Installing Windows on a Samsung netbook. Installing Windows XP on a netbook without a CD-ROM

Installing Windows XP on a netbook has two features:

  • the first is the limitation of installation methods due to the lack of a CD reader DVD discs;
  • the second is the need for customization BIOS Setup so that the system can be installed on hard drive With SATA interface, which in the vast majority of cases are equipped with modern netbooks.

The first limitation is quite easy to get around by preparing, for example, an installation flash drive with an operating system distribution, which is what we will do. As for the second one, it depends on your luck. The fact is that at the time Windows XP was released, hard drives The SATA standard did not yet exist. Therefore, the system does not have the appropriate drivers in its distribution, and the netbook hard drive is not recognized by it. The easiest way to solve this problem is to reconfigure the BIOS, and the most correct way is to integrate the missing driver into the distribution. We will consider the first option, but it must be said that it does not always work.


To create an installation flash drive with Windows XP you will need:

  • flash drive with a capacity of 1 GB or more;
  • distribution of the operating system on CDDVD or as an ISO file;
  • a computer equipped with an optical drive for reading discs - operations to create a flash drive will be performed on it;
  • if the system distribution is presented in an ISO image, you do not need a CDDVD reader, you will need an emulation program virtual drive, for example: UltraISO, Daemon Tools, Alcohol 120%, etc.
  • WinSetupFromUSB – free utility to create a boot sector on a flash drive and transfer it to it Windows distribution.

Creating a bootable USB flash drive

In order for a flash drive to be recognized by a computer as a bootable device, it must be prepared - formatted in NTFS or FAT32 - both types file systems suitable for Windows installations XP. The second thing you need to do is create it on a flash drive. boot sector and write the bootloader onto it. Next comes the stage of transferring the distribution files to a flash drive and testing for performance. We will do all these operations using WinSetupFromUSB.


  • Connect a USB flash drive to your computer, preferably an empty one, and run WinSetupFromUSB.
  • Launch the Bootice utility built into the program, on the “Physical Disc” tab, click on the “Parts Manage” button - this will create an active boot partition on the flash drive. It will be the only one on a blank flash drive.

  • Next, you need to format: click “ReFormat USB disc” – “Next” – “OK”. Let all settings remain as default (drive type – USB-HDD).

Creating a Master Boot Record and Boot Loader

  • Open the Bootice utility window again and click on the “Progress MBR” button.
  • On the “Master Boot Record” tab, select the bootloader type – Grub4DOS, to install it on the flash drive, click on the “Install/Config” button.

  • The next window will ask you to change standard settings configuration, but we don't need it. Click “Save to Disc” and close the window.
  • Next, you will be back in the main Bootice window. Now you need to click the “Progress PBR” button to create the main boot entry on a flash drive.
  • Going further and finding yourself in the “Partition Boot Record” window, check Grub4DOS again, click “Install/Config”, and then “OK”. The bootloader creation stage is complete.

Copying Windows XP to a USB flash drive

  • If you are using a CDDVD with the system distribution, install it into the drive; if you are using an ISO file, mount it using emulator programs into a virtual drive. The picture shows how to do this in UltraISO.

  • In the main window of WinSetupFromUSB, in the “Add to USB disc” section, check the “Windows 2000/XP2003 Setup” box, click the button on the right and in the Explorer window that opens, select the storage location for the Windosw XP distribution. To start the copying process, click on the “Go” button.


  • After the distribution is completely transferred to a flash drive, you need to make sure that you can run a netbook from it. At the bottom of the WinSetupFromUSB window, check the box “Test in QEMU” - testing in virtual machine“QEMU”, and click “Go”.

Setting up the netbook BIOS

Boot priority order

  • Connect the USB flash drive with Windows XP to the netbook's USB port and turn on (or restart) it.
  • In order to enter BIOS settings Setup, hold down the key that is intended for this. Most often this is F2, but there may be another - F10, F12, F1, F4, etc. You can find out more precisely by reading the splash screen that appears on the screen immediately after turning on the netbook.
  • Navigate within the BIOS Setup menu using the arrow keys and confirm the actions by pressing “Enter”, go to the “Boot” section. In the boot device polling list “Boot Device Priority” – “1st Boot Device”, move your flash drive (USB-HDD) to the first place by pressing the F5 and F6 keys (move the selected item up or down).

