Tips for improving the performance of the Vista operating system. How to Test Your Computer's Performance to See What It's Capable of If the Performance Score Doesn't Work or Has Disappeared

As you know, in order for your computer and the operating system installed on it to function normally, you must periodically monitor errors and warnings in the event log, as well as check the problem report using the stability log. But when using specialized programs, gaming applications or while working operating system in general, you may feel that your system is “slow” and does not work at all the way you would like it to. But sometimes problems are not detected immediately, and additional analysis is required to identify them. If you don't find any errors in the operating system troubleshooting tools above, then you may have some kind of performance issue. By definition, performance is the speed at which the computer performs system tasks and tasks of installed and used applications. Overall system performance can be limited by the speed at which physical hard drives can be accessed, the amount of memory available to current processes, processor speed, and maximum throughput network interfaces. Sometimes, with the help of components designed to monitor the performance of your computer, you can analyze and track the use of available resources by individual applications and processes, and then correctly plan hardware resources in accordance with increasing demands.

To detect problems with system performance, the utility is used "System Monitor". System Monitor is an MMC console snap-in for Windows operating systems designed to analyze the performance of programs on computer performance in real time, as well as to create interactive collections of system counters or groups of data collectors for repeated use. In addition to the above, with this snap-in you can monitor application and hardware performance in real time, select data that will be stored in log files, set thresholds for alerts and automatic actions, generate reports and view system performance history using various ways sorting and much more. This tool is convenient for short-term monitoring of the current performance of a local or remote computer. For example, if you need to monitor the execution of a system process.

Performance Monitor visually displays built-in Windows performance counters in real time or in historical view, and combines services such as Performance Logs and Alerts (PLA: a service that collects local performance data on a predefined schedule). And remote computers and then logs them or uses them to generate a message), Server Performance Advisor (SPA: an application designed to diagnose the performance of Windows Server 2003), and Performance Monitor.

This article will teach you how to open and use the snap-in "System Monitor". Unfortunately, the functionality of this snap-in is quite large, so in this article you will get acquainted with the tools of the node "Surveillance Tools". In the next article you will learn about different counters, then I will tell you about data collector groups. In the fourth article, you will get acquainted with the functionality of report management, and then, using several examples, I will show the principle of operation of all these tools. In the final article, you will learn how to analyze the performance of your system using command line.

System Monitor snap-in

As stated above, "System Monitor" is a snap-in that supports several graphical views that allow you to visually evaluate performance log data. You can open this snap-in in several ways:

Rice. 1. System Monitor snap-in

It is worth paying attention to the fact that not all users can use all the functionality of this equipment. Users who are part of a group "Administrators" have full rights and can use all functionality rigging "System Monitor". Group members "Performance Monitor Users" can view performance monitor data in real time and change performance monitor data display properties during live view, but do not have permission to edit data collector groups. Users who are members of a group beyond the previous group's user capabilities can create and edit data collector groups, but they do not have rights to use the Windows Kernel Tracking Provider in data collector groups. According to the requirements of the toolkit Windows management to allow group members "Performance Log Users" To start logging or modify data collector groups, you must first assign the Log on as a batch job user right to that group. Standard users can only open logs for viewing in Performance Monitor and can change the properties of Performance Monitor's display of history data while viewing.

Setting up System Monitor

The system monitor contains a wealth of functionality and, accordingly, has many settings for the best display of data. Let's look at the settings this tool. You can open the Performance Monitor settings dialog box in one of the following three ways:

  • In the console tree, click right click mouse on node "System Monitor" and from the context menu select the command "Properties";
  • While in a node "System Monitor" open the menu "Action" and then select the command "Properties";
  • Right-click the performance graph details pane and select the command from the context menu "Properties".

The Performance Monitor Properties dialog box consists of five tabs. Let's look at each tab separately.

General tab of System Monitor properties

On the tab "General" you can specify the settings that will be applied to the node "System Monitor". You can change the following settings:

  • Displayed Items. Using this group you can show or hide key elements that are located in the node "System Monitor". Checkbox "Legend" is responsible for displaying the legend at the bottom of the details pane. If you uncheck "Value String", then the values ​​that are below the chart will not be displayed. Checkbox "Toolbar" is responsible for displaying the toolbar located above the diagram;
  • Report data and histograms. The system monitor supports data sampling manually, on demand and automatically at a specified interval; This function is only applicable to real-time data. In histogram and report modes, if you select an average, minimum, or maximum value, the displayed data is recalculated after the next sample. This results in additional load on the system;
  • Automatic readings. This option allows automatic data sampling. Taking meter readings in data sampling mode manually is performed using the button "Update data", which is located on the toolbar or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+U. Change manual mode You can also select data to automatic using the button "Allow changing display", located on the toolbar, or a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F;
  • Chart elements. Elements of this group allow you to change data sampling parameters. To automatically retrieve data at certain intervals, enter in the text field “Taking readings every:” The interval value is measured in seconds. By default, this interval is 1 second. In a text field "Duration" you can specify the time in seconds after which the oldest data will be replaced with new ones. Updating data every 15 seconds is justified only if you plan to monitor for no more than four hours. If you want to monitor for eight hours or more, set the update interval to more than 300 seconds (5 minutes). Continuous monitoring of activity should be carried out at intervals of at least 15 minutes.

