Coolest configs for cs 1.6. Binds for fast auto purchases

Today we are posting for you for the new 2018th year the best cs 1.6 config for shooting. This cfg stands out among others for a number of properties that are not found anywhere else. Usually a good cs 1.6 config for shooting only slightly improves your performance, even sometimes you don't notice the changes. This is the result of the bad faith of the creator of the config, who did not try to study all the secret places of cs 1.6.

We have found for you such a config that uses all the resources of the engine to unscrew the precision “sliders” to the maximum. No, you won't shoot headshots with 100% accuracy, but the effect will please you. Firstly, the spread of bullets has been greatly reduced, now it will be easier for you to hit the enemy from a long distance. Secondly, the recoil is somewhat reduced by adjusting the mouse settings, that is, the sight will not be retracted so much to the side.

The correct setting of the graphics with the help of cfg will also help to tighten the shooting. For example, why do we need thousands of bullet holes and various particles? They can only slow down the game or create jerks, and we need stability. Therefore, all unnecessary graphics elements have been removed to a minimum, but at the same time, the FPS has been increased. And as you know, the more FPS, the easier it is for you to track the enemy's forehead. Pro players always strive to hit FPS up to 120+ frames.

If you have been playing CS 1.6 for a long time and want to improve the quality of your game, then try downloading this config for shooting, especially since it is provided for free.

Setting config

  1. Unpack the archive anywhere
  2. Move .cfg files to folder cstrike (most commonly: config.cfg / userconfig.cfg)
  3. Ready. You can go to the server!
  4. If the config is not activated automatically, write to the console: exec config.cfg

For those who follow the professional cs 1.6 scene, this set of configs will turn out to be just golden, because for you we have collected configs about cs 1.6 players who show themselves most beautifully and effectively in tournaments. Why are we not uploading these cfg separately? It's easier to immediately download kfg for cs 1.6 from professionals in the amount of 10 pieces and test them consistently in order to stop at one, than to always search, download and install them one at a time.

This assembly includes the following configs for professional players:

  • Markeloff, he is the top AWP in the world from Ukraine. This config is preferred by all snipers and those striving for the best sniper shooting. Markelov, like no one else, knows how to shoot beautifully from an elephant.
  • Edward and Starix- Markelov's party members are also one of the best "reeflers", that is, those who are excellent with machine guns. Here you will be pleased with the cool burst setting and improved bullet dispersion.
  • GeT_RiGhT and forest- different in style, but the same role in the pro team. Their main task is to play alone at the turn of the map. Therefore, their configs are tailored for powerful strafe combined with good shooting at close range.
  • Spawn, Delpan, NEO and CYX- excellent players with balanced skills from every path. We recommend testing these configs, as they are the most optimal.
  • 400kg Is a Counter-Strike legend, rightfully the best AWP that has phenomenal reactions and speed.

Setting config

  1. Unpack the archive anywhere
  2. Move .cfg files to folder cstrike (most commonly: config.cfg / userconfig.cfg)
  3. Ready. You can go to the server!
  4. If the config is not activated automatically, write to the console: exec config.cfg

In this thread, I will tell you what configs in cs are and how to use them.

Config(config) is a configuration file used to store settings for various programs.

In CS, this is the same file with the following game parameters.

1) Client (what we change with you by downloading and installing any cs):
- control parameters in the game (key assignment).
- mouse settings.
- settings for video processing (graphics) in the game.
- sound settings in the game.

2) regarding the server (configs server.cfg, amx.cfg, etc.)
- server settings

3) regarding the gameplay
- scripts (alias)

In KS aliyasy, this is a different set of actions that are performed automatically when a certain key is pressed (for example: a script for purchasing weapons, a script for jumping, various forbidden combinations, etc.)

All configs are files of the form "Name.cfg",
where: Name- config name. Cfg- config extensions.

Where are configs stored in cs?

For non-steam (pirates) D: \ CS \ cstrike_russian or D: \ CS \ cstrike where D: \ is your hard drive.

