Parental control programs on PC. Basic features of Android

You've probably heard how useful it is Parental Controls on Windows.
Previously, people understood in words and did not interfere where they were not asked, but words have ceased to help and it is no longer possible to do without delimitation of powers.
All you need in Windows 7 is blocking games, blocking the installation and removal of programs.

First of all, about the principle of parental control

The differentiation of rights is achieved by creating a second account, when the owner of the first administrator account can control the computer, and the owner of the second account can simply use those programs and games that are installed by parents and allowed.
That is, if a child wants to play a game, parents must install it for him.
Therefore, if you were hoping to call a specialist who would do everything for you, then you made a mistake - you will have to suffer for the sake of your own child.

Let's take a step-by-step look at the entire process of enabling and setting up parental controls.
1. Go to “control panel / accounts Users and Family Safety / Parental Controls.”

(Figure 1)
3. Enter the user name - for example, “Student”.

4. If the administrator account does not have a password, then a password must be set so that the child cannot change the settings and the parents do not use the account with reduced rights.

5. In the “Select supplier” list, select - NO and click on the picture of the created account, from the same window where we clicked on the link to create it.

(Figure 2)

6. Now we are in the “parental control” editing window.
Here we must first enable parental controls!

(Figure 3)

Then we follow three links.
6.1. Time restrictions.
Here we highlight the cells in blue, prohibiting time on the computer.
6.2. Games – Violent and adult games can be limited here. You can also ban games altogether, which is what I did, so that they wouldn’t play working hours in counter on the grid.

(Figure 4)
In the window you can follow links and make more subtle settings.
6.3. Allow and block specific programs- here you can block both games and programs. After clicking on the link, wait until the computer displays a list of programs.
7. Reboot the computer and check its functionality.

For example, if you want to install games from a student account, you will receive a message that this program is blocked by parental controls. The file name and its location on the computer will be indicated.
If you want to remove the program, you will be asked to enter the password for the administrator account.

We get an account in which you can only work with a narrow list of programs and for a limited time.

A couple of questions that concern everyone.
Is it possible to hack parental controls?
If a child knows the administrator password, then he can remove the password, delete the account, and disable parental controls.

How to block the Internet?
As for installing Internet blocking, for these purposes it is better to use a separate program which I wrote about in the article ““.
You can also block browsers in parental controls.

So, if they can’t hear you, then there’s no point in continuing to speak, you just need to turn off access.
I have only one piece of advice - try without fanaticism.
Computer addiction must be overcome by replacing it with a useful activity.
Develop clear rules - during classes, access to a computer is limited and that's it, and then the process will be less painful.
Keep your child occupied for a while when the computer is turned off, do homework with him, and don’t let him wander.
Do you agree?

The problem of safe Internet for children is very relevant these days. The child returns home after school and is completely left to his own devices. While his parents are at work, he can freely play on the computer and use the Internet. The games that a child plays can be controlled, the Internet is another matter - in two clicks a child can find himself on the “18+” website and see scenes that go beyond the understanding of even an adult or worse than that find pictures online with scenes of violence, beatings, etc. Which negatively affects the child’s psyche, which has not yet had time to fully form.

An older child may be attracted by bright advertisements of various betting sites, online casinos, fortune telling and horoscopes that trick people into sending SMS and much more. We cannot prohibit a child from using the Internet all the time, but try to protect him from the negative influence of the World Wide Web. To do this you only need to devote a little time.

1. Standard Windows tools 7 on setting up parental controls.

The first step is to go to the control panel and select “Parental Controls”.

The second step is if we do not have an account for the child, create one (regular user). The administrator (you) must have a password set, otherwise the child will quickly bypass the restrictions.

Log in to your account and enter the required parameters.

Options available: time limit, launch games, launch programs.

The third step is setting up the computer work time for each day of the week.

The fourth step is to set a limit for games. It is possible to block the launch of all games or select a category of games that corresponds to the child’s age. Classification is carried out according to the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB). For children of primary school age, games of class “E” correspond to scenes of mischief, and for teenagers “T”, with moderate scenes of violence and swearing, are acceptable.

