The computer turns off while the game is starting. What should I do if my computer turns off by itself while playing? As well as reasons and solutions for turning off the computer after turning it on and fully booting

Common problem problem faced by computer and laptop users - why spontaneous shutdown or reboot occurs. The problem needs to be solved, and for this you need to know the causes and ways to eliminate them. Some things can be fixed on your own, but it is better to entrust more serious problems to reliable specialists who are not chasing the “long” ruble, but work conscientiously.

A sudden shutdown of a system unit, laptop or monitor is not always associated with a serious breakdown of equipment or its components; sometimes it is easily fixable system failures or BOIS, viruses or software updates.

The computer turns off by itself - reasons and solutions

1. Overheating of equipment components

Overheating of components may occur due to insufficient cooling of the system. Why and when does this happen? This is prevented either by accumulated dust or a malfunction of the fans (coolers). Dust settling on the inside of the system unit leads to malfunctions of the cooling system and then it stops working on its own. Fans and radiators (the modest partition between the fan and the processor) suffer the most from it. The accumulation of dust covers the cooler blades and the surface of the radiator and reduces their performance. In case of overheating, the motherboard signals a problem and the system turns off to relieve the load, which protects components from combustion. This problem can be solved simply - just remove the dust. You just need to do it carefully.

Overheating can also occur due to old or dried out thermal paste. This viscous mixture is applied between components and radiators to improve heat transfer. Ideally, it should be changed every year. If you can see that the thermal paste doesn’t look good, just apply new layer, after removing the radiator. And then the system unit will cool itself, without failures.

And the last reason why overheating is possible may be due to high ambient temperatures when it is warm and hot outside. The monitor itself may simply go out, and then all programs will stop running. Components that have wasted their service life must be replaced, but if it is not possible to supply new spare parts, then everything can be solved much simpler.

You can install additional coolers and replace them with new fans. It is better to change wherever they are - processor, power supply, video card. Thus, air circulation improves and perhaps the problem will be completely eliminated. Sometimes it helps to simply remove the case of the system unit and install it away from children and pets, but you will have to remove dust more often.

2. Software infection by viruses

This one probable problem sudden shutdown of the system unit or laptop. This problem can be solved by searching virus programs and their elimination. You can run installed antivirus– it will not only determine whether there are viruses in the system, but also eliminate them until they are completely eliminated.

Otherwise you can use free utilities from Dr.Web or Kaspersky. It is ideal to spend time and run them one by one - they each use their own virus program databases. They are easy to use and understandable even for dummies.

You can also bypass the launch of an infected OS. To do this, you need to burn the previously downloaded Kaspersky Rescue Disk or Dr.Web Live CD to a CD, and BIOS settings change startup disk - from hard drive (hard disk drive, HDD, HMDD) to a CD-ROM drive.

When you boot the computer, go to the BIOS (there may be different Function keys depending on the motherboard manufacturer, in our case “F9”).

Selecting advanced BIOS settings

Go to the menu item “Loading order”

Determining the first CD-ROM device

3. Installing a new program or device driver

A sudden shutdown of the system unit or laptop may be due to the installation of new software or device driver. The problem occurs if they are not compatible with the hardware or the installation causes the operating system to malfunction. This occurs due to high system requirements“bulky” programs that do not correspond to device parameters. Because of this, the processor is overloaded, which leads to overheating, and the system is protected by shutting down. In this case, it is enough to uninstall the program after installing which the problems began.

If problems started after installing new drivers, you will have to reinstall them. This occurs due to poor compliance or complete incompatibility of some components and, as a consequence, their drivers.

Alternatively you can use loading Windows in mode successful configuration. By pressing function key“F8” when you start your computer or laptop, a list of boot options appears, among which you need to select “Load last known known configuration”.

