Windows 10 color scheme. Vejprbuobs rbmyftb web, uyufenoshe gchefb windows

It's no secret that Dark Mode is very convenient when working in low light conditions. Operating systems, smartphones, and popular apps already have a dark theme or night mode to help users use their devices without straining their eyes in low-light conditions.

Windows 10 is no exception and recently also provides users with the option to enable dark mode; the dark theme is available not only for applications. You can apply a dark theme to Windows Explorer.

Starting with Windows 10 version 1809 (October 2018 Update), you can enable Dark Theme for File Explorer. In short, you can now change the conductor color to black, without using third party applications. For many users, it would be nice if Microsoft offered a dark gray color instead of (or in addition to) the current black.

Here's how to turn on black for File Explorer in Windows 10.

Note: To enable dark mode for File Explorer, you must be running Windows 10 version 1809 or higher. To check assembly information, enter winver.exe in the Start menu search box and press Enter.

Step 1. Open the application "Options" most quick way press two keys Win + I, or click on the gear icon in the menu "Start".

Step 2. Go to section “Personalization” → “Colors”.

Step 3. Scroll to the bottom and select Application Mode "Dark" default. This is it!

You should immediately see a dark theme in Settings and Windows Explorer. You don't need to restart File Explorer or your computer.

On at the moment There's no way to apply dark mode to just File Explorer without changing the colors of apps and settings.

Do you like the black theme for Windows Explorer 10, share with us in the comments below.

Have you ever wanted to change something? appearance his operating system? Surely I wanted to. In this article, we will tell you how to change the color for all kinds of component windows in Windows 10. Before we start looking at changing colors, we need to mention that previously Windows users 10 generally lacked the ability to change a seemingly banal thing like the colors of the graphical interface.

But, with the arrival of the new Creative Update (or Windows 10 Creators Update) users still received system and software capabilities with which they can change the color of windows. However, all these features turned out to be quite non-functional.

Unfortunately there isn't one single menu, in which you can easily customize all the colors of various elements. So, you will have to follow various steps to change the color of a specific window element in Windows 10. But, all this is not difficult and even a green beginner can do it.

How to change the title color in a Windows 10 window

  • Press the key combination on your keyboard Win+I.
  • Go to "Personalization".
  • Then go to the "Colors" tab.
  • In this menu you will have the opportunity to choose the color you need. If you want to set a specific color to your taste, then click on the “+” icon next to the “Additional color” item.
  • Also, be sure to check the boxes next to the options that will allow you to use the selected color on the Start taskbar, the Start Menu itself, and the notification area.

Once you are done with the settings, then all parts of the graphic Windows interface The 10 that you selected in the specified settings will have the specified colors.

Note: You also have the opportunity to activate one notable function in the settings described above - “Automatic selection of the main background color.” If you activate this feature, the color will be selected based on your currently set desktop wallpaper, i.e. the system will display the average value of all available colors on the wallpaper and color the background with the calculated color.

How to change background colors of windows in Windows 10

If you don't like the selected color for windows in Windows 10, then there is something for you good news, as it can also be changed according to your preferences. Unfortunately, to change this value you will have to get a little sophisticated, but everything is within tolerable limits. Now we'll look at a couple of ways to change the background color of windows: through high contrast settings and through Classic programs Color Panel.

Through high contrast settings

First of all, you can use themes with high contrast, which have settings for changing colors. So, follow these steps:

  • Press combination Win+I.
  • Go to your computer's Settings.
  • Select the Accessibility tab.
  • Next, go to the “High Contrast” tab.
  • Once in the settings for high contrast themes, click on the “Background” button.

By clicking on this button, you can easily select the background color of windows in Windows 10 that you need. However, since these are themes, they will have to be applied to the operating system, which will change the entire design of the graph. interface of Windows 10. On the one hand, you can change the background color of the windows, and on the other hand, you can sit with a high-contrast design.

Through third party utility Classic Color Panel

There is one third party, but incredibly useful utility, with which you can change the background color of windows in Windows 10. This program is called Classic Color Panel and you can download it directly from the developers’ website, which will be available at this link.

Once you download the file colorclassic.exe, run it from anywhere on your computer. You should immediately see a notification asking you to save your design settings - the choice is yours.

Once opened, the Classic Color Panel gives you a wide range of settings to change colors for different aspects of the graph. interface of Windows 10. To change the color of the window, check the box next to the item called “Windows” and select the color you need using the regular palette. Easy and simple.