If the classification does not suit you, you can manually configure the settings for games.

The fifth step is to indicate the programs that the child can run.

To hide potentially harmful content from children while surfing the Internet, special browser add-ons are used. With their help, you can both block access to certain sites and hide advertising that is not intended for children's eyes.

The Opera browser has a website blocking mechanism, but you will have to configure it and add unwanted websites manually. Over time, the procedure will have to be repeated as new advertisements appear, which is not very convenient. For this purpose, there are complex automated solutions with ready-made databases of advertising links and advertisements. By installing such a plugin for your browser, not a trace of advertising will remain, and if something remains, you can always blacklist such advertising.

List of plugins for the most popular browsers.

Opera AdBlock- the plugin is on the website

Adblock Plus - For Mozilla Firefox download on the website

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Google Chrome- you can choose AdBlock or Adblock Plus in the app store

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Simple Adblock For Internet Explorer you will need to download from the official website.

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3. Blocking unwanted sites.

The above plugins allow you to get rid of advertising on pages, but they cannot block unwanted page content or prevent a child from accessing a particular site. To filter out unwanted sites based on their content, you will need additional tools for browsers.

Firefox - plugin FoxFilter, download it from

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Google Chrome - plugin WebFilter Pro

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WebFilter Pro has a large database of sites with dubious content, which has a very positive effect on filtering out and blocking sites with unpleasant images and texts.

In the plugin settings you need to select categories (adult sites, gambling, weapons and bad habits) by which sites will be blocked. If you consider it necessary, you can additionally block social networks and browser games.

If a child goes online to a site that falls under the selected categories, he will only see the following message.

And to prevent a child from being able to unblock the site and make changes to the filter settings, access to it can be password protected. Moreover, you can specify your email address in the settings. To which notifications will be sent when a child tries to access one or another site from the blacklist.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, unfortunately, WebFilter Pro, no matter how well it works, sometimes still misses sites. Therefore, let's move on to the next steps.

4. Setting up parental controls in antivirus programs.

The parental control function in antiviruses is available only in paid versions. Let's look at setting up parental controls using an example Kaspersky Internet Security

Launch the antivirus double click Click on the icon and in the window that appears, select “Parental Control” and set a password to prevent the child from changing the program parameters without the knowledge of the parents. Select an account that belongs to the child. Click the enable button and configure the settings.

The following options are available:

Account settings - you can customize your appearance (avatar) and you can assign a nickname. You also need to make sure that the (enable user control) checkbox is checked.

Using a computer - you can configure the time spent on the computer; it is possible to strictly specify days and periods of time. In this case, the child is allowed to use the computer only from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 20:00. And on weekends it is allowed from 11 to 21 hours.

An additional parameter “limit use during the day” - allows you to set the time that the child can spend at the computer during the day. For example, you installed possible time work from 11-00 to 18-00, but it is additionally possible to limit the duration by setting the work time, for example, 5 or 7 hours. And although the time range is 9 hours, the child will be able to spend no more time than this.
You can see your child’s time spent at the computer in reports.

Launch programs - allows you to create a list of programs that will be blocked from launching. The program can also be blocked by time, for example, allowing the use of Skype or some toy only from 17-00 to 20-00

Click on the “Add” button and in the window that appears, select the program we need from the list or indicate the path to its location on the hard drive.

Using the Internet - the function is similar to "Using a computer", we set the time according to which the child can turn on the Internet. You can limit your time, for example, spend no more than 3 hours a day.

Website visits - limit visits to sites that fall under selected categories. Using these settings, your child can be protected from a whole range of negative information on the Internet.

This menu item also allows you to “Block visiting all websites except those allowed in the exclusion list.” In other words, the child can open only those sites that you indicated in the list; others will not be available to him. These sites need to be added to the list by clicking on the "Exceptions" button.