Switching the SATA hard drive controller to IDE-compatible operating mode

This is the very setting that will help Windows XP recognize the netbook's hard drive.

  • Using the arrow keys, go to the “Advanced” section and change the value of the “OnChip SATA” parameter from “IDE-AHCI” to “Native IDE”.
  • In the absence of your BIOS version“OnChip SATA” settings, find the “IDE Configuration” parameter and assign it the value “Compatible”.
  • To exit the BIOS menu, press F10 and “Y”, which means exit and save the changes.

Installing Windows XP

  • Reboot your netbook ( installation flash drive must be connected). After turning it on next time, the process of copying the system distribution files to RAM. When it completes, you will see the Windows Setup Welcome window. It will wait for your response. To continue installing Windows XP, press Enter.

  • The next screen will prompt you to accept the license agreement. You will have to accept it, without this the system will not install.

  • Next, you will need to select or create a partition where Windows will be installed. If there is only an unallocated area on the disk, pressing “C” will create the required partition.

  • The next step is formatting the newly created or existing partition. Select NTFS.

  • After formatting is completed, the installation process will begin. First of all, you will be asked to select the system language:

  • Next, provide your details (name, organization):

  • And enter serial number. This can be (and even more convenient) postponed until later.

  • In the next step of installation, Windows creates an administrator account. You will be prompted to assign a password to it. There you also need to set the computer name.

  • The next screen is to set the date and time. You can install it now, or you can postpone it.

  • The configuration of network parameters is also not a matter of primary importance. We leave it as is, we will configure it later.

  • The same goes for creating working group or connecting to a domain. This option is relevant for enterprise networks, but this needs to be configured at the moment not necessary.

  • The system will then continue the installation with the settings you specified, which will end with the familiar Windows XP logo screen. This completes the main stage of the work.

Congratulate yourself, you did it - installed Windows XP on your netbook yourself. Next steps - setting parameters account and getting started with Windows is a completely different story.

Windows OS has become slower, freezes, and intermittent errors appear... How familiar is this situation to computer owners. Probably everyone has encountered this, and more than once. Most questions of this nature are answered briefly: “Reinstalling the system.” For an experienced user this is a simple process. Extended in time, but uncomplicated. If you are not a very experienced user... However, this can be solved.

It is much more difficult to decide if you do not have a desktop PC, but a netbook. On a PC, the operation consists of three steps: download, record, install. An image of any system can be found on the Internet or purchased. But this is a CD or DVD image. And for a computer with a drive there will be no questions. But the netbook does not have a drive, and there is simply nothing for it to read discs. Accordingly, the question “on a netbook for novice users?” may present certain difficulties.

Several solutions

Let's look at how you can reinstall. Let’s immediately make a reservation that these methods are designed for the moment when the system on the device is still loading. Even if it works slowly. Simply, if the system no longer boots and you do not have another computer at hand, then the question of how to reinstall Windows on a netbook can only be resolved with the help service center and extra money. But while the system is still loading, you can use, as it turns out, even several methods.

Let's look at each method in more detail. Let's start with the most famous one.

Method one. Actually a netbook

The simplest, and perhaps the most famous way, is to install the system directly from the netbook itself. All that is needed for this is disk space where we will download and then extract the image. Having an image on disk, the question of how to reinstall Windows XP on a netbook simply does not arise. XP is quite an old system, and it comes with a file that allows you to start the installation directly from a “live” system.

Having found this file, we start the installation and install. This is a slightly different solution than, for example, a clean installation on a personal computer, but a netbook is not a personal computer. But, no matter how it is used, the “live” installation option is described above.

At correct installation you will keep all your movies, music and other documents. You will have to restore the program settings yourself, but there is nothing you can do about it. What is more important - a working system or settings that can be returned?

True, it’s worth noting one nuance here, namely, what was on the device before reinstallation. If XP was installed there, then you will have one problem - be careful and select the installation as “Update” (this method will save the documents). But if there was Linux, for example, then the question of how to reinstall Windows on a netbook will be a little more complicated. We will not delve into the jungle to understand why this is so now, but will move on to the next method.

Method two. Standard flash drive

A user who sat down at a computer not yesterday knows enough about this simple device like a flash drive. This is an independent device for storing some information. At the same time, the netbook user knows that his device has several slots for connecting standard flash drives. The question arises - is it possible to use a flash drive, or, to paraphrase, how to reinstall Windows on a netbook from a flash drive?

