Which is better: Android or Windows Phone? Comparison of operating systems. Mobile operating systems: Description and comparison

Hello to all readers of my blog site, I don’t even know what to call it correctly.
I bring to your attention an article that should help you decide on the choice of your future smartphone.
The market now offers a huge abundance of smartphone models running on a wide variety of operating systems: Android, Symbian, Windows Phone, iOS, Bada, MeGoo, BlackBerry and others. The main convenience of a phone lies not only in design, screen size, processor frequency, the most important thing is the operating system on which it runs.

The price of a smartphone always consists of several factors: cost software, trademark, the power of its “filling” and much more. So, in total, the average price of such a device today is about 10-11 thousand rubles. And this price is slowly but surely constantly moving up. But the thing is that phones “stuffed” with functions are becoming more and more popular every day.

Let's take a closer look at each of the currently popular operating systems and talk about the positive and negative aspects of each of them:

1.Android is an operating system from Google.

It ranks first among operating systems for smartphones in the world. Runs on the Linux platform. The company was formed in 2008, and a little later became part of Google. A lot has changed since those times, and functionality grows with every new version, almost with every new day. Android has already gone through several versions-generations from 1.0 to 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. There are also versions that are optimized for use on tablet computers.
The advantages of the Android OS are that the operating system itself seems to be assembled from all Google services and has a good price-functionality-quality ratio. Since Android is a relatively open operating system, it attracts the attention of a large number of developers of various software from all over the world, and today there are more than 1,000,000 available applications and programs for every taste. There are, of course, useless ones, there are unnecessary ones, but for the most part they are very useful and varied, and I’m always ready to help with this Android Market- application store for Android. Any user can install the application using a regular installation file.
Smartphones running Android can boast good speeds, and, naturally, the “fresh” the version, the more functional it is, because The most advanced developments in the Linux environment have been introduced into each subsequent version. There are also a bunch of different amateur firmwares, which allows you to diversify your smartphone quite well.
Let's talk about some of the disadvantages of the operating room Android systems. The first of them is low functionality in the absence of the Internet, because... Most smartphone functions are in one way or another closely related to global network. The second disadvantage follows from the first - due to constant use mobile internet- Smartphone battery power is quickly consumed. So, if you choose a smartphone on Android, then take it with a larger battery, it will come in handy in the future.

2. Apple iOS- Operating system from Apple.

This operating system runs on the Darwin kernel, which was written extensively using FreeBSD codes. Apple is constantly expanding model range devices that run on iOS (and these are smartphones, tablet computers and even players). In terms of popularity, iOS is close on the heels of Android and it is unlikely to lose its position to it.
Apple iOS is a closed operating system that has free components. But I would not say that it is very closed, because... "home" developers are working very hard to "open" it. Its closed nature, of course, has its drawbacks, i.e. inability to change the appearance of device controls, linking programs and applications to the store App Store. Synchronization with a computer is strictly linked to the iTunes program, which is also its activator. The complexity of working with office applications, most of which are paid, that is, if you need to read or edit a document, you may have to purchase some application from the App Store.
Another advantage is the ability to work with Exchange servers and multi-core processors. The shortcomings, of course, can be eliminated, but what to do with the lack of memory expansion, the “eternally packed” battery and the high, for some “exorbitant”, price for such devices?
Let's look at it from the other side: the iPhone 4 has a cool display, a camera that some people use to shoot movies, and economical battery consumption. So it will give any Android device a head start.

3. Bada OS is Samsung's own development.

Like iOS, Bada is also a closed operating system. It only gained some popularity in 2010. The main advantage of this OS is the ability not to rely on one or another framework of operating system rules when developing mobile applications. On at the moment Samsung with its Bada OS has taken a certain place in the market of “simple” smartphones. Nowadays you can see a sufficient number of smartphones on this operating system on sale. In the store Samsung Apps more than 10,000 different types are already available
applications, both paid and free.
The disadvantages include a modest lineup when choosing a device on the Bada platform, as well as a not so large number of applications in Samsung Apps. Pros: ease of management, integrated DivX and Xvid codecs, simultaneous solution of several user tasks.
This OS has great prospects if new applications appear and the model range expands.

4. BlackBerry OS - developed by the Canadian company RIM.

An operating system that was talked about back in 2002. Refers to operating systems for business class phones. Also refers to a closed type OS running on the Java kernel. The main direction that this OS is aimed at is the confidentiality of all kinds of connections and negotiations. In July 2010, RIM announced the sale of its one hundred millionth smartphone. 1/6 of all mobile devices in the world currently run on the BlackBerry operating system. For the normal operation of this operating system, outside support is required. mobile operator, i.e. installation of additional software. Consequently, there is some inconvenience in secure communications too. So, the maintenance of phones based on BlackBerry OS turns out to be quite expensive, both for the user and for the telecom operator. The company also cannot please you with the number of applications offered.
But for regular users by email And office programs this operating system is better than all others, and most BlackBerry phones have a full QWERTY keyboard for ease of use with all of the above. It's up to you to choose.