Downloading files - you can prevent downloading of certain types of files. In order to protect against viruses and Trojans, it is recommended to prohibit (programs and archives). Video and music are at your discretion if the Internet is unlimited.

IM correspondence - blocking unwanted contacts in popular chat programs (ICQ, QIP, Mail.Ru, Skype and others).

Social media- permission to correspond with certain contacts. It will be possible to add a contact only after the child is active on one or another social network. In the reports, you can view correspondence with the selected contact. Social networks contain a lot of information that is not intended for children.

Personal data - a child, due to inexperience, can send personal information to other people: home address, telephone numbers, credit card and much more. Added to the register necessary information, You will be able to prevent its transfer to third parties.
To do this, first generate them and click the “Add” button and add them to the list.

Keywords - by making a list of words, for example vodka, gambling, etc. You will be able to track what your child searched for and on what sites.

Parental controls are configured in a similar way on other antiviruses.

5. Gogul - children's web browser.

For primary school students I would like to highlight a wonderful federal program safe children's Internet - Gogul. (

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). Having downloaded and installed a component for Mozilla Firefox? You will turn your usual browser into a cute children's Internet browser. But main feature of this project allows the child to use useful Internet resources for learning and development. To do this, set as home page website

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. "The Internet and Children" is a directory of sites intended for children, which are carefully selected and grouped by topic.

First of all, we go to the Gogul website. ( and register to create a personal account. IN personal account you can set up Internet use schedules, set up a list of allowed sites, view statistics on websites visited, etc.

The second step is to add children's accounts and set up Internet use.

Installing the "Gogul" add-on - download the add-on from the official website Mozilla browser Firefox. (Please download and install this browser first if you do not have it). During downloading, a request for permission to install the add-on will appear - we agree.

After the Gogul installation process is completed, a shortcut to launch the program will appear on your desktop. When you first start you will need to enter the address email and password specified during registration, and then click the “Activate” button

When the Gogul children's web browser is launched, a list of children's accounts will be clearly displayed and how much time is left available for using the Internet today.

We also recommend downloading a small program from this site that prevents the launch of other web browsers except Gogul, and also has other useful features(restricting access to folders, files and removable media) to restrict a child’s access to a computer.

Let's summarize.

1. To introduce restrictions for a child to work on a computer, you must create a separate account.
2. Use browser add-ons if you don’t have paid version antivirus.
3. Use comprehensive solution by setting up your antivirus.
4. For children of primary school age, set up children's Internet Gogul.

All this will take you a little time, but you can to some extent protect your child from the negativity of the Internet, as well as control the time spent on the computer while you are at work.

Unfortunately, sooner or later the child will still encounter this problem - friends on the computer, children at school can be “enlightened” using a tablet or smartphone. It all depends on the parents’ approach to this issue and methods of education. It is necessary to have time to instill the correct moral principles in a child before the “street” teaches him to perceive everything completely differently.

“Parental control” is designed to protect a person, most often a child, from the negative effects of the Internet, games, etc. To achieve this goal, a number of rules and various measures are provided. It is worth noting that for “parental controls” you need to install special provision or use the built-in software. The main purpose of such software is to make it impossible for children to visit adult sites, as well as limit their time working on the computer.

Active and passive control

Let's look at each type in detail. Passive “parental control” implies limiting the time of use personal computer. For example, on weekdays you can set the time from 17-00 to 19-00, and on weekends - from 12-00 to 20-00. Thus, only at this time a person will be able to use this device. In addition, passive “parental controls” on a computer allow you to limit access to certain software. Sometimes it makes sense to block only those utilities that a child can use. In addition to all of the above, you can set a limit on games. For example, specific program may be open no more than 2 hours per day. The passive method of protection involves prohibiting visits to certain Internet resources.

As for active “parental control,” everything is somewhat different. Its main task is to track all the child’s actions in real time. This approach is implemented quite simply - by installing the necessary software. You can control files downloaded to your PC, as well as track email correspondence and much more. All this allows you to make sure that the “parental controls” on your computer really work and make sense. Now we will take a closer look at how this works, and whether it is necessary to protect your child in this way from the negative effects of the Internet and the computer in general.

