What is a wireless connection. No Wi-Fi network connection on laptop

Before you begin to find out why Wi-Fi or the Internet does not work, you should know (especially for those who have just purchased a Wi-Fi router) that it is not enough to just connect the provider cable to the router, you also need to configure it (set up the Internet and Wi-Fi network ). All of the methods described below are valid if Wi-Fi and the Internet were working for you before, and then suddenly stopped or you cannot connect a new device to Wi-Fi. For convenience, I divided the article into two parts, the first is devoted to the inability to connect to wireless network, the second part will answer your questions if you are connected to a Wi-Fi network but there is no Internet.

Cannot connect to Wi-Fi network.

Reboot the router.

The first thing you need to do if you have problems connecting to a Wi-Fi network is to restart the router. To do this, simply disconnect the power supply from the router and connect it again after a few seconds. After 1-2 minutes. The device will boot, then try connecting to the wireless network again. To avoid this in the future similar situations, I recommend updating the router firmware (perhaps the manufacturer knows about the problem and fixed it in the new firmware).

Enabling the Wi-Fi module on the laptop.

Check if Wi-Fi is turned on on the laptop, I won’t turn around, all the ways turn on Wi-Fi I described in the article How to turn on Wi-Fi on a laptop .

Change the wireless network mode.

If you are trying to connect a device (laptop, smartphone) that is more than 5-7 years old, please note that it may not support modern regime Wi-Fi work -n. Therefore, you need to switch the router to an operating mode that is supported by the device or enable mixed mode b/g/n. More details about Wi-Fi operating modes are described. In order to switch the wireless network mode, you need to go to the web interface of the router, go to Wi-Fi settings and select the appropriate mode.

Removing a duplicate network SSID.

One of possible problems Inability to connect to Wi-Fi is a duplication of the Wi-Fi network (SSID). Suppose you come to your friends, their Wi-Fi network is called “Home”, you successfully connected to it. Time passed and you came across the same network name with other friends or at home. The laptop (this also applies to tablets and smartphones) tries to connect to the network using the previously saved password, but it fails because this name is used New Password. To solve this problem, you need to remove the matching network from the list of saved Wi-Fi networks.

To do this, click right click mouse on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center" shared access".

After this, you will see a list of saved wireless networks. If you see that the network you are trying to connect to is in this list, you need to remove it from this list. Select the network and click the "Delete" button. After this, you will need to enter a password to connect to the wireless network.

No Internet via Wi-Fi.

Internet payment check.

The simplest thing that can happen when the Internet is not working is that it’s time to pay for it or the provider is working on it. To clarify the situation, call your provider and find out if you have a debt for the Internet and whether work is being done on the line.

Static IP address.

One of the problems with the Internet not working may be that the registered static address does not have the network settings that are necessary. In this case I recommend using automatic retrieval network settings. To do this, you need to go to the Network and Sharing Center. One way to do this is to right-click on network icon in the lower right corner of the screen and select "Network and Sharing Center".

Another way is to use hotkeys + , enter the command ncpa.cpl and press Enter.

It doesn’t matter which method you used, the result will be the same - the Network Connections window will appear on the monitor. Next you need to wireless connection press with two mouse clicks, In the status window that opens, select "Properties" in the properties window "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)"

Problem with the router.

The Internet may not work due to a router failure; the simplest thing you can do is reboot it. There are situations when the router resets the Internet settings, in this case you need to connect to it via the web interface and re-enter the Internet settings, in order to experience fewer problems with the router in the future, I recommend updating its firmware.


In this article, I described all the ways I know to solve problems with Wi-Fi and the Internet. If these methods do not help you, you can describe the problem in detail in the comments and I, together with the readers of this site, will try to help you.

Windows 7 has many ways to create and configure a wireless network connection, called wireless profiles:

  • The network connections icon in the notification area is the primary way users connect to available wireless networks.
  • The Set up a connection or network dialog box is a way for users to manually create wireless network profiles.
  • The Manage Wireless Networks dialog box is another way manual settings wireless networks and specifying their exact parameters.
  • Group Policies - Network administrators can use Group Policy settings in the environment Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) for centralized configuration and automatic deployment of wireless network settings on computers that are members of a domain. (See the article Settings group policy wireless communication V Windows Vista, in the “Cable Guy” column for April 2007)
  • Command Line - Network administrators can use the netsh wlan context of the Netsh.exe utility to manually configure wireless networks and their settings. There are Netsh commands to export existing wireless network profiles to an XML file and then import the wireless network profile from that file to another computer.