Restoring the system will have the same result. given points. The disadvantage of this method is that recovery points must be created in advance with a 100% working system or allow the system to do this in automatic mode. Windows, for example, has a recovery utility. It is called through the “Control Panel” in the “System and Security” tab, find “Run system recovery”. Here you just need to select a pre-created restore point and the system will “roll back” system settings to the desired state.

The computer and monitor turn off during the game - reasons and solutions

Why do the monitor and system unit go out while working with graphic programs or when you watch a video? Gamers are the most upset when a sudden shutdown results in the loss of all game achievements. High quality The graphics of modern games and videos place an increased load on the components of the system unit or laptop. First of all this

  • video card;
  • power unit;
  • CPU.

Moreover, the typical “culprit” in this case is the video card; other elements of the system unit can interrupt operation at any time.

Why does the monitor turn off by itself and the system stops working during the game? The video card can rarely cause spontaneous shutdown during the game. In most cases, when the video card does not meet the required parameters of the game or is disabled, the system begins to slow down, and instead of a full picture, only some elements of complex graphics are visible. But overheating of the video card, its fan or radiator easily leads to the entire system shutting down or rebooting during the game. Therefore, it is important to keep these elements clean and free of dust. It is also recommended to use special oil to lubricate the cooler.

If the video card is under heavy load, the power supply may not be able to withstand it due to quality or insufficient parameters. Overloading the power supply can only be solved by replacing it or purchasing modern equipment for games and programs with complex graphics.

The processor can also cause your computer to shut down while gaming. When high power demands are placed on it and when it overheats, a protective function is triggered and it shuts down.

Such nuances should be taken into account not only when starting computer games, but also when viewing high-quality large video files, launching “heavy” graphic editors.

Other reasons and their solution

1. Malfunction in the power supply

Why is it that when you play games or watch a movie, the power supply itself turns off and, as a result, the equipment turns off. The power supply on a machine is most often subject to loads and voltage fluctuations. Poor quality, voltage surges, sudden power outages - all this leads to failure of the power supply. The operational life of the unit is 3-5 years, then failures may occur. Usually this reason is determined by the following symptoms:

  • sudden shutdown even with low system load;
  • The system does not turn on at all or manages to go out before the OS loads.

Malfunctions in the operation of the power supply can also occur due to accumulated dust, and before taking drastic actions, you just need to clean the unit from dust.

2. Malfunction in RAM

You can determine that the RAM is “to blame” by the fact that before it turns off, the computer “freezes”, and the execution of any task is slowed down, and when the monitor goes out, the system unit itself turns off. You can check this by replacing the RAM with another working one or contact service center.

You can try to clean it from dust and check all the connectors - they should be inserted tightly, all the way.

3. Motherboard failure

Before looking for reasons in motherboard, you need to clean it from dust and check all fastenings. The motherboard must be tightly secured using connectors.

If the problem is in the motherboard, then most likely it is cracked or chipped, or the capacitor has burned out. The cause of all these problems may be careless handling of the system unit - shocks, falls, or simply the end of the motherboard’s service life. It is problematic to “blame” the motherboard on your own - you need to contact a service center for help.

4. Poor contact and instability of mains voltage

In order to make sure that the contacts are reliable, it is enough to check all the contacts of the cords and cables - from the surge protector to the contacts in the system unit. Poor contact causes the monitor and system unit to turn off on their own.

The operation of electrical networks in our country leaves much to be desired, and power surges and sudden breakdowns on the line are quite common. No one is protected from this, so it’s worth equipping any expensive equipment with voltage stabilizers, surge protectors or sources uninterruptible power supply. The effect of the latter is short-lived, but you can always turn off your computer correctly, reducing the risk of data loss to a minimum. Except motherboards, without protection, the monitor may burn out.

Ways to check your computer for problems

Why is it necessary to take a number of measures in the event of a problem such as spontaneous shutdown of a computer or laptop? Since this will help to identify the reasons for the shutdown and eliminate them, if possible, yourself. And to answer the question “why does the monitor and system turn off by themselves when you play?”

