Internet connected but not working: external reasons

Many people are familiar with the situation when sitting down at your computer, you find that the connection to the Internet is lost. This is a very undesirable problem, especially if your work is directly dependent on the Internet.

To fix any problem, you need to find the cause of it.
Why is the internet connected but not working? There can be many reasons for disconnecting the Internet, both internal and external.

Let's take a look at the main problems of Internet disconnection related to external factors.

What is a provider and what are external reasons

A provider is a company that provides you with Internet access services by connecting your computer to the global network.

All data that you send over the Internet or receive passes through its devices, and the provider is obliged to provide data transfer.

External reasons due to which the Internet is not working means that the problem originated outside your home or device that replaces it.

In such cases, it is quite rare to correct the situation on your own, as a result of which it becomes necessary to contact the support service for Internet services, that is, to the provider.

No electricity

The Internet signal comes to your house, having passed a rather long way. On this path is intermediate equipment that must be connected to electricity.

If you turn off the electricity anywhere along the way, the equipment will turn off and the signal will not pass. You can't find out about it just by sitting at home. You need to call your provider.

The provider can use their hardware and software to trace the entire chain, find out where the problem is, and fix it.

By the way, such breakdowns often happen during a thunderstorm or after a thunderstorm. The lightning protection devices are triggered and the electricity is cut off.

In general, the weather began to deteriorate: strong winds, constant humidity, torrential rains and even more ice rains do not contribute to the reliability of the Internet connection channels. But they add work for the technical support of providers, and for users they add dissatisfaction with the denial of access to the Internet.

Something broke

On the long journey from the provider to your home, the intermediate equipment of the provider may break. This is not your equipment, it is not in your home, but due to its breakdown, there will be no signal in the house. It is impossible to find out about this while sitting at home. Again, you need to call the provider.

Anything that doesn't go bad goes bad too - says one of Murphy's laws. Therefore, it is not even an hour, something in the chain of transmission of Internet signals to your house and apartment may deteriorate. This can only be fixed by the provider's technical support.

Even the provider's server can break down, through which all users, more precisely, all the provider's clients gain access to the Internet. This, however, happens very rarely. Servers are becoming more reliable, they are duplicated, backed up, and provide uninterrupted round-the-clock operation. But for now, you can also encounter a similar problem. Fortunately, very rarely.

Somewhere cut off

Breakdowns also include wire breaks. Well, if an ordinary wire breaks off, it can be "spliced", repaired. But, for example, a fiber-optic cable cannot be connected without special equipment, which is not always available even with the provider's technical support representatives.

The wires may break sooner or later. For different reasons. My friends, for example, had a wire going from the attic to the apartment that fell off the ceiling, where it was slightly attached. The wire fell to the floor, everyone stepped over it for almost a week. And then everyone got tired of it, and the wire was cut off. I had to call the provider's technical support.

It is practically impossible to splic the wires on your own. And it's dangerous. It is possible to confuse low and safety voltage signal wires with power wires where life-threatening voltages are present. No need to try to fix the breakage yourself, call technical support.

Other issues on the ISP side

The provider's support service will be able to eliminate such problems as equipment breakdown at the provider himself in his premises, or in the attic (entrance) in your apartment building, or restore a damaged wire. And we have already written about this above.

But, it is possible that unscheduled work is simply being carried out, about which, of course, you should have been notified in advance, but, as usual, forgotten. The provider warns about planned or unscheduled works by e-mail. But how often do we go to our mail? Even if often, then did we indicate the right e-mail in the contract with the Internet provider to contact us? More often than not, messages from the provider are received, they are rarely opened and almost never read.

And then - it turns out that we were warned that in connection with such and such work, the Internet connection will not be in the period from such and such a time and date to such and such a time and date. Forewarned is forearmed. If you do not read such warnings, then suddenly the Internet is disconnected. The most unpleasant thing is that many users who do not read mail find themselves in a similar situation at the same time. All at the same time start calling the provider to find out the cause of the problem, as a result, the line turns out to be congested, and it can be difficult to obtain information.

Financial blocking

It is worth reminding yourself that if your account balance is zero, the Internet connection is automatically blocked. Maybe you just forgot to top up your account? Think about this before deciding to contact support.

A support specialist will usually check the status of your balance. If you call, he can inform you that there is no Internet access due to financial blocking. You need to top up your balance to access the Internet.

Alas, financial blockages can be erroneous. The provider may erroneously withdraw excess money due to, for example, a malfunction of equipment or a program related to customer payments. This, unfortunately, also happens, and thus financial blocking is automatically turned on, and the Internet does not work. In this case, you will have to be persistent in communicating with the technical support of the provider, which in turn will prove that you are wrong. In general, it is better that there are no such overlays.

