The DNS server is not responding on one device. What does dns server unavailable mean?

Windows, just like any other operating system, can experience errors. Here is an example of one of these errors: “The computer settings are configured correctly, but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.” In this case, it is impossible to connect to the Internet. How can this problem be solved?

I want to say right away that I will only describe possible solutions that can help. Each situation must be considered separately.

Possible solution

So, the first and simplest solution is to . To do this, unplug it from the outlet and wait about 10 seconds. In this case, all warning lights on the device will go out. After the specified time, connect the router to power and wait a while until it connects to the network.

If the above method does not help, then you need to use the command line, with which you can clear the cache of some parameters. Launch a command prompt as an administrator: click the “Start” button, and in the “Search programs and files” line write cmd. A program shortcut will appear at the top of the window. You need to right-click on it and select “Run as administrator”:

ipconfig /flushdns

ipconfig /registerdns

ipconfig /release

Enter each command by pressing the Enter key after EACH one.

It may be a problem with the TCP/IP settings if certain DNS server addresses are set. This actually happens, but with some types of connections you need to register strictly the DNS addresses that the user receives from the provider. Be extremely careful.

In Control Panel, select "Network and Sharing Center" shared access", opening which you will see basic information about the network. On the left side of the window, select “Change adapter settings.”

Select your connection, click on right button mouse, click on “Properties”.

In the new window, select “Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)” and “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” in turn, and click on the “Properties” button.

Check the boxes “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.” Click OK.

I repeat once again that you need to be extremely careful with these actions, because if the connection requires a specific IP address and DNS addresses, the Internet will stop working altogether until you enter the addresses that your provider gave you. All responsibility for this falls on your shoulders.

By the way, if the solution for obtaining automatic addresses helps, you can register Google’s DNS servers: and, which, as Google itself assures, provide faster loading of web pages by increasing the efficiency of data caching, as well as improved protection against spoofing.

Do you have alternative solutions? I will be glad if you share them in the comments.

The modern Internet is nothing more than a multitude of different computers, laptops and mobile devices interconnected into one network. Essentially, all these devices are servers. After all, each of them has an IP address, which is unique. It is thanks to IP that devices are identified on the global network.

At the same time, the Internet requires two types of servers: main and auxiliary. The first one is used to host user sites. Depending on how much information is sent and received, a different number of sites can be stored on the server - from one (,, to many thousands. The second type is represented by auxiliary servers, which help the main network operate, ensuring overall interaction. One type of such auxiliary devices is DNS servers.

What is a DNS server and what is it used for?

A DNS server is essentially a computer, but not quite. It serves to host a distributed database that is part of the Domain Name System (DNS), which is used to receive, transmit, and communicate to users information about domains of interest. DNS servers are connected to a network and interact with each other using a specific protocol.

A simpler description can be given. With the help of a DNS server, the correspondence of the site’s familiar name to its IP address is determined. This information is stored in a constantly updated database.

Let's look at the whole sequence in practice. The browser in which the user opens the site initially contacts the DNS server and notifies it that it wants to find and get to the site whose address is entered in the text field address bar. Let's move on. The DNS server determines from its database where in the network a site with that name is located, matching it with the IP address of the server with the resource located on it and sends a request there. As a result, a response is generated consisting of a set various files, making up the site itself (HTML documents, images and tables, CSS styles) and is sent to the user’s browser.

How the DNS server works on the global network

Where are the DNS server settings and how to find out its address in Windows 7

Let's consider a situation where a user on his computer is running Windows control 7 calmly “travels” on the Internet. This means that the DNS server is working. You can verify this by going through the “Administration” tab of the control panel in the “Services” menu and look at the status of the DNS client. The service must be enabled when the automatic startup type is selected.

Checking whether the DNS client is enabled and configured

In order to find out the DNS server address, you should use the ipconfig/all command by entering it in command line cmd.exe utility running as administrator.

Output connection data via local network with the specified DNS server IP address

How to install and configure: instructions

The DNS server is connected when configuring the network protocol.