The following sections detail how to connect to a wireless network using the network connections icon in the notification area and the Set up a connection or network dialog box in Windows 7, how to manage wireless networks, and how to connect to non-broadcast wireless networks.

Using the network connections icon in the notification area

To connect to an available wireless network, click the network connections icon in the desktop notification area. The panel that opens will display a list of detected wireless networks, and on computers that are members of the domain, the names of wireless networks configured using Group Policy (Fig. 1)

Rice. 1 List of available networks

From this panel, you can connect to a wireless network from the list by double-clicking, or by selecting the network and then clicking the Connect icon, or by right-clicking the network name and selecting Connect from the context menu.

To view information about wireless networks in the list, hover your mouse over the network name. You will see the wireless network name, signal strength, security type, connection type (802.11b/g/n) and network ID (SSID). The status of the connected network and its properties or the network configured using Group Policy can be seen by selecting the display wireless network properties command in the context menu (Fig. 2).

To refresh the list of wireless networks, click the up or down arrow in the upper right corner of the panel. To disconnect from a wireless network, right-click the network icon and select Disconnect.

Rice. 2 Wireless network connection status dialog box.

You can open this dialog box in Windows 7 (Fig. 3) by selecting the “Set Up a New Connection or Network” link in the “Network and Sharing Center” window.

Rice. 3 Dialog box for setting up a connection or network.

To manually create a wireless network profile, select Manually connect to a wireless network, and then click Next. You should see what is shown in Figure 4.

Rice. 4 Page for entering information about the wireless network to be added.

Enter information about the wireless network you are adding:

Network name – enter the name of the wireless network;

Security type—Select the method used to authenticate your wireless network connection from the following options:

  • No authentication (Open) – open system authentication without encryption;
  • WEP – open authentication system using the Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) protocol;
  • WPA2 - personal access over Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) with a shared key (also known as key phrase);
  • WPA – personal access via Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) with a shared key;
  • WPA2 – enterprise access via WPA2 protocol with authentication according to the IEEE 802.1X standard;
  • WPA – enterprise access via WPA protocol with authentication according to the IEEE 802.1X standard;
  • 802.1x – IEEE 802.1X authentication with WEP (also known as dynamic WEP).

The choice depends on the capabilities of the wireless adapter known to Windows. If an authentication type does not appear in the list, you need to check whether your wireless adapter supports this type and is it installed compatible with Windows 7 latest version drivers.

Shared key authentication is not listed. Microsoft strongly discourages its use as it provides a low level of wireless network security. To set up shared key authentication, select "No Authentication" in this panel (Open), and then select "Shared" from the "Security" tab of the wireless network properties (as described later in this article).

Encryption type - Select the method used to encrypt data when transmitted over the wireless network. The choice depends on the selected security type.

  • If you select the security type "No Authentication" (Open), nothing will be selected;
  • When you select the WEP security type, the WEP encryption type will be selected;
  • when selecting 802.1x security type, WEP encryption type will be selected;
  • When you select the security type "WPA2-Personal", "WPA2-Enterprise", "WPA-Personal" or "WPA-Enterprise", you can select the encryption type - AES or TKIP.

As before, the list of encryption options depends on the capabilities of the wireless network adapter used, registered in Windows.

  • Security Key - Enter the WEP key (if the security type is WEP), the WPA shared key (if the security type is WPA-Personal), or the WPA2 shared key (if the security type is WPA2-Personal). For WPA2-Enterprise, WPA-Enterprise, and 802.1x security types, Windows 7 automatically detects the security key when performing 802.1X authentication.
  • Hide characters - Select whether you want to view the entered security key values.
  • Start this connection automatically - Specify whether Windows 7 will automatically connect to this wireless network. If you clear this check box, you must manually connect to a wireless network from the list of available networks displayed when you click the network notification area icon.
  • Connect even if the network is not broadcasting - Determine whether Windows should try to connect even if the wireless network does not announce its name. This will force Windows to send a probe frame to discover the wireless network. These probe requests can be used by attackers to determine the name of the non-broadcast network.