Router problems

If you are using the Internet to access the Internet, then the easiest option why the Internet does not work is that the router is turned off. It just needs to be connected to electricity.

Sometimes another option helps. Turn off your computer, turn off your router and turn everything back on after a few minutes, it might help.

If the router is faulty, then such a reboot will not help, and the router will need to be replaced. However, it is difficult for an inexperienced user to determine that the reason for the lack of the Internet lies precisely in the router. In this case, you have to call a specialist from the company that provides the Internet access service, that is, again from the provider's technical support.

Problems of mobile Internet users

If you use mobile Internet, then there are no wires going to your house or apartment. You receive a signal from the provider over the radio. But this does not mean that there are fewer problems on the provider's side.

First, so many users can connect at the same time that the provider does not have enough capacity.

Then the signal may weaken, or the ability to access the Internet will be disabled altogether, since in conditions of congestion, mobile operators first of all provide voice mobile communications, and only after that everything else.

Secondly, in the place where you are, the mobile operator may not be able to connect you to the Internet at all.

Alas, this means that it will not be possible to do this in this particular place. It even happens that in one part of an apartment or house there is Internet, but in the other, opposite part, it is not. We have to, as they say, look for the most suitable place.

Thirdly, you may run out of money in your account, because the service of access to the Internet is paid, as a rule. Also paid traffic may run out, there is still money, but it is not intended to pay for Internet connections.

Here you need to take care of timely bills, as well as choose suitable tariff options that are convenient for using the Internet access service. Otherwise, you can be left without the Internet, sadly.

It can also be trite overheat and stop working modem which you use to access the Internet. Then you have to stop the computer and wait for the device to cool down. This happens in fast data networks, for example, working in the 4G (or LTE) standard.

In general, there can be problems in the mobile Internet, both on the side of the provider and on the side of the user.

Site blocking: some pages of the Internet do not work

It is possible that you went to a website and saw a message on the screen of your computer or smartphone: “Access to the resource is blocked”.

Rice. 1 Message on the screen that access to the resource is blocked

In this case, it is better to first close this message, and then open another site, for example, Yandex or Google. If other sites open normally, it means that the Internet is working for you. The problem is not that the Internet does not work, but in a separate site to which you are denied access.

Access to any site may be blocked by Roskomnadzor or a court. Either the ISP has accidentally blocked the site by mistake. Below is an example of such a case from my own experience.

Communication with the provider about blocking the site

I recently ran into a site blocking issue. I open a page on my site and see a message on the screen that the page has been blocked. I was surprised that all the pages of my site opened without problems and without any messages, except for one page. I opened a supposedly "blocked" page through another Internet provider, everything works, there is no blocking. What to do in this situation? Why did my internet service provider accidentally block my page?

I wrote a letter with a detailed description of my situation, attached a screenshot (shown in Fig. 1), sent an e-mail to the support service of my Internet provider. I received the following answer from them: “Good afternoon, most likely this link, or rather, the resource is blocked by Roskomnadzor or Mossud. The solution to the problem is to look in the Roskomnadzor database for what the resource is blocked for, and then contact us. "

I had to write again to the provider's support service that the page is blocked by only one provider. When accessing the Internet through any other provider, the page opens without problems.

After a long and more detailed communication with the technical support of the provider via E-mail correspondence, the problem was solved! And now all pages of the site open without problems.

Internet without problems - is it possible?

Modern data transmission systems, both wired and wireless, are becoming more and more reliable. And this is good, because, thus, there are fewer and fewer problems with disconnecting the Internet.

It is unlikely that the Internet will ever become completely trouble-free. But even now, many users do not face similar problems of the lack of the Internet, both on the side of the provider and on their computers. Even seemingly far from technical problems such as financial blockages are eliminated faster. Providers offer so-called trust payments and other similar measures to restore normal Internet operation even in the absence of money on the user's account

What to say about technical things! Here a lot of equipment is duplicated, servers are backed up, information transmission channels are made along different routes, again to increase reliability. And all this in order to have access to the Internet always, without interruptions, without days off, without holidays, without restrictions.

We are now living in a time like this. The time when many things are already becoming virtual, and payments, and purchases, and communication, and entertainment, and communication, and training, and development, and innovation, and so on, and so on. And the Internet is the very environment without which it is already impossible to imagine all this. That is why the requirements for its reliability and fault tolerance are so high.

I would like the Internet to never be turned off.


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