Startup sequence:

  1. Select at the bottom of the desktop (right tray) network connection, by clicking on the corresponding icon, and in the pop-up window that opens, follow the link to the network connection management tab.

    Opening the Network and Sharing Center tab

  2. Select a valid connection and in the window that opens, click the “Properties” button.

    Opening Local Area Connection Properties

  3. Select the TCP/IPv4 Internet Protocol properties settings tab.

    Opening Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) properties

  4. Check the radio buttons to automatically obtain IP addresses and DNS servers, click OK and close all open tabs.

    Selecting to automatically obtain a DNS server address

It should be noted that such automatic configuration is only possible if the DHCP client service is enabled, which ensures the launch and operation of a DHCP server on the network. Its settings can be viewed and changed by selecting the appropriate item in open window system services tab "Administration" control panel.

View and configure the DHCP Client service

At automatic configuration The provider's DNS servers are used. This is not always advisable, as difficulties may arise. For example, the provider’s servers are not always able to cope with the resulting load and do not perform filtering. In this case, it is preferable to connect through large, well-known companies.

Yandex DNS servers:

  • 88.8.8;
  • 88.8.1.

Google DNS servers:

  • 8.8.8;
  • 8.4.4.

OpenDNS DNS servers:

  • 67.222.222;
  • 67.220.220.

Depending on the selected company, a pair of addresses is entered in the Internet Protocol properties window in the fields of the preferred and alternative DNS server when the radio button for their use is checked.

Manually entering DNS server addresses

Possible problems and ways to solve them

If you have problems accessing the Internet, then do not rush to get upset. It is quite possible that this happened due to problems with the DNS server.

Main problems:

  • The Internet disappears and it is impossible to open a single site;
  • sites do not open in the browser, but the torrent client continues to work;
  • When you try to reboot the network adapter, the process freezes;
  • It is impossible to restart the DNS client, and an error is displayed.

It may happen that your provider has enabled blocking of some DNS servers, or the addresses specified in the network protocol settings have become unavailable. The solution to the problem is very simple. First, try changing the DNS server addresses, and if this doesn’t work, then turn on their automatic retrieval. If the problem is not solved, then you should look for another reason or contact a service center.

Video: What to do if DNS is not responding and how to fix other problems

DHCP server and its difference from DNS

A DHCP server is an auxiliary type of server that contains network protocol, providing dynamic configuration node at the stage of automatic configuration of any network device connected to the Internet. The network administrator sets only the range of addresses. In this case, there is no manual configuration and, accordingly, the number of errors that occur is reduced. This happens because the server automatically distributes addresses between computers in accordance with the specified range. Most TCP/IP networks operate using the DHCP protocol.

The difference between a DNS and DHCP server is that in the first case there is a comparison of symbolic names, and in the second the distribution network parameters.

The presented material provides an understanding of why a DNS server is needed. How to launch and configure it, what problems may arise and how to solve them. As a result, we can conclude about the absolute importance of DNS servers, which are required for setting up network connections, and without which the functioning of the Internet is, in principle, impossible.

If you cannot connect to the network, then try running diagnostics on your device - Windows provides its users with this option. As a result, a window will appear with a list of errors, and one of the most common is called “DNS server is not responding.” If you experience such an error, then the cause may be either a problem with the equipment on the provider’s side or with your network devices, which cannot recognize the address. Next, we will tell you in detail what can be done in this situation to restore the network!

Method #1 Reboot devices

If you are connecting via Wi-Fi, you need to reboot the router. Unplug the power supply from the outlet for 5-7 seconds. and insert again. If the network does not see the computer, reboot it too. If this did not help and the DNS server still does not respond, what to do about this problem, we will tell you below step by step:

  • On a PC, hold down +[R] at the same time and type cmd .
  • Write these commands one after the other:
  1. ipconfig /flushdns
  2. ipconfig /registerdns
  3. ipconfig /renew
  4. ipconfig /release

This will help reset the router's cache and reboot it.

