Is it worth upgrading to Windows 10? Do I need to update Windows? Aggressive update policy: update when it suits Microsoft, not you

Should I enable automatic update Windows? Should I update it at all? operating system? If you are asking such questions, then this article is designed specifically for you, and in it you will find answers to the questions you need about Windows OS updates.

To update or not?

Some people, after purchasing a new computer or reinstalling the operating system, immediately turn off automatic updates, considering them unnecessary. Someone constantly installs the latest system updates, thinking that they are required for the security and stable operation of Windows. Who is right?


Indeed, system updates allow you to be more protected from various spyware programs. With new updates, Microsoft is releasing improved protection, closing various “holes” in the operating system through which . And if you don't have enough powerful antivirus, or it is not there at all and you do not update the system, then the risk that a virus will penetrate your PC is very high.


With new updates, various bug fixes in the system are also released. If you do not update the system, then after some time you may notice a deterioration in the performance of your computer. Various lags and slowdowns in the system. And also, when working in “heavy” programs (such as Photoshop, 3DMax), and also glitches in various games. With the help of updates, some of these glitches disappear, which appear due to a system malfunction. By the way, read on the topic:

Should I enable automatic Windows updates?

In System Update Center you can enable automatic installation new Windows updates. The advantage here is that they will not disturb you and will be installed automatically. Everything seems to be fine, nothing distracts from work. But when might this not be a very good idea (meaning turning on automatic updates)?

Occasionally, operating system authentication appears in updates. And there are times, even if the OS is licensed, when a black screen () appears. Solving this problem, of course, is not so difficult; the link above describes in detail the process of getting rid of such a case. But you must admit, this is quite unpleasant, once, twice, three times, then you start to freak out and turn off these updates to hell.

You can, of course, add these authentication updates to the exception list and not have to worry about it anymore. But still, is it worth turning on automatic updates?

Some updates are quite impressive in size. WITH high speed Internet, of course, you won’t even notice a 200-300 MB update. But users who use mobile Internet with per-megabyte pricing, such updates will obviously not be approved. And, of course, there is only one way out - disable automatic system updates. For the period while the mobile Internet is being used, at the dacha or on a business trip, in general, where there is no way to connect to unlimited Internet. You can install the smallest and most important updates manually. And the rest at the first opportunity.

For those who use pirated copy of Windows, of course, it is already clear that automatic updates must be turned off, otherwise sooner or later you will be detected and again get rid of black screens, crack the system, catch viruses and all that. In general, it’s not for me to tell you.

I hope you understand the general meaning of this article - update it if you want, or not. With new updates, the operating system closes holes through which people can penetrate malware. Updates also improve the performance of the system as a whole. Sometimes there are clumsy updates, and you can’t live without them either. But all this is being fixed. In general, if you want the system to work stably, update it more often, or better yet, turn on automatic updates and don’t worry.


The improvements that Microsoft has made to features we use every day are truly noteworthy.

Windows 10 Anniversary Update review. Cortana, Edge overshadow Windows Ink, PCWorld, August 2016.

For more than a week I carefully studied the annual Windows update 10. All users who upgraded their system to Windows 10 last year can receive it, provided that certain services, in principle, work in their country. Just like a gift for another birthday.

So, what does the long-awaited Anniversary Update include? Digital assistant Cortana is now available on the lock screen. New extensions have made the browser Microsoft Edge more convenient and useful. Improved Windows Hello authentication system. The Skype reboot appears to be on the right track. And all this is complemented by many thoughtful settings that make Windows 10 even more interesting. The new Windows Ink feature looks intriguing, even if it's not fully developed. One or two modes, which may have been especially eagerly awaited, are not yet quite ready.

For those who continue to take a wait-and-see approach, the Anniversary Update is unlikely to force them to change their position. After all, this is not Windows 8.1 - Microsoft’s apology for the sins of Windows 8. Eliminate some controversial issues in Windows 10 (for example, the need to register an account Microsoft records or numerous attempts to track user actions by the most in different ways), of course, no one is going to.

The annual update should be perceived as another milestone in the development of Windows, an opportunity to improve existing functions and implement new ones. It is from these positions that we approach its assessment.

1. Windows Hello is the main attraction for customers

With the Microsoft Anniversary Update, the Windows Hello biometric authentication system was supposed to move one step further “with the delivery” of the Passport promised in the original version of the OS. The password for the Internet can be your face, fingerprint, as well as your PC. Microsoft assured me that Hello will be fully operational in its new role in a few months, once the FIDO 2.0 standard is approved. For now, this feature is used to authenticate users in the Windows Store.

In Surface tablets, 3D facial capture, identification, and registration in the system were carried out using a camera with depth perception. Now that many OEMs have equipped their products with fingerprint readers, the Hello feature has become even more accessible. All the equipment necessary for this works quite reliably, and if this does not happen, then the user always has a Microsoft PIN or password in stock.

Now, Microsoft has finally taken Hello beyond the sign-up screen, with the first application for the feature being the Windows Store. You can use it to buy apps, music, and much more. Is there a big difference between clicking a button that confirms the data? credit card, and recognition of facial features? Not too much, but in the second option, the legality of the transaction is verified by PC equipment, which additionally confirms that you are exactly who you say you are.

