New services for traffic arbitration. Arbitrator tools

The network is arbitrating traffic. This method of earning is quite complicated, and that is why, an income of 250,000 tr per month is far from a chapel for him. In the article, we will try to cover all the features of online arbitrage as simply and clearly as possible, and also give some advice to novice users.

You should also know that this type of earnings is one of the most profitable on the Internet. When taken seriously learning material You can earn really serious money.

For example, the statistics of medium-sized arbitrageurs show numbers from 300,000 to 750,000 rubles. net income monthly. As will be shown in the article, my numbers ranged from 5000-11000 rubles. income daily. For receiving additional information write in the comments.

For a better understanding of what traffic arbitrage is and why some people earn hundreds of thousands of rubles a month on it, these two concepts should be analyzed separately:

Traffic- This is the number of people who visited a particular resource in a certain period of time. Usually, traffic is calculated per day, much less often - per month.

Often you can find ads like: “I will sell 4k traffic for $8”. This text “in translation” means that a person is ready to attract 4,000 unique users to your site per day at a price of $8.

Arbitration- a term that in this case we will consider from an economic point of view. “Buy low and then sell it high” is the main principle and essence of arbitrage.

By combining the two terms, one can characterize the general concept.

Traffic arbitration is the acquisition of visitors by low prices and their subsequent resale to other sites at a higher cost. Arbitrage, in Internet slang is often called "traffic drain".

Arbitration types

Many beginners are wondering! How to start traffic arbitrage? The answer to this question is obvious - study the entire list of its varieties.

There are several ways to redirect users to another service. Let's look at them:

If you have your own website, the best choice would be to use Landing page without registration, because not every user is ready to register and leave his contact information on an unfamiliar resource. Even if he really wants to make money on traffic arbitration. But those who are serious about making a million, these little things do not stop.

Options and ways to get traffic

Traffic through banner networks

  • We recommend cooperating simultaneously with several affiliate programs at once, but you should not collect too many offers at the same time;
  • The topics of these affiliate programs should be varied (it is impossible to guess in advance which offer will “shoot” and turn out to be profitable);
  • - At the very beginning of work, do not invest too much money in arbitration. Allow yourself to risk large sums only when you gain experience


Finally, it is worth noting: traffic arbitrage can become a truly profitable business. But for this you need to seriously try. In such activities, people who are well acquainted with marketing, who have a streak of entrepreneurship and creativity, can succeed.

And despite the fact that traffic arbitrage often only brings losses to beginners, it is important not to give up in the event of the first failure. Do not be afraid of the work of affiliates, and then, perhaps, you will be able to join the ranks of the best of them.

You can also watch the video instruction, which tells you how to start traffic arbitration. Highlights on work, tips, recommendations.

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  2. Alexei
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  6. Novel

Hello, dear site reader! Traffic arbitrage is a complex topic, and there are a lot of technical subtleties in it. In addition, you need a starting budget, and losing money at the beginning is not ruled out. You can start in arbitration with 50 - 100 dollars, but in reality it turns out to be different for everyone: the amount of knowledge, diligence, ingenuity affects. But at the exit, earnings on traffic arbitration will be from 50,000 rubles to many thousands of dollars a month “clean”. And this is not a scam: many try, earn worthy sums of one, because most beginners give up at the slightest loss. However, I will show you how and where to start, so that they are minimal and eventually bring you a plus.

Are you afraid of these difficulties? Then for you - step-by-step instruction, which will cover all aspects of this exciting way of earning. Of course, for a deep understanding, you need to study more materials than one article can reveal. The purpose of this article is to state the essence and show the whole skeleton of making money on traffic arbitrage.

What is traffic arbitrage

Understanding starts with the basics.

Traffic arbitrage is the extraction of interested traffic (i.e., the flow of Internet users) and its direction to target sites in order to get conversions (sales, registrations, subscriptions, or other targeted actions).

Traffic is generated in two ways:

  • With the help of paid advertising - teaser, contextual, banner, targeted.
  • "Gray" methods - the creation and promotion of doorways; spam on forums, social networks, question-answer services; mass following and mass liking and other methods.

Traffic can be directed:

  • In affiliate programs, CPA networks, for example;
  • Directly to the Internet projects of advertisers who buy this traffic.

Methods of payment for the work of an arbitrator:

  • Interest from the purchase of goods / services, from making a deposit, etc.;
  • Fixed cost of a lead (i.e., a targeted action) – for a loan, for registration, subscription, purchase, completed application, and so on.
  • For banner impressions or clickthroughs (rare).