Rice. 5 Successfully added page.

You can select Change connection settings to access the wireless network properties page, as described later in this article, or click the Close button.

So, let's say you have a desktop computer at home with a permanent connection to the Internet, and a laptop that you would like to connect to a local network with the desktop computer, and also provide shared access to the Internet. Today, there are several solutions to this problem, but not all of them can be called simple and accessible, especially for users who do not have special network knowledge.

In our opinion, the simplest and in an accessible way is the use of two Wi-Fi adapters (the so-called Ad-Hoc or “point-to-point” connection), operating according to the 802.11b standard and providing an exchange speed of 11 Mbit / s, which is quite enough for normal operation.

For our experiments we used USB controller WNC-0101 USB and built-in MaxSelect Mission Hammer Wide, Mini - PCI controller Realtek RTL 8180 Wireless LAN.

Next, we select which connections are used to connect to other computers on the network. Please note that you can combine wired and wireless connections here. In our case, we selected only “Wireless Connection 3”, which is based on the LevelOne WNC-0101 USB controller.

In the next two windows, you enter a computer name and description (optional), as well as a workgroup name.

Please take into account that the computers in your local network must belong to one working group, otherwise you won't be able to see them online.

Finally, the last window allows you to enable or disable file and printer sharing.

After clicking the “Next” button, the wizard will begin configuring the IP connection parameters, as well as sharing and protection. If you did everything correctly, a final screen will open, in which you will be asked to save the settings or simply complete the wizard, which we will happily do.

After setup, you will notice some changes in the network connection settings.

So, in the properties of “Local Area Network Connections” in the “Advanced” tab, all the checkboxes will be checked, and connections for home network.

And in the properties of the TCP / IP protocol of “Wireless Connection 3” a fixed IP address and subnet mask will be set.

Now you can proceed to launch the wizard on your laptop. Here everything happens noticeably faster and you only need to install the second type of connection. The master will do the rest for you.

That’s it, the setup process can be considered complete, and you, as the full owner of your home wireless network, can run any Internet applications, including games. In addition, you can easily work with both disks on another computer and printers, providing wireless printing from a laptop located in another room.

A few words about the speed and range of the wireless network...

As we said above, for our first wireless network we used controllers operating according to the 802.11b standard with maximum speed exchange 11 Mbit/s. Of course, in today's times this is not a lot, and against the background of modern controllers operating using the 802.11 g and 802.11 Super G protocol, providing exchange speeds of 54 Mbit / s and 108 Mbit / s, it does not look very good. However, for the first experience, this solution is sufficient, allowing you to achieve quite good capabilities without having to deal with some of the specific features of a high-speed connection, which we will still have to tinker with in the future.

As for the actual exchange speed, to study it we used the ICB 2000 program, which allows you to measure network traffic. Moreover, we are not interested in the speed of artificially generated traffic, but in the speed of actual transfer of files and other information.

So, first we will look at what our wireless network is capable of when copying large file from a desktop computer to a laptop with simultaneous on-line viewing on the laptop of a film recorded on the desktop computer. In this mode, we load the wireless channel as much as possible.

As you can see, the maximum throughput The wireless channel in this mode averages 4636 Kb/s. It is very important to note here that we did not observe any slowdowns when watching a movie, which allows us to conclude that in small home networks, the capabilities of 802.11b networks are quite sufficient.

If you start copying in the opposite direction, i.e. in Download mode for a desktop computer, the maximum throughput of our channel will be slightly higher - 4984 Kb/s with a peak value of 5305 Kb/s.

If, while copying a file from a desktop computer to a laptop, we run the same task, but in the opposite direction, the speed will drop slightly. Moreover, the speed in Upload mode does not drop significantly, but in Download mode we observe a noticeable decrease in performance.