5. Symbian OS - the “eternal” operating system from Nokia.

One of the most famous operating systems for smartphones, very popular in the past, but now Symbian OS is losing ground relative to the rapidly growing Android and iOS. It was created back in 1998; the system was initially open and, accordingly, immediately conquered half of the smartphone market. Smartphones with Symbian^3, Symbian Anna, Symbian Belle are now on sale; before that, Symbian S40 and S60 were popular.
At the moment, the development of this operating system is suspended and, most likely, completely. Support will be provided until 2016. Just
The developers got bored after spending so many years improving the same thing. The disadvantages include a very inconvenient interface, very poor support for displays with good resolutions, slow work the OS itself and some of its instability. All attempts by developers to somehow “cure” it or speed it up were in vain and Symbian remains the slowest operating system among all those presented at the moment.
Symbian has a big advantage, but that was a long time ago, before 2008, when it had no competitors. Or they were, but their cost was very high.

6. Maemo or MeeGo - another attempt by Nokia developers.

Maemo is a partially open OS that is based on the Debian Linux system. So far it has not gained much popularity, because... turned into MeeGo, combining an “operational salad”: Fedora, Debian and Moblin. Nokia promises to install this OS not only on smartphones (by the way, Nokia N9 is the first smartphone on MeeGo), but also on tablet computers. Time will show.

7. Windows Phone 7 is a new solution in the world of operating systems from Microsoft.

There are opinions that Windows Phone 7 is written with " clean slate", based on the latest innovative solutions in mobile world. The screen must have a multi-touch function (recognizes the pressing of several fingers), a processor of at least 1 GHz, built-in memory of at least 8 GB, and RAM at least 256 MB. There is support for DirectX 9. The downside is that there is no support for applications created for previous versions. There is no multitasking, which is also unusual for a phone with such parameters. Flash is missing (they promise to implement it soon). Synchronizing data and all kinds of files requires a computer. Everything else is in positive territory, and not bad at that! Microsoft after all! I forgot to say, Bluetooth only works with a headset.

Everyone knows very well that they have not yet come up with that very ideal operating system, some have disadvantages, some have positive aspects. There is no such thing as one platform being better than another. Before buying a smartphone, be sure to decide for what purposes, besides calls and SMS, of course, you will use it, what tasks it should perform for you. I tried to convey to you all the information that is in my head. Think carefully before buying a smartphone. Maybe you're just not ready yet? :)


Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher professional education

“Samara State Aerospace University named after Academician S.P. Queen

(national research university)" (SSAU)

Department of Informatics and Computational Mathematics

Operating systems for mobile devices

Student group 02401.50

Larkova E.S.

Samara 2016

1. Introduction

1 Review of modern mobile operating systems

2.5 Windows Phone

2.6 Blackberry OS

2.9 Ubuntu Phone OS


List of sources used

List of electronic catalog sources

1. Introduction

Mobile operating system(mobile OS) - an operating system for smartphones, tablets, PDAs or other mobile devices. Mobile operating systems combine the functionality of a PC OS with features for mobile and handheld devices: touch screen, cellular communications, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GPS navigation, camera, video camera, speech recognition, voice recorder, music player, NFC and infrared remote control.

Modern mobile phones are becoming more and more “smart”, and it’s not for nothing that they are called smartphones (translated from English as smart phone). A smartphone is a mobile phone equipped with a powerful operating system, which in turn allows you to work with many applications simultaneously. In other words, a smartphone is an analogue of a computer. It can do almost everything we do when working on a computer, but on a much smaller scale.

The operating system is the calling card of all devices. Operating systems for mobile devices are diverse, but more than 95% of the market is occupied by just a few of them, namely Google's Android and Apple's iOS. All others combined account for less than 5% of the market, this includes Windows Phone and Blackberry OS.

Popular manufacturers in the past cell phones have given way in the market to younger, vigorously developing firms in Southeast Asia, most of which use the Android operating system, which appeared in 2006, as the OS for their devices. Although it is possible that a breakthrough in their development occurred thanks to this operating system.

The share of Android at the end of 2014 was 84.7%, iOS 11.7%, Windows Phone - 2.5%, Blackberry - 0.5%, others - 0.6%. At the same time, Android's share in the mobile operating system market continues to increase.

PurposeThis work is a study of modern mobile operating systems, an overview of their advantages and disadvantages.


1.List modern mobile operating systems;

.Identify the advantages and disadvantages of each system;

.Trace the history of development and releases of each system.

2. Review of modern mobile operating systems

.1 Symbian OS

An operating system used in smartphones and communicators. Symbian OS is the successor to the EPOC32 operating system developed by Psion for its pocket computers. In 1998-2000 a significant part of the system was rewritten to optimize the code to run on devices with limited resources. Symbian OS is developed and promoted by the Symbian consortium. The Symbian consortium was founded in June 1998 by such companies as: Nokia (47.9%), Psion, Ericsson (15.6%), Motorola. A little later, the following smartphone manufacturing companies joined this consortium: Sony Ericsson(13.1%), Siemens, Panasonic, Fujitsu, Samsung, Sony, Sanyo.OS is written almost entirely in C++, but there is support for Java.

