services.

The transition to the provision of state and municipal services in in electronic format demanded that the state provide people and authorities with a tool for secure online identification.

The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia within the framework of the e-government infrastructure has created and is developing the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ESIA), the purpose of which is to streamline and centralize the processes of registration, identification, authentication and authorization of users.

Key function of ESIA- providing the user with a single account, which enables the user to gain access to a variety of significant state information systems using a single account. Registration in the ESIA, i.e. the presence of a single account allows, after the first entry into one or another state information system, to access any information systems using the Unified Information System without requiring a new login and password.

Features of the ESIA account:

  • user identification and authentication
  • identity management
  • authorization of authorized persons of executive authorities when accessing the functions of the ESIA
  • maintaining information on the authority of users in relation to information systems

Registration in ESIA

Regardless of what services the user intends to access (for example, for individuals or legal entities), you must first go through the procedure for registering an account of an individual (see the instructions for registering in the Unified identification system of individuals. faces:

  • simplified an account (for its registration it is required to indicate the name and surname, one of the possible communication channels), which allows access to a limited list of public services and information systems capabilities;
  • standard account (user data has been verified in basic state information systems - The Pension Fund RF and the Federal Migration Service of the RF), which allows access to an expanded list of government services;
  • confirmed account (the user's data has been verified, and the user's identity has been verified by one of available ways), which allows you to access the full list of public services.

Registration of an account of a legal entity (see the instructions for registering in the ESIA of legal entities), an individual entrepreneur (see the instructions for registering in the ESIA of individual entrepreneurs, as well as the possibility of joining the organization as an employee, it is assumed that the user has a confirmed ESIA account. the roles of ESIA users and types of accounts are shown in the figure.

Confirmation of the identity of the user of the ESIA

The creation of a verified account occurs as a result of the procedure for verifying the user's identity. Identity verification is necessary in order to ensure that the owner of the account is a user who actually possesses the specified identification data.

The user is prompted three main ways identity confirmation:

  1. Contact the service center for the ESIA users, presenting the operator of the central center with an identity document (see the list of service centers).
  2. Receive a verification code by mail.
  3. By means of enhanced qualified electronic signature. You can get an electronic signature in any certification center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia

The following can act as Service Centers for ESIA users:

a) federal executive bodies;

b) state off-budget funds;

c) executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

d) local government bodies;

e) state and municipal institutions;

f) multifunctional centers for the provision of state and municipal services;

g) other organizations determined by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation and acts of the Government of the Russian Federation (as well as organizations authorized by them) that provide state or municipal services and are connected to the infrastructure providing information and technological interaction of information systems used to provide state and municipal services in electronic form.

Citizens of the Russian Federation can use the portal to remotely receive state and municipal services at their place of residence or stay. To do this, you need to go through, after which it will be created Personal Area Government services.

Users have the opportunity to apply to the registry office or replace documents after marriage, find out about pension savings, tax or legal arrears, issue a child's birth certificate and residence permit, pay traffic fines, obtain or replace a foreign passport, driver's license, enroll a child in Kindergarten and receive many other services without visiting departments and government agencies.

The personal account of the Gosuslugi portal is located at the link

The official website can be accessed by citizens of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is federal, but not the only one. Residents of individual entities have the opportunity to receive online services on regional portals. For example, residents of Moscow and the region can contact, as well as residents of the Samara region can get services on the site To access regional portals, the Unified Identification System is used, that is, to enter them, you will need the login and password of the portal.

Public services: entrance to the personal account for individuals

To enter the official website of, on the main page of follow the link "Personal account", or press the button "Login", or use the link

If you have forgotten the login information for an individual, read the instructions.

After logging in using SNILS, phone number or email under your account, you get to home page portal.

To go to the personal account of an individual, click on your last name in the upper right corner. A quick menu with two tabs will open for you.

One of them is "Notifications". On it you can quickly familiarize yourself with the notifications sent by the system to your personal account. These can be reports on services rendered, replies from departments, information on draft applications, invoices for payment of state fees, etc.