And finally, let's look at what happens when we run any network application that generates a balanced load on the link. Here we simply started watching a movie recorded on a desktop computer on a laptop.

As you can see, in this mode the load on the channel is so insignificant that you can easily launch network viewing on a couple more computers. This is what explains the lack of slowdowns when watching a movie while copying a file in parallel. As for the range, in such a network it is not very large, and depends on the configuration of the room. In fact, in a regular apartment or small office everything will work fine.

How many computers can be connected to such a wireless network?

A pleasant surprise for many of you will be that a simple Ad-Hoc network can include several computers at once, which can be easily connected to each other and provide easy access to the Internet. However, remember that an increase in the number of computers working simultaneously on the network significantly reduces network performance, which is due to the need to transfer all data through the desktop computer, which in our case is the gateway.


So, we hope that the above detailed recommendations will simplify your first experience of creating a wireless home network. Despite the apparent complexity of the process, everything turned out to be more than simple. However, we cannot claim that the presented solution is universal and will be equally correct for all cases. Experience shows that almost every installation of a wireless network with new equipment raises some questions, especially for users who do not have special training. The main thing is that you must clearly understand and imagine the sequence of actions that should lead to the successful launch of a wireless network. In the next article, we will introduce you to equipment that can significantly increase the performance of your home network.

You will need

  • Connected Wi-Fi router, working computer with Windows operating system, client for working in a wireless network


Go to the Start menu. Select “Settings” and in them - “ Network connections". Right-click on the “Network Neighborhood” icon to bring up the drop-down menu and select “Properties”.

Return to the window " Network connections" Right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon and select “Properties” from the drop-down menu.

In the tab that opens, select “General” and make sure that the “When connected, display an icon in the notification area” and “Notify when there is limited or no connection” buttons are checked.

Go to the "Wireless Networks" tab in the same window.

If the “Wireless Networks” tab in the “Wireless Network Connection” - “Properties” window is missing for some reason, click OK.
Go to the Start menu, select Settings and go to Control Panel.

In the new Control Panel window, do double clicks by the “Administration” and “Services” icons.

Make sure that the Wireless Setup service is running. Otherwise, double-click the icon Wireless setup", and in the new properties window, click the "Start" button and OK.
Return to the Network Connections window. Right-click on the “Wireless Network Connection” icon to open the drop-down menu and go to “Properties”.

On the Wireless Networks tab, make sure the Use Windows to set up your network checkbox is checked.

Click the Add button under Preferred Networks. Go to the "Connections" tab. Enter MIAN in the " Network name" Make sure the “Connect even if the network is not broadcasting” button is checked. Select WPA from the Authentication section of the menu. Select TKIP from the drop-down menu on the Data Encryption tab. Make sure that the checkbox is checked on the “This is a direct computer-to-computer connection” button and unchecked on the “Access points are not used” button.

Go to the Authentication tab in the Wireless Properties window. Select "Protected EAP" from the drop-down menu in the "EAP Type" section. Uncheck the "Authenticate as a computer when computer information is available" button. Make sure that the checkbox next to “Authenticate as a guest when no computer or user information is available” is unchecked. Click the Properties button.

Uncheck the Verify Server Certificate button in the EAP Secure Properties window. Check if “Secured password” (EAPMSCHAP v2) is in the “Selecting an authentication method” section. Select the checkbox next to the “Enable Fast Reconnection” button.

Click the "Configure" button. Uncheck the "Automatically use Windows login and password" button in the EAPMSCHAP v2 Properties window. After that, click OK.

Click OK on the EAP Protected Properties window. Go to the "Connection" tab in the "Wireless Network Properties" drop-down window. Make sure the "Connect if a network is within range" button is checked and click OK.

Click OK in the Wireless Network Connection Properties window.

IN modern world Most people are gradually abandoning cables and other inconveniences of wired Internet. And this is not surprising. Why tie yourself and your laptop to a specific place when you have the opportunity to walk with it throughout the apartment and even outside it? Almost all providers offer to connect to wireless WiFi service Internet. But there are ways to bypass the system and save a lot of money. We will tell you how to set up wireless Internet at home. Using the example of the Beeline provider and the D-Link dir 615 router.

