How to protect your computer from viruses and other external threats. How to protect your computer from viruses

Yesterday I wanted to write an article about security for Windows 7, then I decided to review antiviruses, but I came across something interesting and decided to adjust it a little. In this article I will write how you can protect yourself with free, manually, I will give recommendations on choosing an antivirus and what you need to do to be protected.

There are many jokes about this, for example, “The most secure computer is the one that has not yet been released (or is turned off)” or “the most important virus sits on the chair in front of the monitor.” Of course, there is some truth in this. But what if you follow these examples, then don’t turn on the computer at all and don’t surf the Internet or work? Let's figure it out...

This article will not be a review of antiviruses or a test of their pros and cons. There are billions of queries and answers about this on the Internet. This is such a pressing problem that it simply cannot be touched upon. And you shouldn’t believe all the tests and ratings, because in some there is something true, in some there is advertising (for a dime) for antivirus, in others the positions fluctuate. And definitely the answer to questions like How to protect yourself on the Internet or Which antivirus is the best? You won't find it. Especially on forums, even popular ones. As they say - “How many people, so many opinions”, and on the same forums, even on one product, you will see many conflicting opinions - someone writes the truth, someone advertises, someone succeeded, someone did not. Depends on many factors, including the curvature of the hands

How can you still protect yourself?
The main problem to be protected from is computer viruses(there are also crooked hands, the same and all sorts of physical factors - such as a power surge or a falling flower pot, but this is another topic, less common), and they get into the computer in three ways - via the Internet, through software, through devices (flash drives, cards memory, portable, local network, etc.).
If antiviruses help get rid of infected software (I think everyone knows what it is), then from various kinds network attacks and Internet threats from websites, various firewalls will help (you can read about them at).

Get to the point.

I'll give you some tips for free effective protection computer from the use of which you will somewhat protect yourself, and if you do everything, you will be protected by at least 80-90 percent. No one will give a 100% guarantee; I wrote about such protection above.

1) Disable autorun of a flash drive or portable drive.
On the one hand, this is convenient - I connected the flash drive to the computer and the operating system turns on autorun, all that remains is to choose how to open it. And some sit there and wait for it to open. However, viruses use this common and most unprotected method and safely “move” to a new place of residence - that is, to our, not yet infected, computer. If you connect another flash drive to a computer infected with viruses - malware rewrite themselves again - this is one of the most common ways that malware penetrates a computer.
Therefore, I disabled this function and open everything that is connected via file manager(not a standard conductor!) Total Commander. It does not allow viruses to “auto-start” and shows everything that is hidden and is generally very convenient. When opening in this way, you need to immediately pay attention to hidden files and folders (usually they are with exclamation point and the names are strange for you). On a normal blank flash drive or portable hard drive there will never be such files and folders (with the exception of ) only if the owner did not do so (usually they hide files ala XXX).
If you find such suspicious files on your flash drive, immediately check it with an antivirus (you may even need more than one).

Disable flash drive autorun can be done in two ways:
1 - through the Control Panel.
Start - Control Panel - AutoPlay and uncheck "Use autorun for all media and devices" or fine tuning for each media type.

Save the settings and restart your computer.

2 - using the Editor group policy(If you have Windows version 7 from Home Premium and higher).
- Click the "Start" button, enter Gpedit.msc in the search field and press Enter. If you are asked to enter an administrator password, enter it. If you are prompted to launch the program, confirm it.
- In the "Local Group Policy Editor" window that opens, in the "Computer Configuration" section, expand the nodes "Administrative Templates", " Windows components" and "Autostart Policies".
- In the area on the right, double-click on the "Disable AutoPlay" item.
- In the window that opens, select the “Enabled” option and just below “All devices”.

- Restart your computer

2) Install antivirus.
You can install some paid antivirus or even a combine (2 in 1, both antivirus and firewall). But now I’ll focus on free solutions.
As I already wrote above, you shouldn’t immediately believe any test or rating and use what they recommend. In fact, any antivirus will not detect 100% of all viruses, Trojans, spies and other evil spirits. Something will be detected by one antivirus, something by another, something by a third...
On this occasion in my life I had the following problem:

Kaspersky antivirus was installed, it was always new (I reset the key every month), it was always updated and found something. But one day, not a good day, I couldn’t go to the site (and at that moment I had a site with downloads for phones) and all the mail was deleted. At first I didn’t understand, I thought it was a glitch (I didn’t want to believe the sad thing), I changed passwords everywhere, but it didn’t help. I never returned the site. Then I received a letter sent to myself which contained text like “if you don’t want your computer to be used anymore, remove the virus.” I did something radical - I simply copied the necessary data, formatted hard drive and installed Linux, which I used for about six months or more. After that, I lost confidence in Kaspersky and I began to do the things that I describe in this article.

