Android 4.4 kitkat reviews. Which is better Android Lollipop or Kit Kat

The Android 4.3 Jelly Bean mobile platform has been replaced by version 4.4 KitKat. The Google Nexus series smartphones and tablets were the first to receive the firmware update.
According to, Jelly Bean versions (4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 combined) are installed on more than half of Android devices worldwide. And the second place in popularity is occupied by the obsolete Android 2.3 with a share of about a quarter of the market. But there’s nothing you can do about it: for smartphones with 256 MB of RAM, which are still in abundance in everyday use, Gingerbread is the only available option.

Chocolate is better

I remember that even before the advent of the Android platform itself, each new version of which traditionally receives a culinary code name, there was a joke on the Internet that over time the Google logo would even appear on sausages.

Of course, it hasn’t come to meat products yet, but KitKat chocolate bars, produced by the Swiss giant Nestle, already have an advertising message about the opportunity to win one of the prize Google Nexus 7 tablet PCs. That is why the version presented along with the new Google Nexus 5 smartphone The Android 4.4 operating system was codenamed KitKat, and not Key Lime Pie, as expected. IT companies and representatives of the food industry have never organized such large-scale joint advertising campaigns before.

In order

The first smartphones to receive the update to Android 4.4 will be the LG Nexus 5 and LG Nexus 4, Samsung Galaxy S 4 and HTC One (in a special Google Play Edition), as well as the Samsung Nexus 10 and ASUS Nexus 7 tablets (2012 and 2013 models only) .

The owners of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Google Phone were left, as they say, with nothing - for them the last update was version 4.3, released in the summer of 2013.

All other Android devices will begin receiving updates to KitKat, most likely after the New Year. Moreover, this applies only to flagship and mid-price smartphones and tablet PCs. But manufacturers usually update budget models without much enthusiasm, and therefore with a great delay (six months to a year), or even leave them with the old firmware.

What's New in Android 4.4

There are not many visual differences in the new Android 4.4 system, but the internal part has been significantly improved and optimized.

1. Rational use of RAM. Google's key idea is to make Android 4.4 available to all smartphones and tablets without exception, including entry-level models (the slogan Making Android for everyone).

One of the main reasons for the large-scale update of Jelly Bean was the poor use of RAM by this version of the OS. The difficulty was not to fit Android into 512 MB of RAM (that was easy), but to leave enough resources for third-party applications.

2. By optimizing Android 4.4, Google assures that even devices with 512 MB of RAM will run it quickly and smoothly. True, so far not a single similar smartphone or tablet has received an update to KitKat, and therefore it is not possible to verify the veracity of Google’s words.

3. Host Card Emulation. The NFC payment subsystem in Android 4.4 received support for Host Card Emulation (HCE) technology. This allows you to link not only bank payment cards to your smartphone, but also any other cards. For example, these could be either bonus savings cards or personal access keys. Moreover, with the help of NSE technology, you can even report on the time of arrival at work at those enterprises where this is strictly recorded.

4. Google Cloud Print. The printing feature in Android 4.4 has extended to the entire operating system. You can transfer data to the printer using the Google Cloud Print cloud service from almost any Android application: Chrome, Disk, Gallery, QuickOffice, etc.

5. Storage Access Framework. Working with files has become easier and more convenient: now there is no significant difference whether your file is stored locally or in the cloud. This allows you not only to quickly find the information you need, but also to easily move it between separate repositories. Moreover, the list of supported cloud services is not limited - the user can independently connect the missing storage to the Storage Access Framework.

6. Sensors and coprocessors. Google plans to expand the sphere of influence of the Android operating system to “smart” watches, as well as sports and medical bracelets. Therefore, in Android 4.4, quite a lot of work was done to optimize the power consumption of measuring sensors and coprocessors. In addition, there is software support for a new sensor - a pedometer.

Chips responsible for the background operation of the microphone, accelerometer, gyroscope and pedometer are gradually appearing in an increasing number of smartphones, and not only those based on Android. Thus, the Motorola Moto X smartphone is equipped with an X8 coprocessor for constant voice control.

In turn, the Apple iPhone 5S is equipped with an M7 chip that continuously monitors all user movements. But in other smartphones, the central processor is responsible for working with sensors, which consumes much more energy.

7. Replaceable SMS and MMS applications. For sending text and multimedia messages (SMS and MMS, respectively) in Android 4.4, not only the standard application, but also any third-party application, for example the Hangouts messenger, can be responsible. In essence, this frees up the hands of both cellular operators and developers of alternative graphical shells for Android.

8. Advanced communication standards. Support for new wireless data transfer standards appeared in Android 4.4: the Bluetooth HOGP, Bluetooth MAP, Bluetooth AVRCP 1.3, Wi-Fi TDLS protocols were added, as well as support for infrared ports for controlling household appliances.

9. Updated interface. If we talk about the innovations of the graphical interface, then first of all we should note the ability to launch applications in full screen mode, as well as translucent on-screen buttons and a status bar. The Android home screen, camera interface, touch keyboard and standard applications have been slightly updated: Hangouts, Clock, Calendar and Gallery.

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The next version of the Android operating system will be called KitKat, similar to the Nestle chocolate bar. Google representatives announced this on Tuesday. That is, the preliminary name Key Lime Pie, which has been discussed over the past few months, turned out to be erroneous.

This news came as a surprise to many Android fans, who were hoping that the next big release would be Android 5.0 and it would be called Key Lime Pie. This name fit well into Google’s concept of assigning successive names to new versions of the operating system - each update gets a sweet name starting with the next letter of the alphabet, which has not been used so far.

Google's Android website said the new version of the operating system will be Android 4.4 and codenamed KitKat, without specifying when it will hit the market or what it will include. Google has never officially used the name Key Lime Pie for subsequent versions of the OS, although the abbreviation KLP appears in some materials.

"Google won't say anything different just yet," writes Computerworld blogger J. Raphael. “Now we know the name and version number and nothing more.”

For those who do not know, let us inform you that previous versions of the OS were called as follows: Cupcake (Android 1.5), Donut (1.6), Eclair (2.0), Froyo, short for Frozen Yogurt, (2.2), Gingerbread (2.3), Honeycomb (3.0 ), Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0) and Jelly Bean (4.1).