You will need

  • WiFi router
  • Laptop or PC with WiFi adapter
  • LAN cable


Router installation.
The most optimal location of this device is in the center of the apartment. This will allow you to achieve the best signal in any corner of it. After installing the router, connect it or your laptop with the network cable included in the kit, inserting one end into the network card and the other into any LAN port. Go to the router menu by typing // in any browser using the username admin. Go to Setup – Internet Connection Setup Wizard. Click next 2 times, and in the third step select username (Russia L2TP).

Next, you should enter your Internet login and password, leave the DNS Setting as standard, and in the L2TP Server IP Address item, enter tp.corbina.net. Click connect. After this, you will need to reboot the router by disconnecting power from it for at least 15 seconds. This action should be performed if it does not occur automatically.

WiFi setup.
Go to Setup – Wireless Settings – Wireless Network Setup Wizard. Now enter the name of your future network and its password in sequence. After clicking the Save button, the wireless network will be ready for use. If you cannot access the Internet from your laptop, reboot the router.

Video on the topic

Please note

Set strong passwords containing letters, numbers and symbols to prevent your router from being hacked.

Try not to reset your router to factory settings after setup.
If the device does not work correctly, update the firmware downloaded from the manufacturer’s website.


  • how to connect wifi internet

For all its convenience, wireless compound is the most vulnerable to unauthorized connection. However, it can be reliably protected using standard router tools with certain settings.


Connect your Wi-Fi router to your computer using an Ethernet cable. In this case, the indicator on the router should light up, signaling a connection via the local network. After that, launch any browser to go to the router settings. To do this, enter the address into the address bar of your browser. If the connection is successful, a dialog box should appear in the browser in which you must enter your username and password to log in. By default, the login and password are “admin” “admin”. In the router settings window, go to the Security tab.

Wireless is most reliable compound protected by a password. To set a password, first select the type of encryption that the router will use. For domestic purposes, it is recommended to use WPA encryption. It is better to use a random set of letters, numbers and symbols as a password, which will be difficult to crack. Do not use your phone number, last name, and date of birth as a password; this type of data can be easily hacked or stolen.
Enter a password for all devices that you plan to connect to your home Wi-Fi, and to avoid inconvenience, make sure they connect automatically.

In addition to a password, a wireless network can be protected by a limit on the number of network clients, that is, if only two computers continuously use wi-fi in your house, you can set a limit of two clients, and no one else will be able to connect to this network. This can also be done in the router settings. However, if one of the devices disconnects from the network for some reason, then anyone can connect to the “free slot”. That's why this method is not as effective as a password.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

Use both methods to secure your wireless network for the best security. Set a password and limit the number of clients based on the number of Wi-Fi devices in your home.

Technologies such as infrared and Bluetooth are becoming less and less popular because they are being replaced by modern wireless networks. Wi-Fi is being used more and more, as there are a large number of free hotspots in cities.


Wireless on laptop compound activated by a specific key combination. Usually this is Fn + F2. To connect to the Internet you need to look for specific access points. On a personal computer, you can connect to Wi-Fi only if you have a special removable device. Ask a peripherals consultant about Wi-Fi devices for a personal computer. Prices may vary, but mainly depend on the signal reception radius.

Once the device is purchased, unpack it and insert it into the USB drive. If you have USB 3.0 technology on your computer, then insert Wi-Fi there. The computer system will automatically detect the new device. The kit also includes a CD with drivers. Insert it into the drive and install all the drivers. Next, restart your computer so that all saves in the system are recorded. After the reboot, an icon will appear in the tray that will show the Wi-Fi status.

Go to the “Control Panel” item. This can be done using the “My Computer” shortcut. Next, click the shortcut called “Wireless Networks.” Here are all the settings that relate to W-Fi technologies, as well as Bluetooth. Click the "Turn on Wi-Fi" button.

You will need

  • Wi-Fi adapter.


To connect a desktop computer to an access point, you must have a special device - Wi-Fi adapter. Select the appropriate module. They come in two types: internal and external adapters.