I think that the future of online commerce is still connected with the replacement of passwords with biometric indicators. The current limitation of the scope of this technology to purchases in the Windows Store will make it easier for users to initially enter this river. Going forward, a lot will depend on which sites start accepting Hello authentication. This is especially true for banking websites.

2. Cortana: More helpful, more informed

If you think that Microsoft, that Redmond evil incarnate, is all about handing over your data to advertisers (or worse), then here latest changes, added to Cortana, does not change anything. (The French government agrees with you on this, by the way.) However, the Cortana digital assistant has gotten significantly better since Windows 10's initial release. And after the current update, she will know even more about you, if, of course, you allow her into your life.

(After installing the Anniversary Update, you can't disable Cortana, but you can periodically reset its memory, erasing everything it knows and turning off Windows 10 personalization features in your privacy settings.)

Cortana can already speak multiple languages, view your email and other relevant data during a flight, and much more. And two important additions - its presence on the lock screen and the ability to remind you of, in fact, everything - make Cortana especially useful:.

Great opportunity. Just say, “Hey Cortana,” and you can do whatever you want on the lock screen without even signing in. Cortana will announce upcoming meetings and tell you the latest joke. One of the managers responsible for Cortana said that she likes to view her calendar without going to the screen - and it really is very convenient.

Another useful innovation in Cortana's repertoire is the ability to remember any fact. “Remember that I live in room 1443,” “Remember that my nephew likes Ghostbusters action figures.” Then, if the need arises, you can ask: “What room am I living in?” or “Tell me, what toys does my nephew like?”

Cortana Notebook is where you'll find everything you need to know, and you'll find plenty of little touches here too. Want Cortana to remember when you usually eat lunch and add it to your schedule? So that it connects to your fitness tracker? To give recommendations for visiting a restaurant? I constantly check some records, just calling Cortana and continuing to do my own thing. And by installing the Cortana application on your Android or iOS phone, you can dictate a message and, after converting it into text, send it to the recipient.

3. Edge: Extensions Change Everything

The Edge browser built into Windows 10 in the original version of the operating system looked pretty poor: everything was too modest and too slow. Even now, when Windows 10 took 19.1% of the market, Edge accounts for only 5.1%. This is worth mentioning to highlight the browser's steady improvement over time (though no specific improvements were made that could be part of the Anniversary Update ahead of the update's release.) Edge now allows you to add extensions, syncs data with the cloud, and even integrates with Cortana.

Right after Windows 10 debuted, neither Edge Favorites nor passwords saved in the browser were synced to the cloud, making it especially difficult to migrate to another PC. There were workarounds, however: I could save Favorites in Chrome, install the browser on another computer, download the Favorites and then export them to Edge, but this was very inconvenient. Now, when you sync information within your Microsoft account, all relevant data will move between devices. Go to Settings Accounts Sync and check your sync settings.

The browser code in the Anniversary Update supports extensions - very important function, which was missing from the original version of Edge. At the time of writing this review, there are 13 extensions in the Windows Store, all of which play a very significant role: AdBlock ad blocking tools and AdBlock Plus, free password manager LastPass, Evernote Web Clipper, etc. They are installed very simply: click on the button with the ellipsis in the upper right corner, go to “Extensions” and install the one you need in the same way as you do with other applications.

Will you like the new one? Edge version, depends on whether you choose to install an ad blocker. Without it, the display speed of a web page will vary widely. Once the blocker is installed, Edge is in the same league as all other browsers. Web page rendering is about a second slower than the competition. Personally, however, the Edge seemed very unstable. Pages from a large number Multimedia content on and crashed even with an ad blocker enabled. Luckily, this only closed one tab. All others had no effect. We can only hope that the crash is caused by incorrect advertising, and not by the program code Edge.

We all shop online, and Edge offers a range of convenient features to help you do so. The browser is integrated with Cortana, allowing the digital assistant to return search results using Bing and Edge. Moreover, when you visit an online store (like, Cortana may offer you a coupon.

Click right click mouse over an image (such as a dress, a lawnmower, or something else) and Cortana will display sidebar with information about the price and availability of goods in online stores. I'm not yet ready to call Edge a great browser, but it has already risen to the level of acceptable.

4. Windows Ink: Control your electronic pen

Electronic pen operations supported Apple Newton, Tablet PC, Surface Pro 3 and other devices. But in the PC world, we've never gotten an answer to the big question: what exactly can you do with this stylus?

In fact, everything that is currently available in Windows Ink was specifically designed for the Anniversary Update. We've become accustomed to OneNote being a great app for... handwriting input. Now there's a whole collection of programs for Windows Ink (coming here from the Surface Hub): Sticky Notes, Sketchpad and Screen Sketch are exploring new territory. And if you don't think they're good enough, an additional set of handwriting apps can always be found in the Windows Store.

