Why is the external battery not charging? What problems can arise when using an external battery? Bad power bank controller and small capacity

Greetings to all readers of my blog! We continue to disassemble portable batteries. Price good power bank is large enough to tolerate a quick loss of functionality. To extend the life of the device, you need to know how to charge power bank right. We will talk about this today, and also analyze the situation when the Power bank is not charging: what to do, how to identify the cause and try to fix it yourself.

We charge the power bank correctly

To begin with, a new power bank must be “pumped”. First of all, we charge the battery to 100% (according to the rule, you should get portable device from 70 - 80% charge). It is impossible to pre-discharge new modern batteries, as previously recommended. Next, be sure to carry out 2 - 3 cycles of complete discharge and charge up to 100%. Such manipulations will allow you to "shake" the maximum possible battery capacity.

The next important recommendation on how to properly charge a power bank is to always “fill in” the “energy storage” at 100% and do not immediately disconnect from the network for “drip” charging. It is carried out at a low current strength, after the 100% indicator lights up on the case. The beginning and end of this process can be traced using a USB tester. When a value of 0.1 - 0.05 A appears on its display instead of 1 - 1.5 A, it means that "drip" charging has begun. The battery will be charged to the maximum if you wait for the reset.

You should not allow the portable battery to constantly discharge to the end. It must be connected to the power supply already when the critical threshold of 20% is reached. In this case, there are two ways to charge the device: from a stationary 220 V electrical outlet through a network adapter and from a computer via a USB cable. The first method is the fastest and preferred. At the same time, there is the concept of battery calibration, which implies its complete discharge. Such calibration should be carried out once every 3 months to prevent various malfunctions.

The battery level is displayed on LED indicator(the more lights on, the higher the charge), or on the display (shows the exact percentage). It is recommended that you always let the bank "feed" completely. Short-term recharges are harmful to a lithium-ion battery, despite manufacturers' assurances that there is no memory effect. It is unfortunate, but there is such an effect, and such irresponsible handling of the device will lead to the impossibility of charging it to 100% in the future.

One more frequently asked question buyers - how much do you need to charge an external battery? There is no universal answer for all models, since the time depends on energy intensity, availability additional function fast charging, current strength in the network (more precisely, from the value that your adapter gives out). If we talk about 5 or 10 thousand for smartphones, then they require an average of 12 hours of recharge. High-quality 20,000 mAh laptop models are equipped with a fast charge function and require, surprisingly, only 3 to 4 hours. You will, of course, find more detailed and accurate information regarding the purchased device in the user manual or in the operating instructions.

What to do if the portable battery does not charge?

When we connect the power bank to the source electric current, the indicator lights up immediately and flashes until the process is completed. At the same time, there is no need to constantly wake up at night in order to timely disconnect the charged gadget from the network. Most models have overcharge protection and automatically turn off when the battery is full.

But what if the real situation is not according to the manufacturer's scenario? Why did an external battery that had served for a month suddenly stop charging? The most common cause, according to experts service centers- broken wiring in the port socket. As a result, you insert the cable into the connector, but no current flows. There is one way to fix such a malfunction - solder the contacts.

If the device (especially ordered via the Internet) does not even turn on during the first inspection, then most likely it is completely discharged, so you first need to put it on charge.

Many users are faced with such a problem when the power bank takes too long to charge (for example, 10 hours with a capacity of less than 5 mA h).

You need to look for the problem in the following:

  • low-quality network adapter, which gives a low current output (less than 1 A);
  • thin cable that loses a large percentage of current;
  • controller malfunction;
  • the contacts in the connector depart (the current either flows in or stops flowing);
  • poor-quality assembly (when it is easier to throw it away and not suffer).

You can try to eliminate some reasons on your own (take another adapter with a good cable, disassemble and solder broken contacts), but without certain basic knowledge, it is better to contact a specialist.

Very often, a cheap power bank of a dubious manufacturer not only slowly charges, but also discharges disproportionately quickly. There can be two options here: either the battery capacity is outrageously lower than declared (and instead of the expected 12,000 you actually have about 6,000 mA h), or one or more parallel-connected batteries inside the case turned out to be poorly soldered and simply came off (as a result goes noticeable loss containers).