Rice. 2. General tab of System Monitor properties

Source Tab of Performance Monitor Properties

This tab is for selecting a display source to view the currently collected data. As can be seen in the following illustration, by setting the switch to options "Current activity", System Monitor will show changes in performance according to the counters you set. In addition to the current activity, you can also specify the path to a previously saved log file. To do this, set the switch to position "Log Files" and then add the files that should be used as the data source. Logs can also be used to analyze trends and plan resource allocation. In addition to the sources above, you can also record and retrieve performance data into databases SQL data. Information in the database can be retrieved by queries and included in reports. The main requirement for using this source is the presence of a SQL database server.

Rice. 3. “Source” tab of system monitor properties

Data tab of Performance Monitor properties

Tab "Data" System Monitor properties allows you to customize the display of output data. In the field "Counters" you can view all the counters added for performance analysis. Using this tab, the following parameters are set:

  • Add. This function allows you to add additional counters using a dialog box "Add counters";
  • Delete. By clicking on this button, the counter that is highlighted in the list will be deleted;
  • Color. This option allows you to specify a color for the selected counter;
  • Scale. The current drop-down list is responsible for the display scale of the selected counter in graph or histogram mode. You can specify counter values ​​from 0.0000001 to 1000000.0. Changing the scale will allow you to make the diagram more visual;
  • Width. This option allows you to specify the line width for the selected counter. Changing the width affects the set of available line types;
  • Style. This option is responsible for changing the line style of the selected counter. Changing the style is possible if the line width is set to the default width.

This tab is shown in the following illustration:

Rice. 4. “Data” tab of system monitor properties

Graph tab of System Monitor properties

Using this Performance Monitor properties tab, you can change the display of the graph in the details pane to your liking. Here you can find almost all the settings that could be changed in the graph image. Let's consider each of the parameters:

  • View. This parameter is responsible for displaying appearance graphics. The default graph mode displays meter data over a specified time interval in a line graph format. Histogram mode displays counter data as a histogram, showing a single value for a particular counter instance. In report mode, counter names and data values ​​appear in the rows below their associated performance objects, and each instance and its data are displayed in a separate column;
  • Scroll type. In this group, you can select the graph scrolling direction for the line graph view only. By setting the switch to options "Looping", the graph will scroll from left to right. If you select the value "Promotion", then the graph will be displayed in the opposite direction;
  • Name. The current parameter is responsible for the name of the chart, which will be displayed under the toolbar;
  • Vertical axis. With this parameter you can give a name to the vertical coordinate axis;
  • Display. This option allows you to display a vertical or horizontal grid for the graph, and also allows you to enable the display of labels with values ​​for the coordinate axes;
  • Vertical scale range. Here you can set the maximum and minimum values ​​that will be displayed on the graph.

Tab "Schedule" you can see in the following illustration:

Rice. 5. “Graph” tab of system monitor properties

Appearance tab of System Monitor properties

On this tab, you can select parameters intended for the visual design of the graph of this snap-in. In a group "Font" you can change the font of the text and numbers present in the chart. To change the font, click on the button "Change" and then on the tab "Font" set parameters such as font, style, size and, if necessary, character set. Dropdown list "Frame" allows you to add a border to your chart. The group that may be of particular interest on this tab is "Color". Using this group, you can customize colors for literally all elements of the details area, namely:

  • Background image. Allows you to specify the background color of the window area in which the chart is displayed;
  • Control background. Specifies the background color surrounding the window area in which the chart is displayed;
  • Text. Specifies the color of the text displayed on the chart;
  • Net. When displaying a grid on a chart, this option allows you to set the color for the vertical and horizontal grid lines.
  • Time panel. This option allows you to specify a color for the timeline.

Tab "Design" shown below

Rice. 6. “Appearance” tab of system monitor properties


In this article, you learned about the MMC Management Console snap-in – "System Monitor", which is designed to analyze the performance of programs on computer performance in real time, as well as to create interactive collections of system counters or groups of data collectors for repeated use. This article discussed setting up a node "System Monitor" current equipment. In the next one, you will learn about System Monitor counters.