Procedure for solving problems with equipment:

  • cleaning the components of the system unit and laptop from dust and dirt;
  • replacing thermal paste;
  • check all components of the system unit - swollen capacitors, loose contacts, etc. can be easily detected visually;
  • carry out the procedure for testing components through the BIOS or other special utilities.

An excellent option would be to replace the “suspicious” element with a working one, but this method is not available to everyone. It is better to test the power supply in a specialized workshop, since it is better for the uninitiated not to tamper with live equipment.

Replacing thermal paste in a laptop should be carried out by an experienced specialist - it is not so easy to do at home without tools and is quite cheap.

The main condition for uninterrupted and long work computer equipment - proper care and strict compliance of hardware installed programs and applications so as not to overload expensive equipment.

To speed up your work desktop computer or laptop, I recommend that you use this utility to tune your system for maximum performance.

The work day is over, and now you can relax by launching your favorite game on your computer. But the trouble is in full swing gameplay The screen goes blank and the computer shuts down. We turn it on, start the game again, but another shutdown is not long in coming. Let's figure out why this happens and what to do if the computer turns off by itself while playing.

The most common cause is overheating

Laptops usually shut down due to overheating, but desktop computers can also be susceptible to it. Overheating shutdown is a kind of protection of system unit components from damage caused by high temperatures.

When running a game that consumes a lot of resources, the processor and video card work at full capacity, generating a lot of heat. As long as the cooling system copes, the computer will work, but if the temperature reaches a critical level, it will immediately shut down. Temperature indicators are detected by special sensors, the data of which is processed by a special firmware. It is she who turns off the computer, thereby saving you from waste, for example, on a new video card.

Causes of computer overheating

So why is the cooling system not doing its job? Most often this happens due to dust and dirt in the system unit. Dust not only contributes to accelerated heating of components, but also blocks the openings necessary for air circulation. Cooler blades, when covered with dust, also reduce their performance. Therefore, regular cleaning of the system unit is very important. For cleaning, you can use a regular brush and vacuum cleaner, but you need to be extremely careful not to damage the “insides of the computer.”

Remember that cleaning is carried out with the computer unplugged!

Some users prefer not to use the side cover of the system unit, believing that this way the air exchange will be better. They are partly right, but do not forget that the internal components of the computer will be defenseless against external dangers in the form of accidental kicks, children's hands or cat whiskers. In addition, in this case, contamination will occur much faster.

Constant overheating may be an indication that it is time to change the thermal paste, which is located between the processor and the heatsink. This paste promotes better heat transfer, but may dry out over time. Replacing it is not difficult, but if you are not confident in your skills, contact a specialist or an experienced friend.

The problem of constant overheating can be solved by bleeding the computer cooling system. Replacing old coolers and installing additional ones will significantly improve air circulation, and you can forget about overheating forever.

Your hard drive filled with information? Then read our tips on how to properly clean your HDD.

power unit

It is quite possible for a PC to suddenly turn off without overheating. This often happens due to problems with the power supply. It may simply not cope with the load. This usually happens after installing new components, for example, a video card.

It is worth noting that the power supply may fail over time due to frequent power outages. So it would be a good idea to check the wiring and socket.

In any case, if the problem is in the power supply, then it must be replaced. Do not spare money on a high-quality device, since it is the cheap Chinese analogues that most often fail.

Blue screen of death

An unexpected computer shutdown may be accompanied by the appearance of the so-called “screen of death”. This means that a serious error occurred in the system, which led to the shutdown. The problem usually occurs due to a driver conflict or a hardware malfunction. Myself blue screen contains information about this error. But the average user cannot always have time to view and record the necessary data, so the next time you start your PC, you can use the BlueScreenView program (, which is designed to view *.dmp files containing information about the causes of the latest blue screens.