The power bank must ensure our comfort and mobility (this is its essence), but for this we must take care of it and do not forget about the rules of operation: store long time with a charge level of about 50 - 80%, do not allow prolonged hypothermia, do not leave it in a room with high humidity. Before you start troubleshooting any problems, you should evaluate all the risks (especially when working with Chinese fakes). I hope I helped you figure out the issues of charging the power bank in order to avoid its premature failure. Subscribe to blog updates - share interesting information with friends in in social networks and get to know the technology around us closer.

About what to do if the power bank does not charge the phone,

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A power bank or an external battery actively comes into our lives so that your favorite gadgets remain charged, but in reality we often get a lot negative reviews“Power bank slowly charges smartphone” or “Power bank charges only when it is off”, why this happens, we will understand in this article.

Power bank (external battery, external battery) began to appear abundantly around the beginning of 2012, after the operating Android systems and iOS, became more mature and could offer users full-fledged business and multimedia tools, but alas, the installed batteries in smartphones and tablets left much to be desired, the devices barely survived until the end of the working day, and with active use until noon.

With the advent of the Power bank, the situation changed qualitatively, the device could be charged at any time without having an outlet at hand, but everything did not go as smoothly as desired, many users of portable chargers began to complain, the devices were charging extremely slowly, or they were charging only in the off state or even worse, the charge was kept at the same level as before the external battery was connected.

Why does the Power bank charge slowly or not fully charge the phone?

And so, why does the Power bank charge your mobile devices? There can be several reasons for this, we will deal with them in order.

Bad power bank controller and small capacity

If you bought a power bank on the market or on the subway, then it is possible that you were slipped a device with a very bad charge controller and the declared capacity (20,000 mAh is indicated, but in fact 3000 mAh) is much lower than the declared one.

What does this mean for you? This means that with a bad controller, the Power bank cannot deliver all the necessary current, and if more than one device is connected to an external battery, then it can even burn out. The small capacity of the Powerbank will limit you in the amount of a full charge of a smartphone, tablet, or laptop.

Output voltage

In one of the previous articles, we wrote about what you need to know about, and so many phones and tablets have a fairly capacious battery of 3500 or more milliamps.

If the power bank gives out current about 500mAh or 1A, then fully charge the gadget with capacious battery If you can't, you'll need to buy an external battery that provides at least 1.5A output current or more.

Connecting wires

And now about the most important thing, the wire that goes from the Power bank to your smartphone or tablet, with the help of which the charge is supplied to your device, is often not able to transfer all the “power”.

The fact is that certain wires greatly cut the power (A) and voltage (V) of the current, which increases the time the phone is charged.

All you need is just to go to the store and buy another quality wire. You will immediately notice that with the new cable, the charging process will be much better than it was before.

Conclusions if the bank is slow
charges the phone

  1. Do not buy power banks of dubious quality
  2. The more the power bank gives out current, mAh or A, the better
  3. Poor quality wire can significantly degrade charging speed

Power bank not charging
or charging very slowly / what to do if the power bank is quickly discharged?

If you carefully read the previous part of the article, then all the questions should have disappeared, but still we list it again:

  1. The controller on the powerbank burned out
  2. Very weak charger
  3. The charging cable is of poor quality, as a result of which it does not issue necessary charge to the power bank
  4. The power bank has lost its former capacity, or initially the volume was less than declared

As a rule, power banks are equipped with very bad wires, and old phones with not very powerful chargers, as a result of which the power bank does not charge or charges very slowly!

That's all! More articles and instructions, see the section. Stay with the site, it will be even more interesting!

External batteries seem to have recently appeared on the market, but today they are owned by a lot of users. No wonder: a small “box” allows you to charge a discharged smartphone, phone, tablet or other gadget away from home. In addition, the Power Bank fits easily into any bag, and there are models that can even be carried in your pocket!

But today we are not talking about size. Many users are interested in how to charge an external battery. In fact, everything is very simple, although there are nuances that are worth knowing.

Charging Options

First, let's look at charging options.

First and perhaps the most popular - from a computer or laptop via a USB port. Connect the Power Bank with one side of the cable, insert it into the other USB port, the device starts charging immediately.

