How to add the Odnoklassniki icon to your desktop: Making your favorite social network even closer. How to create shortcuts to quickly launch programs, files and folders in Windows? How to put shortcuts on the desktop

Most users have about a dozen favorite sites that they visit almost every day. Typically, users open these sites using bookmarks in the browser. However, there is more quick way. In this article we will talk about how to create a website shortcut on your desktop. Using this method, you can open the browser immediately with the web resource that you need in at the moment. At the same time, each time you start it can be a different resource.

To create a site shortcut, simply drag the site icon from to your desktop. Open the site for which you want to create a shortcut. After that, reduce the browser window so that part of the desktop is visible on the screen.

Next, grab the site icon with the left mouse button, which is located to the left of the address, and drag it to your desktop. After this, a shortcut will appear on your desktop that will link to the resource you need. This method is very simple, and allows you to quickly create any number of links on your desktop.

The hard way

There is also another, more complex method. To do this, open the context menu on the desktop (click right click mouse on the desktop) and select the item shown in the screenshot below.

After this, a small window will open in front of you. Here you need to enter the address of the web resource you need and click on the “Next” button.

In the Next window you need to enter a name and click on the “Finish” button.

After this, a shortcut to the site you selected will appear on your desktop. It should be noted that when using such a link, the pages will open in the browser that is installed as .

Good day! There are situations when you visit one or more sites very often, and a link to it should be at hand. And preferably on the desktop. Some people use alternative ways saving links by adding them to favorites in your favorite browser. But it’s better to use several methods, it’s both more practical and faster.

The method that we will consider has a small advantage, it is that it is on the desktop, you click on it several times and the browser automatically starts opening the desired site. This is undoubtedly convenient, the only request is that you don’t clutter up your desktop with website shortcuts, it’s better to create a folder for these same shortcuts and put them there. And Windows will work more stable and faster and you won’t get lost in search of the right shortcut. Unless of course you have a lot of them.

If you have one site shortcut on your desktop or several, then I think you won’t get lost.

So, in this article I would like to talk about how to create a website shortcut on the desktop with two in simple ways, literally in two or three mouse clicks. Let's figure it out.

How to create a website shortcut on your desktop by dragging the shortcut

This method is the simplest and fastest. Open your browser, if you don’t have it open, go to the desired site, make the browser window smaller so that the desktop is visible. You can minimize the browser to a window in two ways, click on active window twice or click the minimize window button.

The icon is available in almost all modern browsers.

This is what the icon looks like Internet browser Explorer:

Icon in Google browser Chrome:

Icon in Mozilla browser Firefox:

There is no such icon in the Yandex Browser; there you just need to select the site link and drag it to the desktop.

APPLIES FOR ANY BROWSER: IN address bar select the site link, grab the selected link with the left mouse button and drag it to the desktop. The effect is the same as pulling the icon on the site.

To create a site shortcut on your desktop, click on the icon next to the site address and without letting go, drag it to the desktop, release the mouse button, a shortcut with the name of the site should appear.

How to create a website shortcut on your desktop using the standard method.

The second method is no less popular than the first and also leads to positive emotions and results. 🙂 Only it’s a little more complicated. Let's get started.

Step 1. In the browser address bar select and copy the link of the desired site, to the clipboard. Or you remember.

Step 2. In an empty area of ​​the desktop, right-click from the contextual menu select New > Shortcut

Step 3. In the window that opens paste the website address you copied earlier, or type from memory. Press the button Next.

operating room Windows system 7 allows you to customize the design and other subtleties for each user personally.

The main page that most often catches the eye and performs the function quick access to applications and files - the desktop, which is also subject to detailed editing, and its main components - shortcuts - can be changed: reduced or enlarged, assigned other properties and an icon.

What is a “Shortcut” and what function does it perform?

A shortcut is a direct link to the executive module of a program. That is, in the folder in which you installed something, there is special application, by running which you can open the program itself. In order not to search for this application in numerous folders every time, create a shortcut to it on the desktop or in another convenient place.

For even faster access to applications, there is a taskbar that does not disappear when opening windows or programs, and all shortcuts on it are launched in one click.

The taskbar contains the most important shortcuts

To see which application a desktop shortcut belongs to, right-click on it, and then select the “File Location” section.

Click on the “File location” button

To find out the same information about a shortcut on the taskbar, right-click on it, then right-click on its name or icon and click on the “Properties” option.

Go to the properties of the shortcut located on the taskbar

In the window that appears, the path to the source application will be indicated in the “Object” section:

The file location is in the "Object" section

Zoom out or zoom in - adjust the scale

If there is no more space on the screen, and there is no way to remove unnecessary shortcuts, then you can reduce their size. If for some reason you are uncomfortable using standard size labels, you can enlarge each of them. But remember that after changing their sizes, the routine may be lost, since the grid format will change, and you will have to re-arrange the labels.