Hi all! Many PC owners often catch themselves thinking that their machine is not working fast enough, or “freezes,” so to speak.

In this case, it is worth testing your “iron friend” and identifying the reason for this behavior. Today I will tell you how to check the speed of your computer. But first, let's decide why we need to do this.

Why is verification needed?

You should spend valuable time on tests for a number of reasons:

  • Testing will allow you to understand which tasks your computer can perform easily and which are difficult for it.
  • If you are going to purchase a new PC or laptop, then using the results of the check, you can choose the most suitable model that will meet all your needs.
  • You'll know which components are slow and can replace them during the upgrade.
  • You can compare the characteristics of your computer with the PC of one of your friends and find out whose PC is the most powerful.

How to do this?

Well, checking speed is a very necessary and important thing, but how can you find out the speed, how can it be measured? In order to find out the speed of your computer, you will need a PC with Windows installed on it, the usual set of applications for this OS, and my instructions, which I will describe below.

You can check using three simple ways:

  1. using the Windows Experience Level Index;
  2. using the dispatcher Windows tasks, which should already be familiar to you;
  3. based on the use of special programs.

Let's look at each of them in detail.

First way

Windows has a very useful utility called " Performance index" This application takes measurements of your PC, shows you a score for each, and, of course, evaluates overall system performance. In this case, the size of the overall indicator does not exceed the smallest indicator among the elements.

In versions 7, 8 of Windows and Vista, in the Control Panel you need the “Performance Counters and Tools” section (in Windows xp you cannot check performance in this way).

If we talk about the 7th version: the maximum score is 7.9, the average is from 3.5 to 5. If the performance level index is more than five, then you don’t have to worry about anything. However, if the scores are below the “3.5” rating, then your PC should either be replaced with a new one or upgraded to the old one (which will be much cheaper).

In Vista the maximum is 5.9, and in 8 it is 9.9.

In Windows 8.1 and 10, performance testing is done using shell PowerShell. To open it in search bar On the start screen, write “PowerShell”, in the search results, right-click on the icon of the found utility and select the line “Run as administrator” in the context menu.

IN Windows program PowerShell type winsat formal and press Enter. As a result of these actions you will see the following:

There is one small feature: if you are doing the test on a laptop, it must be connected to a 220V network, otherwise the program will generate an error.

The whole process may take a few minutes, and the result will be saved here:
C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore\...Formal.Assessment (Recent).WinSAT.xml.

You cannot test the system in Windows PowerShell without administrator rights; you can only view the performance ratings from the previous test. To do this, write down "Get-CimInstance Win32_WinSAT" and press Enter. As a result you will see:

Second way

If you want to have an extremely accurate idea of ​​what the speed of your system is, then this method will be most convenient for you. Its main advantage over the above is that it is able to demonstrate not only how fast the computer itself is, but also how fast its individual elements are.

To determine the quality of work using this method, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Press the Alt, Ctrl, Delete keys simultaneously.
  2. Click on “Task Manager”.
  3. In the task manager, select the tab called “Performance”.

In “Performance” you will see how well your computer is functioning. If the level of quality of its work is insufficient, then you can try to upgrade your machine.

Graphs allow you to determine what is associated slow work PC: with CPU load or low RAM. The green line indicates excellent work, the yellow line indicates an acceptable level, but if the line is red, then urgent action must be taken.

Third way

This method involves using special programs. Eat special applications, which are created specifically to collect data about the state of the computer.

There's just a ton of all kinds of tests, numbers and information. With these products you can get the most comprehensive data about the performance of your PC. What kind of programs are these? Here is a list of those that I have used at least once:

Everest. It was created primarily for analyzing PC configurations, but it provides a large number of different tests.

SiSoftware Sandra. At the moment the most best option, if you want to test the performance level.

3Dmark. His main specialization is testing computer video cards. Consists of huge amount various texturing tests, working with 3D modeling, etc. There is also a comprehensive testing option, reminiscent of a video game that is played not by you, but by the program. During its work, it evaluates the stability of the video card during heavy loads and measures the frame rate.

PCMark. This is lightweight software intended for limited use. Serves only to check performance. Allows you to perform integral testing of any PC component. Main feature is the ability to compare the performance of your own computer with the world average.

You can download these programs from the official Internet resources of their developers online.

Well, that’s all, dear friends! In the end, I would like to tell you about a training course, the effectiveness of which I was able to “test” on myself. We are talking about the course Secrets of successful computer work».

What distinguishes this course from a huge number of other similar courses is primarily the author’s high professionalism and simplicity of presentation. All the intricacies of working on a PC are explained so simply and clearly that even elderly people, who, as we know, shy away from modern technology, turn into experienced users in a couple of months of training.