True, charging is not as fast as we would like - it's all about the features of USB technology.

Second option- charging from the network. Please note that external batteries are sold without charger? It is understood that the user will charge the gadget either from the USB port of the computer, or from the charger that comes with the smartphone or tablet. Note that charging from the network is much faster than from USB.

Third option can be called exotic - charging from the sun's rays. In this case, it is assumed that you are using a special Power Bank for solar panels, which can actually be charged with the energy of the sun. Here's what it looks like:

Fourth option- charge the Power Bank from your phone or smartphone. Think this is a joke? Now mobile gadgets have appeared that can act as a kind of external battery, which means that they can also be used to charge the Power Bank. Like this.

How long does an external battery charge?

It depends on the capacity of the external battery, as well as on the charging method. The fastest way to charge the gadget is from the mains charger. The average charging time for a 5000 mAh battery from a 1A charger is 5 hours. Accordingly, if the battery has a capacity of 10,000 mAh, charging will last about 10 hours - from 0 to 100 percent.

If you charge the Power Bank in other ways, the charging time can seriously increase - even several times. Solar batteries take the longest to charge from the sun.

Power Bank Charge Features

  • In order for the external battery to gain full capacity, it must be charged to 100% at least 3-4 times.
  • It is believed that Li-Ion batteries do not have the so-called "memory effect", which we are talking about. But there are people who think otherwise, so they recommend charging the Power Bank always up to 100% in order to maintain maximum capacity.
  • As for discharging, it is not recommended to discharge the external battery to 0% - no more than 10-20%, after which it must be charged. You can find this out using the display level. If there is none, try to do it by eye with LED indication.

For example, the Xiaomi Power Bank LED indication:

  • It is believed that if you discharge the Power Bank "to zero" every 2-3 months, this will allow it to "calibrate".
  • Do not charge the Power Bank in direct sunlight (except for external batteries designed for solar charging).
  • Always use only original cables and chargers.

So finally you have mobile charger (Power Bank).

Congratulations! Buy Power Bank in Ukraine- very correct decision!

(If you are only thinking about such a purchase - in which you will order)

Of course, you would like the charger to last as long as possible and please your gadgets with eternal "online". To do this, you need to know some features of Li-Ion batteries and follow a few simple rules usage:

1. After purchasing an external battery, fully charge it immediately.

The ideal charging process (both PowerBank and the battery of your phone / tablet) includes the so-called "drip" charging - charging the gadget for some time after the indicators show that the device is 100% charged, while the charge continues for a very weak current.

For smartphones and tablets, special applications have been created that recognize "drip" charging:

http://bit.ly/battery-doc - for Android

http://bit.ly/battery-doc2 - for Apple (the application is no longer available in the AppStore)

Previously, in order to find out when the “drip” charging was over, you needed special measuring equipment (ammeter, voltmeter - tester). How all this equipment works is known to a rather narrow circle of radio amateurs, and not everyone wants to delve into all these details (even for the sake of increasing battery life).

That is why they have become such a joyful and saving novelty for everyone.

With this little device, you can see not only the voltage and current, but also the amount of Ah (ampere/hour - a unit of capacity for all batteries) that has passed through USB tester. Therefore, you will always know what condition the battery of your phone, tablet is in or, since we are talking about Power Bank, power bank capacity.


Usually power charging bank goes with a current of 1-1.5A. The closer to the end of charging, the lower the number of amperes. "Drip" charging is 0.1-0.05A. In order for your battery to have maximum capacity as long as possible, wait for the end of the "drip" charging. As soon as your USB tester will show 0.00A - charging is fully completed and the device can be disconnected from the network.

2. In order for your Power Bank to gain its maximum capacity, you need to make 2-3 full charge / discharge cycles.

Also, if in the future the Power Bank began to discharge faster than usual, it is worth repeating this cycle of 2-3 repetitions and thereby rewriting the battery statistics.

3. ALWAYS charge Li-Ion batteries up to 100%!

Try to never stop charging ahead of time - only after the battery is 100% charged. Yes, many will say that "modern Li-Ion batteries do not have a" memory effect ". Yes, manufacturers also claim this. But, based on our practice and experience, this is not entirely true: in Li-Ion batteries this effect is much less, but still present (this also applies to phones and any other gadgets).