Step-by-step instructions for traffic arbitrage

The general algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Niche selection
  2. Offer selection and affiliate program
  3. Study of target audience
  4. Selecting a traffic source
  5. First profit from arbitration and results analytics
  6. Affiliate income optimization
  7. Scaling.

How to get started in traffic arbitrage

You need to start by choosing a niche.

A niche is a general direction in which different affiliate programs and offers can work (advertisers' offers with a payment method, see above). It is also called "vertical".

The main areas in which affiliates earn:

  1. Tovarka (sale of goods), for example, a purely commodity network (see my review at the link);
  2. Online games (pay for registration, active player, deposits of money in the game or other activities);
  3. Finance (credits, loans, investments);
  4. Infobusiness (sale of online courses, trainings, recruitment of subscribers to e-mail newsletters);
  5. Gambling - casino, poker, sports betting;
  6. Education (they are also called essays, edu-affiliates) - academic papers like term papers and graduation theses to order.
  7. Dating - dating sites, including for intimate purposes.
  8. Pharmaceuticals, care products - medicines, dietary supplements, products for weight loss, muscle building, hair growth, male and female sexual enhancement, health and beauty products and so on.
  9. SMS subscriptions and Wapclick. Connected to mobile internet.

How to do right choice newbie? Firstalways focus on what is closer to you. If you do not understand the financial topic, it is better not to go there right away. Ideal if you have in-depth knowledge of the niche. If you love online games, then you can easily advertise them, because you belong to the target audience of players and understand their needs. For example, I can't tell at all good game from poor quality.

Second- This the relevance of the niche and its scale. The wider the target audience that you can reach, the better. For example, everyone needs clothes. Great amount people want to lose weight quickly and easily. These are mostly women of different ages, but men sometimes really need to get in shape. Do you want to correct your figure? Then you know how painful this problem is for your target audience, and you understand how it can be hooked.

Have you decided on a niche for traffic arbitrage? We turn to the choice of the offer and PP.

How to choose an offer and affiliate program

An affiliate program can contain only 1 offer or be a CPA network that contains many offers from different advertisers. you can read the link, and we go further. is a free and very valuable service for selecting offers. Let's go to the offers - categories and select the category in the column on the left, which we decided on when searching for a niche for earning money on arbitration.

The table shows the number of goals that you need to achieve in order to earn money, the number of CPA networks that advertise the offer, and the date the information was updated. If an offer is presented in many affiliate programs, then it has high competition. The ideal case is when the offer is exclusive, that is, it is presented in one CPA network.

Let's click on one of them. A page will open with a description of the offer, a preview of the landing pages to which we will drive traffic, and goals.

So, according to the table, the PP accepts only Ukrainian traffic. There are two payment schemes here - CPS (cost-per-sale, or cost per sale as a percentage of the price of the product) and CPL (payment per lead). To get to know the offer better, in the “PP” column, click on the name of the affiliate program. A more detailed description of it and the “Register” button leading to the site will open. CPA networks or partners. Study it, see the functionality that the PP offers for payments, etc.

What to look for when choosing an offer for arbitration?

seasonality. Are there any declines in interest in the product throughout the year? For example, affiliate programs for writing student papers make good money only in autumn or spring, and the rest of the time there is a decline in interest among the target audience. Women lose weight more actively in spring by summer, so it is most profitable to advertise funds at this time of the year, although there is always demand.

If you start dumping traffic in the off-season, you may not achieve the desired profit or even lose your investment in advertising. You can analyze seasonal fluctuations of interest using the Yandex tool wordstat– “Query history” in the search engine. Just enter the query that the target audience asks most often when searching for a product, and be sure to specify the region. For example, for the query “Buy a swimsuit”, we will see the following picture:

Demand. There is such a thing as a squeezed offer. This is the offer that was very popular and profitable, all affiliates poured into it. As a result, all traffic was squeezed out, people's interest fell, and the offer became unprofitable. So it was with the talking hamster, which had set its teeth on edge.

Another example: tear tights. The screenshot below shows that in the fall of 2016 there was a sharp jump in demand for them, and by the end of the year a decline began. Those arbitrageurs who caught the trend at the stage of growth and peak of popularity earned more than others. If there is a downward trend in the number of requests, you should think about choosing another offer.

Exclusivity. We talked about this a little higher. To reiterate, the fewer CPA networks advertise an offer, the lower the competition for it. It is good if it is presented only in one network or in several. It is bad when there are ten or more of them. Exclusivity is not the most important indicator. Don't discount seasonality and demand.