As it turns out, it's very simple. We will need the flash drive itself, our netbook and two programs - the system image itself and any program that can make the flash drive bootable. Since the installation takes place entirely from a flash drive, it must be of such a size that the entire system image fits on it. For example, in the method described above, the volume of all files took up approximately 1. For such a system, a 1 GB flash drive is suitable. The flash drive is preferably empty, since the program can format it during the process. If the flash drive is larger than the system, then after installation it will be possible to write other files to it.

For example, the Unetbootin program operates in 4 steps. If the flash drive is identified by it, you need to select Diskimage (at the bottom of the window), next to it from the drop-down list type is Iso, then opposite it on the left click the button to select the previously downloaded image file. We found the image and opened it with the program. Then look for the OK button at the very bottom of the window. You wait for some time. Upon completion, the program prompts you to either reboot immediately (reboot now) or exit (exit).

When the flash drive is ready, we reboot the device, then in the BIOS we set it to first or at the moment of loading we hold down F8 (this can be solved experimentally: either F5 or F8). A menu for selecting a boot device should appear; if the flash drive is connected, it will be in the list as a USB Disk, select it. The installation will start directly from the flash drive.

The difference between the above method and this one is that after you have prepared the flash drive, installation files With hard drive can be deleted, since they will be on the flash drive, and it is from it that the system will be installed.

In principle, the installation method from a flash drive is the most universal, so it makes sense not to clean the flash drive after installation. It may still be useful to you.

Regardless of what you install, you need to select “Update” in order to be able to save document files.

If we want to install systems that came out later, the latest, most modern ones, then we should talk about the volume of new systems.

A little about volumes and licenses

A standard netbook has a small hard drive. At the same time, the described methods assume that you are using the hard drive of the netbook itself. Of course, no one forbids preparing a flash drive on another computer, if you have one. What if not? At the same time, installation copies latest versions Windows have significant volumes: 3, 5, 8 GB.

And if 1-2 GB can usually be found, then 8-16 can already be a problem. Often there are several systems on such a disk, and during the installation process you can choose which system to install. But you won’t be able to select files from just one system due to licensing options in the new Microsoft OS. Strictly speaking, there is only one system on such disks - the most complete, and additional versions depend on the key that the user buys.

Let's talk about installing more modern operating systems

So, if you are faced with the fact that for some reason the existing system does not suit you, and you want to install Windows 7, then it’s time to tackle the issue, as on a netbook.

As a matter of fact, the two simplest options were given earlier. If for some reason you are not satisfied with them, you can use other methods. As the gurus say, everything in the system can be done in several ways.

Method three. Updating from an image

As mentioned earlier, all systems are supplied in disk images. You burn it to a DVD and play it from the disc. But if available free space You can also update from the image. The scheme here is standard. There are disk emulator programs, for example, Alcohol 120%, known to many users, load the image into such a program and install it. It’s as if a new drive appears in the system - a virtual one.

Go to the “Tools” menu, select “Settings”, there is the “Virtual disk” section.

Set it up as in the pictures above. In general, the program can create 31 drives, but for us to solve the question of how to reinstall Windows on a netbook, one is enough. After reboot (needed for correct operation virtual drive) go to the folder where the image is located - right click on it, select “Mount to device” and then select the previously created drive.

The image will run and you will see home screen start of installation. Images of screens 7 and XP are found above in the text. And now let's move on to the actual the hard way. As a matter of fact, when installing on a regular computer, this is what they choose, but in a netbook environment it is quite complicated.

Method four. Installation from external media

We can say that this option is no different from the one already described with a flash drive, but this is not entirely true. Computer technology is constantly evolving, and now you can buy an external drive for reading/writing discs.

This can be quite an expensive pleasure, but if you calculate how long you can use it... However, do the math yourself. If you have such a drive (by the way, when you buy a netbook, many sellers will give it to you at a discount), the question of how to reinstall Windows on a netbook, like many others related to the information on the CD, will simply not interest you, because in this case the installation or the reinstallation will be no different from a normal installation on a PC.

For example: Asus netbook

Asus was perhaps the first brand to produce netbooks, so device owners probably asked the question of how to reinstall windows on an Asus netbook more than once.

