Write down an algorithm for changing window sizes. Switching between Windows programs and dialog boxes


Laboratory work No. 1-1. Desk. Taskbar.

· After full load operating system click right click mouse on an empty space on the desktop and in the context menu that appears, select the command Arrange icons; if string automatically marked with a tick, click on this line.

· Arrange icons (pictograms) in disarray on the desktop by moving them with the mouse (see paragraph 1. 4).

· Arrange icons using the context menu:

Place the mouse cursor on a free space on the desktop;

Right click. A context menu will appear;

Select a team Arrange icons;

Organize your icons by name, by type, by size, by date, automatically.

Resizing and moving a window

Open the “My Computer” object by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button.

· Resize the My Computer window using your mouse:

Place the mouse pointer on the window border (frame) or on the window corner, depending on the desired direction for resizing the window. The mouse pointer will change to a double-headed arrow;

Press the left mouse button and, while holding it down, drag the border or corner of the window until the window reaches the desired size;

Release the mouse button.

Note. Not all windows are resizable. For fixed-size windows, the mouse pointer does not change to a double-headed arrow when it moves to the window border.

· Resize the My Computer window using the keyboard:

Enter the system menu of the “My Computer” window - press the key combination Alt + nwhite;

Select a team Size;

Press the cursor key pointing to the window border you want to move;

Move the selected window border in the desired direction using the cursor keys;

Press Enter.

· Minimize the “My Computer” window into an icon using the mouse:

Click the minimize window button. The “My Computer” window will be minimized to an icon located on the desktop taskbar;

Click on the window icon. The window will be restored to its original size.

· Minimize the “My Computer” window to an icon using the keyboard:

Select a command from it Collapse. The My Computer window will be minimized to an icon.

· Restore the My Computer window to its original size using the mouse.

· Expand the “My Computer” window, i.e. increase its size so that it fills the entire desktop, using the mouse:

Click the button Full screen. The window will be enlarged to fit your desktop. Button Full screen will be replaced by a button Restore.

· Restore the My Computer window to normal size using the mouse:

Click the button Restore.

· Expand the “My Computer” window using the keyboard:

Enter the system menu of the “My Computer” window;

Select a command from it Expand.

· Restore the My Computer window to its normal size using the keyboard:

Enter the system menu of the “My Computer” window;

Select a command from it Restore.

· Change the position of the “My Computer” window using the mouse:

Place the mouse pointer on the window title area, press the left mouse button and, without releasing it, drag the window to a new position;

To fix the window in the new position, release the mouse button.

· Change the position of the My Computer window using the keyboard:

Enter the system menu of the “My Computer” window;

Select a team Move. The mouse pointer will change to a four-headed arrow;

Use the cursor keys to move the window to a new position. As you move, the window's time frame is visible on the screen;

Press Enter. The window will be fixed in the new position.

· Close the My Computer window using the mouse:

Click on the close window button - the “cross” in the upper right corner.

· Create a folder on your desktop named “Sample”:

Right-click to bring up the context menu;

Select a command from it Create, Folder. The folder will be created on the desktop;

Enter her name “Proba”.

· Create a shortcut on your desktop for the “Sample” folder using the context menu of this folder.

· Change the shortcut icon for the Sample folder:

Highlight the shortcut;

Call the folder's context menu;

Select a command from it Properties;

Expand the tab Label. In the field File the label object is specified;

Click the button Change icon;

In the window that appears, select the icon you like;

Click the button OK windows Change icon;

Click the button OK windows Properties.

· Remove the shortcut to the “Sample” folder:

Highlight the shortcut;

Drag its icon to the “Trash” icon, or press the Del key, or call the shortcut context menu and select the command in it Delete;

Confirm the deletion request.


1. When you move it to the trash, only the shortcut is actually deleted. The original object is kept in its place.

2. Like any other object, a shortcut transferred to the recycle bin can be restored.

· Delete the “Sample” folder you created using the context menu of this folder.

· Find the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. In most cases, you will see it there. But it is possible that she is in hidden state; in this case, go to the next step.

· Look for a small gray frame at the bottom of the screen. Sometimes the taskbar “falls” off the bottom border of the screen and can be almost invisible. In this case, place the mouse pointer on the visible part of the taskbar. The mouse pointer will change and you can drag the panel into view.