Indicators, offer rating. Many CPA networks indicate the conversion from site visits to leads, the percentage of order confirmations, hold, and other information. Hold is the time during which you will not be able to receive the earned money. The larger it is, the worse it is for a beginner. For example, if the hold is a whole month, then you will have to wait for this period until you receive a payment. If your budget is limited and you urgently need to reinvest profits, a long hold is not for you. Here is an example of a description of programs in the very popular Admitad CPA network:

Pay attention to cookie lifetime. The bigger it is, the better. and I have already spoken about its special importance.

How to choose an affiliate or CPA network for traffic arbitrage?

Look carefully:

  1. Reviews on the Internet. If there are serious complaints about tech support, payments, fraud, think 100 times before working with this office. The most informative and truthful reviews are supported by screenshots of income statistics. Although here Photoshop can play a cruel joke. Reviews cannot be 100% trusted, but if they are left on the forums by their avid participants with a long lifespan, then it is highly likely to be true (although it also happens that the owners of the software pay for the reviews).

  2. How long does a CPA network or affiliate program work on the market. Beginners should not be trusted, especially at first. Look towards the old and "bearded" partners. They are shaking for their reputation and will not allow themselves to deceive partners. Veterans that all affiliates know about: Admitad , M1-Shop , Ad1 , Actionpay , KMA.
  3. Instruments. The affiliate toolkit was created to track traffic flows. The more detailed the analytics in personal account partner, the more effectively you can improve the advertising campaign to increase profits. So, in a good affiliate program there is a section with conversion / order statistics. In addition, the ability to create a SubID should be available in the affiliate program - this is a parameter that is added to your affiliate links. With its help, you can, for example, track which banner or ad received clicks and leads, and which did not generate income at all. Unprofitable advertising campaigns and promotional materials need to be removed so that they do not eat up your budget. Other important tools for analytics in traffic arbitrage: postback URL, traffic back.
  4. Minimum amount for withdrawal. Match it with your budget. For example, if you are ready to invest $100 and the minimum withdrawal is $150, then you can spend all the advertising money without reaching the minimum income for withdrawing money from the affiliate program. Let's say if you hit zero, then for $100 spent you will have $100 in income. You may not be paid this money. In general, it is better to expect that in case of failure, you can lose 50% of the invested budget and even more. Always consider the minimum withdrawal amount.
  5. Payment terms. See which payment systems and cards you can withdraw money to, and how often payments are made.
  6. Traffic types. So, you have chosen an offer and an affiliate program in which you plan to earn money through arbitration. But there is another caveat: it may have prohibited traffic sources. For example, some prohibit contextual advertising for a brand, incentivized traffic, e-mail newsletters, and more. Someone does not like that their product is advertised in social networks. If, contrary to the prohibitions, you start sending traffic from prohibited sources, you will not be paid and your account may be banned forever.

Choosing traffic sources for arbitration

Before choosing, pay attention to:

  1. Offer. So, serious financial offers should not be advertised in teaser networks: there will be a lot of useless traffic and very few leads. Products that have just entered the market and are not yet familiar to the consumer will not go to contextual advertising in search results(because it's trite they are not requested in the search yet).
  2. Source complexity. You will study Yandex.Direct for a month or even more before you start. Better choose simple methods traffic extraction, and from them to move on to more complex ones. Ideally, those that can be learned in a day or two.

Types of traffic sources:

  • Advertising in groups, communities of social networks, on YouTube channels;
  • teaser networks;
  • Banner networks;
  • Targeted advertising;
  • Contextual;
  • Advertising in mailing lists;
  • Doorway traffic;
  • Spam by e-mail, forums, social networks, etc.;
  • Motivated traffic;

Arbitrage traffic through social networks and YouTube channels

Perhaps, simplest way for beginners, to start is to buy places for advertising posts from the admins of pages with a small number of subscribers. For one publication on Vkontakte, for example, it will cost 50-200 rubles. More expensive pages do not need to be taken first. Practice on small ones until you get your hands on it. Take offers with a low cost of a lead and the product itself.

So, you should not immediately sell iPhones with a small budget: you will merge it without even collecting enough statistics for analysis. Try to start with simple offers where you pay for registration, subscription to the newsletter, filling out a questionnaire, and so on. Games, dating sites, info business with payment for subscribers, etc. are suitable. The budget for starting is preferably from 5,000 rubles.

There are a lot of nuances in making money on arbitration using posts, but the general algorithm of actions is as follows:

teaser networks

A huge number of sites have been collected in teaser networks. They contain blocks with teasers - ads consisting of a small picture and short text.

Examples of teasers, and how to make them yourself, .