When you launch the program, you will see all the dump files saved recently. In the lower area of ​​the window, the drivers that caused the conflict are highlighted in red.

By double clicking on the file name you can call additional information about him.

This way, you can independently find the reason for the sudden shutdown of your computer. Directly from BlueScreenView you can find the error code through the search engine and find out how to fix the problem. Just click right click on the dump file and click on the desired inscription.

Usually the problem disappears after replacing certain drivers.

Do you want to play new games without lag? Then you need a good video card; in our article we will tell you about the choice.


If your computer inadvertently turns off during a game, first check the system unit for dust. The thermal paste may need to be replaced. Shutdowns can also be caused by a power supply that cannot cope with the load and most likely needs to be replaced. If the shutdown occurs after the “screen of death” appears, you should find and eliminate the error that led to this trouble. In any case, the problem is completely solvable if, after shutting down, the computer turns on immediately.

If you suddenly have the misfortune that the computer turns off on its own while playing, don’t worry, let’s figure out together why this happened and what to do next.

What should you look at first if the computer turns itself off during a game? The motherboard has temperature sensors that monitor the processor and video card.

If they detect a temperature that exceeds the permissible norms, they will send a signal to a special microprogram, which will definitely turn it off, or, in extreme cases, put it into hibernation mode.

The temperature can rise for various reasons: contamination, failure of microcircuits, resistors, capacitors, and the like.

The first disadvantage, “pollution,” can be easily dealt with on your own. Filming back cover computer, find a fan and, using available means (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, air cans, scalpel, etc.), carefully clean out all the dust that we can reach. Other reasons will be discussed below.

Drivers, chipset and registry are largely responsible for all processes occurring in a computer.

Troubleshooting errors through the computer event log

I very often come across computers where the operation of one processor core is disrupted.

There are almost no single processors today, so you may have the same reason.

Here the question arises: what to do to find out. Please keep in mind that everything described below applies to operating rooms. Windows systems 7.

I forgot to remind you, before doing this, launch the game and let the computer turn itself off, it will also be good if you remember the shutdown time.

After clicking on Event Viewer, another window will open. On the left side you will see “Windows Journal”, and opposite it is a small black triangle, so you will need to click on it to expand the menu.

Now the system option will appear in front of you, click on it and you should see a window divided into two parts.

At the top, information is provided on an hourly basis about the changes that have occurred in your system. Below is a description of why this happened.

Now, as you scroll in the top window, you will definitely see a red circle next to “information”. Compare from the computer and if everything agrees, click.

At the bottom you will be given information about why the computer turns off during the game.

Rewrite it to text document(it won’t be possible to copy) and if you yourself can’t figure out what’s what, try to find the answer using search engines.

If this does not help, ask your acquaintances, friends, or contact a service center. You can even call ahead with information from the event log.

Also look to see if there is anything missing - this greatly affects overall performance.

Since there are different situations, and I cannot describe them all, I will finish. Good luck.

The modern computer industry is developing at a rapid pace, games are becoming very realistic and exciting. Therefore, more and more more people wouldn’t mind playing modern 3D games, they’re especially addictive online games. However, many users encounter unexpected problem, turning off the computer during the game. Let's figure out why the computer turns off during a game, and also try to eliminate the causes of this ailment. As a rule, the problem occurs when running heavy and dynamic games, in which the computer's resources are used to the maximum.

Very common cause why the computer turns off during the game, the cooling system becomes contaminated with dust central processor and video cards. Because of this, they overheat. Overheating of the video adapter especially often occurs, and various distortions “artifacts” may appear on the monitor screen. If the video card temperature reaches maximum values, it may simply burn out or the computer will turn off.

In order to avoid overheating of components during the game, it is necessary to promptly clean the computer system unit or laptop from dust. The system unit of a desktop computer is quite easy to clean; you just need to open the side cover and vacuum the insides. In this case, pay special attention to cleaning the cooling system of the processor and video card. With laptops, things are somewhat more complicated, and if you have no previous experience in disassembling them, I recommend contacting a service center. Also, when cleaning your computer from dust, I recommend changing the thermal paste between the chips and cooling radiators.