But still from the devil paid antiviruses, I would advise you to put a three, which is on at the moment has the most reviews. Of course, both positive and negative (how many people have so many opinions) - this is, and. But just because I recommend them doesn’t mean they are the best. These companies show fairly good results on almost all tests and are not ranked the most last places.
I would like to offer you the one I used until yesterday, but after I found out that at the last independent testing from Dennis Technology Labs (a member of AMTSO) on February 8th of this year he showed the latest results (and in one he was completely in the minus), then I ran through several dozen sites and saw a similar picture - he lost many times. Although... I already wrote about ratings and testing, and it’s up to you to decide which one will be your main one.
Here's more free products, which are worth paying attention to: , .

3) Check with other antiviruses.
Still, for a greater degree of protection, I advise you to check your computer at least once a week with free “scanners” from well-known paid antiviruses, such as , (5 in 1), or send a file that you think is infected to an online scanner, which will check it with more than 40 antiviruses. This and .
As I already wrote, if one doesn’t find it, then others can.

4) Install a firewall (firewall).
This is more suitable when you have enough powerful computer. And some antiviruses come with their own firewall. That's enough good decision and conflict-free, but some nerdy craftsmen still install different antiviruses and firewalls. For example, Comodo has solutions such as just an antivirus, just a firewall, or both, but the antivirus in this case still leaves much to be desired. I recommend that you put . Of the other free ones, I advise you to pay attention to and. There are others, but they are trial ones.

5) Lower user rights.
In Windows, by default, any user is granted administrator rights - the maximum possible in the system. In this case, all malicious programs, such as viruses, that enter the system also receive administrator rights and the damage from their functioning is maximum.
In Control Panel, go to User Accounts.
For WindowsXP: → “Creation account", enter a name → select "Limited entry" and at the bottom click "Create account" (or "Done"). In the next window → “Change account”, select the created account → “Create a password” and enter it at the bottom → “Create password”.
For Vista and Windows7: In “Manage another account”, select “Create a new account”, enter the account name → “Regular access” → “Create account”. In the next window, select the created account → “Create password” and enter the password.

If you want to use your old familiar name for an account with limited rights, then create a new account, but with administrator rights. Log in with this account and go to User Accounts. In your previous account, click on “Change account type”, select “Regular access” (for XP, select “Limited access”).
Well, I think you know how to switch between users.

6) Use free anti-rootkits and anti-spyware.
One of the most popular utilities in this case is . A wonderful program with a predominantly anti-spy focus. Does not require installation. Check periodically.

7) Use proactive defense programs.
Although some antiviruses have this capability, I don’t know what antivirus you have. The purpose of such programs is to monitor the state of the computer and immediately notify you of any changes that may occur without your attention. One of best programs in this area is .

8) Use programs USB protection ports and USB drives.
These programs block “authors” (I will write an article about them soon) on USB media. A great solution in this case would be to install the product. It protects both the computer (prevents any AutoRun file from running, regardless of whether the device is infected or not) and the USB drive(disables the AutoRun file so that it cannot be read, modified, or moved by malicious code).

9) Use Prevx Threat Prevention.
This, of course, is more suitable for paranoid people with even greater protection, but whether to accept it or not is up to you to decide again.
The point of this utility is that when installing new software or detecting a process, this program sends data via the Internet to its database and looks at what is new in the system, then sends a response. Usually it is either a virus, a normal program, or an unknown program. Also a kind of protection. True, it’s paid ($35, I think), but it’s not a trial, it’s just limited functionality. In this case, it will simply show that the file is a virus, and you need to delete it manually. You can download it as always at .

10) Install updates in a timely manner.
Both the operating system itself and antiviruses, firewalls, browsers and other programs. True, most often they are installed themselves, either without our attention or with a request.

11) Protect yourself in mail, Skype, ICQ, etc..
It is important to remember here that you should not open and look at what the unknown Masha Milasiskaya wrote to you and what file she attached in the letter and where the link leads in the ICQ chat text. Such letters and messages should not be opened at all. It’s good if it turns out to be spam, or maybe they are trying to “foist” a virus.