Methods for restricting access

There are several methods to prohibit the use of certain resources, games, etc. Let's look at each of them.

The most current way is automatic creation database with which the program will work. If we talk in simple words, then the utility itself decides where you can go and where not. For this purpose, there are built-in filters that monitor information flows. Often the list of prohibited sites is updated automatically, but if this does not happen, then you need to do everything manually.

There is another way. To tell the truth, it is quite tough, but it works 100%. Its essence lies in the fact that a “white” list of sites that are not prohibited is created. Everything that is not included in this list is blocked. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to close websites for adults, work with a database, etc. On the other hand, the child will not have the opportunity to visit a useful portal, since he will not be on the “white” list. Agree, creating a database that contains all useful sites is quite difficult. In principle, almost any program can handle creating a white list. This type of “parental control” is very effective. However, he is very strict.

How to install Parental Control CPC

A program called Crawler Parental Control is very popular due to its wide functionality. Reviews about her are only positive. This software is completely free, so anyone can download and install it. Everything is quite simple here. First of all, you need to register and indicate your email to which the password will be sent. For the most part, management is done through accounts. The parental control program provides 5 stages of protection against unwanted information.

The first level (for children under 10 years old) involves working at a computer for several hours a day. At the same time, sites for adults, swear words, etc. are blocked. The second and third levels allow you to use the PC for a longer time, but viewing pornographic sites is also prohibited. At the fourth stage, system restrictions completely disappear. You can use the computer for quite a long time, but not at night. Adult sites are prohibited. The fifth level, as noted in reviews, is practically useless, since it only prohibits the use of a PC at night.

It is recommended to enable Spy Mode, which, although it does not prohibit anything, remembers everything. The report is extremely detailed and the child does not have access to it. You will be able to see what sites your child visits and, if necessary, conduct educational conversations. Quite a conservative method, but it is preferable. So we figured out what and how to set “parental controls” in the CPC utility. Let's move on.

How to disable parental controls

It happens that various kinds of restrictions need to be lifted. In most cases, no problems arise. Most often, parents forget the password, but it is not difficult to recover it. To do this, you need to receive a corresponding letter by email, where the information that has fallen out of memory will be indicated.

Do not forget that you must log in as an administrator, otherwise you will not be able to remove parental controls. This article is intended, rather, for adults, rather than for children, since we will not consider how to disable “parental control,” or rather, disable or bypass it. The fact is that our children are often not so stupid and know no less, and sometimes much more, than we do.

Sometimes they do the following. They bring a program called “Punto Switcher” on a flash card. Install it, remove it from processes and turn off the sound, and also enable logging. When you enter a password, it is recorded and your teen can easily bypass it. To prevent this from happening, you need to disable the installation third party programs. It is advisable to block the ability to connect external devices (hard drive, flash drive, etc.). Remember to always log out of your administrator account, otherwise children may take advantage of it.

Detailed overview of the Kids Control program

The main purpose of this utility is to limit the time spent on the computer. Unfortunately, the program is paid, and its purchase will cost about 800 rubles. But, judging by the reviews of satisfied parents, it is almost impossible to hack or bypass it. All you need to do is install the utility as an administrator. As a result, all other users will be forced to comply with these requirements.

The program has an automatically updated database. It contains sites with advertising, information for adults, as well as thematic resources: video, music, gambling. In addition, the administrator can work with “black” and “white” lists. The main advantage of the utility is that the teenager will not even notice that he is being limited in any way. When you try to access a prohibited site, you will receive a message stating that there is no network or this resource is temporarily unavailable. There are no sound warnings or other notifications.

There is a weekly schedule that is edited by the administrator. Green cells mark the hours when you can use the computer, red cells indicate when you can’t. In principle, this is an excellent solution for conservative “parental control”, and thanks to the Russian-language interface you will not have any problems with setup. Since setting up parental controls is quite simple, there shouldn’t be any problems.