Advice! Try to clean your computer from dust at least once every six months; this will be the key to its stable operation when running modern games and applications that place a heavy load on PC resources.

Insufficient power supply.

Another very common reason why a computer turns off during a game is insufficient power from the power supply. The problem pops up quite often if you installed a new productive one on old computer or added any components to the system unit. At the same time, due to the heavy load, the power supply delivers its resources to the maximum and simply begins to turn off, since it cannot provide power, for example, to a powerful video card.

Advice! When choosing and purchasing a power supply for a computer, I advise you to choose only branded models with good declared characteristics. I do not recommend buying Chinese, “no name” models, because, firstly, they often do not correspond to the declared characteristics and fail very quickly.

As a rule, the stability of all computer components depends on the quality of the power supply. If you are one hundred percent confident in the installed power supply, then you will not have any questions about why the computer turns off during the game, since you will be confident in the high-quality power supply to the components.

Why does my computer turn off while playing? Driver conflict? System errors?

Quite often, while playing games, the computer turns off and appears. In this case, the problem may be software: incompatibility installed drivers on the video card, chipset, sound adapter and other components, and hardware: problems with RAM or hard drive.

In order to eliminate a software error, you need to look at the blue screen error code and also study the system log. To see what errors there are in operating system, go to the “Computer Management” panel, find the “Event Viewer” item there, then open “Windows Logs” - “System”.

In the system events window we look for errors and see why they occur. Next, let's deal with them. In case of hardware failures, a blue screen of death may also appear when the RAM or HDD of the computer malfunctions. In order to determine whether the problem is in it or in the hard drive, you need to run tests using special programs. So for RAM MemTest is suitable, and for hard testing disk program Victoria.

Presence of viruses.

Quite rarely, but there are cases when the computer turns off due to infection with viruses. In order to exclude at the moment, I advise you to install an antivirus software. Thus, you will ensure your safety when working on the Internet, as well as when connecting various removable media with information. If you don’t want to install an antivirus, you can periodically scan your computer using Dr.Web Cureit or the Kaspersky Lab utility KVRT.

Incorrect operation.

I would like to say a few words about the operation of laptops. If you often play computer games on a laptop, then try to provide it with good cooling, since due to the compact size of the case, the components of the laptop are located very close to each other, thereby heating up a lot. Due to small ventilation holes, the cooling system cannot cope with its task, resulting in overheating. Therefore, I recommend that those who like to play games on laptops purchase a special cooling pad.

For a fan of computer games, a sudden shutdown personal computer is a real nightmare. First of all, you need to figure out what the reason is: why does the computer turn off during the game?

Since an unexpected interruption is fraught with irretrievable loss of all information, and naturally, after this you will have to not only restart the game again, but also go through all its stages again if the save did not occur.

The main reasons why the computer turns off during a game

It is worth considering the situations due to which this could happen, but the user, in turn, should check everything that is said in this article. If you have a laptop and have this problem, then you can also clarify for yourself the reason for the computer turning off spontaneously. Therefore, it is necessary to be attentive to each point.

However, the main reasons for a sudden computer shutdown were listed, but in fact there can be many of them. If you do not have the necessary skills for testing and checking equipment, then you should resort to the services of a specialist.

In addition to the above problems, a sudden computer shutdown can be caused by the following reasons:

  • faulty wiring condition;
  • voltage fluctuations;
  • dust in the system unit;
  • low voltage in the electrical network;
  • faulty extension cord or pulse block nutrition.

These factors should not be discarded, especially since checking them will not take much time. There could also be software reasons. I would like to hope that the article turned out to be very useful for you and was able to answer the question: “What to do if the computer suddenly turns off while playing?”