But since Asus was one of the first manufacturers of such devices, the owner who is determined to install Windows 7 may not be able to cope with this generally ordinary task on his own. Depending on the specific device, the solution to the question of how to reinstall Windows 7 on an Asus netbook should be entrusted to specialists in the service center. Although, if the matter is very urgent and there is no extra finance, you can try on your own. The main thing is to do everything in order and carefully read what the installation program requires or offers you at each stage.


In the article, we looked at several ways to reinstall Windows on a netbook, from the simplest to the most complex. Of course, these are not all methods, but if you are the owner of a netbook, then after reading the article, you will certainly choose for yourself suitable option. The described methods assume that you do not have another computer at hand. If it is, many of these methods will be much easier. In particular, by resetting everything necessary files on another computer, you can run not the update, but clean install. Clean in many cases better updates. Why? More on this in another article.

Hi all! I was given a netbook for temporary use to solve certain problems. Taking this opportunity, I decided to write an article on how to install Windows 7 on a netbook from a USB flash drive. In fact, it is recommended to install the MeeGo operating system on such Internet devices. Linux Mint or Jolicloud (another product from the Linux company). It should be said that of the ones I mentioned, the latest OS was designed exclusively for netbooks and therefore it makes it possible to intelligently squeeze the maximum performance out of such a machine. However, in my case it was necessary to install Windows 7 for the owner.

It should be said that for such devices (netbooks) from the Windows 7 operating system family, it is better to install the Starter, Home Basic or Home Premium editions and do not look towards the Professional and Maximum editions. (Ultimate) version. You need to understand that a netbook is primarily intended for access to the Internet and it makes no sense to stuff an OS with many functions into it.

Multi-functionality will ultimately be bad for productivity. You can familiarize yourself with the capabilities of a particular edition on Wikipedia. As a rule, the Starter or Basic edition is sufficient for the average user, but the choice is yours. I installed Windows 7/Home Premium (32-bit), although the Home Basic version would have been sufficient.

Before you begin installing the operating system, transfer information that is important to you from the local drive “C”, download drivers for your netbook and create an image of the Windows 7 system in ISO format. I already wrote about that in one of my publications, and therefore I won’t dwell on it here.

Conventionally, installing Windows OS from a flash drive to a netbook can be divided into four stages:

  1. Preparing a USB flash drive.
  2. Copying Windows 7 distribution files in ISO format to a USB drive.
  3. Setting boot priorities in BIOS.
  4. Installation of the operating system.

I will sequentially describe all the stages, taking into account what you have already prepared ISO image operating system. There are several ways to prepare a USB drive and burn Windows 7 files, but I prefer to do it in command line. By the way, if you are or, then I recommend reading the articles by following the links.

Preparing a USB flash drive for transferring Windows 7 files.

Insert a USB drive with a capacity of at least 4 GB into the computer port and open the command line using the Win + R key combination or click the “Start” button by entering cmd in the search field and confirming the action by selecting the proposed program.

Type diskpart in the command line and press Enter. This is a utility program that is designed by developers to configure storage device settings using a script or remote session. Next, we need to display a list of all drives on the netbook. To do this, enter the command list disk and confirm the action by pressing the “Enter” button

Now give the command select disk indicating the number of the USB flash drive. In my case, the USB drive is number three, therefore, I need to write select disk 3. If your USB flash drive is number two in the list, then you write this: select disk 2. To clean the disk, enter the clean command and press "Enter".

Next, you need to create a partition using the create partition primary command and confirm the action with the “Enter” button. Here you need to select the first partition, and to do this, use the select partition 1 command and press “Enter” again. The next action is to enter the active command and press “Enter” again.

We start the process of formatting the partition with the command format fs=NTFS and confirm our intentions with the “Enter” button. All that remains is to assign a letter to the flash drive by entering the command assign letter=W and pressing the “Enter” key. After these steps, the system will identify the flash drive under the assigned letter.

Mount the ISO image of the operating system in Daemond Tools (the process is described in the links above) or, for example, UltraISO and copy all the files to a USB flash drive. Once the process is complete, you can begin installing Windows 7.

How to install Windows 7 on a netbook.

The installation process should begin by changing the boot options in the BIOS (Basic Input Output System). Insert the prepared USB flash drive with the operating system into the port and restart the computer. When starting the machine, you need to go to the BIOS parameters by pressing the F2, F10, F1, Del or ESC button. Each computer manufacturer can define its own button for entering the basic I/O system for this operation. You will see which button you need to press at the bottom of the screen.