Check the types of radio signals your Wi-Fi router produces. The most common channels you can find are 802.11 b, g and n. Based on the information received, select the appropriate Wi-Fi adapter.

Connect the wireless module to your computer. Turn on your PC and wait for the operating system to load. Install the drivers necessary for the correct functioning of the Wi-Fi adapter. It is best to use the original disk that came with the device.

Pay special attention to the “Encryption Type” field. Select TKIP or AES. Check the box next to “Start this connection automatically.”

If your access point is configured to hide its name, enable the “Connect even if the network is not broadcasting” option. Click Next. Select “Done” and wait for the connection to the access point to be established.

Check that your wireless connection is working properly. It is worth noting that some PCs may not connect to a wireless access point if they are connected to a Wi-Fi router via a patch cord.

Video on the topic

The benefits of a wireless network are undeniable. You are not tied to any specific workplace, and you can go to net from anywhere in your apartment, office, shopping center, etc., where there is network coverage. It is convenient and can greatly simplify the work of any organization. Our instructions will help you set up a wireless network yourself.


Find the “Network Neighborhood” icon on your desktop. If this icon is not on your desktop, go to the Start menu // Settings // Network Connections. Then right-click on the Network Neighborhood icon. A drop-down menu will appear in which you need to select “Properties.”

In the “Network connections” window that opens, right-click on the “Wireless network connection” icon. A drop-down menu will appear, select “Enable.”

Check the settings options on the General tab. The checkboxes should be on the buttons “When connected, display an icon in the notification area” and “Notify when there is limited or no connection.”

Find and select the “Wireless Networks” tab in the “Wireless Network Connection - “Properties” window
If you do not find such a tab there, then in the “Wireless Network Connection - Properties” window you need to click the “OK” button. In the “Start” menu, click the “Settings” button, then the “Control Panel” button.
In the “Control Panel” window that opens, double-click on the “Administration” icon, double-click on the “Services” icon. Make sure that the “Wireless Zero Configuration” (or “Wireless Configuration”) service is in the “Running” state. If not, then double-click on “Wireless Zero Configuration”, in the service properties window that appears, click the “Start” button and “OK”. In the “Network Connections” window, right-click the “Wireless Network Connection” icon, select “Properties.” Find the “Wireless Networks” tab and make sure that the “Use Windows to configure the network” button is checked.

In the “Preferred networks” field, click the “Add” button. On the “Connections” tab, in the “Network name (SSID)” field, you need to type MIAN (Attention! all letters must be capitalized). Check the box “Connect even if the network is not broadcasting.” In the “Authentication” section in the menu, you need to select WPA. On the Data Encryption tab, select TKIP from the menu that appears. Make sure that the “This is a direct computer-to-computer connection” button is checked, and that the “Access point is not used” button is unchecked.

In the Wireless Network Properties window, select the Authentication tab. In the “EAP Type” section in the menu that appears, select “Protected EAP (PEAP). Uncheck the "Authenticate as a computer when computer information is available" button. Make sure that the "Verify authenticity as

How to connect a wireless network?

Every apartment owner wants to have a wireless Wi-Fi network because it is convenient. Thanks to wireless Wi-Fi networks you can connect to the Internet anywhere in the apartment from any device that is capable of this, and current technologies make such wireless Internet very fast and stable. However, not everyone knows how to connect a Wi-Fi wireless network independently and correctly in order to use it.

What you need to connect to Wi-Fi

To connect to a wireless network, you need two things:

  • Any wired provider connected to you. It doesn’t matter which company the Internet will be from, it is important that there is a wire to connect to the router.
  • A router that will create a wireless Wi-Fi network. The router can be used for both optical Internet and ADSL line (telephone Internet).

Once you have all these things, you can start connecting to your wireless Wi-Fi network.

How to connect a wireless Wi-Fi network

Routers are available for both regular fiber optic and ADSL lines. The only difference will be in which socket the wire from the provider is connected to.

To connect, plug the router into a power outlet and connect the wire from the provider to it. If you need wired Internet to your computer, then connect a wire to the LAN port, which you then insert into the same port on the computer.

All that remains is to configure the router.