Google traditionally erected a statue of Android KitKat on the lawn of its headquarters and published a picture of it in a short post by Sandara Pichai (VP of Chrome and Application Development) on Google Plus. In his post, he wrote: "I love the new Android KitKat statue and can't wait for the first release of the new version of the OS."

In addition to publishing on Google Plus, Google is going to give away several Nexus 7 tablets in a special edition, with an interface designed in the style of Kit Kat bars. By the way, the Nestle company uses a space between the words Kit and Kat in the name of its bars, while Android writes these words together: KitKat.

You may ask why there is so much talk around the name of the OS of smartphones and tablets? Perhaps because Android today controls up to 80 percent of the smartphone market and up to 50 percent of the tablet market (according to IDC and Gartner). This means that today Android controls the operation of 1 billion mobile devices.

When you are so big, you have the right to choose any name for yourself,” experts say.

Some analysts couldn't resist making jokes about the OS name. “Now you can call your phone hello Kitty!” laughs Jack Gold, an analyst at J. Gold Associates. Although KitKat is far from the worst name, it could have been Key Lime Pie, KoolAid, KrispyKreme, Kahlua or Klondike. “Finding a decent K-word may not be such an easy task after all.”

Google and Nestle decided to use the name last November, and Nestle's head of marketing, Patricia Baley, told the BBC that it took just one hour, even though there were risks involved. This name has been kept secret for the last 9 months, so it came as a surprise to everyone.

Publications on the topic

13 May 2019, 20:43

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When Google released the next version of its mobile operating system, there was no doubt that the serial number 4.4, instead of the supposed 5.0, indicates that no important changes should be expected. Indeed, on the Google website you could find only a little more than a dozen items, some of which have long been present in proprietary shells of third-party developers. Does everything really work so well in Android OS that there is nothing to add? But this operating system now runs 81% of smartphones in the world. If the changes are not significant, why not leave the code name the same? Because even this small number of changes made makes you look at Android as a new OS, from design to smoothness and speed of operation.

Most of the features described below are available on devices natively running the Android 4.4 operating system. Devices updated to Android 4.4 do not have a built-in Google Experience launcher

Android 4.4 KitKat Cosmetic Changes

First, let's look at the visual differences in Android 4.4, and they start with the lock screen. Widgets that appeared in are now hidden. Those who use them will have to enable them in the Security section. A camera icon has been added to the lower right corner. By clicking on the camera shortcut on the right side of the screen, a preview of the application appears. To go to it, you need to move the icon to the left. There is also the previous option - shifting the clock widget to the left. Apparently, the innovation should help beginners by showing that their device can also launch the camera without unlocking the screen. If you pull up the arrow at the bottom of the screen, Google Now will launch.

Having unlocked the smartphone, the user is taken to the main desktop window. The top and bottom lines have become transparent. Visually this makes the screen larger. The status bar got rid of the blue icons. Now the main color for Android is white. Below the status bar there is a non-deletable Google search field. At the very bottom there are three control keys: “Back”, “Home” and “Running Application Manager”. Above them are four shortcuts separated by an icon for calling up a list of installed applications. Labels have become larger. Even higher are two circles, where the larger one indicates which desktop window you are currently on. As before, creating folders is done by dragging one shortcut onto another. The background of the folders is white translucent.

Holding down on a free space on the desktop takes the user to a menu for selecting wallpapers, widgets, and search settings. Here you can change the location of desktop windows. You will no longer be able to find widgets to the right of the list of installed applications; they are all located here. The bottom row of shortcuts consists of the dialer shortcut, the Hangouts app that replaced Messages, the Chrome browser, and the camera. Each of these applications has received a number of changes. The interface of the application responsible for working with calls looks different. The last incoming/outgoing call is displayed at the top, below it are three large favorites icons, below are the most frequently used contacts, and at the very bottom is an icon for calling the numeric keypad and, on the left and right, icons for going to call history and settings. One useful thing to note is the automatic search for matches to unfamiliar information numbers in Google. For example, you dial the number 0 800 xxx xxx, press call and at the same second the smartphone changes the number to the name of the company, institution, service. Moreover, if they have a logo, it will automatically be inserted into the contact image field. The same principle of operation applies to incoming calls.

The application now allows you to communicate not only between users of Google accounts, but also through text and multimedia messages. There is no separate application for messages. Hangouts in its current form cannot be called a successful replacement for Messages; in particular, the implementation of grouping messages from the same users raises questions. On the other hand, the possibilities for working with messages are wider than before. As for the text keyboard, one cannot fail to note the huge set of emoticons.

With the exception of HDR+ mode, the camera interface has not undergone any changes. The principle of HDR+ is to stitch together three images taken at different exposures into one - allowing for greater dynamic range compared to conventional shooting. “Normal” HDR mode has long been present on almost all Android smartphones, but there these are additional features implemented by the device manufacturer, but here the function is initially built into the system.

The list of installed applications also remains the same, the only change is a transparent background instead of a gloomy black color.

There are slight differences in the Settings menu. The first ones touched on the operation of the Wi-Fi module; an option appeared that allows you to enable or disable the search for networks by some applications even if Wi-Fi is turned off.

The “Public Alert” menu, which is useless in our latitudes, includes the activation and configuration of notifications in the event of natural disasters.

The new "General" section is designed to help users select and remove installed launchers, if any.

“Tap & Pay” is the name of the menu where applications used for contactless payment using NFC will be displayed. For example, one such application could be Google Wallet.

There are also changes in setting up the operation of geolocation services - a more intelligible description of the modes for determining coordinates using GPS or Wi-Fi and mobile networks. High precision uses all available capabilities. Reducing energy consumption uses only mobile and Wi-Fi networks. Identification by device sensors includes GPS operation. Once you decide which mode is best for you, you can find out which of your installed apps or services requested your location, as well as how much of an impact it had on your battery.

The last of the new items is “Print”. By going into it you can find the network printer closest to you.

Among the less significant changes, we note the ability to run applications in full-screen mode, when the bottom line with the keys is hidden - this will allow you to use the entire usable screen area. In fact, many devices have already learned this feature, but only with Android 4.4 will it be supported at the hardware level, without the need to obtain Root rights.