After entering the BIOS settings, you need to find the area responsible for the boot priority of drives. Depending on the version and developer, the interface may differ slightly. Typically, these options are located on the "Boot" tab.

On this page you need to install the USB drive in the first place, save the settings and exit (F10 - Save and Exit Setup). After exiting the BIOS, a new boot stage will begin and the computer will first turn to the USB flash drive and you can begin installing the operating system. In essence, the process of installing Windows from a USB flash drive is no different from installing from DVD disc. Therefore, I will describe all the stages succinctly.

1. Collection of information. The first step is to select the installation language, time format and keyboard layout, as well as currency units. Click the “Next” button.

In the next window, we need to start the process by clicking on the “Install” button, and then accept the license agreement. Next, we are asked to select the installation type. Choose " Full installation(additional parameters)".

At the next stage, we are asked to select a partition to install the operating system. Select a partition with the “System” type (usually this local disk C:) and delete the old files stored on it (system, programs) by clicking on the “Format” button.

When formatting is complete, click Next.

Once all the information has been received and the partition has been prepared, the operating system installation process will begin.

2. Install Windows. You will need to wait some time until copying and unpacking are completed. Windows files 7, and the process of installing components and updates will be completed.

Then the computer will tell you that you need to reboot and will do it automatically. It happens that after a reboot, the computer does not automatically enter the operating system setup mode, but offers to perform the entire procedure again. Therefore, it is better to go into the BIOS settings during a reboot and set the boot priority for the hard drive instead of the USB flash drive. That is, you need to return the previously changed parameters back to normal.

Now the boot will be performed from the hard drive, and you will proceed to the stage of setting up the operating system. That is, following the instructions on the screen, you will need to come up with and enter a user and computer name, decide on a password and provide a hint for it.

Enter the serial number (activation key) for this copy of the product or uncheck the “Automatically activate when connected to the Internet” checkbox to skip this step and move on. Set your security settings to “Use recommended settings” and specify your time zone.

Windows will then finish applying the settings. All that remains is to install the drivers you prepared earlier for your machine and configure the operating system to suit your requirements. I did the installation on a netbook Acer Aspire One D270. I hope the process goes smoothly. See you soon! Bye!

Today I will talk about how to install Windows XP on a netbook or laptop. You have to resort to installing Windows XP instead of Windows 7 because the netbook or laptop slows down a lot when working with Windows 7.

In a specific case, let's consider installing Windows XP on an ASUS netbook. You can install Windows XP either from a flash drive or from a CD. I will say right away that I am not a fan of installation flash drives, since the likelihood that sooner or later there will be a virus on the flash drive is very high. For this reason, I install operating systems only from CDs.

Since the netbook does not have a CD drive, an external drive is required. I used 3-Q as an external drive.

Step 1. We connect the external drive and turn on the power of the netbook.

Step 2. During loading, press the button F2 to enter the BIOS settings (your laptop or netbook may use a different key to enter the BIOS, for example, Delete).

Step 3. After entering the BIOS, you must first install boot device CD drive.

As can be seen in the figure, the first boot device is set to DVD drive, and the second, a hard drive with a SATA interface. Theoretically, you can now press the F10 key (save&exit) and continue the installation, but in practice, this may not be enough, because Windows XP may not “see” the SATA hard drive, resulting in the following message appearing on the screen:

“Setup did not find any hard drives installed on this computer.

Check that the power of the hard drives is turned on, that they are connected to the computer correctly, and that the disk hardware is configured correctly. This may require running manufacturer-supplied diagnostic or installed programs.

The installation cannot continue. Press to exit

In this case, perform step 4.

Step 4. In a specific case, go to the tab Advanced in the BIOS, go to the item IDE Configuration and change the settings from IDE ->AHCI on Native IDE.

Now you can install Windows XP without worrying that your hard drive will not be detected during installation.

This is where I end the story, since further steps for installing Windows XP are standard. As for drivers for Windows XP, you will have to search for them on the Internet. First of all, take a look at the manufacturer's website.

Do you have a problem reinstalling Windows on your netbook? This step by step guide will help you cope with this task without much effort. Any user, even a beginner, can do this by reading the instructions provided. So, what is reinstalling Windows, and how to do it correctly, without the help of a specialist?

To reinstall Windows yourself, you need to start with preparation. First we have to take care of the information we already have on the hard drive.