I wish you to be computer literate people, and I and my blog will help you become so. Therefore, do not forget to subscribe to updates and follow the release of a new article.

Share information on social media. networks, see you!

Sincerely! Abdullin Ruslan

Installation, configuration and restoration of Windows 7 100% Vatamanyuk Alexander Ivanovich

Counters and Productivity Tools

Using this mechanism, you can see an assessment of the performance of the main hardware - processor, video system, RAM and hard drive. This rating may vary and depends on the properties of the devices mentioned. Using the component Counters and Productivity Tools You can also configure or run functions that affect the performance of the system as a whole:

Set up power plans;

Configure indexing parameters;

Customize visual components;

Run hard disk cleanup;

Run defragmentation of the hard drive.

As for performance evaluation, this concept first appeared in Windows Vista. The point of this assessment is that any program that can run on a computer has certain requirements for computer resources. These requirements can be interpreted as an assessment. If the computer's capability score is lower than the score required by the program, the latter may refuse to run the computer to avoid possible failures. That is why the higher the computer's rating, the more confident you can be that required program will start up and work at full capacity, without experiencing any problems with resources.

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The Windows Vista operating system offers beautiful design, a range of convenient new features and an improved system information security. But everything comes at a price - and many users pay for Vista's new features by reducing system speed compared to Windows XP. Our readers who have installed a new operating system from Microsoft or bought a new computer with Vista pre-installed most often complain about slowdowns, and I have seen from my own experience that their concerns are justified.

On my main desktop, a Dell XPS with 4GB of RAM, Vista Ultimate runs great and I haven't noticed any speed issues. When I bought a new laptop, I expected Vista to work just as well on it. I really liked my previous model - a Sony TX, which ran XP, so I decided to replace it with an almost identical laptop with Vista Business Edition. My new purchase came with 1 GB of RAM, and I decided that this would be enough (the XP laptop had 512 MB of RAM installed). However, from the very beginning I noticed that the new computer took much longer to boot - not in a matter of seconds, but in several minutes; when running more than two applications at the same time, the speed of the system became completely unacceptable. Using Vista on a new laptop, I constantly drummed my fingers on the table, waiting for the system to react to my actions - this is exactly what our readers wrote about.

Unwilling to accept this state of affairs, I bought another 512 MB of RAM and a 4 GB removable USB drive optimized for the ReadyBoost function. This improved the situation somewhat, but the computer was still much slower than an XP machine. Then I decided to look for other ways to improve the performance of my laptop, and in this article I will talk about what helped me and what didn’t.

Disable unnecessary

One of the easiest ways to speed up Vista is to make it look like XP, that is, turn off the beautiful Aero interface, convenient sidebar and all the other features that make Vista unique. But, of course, few people will be happy with this option.

Understand the reason

To solve any problem, you must first understand what is causing it. Vista offers a number of tools that can help you understand why your system is running so slowly.

Performance Manager

Included in Vista, as in previous ones Windows versions Business Class (XP Professional, Windows 2000 and NT Workstation), includes a system performance monitoring application that allows you to analyze detailed metrics from various software performance counters and hardware components.

This application, renamed Reliability And Performance Monitor, can be launched from the Administrative Tools menu in Control Panel ( Control Panel).

In Fig. A shows Performance Manager graphs for CPU load (%) and Pages/sec. for RAM.

Figure A. (Click to enlarge)

For large IT professionals, Performance Manager is extremely useful tool, but it’s not easy for the average user to understand. Luckily, Vista has other, easier ways to determine which device is slowing down the Aero interface.

Counters and Productivity Tools

One of the new features in Vista is the Performance Information And Tools application, which analyzes the performance of all devices and produces a performance score called the Windows Experience Index (WEI). The application evaluates each of the elements: processor, RAM, video card (performance for the Aero interface and performance for 3D graphics and games are assessed separately) and the main hard drive. The lowest score determines the overall System Performance Index.

The range of possible scores is from 1.0 to 5.9 points. For the Aero interface to display properly and other Vista features to work properly, the Experience Index must be at least 3.0. To find out the computer performance index, you need to open the Start menu | Control Panel | Performance counters and tools (Start | Control Panel | Performance Information And Tools).

After running this application, I realized why Vista runs so much slower on my laptop than on my PC: the desktop hardware received an overall score of 5.1, but the laptop only scored 2.0, as shown in Figure 1. B and C.

Figure B. (Click to enlarge)

The problem, as can be seen from the figures, is now not at all in the RAM (1.5 GB) or in the hard drive. Even the processor scored almost 3.0 points. Can't handle Aero interface graphics adapter laptop.