The principle of multitasking has been redesigned: applications hanging in the background take up fewer resources, and the transition between them has become faster. Hardware support for IR transmitters has appeared, which can now be found in devices from at least four manufacturers: Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony. To improve autonomy when playing music, data processing will now be handled by the DSP processor. When playing music, an image of the current album and player control keys are displayed on the lock screen. Changes should also be noticeable for lovers of an active lifestyle - for this, Google has optimized the flow of data from all sensors available in the device.

Well, if you suddenly lose your smartphone or it is stolen from you, you can use remote control. To connect to a smartphone, it is enough that it has access to the Internet and, importantly, your account remains. The user can lock the smartphone, reset to factory settings, turn on the signal and find out the location of the device. The accuracy of determining the last parameter depends on which means of determining coordinates are used. Even if all of them are disabled, including the determination of coordinates by Google services, you can still get coordinates with an accuracy of 20 meters. This opportunity is both exciting and scary.

The download manager has changed somewhat, now it looks more like a file manager. The email client was updated, although it was not possible to understand what the differences are between the conditionally new and the current version of the client. Car enthusiasts should like the fact that messages can be read not only from the smartphone screen, but also from the car’s multimedia system (support for the Bluetooth Message Access Profile has been added), without being distracted from the controls. The last thing I would like to mention is Quickoffice - an application for working with office documents, both from the internal memory of the device and cloud services.

Opting out of using the Dalvik virtual machine

Let's start describing the remaining innovations with the most dramatic one - changing the application runtime environment (compiler) from a virtual machine Dalvik on ART(Android RunTime). Without going into the weeds of programming, the main difference between the ART compiler is that applications are optimized for a specific device during the application installation process, and not at the time of its launch, as is the case now. When switching to ART, there are both advantages and small, but disadvantages. The latter includes a slightly larger size of the applications themselves and, as a result, a slightly longer installation time. The benefits: reduced power consumption due to less load on the processor, more free RAM, faster launch of applications and improved smoothness. Since we used a smartphone to write this review of Android 4.4, we can’t say how smoother the device’s operation becomes when switching to ART. If you trust the reviews of users of other Nexus devices that received the Android update to version 4.4, then, according to them, the smoothness and speed of launching applications has noticeably increased. On our own behalf, we would like to add that the use of ART significantly affects the autonomy of the device, which is clearly seen in the LG Nexus 5, where we compared the operating time of the smartphone when using the Dalvik virtual machine and ART. The question remains open of how quickly “regular” devices that will use Android 4.4 will receive such significant changes and, in fact, whether they will receive them at all. Another important change in Android 4.4 is the ability to work on devices with 512 MB of RAM. So owners of not entirely new smartphones, for which there are custom firmware from Cyanogen and AOSP, may well give their device a second wind.

Ok Google

To access Google Now, you need to go to the far left of the desktop window or swipe up from the bottom edge of the screen, even if the screen is locked. Since Google is trying to update its services on all devices, and not just the Nexus line, you can learn about the new features of Google Now on any Android smartphone you have at hand. As for voice search, there are no changes yet for people using a non-English interface language.


Android 4.4 KitKat is not just another operating system update; it shows where the developer is heading. The focus is on improving autonomy and smoothness, interacting with other devices through wireless communications, giving the shell a lighter look and adding features that have long been present on most Android smartphones. If with the advent of Android 4.3 Jelly Bean, users received practically no significant changes, then an update to Android 4.4 KitKat is worth waiting for, at least for the sake of improved smoothness and battery life. In addition, as already mentioned, it will be possible to install and comfortably use the new version of the OS not only on smartphones with 1 GB of RAM and higher, but also on smartphones with 512 MB of RAM. This means that next year the segment of low-cost devices will become even larger, which will entail a reduction in the lower price level and will increase the already huge share of Android smartphones.

After the update of the Android operating system to version 5.1 with the sweet name Lollipop was released, many users were interested in the question, what has changed? Today we will compare the two 4.4 and 5.1 for you and help you finally see which version of Android is better than Lollipop or Kit Kat, and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Main differences

Many people say that nothing has changed in the new version of Android Lollipop. Others say Kitkat has been changed beyond recognition. In general, the developers worked on many areas, which we will now consider.

“We have developed a new design philosophy” - this is how Google developers commented on the new version. They've updated every corner of the system, from the volume to the Wi-Fi icon. In the new version of Android, they added colors, made the design bright and contrasting, which was not the case in KitKat.

Google Inc has significantly redesigned the main functions of the system. They have improved the “multitasking screen” function (several open applications on one screen) and expanded the notification settings. The developers have also introduced new features. They created a “smart lock” (the device is blocked once if it is in a “safe place”, the device saw your face or there is a trusted gadget nearby), it became possible to work with the “curtain” application.

The developers said that the new version of the operating system will increase performance and the device will hold more charge. A comparison of OS 4.4 and 5.1 showed that this is a myth. Although Google has made a complete transition to the ART runtime (Android RunTime) and made support for 64-bit processors, various tests have not shown anything new.

Changes have also been made to graphics. The new version of Android brought us a new graphics API (Application Programming Interface), which made games more vibrant, high-quality and exciting. Android Lolipop is great for gaming.

In the new version of OS 5.1, the audio output has been improved (now it can also be used in a USB connector, which makes it possible to obtain digital quality), Bluetooth (a new protocol 4.1 has been created, now it has excellent network reception). The developers have increased the speed, quality and reliability of the connection.

Pros and cons of Android 4.4

Back in 2013, Google released a new version of the operating system called KitKat. The developers planned to get rid of various bugs and comments, which were abundant from users, and make the new version more comfortable for people. Although the Android 4.4 OS has become very popular, the developers have not succeeded in everything.

Advantages of Android OS KitKat


Google was going to make the OS available for any gadget. KitKat introduced the Process Stats function, which made it possible to use the new OS on the cheapest devices without slowing down, while more expensive models received their advantages from this, which manifested themselves in multitasking.


Developers who create new applications for the Android OS can now work more with application design. We also added different full-screen mode options. All this has led to the appearance of applications becoming better and more beautiful.

Unified signatures

With the KitKat OS, it became possible to choose the font size that is on the screen, the background color, and the language of the captions.

KitKat has introduced support for several sensors that can respond to steps (the first sensor recognizes, and the second counts steps).