Free or paid RK?

This question actually interests many. It is difficult to give a definite answer to this. Let's look at the benefits free programs. Of course, their main advantage is that you don’t need to buy anything, so you won’t be deceived. Sometimes you can get an excellent utility completely free of charge, which will be no worse than any paid analogue. But to find this kind of program, you will have to try hard. It is best to rely on user reviews. So, you can get the maximum useful information about the reliability of a particular software. There are so-called trial versions. Such utilities are free for a certain period of time, for example, six months. After this period, you won’t even have to think about how to remove “parental controls”, because it simply won’t work.

As for paid utilities, they have more advantages than disadvantages. The main advantage is that you buy the program, and it becomes your property. Even if you accidentally delete it, you can download it a second time completely free of charge. Such software is quite difficult to bypass, because a whole group of people worked on its reliability and received money for it. Huge functionality and flexible settings will make control reasonable and not too strict. Of course, you need to buy such programs on the official websites of the manufacturer. One thing can be said: in Russia, most people choose free “parental control”, but in England, Germany or the USA they prefer to purchase similar programs.

Control from Kaspersky

We are all familiar with this antivirus program, but not everyone knows about its real capabilities. The functionality of the utility is so great that it allows you to set restrictions on PC use for different accounts. All you need is this antivirus software. Since parental controls (RC) are disabled by default, they must be activated. To do this, go to the main menu, and then select the RK item. After that, click on the “Enable” button. Another option is to go to “Settings”, select “Advanced” and find “Parental Controls” there.

The reviews contain information that Kaspersky allows you to make settings quite flexibly. Using this utility, you can limit the time you access the Internet, which will not apply to the computer as a whole. It is also proposed to block the sending of personal data and prohibit/allow the launch of certain software.

It is safe to say that from antivirus program Kaspersky's parental controls are quite good. This is due to the fact that it can be made not too harsh or simply monitor the child’s activity on the World Wide Web. For example, sometimes it is enough to enable the visit log, but it is not recommended to disable filters. The program will block those sites that, in its opinion, are unsafe or contain prohibited materials.

What password should I come up with?

Many parents may have problems setting a password. For example, the year and date of birth can be cracked by teenagers without any difficulty; the same applies to other simple combinations, for example, qwerty, etc. In addition, modern teenagers can use the banal “burst”. These are utilities that have a database of the most popular combinations. By searching through all possible options one correct one is installed. But we can say that this only works with small passwords up to 6 letters and numbers. To avoid this, set protection to be longer than six characters. But sometimes this is not enough.

It is best to come up with a password that contains more than 8 characters. It is advisable to combine letters and numbers. But remember that such a password is quite easy to forget. Since some utilities do not require binding to mailbox, then you need to write it down somewhere secret code. It should be stored where the teenager does not have access.

They often do the following: create two accounts - one as an administrator, the other as another user. In this case, the “parental control” password is stored on the administrator account, which can only be accessed by entering a secret code. In principle, such protection is quite sufficient, and there is no need to invent anything else.

We use standard operating system tools

If you do not have the ability or desire to install third-party software to the computer, then proceed in a different way. Take advantage of the tools that Windows offers. “Parental controls” in this case must be enabled through the control panel. Let's take a closer look at this process.

By the way, all this will make sense only when you make your account an administrator and set a password for it. Otherwise, the child will easily take advantage of all the possibilities of the network and games without any restrictions.

After you set the secret code, go to the teenager's account. This is where all the necessary changes will have to be made. To do this, go to the control panel and find the “parental controls” menu item. Here you will see exactly the same settings as in the special software. It is possible to add restrictions on games, programs, web browsing, etc. You, as an administrator, can easily set the time for using the PC, as well as all or individual games. We can confidently declare that modern restriction tools that are built into Windows 7, Vista and later versions are quite reliable and of high quality. Their functionality is wide and allows you to flexibly configure all parameters.