Once you have specified the color settings you want, click on the “Apply” button in the Classic Color Panel program menu bar. You will then be logged out of your account to apply the changes. Login to your account and you will see the selected colors. However, this program also has a minus - the colors will not be changed for all windows in Windows 10, but only for some. There is also a possibility that the utility could lose some of its functionality due to the release of a new build update.

How to set your color for decoration

All of the methods described above for changing the color of windows in Windows 10 are quite sufficient for most users of this operating system. But what if you want something more unusual? What if you have to choose a color that cannot be provided by the methods already passed. For example, you wanted to use black for a window, but it is not provided there.

In this case, the Windows Registry Editor will come to your rescue, with which we will now try to set the color you need. Go through the following steps:

Note: To find the required encoding, go to any graphic editor and open the regular palette in which the necessary data will be located. So, you have found the right color, for example, blue (200EE3). You will need to enter E30E20 in the field, since in this parameter the color is set according to the BGR (Blue-Green-Red) system, and not according to the usual RGB (Red-Green-Blue), i.e. you will need to swap the first and last two characters - 200EE3→E30E20. For shades of gray you don't need to change anything.

Besides digging into the Registry Editor, you can use the so-called "hidden" applet in Windows 10. In early Windows versions, for example 8.1, these settings can be easily opened. On Windows 10, you will have to do the following:

However, it is worth clarifying that the color selected in this window may be very different from what you could choose. All you have to do is experiment and choose the right color.

How to change colors for inactive windows in Windows 10

Unfortunately, you will also have to set the color for inactive windows in Windows 10 through the same Registry. You will need to do the following:

Found a typo? Select the text and press Ctrl + Enter

In Windows 10, users can change the color scheme of the taskbar, Start menu, and Action Center by choosing any of the available colors in the Personalization -> Colors section of the settings. Unfortunately, for now the choice is limited only to those colors that are available in the palette. However, with a little registry trick, you can fix this by specifying your own color in HEX format.

Just what exactly are we going to change? The color that will appear last in the Colors palette. Please note it should have a thin blue border. Yes, if you don't see the palette, set the "Automatically select main background color" switch to the "Off" position.

At the same time, also turn on the option “Show color in the Start Menu, taskbar and notification center”, since without it you will not see changes in the color scheme of the taskbar and other interface elements.

It may happen that there is no corresponding parameter in the registry. Then the color highlighted by the frame will not be in the palette. In any case, launch Registry Editor and expand the following branch:


In the last subsection, find the SpecialColor DWORD parameter and double-click on it. If this parameter is not available, create it manually. Double clicking will open a window for editing the parameter value.

By default, SpecialColor has a value in the ABGR format, which describes the color channels Alpha, Blue, Green and Red, but you can use the more familiar HEX format of six characters to set a new color. For example, to add white or black, both of which, by the way, are not in the Colors palette, you need to enter the code FFFFFF or 000000 (0), respectively. For the new settings to take effect, log out and log back into Windows or restart your computer. After this, the color should appear in the palette. Click on it with the mouse and it will be applied to the specified elements of the Windows 10 interface.

Note: If you don’t know which combination corresponds to which color, use any color determination utility or web design color chart.

Have a great day!

Today you will learn how to customize the color settings of the Windows 10 operating system. You will be able to select the main background color and configure additional settings. To manage color settings, open the Start menu. In the window that opens, click on the tab - Settings.

Automatic selection of the main background color; by default, the background color is set automatically. If you turn off this option, you can choose the color of the main background yourself.

Show color in the Start menu, taskbar, action center and window title bar, this option is disabled by default, you can enable it.

Make the Start Menu, Taskbar, and Action Center transparent, enabled by default, but you can turn off transparency.

At the bottom of the page you will have a tab - High Contrast Options, where you can adjust the contrast settings.

We've covered the basic color settings on Windows 10. Good luck!

Settings Windows colors 10 updated: July 24, 2016 by: Ilya Zhuravlev

Windows 10 window color settings

At the end of last year, Microsoft released another update for Windows 10 that allows you to change the title colors of active windows. But this feature is not available to all users.


Settings color range explorer elements is available only to users who use activated Windows 10 s installed update 1511. For a non-activated OS, the function of changing window color, like the entire personalization section, will be unavailable, and it will not work without the specified update.

Therefore, update your activated (or jailbroken) Windows 10, preferably installing all available updates, and restart your computer.

If you don't want to do this, install at least update 1511 (build number 10586). You can check whether it is installed in the system settings. See the lines “Building OS” and “Version”.