Infrared sensor

Many people would like to use some kind of remote control to control their home appliances. With the help of the new Android operating system, this has become possible.


Recording prohibition

Since the Android KitKat version, the developers have prohibited writing applications to external drives; this was done to protect the system. But at the same time, the functionality of applications that may be located on an external memory card was disrupted.

In KitKat OS, it was impossible to automatically erase SMS messages that requested applications to control the balance of the device.

The Android KitKat operating system is perfect for users who have budget devices. Updating the system to this version will bring a lot of new things that will make working with the device more comfortable.

Pros and cons of Android 5.1

In 2015, Google made a statement that they would soon release a new, updated Android Lollipop OS. The long-awaited update came out only a few months later. Android 5.1 became a new generation operating system, but it did not achieve great popularity right away. This is a new generation operating system in which almost everything has changed - from appearance to performance.

Advantages of Android OS Lollipop


Google took care of the users; in the new version of the system they began to use rich and bright colors, due to which the eyes do not strain and are not irritated. The interface became more responsive to requests, and the standard buttons were changed into geometric shapes.

Device Security

The developers have created a new Smart Lock feature that allows you to access the device when connecting it to “trusted” devices, but they must support the Bluetooth protocol.

Memory card

In Lollipop, you can assign each application a separate folder, only there it will write, read and use various data. Thanks to this new technology, we will be able to save internal memory. For this to work, every developer must optimize their application for this technology.

Internet and media

Google has improved the “video stream processor”. Smooth transitions, high-quality and clear pictures immediately catch your eye. There are also new options for setting up the camera, through which you can take high-quality photographs.

The new Open GL 3.1 technology (software for creating applications that use two or three-dimensional computer graphics) allows you to run the highest quality games. Using this technology, you can run applications that have graphics similar to some consoles.

Google Assistant

Now, in order to “talk” to your gadget, you don’t need to unlock it; the device can be locked and in your pocket


Performance and battery life

Google cannot cope with the main problem - the gluttony of devices. Now their new operating system requires about 2 GB of RAM. The developers also promised to increase the battery life, but after various tests, it turned out that they did not change anything.


In the new version of the operating system, the developers focused on minimalism. All standard icons were replaced with simple geometric shapes, and the “Gallery” was renamed “Photo”.


Lolipop will simply not support some useful and important applications. To fix this, it is necessary that all application developers make support for the new operating system. Even though it came out a long time ago, many developers are in no hurry to do this.

Android Lollipop is not recommended for use on budget models, as it will heavily load the smartphone, which will lead to slowdowns. Users of expensive models are recommended to upgrade to a new version of the OS; if you like minimalism and ripples in your eyes, then do it.


We looked at Android KitKat and Lollipop, and helped you understand the main features and nuances of these OS versions. But which version is better to use, 4.4 or 5.1, is up to you to decide. Nowadays the main versions of Android used are 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 5.0, 5.1, in some cases even versions 6.0 and 7.0.

Not all owners of budget devices will be able to upgrade to the new version 5.1, so you will have to stay on the old version of the OS, as it will provide more stable operation. Expensive devices can be updated to Lillipop and enjoy new features.

Nexus5 was officially presented to the public, and with it a new version of the operating system Android 4.4 . Several videos for developers were posted online, describing the main innovations and changes. Here is a list of some of them. Below you can also find the above mentioned videos.

UPD (07.11.13): Added a more detailed description of the innovations of Android 4.4 KitKat

UPD (11/10/2013): The Dalvik virtual machine now has a competitor in the form

UPD (11/18/2013): A detailed review can be found here.

UPD (04/13/2014): Now the Android operating system will become even more secure

UPD (01/29/16) Kit-Kat 4.4.3 Update available for download

UPD (01/29/16) Kit-Kat 4.4.4 Many system vulnerabilities have been fixed

What's new in

  • Ok Google- quick access to voice commands from the homescreen or Google Now. A feature that previously appeared on Moto X, so far it only works on Nexus 5.
  • Project Svelte- optimization of the OS in the area of ​​RAM usage by applications. This innovation will allow you to gain greater productivity on cheap smartphones and tablets, as well as take multitasking on expensive devices to a new level.
  • Full screen mode- the navigation bar and status bar are hidden in full-screen mode and can be called up if necessary.
  • Navigation bar and status bar are transparent, which makes the device screen larger visually.
  • Phone app- the application will now search for all unfamiliar incoming numbers in Google. If the number can be linked to an institution, this information will be immediately displayed. also in Google On maps, when you enter the name of a specific location, the phone number associated with it will be displayed.
  • Hangouts replaced the usual application for sending messages
  • Wireless printing support via Google Cloud Print. For this purpose, the printer and Android The device must be on the same WiFi network. Quite logical in connection with the acquisition Quickoffice.
  • Smilies- on Google emoticons appeared on the keyboard.
  • IR blaster- the same feature HTC One And Galaxy S4 which didn't work for them Google Edition variations, since 4.2 did not have appropriate hardware support. IN 4.4 this problem was solved.
  • Record video from your device screen- now this feature is available directly in the OS itself. To use it, you need to resort to ADB.
  • New option to analyze memory usage applications for those who do not want to deal with ADB again.
  • Sensors- lower power consumption + rotation vector sensor and step counter.
  • Chromium– improved browser performance Chrome.
  • Safety- a more serious approach to security and improved encryption methods.
  • New design- adheres to a more neutral color scheme than the previous version of the OS. This applies to icons and pressing different buttons (when pressed they become only slightly darker)
  • New gestures- double tap increases the scale; for a more accurate change in the indicator, after the second tap you need to move your finger up or down.
  • NFC- principle of operation NFC updated so that GoogleWallet will be available on all devices. The application will also appear in Google Play.

The devices that will receive updates to first are Nexus 10, Nexus 7 2012/2013, Nexus 4, Google publications HTC One And Galaxy S4. Unfortunately, Galaxy Nexus not on this list. IN Google confirmed that there will be no official updates for the smartphone.

System changes in

Updated design

UPD (07.11.13):

Most of the features of the new version of the operating systemare already known, but there are also a couple of Easter eggs. Moreover, these are quite serious changes, the existence of which became known only recently. More on all this and more below.