Advantages of this system:

· The main advantage: it was intended specifically for mobile devices and their not very high technical capabilities;

· The system does not load memory heavily and CPU;

· Convenient file management;

· Implemented such useful feature, as freeing memory if the program is no longer in use;

· High stability of the operating system.


· To communicate with a PC, you need to install drivers;

· Very often, after the release of a new version of Symbian OS, the smartphone is not always compatible with old programs;

· A phone with such an operating system often slows down due to the installation of a large number of programs.

On January 2013, an official statement from Nokia was published: “The device, which demonstrated our imaging capabilities and entered the market in mid-2012, was last device Nokia on Symbian." The Symbian operating system has been put into support mode.

.2 Android

operating smartphone mobile tablet

Today, the most common operating system for mobile devices is Android. The first version of the operating system was released in 2008, after which there were several updates to the system, which is used by most smartphone and tablet manufacturers. Android OS is based on the Linux kernel. In addition to smartphones and tablets, other devices running Android OS include: e-books, netbooks, wrist watch and even TVs and glasses (Google glass).


· Thanks to open source, anyone can create their own app, so if you decide to choose for your tablet special programs or download games for Android, then finding them will not be difficult. There are special sites for this, and to register it is enough to have Google account;

· A feature of this system is the absolute equality of all applications - both built-in and user installed. And the default program is selected by simply pressing the settings button. This kind of flexibility is virtually unavailable to other operating systems;

· The OS is multitasking, high-speed and conveniently integrated with Google services;

· Ability to install applications without an Internet connection;

· Available voice control Google Now;

· Particular attention is paid to the security of personal information. To do this, all applications are launched in a separate memory area and on their own virtual machine.

· There is cloud Google app Drive, 15 GB of cloud space is provided.


· Many current versions - for many devices new version enters too late or does not appear at all, so developers have to develop applications based on older versions;

· High susceptibility to hacker attacks due to the openness of the code;

· High battery consumption;

· Almost always requires improvements.

Android OS versions:

1.Android 1.0 - Apple Pie - September 23, 2008

.Android 1.1 - Banana bread (Bender) - February 9, 2009

.Android 1.6 - Donut - September 15, 2009

.Android 2.0\2.1 - Eclair - October 26, 2009\January 12, 2010

.Android 2.2 - Froyo - May 20, 2010

7.Android 2.3.x - Gingerbread - December 6, 2010

.Android 3.0\3.1 - Honeycomb - February 2011

.Android 4.0 - Ice Cream Sandwich - October 19, 2011

.Android 4.1\4.2\4.3 - Jelly Bean - June 27, 2012\October 29, 2012\July 24, 2013

11.Android 4.4 - KitKat - October 31, 2013

.Android 5.0\5.1 - Lollipop - November 3, 2014\December 3, 2014

.Android 6.0 - Marshmallow - May 28, 2015

2.3 iOS

The iOS operating system (iPhone OS) is a mobile operating system developed by Apple only for its devices (iPhone, iPad, Apple TV). First introduced in 2007 with mobile iPhone, this presentation showed the direction of development for all smartphone manufacturers. From that moment on, a large screen, no buttons, and a convenient operating system became the standard for smartphones. There is a store for downloading applications for iOS Apps Store.


· Security - gadget on iOS platform difficult to infect with a virus or disable due to ignorance;

· Cloud data storage, automatic saving of backups - the first option allows sharing files on all Apple devices, the second will protect against the loss of all user data in the event of a breakdown or theft of the gadget;

· Savings - Apple guarantees long time autonomous operation even with a high level of device load;

· No software glitches - no freezes or strange behavior;

· High speed work;

· High quality software and thoughtfulness. In addition, Apple updates the hardware in its devices every 1-1.5 years;

· Quality work in wireless networks- the device automatically switches from mobile transmission data on Wi-Fi, and vice versa;

· Lack of user settings;

· Cannot be replaced or removed standard applications;

· The closedness of the file system - the impossibility of directly transferring files to the Apple iPhone, iPod and iPad, the lack of opportunities for full review device contents;

· Limited use of software - the formula “one mail client- one browser - one application store” is not liked by all users;

· Prices - the fact that all iOS applications are paid is not news to anyone; it’s just that not everyone is ready to pay for quality.

iOS 7 has an active anti-theft feature that allows you to reliably protect and make your iPhone much less attractive to thieves. By using Activation Lock in conjunction with Find service My iPhone allows you to easily locate your missing gadget and remotely block access to it. Moreover, this lock cannot be removed during flashing until you enter the Apple ID and password.

It is worth mentioning separately about viruses on iOS. Viruses for Apple mobile devices exist and, although they appear quite rarely, almost each of them poses a fairly serious threat to tablets and smartphones. The task of more than half of the viruses written for iOS, as well as malware for other operating systems, is the receipt of financial benefits by their developers, that is, misappropriation cash users of iPad and other mobile devices from Apple. The fact that iOS viruses exist in small numbers is explained by several factors:

· the disinterest of hackers in users of Apple devices due to their relatively small number compared to owners of Android gadgets;

· a small number of vulnerabilities in the operating system itself;

· strict professional company policy regarding mobile content permitted for publication in the App Store.