· Drag the taskbar to an empty space on any edge of the desktop:

Once the mouse pointer reaches the edge of the desktop, a dashed line will appear on the screen indicating the size of the taskbar at that edge. When you release the mouse button, the taskbar freezes in its new position. In this way, the taskbar can be placed along the horizontal or vertical edge of the screen.

· Follow the procedure for hiding the taskbar:

Open the taskbar properties window: follow the sequence Start, Settings, Taskbar or right-click on an empty space on the taskbar and select the item in the context menu that appears Properties;

Select a tab Taskbar options;

Activate the switch Automatically remove from the screen. In the field preview you can evaluate the selected type of desktop;

Click the button OK.

The taskbar will be hidden, and instead a line will appear on the corresponding edge of the desktop.

· Cancel the procedure for hiding the taskbar:

Repeat the previous procedure and turn off the switch Automatically remove from the screen.

· Check the operation of the switch Show clock on the tab Taskbar options.

· By default, the time is shown in the taskbar, and the necessary settings can be made directly on the taskbar:

To additionally display the day of the week and date, place the mouse pointer on the hour field and do not move it for a few moments;

To change the clock settings, just double-click on the clock field or select the command from the context menu of the clock field Date/time setting.

· Launch the Calculator program.

· Launch the Notepad program.

· Click on the “Calculator” icon on the taskbar. Note that this brings the Calculator program window to the foreground.

· Click on the Notepad icon on the taskbar. Windows will place the Notepad window on top of the previous image.

· Position running programs using the taskbar on the screen cascade; near:

Right-click on the taskbar and select the appropriate command from the context menu that appears.

· Close all windows.

Self-control tasks. Desk.

1. Organize your desktop icons by type.

2. Open the “ Microsoft Word" Use your mouse to resize it, move it around the screen, collapse it into an icon, expand it, and close it. Do the same steps using the keyboard.

3. View the properties of the “Cart” object.

4. View the properties of the My Computer object.

5. Create a shortcut on your desktop for the Windows-Paint application.

6. Create a folder on your desktop named “Sample”.

7. Create a shortcut on your desktop for the “Sample” folder using the context menu of this folder.

8. Change the shortcut icon for the Sample folder.

9. Remove the shortcut to the “Sample” folder.

10. Change your desktop background.

11. Change your desktop screensaver.


1. Position the taskbar vertically on the right side of the screen. Return it to its original position.

2. Follow the procedure to hide the taskbar (or cancel it) using the Main Menu.

3. View the current date.

4. Open any two windows and place them side by side on the screen. Close the windows.

5. Show (hide) the clock on the taskbar.

6. Launch the Calculator program.

7. Launch Notepad.

8. Arrange running programs using the taskbar on the screen in a cascade.

9. Close all windows.

A person who is just starting to master a computer will undoubtedly be faced with a number of tasks that not only an advanced, but even an ordinary user can only handle. One of them is changing the window size.


To resize a window, hover your cursor over its edge. When it changes to a double-sided arrow, hold down the left button and drag the mouse in the desired direction. Accordingly, the window will decrease (if pulled inward) or increase (if pulled outward). This action can be applied to all sides of the window: top bottom, left and right. To resize two faces at once, move the cursor over the corner of the window. In this case, it will also take the form of a double-sided arrow, but now diagonal. Hold down the left button and drag the mouse in the desired direction.

To do this, open the “Folder Options” window (remember, we are now considering the case of Windows XP). There are several ways to do this, each of which starts with the fact that you need to open the Control Panel: click the “Start” button, which is located on the left side of the taskbar, and then select “Control Panel”. Now, actually, the methods. First, already in the control panel window, click the main menu item “Tools” > “Folder Options”. Second, if the control panel is displayed by categories, click on “Appearance and Themes” and then “Folder Options”. Third - if the control panel has a classic view, just double-click on “Folder Options”.

We got acquainted with the structure of the window and its structure. However, for confident work on a computer, especially for a novice user, this is completely insufficient.

Let's look at this issue in more detail. We need to learn to manage Windows windows.

What does this mean?

Using window control buttons, various menus and window panels, controlling various window elements using the mouse and keyboard.

You can do the following basic things with Windows windows:

  • change their size;
  • expand to full screen;
  • minimize a window maximized to full screen, switch to windowed mode;
  • minimize all windows;
  • close;
  • move around the screen;
  • arrange them on the screen.

Windows can be in 3 states: normal– looks like a rectangular area occupying part of the screen, full screenfull screen mode And folded into a button on the taskbar.