New standards in the use of RAM

The first feature on our list is the optimization of RAM usage by applications. We have already written about this innovation, now it’s time to explain everything in more detail. Having started an advertising campaign, Google stated that the new version of the OS should become as accessible to everyone as the chocolate bar of the same name. Unlike politicians with their election statements, in Google They didn’t waste words and kept their promises. How all native apps work Google applications was modified in such a way that they greatly reduced the use of system resources, namely RAM. A new interface has also been released for developers, which will allow them to switch their applications to a new operating mode, and an option has appeared in the OS to control memory usage Process Stats. All this allows you to install it even on the most budget devices, and they will not slow down. Smartphones and tablets with serious technical characteristics receive additional multitasking capabilities from this.

Better use of screen and user interface

You've all probably heard about the openness of the operating system. Android, so, with the version 4.4 There are even more opportunities. First of all, this concerns developers: now they have expanded opportunities when working with the design of their applications, and the guidelines have become more flexible. There are also several full screen mode options. Developers can now choose the level of transparency of the status bar and navigation bar, adjust their presence/absence for full-screen applications, and select additional features that will be available to the user in full-screen mode. All this will lead to the fact that soon the content displayed on the screen of devices will be even more pleasing to the eye.

Unified signatures

With the new version of the OS, unified captions for images, videos and all other content are also available. This will, to a certain extent, unify all applications that work with signatures and make the user experience more universal. You can choose the font size, location on the screen, as well as the caption language and background color.

Centralized file management

Storage Access Framework- another exclusive innovation that allows you to view all files stored on Android device. The new interface combines many different applications, including Drive, Dropbox, downloads folder and gallery. With this innovation, you can not only view all files, but also edit them, which is very convenient.

New sensors

IN Android 4.4 Built-in support for two sensors. Both of them react to steps: one recognizes them, the second counts them. The sensors distinguish between walking, running and climbing. So now developers don't have to worry about creating separate algorithms with similar capabilities. But at the same time, the hardware must also support new software features. At the moment only Nexus 5 has this advantage.

Infrared sensor

The use of an IR blaster is becoming a trend: all developers want to turn their supersmartphones into universal remote controls for all home appliances, while the necessary hardware requires additional support from software. As with the new sensors, this has already been taken care of.

UPD (11/10/2013): the Dalvik virtual machine now has a competitor in the form of ART

Negotiations between Google And Nestle started back in November 2012. But the companies came to a certain agreement only after Mobile World Congress in February of this year. The name itself remained classified. IN Google when mentioning a new version of the operating system, they continued to use key lime pie, and very few company employees knew about the real name. Concerning Nestle, then the new one has long been ready to fill supermarket shelves. At the same time, 500 chocolates were produced in the shape of the logo of the new operating system. Android. They were produced in the strictest confidence at one of the European factories. It is not known whether mere mortals will be able to purchase an exclusive candy bar. Most likely 500 bars per form Android 4.4 will diverge between the employees of the two companies.

It is worth noting some difficulties that have arisen in Google. Although the world's producer is Nestle, but the rights to the name and production of chocolate in the United States belong to the company Hershey. And since the United States is the most important market for Google And Android, then the company had to simultaneously negotiate with Hershey so as not to lose a significant audience. Fortunately, everything went well.

Information has also leaked online that it has long become the chief engineer’s favorite candy bar. Android Hiroshi Lockheimer. Several years ago as Gmail He used the logo for his avatar, and the employees, knowing his love for this sweetness, covered the door to Hiroshi’s office with candy bar wrappers.

It is not yet known when it will appear. There is also no information about new features and functionality of the operating system. What is known is that Android 4.4 should appear with the new device. Most likely it will be a smartphone Nexus 5 . We can assume that this will happen at the celebration of the fifth anniversary Android. But here the version begins to confuse 4.4 , but not 5.0 .

More information should appear in the near future, so stay tuned to this post, we will try to post all the latest information in a timely manner, especially the fifth anniversary Android very soon.

UPD (12.09.13): added lists of devices that most likely can be updated to Android 4.4 KitKat + list of possible innovations

According to the latest data, it will appear not only on Nexus 5, but also on an updated ten-inch tablet Nexus 10. This event should be expected in October. Since updating the OS to Android 4.3 Jelly Bean did not bring significant changes, then with version 4.4 a number of significant innovations are expected to appear. It is not yet entirely clear what exactly to expect, but the choice of a new name for the OS suggests that Android 4.4 will be different from 4.3 the same way chocolates differ from tiny ones jelly beans. In addition, the use of a new kernel is expected Linux, namely build 3.8. This will lead to the following consequences:

  • Android devices with OS version 4.4 will have full driver support for NVIDIA Tegra And Samsung Exynos DRM;
  • support F2FS- a file system that is designed for use in flash memory;
  • and the requirements of the operating system itself will become lower. This will allow you to update a number of older devices to Android 4.4, bypassing several previous versions.

Here are some more likely updates:

  • New gallery app
  • New animation APIs
  • Additional options for customizing the interface
  • New notification widget
  • Miracast updates

Here is a list of possible devices that may receive updates:

  • Galaxy Grand and Grand DUOS
  • Galaxy Ace II
  • Galaxy S III mini
  • Galaxy Beam
  • Galaxy Express
  • Galaxy S Advance
  • Galaxy S II and S II Plus
  • Galaxy Premier
  • Galaxy Note I
  • Galaxy Young and Young Duos
  • Galaxy Fame
  • Galaxy X Cover 2
  • Some Galaxy Tab devices

Galaxy devices that should receive updates to Android 4.4 KitKat first:

  • Galaxy Note III
  • Galaxy S IV
  • Galaxy Note 8.0
  • Galaxy Note 10.1 and 12.2
  • Galaxy S IV mini

Possible benefits of Android 4.4 KitKat for Samsung Galaxy devices:

  • improved support for Exynos chips
  • wider network coverage and better compatibility
  • optimization of work processes
  • increased productivity
  • extended operating time

UPD (21.09.13):

Androidpit posted the news that Nestle hinted at a possible release date for a new version of the operating system. The message received from the German team states that it will be presented in October.


Photos of the image have appeared online. You can see the new OS design on them. Any new features are not yet known.