Protecting your iPad or smartphone from viruses is quite simple. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules: regularly update your antivirus, download programs only from the official store, and do not click on links located in emails received from unknown senders.

Release of system versions:

.iOS 1 - June 29, 2007;

.iOS 2 - July 11, 2008;

.iOS 3 - June 17, 2009;

.iOS 4 - June 21, 2010;

.iOS 5 - October 12, 2011;

.iOS 6 - September 19, 2013;

.iOS 7 - September 18, 2013;

.iOS 8 - June 2, 2014;

.iOS 9 - September 16, 2015;

.iOS 10 - estimated release date - June 13, 2016.

.4 Windows Phone

The mobile operating system developed by Microsoft is the successor to, although not compatible with, Windows Mobile, with a completely new interface and integration Microsoft services: Xbox Live gaming and Zune media player. Unlike its predecessor, Windows Phone is aimed more at the consumer market than the enterprise sector.


· Speed ​​and smoothness of the interface. The system does not slow down, it is extremely responsive and very pleasant to use;

· Battery life. Under active load, Windows phones can easily survive until the evening of the second day;

· Convenience and ease of use;

· Built-in and easy to use package office applications;

· There is no problem of lack of RAM. Even with a small amount of RAM, the system can be used comfortably. Unless, of course, you install “heavy” games and applications;

· Due to the closed nature of the system, there are a small number of viruses;

· The list of available formats is very limited;

· Poor selection of applications;

· Absolutely closed OS, applications only from MS Marketplace;

· Slow development of the platform;

· There is no real multitasking, applications are “frozen” in the background;

· Not all OS versions support file transfer via Bluetooth;

· No micro-SD support;

· No file manager. File system absolutely opaque;

· Contact information is automatically transferred to the cloud whether you want it or not;

· It is not possible to set a static IP on the connection, and therefore connect to an ad-hoc network;

· It is impossible to change the font size;

· Severely limited customization

Work on a major update to Windows Mobile may have begun as early as 2004 under the working title "Photon", but progress was slow and the project was eventually abandoned. In 2008, Microsoft reorganized Windows command Mobile and began developing a new mobile operating system. The release of a product called Windows Phone was announced for 2009, but due to several delays, Microsoft decided to develop Windows Mobile 6.5 as an interim version. The reason for this was the incompatibility of the new operating system with Windows Mobile applications.

.Windows Phone 7. On February 15, 2010, the release of a new mobile operating system, Windows Phone 7, was announced for the first time in Barcelona. The first version was officially presented on October 11, 2010, and on October 21, smartphones on new platform went on sale in Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. Windows Phone 7 was available in five languages.

.Windows Phone 7.5. In February 2011, at Mobile World Congress 2011, Microsoft first announced the following Windows update Phone, and already in April at the MIX conference 2011 in Las Vegas spoke about the details of this update, which was called Mango. Later, the company officially announced that this operating system update will receive the serial number 7.5.

.Windows Phone 8. On June 20, 2012, Windows Phone 8 was announced at a conference organized by Microsoft called Windows Phone Summit.

.Windows Phone 8.1. The presentation of the new update took place on April 2, 2014 at Microsoft's annual event - Build 2014.

.Windows Phone 10. On the official Facebook page company representatives reported that the first devices will be updated to Windows 10 Mobile as early as December 2015. Official sources have not yet reported the exact date. When Windows 10 is released for smartphones, in order to update your device to it, you need it to meet only two parameters: at least 8 GB of internal memory and the installed OS - Windows Phone 8.1 Lumia Denim.

The platform may be of interest primarily to the following categories of users: those who need to constantly use office and corporate Microsoft products; for those who want to buy an inexpensive or mid-price smartphone and get good functionality and autonomy, albeit to the detriment of the choice of programs.

2.5 Blackberry OS

An operating system with a core set of applications for smartphones and communicators produced by Research In Motion Limited (RIM).


· Flexibility of the settings menu;

· When you turn on any device for the first time, you will be prompted to view small tips that will teach you how to operate your smartphone;

· Convenient management of applications, including inactive ones;

· In addition to standard locking methods, the device can be secured using "Picture Password". This is a unique, safe and at the same time ingenious way. A picture with many numbers will appear on the screen, and you need to move one pre-selected number to a location on the screen you have determined. The location of the numbers on the screen is different each time - it is virtually impossible to calculate this number. If you make a mistake 10 times, you will need to enter a password (create it in advance);

· Possibility and ease of connecting to various data storages;

· Supports a large number of codecs and formats (almost all);

· At incoming call, in addition to basic information, you can configure additional information about the caller;

· Ability to synchronize with a printer for printing;

· Built-in suite of office applications;

· Separately, it is worth mentioning the Password Manager. Previously, it was built into the firmware of all Blackberries, which made it possible to recover from backup copy without unnecessary problems. Now this is a separate application with the same functionality: storing passwords under a password;

· Convenient store applications;