Figure C. (Click to enlarge)

The question arises: why does Sony sell such laptops with the Vista Business operating system pre-installed if they are not even able to display it properly? new interface? True, the answer to this question still won't solve the most pressing problem - how to improve your computer's performance so that you can take advantage of at least some of Vista's new features.

The Performance Meters and Tools application allows you to configure some of the features to improve Vista performance. On the left side of the application window is the Tasks panel, which lists options for solving the problem (see Figure C), including:

Control startup programs to speed up Vista startup
Visual effects settings that can improve Vista performance if your computer has a weak graphics card
Changing additional settings, including processor resource allocation parameters, size and location of the paging file
Configure indexing settings to prevent the indexing program from using too many resources, which slows down applications
Customize power settings to find the optimal combination of performance and energy savings
Cleaning the hard drive, which speeds up system access to files

Use additional tools to diagnose and resolve problems, such as Disk Defragmenter, Task Manager, applications for viewing additional system information and event logs, Reliability and Performance Manager

Configuring startup options

The more programs that are launched when the system starts, the longer it will take to load. By removing from startup those programs that the user does not need every time the computer is turned on, you can significantly speed up the system boot process.

When you click the Manage Startup Programs link in the Meters and Productivity Tools app, Windows Defender launches ( Windows Defender Software Explorer), shown in Fig. D.

Figure D (Click to enlarge)

The list shows all the programs that start when the system boots. On the right side of the window it displays detailed information about the selected program, including file name, display name, description, publisher, information about digital signature, startup option, file path, file size, file version, installation date, startup type (where the file is launched from - for example, from the current user's registry key), location, and information about whether the program came with the operating system.

Some programs from this list can be removed or disabled by selecting the desired entry in the list on the left and clicking the “Remove” or “Disable” button in the lower right corner of the window. For a number of programs, these buttons are inactive - in this case, you will have to remove the program from the startup list manually, for example, from the “Startup” folder, which is located in the “Start” menu | All programs (Start | All Programs), as shown in Fig. E.

Figure E

In addition, you can open the Startup folder from Windows Explorer (Windows Explorer), as shown in Fig. F.

Figure F (Click to enlarge)

To find in file system Startup folder, just right-click on the “All Programs” menu and select “Open” or open the partition of the hard drive where Vista is installed and go to the Users\ or All Users\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows folder \Main Menu\Programs\Startup (Users\ or All Users\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\StartMenu\Programs\Startup).

To remove a program from Startup, just right-click on it and select “Delete”. This folder contains only shortcuts, so it will not harm the program itself. The list of programs launched at system startup can also be viewed using the System Information application, as shown in Fig. G.

Figure G (Click to enlarge)

You can launch the System Information application from the Start menu search bar by typing "msinfo32" or from the All Programs | Standard | Utilities (All Programs | Accessories | System Tools). This application only allows you to view information - you cannot change startup settings here.

Sometimes, to remove programs from startup, you have to edit the registry. You can find information about which registry entry to change in System Information.

Setting up visual effects

System speed can be improved by changing Vista's visual effects settings - that is, sacrificing beauty for increased performance. When you click the appropriate link in the Meters and Productivity Tools app, a User Account Control dialog box appears and prompts you to enter your administrator password. If the user is logged in as an administrator, they will be prompted to confirm to continue the operation. The Performance Options dialog box will then appear, shown in Figure 1. H.

Figure H

You can also open the Performance Options dialog box from the Control Panel | System | Advanced system settings | Settings button in the Performance section (Control Panel | System | Advanced System Settings | Settings button in the Performance section).

In any case, there are four options available in the Visual Effects tab:

Restore Defaults (Let Windows choose the best settings for your computer)
Provide best view(Adjust for best appearance)
Adjust for best performance
Special effects (Create custom settings) - here the user can disable any visual effects at your own discretion

The more effects are enabled, the slower the system runs. The "Ensure best performance" option disables all visual effects. In principle, it makes sense to disable purely aesthetic effects, such as displaying a transparent selection rectangle, smooth scrolling of lists, and fading menus after calling a command, while leaving more functional ones, such as displaying thumbnails instead of icons.

Changing advanced settings

By opening the Advanced tab in the Performance Options dialog box, the user can change other settings that affect system speed. In the first section, you can change the processor time distribution parameters, as shown in Fig. I, optimizing the performance of programs or services running in the background. In order for the system to respond faster to user actions, it makes sense to optimize the operation of programs. In the second section, you can change the size and location of the paging file, which also improves performance. When you click the “Change” button, the “Virtual Memory” dialog box appears, shown in Fig. J.