Several years ago, Microsoft introduced Surface tablet Pro 3, which allowed handwriting input without even unlocking the device. It was enough to touch the screen with a stylus. Today, a similar feature (which I was never able to use at the time due to the flaws of the Surface Pen) unlocks Windows Ink Workspace and any of the applications associated with it. And on the panel Windows tasks There's a new feather icon.

Of the three Workspace apps, neither Sticky Notes nor Sketchpad impressed me. Sticky Notes lets you simply place sticky notes on your screen like little physical sticky notes. Just ahead of the Anniversary Update, it introduced Insights, which allows Bing to interpret, for example, a pen-drawn flight number into real, actionable data.

To me, the introduction of Sketchpad indicates that Microsoft considers the capabilities of OneNote (even the simplified version of Metro that came with the Surface Pro 3) to be overkill for users who just want to type a short note. However, Sketchpad doesn't fix the situation - the app feels more like a drawing tool than a note-taking tool. My preference would be to remove Sticky Notes altogether and move the Insights feature to Sketchpad. Ideally, of course, I would like Windows to recognize any user scribbles. Or at least those that he specifically notes.

Screen Sketch reminded me of taking pictures of web pages and posting handwritten notes online using Galaxy smartphone Note. Unfortunately, Windows failed to recognize that my monitor, which was displaying the Desktop, was not a touchscreen, and opened Screen Sketch and Sticky Notes on it instead of on the nearby touchscreen.

I didn't think I'd ever write about this, but now I'm happy to announce that there's a special one in the Windows Store. Windows partition Ink. It now has over 40 apps that support handwriting input. The ability to group applications by purpose came in handy.

But the function that allows you to draw a route by hand in the Maps application, which suggests itself, has not yet been implemented. Microsoft told me they were planning to implement predictive typing in OneNote (a hand-drawn circle, for example, could be converted to machine form) used to write formulas. But it should be noted right away that until handwritten letters are interpreted as editable text that could be pasted into Word or Outlook, Windows Ink will be of little use.

5. Task View and Snap: Their value remains invaluable

Not much has changed in the Task View virtual desktop utility, but it has become possible to pin the windows of the selected application to several desktops (and not to one, as was before). Moreover, this operation can be performed with several windows at once. It can be convenient, for example, to pin chat or music player applications so that they are always at hand.

I suspect that most people who use multiple physical monitors, when picking up a laptop, forget about the extremely useful function Task View. In fact, Snap and Task View go hand in hand. WITH using Snap You can snap applications to the four corners of the screen or divide the screen into two parts. And Task View allows you to move an application from one part of the screen to another by pressing a special key combination.

I just wish there was some easier way to switch between desktops. The combination + + or is not very intuitive, and there is also this hard limiter at the end of the row of virtual desktops. Perhaps Microsoft will come up with some kind of gesture for touch screens, and the three-finger swipe used to switch between applications will begin to apply to desktops? However, all this does not in any way detract from the advantages of Snap and Task View. They continue to be some of the most valuable features of Windows 10.

6. Hidden Depth and Notification Center

Over the past year, Windows 10 has introduced a number of small improvements that usually escape our attention. I'd like to briefly touch on the most notable ones: adding numbers to taskbar icons, dark mode, calendar quick view, Notification Center improvements, and audio device selection.

Notifications have become an essential component of the modern operating system, and Notification Center has gotten noticeably better lately. Previously, the dominant position here was occupied by the application that issued the most notifications (in my case - e-mail). Now the screen space between applications is evenly distributed, and old notifications are hidden from view.

The total number of notifications is also displayed on the taskbar. Click the date and time icon on the taskbar and a simplified view of the calendar will appear on your screen. Date and time are also presented on all displays, not just the main one. A dark mode has been added to the Personalization section of Settings. However, only some universal applications support it; support for Win32 applications and even Windows interface 10 overall is still out of the question.

There is one more hidden function, which I really like. We are all accustomed to the fact that the settings for switching between audio devices (headphones and tablet speakers) are buried in the depths of the control panel. Now you just need to click on the volume control icon, and then use the arrow located above the control to select the desired sound source. (But the graphic equalizer never appeared in Groove!)

7. OneDrive: Halfway there

In May, Microsoft released a universal OneDrive application that helps bring back “smart” files that were decided to be abandoned in the original version of Windows 10.

In Anniversary Update Windows In OneDrive 10, important improvements have been made to the OneDrive app. In my review of the original version of the operating system published last year, I wrote: “Gone are the confusing “smart” files that were placed on the PC to save time. And that's good."

In reality, everything is not so simple. OneDrive is a storage facility that collects files from many different sources, and “smart” files are simply a must here today. Luckily, the OneDrive app gets me halfway there. It functions in the same way as the OneDrive website, displaying all the files stored in the cloud. Operations are performed just as slowly. But you can drag files into the application, and OneDrive will upload them to the cloud, i.e. everything works almost as well (though not quite) as the dedicated folder.

8. Windows Store: The Triumph of Universal Apps

Moving on to the Windows Store, there are two things to note: new apps with additional descriptions and a not-so-successful design change.

Windows Store home page

The Windows Store has two disadvantages: a relatively small selection of applications (669 thousand as of September 2015, versus 2 million that have already been written for Android and iOS) and the need to promote these applications in the user environment. Unfortunately, changing the design of the Store does nothing to eliminate these shortcomings.