· Supports work with Android applications. Applications that are not found in the BlackBerry application store can be installed using .apk files from third-party stores;

· There is a Blend function for working with phones from a PC or tablet;

· Excellent implementation of mail;

· In BlackBerry 10, the system analyzes the user's typing style and adapts to it, this happens very quickly;

· There are no connections with popular instant messengers, which means you can’t send a message from the contact menu, you need to launch a separate application;

· Lack of synchronization with desktop browser;

· Absence automatic updates applications;

· The quality of implementation of individual applications and system functions leaves much to be desired;

.BlackBerry OS 5.0 - released by RIM at the end of 2009;

.BlackBerry OS 6.0 - August 2010;

.BlackBerry OS 7.0 - summer 2011;

.BlackBerry OS 10 - January 30, 2013.OS is considered a system with high functionality and stability. Those users who are looking for a mail system and actively correspond are worth thinking about this operating system. At the moment, the system is not used as actively as Android, iOS and Windows Phone due to poor marketing policies, but BlackBerry executive director John Chen said that an update for latest version The OS "...will be NIAP certified, meaning the system has passed the government's strictest security testing, allowing us to continue to support government and regulatory customers who use BlackBerry and require high levels of security and privacy."

2.6 Tizen

It is an open source operating system based on the Linux kernel. Tizen is supported by the non-profit development consortium Linux Foudation and a number of large companies, members of the Tizen Association consortium: these are OEM manufacturers (such as Intel, Samsung, Panasonic, NEC, Huawei) and operators cellular communication(Orange, Vodafone, SK Telecom, Telef ónica, NTT DoCoMo). The steering committee (Technical Steering Group) is formed by Intel and Samsung. Initially, Tizen was conceived as an operating system, the development for which should have taken place entirely using Web technologies. The OS is the successor to such operating systems as MeeGo, LiMo and bada. Tizen has its own application store - Tizen Store, which is developed by by Samsung. The corresponding program will be preinstalled on each device. All drivers for this platform were written from scratch. Perhaps this is why the first Tizen builds are much faster and more stable than Android in the latest versions.


· Instant system response, the OS does not slow down;

· The battery charge on version 2.4 lasts for almost three days;

· The ability to connect to a computer in MassStorage mode;

· Wide range of development possibilities. According to some experts, Tizen's advantage is that it does not support the [boring] java machine. Application development for Tizen can be carried out in full using only a combination of HTML5/JavaScript/CSS.

· Rapid development of the operating system.


· When moving from one program to another, delays are noticed;

· Lack of connection for sports accessories. The result is a lack of programs.

Version history:

· On April 30, 2012, the final version of Tizen 1.0 was released, codenamed Larkspur;

Which is better: Android or Windows Phone? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of device? What are these operating systems generally intended for, what are they designed for? We will try to address these and other similar questions in the course of this article.


Many users, when buying a new phone, cannot decide which model to buy. Moreover, we are also talking about the operating system on which the future smartphone will be based.

People have the following opinions: Android is an unfinished OS that has many shortcomings, as a result of which the device’s performance drops even with strong hardware. IOs, on the contrary, has a well-developed OS architecture, and even with hardware that is weaker than Android, it works much more stable and faster. But when the conversation turns to Windows Phone, then many users begin to talk about the “dark forest”, the incomprehensible tiled design, which is a mistake, as well as other, as it seems to them, problems.

In this article we will talk about what is better: “Android” or Windows Phone, we will try to compare these two operating systems according to some parameters.

First parameter: device availability

Currently, the most affordable option is, of course, a device running the Android operating system. The most expensive devices Today, the smartphone market is, of course, distributed by Apple. Nokia, whose main product is Windows Phone smartphones, is already working on this problem. And it's worth noting that some seemingly ardent Android advocates are switching sides Nokia company, having once tried what it is. They don’t want to return to Android anymore, which means there are some technical aspects for this. We will try to deal with them later.

Second parameter: user interface and design

At all Android design and Windows Phone are not much different from each other. Device manufacturers are trying to make their smartphones as thin as possible on both sides. This is why you can often notice similarities in the design of certain models. But what cannot be taken away from Android as a user interface is its numerous widgets, as well as skins. They are created by third-party developers, but it should be noted that the face, so to speak, of the system can be very much changed using one or another shell, as well as a certain set of widgets. Programs for Android are generally distributed better than for any other operating system, and this is a noticeable plus for this particular OS.

There is one more nuance. When the Android L OS first came out, it had a certain concept, which was the so-called “material design”. In fact, the platform may become more holistically developed in the future. Through optimization, it may be possible to improve its stability and eliminate some shortcomings, settling scores not only with Windows Phone, but also with Apple. And there the hardware will become a factor that does not balance the scales, but definitely tips it in favor of the Android OS.

As mentioned earlier, the base of Windows Phone 8 is the tile system. Its size can be perfectly adjusted to a specific user. If anyone has had experience with Windows 8 on a laptop or computer, then they will immediately understand what we are talking about we're talking about, since there are no significant changes in terms of design, and are not expected. Windows Phone 8 is far more stable than Android. However, in comparison with him, she looks quite “clumsy”.