Figure I

By default, the operating system automatically selects the size of the paging file. By unchecking the box next to the corresponding item, the user can change the location of the paging file, distributing it among several physical hard drives, if any - this allows increasing the speed of access to data located in the paging file.

Figure J

The size of the paging file can be increased and/or fixed - then it will always remain the same, and the system will not draw resources to increase and decrease the size of the paging file. This also allows you to slightly increase the speed of the system, but takes away free space on disk. To fix the size of the paging file, you need to select “Custom Size” and specify the same values ​​(file size in MB) in the “Initial Size” and “ Maximum size"(Maximum Size).

Configuring Indexing Options

The user can determine which folders will be indexed by the Vista search engine. If your computer is not powerful enough, indexing takes up too many resources and slows down other applications.

To change indexing options, select Indexing Options on the left side of the Performance Tools and Tools dialog box. In the dialog box that appears, you need to click on the "Modify" button, and then click the "Show All Locations" button at the bottom of the "Indexed Locations" dialog box. The user can then mark which folders will be indexed and which will not, as shown in Figure. K.

Figure K

Setting up the power supply

The more power a computer consumes, the faster the system runs. You can determine the relationship between performance and energy savings in the power plan settings menu. Vista offers three preset power plans, shown in Figure 1. L:

Balanced (automatically maintains a balance between performance and energy consumption)
Energy saving (minimum power consumption by reducing computer performance)
High performance (maximum performance at the expense of increased energy consumption)

Figure L (Click to enlarge)

The user can create their own power plan by selecting “Create A Power Plan” on the left side of the window. The New Plan Wizard allows you to change the settings of one of the three proposed templates and save the plan under a new name.

Disk cleanup and defragmentation

Vista's disk cleanup and defragmentation programs allow you to remove unnecessary files and change the location of the data on the disk by defragmenting it. This increases system speed by making it easier to access files on the disk.

The Disk Cleanup application can be launched from the Taskbar in the Meters and Productivity Tools application or from the All Programs | Standard | Utilities (All Programs | Accessories | System Tools).

The Disk Cleanup application allows you to delete files for both the profile of one user and for all users of the computer. When you select a hard drive to clean, the application determines how much space can be freed by wiping the drive (see Figure M).

Figure M

The Disk Defragmentation application can be launched by selecting Advanced Tools on the left side of the Performance Tools and Tools dialog box, or from the All Programs | Standard | Utilities (All Programs | Accessories | System Tools).

Disk defragmentation can (and should) be programmed to run regularly, for example once a week. To ensure that the system speed does not decrease, the schedule should be designed in such a way that the disk is defragmented at a time when no one is usually working at the computer. If necessary (for example, if the computer began to work slower after installing and uninstalling programs), defragmentation can be started manually - just click the “Defragment Now” button shown in Fig. N.

Figure N (Click to enlarge)

How else can you get information about system performance?

In the Additional Tools section of the Performance Meters and Tools application, there are links to some applications for obtaining system performance information:

Event log
Reliability And Performance Monitor
Task Manager
System Information
Performance Options
Disk Defragmenter
System Health Report


The Vista operating system may be slow, but its performance can be greatly improved by changing a few settings. Microsoft developers have made the task easier for users by combining almost all the tools they need for this in the System Counters and System Performance Tools application.

A modern computer is a complex device, the final performance of which depends on many factors. Speed hard drive, RAM, video card power often become more significant than clock frequency central processor. Intuitive job evaluation Windows systems can roughly indicate the problem, but accurately calculate weak points and the solution can only be found using the performance index.

What is a performance index

To calculate system performance indicators, Microsoft uses test tasks that maximally load each hardware component computer separately. In this way, five indices are calculated: for the central processor, graphics, game graphics, RAM and the main hard drive. The smaller of these is considered the base index for the entire system. The scale starts at 1.0, the highest score is 7.9, but it rises as more powerful hardware solutions become available.

The underlying index is close to the balanced average universal computer, since all estimates in this configuration are approximately equal. Dedicated hardware solutions are subject to deviations. For example, in office computers usually a weaker video card is installed, and for multimedia solutions a faster one is important hard drive. In such cases, the overall computer index will be significantly lower than the average, since it is determined by the lowest value. This leads to a simple rule: to increase the base index (and overall computer performance), you should increase the power of the weakest component.

If the hardware requirements for the installed software indicate a minimum base index value, this means that it will work stably on a computer with this or a higher index value.

How to recognize him

To see what your computer's performance index is, open Start, then Control Panel.

In the large “All Control Panel Items” window that opens, find the “Performance Meters and Tools” tab and go to it.

The same result can be achieved using a system search. Click "Start" and enter the word "Counters" in the search bar.