Method #2 Changing DNS server settings in connection properties

You need to make sure that these addresses are entered correctly. Here's what you can do when the DNS server is not responding and how to fix the error in Windows 7:

  • Click on the main menu button (Windows icon) and select control panel.
  • Go to "Network and Connections", find the network connections section.
  • In the window, select the active one (the one you are using) and right-click on it, select “Properties”.
  • In the window, find the “Protocol” sections (ip/v4 and ip/v6).
  • Indicate for each one in sequence "Receive... automatically". If this setting is already set, then enter Google addresses.
  • Click OK and reboot.

If the DNS server does not respond in Windows 10, then here is what you can do:

  • Point to the network icon in the tray and right-click.
  • Open the center where networks are managed.

  • Next, look for an active connection and proceed by analogy with the seven.

Method #3 Router settings

We figured out what “DNS server is not responding” is, but what can you do if your PC settings don’t help?

  • Open your browser and go to the modem management web interface. Most often this is the address, For Huawei equipment This information, login and password can be found on the back of the device.
  • If the computer settings are configured correctly, but the DNS server does not respond, then you need to specify Google addresses directly for the router. In the interface, find the section related to network or Wi-Fi. In TP-link this is “Network” - “WAN”.
  • In the preferred and alternative address fields write and
  • Now you need to save the new settings.

Method #4 Start PC service

In some cases, a device or resource displays the error “DNS server is not responding”; why exactly this happens, look in PC services:

  • Call the launch of +[R] directives again and enter services.msc.

  • In the list of services we need a corresponding client.
  • Call up the menu (RMB) and click on properties.
  • Install automatic start and if the “Run” button is active, click.
  • Save "Ok".

Method #5 The problem is on the providers side

Sometimes the fault lies with the service provider for lack of access, in which case you need to call technical support. For example, here is what Rostelecom subscribers can do if the DNS server does not respond:

  1. Try setting the addresses to 48.193.36 (priority) and (regional).
  2. Call 8 800 302 08 00 if the previous step did not help.

Also, for example, many Beeline subscribers complain that the DNS server does not respond and the Internet does not work - in fact, the reasons lie in high equipment load. Just enter the Google addresses indicated above in the article, but if this does not help, then contact support at 8 800 700-06-11.

DNS (Domain Name System) is an add-on over the TCP/IP Internet protocol that allows you to use familiar site names like instead of incomprehensible addresses like This mechanism is implemented both on the provider side (using DNS servers) and on client equipment using special services. operating system. Also, additional DNS support can be provided by the client’s communication equipment: router, access point or 3G modem. For the average user, a Domain Name System (DNS) problem is the equivalent of an Internet connection failure, as they cannot access web pages. Therefore, it is very important to understand what problems may arise in the operation of DNS services and how to quickly resolve them.

Causes of DNS Service Errors

An important element of the Internet infrastructure are domain name servers (DNS). They are the ones who convert the symbolic name of the site into the IP address through which access occurs. As a rule, such servers are part of the hardware and software package of your Internet provider, but there are also alternative sites that can be accessed through the appropriate settings of the network adapter or home router. Since the DNS server is an ordinary computer (or a cluster of computers), it can freeze, be infected with a computer virus, or be attacked by a spam network. Eventually, a power failure may occur at the site and the DNS server will stop working. The result will be the impossibility of normal Internet surfing, since the symbolic names of your sites will not be converted to IP addresses and you will see a message like the following in the Internet browser window:

A message like this indicates a problem with the DNS system.

Checking and changing the DNS server settings in the connection properties, registering an alternative DNS address

The first thing to do when faced with a DNS addressing error is to check the DNS settings both in the network connection properties and in the control panel of your home router. If your ISP's DNS server is down, you can connect to one of the alternative DNS servers and restore your Internet connection. This is not difficult to do.

On operating systems Windows 7, 8, 10

In the OS family Windows settings DNS is located in the TCP/IP protocol settings of the network adapter. To check and change them, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Using a command prompt window, open the Network Connections snap-in.