UPD (07.10.13):

Screenshots of a new version of the mobile operating system from Google, but not without a number of misunderstandings. Firstly, the OS name is listed as Key Lime Pie. This can most likely be explained by the fact that the screenshots show one of the early prototypes. In this case, it becomes clear why the OS does not bear its new name: the company maintained special secrecy, and many employees until the last moment believed that the new version Android will bear the name Key Lime Pie. The second misunderstanding is Hammerhead– the code name of the build, which had previously appeared in various sources, and now appeared in the screenshots along with Key Lime Pie version KRS65B.

As for the visual differences, there are somehow very few of them: it is very similar to Jelly Bean. Everyone expected radical changes in the design of the new version of the operating system, but the screenshots received indicate the opposite. But there were some innovations: the first noticeable difference is the new color of the notification panel, which is now white. There are also some new options in the settings: with Android 4.4 Each user will be able to independently set a limit on traffic use depending on their tariff plan, after which some applications that require constant access to the Internet will be blocked at the OS level.

Some applications support various printing options, and QuickOffice allows you to save documents in PDF format, select the background color (black or white), document orientation and pages to print. Application QuickOffice now also works in conjunction with Drive: Documents are saved in the cloud and synchronized between all devices. In addition, some image editing options have appeared in the Gallery.

UPD (10/14/13):

Stefan Keuchel, speaker Google Germany, in his Google+ account stated that he was in San Francisco and was very excited about tomorrow. Does this mean that October 15th will be the day of birth Nexus 5 And Nexus 10? Or is this just an annual gathering of PR managers? Or maybe Google is going to introduce smart watches tomorrow Nexus Gem? Very soon we will find out everything. If the presentation of new devices and Android 4.4 is not planned for tomorrow, then what date will be the most optimal for Google? Maybe October 31st?

UPD (10/15/13):

Let's summarize all the information available to us. Firstly, it will receive an updated design. This is quite logical, since time Jelly Bean is coming to an end, and a new sweetness has long been ready to take its rightful place. When moving from one dessert to another, OS Android has changed externally, but since the version is still the fourth, you shouldn’t expect very serious changes. They should only emphasize the transition.

Of course, the first thing that catches your eye is the new wallpaper, but there are other innovations besides them. Let's start with the lockscreen: the status bar is transparent and there are updated icons. There is a camera shortcut at the bottom right of the screen.

The second major change is a new launcher Google Experience. It is expected that it will be available for download in Google Play, this will comply with the company's distribution policy to all users.

The third element that will change with the advent of the new version of the operating system is the application drawer. True, it is too early to talk about any specific things, since in the video review Nexus 5 OS version is listed as Key Lime Pie, but the presence of changes at this stage indicates the appearance of new features, well, or an updated design. You can watch the video in the main post about Nexus 5 .

In addition, there is information that Google Now you can launch it by swiping from left to right, bottom to top, or using a voice command. The good old method will also be available, in which you will need to enter text into the search bar to launch the application.

There will also be three modes for determining location. The most energy-intensive will use GPS, WiFi and mobile Internet. More gentle - only WiFi and mobile Internet. The third mode will use only GPS for these purposes. In addition, the OS provides a list for applications that will use this information.

About Tap & Pay we have already mentioned. As for optical image stabilization, it is not yet known whether this is a feature or a property of the camera Nexus 5. From available and confirmed information it is also known that Google Hangouts will completely replace SMS messaging applications, and wireless document printing will be available in the OS.

UPD (31.10.13):

Low power device support

Fragmentation Android- a process that is integral to the diversity of mobile devices. Moreover, they all have their own unique characteristics and requirements, and this leads to the fact that it is difficult to optimize the next OS version even for half of the existing ones Android smartphones and tablets are almost impossible. If we talk about low-budget devices, then the latest versions Android they are simply too tough for them, but with the advent everything should change. Manufacturers will be able to install it even on budget smartphones that have basic technical characteristics. Moreover, it should work perfectly on more compact devices, for example, smart watches and augmented reality glasses.


Updates are also expected NFC. The technology will now emulate credit cards and travel documents, eliminating the old security algorithm, which, by the way, was not accepted by many operators, and they simply turned it off. The application itself should appear in Google Play. As for security, it is not yet clear how it will be implemented in the case of NFC on .

New sensors

IN Android 4.4 a rotation vector sensor and a step counter will appear. All this is a consequence of two processes: firstly, the use of the OS in smartwatches. Secondly, more precise work with sports applications. Support for new sensors will not only provide more reliable data, but will also help reduce energy costs.

TV and Bluetooth

There will be support for an IR blaster, which means that if you have the appropriate application and hardware, you can control the TV using your smartphone. In addition, the new version of the OS will be designed for wireless connection to various control systems in the car: navigation will become more convenient, and to listen to music you will not need to connect to the 3.5 jack on your phone. The connection will take place using Bluetooth. Of course, all this is only if the necessary equipment is installed in the car. There will also be a surprise for gamers: it will have expanded support for game controllers.

UPD (11/27/13): List of devices that will receive updates to Android 4.4 KitKat first

At least in Google and announced that it would become a widely available version of the operating system, but so far this is only true in theory. In practice, mobile device manufacturing companies are in no hurry to release updates for all their smartphones and tablets, and the overall list of devices whose owners are lucky looks quite modest. Perhaps after some time it will be supplemented, but for now the picture is as follows:


  • Galaxy S4
  • Galaxy S4 Zoom
  • Galaxy S4 Active
  • Galaxy Note 3
  • Galaxy Mega (it is not yet known whether it will be 5.8, 6.3 or both devices)
  • Galaxy S3
  • Galaxy Note II
  • Galaxy S4 Mini
  • Galaxy Tab 3 & Tab 2

As for dates, there is no information yet, and in the case of some Android devices, updates may only affect their US versions.


  • Xperia Z1
  • Xperia Z
  • Xperia Z Ultra
  • Xperia ZL
  • Xperia Tablet Z

List of devices from Sony even less. As you can see, it consists exclusively of top-end devices, and before you get an update to 4.4 , they will have to update to 4.3 . Concerning Xperia T, Xperia TX And Xperia V, then they will most likely only be updated to the latest version Jelly Bean


  • One X+
  • One X
  • Desire series devices released in 2013
  • Droid DNA
  • Butterfly

I would like to see on this list HTC One Max. There is a possibility that official confirmation of updates for the device will appear very soon.