Customers aren't likely to scroll down the page looking for "top apps" or "most popular" programs, so Microsoft decided to place four not-so-subtle rectangles at the top that would immediately catch the eye. But what is the difference between “top apps”, “most popular”, “collections”, “best” and “selection”? You'll have to go down a level and figure it out on your own.

Without leaving the Store home page, it's hard to believe that Microsoft suffers from a lack of apps, second only to Android in this regard - almost everything is on home page presented in best quality. The pages of individual applications have also been polished, the platforms on which they work are immediately visible, including mobile devices and PC. App ratings now only apply to latest version, which is undoubtedly convenient. However, it would still be nice to have information about how many times the app has been downloaded and when the latest version was released.

Microsoft deserves credit for at least trying to raise Windows 10's profile with high-profile games. This list includes the (controversially) universal apps for Windows 10 and Xbox One, Quantum Break, Rise of the Tomb Raider, and the excellent free offering of Forza Motorsport 6: Apex. And the acquisition of Xamarin opened up Microsoft access to new high-quality applications: Bank of America, Hulu, Fox Sports Go, Plex, etc. Let's hope that this trend continues.

9. Skype Preview: To the point

There has been a lot of talk about the fact that the Skype app was replaced with an “Install Skype” link in the original version of Windows 10. In preparation for the update, Microsoft presented a preview version universal application Skype Preview, which has already proven its simplicity and effectiveness.

I would like to immediately leave out all the stupid emoticons and other rubbish added to Skype at the beginning of this year. The main thing is that Skype Preview allows you to make calls and send messages, and handles it quite well. Even the chatbots presented by Microsoft at the Build conference appeared here. But complex translation functions are still not visible. By the way, I just managed to log into Skype Preview using account Windows.

I can’t call myself a big fan of Skype, although from time to time I turn to this service when trying to get in touch with people from other countries. Probably, Skype Preview cannot yet be called a fully functional and final version, but it already has everything I need at the moment.

10. Connect: Continuum is no longer needed

The Connect app is designed to help you organize wireless communication between Windows device 10 Mobile and desktop computer, providing the Continuum experience without the need to purchase a Display Dock. True, with Connect app For Windows 10, I was never able to fully figure it out.

The Connect feature was highly anticipated by many. Like Continuum, it is designed to project a phone screen onto a PC display. However, Connect displays the phone's desktop in a window. Does this make sense? There were no difficulties connecting the phone to my Surface Pro 4 via Bluetooth, but the image transmission was delayed. I looked at the photos, surfed the Internet a little and moved on.

Is it worth installing Windows 10 Anniversary Update?

Any Windows 10 user will definitely receive the Anniversary Update, whether he wants it or not. I hope that by this time Microsoft will eliminate the existing shortcomings, some of which I listed in this review.

Meanwhile, millions Windows users 7 and Windows 8.1 are still wondering if they should follow Microsoft. I suspect there's little in the Anniversary Update that will convince them to upgrade. After all, those who missed the free upgrade to Windows 10, which expired on July 29, will also have to fork out for it.

No matter how stable and resilient Windows 7 may seem today, the day will come when it will become outdated and no longer meet the needs of users. And Windows 10 has Cortana, Windows Hello, Task View, Edge and Action Center. After the next annual update, Windows Ink will be added here and many existing functions will be improved. Of course, all this is useful, although it cannot be compared with the monumental changes that were introduced in the original version of Windows 10.

Has Windows 10 been improved? Without a doubt. Does it require further improvement? Unfortunately, yes. Microsoft promised us the opportunity using Windows Hello when connecting via the Web and converting handwritten input into full, editable text. There is nothing of this yet. The next priority area for the company should be speech processing. Yes, you can give Cortana voice directions, but the dictation features need to be improved.

Cortana, biometric authentication, data stored in the cloud. All these are serious steps forward, which in the future can radically change the way we work and play. However, the process is not over yet. Windows 10 may remain the last version of Windows, but for now it is only taking its first steps.

Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update

The Microsoft Windows 10 Anniversary Update brings not radical but significant improvements to commonly used features, pointing the way for even more significant improvements to come


The Microsoft Edge browser has become noticeably better, in terms of both performance and functionality;

Cortana can now be accessed from the lock screen;

Minor improvements have affected many Windows applications 10;

The update is completely free!


Windows Ink looks promising, but developers still have a lot of work to do;

It's time to properly integrate OneDrive;

There are errors in some places.

Despite the fact that Windows 10 has been on sale for quite some time, it is still considered a “young” operating system. Developers work every day to improve it to make the user experience more comfortable. All changes made, no matter how useful they may be, are carefully packaged and come to the computer in the form of constant updates, so it is so important to know what they contain and how to install them correctly.

Do I need to update Windows 10

The issue of the need for Windows updates has always been acute, and for good reason. There is still no consensus, so to decide whether to update the system, it is necessary to consider all the arguments for and against.

Why you shouldn't update Windows 10

The wisdom of updates to the Windows operating system line has always been in question.