For steam after the 2013 update D: \ Steam \ steamapps \ common \ Half-Life \ cstrike

For steam before update D: \ Steam \ steamapps \ ACCOUNT NAME IN STIME \ counter-strike \ cstrike or, if Russian KS, then the last folder changes from cstrike to cstrike_russian

Configs for Counter Strike can be open, view and edit using any text editor like "Notebook" or "World pad"... Opening the config you will see various parameters in it. All config commands are identical to the commands that you can write in the console by directly launching the COP itself.

Types of configs.

Let's figure out what are kinds configs in CS 1.6, how they run and what to do with them in general:

- autoexec.cfg- always, automatically starts when the game is loaded first... When writing scripts and your own config, it is recommended to write aliases (and any other settings that you will no longer change) exactly here, because they will apply to all configs launched later and you will not need to duplicate them if you want to create several different configs. If this cogfig is not in the cstrike folder, then you can create it yourself, but always with the name "Autoexec.cfg", only this way and no other way it will be the first to start automatically.

- config.cfg- standard config that always starts automatically second after "autoexec.cfg". By default, it contains the standard control settings in the game (contains bindable buttons) and all other settings (graphics, sound, etc.).

- userconfig.cfg- user config containing settings for a specific user. This config may not be in the game by default, you can create it, and you can write any name, for example "myconfig.cfg", "ru.cfg", "bot.cfg", etc., it doesn't matter, since its launch is carried out in 2 ways, see below:

1st- You can register at the end of the settings in "Config.cfg" such a command "Exec userconfig.cfg"(extract userconfig.cfg) this will automatically launch your config in the game.
2nd- You can write a command directly in the game "Exec userconfig.cfg" in the console... In this case, your config will start only in this game, and when you restart the COP, you will need to repeat the procedure. Also in this case, for the correct launch of the config, we recommend that after the command "exec userconfig.cfg" write the command Reconnect(reconnect) everything in the same console.

Note 1: userconfig.cfg - the name of the config, so if your config is called differently, you must enter exactly OWN title!

Note 2: team "Exec" is directed to the / cstrike or / cstrike-russian folder so your config should be located there. You can also create a separate folder for configs in the / cstrike or / cstrike-russian directory, then in the "exec" command you should write the path to the config, for example, your folder is called myconfig, and the config in it is spawn.cfg, then you should write - exec myconfig / spawncfg.

Note 3: in most cases, the end of config.cfg already contains the exec "userconfig.cfg" startup line, in which case you can simply create your config with the name userconfig.cfg and it will start automatically.

Config setting.

We open any ready-made config, you can use the standard one, and we see:

A good config starts with the command unbindall- this is the deletion of the value of all keys, and after that other binds are already assigned to the keys. This is necessary to unbind some old, unnecessary settings.
After that, you can enter clear Is a complete cleaning of the console. And then write your nickname under which you will play, name "Your nickname". Quotation marks should be written only when there are spaces in your nickname, i.e. nickname consists of several words. Otherwise, if you do not put quotes, you will have only the first word in your nickname before the space.

Now you need to set the mouse sensitivity sensitivity "3.000000"- this is the default sense. The higher the sense, the more difficult it is to kill you from behind, i.e. you can always abruptly look back at the sound and give a headshot, if of course the level of the game allows. Usually, the senses are set so that with one swing to the left or right, you can turn 180 degrees. Also, do not forget to disable mouse acceleration, you can read how to do this in this thread.

zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1.2"- the sensitivity of the mouse when the sniper scope is on (the default is 1.2.

hud_fastswitch "1"- the command enables a quick change of weapons, that is, when you press 1,2 or 3, you do not need to wake up to confirm the choice of weapons by clicking on mouse1.

_cl_autowepswitch "0"- do not pick up the just picked up weapon! Many players about the level, knowing that their opponent uses the setting of this team 1, I make the following trick: during melee, when the cartridges run out, he throws the cannon right under the feet of his enemy, of course, he immediately turns on it, but there are no cartridges in it. cut.