Third parameter: applications

Here the situation between iOS and Android is stalemate. Both platforms have approximately the same number of applications (more than a million). But the Window Phone cannot boast of this. Today, only about a quarter of a million apps are available in stores. All three platforms have their own stores, in which applications are distributed on a paid and free basis. If in the case of Android smartphones this Play Market, then programs for Windows Phone can be downloaded from the appropriate resource. In terms of applications, the Android operating system clearly wins.

Fourth option: app stores

It is worth noting that programs for Android, as well as for other mobile operating systems, are distributed not only in official application stores, but also on amateur sites. This is the so-called “piracy”, since in the same Play Market sometimes an application can be downloaded only by purchasing it. It is clear that this is not convenient for everyone, not for everyone.

Name with one hundred percent probability the application store of the Android or Windows operating system Phone convenient The tongue just won't turn. Sometimes you can spend quite a lot of time searching for the necessary program. Clicking on links, recommendations, etc., etc. - all this greatly interferes with productive search. But even so, it should be noted that it is still much more convenient to search for programs for Android in the application store. Another plus for the Android operating system, and the Window Phone suffers another micro-defeat.

Fifth parameter: batteries

Battery life is often the factor that users pay attention to first. And this is not at all surprising, because what is the point of super-performance of a device if it runs out of charge after just a couple of hours?

In fact autonomous operation battery life is a problem that not only smartphone users, but also manufacturers themselves have been facing for a long time.

It's a tie between Android and Windows Phone here. Both types of devices are equipped with fairly capacious batteries, but due to unfinished operating systems, they also consume a proportional amount of energy. It is worth noting that there are third-party (and somewhere built into the OS architecture) applications that allow you to view reports on battery usage. The devices also have energy saving modes. They allow you to disable unused modules, close unnecessary applications. This saves battery.

Sixth parameter: system updates

Updates appear regularly for both Android and Windows Phone. These include local patches and major updates that correct a fairly large number of system errors. But control over software at Microsoft is much tighter than at Google. For Window Phone, updates, as for other operating systems, come out almost every 2-3 months. If Windows Phone is superior to Android in the area of ​​software updates, it is not by much.

Seventh parameter: “rootization” of the device

Many users wonder what is better - Android or Windows Phone, without even thinking about the issue of “rooting” these devices. First, let’s understand what “routization” is. This is the process of obtaining superuser rights. That is, a rooted device (from the word Root) provides the user with more functions and capabilities. Hacking in general is quite a labor-intensive task, but the easiest way to do it is on devices that are based on the Android operating system.


So, what did we find out during this article? The question of which is better, Android or Windows Phone, requires an integrated approach and analysis of a number of factors. As you can easily see, the design of these devices is quite similar. But here user interface is a completely different matter, and here the scales tip in favor of Android. In terms of price, the most affordable segment is also devices running the Android operating system. In general, these devices have a large number of bells and whistles that can be downloaded from digital stores. This, by the way, is another plus for Android.

So, the advantages of the Android operating system: strong hardware, attractive user interface, affordable price, many applications, utilities, games. Cons: weak batteries (in most cases), unfinished operating system (at the moment).

Pros of the Windows Phone operating system: strict business design and user interface, stable system operation, rare crashes, stronger battery. Cons: hardware not suitable for modern games, lack of a large number of applications.

People who value the ability to play on their device at any time more, and who need a phone for entertainment, should certainly make their choice in favor of a device running Android. And those who need functionality and need a phone for work should pay attention to Windows Phone. Thus, the question of which is better, Android or Windows Phone, is closed.

With the abundance of offers on the smartphone market, it is very difficult for a novice user to make a choice, deciding first of all on which OS the device should run.

The team from Digital Trends tried to help newcomers by trying to get to the truth by comparing the “three pillars” of modern mobile OS:

  • Android 4.4;
  • iOS 7;
  • Windows Phone 8.

The results of their research can be safely used when comparing the capabilities of different smartphones.

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute that the most expensive smartphone on the market is the iPhone. The cost of the 5s model starts from $650, the expected new 6 Series is even higher.

Up to Windows mobile version 6.5, a fairly wide range of phones worked on this OS. Now, after only Nokia produced G8 phones, devices from LG, Samsung, Lenovo, ZTE, Huawei, etc. will work on this platform.

However, Android is far superior to its competitors in scale and customization options. Most manufacturers of mobile gadgets release their Android gadgets in all price categories. In addition, PlayMarket offers a huge number free applications, which adds to the popularity of the “green robot”.

Winner: Android

2. Interface

All three operating systems are created with a fashionable flat design, their interface has slightly differences. However, on Android, third-party widgets significantly change appearance systems.

The emerging Android L follows the idea of ​​“material design” and it is not known exactly how the general animation of third-party and system applications will be combined.

iOS 7 is modern and looks quite stylish. The animation is beautiful and clear, but somewhat tedious. An undoubted advantage was the ability to disable unnecessary visual effects.