We looked at how to remove parental controls, as well as how to install them. You probably noticed that there is nothing complicated here, and it is not at all necessary to buy anything for money, especially since there are built-in protection tools that are very easy to use and completely free. But despite this, sometimes it makes sense to make a purchase. This way you will eliminate the possibility of hacking one hundred percent and be sure that your child is under supervision.

As for the advisability of installing “parental controls,” it’s up to you to decide. As practice shows, most teenagers still find a way to view a prohibited site or spend more time playing. The most popular method is to reinstall operating system. To prevent this, you can restrict access to the BIOS by setting a password on it.

Often, simple educational conversations are not enough, because the temptation to visit a site for adults is too great. This is why it is recommended to use RK. Although sometimes it makes sense to send a teenager to several sections and clubs so that he has practically no time for empty entertainment. Many parents do this, but the decision, in any case, is yours.

Something is wrong with the teenager.

Signs of internal readiness for suicide may include changes in sleep and appetite, problems with academic performance, loss of interest in one’s life. appearance, increased aggressiveness. Teenagers may start giving away things that are dear to them to friends. Without parental support, a teenager often gives up.

Incredible but true, in the fight against computer viruses 90% of moms and dads understand, but only 5% know how to set up parental controls on a computer. And there are only three ways - blocking, monitoring and limiting game time or launching certain applications.

AND different ways This control is offered by all the Big Three operators - Beeline, Megafon, MTS, and the creators of anti-virus software - Kaspersky Lab, AVAST, and ESET (since the fifth version), this system is built into Windows settings. There are also special programs parental control - “Internet Censor”, K9 Web Protection, NetKids, NetPolice, KidGid, Content Keeper Express, Gogul, “Cybermama”. Some companies interact with each other. For example, Megafon made its parental control system based on Internet Censor.

What to protect from?

The most common Internet threats for families and children: spam, phishing, identity theft, password theft, fraud, malware, viruses, pornography, offensive messages and sexual offers.

What can be done?

The systems allow you to prohibit the downloading and deletion of programs and files, and also provide restriction of Internet access for children at certain times of the day.

You can control access to online games by choosing the age and type of content that should not be allowed.

In many systems, levels of protection can be selected and customized to suit your needs. Thus, the minimum level protects your computer or tablet from pornography and security threats, the high level protects from all adult content, illegal activities and unknown sites. The worst systems (almost all) protect against content in the categories of “extremism,” “sects,” and “suicide.”

Time blocking blocks access to any sites. For example, every day the computer is blocked from 21.00 to 08.00, and on Monday - for the whole day. You can set different access hours for each day of the week.

If the child is still on the computer at the end of the allowed time, the system will shut down automatically.

Parental control systems also have disadvantages. NetPolice 1.6 often has breakdowns, and then the program allows access to sites that children would not need. K9 Web Protection 4.0 and Content Keeper Express do not have a Russian-language interface, and many Russian sites must be manually added to the database. In KidGid 3.28, when trying to open a site from the catalog of prohibited ones, a child ends up on a page with a recommended list of resources, which is good, but if you put the maximum filter on the Internet for children, access to many useful resources will be blocked, simply because they are not in the main directory of the system, which is no longer very pleasing. “Cybermama” only controls time on the Internet. IN Windows Vista many children's sites, educational and information portals And search engines, that is, it will be difficult to find something.

Another common disadvantage for almost all systems is that when access to sites is blocked, the child receives a notification about this. If he did not know that you installed such a program, he may be upset, since such control indirectly indicates your distrust of him. Agree, this is unpleasant for an adult too. The solution may be a preliminary discussion of all the pros and cons of the network with an explanation of why such a control system will be beneficial.

How to install and configure

All companies describe the setup technology in detail, usually with pictures that make all the steps easier, so installing the system is not difficult. The main thing is that you and your child have separate accounts to log into the computer, you with administrator rights, and the child with user rights.