_cl_minmodels "0"- display all skins of the players, if you put "1", then all players will have one skin for terrorists and one for cont. If you have a weak computer, a value of 1 will slightly increase your fps!

cl_dynamiccrosshair "1"- dynamic sight on (if you crouch down the sight decreases, jump - expands), you can set "0" - the sight will always be of the same size.

setinfo "_vgui_menus" "0"- purchase menu without photos and descriptions.

Binds for fast auto purchases!

bind "F1" "autobuy"- auto purchase (M4A1 / AK-47), + armor, + all cartridges, + tweezers for neutralization if you have enough money.

bind "F2" "rebuy"- re-purchase (weapons and equipment that were purchased in the previous round).

bind "F3" "vesthelm; primammo; secammo"- buy ALL cartridges, with helmet and armor.

bind "F4" "hegren; flash; flash; sgren"- buy ALL grenades.

setinfo "_ah" "0"- disable automatic hints during the game.

We are glad to welcome you to the most exclusive section of our site, where you will find a number of proven, and most importantly, working configs for cs 1.6. Config is the usual (standard) client settings, but properly they can contain a number of other nice additions. Each of them has a different function.

However, our favorite game does not stand still and every day new configurations are released for the client, which significantly gives an advantage over other players. Why do you ask? It's so simple, because in the original (by default) our game has a standard.cfg installed, without any additions. However, if your enemy downloads config for cs 1.6 for accurate headshot, he certainly gets a lot of advantages over you. Because the configuration settings are assembled in such a way that the bullets would fly straight to the head.

We are sure that you have heard more than once about the configs of PRO players or YouTubers, who are very popular and for good reason. After all, they spend enough time setting it up, and then upload it to the public. In this section, we have collected a number of configs that are suitable for absolutely every style of play. And to make sure that third-party configs are useful, a whole list of configs will help you. We wish you a pleasant and rich game.

Also, our site has collected a number of best configs 2018... We carefully selected each file in order to immerse you as much as possible in the atmosphere of working configs, which can be downloaded completely free of charge, and most importantly, without viruses!

Before we talk about a function like configs for cs 1.6, it should be clarified what this term generally means and what it is used for.

Config - in the language of gamers - a set of settings for each specific player. Configs are created under certain nicknames, so each participant in the game has his own configs.

Download configs for cs 1.6 it is possible from various sites, of which there are a great many on the Internet. What are configs for? Advanced gamers know that with a large number of individual settings, each time you enter the game, you will have to drive them in for a long time and diligently. Configs will greatly simplify this procedure.

Correctly configured configs allow you to improve shooting, reduce ping and generally improve the gameplay.

In general, configs are a very useful thing, but there are forbidden configs. For example, while shooting at the enemy, nothing happens and the sight remains intact.

Some people create configs on their own, you can also download configs for cs 1.6... They will help make the game better and more interesting.

There are various configs. You can create a config that improves shooting, making shots more accurate and precise. There is also a config for changing hands. The famous "Hopping" config allows you to move much faster with certain skills. Another useful config - to throw all the grenades - allows you to carry out this action by pressing one key. A demining config is in demand, with which you can silently defuse a bomb.

Simply put, configs are meant to make it easier to play and fight on the playing field. Please be aware that configs are not legal methods of warfare. Therefore, some of them are quickly scorched by anti-cheats.

If you decide to use the configs, then first of all you need to download at least one of them. Further, beginners have a lot of questions: what to do with this file, where is it better to save it, and how to activate the config in general?

So, the first thing to do is to unpack the archive. Below you will find a file with the extension .cfg. Copy it to cstrike folder. After that, start the game, while not forgetting to write the following set of words in the console: exec config name.cfg. After that, when you log into the server, you will immediately notice that the settings have changed. That's all.

If you want this config to be activated every time you enter the game, follow this algorithm of actions: right-click on the shortcut cs 1.6, select properties, in the line called "Object" type the following text: + exec config name.cfg.

In the same way, you can install all other types of configs.

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