The basis of Windows Phone is tiles, which, like in the PC version, are easily customizable to the user. The OS looks better than its competitors, but it is somewhat slow.

Result: Draw

3. Applications

iOS is the leader here, with Android almost not far behind. Windows is far from being an outsider. This can be judged by looking at the number of applications:

  • iOS – 1.2 million;
  • Android – 1.2 million;
  • Windows – 245 thousand

The leaders have approximately the same number, but the quality of Apple's mobile operating system is superior to the rest. It is here that, thanks to its convenience for developers and protection from piracy, the first hits of mobile applications are released. And then they are transferred to Android. However, there is much more free software available for Android.

Winner: iOS

4. App Store

It is difficult to single out any of the stores in terms of ease of use. To select the desired application, you need to go through quite a few steps. But the AppleStore is much easier to navigate based on recommendations. Windows Store in this regard it works worse.

Winner: iOS

5. Alternative stores

Microsoft and Apple development companies categorically do not accept the use of third-party stores. Google is more loyal in this regard: the program can be downloaded from PlayMarket, installed from a large computer, or found on any of the third-party stores.

Winner: Android

6. Battery

One of the main problems modern smartphones– short battery life. It is difficult to give an objective assessment of which of the three systems has the best energy savings - you cannot use the same comparison methods. It is traditionally believed that iOS is less energy-intensive, but smartphones on Android and Windows are equipped with powerful batteries. Another advantage of Android is the ability to independently produce by disabling unnecessary programs, giving increased battery consumption.

Windows Phone also allows it, but iOS seriously lacks energy-saving options. This is especially true for the latest, 7th version of the OS.

Winner: Android

7. System updates

All three systems are updated quite regularly. However, Google monitors its software less closely, so Apple and Microsoft patches are easier. Even older iOS devices still have good support, while Android can only be updated through installation new firmware from vendors who periodically forget about old devices.

Winner: iOS

8. Additional decorations

Here, each mobile OS is good in its own way:

  • Android . You can personalize the system in different ways: change launcher, reflash, set lock screen, mix widgets. Additionally, you can install various keyboards from third-party developers.
  • Windows . Customization is quite scarce: it changes color scheme and tile sizes.
  • iOS . There seem to be enough widgets, but they are tied to the notification center.

Winner: Android


A rather complex function allows you to gain access to all the capabilities of the phone. With its help, you can set any settings and update your gadget regardless of the release of an update by the manufacturer.

This idea does not find support from Apple and Microsoft. For smartphones on iOS there is special utility jailbreak, after which you can install any software from third-party stores.

Winner: Android

10. Calls and sms

The dialers themselves are good on all three platforms. Everyone also organizes the exchange of SMS and email conveniently, but Windows does not have the ability to install a third-party client.

Result: Draw

11. Accessories

The vast majority of all kinds of accessories have been produced for Apples, which are far ahead of their competitors in this regard. At the same time, Apple still refuses to use a standard MicroUSB connector, which makes their gadgets dependent on the use of “native” cables.

When choosing a new smartphone, the user inevitably has to take into account a lot of technical parameters: camera resolution, battery capacity, processor power, display type and resolution, and so on. But first of all, it is important to decide what operating system the smartphone will run under.

The decision in favor of one or another operating system depends on how well the new device will meet the user’s expectations in terms of performing various tasks, whether he will be able to install specific applications or will have to be content with analogues, and how the new gadget will interact with other mobile and stationary electronic devices.

And of course, the operating system largely determines the cost of the device.

In our article we will look at 3 main operating systems for smartphones, which by 2017 had become the most popular and in demand in the world:

  • Android;
  • Windows Phone.

Sales volumes

According to analysts from the NetMarketShare portal, the main players in the mobile operating system market in 2017 remain software products from Apple and Google. Windows Phone is losing a tenth of a percent in sales every month. According to some forecasts, by 2020, Microsoft's OS may completely leave the market due to the fact that not only users, but also mobile application developers are losing interest in it.

As can be seen from the graph, Android remains the sales leader, despite the fact that there has been steady growth over last six months Apple's operating system showed. However, it is possible that the balance of growth between Google and Apple will change in the coming weeks towards Android, given the emergence of a large number of interesting new products based on this OS, which were announced at the last MWC 2017 exhibition in Barcelona.

Now let's compare each OS separately and try to find out which operating system is better for a smartphone.


Apple products are a closed ecosystem. That is, one company is both a manufacturer of smartphones and tablets and a software supplier. Therefore, Yabloko can guarantee the highest quality and reliability of their devices, which, in turn, affects the price. So, the cost of the latest model is from Apple iPhone 7 ranges from 1.5 thousand to 2 thousand dollars.


  • Simple and well-thought-out software interface
  • Spectacular design
  • A closed environment for developing high-quality professional applications
  • No viruses
  • Constant updates


  • High cost of gadgets
  • Inability to customize the operating system for yourself
  • Small selection of applications compared to Google Play
  • Extremely limited choice of devices for the user
  • You have to synchronize with your PC and manage multimedia files through a separate program

There is an opinion that by choosing a device for iOS, the user is buying not so much a device as an introduction to fashion brand. However, the high price here is fully justified by the excellent quality.