12) Ignore offers from sites.
Nowadays it often happens that on websites there are all sorts of banners or messages that your Operating System or browser or something else really needs to be updated. Or a message appears from VK, email, classmates and other social networks (moreover, very similar to the original) with a request to add or get acquainted or tell how to make money. Or a page appears that your account is on VK, Facebook, etc. social networks have been hacked and you need to urgently send an SMS, otherwise it will be kaput.
In any of these cases, you can immediately understand that this is all a scam, fraud, etc. Okay, they’ll try to take money from you, but they might even give you the virus as a gift. Be careful! Pay attention to the address bar of your browser, do not click on messages from social media. networks (better go to this tab or social network and check), do not click on ANY update. Think a few times before panicking and pointing at pictures of this kind.
In general, I sometimes grin at such messages; sometimes it’s funny to see that my Opera requires updating when I’m sitting on Iron. Or when my VK account is blocked, and address bar all sorts of nonsense, and I have VK open in a separate window. But I immediately close sites that make a message about a virus pop up on the right and at the same time the sound of a slaughtered pig.
It doesn’t matter to site owners, they make money from such advertising, but it’s not their fault that they have banners on their site. This is a completely different topic.

13) Download programs and their updates only from links on the website of the direct developer.
Therefore, I try to post links on the site only to official sites. I already wrote about this in some article, but I will repeat once again - this is not due to lack of space on the server, but for your own safety. And new versions are always the first to appear on the developer’s website. And if you download something from third-party sites, then make sure that the site is known to you and you trust it.

14) Create backups.
It would be nice to have external hard disk for such purposes and periodically (for example once a month) make a full backup copy the entire system and write it there. It is also possible to local disk do this either on a flash drive or on disks. Only you yourself understand what a perversion it will take for a long time, especially if it’s on a flash drive or disks. And it can also get to a local virus.

Well, that's basically all. In principle, the first 2-5 points are enough for protection, but for greater awareness and safety you can perform more points.
What is not clear or any questions - write in the comments.

Any computer connected to the Internet can potentially become a victim of hackers and be attacked by them. Hackers and intruders constantly roam the network, looking for vulnerabilities to break into. computer systems. A hacker can steal just a small piece of information from your PC to cause you serious harm.

The worst thing you can do is simply assume that your computer itself is secure.

Who is a hacker and how do you become one?

Computer hackers are people who want to gain access to your computer and use it without any knowledge or permission from you for their illegal purposes.

The motive of most hackers is curiosity, a challenge in life, or a false sense of power, while others are motivated only by money. However, whatever the hacker's motive, hacking a computer is an illegal activity, and hackers are real people, which can break into your computer just like thieves can break into your home.

Therefore, you must know how to stop hackers (thieves) and how to protect your computer from hackers who can steal your money or damage your personal reputation.

There are various subgroups of hackers, differing in their “moral” attitudes.

  • For example, white hat hackers do not hack into systems for malicious purposes,
  • while black hat hackers undermine security for criminal purposes such as stealing credit card information or vandalism.
  1. The hacker first collects information about the intended target,
  2. figures out the best plan of attack,
  3. and then attacks possible vulnerabilities ( weak points) in the system.

Malware such as Trojans and worms are specifically designed and used by hackers for hacking purposes.

While there is no completely foolproof method to protect yourself from hackers, you can, however, prevent yourself from becoming an easy target for them. Let's learn how to protect your computer in accessible, effective and free ways.

Protection against hacker utilities: antivirus, firewall and antispyware

  • First of all, download and install an antivirus application. Antivirus software helps protect the system from external threats. Malware, Trojans, hackers and viruses are being developed “non-stop” for a variety of reasons. Such programs are designed to cause various computer crashes, including disabling the firewall.

They may be in the first wave of an attack before the hacker can actually search your computer for the information they need.

Constant update antivirus program will help you protect your computer from latest versions viruses.

  • Run virus scans regularly. Choose a convenient time when you are not using your computer or, for example, are away on business - because virus scanning significantly slows down your computer. Scan your hard drive at least once a week.
  • Always use a firewall. A firewall is designed to block unauthorized and unwanted traffic and is your main line of defense against hacker intrusion. Almost all computer operating systems include a firewall, but sometimes it may be turned off by default. Leaving your firewall disabled is like leaving the front door of your home open at night.