How to set up a wireless Wi-Fi network

You can configure the router either through a computer connected via a wire to the router, or via a wireless Wi-Fi connection, which will work as soon as the router turns on. But both configuration methods have the same scheme:

  1. We connect to a Wi-Fi wireless network or connect a wire to the computer from the router.
  2. Open any browser and address bar Enter the IP address of the router, which is indicated in the documentation.
  3. In the window that opens, enter the username and password specified in the documentation. Often the password and login is the word “admin”.
  4. In the router settings menu, you need to enter the provider's data, which you can check on the website, by phone or in the documentation.
  5. In the Wireless section, you must also change the name and password of the wireless network so that no one can use it and waste your traffic.
  6. In addition, you can also change the login and password to enter the router settings, however, this is not necessary, because only the user who is connected to the wireless network can change the router settings data.
  7. After configuration, save all changed parameters and reboot the router.

After the reboot, the changes will take effect and you can use the Wi-Fi network.

You can also read our articles.

What could be easier than connecting to a wireless WiFi networks? Just enter the password and wait for the connection to be established. This usually happens, but what if the connection is limited (no Internet access) or communication is not established at all? Let's talk about the reasons why such failures occur and how to deal with them.

Why Windows 8 can't see or connect to WiFi networks

Computer or laptop Windows control 8 does not see the Wi-Fi network for the following reasons:

  • WiFi adapter not installed, disabled or faulty;
  • There is no wireless network driver in the system;
  • Airplane mode is turned on on the computer;
  • there is not a single wireless network access point in your area;
  • an access point (wireless router) that is nearby is disabled, incorrectly configured, or faulty;
  • communication standards between the computer and the access point are not mutually supported;
  • there is a device nearby that interferes with the radio signal;
  • The WiFi adapter operates in monitoring mode.

If the network is visible, but the connection is not created or is limited:

  • Internet access for this network is not configured or is prohibited;
  • network connection is limited by the administrator;
  • the access point cannot process the request due to congestion;
  • Incorrect access point settings are used.

Restoring the connection to the wireless network

Checking the network adapter

Desktop PCs are sold without WiFi network adapters, so to connect to wireless networks you will have to buy and install an adapter separately. For example, like the one in the picture.

There is no need to buy a Wi-Fi adapter for a laptop - it is already inside.

In order for the laptop to see and connect to wireless networks, WiFi must be turned on. On some models there is a switch or button on the case for this.

On others, the key combination Fn+F1…F12 is used. The key with the image of an antenna is responsible for turning on the wireless adapter.

Once turned on, the WiFi adapter should appear in the manager Windows devices 8. To check this, launch the dispatcher from the context menu Windows buttons(Start)

and expand the “Network adapters” list. If your adapter is in this list, it means the system recognized and installed it. If it appears as an unknown device, go to its manufacturer’s website and install the driver.

If the adapter is connected, but the system does not see it, make sure that it is activated in the BIOS.

The option that is responsible for the operation of the built-in WiFi is called OnBoard Wireless LAN or WireLess LAN support. Its value should be "Enabled".

Among other things, make sure that wireless adapter is not in traffic monitoring mode. Although those who use this mode are always aware of this (it requires the installation of a special driver).

Checking the access point

If your PC or laptop does not see your home access point, try connecting to another one. To check, you can use public networks, for example, in cafes or parks, or private ones - with your friends. To check your desktop computer without leaving your home, you can temporarily create a virtual access point on another device.

If wireless networks are not detected anywhere, the problem should be looked for in the adapter or WiFi settings on the computer, and if there is no connection to only one access point, the problem probably lies there.

Diagnostic steps (if the previous step did not solve the problem, proceed to the next one):

  • Make sure the access point is turned on and is emitting a signal (detected by the wireless indicator light).

  • Make sure that there are no devices near the router and computer that create electromagnetic interference - cordless phones, microwave ovens, powerful power cables. Try moving the access point closer to your PC to improve the signal strength.
  • Turn off the router's power and turn it on again. If the problems persist, reset the settings: with a sharp object - a toothpick or a paper clip, press the recessed Reset button, which is located on the back or bottom side of the device. After this manipulation, all settings will be restored to the state as after purchase.