4. Do not discharge the PowerBank completely (to 0%)

Modern Li-Ion batteries that come with mobile batteries do not require it. Moreover, their constant discharge to 0% reduces the service life. Charge the Power Bank when it still has 10-20% charge.

In external chargers with a percentage indication of the discharge / charge level, it is very easy to find out, in devices with LED indication - you have to do it “by eye”.

(devices with % indication you can find )

5. This point contradicts the previous one, but nevertheless it is also very important: from time to time completely discharge the battery (every 1-3 months).

This allows you to reset the charge limits (upper and lower - to calibrate the Power Bank).

6. If you do not plan to use the external battery for a long time, discharge it by about half.

Storing a fully charged (as well as a fully discharged) battery is very harmful to it and will significantly shorten its life.

7. Use only original mains chargers or those that have the required characteristics (if power bank recommend charging with a current of 2A, then use a charger that gives 2A).

ABOUT network adapters worth mentioning separately: they are in real trouble. Finding one that produces the declared current is a very difficult task. Even when buying an expensive adapter in a company store, very often you will get not 1A, but 0.5A at the output. And this is half the trouble (just your phone / tablet will charge 2-4 times longer). Much worse, if in fact it produces much more current and does not smooth out significant voltage surges - this can already greatly reduce the battery life of your gadget, and sometimes even lead to its failure.

The problem is that if you don't have a USB tester, there's no way to know if your charging is normal or not. The phone is charging - everything seems to be in order. This is exactly what unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers are counting on (the same can be said about cables - even if charging gives out 1A, a poor-quality cable can lose up to 80% of the current, and you, again, will not know about it without a tester).

That is why we almost always recommend our customers to order a USB tester immediately. This purchase will pay for it more than once! Here you will find various : more expensive and cheaper, more and less informative. But whichever you choose, it will be one of your most useful and smart purchases!

Speaking of network chargers:

for a long time we did not sell them at all precisely because of this: we could not find a reliable supplier who had good and (very importantly) constant quality. However, buyers constantly asked, and we did not stop looking. After many test purchases, I managed to find it. Now you will find many high quality original chargers . Among them -

8. Do not allow the PowerBank to overheat - both during charging and from external factors (heating battery, direct sunlight, etc.)

If you do not neglect these tips, your Powerbank (as well as any other device) will serve you for a long time and properly.

The battery of a modern phone is a weak link, as the charge is depleted very quickly. The solution to this problem was high-capacity external batteries.

But constant use of such products can lead to their breakage. In this case, it is advisable to trust the repair of the power bank to an experienced specialist.

Charging Rules

External batteries are practically no different from the built-in batteries of the phone. But they are tuned to return energy. In order for the system to serve for a long time and reliably, several rules should be followed when charging it:

  1. New batteries should be charged to 100% capacity immediately. After that, the battery is completely discharged 2-3 times and charged again to full.
  2. It is not advisable to use a design that has not fully gained capacity. Experts recommend charging the device until it reaches 100% capacity. Please note that if the indicator shows this value, you should leave the external battery on for a little more. This is necessary, since "drip" recharging is carried out.
  3. Do not fully discharge the battery during operation. It is advisable to start recharging it at a capacity of 20%.

We repair the battery

Very often, these batteries are not charged from the network, which in turn does not allow it to be used to operate the phone. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Entrance failure. To determine if this is the case, you need to disassemble the battery to gain access to the internal microcircuits. Then, using a multimeter, check if current is coming from an external source. If this is not the case, you need to completely change the battery charging socket.
  2. Complete exhaustion. Very often, users put the battery to 0%. Therefore, when the charger is connected, the controller sees this value and simply thinks that this device is simply missing. Solve this problem pretty simple. Should be extracted internal battery and put it to charge directly. You can use the so-called "crabs" for this, suitable for all types of batteries. When the system is a little recharged, you should insert it inside the case and try to charge it with it.

Please note that there are many other reasons for the failure of an external battery. Therefore, its repair is better to trust experienced professionals. They will quickly determine the cause, as well as the need to replace all defective parts with new ones.