Preparatory stage

This instruction can be used for various models netbooks from manufacturers Lenovo, ASUS, Acer and others. In principle, the described process will also apply to regular desktop PCs.

Before you start reinstalling the OS, you need to save the valuable data on your netbook that you have accumulated while using the old operating system. You can transfer them to external hard disk or flash drive of suitable size depending on the size of the information that needs to be saved.

It is important to remember where valuable data may be located. For example, if the current system is more old version Windows, for example XP, then you should look at the contents of the desktop, the “My Documents” folder. It is also possible that you have once saved something directly on the system drive, usually drive C.

Of course, list everything possible options, where important data may be stored is very difficult, but we will still give good advice: look through everything carefully, so that later you do not regret some forgotten photograph that captured one of the pleasant moments of your life.

Why is this necessary? The fact is that our task is to fulfill the full reinstalling Windows, and this implies the need to format the partition where we will install the new system.

Why is it recommended to completely reinstall Windows rather than update it? Everything is simple here. While using the previous OS, viruses may have accumulated that are sitting in files that you don’t even know about. For this reason, most experienced users They practice a complete reinstallation. Let’s say right away that if accumulated viruses are the only reason why you are thinking of reinstalling Windows, then you should think about whether this is really the last option, because you can often get rid of malware in easier ways.

Determining the bit depth of Windows

Before you start installing a new system, let's talk a little about the bit capacity of the system on which you are planning to reinstall the current OS. Please keep in mind that Windows can be 32-bit or 64-bit. Among other things, these versions differ in that the 32-bit architecture cannot address more than 4 GB of RAM. We also immediately need to decide which Windows we will install - licensed or not.

  • Inability to install system updates
  • Embedded viruses and other malicious software
  • Deactivated services
  • Various Windows errors, which you will not find out about right away, and many other troubles

Using a flash drive as a carrier for the installation distribution

To install Windows on a netbook, we need a flash drive, since netbooks, due to their compact size, do not have a device for reading CD or DVD discs. In fact, many seem to have an even simpler option. After all, you can reinstall the system from this type of media on almost any computer, be it a netbook, laptop or just a desktop PC. USB sockets are available on all modern computers.

Making a bootable USB flash drive

Of course, simply copying the contents of the Windows distribution to a flash drive will not work. Additional operations must be performed, otherwise reinstalling Windows on the netbook will not work. But there is nothing complicated here, just place the image of the system you want to switch to on a flash drive. For this there are special programs, for example, you can use such a popular tool as UltraISO:

As soon as the image new Windows will be recorded on the USB flash drive, you can begin installing the system. Let me remind you once again that you must first save all important information With system disk. There will be no such opportunity again.

Now we reboot our netbook and go into the BIOS, for which at the very beginning of the computer boot we need to have time to press F12or the Delete key.

Here you need to specify booting from a flash drive as the first priority.

As soon as we have done this, we exit the BIOS saving the settings made, after which the netbook will reboot again. Next, loading from the flash drive should begin and, accordingly, .

Installation process

At this stage we should already have loaded Windows installer and the initial window of the first step of system installation. For different versions Windows steps may vary slightly, but in quality general rule We can give the following recommendation: you should not immediately click next without familiarizing yourself with what the next step is. As a rule, at one of the installation stages you will need to check and, if necessary, specify the correct date, time, time zone, language settings, and so on.

The only step you don't have to dwell on is acceptance. license agreement, which contains standard text, read which special meaning probably not.

It is important not to make a mistake at the stage where you will be asked to select the installation type:

  • update
  • full installation

We must definitely indicate the second option “Full installation”, since we want to install a clean system, and not update the old OS, as was mentioned at the very beginning.

After this, a window will open to select the partition where you want to install Windows. Here we can safely indicate the partition on which our current old system is installed, after which the specified logical drive will be formatted. Of course, we have already saved all the important information from the system disk and will not lose anything during the formatting process.

After formatting is completed, the OS installation process will begin. This usually takes 30-60 minutes on netbooks due to their low performance, although it can go faster if you have a more modern and powerful computer.

When the installation is complete, already new system Windows will ask you for your name, as well as an optional administrator password.

You may then need to set additional settings, such as network settings. Here, in most cases, you can agree with the recommended parameters, so that later they can always be changed from the operating system interface.

Let me also remind you that Windows will not always be able to find drivers for all devices on your netbook, so you will need to check which drivers were not found and install them for the system to function properly.