If we talk about the operating systems Windows 7, 8 and 8.1, then almost all updates did not bring anything new or made changes to functions that were not in demand for ordinary users. With the release of Windows 10, this tradition was partially preserved. Most updates to this OS add only new corporate, server and other narrowly focused functions, as well as fix old ones and add new small errors.

Windows 10 updates take a long time to install and require a restart of the computer. There would be nothing wrong with this if they came out less often than once every two weeks. For the most part, Microsoft’s corporate policy is to blame for this frequency, thanks to which everything new is immediately packaged and sent to work without thorough checking and testing.

Windows 10 updates take a very long time to install and at the most inopportune times

Windows 10 doesn't ask users whether they need an update or not, and installs everything automatically when the system reboots. This can catch a user by surprise who decides to quickly reboot the computer. Some Windows 10 updates can take up to two hours to install, depending on your device's specifications. In addition, downloading them can eat up all Internet traffic, and sometimes even computer resources.

Also in Windows 10 there is such a thing as advertising. And on free versions systems, it is often accompanied by the forced installation of unpopular and low-quality software from Microsoft. Updates to advertising services are also included in the general Windows update list.

Why you need to update Windows 10

It is imperative to install the first update immediately after installing the system. The fact is that there are many more varieties of Windows 10 than might seem at first glance.

First, the general non-personalized version of the system is installed. After installing the drivers and the first update, the OS changes to a version that best matches the hardware configuration, which improves the overall Windows performance 10 and its compatibility with the computer.

Now let's talk about the advantages of regularly updating Windows 10. Surely you have heard about the spying functions of this system. In many ways, such services work with a single goal: collecting and sending statistics to the center technical support. This allows developers to monitor Windows operation 10 on different computers and under different conditions in order to regularly improve the system by releasing updates. It is thanks to the active collection of information that some Windows 10 updates are truly valuable and can make the user experience more comfortable.

It’s worth mentioning separately about the security system update. Every second Windows 10 update improves system protection against viruses and other external threats.

Taking into account the high activity of ransomware and cybercrime in recent years, updating security systems is relevant. Even if the computer has good antivirus, which you fully trust, does not provide guaranteed protection against threats that target vulnerabilities in Windows itself.

Windows 10 General Update includes vulnerabilities and security updates

Windows 10 updates are especially important for owners of older hardware. After Windows installations 10 Most drivers are downloaded automatically: this process often includes some compatibility improvements to further ensure better performance computer. Unfortunately, the base Microsoft data is far from complete, which especially affects outdated hardware. But such information is collected very quickly, and with the next update a package may arrive that is intended exclusively for one of the computer components.

All types of Windows 10 updates and misconceptions associated with them

By “updating the operating system”, many users sometimes understand completely different things. To avoid confusion, it’s first worth taking a closer look at a couple of points: what an update is, what it can be, and what it cannot be.

The confusion about the types of updates is quite serious. It arose due to the inaccurate translation of English words into Russian. For example, version - version, edition - version, build - version and the like.

Table: what is called “Windows 10 Update”

Switching to Windows 10 (Version update)This procedure is also often referred to as “Upgrading to Windows 10” or “Windows Upgrade,” which sounds very ambiguous. Switching to Windows 10 means upgrading from Windows 7 (or 8, or 8.1) to Windows 10. This is the only procedure that literally translates as “Version Update”.
Windows 10 also has internal divisions into versions, for example, version 1607. Such versions are updated through Windows Update. In fact, this is an update to the assembly, which is called a version for beauty.
The transition to Windows 10 can be done through the Windows10Upgrade utility, which is described below.
Changing the Windows edition/edition (Edition update)Microsoft also refers to this procedure as "Windows Update". It literally translates as “Edition Update.” A change of edition implies, for example, an upgrade from Windows 10 Home to Windows 10 Professional or another “tariff change.”
The article below explains how to do this.
Update Windows builds 10 (Build update)The correct name for this procedure is “Build Upgrade”. However, when many users say “Updating Windows 10”, this is what they mean, so in the future we will call this procedure that way.
Updating the build means updating Windows 10. The main method is to automatically update Windows through Update Center. However, there are others, which will be discussed below.
Windows Additional Resources Update It means everything that is an important application to the system, but is not officially part of it. This includes security features, components, some services, firmware, and more. When Windows 10 says it is updating, in most cases it means updating resources. In Windows 10, it is almost inseparable from a build update, so it should be considered part of the “Windows 10 Update”.

What is meant by “Windows 10 Update”

Windows Update is responsible for updating the system in Windows 10. When it starts it starts automatic check for the presence of new assemblies and additional resources, and if something is found, immediate downloading and installation will begin. There are other ways to start the update, but the procedure itself is always the same.

"Windows 10 Update" is "Windows 10 Build Update" plus "Windows Additional Resources Update". This procedure is indivisible and unique possible option updating your system.

Updating Windows 10 involves updating the operating system and some of its components

There are no update methods

Due to various misconceptions and user memories about Windows 7, you can often find mention of update methods that actually do not exist.