Algorithm for changing conductor parameters using “tens”

In Windows 10, the colors of windows change without any kind of hacking, which consists of replacing themes and parameters in their configuration. Now everything can be done using the operating system.

  • Calling context menu desktop, select “Personalization” from the drop-down list of available functions.

The same can be done in a more complicated way: go to “Start”, click “Settings”, and then “Personalization”.

  • Activate the “Colors” tab, which allows you to change the design Windows windows 10.
  • Activate the option shown in the screenshot.
  • Select the color you like from a small list of suggested ones and save the new window design settings.

Keep this in mind. When you activate the option to automatically select the main background color, Windows 10 will automatically select the color of windows and other Explorer components (if the corresponding option is enabled), based on the range of wallpaper installed on the desktop. Moreover, if the wallpaper is not static, the palette of explorer elements also changes dynamically, based on the current picture set as its background.

Set your own active window design parameters

If the proposed list does not contain the color that you would like to see in the window title, you can add it yourself, rather than using the 10 options that the developers offer.

  • We launch the registry editor by executing the “Regedit” system command in search bar or command interpreter line.

See also: Easy transition to Windows 10

  • Find the first or one of the first keys called “AccentColor” and double-click on it.
  • In the “Value” field, enter the color code in the hexadecimal number system.

This code can be found by using the appropriate online service for converting colors or using a utility, for example, Color point.

Surprisingly, instead of color encoding in this case, for some reason, BGR is used rather than RGB. This means that the first two characters in the code must be swapped with the last two. For example: you need to set the color with code 65AD01. 65 is swapped with 01 and enter the code “01AD65” in the “Value:” field.

Immediately after clicking on the “OK” button, the new settings will take effect without requiring the user to restart the computer or explorer. You just need to switch to a new window.

After turning off the option to change the color scheme of the window title, the key value will be reset, and next time you will have to enter it manually again.

Personalizing inactive windows

IN Windows registry 10 there is also the possibility of changing the color active window. To do this, go to the registry section as above. We create string parameter with the name “AccentColorInactive”, enter its color, as before, given that Microsoft uses BGR encoding for this.

Configuring Start and taskbar colors

The current registry key contains several more keys that allow you to set the color of the Start and Taskbar without affecting the window design.

  • In the “Color” tab of the “Personalization” menu, activate the option responsible for displaying color in the Start, notification center and taskbar.
  • Switch to the registry editor and change the “ColorPrevalence” value to “0”.

As a result, the above-mentioned elements will be colored in the color selected from the list, and the window headers will not change the color scheme, that is, they will remain as they were specified, even if their color value was entered manually, taking into account the RGB-BGR conversion.

Changing the color scheme of the “Taskbar”

To set your own color for the “Taskbar”, you need to go to the section:

Here we find a parameter already known to us called “ColorPrevalence” and enter its value equal to “2”.

Afterwards you will have to restart Windows 10 or Explorer. We will choose the second option due to its simplicity. We launch the “Task Manager”, on the “Processes” tab we find the element of the same name, call up its context menu and select “Restart”.

In principle, the Winaero Tweaker utility allows you to do all this, automating almost everything routine tasks to search, create and edit keys, so setting the window color will only take a few seconds.

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Adjust contrast on a Windows 10 computer

Hello! We continue to dismantle the operating room Windows system 10! Today you will learn how to adjust the contrast on Windows computer 10. You can choose and customize ready theme with contrast settings. To adjust the contrast, open the Start menu at the bottom left of the screen. In the window that opens, click on the “Settings” icon or tab.

At the top of the page, click on the field, select a topic. In the theme you can configure:

Disabled text color.

The color of the selected text.

Button text color.

Background color.

After setting the parameters, click the button below - Apply. After which the contrast on your computer will change.

Still have questions? Write a comment! Good luck!

Adjust contrast on a Windows 10 computer updated: January 27, 2017 by Ilya Zhuravlev

Setting monitor color: step-by-step instructions

Everyone knows that spending a long time at the computer is bad for your health. This especially affects a person’s vision. The fact is that a person is not able to see the frequency of flickering of the monitor screen, but the eye catches this frequency, and over time, weakening of vision may occur. When using the computer, your eyes gradually get tired and stop focusing clearly on the image. But for many, a computer is a job, which means it’s impossible to avoid this harm. In order to reduce it as much as possible, proper adjustment of the monitor color, as well as its resolution, is required.