Another way to immediately go to the desired window is to press the Win key combination (with Windows icon) and Pause/Break (a utility key, usually located next to the Print Screen).

The “Evaluating and increasing computer performance” window that opens contains a lot of information.

The central part is occupied by the current indexes of computer components with brief description. The overall score is highlighted large and provided with a comment on the calculation “Determined by the lowest score.” Several buttons lead to reference materials: “What do these numbers mean?”, “More about estimates and software(on the Internet)”, “Recommendations for improving computer performance”. Windows 7 tries to clearly explain both the principles of forming the rating scale and the best ways to increase the base index. This window is especially useful when upgrading computer hardware, as it stores indexes from previous testing. You can use the special button “Display and print detailed information about computer and system performance” to print the current indicators, and then run a new test by clicking on the “Repeat assessment” on-screen button in the lower right corner.

The same button must be pressed to begin the current test, which usually takes a few minutes. The computer is running at this time maximum power, the screen goes out and lights up several times, which is a consequence of ongoing tests and does not pose a danger.

What do the points mean?

Possible maximum score

Although Windows currently advertises a maximum score of 7.9 points, this value can only be achieved in the maximum configuration using the most modern processor, memory and graphics accelerators. The need for such powerful equipment usually arises in computers designed for resource-intensive applications - games, virtual reality systems, and so on. For specialized solutions, lower performance of the base index is considered normal.

Table: scores and performance description

Points Description
Up to 3.0Office packages, networking. Some graphic capabilities Windows 7 ( corporate identity Aero) will not be available.
From 3.0 to 4.0Graphic Windows interface 7 is available, but may be slow or crash when running in Full HD mode or on multiple monitors simultaneously. If the overall score is low due to graphic parameters, then the computer may not be able to handle streaming video, for example, when receiving high-definition television.
From 4.0 to 6.0Windows 7 can run at full capacity, including multitasking and using multiple monitors.
More than 6.0Powerful computers with high speed hard drive. Can be used for 3D games, high-definition video streaming, and resource-intensive tasks.

Considering the methodology for forming the index (based on the lowest indicator), there are no clear boundaries between configurations. The same index value can also be powerful computer with a slow hard drive, and a balanced weak hardware solution.

How can you improve your score?

An obvious way to increase the overall performance of a computer is to update its weakest nodes. RAM can be replaced with a faster one or simply increased in quantity. The same goes for the hard drive. On a desktop computer, you can also replace the graphics card or processor. Laptops have significantly less upgrade capabilities. A more economical way is to configure the system and its individual components, allowing you to eliminate some restrictions in their operation.

Graphics settings

Visual effects, high screen resolution, and working with multiple connected monitors take up a significant portion of the resources of the computer’s graphics nodes. Therefore, you can reduce the load on this component and, accordingly, improve overall performance by disabling some Windows 7 options or reducing the screen resolution.

To change the graphics settings, you need to right-click on a free area of ​​the desktop. In the context menu that opens, select the “Screen resolution” line.

The “Screen Resolution” window that appears contains other parameters of the connected monitors, for example, graphic design(topics). Now we select the "Resolution" drop-down list.

From the list possible options choose a resolution lower than the current one.

Hard drive care

Cleaning from unnecessary information and maintaining a sufficient amount of free disk space can significantly increase the speed of the drive. In addition, if the computer does not have a solid-state drive, but a regular disk, then it is necessary to regularly carry out the defragmentation procedure. This operation combines disparate parts of stored files, bringing them together, thereby reducing read and write times. The reader needs to spend less effort to move from one part to another if they are located in a row. In addition, free space is also consolidated, allowing new files to be written as a whole block.

Click the “Start” button and type “Disk Defragmenter” in the input line, then select the tab that appears with the same name.

The system shows all available drives in one window, allows you to analyze their status and carry out immediate defragmentation.

For regular operation, you can set up an appropriate schedule so that, for example, you run the utility at night.

Defragmentation takes a significant amount of time if the hard drive is large and has little free space, so it is recommended to remove it first unnecessary information- this will speed up the work.

System care

Timely updating, replacing drivers with current ones, and using special programs to detect problems in software also have great value for the index. You can use the system interface to update the driver for the selected device.

Click the “Start” button and type “Driver Update” in the input line. The system shows search results, including the required “Device Driver Update” tab, which we go to.

The main window of Device Manager contains a list of all hardware components installed on the computer. We select the one whose driver we want to update and right-click on its name.

By selecting the line “Update drivers...” from the context menu, we start the process. In the next window, the system will offer to choose one of two options: automatic search on the Internet or manual search on the computer.

The average user rarely downloads new drivers to the computer in advance, so we select “ Automatic search..." and wait for the update. Windows 7 checks that the installed driver is up to date and updates it if necessary. The same steps should be taken for other devices from the list of “Device Manager”.