Selective update

Many users mistakenly believe that Windows 10 allows selective system updates. Once upon a time there was indeed information that Microsoft would make such an opportunity for owners of the Windows 10 Professional release. However, this idea was not continued, and users are not expected to have any choice in the near future.

All updates for Windows 10 are downloaded in one package, and it is impossible to separate what you need from everything else. There are also no special programs or utilities that allow you to implement this function. And although there are ways that allow you to update the system to a certain version, excluding subsequent ones, you will not be able to choose what to install from this update and what not.

All updates for Windows 10 are packaged in one package that cannot be separated in any way

Manual update

Manual updating of Windows 10 can be considered synonymous with selective updating: that’s exactly what it means. Windows 10 only has automatic updates, which you can run manually. It’s just that it either starts itself or at the user’s request, and Windows 10 always updates the same way.

Manual update can be called offline update via an MSU file downloaded from the Microsoft Update Catalog

Upgrade to Game Mode

Game mode is enabled in the settings:

  1. Click on the Start button and click on the gear icon to open Settings.

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to open "Settings"

  2. In the window that appears, click on “Games”.

    In the window that appears, click on “Games”

  3. On the left side of the window, click on “Game Mode” and activate the single switch.

    On the left side of the window, click on “Game Mode” and activate the single switch

If you don’t have a game mode in your settings, simply update the system using any of the suggested methods and try again.

Installing a specific update

It is recommended to download only the latest Windows 10 update, which is what the system itself does. Any update package is installed completely and includes changes to all previous OS updates. You won't be able to skip any specific update.

Update packages include changes from all previous ones, unless they have been excluded by newer ones. Also, if problems arise after updating to the latest version, you can update to any previous version. How to do this is described in the chapter “Updating to a specific version”. However, remember that any subsequent update of the system will return all changes.

How much do updates weigh and how long does installation take?

The Update Center downloads only the latest update, which is enough to keep the operating system up to date. Several packages are downloaded simultaneously only if the internal version of Windows 10 is changed. In this case, their weight is summed up. The updates themselves do not accumulate in any way, but simply replace each other. Their sizes are approximately 500 MB for x86 systems and 1 GB for x64.

After applying the changes, the update package itself is removed, but the size free space on the hard drive will change:

  • the size of the operating system can change up or down within 1 GB (the weight of the update itself does not affect this);
  • The update cache will remain on drive C, which weighs 50–80% of the update itself.

The update cache is designed to restore the system in case of failure. Usually it is deleted on its own after some time if there is not enough free space on the disk. The update cache is located at C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\. This is the only trace left. To remove it, you need to disable Update Center and start the system in safe mode. How to do both is written in the chapter “How to stop updating Windows 10”.

Deleting the update cache will not harm the system in any way

The time it will take for the system to update is difficult to predict, since it depends on the capabilities of the computer and Internet speed. The update may take from 15 minutes to two hours.

If you run the update check yourself, the weight of the update will be shown before it starts downloading. If the system starts the process itself, and there is little space on the computer, it will notify the user about this. The table below shows the sizes of the latest update packages for all internal versions of Windows 10 that the system will download.

Table: weight of the latest Windows 10 update packages

Windows 10 versionUpdate packageWeight for x86, MBWeight for x64, MB
1703 KB4034674498,1 862,2
1607 KB4039396612,8 1150,8
1511 KB4034660577,5 1092,9
First Windows version 10 KB4034668450,5 852

How to update Windows 10

Typically, Windows 10 updates are launched without the user's knowledge. Either the system receives a message about the appearance of something new, or it checks for updates using a timer on its own. If information about the availability of updates is confirmed, their background download will begin, and the user will learn about this only after the computer is rebooted.

However, you can request to check for updates yourself.

Basic method

The easiest way to run the scan is through Windows Update, which is located in the Settings window.

  1. Click on the “Start” button and open “Settings” by clicking on the gear icon.

    Click on the “Start” button and open “Settings” by clicking on the gear

  2. In the window that opens, click on “Update and Security”.

    In the window that opens, click on “Update and Security”

  3. Click on the "Check for updates" button.

    Click on the "Check for updates" button

Video: How to check for updates in Windows 10

Via “Command Line” (forced)

Checking for updates may be disabled by various settings systems. If this is the case, you will not be able to update using the general method. In this case, you should use the “Command Line” to force the search for updates to begin.

Through utilities

Windows 10 can also be updated via special programs designed specifically for this purpose.

The utilities will not provide any special features. They do not contain the updates themselves, but only redirect the system to the Microsoft server to search for them.

Both applications described below are located on the official Microsoft website in the “Software Downloads” section.

Utilities for updating Windows 10 can be downloaded from the official Microsoft website

Media Creation Tool

Windows10Upgrade (+ transition to Windows 10)

Here everything is even simpler, since you only have to press one button in the application itself, but it will be installed on your computer. It also allows you to upgrade to Windows 10 from version 8.1 and earlier.

Download the application from the official Microsoft website, run it as an administrator and click “Update now”.

Run Windows10Upgrade as an administrator and click "Upgrade Now"

Updating to a specific version

These methods can also be considered as updating without an internet connection. They differ from the previous ones in that now the search current version Windows 10 will not run on Microsoft server, but on a Windows 10 image or a special file.