Through editing desktop properties

To change the size of shortcuts through the built-in desktop settings, do the following:

Using the mouse wheel

There is another way to edit label sizes, which gives you many more than three scale options:

Video: big and small - how to change the size of icons on the Windows 7 desktop

How to remove arrow icons

To remove the arrow from a shortcut icon, do the following:

There is a second way to achieve your goal:

Video: how to remove shortcuts from the desktop

Removing a shield icon

The shield icon indicates that the application only works if you have administrator rights. To disable User Account Control and along with it the shield icon, follow these steps:

How to change properties and appearance

If for some reason you feel uncomfortable appearance shortcuts of the programs you have installed, then use these instructions:

To change shortcuts system programs such as "Trash" or "My Computer", follow these steps:

Video: changing the icon

How to remove one shortcut or hide all at once

To delete a specific shortcut, right-click on it and select “Delete”.

Removing the shortcut

If you want to hide all shortcuts at once, then do the following:

How to restore

If you haven’t emptied the Trash application since deleting the shortcut, go to it and click on the required file right-click and select "Restore". If the Trash has been emptied, the shortcut cannot be restored.

Restoring the shortcut

What to do if shortcuts delete on their own

The reason for such incidents may be an error in the application to which the shortcut led. After each reboot, Windows checks all the shortcuts on the desktop, and if any of them lead to an application with an error, it automatically deletes it. But if this function does not work correctly or bothers you, then there are two options:

Reduce the number of shortcuts on the desktop to four, as a result of which system self-cleaning will stop working. This can be done by grouping all shortcuts into folders, or by deleting unnecessary ones.

The second way is to disable the self-cleaning feature by following these steps:

To make your computer work pleasant and convenient, try not to clutter your desktop with shortcuts and files. If possible, group them into folders, this will help you not worry about the amount of free space on the screen for as long as possible. If this is not possible, then reduce the scale of each label. But remember that the system can independently decide to remove a shortcut from the desktop if it is sure that it does not lead to a running program.


Many people are interested in how to display shortcuts on the desktop of a computer or laptop, which we will deal with in our article. Actually the solution is very simple. Everything is done in a couple of mouse clicks without installing additional software. This way you will have quick access to all the applications you need.

To do this, go to the folder where the desired program is installed. There we find the file to launch it, right-click on it and select “Create shortcut”. It will appear in the same folder, after which all you have to do is drag it to your desktop. As an example, consider the text Word editor, which can be found in the Program Files folder - Microsoft Office. It will contain the file WINWORD.exe, which is used to launch. We create its shortcut and enjoy the result. Now you know how to display a program shortcut on your desktop. This can be done with Skype, mail, any folders and software.

How to rename a shortcut?

To do this, right-click on it, select “Edit”, enter the desired name and press the “Enter” key.

How to display a site shortcut on your desktop (Vkontakte, Yandex, Odnoklassniki and any other)

All that remains is to figure out how to display the site shortcut on the desktop. Everything is as simple as possible here - select the site address, which can be found at the top, and then drag it to the desktop. This is the simplest and effective way, which will allow you to quickly access Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, YouTube or any other site.

A shortcut is a special icon that can be placed, for example, on the desktop (or in any Windows folder) and allows you to quickly launch the desired program, open a file or folder.

Let's consider in order how to create shortcuts in different areas of Windows.

How to Place Shortcuts in the Start Menu Quick Launch Area (FOR Windows 8 and Windows 10)

To get started, open the start menu to see what the area generally looks like quick launch in the Start menu. She looks like this:

The icons on the right are shortcuts for quickly launching programs. You may initially have completely different labels there.

Let's learn how to create new shortcuts there. Suppose you run some programs on your computer every day and want to open them quickly, that is, you only need to open the Start menu and then open the icon the desired program.

As an example, I cleared the Quick Launch area so there are no shortcuts, and as I show different examples, this area will fill up:

Let's look at a few examples.

Open the “Start” menu - “All applications” and find in the list the program that you use very often, for example, every day. For example, I constantly use a text editing program - Microsoft Word and this is where I will show an example.

Just right-click (right-click) on the icon of the desired program and select “Pin to Start Screen”:

Now, in the Quick Launch area of ​​the Start menu (on the right), check for a shortcut to launch your selected program to appear:

As you can see, the program has appeared and now you can always quickly launch it by opening the Start menu.

You can also add shortcuts to the Start screen from any other area of ​​your computer, not just from the All Apps section of the Start menu. For example, you have a shortcut on your desktop and you want to place it on the Start menu's Start screen at the same time. To do this, right-click on the desktop icon and select “Pin to Start Screen”:

Check the result by opening the Start menu:

And in the same way, you can place shortcuts in the Start menu from absolutely any area of ​​the computer. Just right-click on the icon and select “Pin to Start Screen.” It's simple! :)

Also, do not forget that shortcuts can lead not only to programs, but also to folders that you often use.