  • Change the broadcast frequency channel. Connect your computer to the access point via cable, enter the wireless network settings menu, find the option “ Channel" and switch to another channel. Perhaps the connection will be restored on some of them.

  • In the same menu, check the “Hide SSID” setting and, if it is active, check “No”. Hiding SSID disables network name broadcast - in lists available connections such a network is not displayed. Also enable support for wireless communication standards b/g in case the Wi-Fi adapter on your computer works on one of them, and the access point works on another, for example “a”, which does not support “b” and “g”.

  • If many devices are connected to the access point at the same time, it may become unresponsive due to overload. Such situations are unlikely at home, but often occur in organizations. Try connecting to a different, less busy network, or try again after a while.

Checking Windows 8 settings

Airplane mode

WiFi may disappear due to the fact that the user has activated Airplane mode in Windows 8 - in this mode network adapter turns off and the computer does not see any wireless network. The network icon in the system tray will help you determine that the problems really arose because of this - it takes the form of an airplane.

To exit Airplane mode in Windows 8, open the Charms flyout and click the Options charm.

Next, click “Change computer settings.”

Make sure that Windows sees WiFi again and that the network icon in the tray returns to its previous form.

Network diagnostics

Windows 8 has a tool that automatically diagnoses network connection problems. It's called "Diagnostics" Windows networks" This tool sees and eliminates many obstacles to WiFi operation, for example, when there is a connection, but the computer does not access the Internet (connection is limited) or there is Internet, but access to sites is limited.

When the connection is limited, the network tray icon is marked with an exclamation mark.

To launch the Windows 8 Network Diagnostic Tool, right-click on the network icon and select “Troubleshooting” from the menu.

The utility will check all network connections on the computer and determine how Internet access is limited. Local problems that can be fixed will be fixed automatically. And if the connection cannot be restored, for example, due to problems with the access point or problems on the provider’s side, the information will be displayed in a window marked “Not fixed.”

If your PC has multiple connections, of which only one is limited, or the diagnostic tool does not see a problem, you can only diagnose the selected network. To do this, go to the “Network and Sharing Center” and go to the “Network Connections” folder (click “Change adapter settings” in the navigation bar).

Open context menu connection that is limited, and click “Diagnostics”.

WLAN AutoConfig Service

Connection problems also occur after network services are stopped, either accidentally or out of ignorance. For WiFi work In Windows 8, the WLAN AutoConfig service responds. If the wired Ethernet connection is not limited in any way, but the system simply does not see wireless networks, start checking with this service.

  • Launch the Services application: open the context menu of the Windows (Start) button and click Run.

  • Next, type in the “Open” line the command services.msc and click OK.

  • Find in the list Windows Services 8 WLAN auto-configuration, open its menu and select “Properties”.

  • If the service is stopped, click "Start" and select "Automatic" from the "Startup type" drop-down list.

For the WLAN AutoConfig Service to start, another service must be running - Manager Windows connections. Find it in the same list and set similar settings for it.

Other parameters WiFi connections on a PC do not require manual configuration. All data for accessing the Internet - IP, gateway address, DNS, etc. - is automatically received by the network from the DHCP server of the access point.

After release new version software Microsoft's problems are growing like a snowball. And one of them is the absence of a Wi-Fi power button or settings, which leads to the error: “Could not find wireless devices on this computer." So, the topic of the article is solving the problem with the button, with the settings and enabling the wireless network in Windows 10. If the computer does not turn on wireless internet(there is no button, no settings, etc.), the problem lies either in the adapter or in the Wi-Fi driver.

If the problem with the driver or adapter is resolved and the Internet is stable, you can turn your laptop or desktop computer into a router. Create a hot-spot (we already wrote about how to do this earlier) and distribute the Internet to peripheral devices - PCs, smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks.

Interesting advice received in the comments:

  • Open system disk, for example, “C” and use search to find the “wireless LAN” folder.
  • Go to: C:\eSupport\eDriver\Software\WirelessLan\Qualcomm Atheros\WirelessLan\\2886\.
  • There are two installation files there. Open both files and the problem will be solved.
We hope we helped you.