Another tab is "Documents". It contains information about all documents already added to the portal, their validity periods, as well as links to add information about new ones. When the validity of any document expires or has already expired, the system will notify you of this and offer to fill out an application for a replacement.

Please note that the quick menu also contains information about the account level on the portal (simplified, standard and confirmed). She is on the left.

To go to your personal account, click on the link "Personal account", as shown in the figure.

Personal account of Gosuslugi: description and features

Configuring notifications

The fifth tab in your personal account is setting up notifications. Here you can select the type of notification and the preferred notification method. The types of notifications on the portal are different:

  • service application statuses;
  • information about charges;
  • appointment statuses;
  • the state of payments for fines and state fees;
  • portal offers and news;
  • support responses.

You can receive notifications for each type in three ways: by email, SMS or PUSH. What are PUSH notifications on the State Services portal? These are pop-up notifications on your smartphone. They can only be used by citizens who have installed.

Please note if you are using mobile application and did not change the notification settings, you will receive PUSH notifications instead of SMS. This is done so that information is not duplicated. If you want to receive SMS notifications, disable PUSH in the settings.

In addition, on the notification settings page, you can enable online delivery of registered letters. What it is? Every time they come to you registered letters from authorities (traffic police, Pension Fund, Tax), you will receive them not in paper, but in electronic form in your personal account of the State Service. You can download them and read them at any time. But this service is still working in a limited mode.

This is the functionality of a personal account for individuals the portal of the State Service is not limited. To continue acquaintance, go to the " Overview"Under the link" My data and contacts ".

Unified identification and authentication system (ESIA)

On the ESIA page, you can protect your account by going to the Account Settings tab. You have the option to change your password or Security Question, enable two-step verification at login (you will receive sms with a confirmation code), enable sending notifications of login by e-mail, delete your account. In addition, you can familiarize yourself with the latest actions in your account, with a list of sites and applications to which you have given permission to use personal data from your personal account. If necessary, you can also deny access to resources and applications that you do not use.


The personal account on the State Service portal has a large set of functions for users. In it, you can control everything that happened in your account: track the status of applications and recent actions, enter or update personal data, pay a service fee or fine.

However, to prevent attackers from leaving you without your own account on the portal, you need to remember basic principles protection: do not set light passwords, enable two-step verification at login and enter as much contact information as possible, thanks to which you can restore access to the government portal.

We wish you successful work with the State Service portal!

What is ESIA public services? ESIA is a unified identification and authentication system. In simple language- this is one password that gives access to all government sites.

The system was created by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, in order to provide citizens with access to electronic services provided by the state on specialized portals, which eliminates the need to register again. Access to state portals is carried out by entering SNILS and a password or electronic signature. One of the most popular government portals is the website of government services. To use the services of the site in electronic form, you will need to register a user in the ESIA.

Why is this system needed?

Every day the number of state sites is growing and the ESIA password on state services will greatly facilitate your life, because you do not have to register on all sites that provide state services. With it, you can:

  • replace the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • get a passport;
  • sign up for an appointment with the doctor;
  • enroll the child in kindergarten;
  • apply for monthly child care benefits;
  • find out about your traffic fines and pay them;
  • find out about the state of your pension savings and individual personal account;
  • register in the compulsory pension insurance system and the co-financing program;
  • find out about your tax debts;
  • submit a tax return;
  • register or deregister a vehicle;
  • register at the place of stay or at the place of residence;
  • apply for subsidies or social assistance;
  • get other types of services.

The main and main function of the system is the need to provide authorized user access to the services of state and municipal systems, through a unified identification and authentication system. This definition gives an understanding of what the ESIA of public services is.

Data stored in the system

The ESIA stores the following information about individuals:

  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • mobile and home phone number;
  • the address Email;
  • registration address and actual residence address;
  • SNILS and TIN data;
  • passport data;
  • driver's license data;
  • data of the certificate of state registration of the vehicle and the registration plate.