Turn on the system firewall (click “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Security”, then “ Windows Firewall") unless you are using a third party firewall. Be aware that running multiple firewalls at the same time is overkill - it does not provide additional security, and in fact may even be counterproductive. Therefore, choose one thing.

A firewall will protect your computer from outside hackers, making it invisible to them and their attacks. It is very unlikely that a hacker will spend much of their time trying to break into your personal firewall.

  • Find a reliable anti-spyware program and install it on your PC. Spyware placed on a system can collect small pieces of information without your knowledge.

Spyware is often used by marketing firms to monitor the purchasing habits of consumers. Information obtained from spyware, even if done for marketing purposes, is still obtained without your knowledge or consent.

How to protect your computer from hackers: web surfing and mail

  • How to protect your computer when surfing the web? Never allow browsers to remember your passwords on websites, login forms, profiles, etc. Of course, it can be inconvenient to enter a password every time you log in to your email account, social network or payment system.

But by allowing your browsers to remember passwords for you, you are inviting hackers to have a party on your personal accounts and system.

  • Make your passwords long and complex, with a good mix of letters and numbers. To be on the safe side, don't use anything related to birthdays, your children's names, or anything like that.

If a hacker wants to hack something from you, at least make him work hard. Never use the same password for different accounts, and change your password every 90 days.

  • Hackers are known to use email as a form of transmission of malicious codes. Never open attachments email from someone you don't know, even if you are very curious to do so.

Don't open emails and messages from strange sources. Opening "strange" messages and the attachments that come with them is one of the best ways become the “prey” of a hacker.

  • Only download files or anything else from sources you trust. Often hackers can attach downloadable items or even hide viruses and other things like " secure boot”, which after installation begin to steal personal information.
  • It can be very tempting to click on the various “intrusive” ads that may pop up as online advertisements, such as “You just won a free iPhone!”

But most of these ads can be faked to install spyware or adware on your OS once you click on them. You are asking for trouble if you click on these ads.

  • Disconnect your computer from the Internet when not in use. Most people prefer to leave their computer connected because they find it convenient to quickly access the Internet.

However, leaving your computer on even when you're away creates some security risks. The hacker in this case, human or robot, may have more time to test and identify your computer's security vulnerabilities.

And turning off your computer will not only save energy, reduce wear and tear on computer parts, but also prevent hackers from transmitting signals to your computer. The only sure way to make your computer completely invisible and protected from hackers is to disable access completely.

Operating system developers regularly release security updates for all registered users. Hackers are adept at recognizing OS security loopholes, and turning off automatic updates leaves those loopholes open.

  • Finally, monitor events in the system. Check your system logs periodically to see what your computer is doing. If you receive notifications about any programs you don't know, be alert. Monitor any warnings and TCP/IP messages.


So, how to protect your computer from hackers? Just follow the above tips, keeping your computer up to date with a firewall enabled, and this will help you keep hackers at bay as they are likely to keep looking for an easier target than your PC.

How can you protect your computer from remote access? How to block access to a computer through a browser?

How to protect your computer from remote access , they usually think when something has already happened. But naturally, this is the wrong decision for a person who is engaged in at least some of his own activities. And it is advisable for all users to limit access to their computer for strangers. And in this article we will not discuss the method of setting a password for logging into a computer, but will look at an option on how to deny access to a computer from local network, or from another computer if they are connected to the same network. This information will be especially useful for new PC users.

And so, in the operating room Windows system There is a feature called “Remote Access”. And if it is not disabled, other users can take advantage of this to gain control of your computer. Even if you are a manager and you need to monitor your employees, then naturally you need access to their PC, but you need to close yours so that these same employees do not look at your correspondence with your secretary - this is fraught with...

And so, first you need to go to the “Start” menu and find the “Properties” tab there. It can be done in different ways, but here are two of them shown in the pictures.

In the first option, just click right click mouse over the “My Computer” icon - and the desired window will open, in which the “Properties” tab will open.

In the second option, go through the Start menu.

When the window opens, you will see two items “Remote Assistance” and “Remote removal by desktop”. These items need to be disabled, if they are enabled, by unchecking the checkboxes so that it looks like in the pictures.

This is practically all the wisdom that can protect your computer from remote access. It may seem that all this is not so important, but I want to assure you that the security of your information rests on such small subtleties, which may not be needed by anyone, but in any case, a browser cache is stored on every computer, in which there are several dozen passwords , to access different resources, which they can primarily use.