    Open the Network Connections snap-in using the Windows command line

  2. In the Network Connections window, select network adapter, through which access to the Internet is organized and open its properties.

    Select the network connection through which Internet access is organized and open its properties

  3. From the list of network adapter properties and services, open the TCP/IP v4 protocol settings.

    The TCP/IP protocol is the basis for connecting to the Internet and DNS parameters are in its settings

  4. DNS settings - two fields at the bottom of the window, for the main and alternative server. If these fields are empty, the operating system will use the DNS server address provided by the provider or registered in the control panel of the home router.

    By default, DNS addresses are obtained automatically; to enter addresses manually, enable the “use the following DNS server addresses” mode

  5. To use an alternative DNS server, enter its primary and alternate addresses in the appropriate fields of the dialog box. In this case, the popular Google DNS server is used.

    There are both pros and cons to using alternative DNS servers. A huge advantage is the ability to bypass blocking of some sites that have been introduced by the provider or system administrator enterprises

  6. Click the "OK" button for the changes to take effect.

In the settings of the router (router)

The control panels (web interfaces) of routers look different for different routers, but they are all intuitive and designed for an untrained user. Having learned how to change the DNS server settings on one model of router, it will be easy to do this on others.

In order to access the router's web interface, you need to find out its network address. This can be done using the ipconfig command, calling it from the command line. The “default gateway” item displays the router’s network address. To access the router's web interface, you need to enter this address in your Internet browser.

Using the ipconfig command, you can find out the router's address and access its web panel

Having opened the web interface, we will enter the DNS server addresses into the settings. Let's do this using the example of the settings of a router from the popular TP-Link family.

Scan your system for viruses

The category has existed for quite some time computer viruses, specializing in theft of personal data of users. One of the tactics used by such “Trojan horses” is to connect a fictitious domain name server to the operating system. This allows attackers to redirect the user instead of the site mail program, payment system or an electronic wallet to specially created fake copies, with the help of which passwords are stolen, electronic keys and even two-factor authentication settings.

If your frequently visited pages do not open the first time, with a long delay or do not open at all, and the banking program website begins to look a little different, there is a reason to stop authorization attempts, disconnect your computer from the Internet and full check systems using antivirus program. Although there are a large number of shareware and free antivirus packages, you can only count on real protection using a commercial “first-tier” antivirus package: Kaspersky, Dr. Web or ESET NOD32.

In addition to the high efficiency of scanning and cleaning your computer from virus debris, these packages contain resident modules for monitoring Internet activity and will be able to nip attempts in the bud virus programs take control of your system.

The NOD32 antivirus package will provide protection against a wide range of viruses in real time

Setting up antivirus and firewall

With rare exceptions, the settings of the antivirus package and firewall (firewall) should not lead to disruption of DNS services. The reason for this can only be changing the settings of the “expert” mode by an inexperienced user. Try disabling the firewall for a short period of time and antivirus protection. If this fixes the problem, reset the antivirus package or firewall settings to the preset “default” settings.

Recovery initial settings built-in Windows Firewall will help eliminate problems with opening some sites

Updating network card drivers

Installing more up-to-date new network adapter drivers will help your Internet connection work more efficiently, ensuring quick access to DNS servers and eliminate errors that occur when opening web pages.

Automatic driver updates network card will only be possible with a working Internet connection.

Rebooting the computer and router

To “bring to life” the equipment - the network adapter of a computer or laptop, a router, an access point, sometimes it is enough to reboot these devices.

The computer restarts standard means operating room Windows systems. Just select the shutdown icon from the Start menu and select “restart” from the drop-down list.

Restart your computer using the operating system's Start menu

The router can also be restarted using the corresponding section of the web interface, but more in a reliable way There will be a power reboot: turn off the device using the switch on the rear panel or by unplugging its AC adapter from the outlet. Wait 15-20 seconds and then turn the power back on.

If there is no power switch on the back of the router, turn it off by unplugging the AC adapter from the outlet.