Configuration using AdobeGamma program

To optimally display colors, you need to make adjustments using a special program called AdobeGamma. The first thing you need to do is install it on your computer. After installing the program, you should set the screensaver on your desktop in a solid gray color. Setting monitor colors in Windows 7 for the desktop is in the “Personalization” section, which appears in a pop-up window when you right-click on its splash screen (background). There you need to select the “Desktop Background” item and in it the “Image Position” drop-down menu, in which there is a “Solid Colors” menu item. The gray color can be seen immediately.

Now it's time to proceed directly to the procedure itself. After launching the AdobeGamma application, setup is carried out using the setup wizard (you need to select this option), a special program that allows you to go through the entire process step by step. The next step is to select a “color profile”. It is generally recommended to leave the default profile (for inexperienced users). Now you need to click on the “Next” button to continue and set the contrast to the maximum value. The brightness should be adjusted so that the square, which is located inside another square, is as close to black as possible, but still stands out a little against its background. You can simply skip the next stage.

Next, you need to configure the gamma correction using the bottom tab of the general settings window. If the program for adjusting monitor colors is not localized, it will be called WindowsDefault. To the right of it there is a small field where you are prompted to enter the value of the Gamma parameter. The most commonly used is 2.2. In the same window, you need to uncheck the ViewSingleGammaOnly parameter to display gamma values ​​by color. Now, using the mouse, you need to bring the result to such a state that all three squares become absolutely indistinguishable from their background. At the next stage, the color temperature value is set, which should be equal to 6500K. The setup is now complete. After completion, it is possible to compare the result obtained with the initial value. To do this, use the Before and After buttons. Color settings Windows monitor 10 is carried out in a similar way with the only difference being that the versions of the AdobeGamma program may differ.

Adjusting the image using monitor functions

Almost all monitors have special functionality (menu) with which you can quickly make color corrections. The interface of such a menu is as clear as possible and is translated into Russian for most devices, so to change the contrast, color or brightness of the screen, you simply need to select the appropriate item using the buttons located below. For more detailed information, you can refer to the instructions from the manufacturer, which usually comes with the device. For example, setting the color of a Samsung monitor is done using a special Menu button located under the screen, when pressed, the monitor menu appears. It has two main sections responsible for color rendering - Picture and Color, which will help you make all the necessary settings. For different manufacturers and different models, these sections may be called differently, but the meaning is ultimately the same.

Setting the image through the system

The Windows system itself also provides functions that allow you to adjust the color of your monitor. There is a program for this called “Calibration”, which can be found by searching in the “Start” menu. The application itself will tell you what to do next after launching it. An important parameter is the correctly selected screen resolution, optimal for the monitor being configured. Typically, in the drop-down menu listing acceptable screen resolution values, it is marked as “Recommended”. This is exactly what you should choose. This parameter is located in the video card settings. To get there, you need to right-click on the desktop and select the appropriate item in the menu that appears. It is called differently for different video card manufacturers, for example, for NVIDIA you need to look for a line called “NVIDIA Control Panel”, and for Radeon – “Radeon Graphics Characteristics”. All other color rendering settings are also located there. To achieve the best result, in addition to the correctly selected screen resolution, you must select the highest color depth value of 32 bits. As a rule, this setting is always located in the same place as the screen resolution setting, so it won’t be difficult to find it.

Adjusting screen brightness

Surely many people have noticed that the monitors standing on the stand in the store have a visually different image. On one it is dimmer, and on the other, on the contrary, it is too bright. This is due to different color settings for each individual device. If the buyer is not satisfied with the default color settings of the monitor, he can change them. To do this, you need to press the button with the name Menu and in the panel that appears, select the Picture value, where the brightness and contrast settings are located with the adjustment sliders located to the right of them. It is worth noting that for different models and manufacturers the names of these parameters may vary or even be marked with schematic figures, but the general meaning is always clear to the end user.

After finding the desired settings, you need to take a clean white sheet of paper, put it in front of the monitor, create a regular blank document using the Notepad program and compare the color of the sheet of paper with the white background of the document in the program. This procedure is carried out to evaluate and subsequently adjust the white color of the monitor. Next, for the slider responsible for the brightness of the picture, you need to find a position such that the white color on the monitor matches the white color of the sheet of paper on the table.

Adjusting screen contrast

To adjust the contrast, 2 images of identical shirts of different colors can help: one shirt is black and the other is white. The main thing is that the colors are monophonic. Both images need to be opened and placed next to each other. Now you should move the slider responsible for contrast until the folds on both shirts become clearly visible. Once you achieve this effect, you can adjust the brightness a little more. At this point, the process of completing the brightness and contrast settings can be considered complete. The white color obtained as a result of these manipulations may differ from the monitor settings that were set by default at the time of its purchase. However, experts say that this is just an optical illusion caused by the eye getting used to the original values.