U mobile operators parental control is connected as a separate tariff via the USSD command: asterisk - number - hash - call button or with via SMS. At MTS it is paid, at Megafon and Beeline it is free. Beeline also offers to listen to “Lessons safe internet"together with the child, who tell the story of the computer mouse "Click" and "Sergeevna Button".

If the child is still small, but you still allow him to play with his mother or father’s tablet, then so-called sandboxes or launchers will allow you to make the gadget safe. These are applications for customizing the desktop of a tablet or smartphone; the child will be able to play educational games, study and read books, but at the same time access to system settings, using Wi-Fi and some applications. Toddler Lock is suitable for very young children, and Famigo Sandbox for older ones. Here all the settings are already set, if you want to configure it yourself or use applications for older children, you can try Sandbox Kids Corner, Kids Place (from Kiddoware), Norton Family Parental Control, Kaspersky Parental Control. Among other things, Sandbox Kids Corner also features GPS tracking, remote control, and photo syncing with your account to check what your kids are filming.

Keep in mind that children who have emerged from a naive age can bypass all control systems with angelic simplicity - they will go to a friend or go online in public places. That is, prohibitions need to be supported by prevention and explanations of risks on the Internet, so that the child makes the decision about his own protection.

The Internet is an excellent source for new knowledge, helps in studying, and takes up leisure time.

But at the same time, The Internet is fraught with many dangers. You definitely need to talk to your children, explain that various unpleasant situations can arise and how to get out of them. in the best possible way go out. Remember that keeping your children safe online, 90% depends on you.

Who is responsible for our children on the Internet?

The safety of children is one of the main tasks of a civilized society, therefore everyone involved in this society must ensure the safety of children on the Internet. And so in order:

1. Government. There should be laws that could protect children from harmful information on the Internet. So in Russia, all schools were required to install content filtering programs in computer science classes.

2. Search engines. Many search services such as Yandex, Ramler have in their arsenal a large number of settings and widgets that help parents protect children from unwanted content on the Internet. There are also search engines designed specifically for children.

3. Family. Of course, no one is more responsible for the safety of children on the Internet than the parents themselves. After all, only parents can fully control their children.

How to make your child's browsing on the Internet safer

For better mutual understanding and elimination of possible misunderstandings, it is better to immediately dot the i’s and set some restrictions for independently accessing the Internet. Discuss this with your children so they understand the need for such bans, then together you will definitely be able to make your child’s trips on the Internet the safest.

  • Make a list of rules for children's use of the Internet and remember that a firm “no” is better than an uncertain “yes.” Let the restrictions be minimal, but always act without restrictions.
  • Tell the children about the need to keep confidential data secret and how best to do it. Here are a few simple rules that should be followed:
    - when communicating, use only your first name or nickname (nickname);
    - phone number, address, place of study you can't tell anyone;
    - do not forward your photos;
    - without adult supervision, do not meet people you met online.
  • Explain that on the Internet, despite the seeming impunity for some offenses, the same rules apply there as in real life: good - bad, right - wrong.
  • Teach children to develop and trust their intuition. At the slightest sign of concern, they tell you about it.
  • If for some reason children need to enter a registration name, help them come up with it so that it does not contain any personal information.
  • Explain that people on the Internet often pretend to be completely different people. Therefore, it is not worth meeting them.
  • Teach children to follow moral standards and be educated even in virtual communication.
  • Be sure to tell us about ownership rights and that any material posted on the Internet may be copyrighted. Misuse of such material may be a criminal offence.
  • explain that not everything you see on the Internet is true. If in doubt, it is better to check with you.
  • Use modern programs, which provide the ability to filter the content of sites, control places visited and activities there.
  • Create a trusting relationship between you and your child. Visit his favorite sites sometimes together, if your child keeps a diary, read it from time to time.
  • Pay attention to your children!

Windows live- Parental controls

If you do not have the opportunity to constantly monitor your child, the service Windows live will help you solve this problem. WITH using Windows live, you can set restrictions on children's computer use, as well as make their online experience safer.