Now everything is in order.

Resizing the window Windows

In the upper right corner there are three window control buttons. The purpose of each button is easy to find out by moving the mouse cursor over it and holding it a little, you will see a tooltip with information about the function of the button.

Minimize button - minimizes the window so that it disappears from the screen and remains as a rectangle on the taskbar. To restore the window on the screen, just click on this rectangle with the left mouse button or right, selecting the corresponding command from the context menu (in Windows 7 - from the “Recent” section, select the name desired folder or file).

In addition to the control buttons, you can use system menu windows. You can call it by right-clicking on the title bar or on the button of this window in the taskbar (Windows XP).

Close button – stops, exits the program, closes a folder or file window (you can also close a window using the context menu of the window button on the taskbar or using the “close” command system menu).

The middle button has the dual purpose of Expand and Collapse. When the window is in normal mode, the button has a rectangle on it; clicking on it will expand the window to full screen. The button image will change to a double rectangle. Clicking this button will return the window from full-screen view to normal window mode. Don't be surprised if a program window doesn't maximize full screen, the developers simply excluded this possibility in their program.

You can also minimize or maximize the window double click by the title bar, as well as using the context menu of the window button in the taskbar or the system menu commands “maximize” - “restore”.

Restore – returns the size and location of the window to its previous state. The command is active when the window is in full screen mode.

If you have many windows open at the same time, and you need to look at something or find something on the desktop, open a folder, open a program, instead of closing open windows one at a time and wasting unproductive time on this, you can minimize them all at once. In Windows XP this is done special button, located in the panel quick launch.

Please note that the Quick Launch bar may be disabled. The easiest way to display it is to right-click on the taskbar, select the “Toolbars” command in the context menu, and click on the “Quick Launch” line in the next menu.

In Windows 7, the “Minimize all windows” button is pinned to the taskbar at the right edge of the screen. All windows can be minimized and maximized using the keyboard shortcut Windows + D

Moving windows around the screen

To move a window to any location on the screen, align the mouse pointer with the window's title bar, press the left mouse button, holding it in this position, and move the window to another location.

The window can be moved using the window system menu. After selecting the Move command (available only in normal window mode, the cursor becomes a four-headed arrow), using the arrow keys (these are called “cursor keys”) Move the window to the desired location and press Enter. You can cancel the move mode by pressing the Esc key.

Resizing a Window

Using - move the cursor (pointer) to the border of the window or to any corner of it and press the left mouse button. The mouse pointer should change to a double-headed arrow. Without releasing, move the mouse (cursor on the screen) in the desired direction, increasing or decreasing the size of the window. When the desired size is selected, release the mouse. The same operation can be performed using the keyboard. The “Size” command of the window system menu is intended for this; it activates the mode for resizing the window using the cursor keys horizontally and vertically. The command can only be executed when the window has normal look. When you're done moving, press Enter. You can cancel the action by pressing the Esc key.

But not all windows can be resized, for example, query windows and some dialog boxes.

Arranging windows automatically

Open windows can be arranged on the screen in a cascade, from top to bottom (called "stacked" in Windows 7), and from left to right (called "side by side" in Windows 7).
“Cascading windows” of the same size, overlap each other so that only the titles are visible, except for the first window.

“Top to Bottom Windows” and “Left to Right Windows” are also the same size, but they are located next to each other on the screen, dividing the screen into equal parts.

“Show Desktop” minimizes all open windows to the taskbar and allows you to see the Desktop without open windows.

“Cancel...” (last command).

To arrange windows in one of these ways, you need to select one of the listed commands in the taskbar context menu.

Switching between windows

It is positioned as a multitasking system, in which you can simultaneously work with several windows, programs, documents, moving from one to another. The operating system considers any open windows to be a running task. Switching between windows is actually a transition to performing another task.

If there are several open windows (running tasks), only one of them can be active, the one in which you are working, all others are inactive at this moment.

How does the active window visually differ:

    its title is brighter, in other windows the titles are dull, less saturated in color;

    taskbar button active window is different in color or looks more prominent than buttons on other windows;

    The active window is in the foreground, covering other windows (unless it is above or next to it).

Basic ways to switch between windows:

Numerous windows open folders, programs and documents clutter your desktop, making them difficult to keep track of. Therefore, it is important to learn how to quickly switch between the necessary windows. Ways to move from one window to another:

When many windows of the same program are open, the buttons are grouped (this feature must be configured in the taskbar properties). To select the desired window, click on the group button and select it in the list.