The popularity of Google's operating system is explained by the fact that it is based on huge amount devices, not only smartphones and tablets, but also watches, bicycles and even cars. Android is both unique and diverse - each user can very finely customize the original shell on their device.


  • Open source code. Anyone who understands programming can write an application for Android and post it on Google Play
  • In this regard, more than 1.5 million programs for all occasions, available for both paid and free downloads
  • One personal account gives access to everything Google services, many of which are very closely integrated with each other
  • Convenient synchronization with other devices via modules wireless communication or USB cable without additional software
  • Convenient and intuitive controls
  • High performance and multitasking
  • Huge selection of manufacturers
  • Wide range of prices. An Android device, depending on the configuration, can cost either 2 thousand or 32 thousand rubles


  • High vulnerability to hacker attacks and viruses
  • Among the free applications there is a large amount of frankly low-quality software
  • A huge number of settings, which can sometimes be difficult for an untrained user to understand

An Android smartphone or tablet is ideal for those who have just begun to master mobile technologies, and confident users. Considering the combination of pros and cons of the OS, we can confidently say that Android is the best operating system for a smartphone.

Perhaps the main thing here is to monitor what and how you install and download, and not delve into complex settings without the appropriate skills.

Windows Phone

Microsoft, unlike its competitors, who sometimes spy on each other's technological solutions, is trying to go its own way. As a result, the operating room Windows system Phone has a unique design and specific operation. And yet, gadgets running Windows Phone OS, to put it mildly, are not flying off the shelves.


  • Unified OS for mobile devices and PCs
  • Low system requirements
  • Windows Phone is annually recognized as the most secure OS in the world
  • Spectacular tiled interface
  • Quality applications


  • A small number of applications in the Marketplace brand store (about 300 thousand)
  • Incompatibility with popular applications. For example, there is no version of Instagram for Windows Phone. We have to use rather inconvenient analogues
  • Limited selection of gadget manufacturers
  • Lack of customization
  • Cumbersome system for transferring Windows Phone contacts to another OS
  • Errors in system operation
  • Inconvenient built-in Edge browser, which in this regard has become a direct successor to Internet Explorer

As a rule, smartphones running Windows Phone are recommended for businessmen who can process various types of documents in one software environment Microsoft Office. At the same time, it is quite difficult to choose a gadget for Windows Phone, for example, for a schoolchild.

As mentioned above, one of the main advantages of the Android OS is pricing policy manufacturers of smartphones that use this operating system. For a reasonable price of up to $150, the user can find a gadget on current version OS with reliable and powerful hardware.

One of the most prominent manufacturers of smartphones that perfectly combine modern technologies, quality, reliability and availability. If you prefer the accessibility and simplicity of the Android OS over other systems, and also choose for yourself a powerful and inexpensive smartphone, we recommend paying attention to the products of the British company Fly.

Why Fly

Since 2003, Fly has been producing mobile gadgets designed for the mass consumer. Mine best smartphone Any user can find solutions for any requests and tasks, regardless of profession, age, social status and earnings. Businessman, student, schoolchild, athlete, builder, rescuer, traveler - everyone can find the perfect Fly for themselves.

Among the latest models, in which the entire range Android capabilities combined with high-quality and reliable technical components, an impressive body design and a reasonable price, we can mention the Fly Cirrus 9 and Fly Cirrus 12.

Fly Cirrus 9

The gadget is an LTE phablet with a large 5.5-inch screen on an IPS matrix and HD resolution. On such a screen it is incredibly convenient to work with a variety of Android applications, watch movies, read books and process documentation. A fast 1.25 GHz quad-core processor is responsible for speed and multitasking.

The Fly Cirrus 9 is a great answer to those who complain that Android drains your battery in a matter of hours. Thanks to excellent optimization of the system, hardware and a capacious 2800 mAh battery, the smartphone will work stably for up to 10 hours of talk time and up to 280 hours of standby time. Add to this a high-quality 8 and 2 megapixel camera, a nice glossy design of the rear panel and we get an excellent smartphone with a pleasant price tag - only $100.

Fly Cirrus 12

The Fly Cirrus 12 LTE smartphone will be chosen by those who like to take great photos with a smartphone. The model inherited 13 and 5 megapixel cameras on a CMOS matrix from the early Fly Cirrus 7 model, which at one time was called a “camera phone” in many reviews. The 5-inch IPS screen will provide excellent tactile sensations thanks to 2.5D technology, which allows you to create screens with pleasantly rounded edges.

The stability, convenience and performance of the smartphone are ensured by the combination of the Android 6.0 operating system and a powerful 1.3 GHz quad-core processor. And 8 hours of talk time and 150 hours of standby time will be provided by a capacious 2600 mAh battery.

In the end

We have analyzed which smartphone operating systems are the most popular in the world. When choosing a smartphone for a specific OS, consider the combination of advantages and disadvantages of each system and proceed from your own needs. We also recommend that you read the overview of the main characteristics of smartphones, which will help you choose the most suitable model for yourself.

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