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Many people mistakenly believe that the devices of ordinary users are not at risk of hacker attacks. Indeed, you are not an important political figure, why would anyone need your information? Moreover, what can you steal from an ordinary Internet user - a vacation photo?

But in reality, home PCs are under attack every day. First of all, it's really easy for a hacker. Secondly, unfortunately, computer hacking is a lucrative business for scammers. Yes, your personal correspondence with your neighbor is of scant interest, but most viruses require you to pay money so that the user can restore access to all available information.

To protect yourself from uninvited guests, take into account the following tips:

  • First of all, regularly scan your system for viruses manually. Some malware easily bypasses protection and antiviruses do not respond to them. However, during manual scanning, suspicious programs are detected.
  • Install the Spybot utility and use it regularly. It will help you identify if hackers are following you.
  • Check regularly Windows updates and install them. Developers continually eliminate “holes” in the security system that are actively exploited by attackers. Block access to
  • device webcam using the Webcam On-Off program. This is much more effective and better than covering the peephole with a band-aid, as some still do.
  • Check if there are any unnecessary browser extensions. If you find suspicious ones that you did not install, feel free to delete them.

To protect yourself online, experts recommend using a VPN. For convenience, you can switch to the Opara browser, which has a built-in VPN tool.

Another secure browser is BitBox. But it has one significant drawback: for comfortable surfing through this program you need a computer with powerful hardware, otherwise lags will not allow you to do even the simplest things, such as scrolling through the feed in social network or send a letter by e-mail.

An affordable alternative for weaker devices is the Quad9 DNS service. He's in automatic mode blocks infected pages and thereby reduces the risk of contracting a virus. To use it, follow the following route: “Control Panel → Network and Internet → Network and Sharing Center shared access→Changing adapter settings." Right click on the title network adapter. In Properties, select IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4). Enter the address “” for the DNS server and confirm the action with the “Ok” button.

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Any computer connected to the Internet can potentially become a victim of hackers and be attacked by them. Hackers and intruders constantly roam the network, looking for vulnerabilities to break into computer systems. A hacker can steal just a small piece of information from your PC to cause you serious harm. The worst thing you can do is simply assume that your computer itself is secure.

Who is a hacker

Computer hackers are people who want to gain access to your computer and use it without any knowledge or permission from you for their own illegal purposes.

Most hackers are motivated by curiosity, a challenge in life, or a false sense of power, while others are motivated only by money. However, whatever the hacker's motive, hacking your computer is an illegal activity, and hackers are real people who can break into your computer just like thieves can break into your home. Therefore, you must know how to stop hackers (thieves) and how to protect your computer from hackers who can steal your money or damage your reputation.

There are various subgroups of hackers, differing in their “moral” attitudes. For example, white hat hackers do not break into systems for malicious purposes, while black hat hackers undermine security for criminal purposes, such as stealing credit card information or vandalism.

The hacker first gathers information about the intended target, figures out the best attack plan, and then attacks possible vulnerabilities (weak spots) in the system. Malware such as Trojans and worms are specifically designed and used by hackers for hacking purposes.

While there is no completely foolproof method to protect yourself from hackers, you can, however, prevent yourself from becoming an easy target for them. Let's learn how to protect your computer in accessible, effective and free ways.

Telephone surveillance

Some operators provide a service to track the location of someone else's phone. It is assumed that its owner is your close relative (child or spouse) and gives consent to the operator sending SMS to a specific number. If you leave your phone unattended, such a bug may appear without your knowledge - someone will send an SMS message, erase it and monitor your movements. You can check whether such a “service” is connected to you at personal account on the operator’s website, but it’s better to call the technical support number.

If you use a smartphone on Android based, then your movements can be tracked on the Google website, you just need to know your password. If you suspect that someone else knows your password, change it.

Access to cloud storage

Perhaps you and your friend were looking at photos together on your computer and he decided to transfer them to you in the cloud from his computer. Even if he later logged out, it is not a fact that the computer did not remember the password. In the majority cloud services You can see which devices are allowed access. Go to settings and remove all questionable computers and applications. If you see that someone else has logged in, change your password.

Passwords for accounts on social networks are selected and stolen by anyone and everyone. "VKontakte" can be viewed latest actions with account: from which IP address, computer or application you logged in. If you detect suspicious activity, simply terminating all sessions is not enough; you need to change your password, or you can also configure two-factor authentication.