Restarting and diagnosing the Windows DNS Client service

Like many other system services, the DNS Client is turned on, turned off and restarted through the standard Administrative Tools applet in the Windows Control Panel:

Clear DNS cache and other network settings via the command line

During active Internet surfing, a significant amount of data about the addresses of visited resources accumulates in the DNS cache. The browser's use of a DNS cache instead of calling a DNS server should improve page opening speed, but in practice, the data in the cache may become outdated and the page may no longer be able to be opened. In this case, the DNS cache needs to be cleared, which is easy to do using Windows command line tools.

  1. While holding down Windows key, press the X key.
  2. Select "Command Prompt (Admin)".
  3. At the command prompt, type “ipconfig /flushdns” and press enter.
  4. Type ipconfig /registerdns and press Enter.
  5. Type ipconfig /release and press Enter.
  6. Type ipconfig /renew and press Enter.
  7. Type netsh winsock reset and press Enter.
  8. Restart your computer.

Nothing helps: what to do

If all your attempts to “reach” the necessary sites have not been successful, the problem is on the side of the Internet provider. In this case, we can only rely on the efficiency of the service technical support and the qualifications of service engineers who will troubleshoot problems as quickly as possible. By and large, a call to hotline Internet provider should be the first thing the user does when web pages stop opening for him.

If having an Internet channel 24 a day, seven days a week is vital for you, it’s a good idea to take care of a backup channel that will cover your needs while the main one is undergoing maintenance. It can be implemented using the link wireless router With USB port, where you need to connect a cellular 3G modem. The router settings allow you to connect 3G Internet only when the main channel is unavailable.

A router with a USB port will allow you to organize a backup Internet channel using a 3G cellular modem

The Domain Name System (DNS) mechanism is one of the most important, as it provides that level of transparency and comfort, without which the Internet would remain a closed network for IT specialists and geeks. Fortunately, every type of problem DNS work It is quite easy to diagnose and fix both on the client side and on the provider side. Follow the instructions exactly and your browser will never display the same annoying error window.

The problem of permanent unavailability of DNS servers (English Domain Name System), unfortunately, continues to persist in the Belarusian segment world wide web. DNS technology itself is necessary for the correct interaction of a computer browser and Internet resources with a specific domain name and zone.

Example: our website has domain name
hpc and domain On the Internet, the resource is accessible by IP address (the address may change dynamically)

In order for the computer browser to easily find our site, there is a DNS service that, when asked for the name https://site/, issues a machine-readable address

Modems are configured in such a way that they automatically receive DNS from the provider's servers. It happens that servers (or ADSL modems themselves) do not work entirely correctly or are very slow ().
When running troubleshooting, the following message appears:

A problem has been detected. The DNS server is not responding.

The situation looks like this.
In the system tray (notification area near the clock): network icon with exclamation point. At the same time, there is money on the provider’s balance sheet; The computer (laptop) is working fine. This problem also occurs on the popular HUAWEI HG532e ADSL modem. Sometimes this device begins to work correctly only after it is restarted.

When running the ping command: only a blinking cursor is visible.

To resolve a DNS issue:

  1. check whether the DNS client service is running on the computer;
  2. go to public DNS from Google.

You can check the DNS client service this way:

On the computer press WIN+R ( Windows icon on the keyboard). In the window that appears, type the command services.msc. will appear full list services, find the DNS client. We check the startup type - Automatic, Status - running. OK. If that’s the case, let’s move on….no? Let's fix it.

Next we switch to public DNS from Google

This completes the manual setup of your computer to work with Google Public DNS. It is possible to make all the mentioned settings in automatic mode, by pressing a couple of buttons using special utilities.

Automatic configuration of DNS servers

Select the fastest and most stable DNS servers automatically (without using manual settings) will help.

This software can automatically test the speed of servers from a predefined list, and also apply all settings with the click of one button.

They can be used to select the fastest DNS servers based on your location; use as a filter for parental controls and cutting off sites with viruses when surfing - the so-called Safe (Family) Home Internet.