Via ISO image

Video: how to download the official Windows 10 image

Via CAB or MSU file

Files with the CAB and MSU format are special Windows 10 updates that are designed to update systems that do not have access to the Internet. You can download them from the official Microsoft website. Update files should open like regular .exe files, but if this does not happen, they can be launched via the Command Prompt.

Launch Command Prompt as an administrator and enter one of the following commands:

Changing Windows 10 edition (without reinstallation and data loss)

Changing the edition of Windows 10 is only possible to a more “expensive” version of the system. If you want, for example, to change from Enterprise to Professional, only a complete reinstallation of the system will help you: Enterprise is the most expensive edition. But from the Home version the transition is more than possible.

  1. Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Settings".

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Settings"

  2. In the window that opens, click on the “Update and Security” section.

    Click on the "Update and Security" section

  3. On the left side of the window, select Activation and click Change Product Key.

    Select the Activation tab and click Change Product Key

  4. Enter one of the following keys(the keys are conditional: they allow you to change the version, but do not activate it):
  5. If the update does not start automatically, select Windows Update on the left side of the window and click Check for Updates.

    Select the "Winodws Update" tab and click "Check for updates"

How to stop updating Windows 10

If you urgently need to interrupt a Windows 10 update that has started, quickly disconnect your Internet connection. Now you need to launch Command Prompt as an administrator and enter the following commands one by one: net stop wuauserv, net stop bits and net stop dosvc.

Open the "Start" menu, enter "cmd" in the search, click on " Command line» right-click and select “Run as administrator”

If you want to prevent downloading updates, the easiest way to do this is through services.

  1. Open the Start menu, enter “services.msc” and run the found utility.

    Go to "Options"

  2. Go to the "Update and Security" section.

    Open the "Update and Security" section

  3. Expand the Troubleshooting tab and select your problem. The system will give you further instructions itself.

    Expand the Troubleshooting tab and select your problem

Regularly updating Windows 10 is a useful thing, but not always convenient. However, periodic updates for this system are almost vital. It’s better to endure an hour-long system update once again than to try to deal with more serious computer problems later.

Microsoft, until July 29, 2016, offers everyone free installation his new operating room Windows systems 10 on compatible devices.

The free update is not a trial or demo version, but a full-fledged product. However, many users still haven’t decided: is it worth upgrading the existing 7s and 8s on their computers to Windows 10? Recommendations from experts on this matter vary, and it is worth listening to the arguments of both sides.

Arguments for upgrading to Windows 10

  1. If a computer with Windows 7 or 8 (8.1) operating system installed receives messages offering to upgrade to Windows 10, then to ensure stable operation of the system, it is recommended to accept the offer and follow further instructions on the screen.
  2. If for some reason you do not like the new OS, then within a month after installing it, you can return to the previous version.
  3. If your computer does not receive update offers, and your operating system is unstable or is no longer supported by the manufacturer, such as Windows XP, then in order to ensure the security of your device, you should consider switching to Windows 10 through a “clean” installation. In this case, you can additionally select the OS edition (basic, home, professional, etc.).
  4. "Ten" is certainly more convenient than previous versions of operating systems. It is constantly updated and is most protected from unauthorized access.
  5. Users are interested in such features as:
  • using multiple desktops;
  • easier system recovery;
  • touchpad gestures, like on OS X;
  • control disk space;
  • improved “sticking” of windows;
  • convenient connection to wireless monitors;
  • improved parental controls etc.

Arguments against upgrading to Windows 10

  1. Not available on all compatible devices Windows features 10 will work in full mode. In addition, the update process itself does not always go smoothly and in the event of a failure, both systems can be ruined: both the old and the new.
  2. Users of Windows 8 and 8.1 after upgrading to Windows 10 will not feel much difference in the operation of their device.
  3. The Windows 7 operating system is the most user-friendly and works stably, and its extended support will expire only in 2020.
  4. Windows 10 contains many bugs and constantly installs incomprehensible updates.

Many in the “ten” are scared by the function of tracking personal data, but it does not “spy” as deeply as the same smartphone or any browser, and besides, it can always be turned off.

Analyzing the advantages and Windows disadvantages 10, we can draw the following conclusion: an update is necessary if you are not satisfied with the quality of the installed operating system and want to get a new version for free. Otherwise, it is better to wait until the bulk of the shortcomings in the “ten” are eliminated.

Windows 10 - new product, released by Microsoft Corporation. The company says this will be the last OS developed by them. There will be no new releases in the future, only updates for this version. Microsoft has stopped supporting the Windows 8 version, leaving it only for Windows 7 (until, presumably, 2017) and 8.1 (until 2023).

The new operating system gained great popularity after its announcement. It is predicted to be a success that will surpass the success of Windows 7. But, as with every new product on the market, the question arises with the new OS: is it worth installing a new operating system if you have the latest version 8.1 working? Will it be better, or is it the same product, but in a new wrapper? All you need to update is a laptop, version of Windows 8.1, a profile on the Microsoft website and click on the “Update” button. But is it worth it?