  • Nexus 4
  • Optimus L7, L5, L3
  • Optimus G
  • Optimus G Pro
  • Optimus VU

And again, no specific information about dates.

That's all, we will try to update this information in a timely manner. But, if your device is not on the initial list, then the likelihood of official updates appearing for it is not very high, but you can always use, for example, C.M. or MIUI. Moreover, tools for automatic installation have already been released for ROM, in which user participation is minimized.

UPD (05.12.2013): Android OS version 4.4.1 KitKat was spotted on Nexus 5, Nexus 4 and Nexus 7

OS version Android 4.4.1 KitKat was seen on Nexus 5, Nexus 4 And Nexus 7. The information came from the site 9to5Google: one of the employees noticed Android 4.4.1 KitKat among the site's analytical data. A total of 4 devices were spotted with the new OS version, but there is no information about the fourth device. There is a possibility that it could be a new one. All visitors were located in Santa Clara, California.

In addition, there is information that updates to 4.4.1 KitKat will be released soon for HTC One Google Play Edition. What will they be? Most likely, the developers will fix some bugs and increase performance.

UPD (09.12.13): Main innovations and changes in Android 4.4.1

  • The camera on the Nexus 5 is now faster
  • Fixed problems with quiet sound playback in some applications
  • improved vibration response (haptic feedback)
  • bugs related to ART have been fixed
  • The mail client now syncs normally
  • Photos app is used instead of gallery
  • system performance increased
  • the status bar no longer turns dark
  • The navigation bar on the Nexus 4 lockscreen is now transparent
  • settings icon changed
  • Miracast settings renamed to Cast

UPD (12/10/13): Android 4.4.2 (KOT49H) is already online. Added update files for Nexus devices

Didn't have time to update Android 4.4.1 reach everyone Nexus devices, how an even newer version of the OS got onto the network - 4.4.2 . The developers have fixed various bugs, including those related to VM Indicator, and also made the OS more secure. Wherein App Ops Doesn't work in the new version.

If you want to get Android 4.4.2 faster, you can install the updates yourself, to do this, use the following files:

Nexus 4

  • 4.4 -> 4.4.2: occam KOT49H from KRT16S
  • 4.4.1 -> 4.4.2: occam KOT49H from KOT49E

Nexus 5

  • 4.4 -> 4.4.2: hammerhead KOT49H from KRT16M
  • 4.4.1 -> 4.4.2: hammerhead KOT49H from KOT49E

2012 Nexus 7 Wi-Fi

  • 4.4 -> 4.4.2: nakasi KOT49H from KRT16S

2012 Nexus 7 3G

  • 4.4 -> 4.4.2: nakasig KOT49H from KRT16S

2013 Nexus 7 Wi-Fi

  • 4.4 -> 4.4.2: razor KOT49H from KRT16S
  • 4.4.1 -> 4.4.2: razor KOT49H from KOT49E

2013 Nexus 7 LTE

  • 4.4 -> 4.4.2: razorg KOT49H from KRT16S
  • 4.4.1 -> 4.4.2: razorg KOT49H from KOT49E

Nexus 10

  • 4.4 -> 4.4.2: mantaray KOT49H from KRT16S
  • 4.4.1 -> 4.4.2: mantaray KOT49H from KOT49E

UPD (20.03.14): Android 4.4.3 KitKat will appear on Nexus devices very soon

Messages have increasingly begun to appear online that a new version of the OS will appear very soon. Android. So far we are only talking about fixing bugs, which means that the owners Nexus And Google Play Edition devices will be received Android 4.4.3 KitKat, not 4.5. For example. Apparently, the developers Android We decided to fix a number of bugs. The public has been talking about them for a long time, but Google has not taken any decisive action. The bug, due to which applications running in the background kept trying to connect to the camera, tickled the nerves of many users, but very soon it will disappear from smartphones.

The new build has already appeared on Nexus 5. His name - KTU65, so it's still . There are no specific details about the innovations yet, but information will probably appear in the coming days. We sincerely hope that after updating to 4.4.3 Users will no longer encounter boot errors, Bluetooth connection problems, poor video quality when shooting in low-light conditions, problems when working with Microsoft Exchange, and increased energy costs. Unfortunately, all these bugs have become integral attributes 4.4.2 , adding to the aforementioned camera issues.

Chainfire pushed the idea that with the new version Android Users can expect major changes in the area of ​​root rights. This will shake the popularity of custom firmware for some time, because developers will need to create new means for obtaining root access, as well as adapt the ROMs themselves to new conditions. In addition, the innovation will hit applications that require advanced permissions to operate. Immediately after the update they will become incapacitated.Of course, this is unlikely to happen in the case of Android 4.4.3 KitKat, but when switching to a new letter, innovation has every chance. Expected that Android 4.5 will appear this summer along with the tablet Nexus 8 . Should we expect something revolutionary new from the summer update? Logic dictates that yes, since quite a lot of time has passed since the last major changes to the OS Android, but in reality 4.5 may refuse with another successful marketing ploy

UPD (31.03.14): Android 4.4.3 will fix many bugs

According to information that came from a reliable source, all major bugs that were in the previous version of the OS will be eliminated. You should not expect any innovations from this version of the OS, developers Google We saved them for a more serious update. The list of fixed issues includes the following items:

  • frequent connection interruptions
  • excessive resource usage due to problems with mm-qcamera-daemon
  • HDR, focusing and other camera problems
  • Power Manager
  • all Bluetooth related problems
  • random reboots
  • removing application shortcuts from the launcher after updating applications
  • problems with USB debugging
  • Security issues related to app shortcuts
  • automatic connection to Wi-Fi
  • problems with MMS, Calendar, Email/Exchange, People/Dialer/Contacts, IPv6, DSP, VPN
  • Stuck on activation screen
  • subtitles
  • traffic usage graph
  • FCC compliance

UPD (04/02/14): KitKat accounts for 5.3 percent of all Android devices

Company Google published data on the percentage of different versions of the operating system Android among all currently existing devices. According to the report, it has gained new positions and now occupies 5.3 percent of devices, while a month ago this figure was two times lower and amounted to 2.5%. On Jelly Bean 61.4% of devices fall on Ice Cream Sandwich- 14.3. Index Android 2.3 Gingerbread fell to 17.8 percent.