Adjusting laptop color using Windows

Laptops have long become an integral part of our lives. It is enough to configure the laptop correctly once, so that later there are no unnecessary problems and you do not have to spend additional time. Setting the colors of a laptop monitor is not very different from the settings of a regular monitor. They are located in the “Color Management” section in the Windows control panel. Having entered the section, you need to select the “Details” tab and then click on the “Calibrate screen” button. Then simply follow the instructions provided by the setup wizard.

Adjusting laptop colors using the intelHDgraphics app

But this is not the only method applicable to solving this problem. For example, there is software that solves this problem better. If the laptop runs on an Intel processor, then the color should be adjusted through the “Graphics characteristics” section. You can get there using the same pop-up menu, called by right-clicking the mouse. When you open a section, a window will appear with several categories responsible for the video card parameters. To adjust the color, select the “Display” category. There, in the “Color” tab, you can find the “Advanced” tab, in which the necessary color adjustment controls are located. The only parameters are hue and saturation, with the help of which the adjustment is made. The level of increase or decrease in values ​​is determined by the user himself based on his needs.

Features of adjusting brightness on a laptop

It is known that if you need to quickly adjust the monitor screen, you can use the button interface located on its body. But on a laptop, things are a little different, and in truth, for many uninformed users, this becomes a real problem. The fact is that there are simply no such buttons on the laptop body. This is not due to the lack of space for this functionality, but to the fact that the optimal image is selected by the equipment developer.

But sometimes the need for quick color correction arises. To solve this problem, the laptop has a special Fn key, which is responsible for additional functionality. When you hold down this key, additional functions of the keys are activated, which contain icons highlighted in a different color. To adjust the brightness of the monitor, you need to use the keys with the image of a sun (standard brightness icon).

Testing color rendering using Real Color

There is another remedy that is considered the standard in certain circles. This is a special Real Color wallpaper that bears some resemblance to the tuning grid once used on televisions. When using this method, special wallpaper with the optimal resolution for a computer or laptop is installed on the desktop. By looking at the screen from a normal distance, you can determine whether the color rendition is calibrated correctly. With the correct setting, a smooth gray gradient should be visible, and if stripes appear and shades are mixed, then the color is set incorrectly.

To summarize, we can say that adjusting the monitor color is a rather painstaking task and depends on many factors. Therefore, for each individual case, its own parameters must be applied to meet specific needs. But in order not to get scattered among many different methods, you need to do this: for quick setup use the built-in system parameters, and for more complex tasks you can resort to third-party applications.

How to adjust colors on a laptop

A laptop is a constant companion of a 21st century person at work, at home, and on the road. It is known that the time spent on setup software, will later pay off when you don’t have to spend it on unnecessary actions or waiting for the operating system to respond. It is equally important to correctly configure the color rendition of the laptop display - this is necessary both for designers, photographers, etc., and for ordinary users. It’s not that difficult to make your eyes less tired and your vision not to deteriorate.

To avoid color distortion, the laptop should be located in a place where it is not exposed to outside light. Designers, for example, use special curtains - then there is no threat of glare or light exposure.

The easiest and fastest way is to calibrate the display using the built-in program (using Windows 7 as an example). To launch it, go to the “Control Panel” and select “Color Management”. In the “Details” tab, you need to click on the “Calibrate screen” button and then follow the instructions.

There are others special programs that help adjust colors are Adobe Gamma, Corel Draw, Ati Catalist Control Center. In order to use one of them, for example, Adobe Gamma, you will need color scheme-source, which can be used as a reference when changing color parameters. The pattern consists of stripes with gradations of different colors. For correct settings, first set the color temperature. Next to calibrate the display home laptop look at the gray stripe - 32 rectangles should be clearly visible on it, including the ones on the far left and right. To evaluate the result, print the resulting image, always in the “Grayscale” mode. If necessary, change the adjustments further until the colors on the paper and display are identical, then save the result.

The convenience of this program is that it can be added to “Startup”, then personal screen settings will be loaded along with Windows. To do this, you need to copy the Adobe Gamma shortcut to the Startup folder (you can open it from the All Programs tab in the Start menu).

As a result of the adjustment, the brightness, contrast and color gamut will fade. That's how it should be. Over time, as your eyes adapt to the changes, you will stop noticing it.