Reading mail

Hacking mail is the simplest and sometimes the only thing that homegrown hackers are capable of. Check the IP addresses in your login history. Even if there is nothing suspicious, still set up two-factor authentication using an application (Google Authenticator or Yandex.Key) or a code that comes via SMS.

Intercepting correspondence on a computer

It can be visually difficult to detect a Trojan on your computer that intercepts everything you write, takes screenshots and sends them somewhere - as a rule, it is hidden and from running processes, and from the list installed programs. In this case, some good antivirus (for example Avast) will come in handy - it will find the Trojan, block and delete it.

How to protect yourself from hacking and surveillance

In addition to banal advice like “don’t store your email password on a piece of paper attached to your monitor” and “don’t use easy passwords like 123456,” we can give a few more:

— Using a firewall (from the English fire wall), you can protect your computer from hacker attacks, as well as prevent confidential data from being sent to a hacker. It is possible to block a hacker's network using a firewall. A firewall will be most useful if used in conjunction with an antivirus.

— Regularly update the operating system, so the developers eliminate any security flaws and eliminate “loopholes” in the operating system through which hackers could get into your personal computer.

— Get a password manager. It will allow you not to remember complex combinations of numbers and letters, but keep them at hand all the time. Login to such a manager must be protected with a password.

— Use different logins to register for different services. This will significantly reduce the chance of hackers hacking your account.

- Just like logins, you need to use different passwords. It is advisable to make them the most complex; for this you can use capital and capital letters, numbers and symbols. To generate passwords you can use specialized programs, while some of them will also help you remember them and automatically insert them into forms on websites. The AiRoboform program corresponds to these properties.

- Separate mail. If you are forced to register on sites of dubious nature, it will be safer if you create a separate account for this purpose. postal e-mail box. This will save you from headaches, since if you use your main mailbox, it will certainly start receiving spam (unwanted letters).

— Remove emails from your mail that contain passwords in clear text. Especially if you use the same password on different sites and services. Empty the trash manually.

— Avoid entering data from email, social networks and cloud services into third party applications. It’s one thing when an application simply prompts you to confirm your login by pressing the OK button in your account, and quite another thing when it opens a window and asks you to enter your login and password. There is no guarantee that this data will not be leaked to attackers.

— When you sell a smartphone, tablet or computer, erase all personal information from it, reinstall the operating system (or reset it to factory settings), and then go through a shredder - a program that will rewrite several times deleted files random information.

- Do not under any circumstances send SMS messages to unknown numbers. This could result in a significant deduction from your phone bill.

— It is advisable not to leave your credit card information, its number or other payment information anywhere. If you intend to use payment credit card in online stores, then you should get yourself a separate electronic card for online payments. Some reputed banks provide this service.

— If you have your own website, then you probably use FTP managers, which help greatly simplify uploading and updating files on the hosting. It is recommended not to save passwords and logins to access your account using an FTP manager. They can be easily stolen by criminals.

— Many modern internet browsers, for example Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox and others, allow you to save passwords and logins to access various services and sites. You do this at your own peril and risk. Often, so-called holes are found in browsers that can give hackers the opportunity to gain access to all data, and saved passwords will greatly simplify the work of hackers. Therefore, similar to the previous point, do not store passwords in browsers.

- If we're going to start it mailboxes, then you need to do this with reliable postal services, such as,,, These services have reliable protection from hacking and also allow you to protect e-mail box from spam.

— Do not visit dubious sites. Very often, sites with dubious content, such as free porn sites and sites with freebies (they need to somehow pay for their existence), hide a worm in the code of their pages, which will happily transfer to your computer. Recently, various search engines, such as Google, warn when displaying search results about the danger of a particular site for your computer. Be careful what goes on your computer. Not advisable without updated good antivirus connect storage devices to your computer. Nowadays, viruses are on CDs or DVD discs come across very rarely, almost never. Even on pirated ones. Although a few years ago the trend was completely different.

- Use cloud storage systems to store important financial, business or personal documents.

- Don't store important files on your desktop - this is space for less important files and programs (for example, the new movie you just purchased).

- Password protect important documents on your hard drive using a file compression program such as WinRar for Windows, or StuffIt for Mac.

So, how to protect your computer from hackers? Just follow the above tips, keeping your computer up to date with a firewall enabled, and this will help you keep hackers at bay as they are likely to keep looking for an easier target than your PC.

Personal protection from hackers. Beginner's Guide - Please or to access this content