As an example, I'll now create a shortcut on the Start menu screen for the frequently used Work folder:

Let's check the result:

Now in the Start menu in the quick launch area I have added a shortcut to the “FOR WORK” folder, which can be located anywhere and searching for it without a quick shortcut would take a long time :)

This way you can place shortcuts to your Start Menu for any folder or file!

How to place shortcuts to launch programs on the Windows taskbar

Panel Windows tasks located at the very bottom Windows interface. Here it is:

As you can see, in my example there are several icons on the taskbar - search, display of open tasks on the computer and the browser icon Microsoft Edge(icon “e”). You can add other shortcuts to this same panel to launch programs that you often use. Usually there is a shortcut to launch a browser, a shortcut to launch Windows Explorer, and possibly a text editing program (for example, Microsoft Word).

The principle of placing shortcuts on the taskbar is exactly the same as on the start screen of the Start menu (see above).

All you need to do is right-click on any file, folder or existing shortcut and select “Pin to taskbar”. For example, I will place a shortcut to launch on the taskbar text editor Microsoft Word:

As a result, the taskbar appeared new shortcut, with which I can quickly launch Microsoft program Word:

Keep in mind that you can only place shortcuts to launch programs on the taskbar! Those. You cannot place a shortcut on the taskbar to quickly jump to a folder or your file!

How to place shortcuts to launch programs, files and folders on the desktop

The desktop is perhaps our main place of work on the computer :) Some computer users store everything they do on the desktop... On the one hand, this is reasonable, because you don’t need to go anywhere else, everything you need for personal purposes and for work, it is located right at hand - on the desktop. But on the other hand, this is a rather bad habit, since a desktop with a lot of all sorts of folders, files, and shortcuts becomes inconvenient for work, because you won’t find anything quickly.

Here's an example:

As you can see, my desktop is not filled to capacity with all sorts of icons :) Here is only what I constantly need, namely: the main programs that I often use, a shortcut to a folder with work documents and a temporary folder for storing recorded videos. All! No extra trash. This way I can quickly find what I need, rather than digging through dozens of icons on the desktop :)

Now let's get down to business - how to place shortcuts to launch the necessary programs, files and folders on the desktop?

To make it easier for you to see my examples, I will clear the desktop and leave only a couple of shortcuts on it.

The simplest solution for placing program shortcuts is as follows...

If you want to place a shortcut to a program on your desktop, then you first need to find this program through the Start menu > All applications. In the list, right-click on the desired program and select “Open folder with file.” For example, I want to place a shortcut on my desktop to launch Avast antivirus. So I find this antivirus in the list, right-click on it and select “Open folder with file”:

A folder will open with ready-made shortcuts that you just saw in the list of all Start menu applications. All that remains is to copy the desired shortcut to the desktop. To do this, right-click on the shortcut of the desired program (for me it’s Avast antivirus) and select “Copy”:

Now we return to the desktop, click on any free space RMB on it and select “Paste”:

Ready! Now you will see a new shortcut on your desktop, like mine:

You can quickly create a shortcut to any element in Windows Explorer, for example, to a file or folder. To do this, you no longer need to go to the Start menu. You just need to find the required file or folder in Windows Explorer, right-click on it and select “Create shortcut”.

For example, I have an important “For Work” folder on my computer, which I use every day. It would be convenient for me to place a shortcut to quickly open it directly from the desktop. The folder itself is located deep inside the computer, namely in the “This Computer” - “Documents” - “For Work” section.

I right-click on the folder and select “Create Shortcut”:

As a result, the created shortcut will appear in the same Explorer folder. All that remains is to transfer it to the desktop. Simply left-click on the shortcut and, while holding this button, drag the shortcut to the desktop.

Don't forget that the shortcut can always be renamed like any other file. To do this, simply right-click on it and select “Rename.”

This way you can easily create shortcuts to quickly launch any programs, files and folders on your desktop!

ONLY FOR WINDOWS 10! Placing folders in the Quick Access Toolbar in Windows Explorer

The new Windows 10 operating system has another option to quickly open important and frequently used folders. Now this can be done using special bookmarks in Windows Explorer.

The area in Windows Explorer where you can add bookmarks is called the “Quick Access Toolbar” and is located on the left side of the window:

You can add any folder to this panel in order to open it quickly, without the need to climb and search throughout the computer. A pushpin icon appears next to pinned folders. If you have installed on your computer operating system Windows 10, then I think you will find this feature very useful. Also in the same panel will appear the folders that you opened last.

Pinning a folder to the Quick Access Toolbar is very easy! You need to find the folder on your computer that you want to pin to the Quick Access Toolbar, right-click on it and select “Pin to Quick Access Toolbar”:

After this, the selected folder will immediately appear in the Quick Access Toolbar in Windows Explorer:

Notice the pushpin icon next to pinned folders. Those folders on this panel that do not have this icon are not pinned, but simply the latest open folders, which will constantly change.