There are also many free applications, including those that do not require installation, and perform the process of checking and updating drivers in a semi-automatic mode. For example, DriverPack Solution First, it scans the computer and compiles its own list of hardware components and drivers. The program accesses the websites of device manufacturers and checks for updates, after which it downloads and installs new drivers. The application has a simple and user-friendly interface designed for entry-level users.

Changing Power Settings

To work more efficiently, Windows 7 sometimes deliberately reduces performance. For example, this applies to power settings. You can sacrifice some of the autonomy (for a laptop) or energy savings by preventing Windows 7 from switching to the appropriate modes. To do this, type “mobility center” in the search bar and select the appropriate tab.

There are several settings in the window that opens. We are interested in the power parameters in which we select the mode high performance. In this case, you need to take into account: battery consumption will increase slightly, which will reduce the battery life of the laptop.

Using the ReadyBoost feature

There is free space not only on the hard drive, but also on external media, including USB flash drives. ReadyBoost allows you to reserve some of it for the needs of Windows 7. To enable the option, you need to select removable media in Explorer and right-click context menu, in which select the “Properties” option. Now all that remains is to go to the ReadyBoost tab and set the size of the reserved space.

If the performance review doesn't work or is missing

In some cases, the system refuses to evaluate performance due to cost considerations or more serious obstacles.

Time to troubleshoot

Possible reasons why the assessment could not be made:

  • The assessment has already started. The ability to update scores is disabled while the test is running. You should either cancel the current process or wait for it to finish before starting it again.
  • Lack of access rights. Sometimes the reason may be the restriction of user rights to a specific account. You should log in as an administrator and try to complete the assessment again.
  • The laptop is disconnected from the network. Since calculating indexes requires significant energy consumption, Windows 7 prohibits it from being performed when battery life laptop. The computer must be plugged into a power outlet.
  • Lack of disk space. To evaluate Windows 7, you need a certain amount of free space on your hard drive onto which the test file is written. You should clean the drive as much as possible and then try the evaluation again.
  • No multimedia support. Windows 7 can't measure the performance of computers that don't have multimedia capabilities.
  • Outdated video driver. A faulty or outdated video driver will prevent Windows 7 from testing performance. You should check for the latest system updates and install them if necessary. current versions drivers or, conversely, return earlier ones. When installing drivers, it is better to use the official website of the manufacturer of your computer, and not, for example, a video card.
  • Antivirus operation. Sometimes the reason is active work antivirus programs. You should turn them off for a while and try the test again.
  • Outdated BIOS. You should update the BIOS to the latest version.

Reinstalling video codecs

A common cause of the problem is damaged or conflicting video codecs. These are files containing video decompression algorithms, without which the computer will not be able to display the video on the screen. To analyze graphics performance Windows components 7 uses some of the system codecs, so their corruption or accidental removal makes evaluation impossible. Reinstalling will fix the situation.

Click the “Start” on-screen button and select the “Control Panel” tab in the right column of the menu that opens. In the large All Control Panel Items window, select the Programs and Features tab.

We remove video players, as well as codecs for them.

Click the “Turn Windows components on or off” button and go to the “Windows Components” window.

Find Windows Media Player, uncheck the box next to it, then exit the dialog box and restart the computer. After the download is complete, go to this window again in the same way, return the checkbox to Windows Media Player and reboot again. Let's try testing again.

If the problem is not resolved, the VC-1 codec required for testing may be damaged or missing. It can be installed with free package K-Lite for the popular player KMPlayer.

Scan system files

Another reason could be a failure of Windows 7 itself due to damage or deletion of some necessary system files. Press the Win+R combination and in the input line of the Run window that appears, type the command to start scanning the system and updating damaged files sfc.exe /scannow.

Installing additional components

One of the reasons for the inability to determine performance may be the absence of the MSVCR100.dll library on the computer. It can be downloaded for free from the official Microsoft website along with the 2010 package:

  • - x32, x86.
  • - x64.

If Visual Studio 2010 is already installed, but when you try to determine performance, the system reports problems with MSVCR100.dll, you should reinstall the package, first removing it old version from a computer.

Video: Everything you need to know about the Windows 7 Experience Index

When focusing on the Basic Performance Index when purchasing a computer, you should take into account that the current score is stored on the computer in an unprotected form in the folder C:\Windows\Performance\WinSAT\DataStore in a file whose name begins with the date of the test and ends with “. Formal.Assessment (Initial).WinSAT.xml." Unscrupulous seller maybe with the help of a regular text editor change real numbers to the required values. Therefore, you should carry out an actual test before purchasing.