The shift in favor occurred primarily due to updates to devices such as Note 3, HTC One And Galaxy S4. In the future, the percentage of devices running the new OS version will only increase along with sales growth HTC One (M8), Samsung Galaxy S5 and other top-end smartphones scheduled for release this year.

UPD (11.04.14): Android 4.4.3 is already being fully tested by the company's employees, and in a few weeks we will see official updates

It will appear on the first devices very soon. While the new version is being tested among employees Google, but in a few weeks the new version of the OS will become available to the public. As for any innovations, most likely there will not be any, as was stated earlier; this version of the operating system will correct past errors and introduce additional stability to a number of Nexus, Google Edition And Motorola devices. Expected that 4.4.3 will fix all problems related to mm-qcamera-daemon, as well as random device restarts.

Devices that are guaranteed to receive updates to:

  • Nexus 4
  • Nexus 5
  • Nexus 7 2012
  • Nexus 7 2013
  • Nexus 10
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 GPE
  • Sony Xperia Z Ultra
  • Moto G GPE
  • LG G Pad 8.3 GPE
  • HTC One M7 GPE
  • HTC One M8 GPE
  • Moto X

UPD (04/13/2014):

operating system Android will acquire a new security tool. The essence of the update is that applications will now be scanned not only during installation, but also during operation. This will identify pests that somehow miraculously leaked onto the device, and will also significantly protect those users who install applications from third-party sources.

UPD (13.05.14): Summary of rumors about Android 4.4.3 KitKat

Thanks to the hype around 4.4.3, it became known that the company HTC working on a tablet Nexus 8 . Maybe this device will become the first carrier Android 4.4.3 . In addition, there is information on the Internet that Motorola testing a device with the code name XT912 A, and this device runs on the OS Android 4.4.3 . Not without Sony: smartphone XperiaZUltraGoogleEdition lit up with 4.4.3. There is also information that with this version of the OS there will be some changes in the OS interface. We are talking about a dialing application. That's all for now.

UPD (16.05.14): Update to Android 4.4.3 KitKat for Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 will appear on May 23

And so, the long-awaited update will appear on Nexus devices. Information has appeared on the network that the update to Android 4.4.3 KitKat For Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 And Nexus 10 will appear on May 23, and with it many bugs inherent in the version will disappear 4.4.2 . Most likely soon 4.4.3 will get to Google Edition smartphones. As for other devices, it’s too early to say. Taking into account the experience of previous versions, we can say that 2-3 weeks after the appearance 4.4.3 For Nexus devices, the update will also roll out to smartphones from Mototrola: Moto X, Moto G And .

UPD (06/03/14): Update to Android 4.4.3 KitKat available for Nexus 7 2013 (Wifi)

Although some publications have already begun to doubt the appearance Android 4.4.3 KitKat(the promised updates on May 23 never appeared), arguing that all bugs would be fixed in the version 4.5 (or 5.0 ), adding a bunch of innovations, but this is not true. First updates to 4.4.3 available for Nexus 7 2013 (Wifi). Of course, not all devices of this model will receive them today, but the process has begun. We also expect that others will join the list of lucky winners Nexus And Google Play Edition devices, and after them the Motorola. In the meantime, the operating system Nexus 7 2013 (Wifi) You can update the KTU84L build, which weighs 74 megabytes. The update file for manual installation can be found.

UPD (18.06.14): Update to Android 4.5 for Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 7 and Nexus 10 may appear a month after I/O

IN Android. gs drew parallels between previous OS update releases Android, as a result of which it was possible to notice one small pattern: the operating system receives two updates a year - one in the summer and one in the fall. Since a conference will be held soon, we can assume that the update to 4.5 will happen some time later. Most likely, it should be expected sometime in July. Will it be, Lollypop, 4.5 or 5.0 – not known. One thing is clear: updates are inevitable, and along with them we should also expect the appearance of a new device - an eight-inch Nexus 8 .

Concerning I/ O, then in all previous years the main topic of the conference was various innovations in the field of software. In 2014, everyone expects the conference to provide information about new services, as well as the operating system AndroidWear along with the first smartwatch on this OS.

UPD (07/01/14): Paranoid Android 4.4 Final ROM available for Nexus 4, 5, 7, 10 and Galaxy Nexus

If suddenly you become the owner Nexus 4, 5 , 7 , 10 or Galaxy Nexus, but you are not satisfied with the stock firmware, then in this case you can install it on your device. This version is the first stable one. It contains all the basic elements of the stock interface, supplementing them with some innovations. The latter are mainly characteristic only for Paranoid Android. With this you will get a completely redesigned volume panel, a new interface called Hover UI/UX, as well as features such as PIE controls and PEEK. Besides, ROM contains many improvements and bug fixes. You can find more information.

UPD (01/29/16) Kit-Kat 4.4.3

In the new version, errors in disabling data transfer were corrected, corrections with the transition to deep sleep, corrections in work, and so on. We also worked on the random reboot error, so now the device will reboot less for no reason, after updating the application, there will now be no problem when shortcuts used to disappear from desktop, with wireless data transfer, the developers also worked hard and now, including Wi-Fi connection problems, have been eliminated, and security when connecting to USB has also been corrected here, there have also been corrections in the operation of LED indicators, corrections in the operation of subtitles, corrections in the display of transmission statistics data and in the operation of Internet telephony, changes in the dialer and camera focusing these were the most important changes and innovations.

UPD (01/29/16) Kit-Kat 4.4.4

Various browser vulnerabilities have been fixed Open SSL And Web View, version update 4.4.4 received such smartphones as LG Nexus 4, 5 And Nexus 7 and 10 tablets, the corrective update fixed a vulnerability in the Linux core for which there is already exploit (exploit) for getting Ruth (root) access and the vulnerability was fixed Open SSL which could allow Midm an attack that could lead to decryption and various modifications on the transit gateway passing through the protected SSL TLS traffic connections, in general, in simple words, updating 4.4.4 closes vulnerabilities that allow attackers to gain access and intercept all of our mobile traffic.

She is preparing to transfer her powers to the newly appointed one. It is clear that this process is associated with inevitable improvements and innovations. Because of this, the following question is relevant: what are you missing in? Leave your answers in the comments.