If, when you move a window, a gray outline first appears, and then the window itself moves, follow these steps:

We learned about resizing windows, moving windows, minimizing all windows, and switching between windows in the Windows operating system.

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Algorithm for setting up a desktop.

1. Right-click on any free space desktop.

2. In the context menu that appears, move the mouse pointer to the “Active Desktop” line.

3. In the additional menu, click on the “Customize desktop” line.

4. On the first tab, select appearance desktop. To do this, click on the name of the picture and then on the “Apply” button.

5. On the second tab, open the Screensaver combo box. If you want to see how the splash screen will look on the entire screen, click on the “Preview” button. To return to the dialog window, just move the mouse slightly. Click the "Apply" button.

6. On the third tab, select how to design screen elements using combo boxes. Click the "Apply" button.

7. Click on the "OK" button.

8. Click on the "Start" button.

9. Move the mouse pointer to the “Settings” line (but do not click on any mouse buttons!).

10. In the additional menu, click on the “Folder Options” line.

11. On the “General” tab, click on the “Like Internet Browser” line.

12. Click on the “Apply” and “OK” buttons.


Quit all programs (close their windows).

1. Click on the button with the image of an oblique cross in the upper right corner of the program window.

2. Press the Alt key and, without releasing it, the F4 key.

Algorithm for normal computer shutdown

1. On the taskbar, click the “Start” button.

2. In the main menu that appears on the screen, click on the bottom line “Shutdown”.

3. In the “Complete” dialog box Windows operation» you can choose one of the options:

1) Pause the computer if you want to take a break for a while without turning off the computer. This command is very useful when used laptop computers, as it saves energy;

2) Turn off the computer if you want to turn off the computer;

3) Restart the computer if there is not enough memory to continue normal operation. This command is also selected after changes have been made to the system configuration;

4) Reboot the computer in MS-DOS mode. Typically, this command is used only by specialists. For the average user it is not needed.

4. Click on the "OK" button.

5. Wait for the message “You can now turn off the computer’s power” to appear on the screen.

6. Turn off system unit. IN modern models the system unit turns off automatically.

7. Turn off the monitor.



If the computer “hangs”, that is, does not respond to any commands, then try the following:

1. With your left hand, press the keys simultaneously Ctrl And Alt and, without releasing them, press the key with your right hand Delete.

2. In the “Shutdown this program” dialog box, find the program that is “hanging” and interfering with the computer’s operation. Select it with a mouse click.

3. Click on the “End task” button.

If this does not help or there are no hanging programs in the “Quit Program” dialog box, then press the keyboard shortcut again Ctrl Alt Delete.

Basic window elements

Programs running under operating system control Windows systems, have a similar interface (in other words, appearance), this makes it much easier to learn new programs. Main elements of the window:

Title bar

Menu bar

Menu Item Commands


Address bar

Window control buttons. From left to right: minimize – to remove the program window from the screen, but not stop its operation; restore - to return to the size of the window that it had before expanding to full screen; or maximize – so that the program window occupies the entire screen area; close – to end the program.

Vertical scroll bar


In the event of an abnormal shutdown, all unsaved data will be permanently lost.

Algorithm for changing the horizontal size of a window

1. Place the mouse pointer on the left or right border of the window.

3. Without releasing the left key, move the pointer to the right or left.

Algorithm for changing the vertical size of a window

1. Place the mouse pointer on the top or bottom border of the window.

2. When the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, click the left mouse button.

3. Without releasing the left key, move the pointer up or down.

4. Release the left mouse button.

Algorithm for changing horizontal and vertical dimensions simultaneously

1. Place your mouse pointer on any corner of the window.

2. When the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow, click the left mouse button.

3. Without releasing the left key, move the pointer towards or away from the center of the window.

4. Release the left mouse button.

Algorithm for moving from one window to another

1. Find the name of the desired program on the taskbar.

2. Click on the button with the name of the desired program.

Formatting a floppy disk:

1. Insert a floppy disk into drive A:.

2. Click on the “My Computer” icon.

3. Place the mouse pointer on the “Disk 3.5 (A:)” icon.

4. Click right mouse key.

5. In the context menu, click left click on the "Format" line.

6. In the “Format: Disk 3.5 (A:)” dialog box, click: “Quick (clean table of contents)”.

Click on the "Start" button.