The ESIA stores the following information about organizations:

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization;
  • Checkpoint and OGRN;
  • organizational and legal form;
  • Contact details:
  1. postal and actual address;
  2. E-mail address;
  3. phone number;
  4. Fax.

ESIA submits reliable information of users to public authorities. Such reliability is possible because:

  • when registering users in the ESIA, the criteria important for identity verification are checked;
  • the system protects personal data entered by users in accordance with Russian law.

Registration in the system

To complete the registration process, you will need:

  • passport data;
  • SNILS;
  • my phone number;
  • a valid email address not registered in the system.

Registration is carried out as follows:

  1. Click on the "Register" button.
  1. In the "Registration" window that opens, enter your full name and phone number. Enter the code received by SMS in the appropriate field and click "Confirm".

  1. In the "Set a password" window that opens, you need to enter your password, consisting of numbers and Latin letters, then click "Save". At this stage, the preliminary registration is passed.

  1. To gain access to all services of the site, click "Filling in and checking personal data" and in the window that opens, specify the required data. Then click "Confirm".

  1. The next step is to verify your identity.

Account types and their verification

An ESIA user account can be:

  1. Simplified - if during registration you indicated only your full name, phone number or e-mail address.
  2. Standard - if in your profile you indicated SNILS, passport data and sent them for verification.
  3. Confirmed, with full access to all electronic government services - if the user personally confirmed his registration data.

You can use government services via the Internet with both a verified and an unconfirmed account. However, it should be borne in mind that users with unverified accounts are limited in actions on the site. A number of electronic services for such users will simply be unavailable. A user with a verified account, on the contrary, has no restrictions on the use of the service and has the right to receive any electronic service he needs from more than 120 possible ones.

Registration confirmation by the user is possible in the following ways:

  • at the regional MFC (you must have a passport with you);
  • in one of the offices of PJSC Rostelecom (you must have a passport with you);
  • by requesting by "Russian Post" the ESIA password for public services.

Personal data protection

The implementation of the transition to the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form poses a requirement for the state to provide users and authorities with, first of all, a safe and reliable tool for interacting via the Internet. As for the ESIA system, the personal data of users stored in it are reliably protected and only account holders have access to them. Moreover:

  1. Data transmission is carried out via secure channels with a high level of encryption.
  2. All user data is located on government servers with a high level of protection.

System modernization

The unified identification and authentication system began its work in 2010. The entrance to the personal account and access to the electronic services of the portal were carried out using a password. In 2011, the system was synchronized with the regional versions of the state services website, and the possibility of registering on the portal became available and legal entities... In the same year, it became possible to authorize the portal by means of an electronic signature.

In 2012, the system was finalized and equipped with a registration function for officials who are involved in the work of executive authorities. In 2013, the integration of the sites of state services with regional organizations and institutions providing the services indicated on the portal to the population was carried out.

User identification and authentication is carried out in the following order:

  1. The user enters the departmental or regional portal of state services.
  2. The system sends an authentication request to the ESIA.
  3. ESIA redirects the user to the page where authentication will be performed. The user is identified and authenticated.
  4. In case of successful authentication, the ESIA transmits to the system a set of statements that contain the user's identification data and data regarding the level of identification confidence.
  5. Based on the received data, the system authorizes the user and he gets access to the resource.

The ESIA system developed by Rostelecom as part of the state program Information society", Has been carrying out its work for five years already. Its appearance has greatly simplified the life of the population, replacing personal appeals for receiving services with electronic ones. According to Rostelecom, in 2016, on average, about three thousand users per minute access the Unified Information System. This is the number of users who are authorized every minute on federal and regional portals of government services. The system continues to develop rapidly - if in 2014 about 160 information systems were connected to the Unified Information System, the data for November of this year indicate that their number has increased to 1000. The number of users registered in the Unified Information System, as of November this year, is about 35 , 5 million users, of which more than half (20.2 million or 56% of users) have personally verified their accounts and have access to all portal services. This state of affairs only suggests that users have finally clarified for themselves the answer to the question of what is the ESIA of public services and appreciated the convenience of using this system.

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