To begin with, you can refer to the words of the developers that if Windows 8.1 runs without problems on your device, then you can safely upgrade to 10. This is due to the fact that version 8.1 has the minimum characteristics corresponding to version 10.

If your system is eligible for the upgrade, you will receive an alert with an offer. This is because your computer settings were checked before the update was offered. Once the system matches the device, the verification system sends updates.

In case the user is not sure that his computer is suitable for Windows 10, below are minimum requirements for update:

  • Processor frequency – from 1 GHz.
  • RAM: for the 32-bit version – 1 GB, for the 64-bit version – 2 GB.
  • Free hard drive– from 16 GB, maximum 20 GB.
  • Video adapter - supports DirectX 9 and WDDM driver.

Not all users immediately try to figure out how the new OS works with volume RAM, they do not track with a stopwatch how long the system boots and shuts down. The first impression is based on the design nuances and new built-in applications.

The first thing you notice is the new search placement. If you previously needed to go to the Start menu, or in Windows 8.1, move the mouse to the right corner to bring up a new menu. That Windows search 10 is located at the beginning of the Taskbar, traditionally indicated by a magnifying glass. Data Search searches both files and programs upon request, even parts of the name.

The second is the Start menu. By this issue There was a lot of controversy back in Windows 8.1. Which menu is better: traditional or interactive? In version 8.1, users complained that the new menu OS was more suitable for tablets than computers. Advanced users saw in new version a simplified search option and a good alternative for people with poor vision. Windows 10 developers have gone further. At first glance they provided a mixed version. When you click Start, a mixture of the old classic launch and the new interactive one from 8.1 comes out. The Start menu is supplemented with tiles with the most important news and applications. But that’s not the end: for those who liked the OS 8.1 version of the menu, the settings provide the opportunity to install it. There is no need to restart your laptop. Just re-enter your user profile.

Desktop Manager catches your eye - it's not easy anymore additional application, and one of basic functions"tens". You can confidently work and switch between multiple work surfaces.

Visible disadvantages

The system is new, according to the company, it was tested by 5,000,000 people to identify all the bugs and errors in it. But it’s no secret that even five million users will not always find all the problems. And only by launching this system into more mass production can we understand if there is anything else significant that the developers have forgotten. This common problem: You can remember the same Windows 8, starting with the Start menu, because of which there was so much controversy. And only version 8.1 released later. covered the problems identified by users in Windows 8.

Can be compared to a guard dog. He barks, barks, not only bites, but can also accidentally gnaw his throat at night. One of the main stakes in this system is its security. Not every advanced user will understand how to configure it, how to protect it and what should not be deleted. New Windows 10 fights piracy. That is, there is the following possibility: if it considers that this or that program is pirated, the system will simply delete it. She will only notify you that she has deleted it, but will “forget” to ask whether it is worth doing this.

The topic of deleting programs should also include applications that Windows 10 considers inappropriate for its system. As with pirated ones, it will delete this program without asking the owner.

There is no worse fear for a new OS owner than updating. Windows downloads – and the user thinks whether it’s worth installing. Will this violate integrity and is this update necessary at all? Windows 10 went further: why ask? By the way, it is stated in the user agreement that installing a new update does not require the owner’s permission. All updates are installed automatically. The OS will not ask and offer to select anything, it will regularly notify only that it has installed or uninstalled an application. Or that a reboot is required to run the new update. In the event that there is no manual overload, the ten will reboot automatically.

Limitation. Windows 10 is released in several versions, such as Home or Pro. In case of updating from Windows 8.1, the user receives Home version. Updating to the next version is only paid.

It is also worth noting that the free upgrade to version 10 will only be available if you have Windows 7, 8 or 8.1. If your computer has XP or Vista installed, you will have to pay for a new OS.

Cortana is the new assistant in Windows 10. Its purpose is to make your life easier, do your voice commands. But it is worth noting that with all its wonderful features that the developers talk about, an obvious disadvantage is immediately visible - the assistant’s lack of knowledge of the Russian language. If, of course, there is a desire to teach foreign languages– then this is a good reason to start.

Why you should install Windows 10

  • More experienced users It was found that ten works better with RAM.
  • Windows 10, according to the developers, is the last. Further there will be only updates, so sooner or later you will have to switch to it.
  • Modern game and program developers will release their products based on this version. The same goes for processor manufacturers.
  • Microsoft is committed to moving all of its users to the new OS.
  • Support for other OS versions will soon end.
  • The system is designed for different devices and allows them to work on the same operating system.
  • Programs that do not start in versions other than ten.
  • A year after the official release, the update will be available only for a fee.
  • In the future, all computers will only run Windows 10.

What's good about Windows 8.1

  • This is a familiar system; users already know all its nuances.
  • Its support will last until 2023.
  • You can control updates and install them as you wish.
  • This OS supports most current games and programs.
  • Developers of computer products say that given its popularity, exceptions will be possible when developing new programs specifically for Windows 8.1.
  • He's more perfect. 8.1 is a “work on bugs” in version 8.
  • Updates will be released for 8.1.