The scheme of your actions for arbitration:

  1. Choose a teaser network and register.
  2. Create teasers, add them to the network, add affiliate links to them. At the same time, pre-landers (or, more simply, shim sites) are often used to warm up the desire of visitors to buy a product before they go to the product site. Often, blogs with fake (not real) reviews are made as pre-landers.
  3. Set up ad serving.
  4. Launch ads and monitor its delivery, statistics in the affiliate program and in analytics systems such as Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics.
  5. As you work, remove inefficient sites that do not bring profit.

The advantage of teasers is the low cost per click, which starts from 10 kopecks. However, the quality of traffic suffers: bots will click on your budget, so you need to delete sites if you notice empty clicks and zero conversions.

Examples of teaser networks:

  •– a teaser with a lot of positive feedback from affiliates and tools for more or less accurate targeting. Click from 70 kopecks.
  • teasernet- geotargeting, a wide range of topics, clicks from 10 kopecks. Very large and old network.
  • bodyclick– there are sites of any subject, and in addition to teasers, you can advertise here with banners, contextual ads, clicker.

banner networks

With their help, you can place banners on sites of various subjects. Banners differ from teasers in a wider variety of sizes and formats, as well as the absence of text. That is, it's just a picture or animation. Ready-made banners can be taken in affiliate programs or made by yourself, and then placed in banner networks. The most prominent representative of them - Rotaban.

Targeted advertising

Targeted advertising helps to most accurately target advertising to the consumer. Not only gender / age / geography is taken into account, but also marital status, interests, education, life position, the presence of children, and so on. What you provide on your social media profile is used by advertisers to serve you relevant ads. The information that users indicate about themselves can be used to accurately hit the target (“target” from English - “target”).

Target VK. It is possible to show teaser blocks with a small picture on the left of users on or promote full-fledged posts in their news feeds. You can create a button with a call to action “Buy”, “Go”, “Join” and more. There is a “Carousel” format, where in one ad in the news feed, you can create several cards that consist of a photo, a link to the site and a “Buy” button (or with other text). Retargeting tool available.

Mytarget. Using the service, you can arbitrate on Vkontakte, on sites, and on Odnoklassniki. Target mobile or desktop users, advertise mobile applications, games. There are more than 15 types of targeting in Maiterget, including by income level. There is retargeting. It is distinguished by strict moderation of advertising, so not all offers go through, especially the “gray” ones, like weight loss and other things. You can read more here.

Facebook. Perhaps this is the coolest tool for targeted advertising. With it, you can enter not only the CIS market, but also the bourgeoisie - pour on affiliate programs around the world and receive income in dollars. True, the cost of advertising is higher here. Trying to push a “gray” offer into Facebook is not worth it: moderation will not let it through. Although some cunning arbitrageurs manage to.

The advantage of Facebook is that there are a huge number of tools for retargeting, tracking and optimizing traffic, there are split tests, as well as the most detailed targeting (it seems that FB is watching its users at every step).

It is better for a beginner to start getting acquainted with targeted advertising with Vkontakte: here is the simplest and most understandable interface. Facebook has just crazy functionality, so let's leave it for a snack.

contextual advertising

Context leaders are Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords. Ad blocks can be seen both when searching in Yandex and Google, and when visiting sites.

The way to find the target audience. So, in the search target, we set the characteristics of people who, in our opinion, may be interested in our offer.

In the context, the opposite is true: we only need to specify what search queries people can search for our offer. Of course, here you can also determine the geography of impressions, but it is not necessary to indicate interests, age, marital status, etc. So we know exactly what a person wants from his search query.

To make money on contextual advertising in traffic arbitrage, you need deep knowledge, otherwise you will drive yourself into a minus and be disappointed. Ideally, take a couple of courses from the setup wizards. But even if you don’t become an arbitrage specialist, contextual advertising specialists are a highly paid position, so don’t be stingy with spending money on education.

Advertising in e-mail newsletters in arbitration

The scheme is simple:

  • you need to look for the authors of newsletters on topics that are of interest to your target audience.
  • Then buy from them sending a promotional letter with a link to subscribers;
  • Analyze the results, choose the best email campaigns by envelope, and run similar ads again.

Doorway traffic

Doorway is a site that is automatically created using programs to promote low-frequency requests. As a rule, such sites do not carry value either for the user or for the search engine. However, they bring traffic to the owner, which is then converted into income from affiliate programs. Costs for doorways are limited to a one-time purchase of software for their generation, as well as payment for hosting and domain. Sometimes they also buy links to speed up promotion.

Doorways often “die”: search engines ban them, so constant work is needed to create new packs. Unlike sites for people (PHP), which live for years, doorways may not last even a few months.

In the middle class, with the help of doorways, it is popular to send traffic to pharmaceutical affiliates, essay affiliates, casinos, poker, and sports betting. Exhaust - hundreds and thousands of dollars.

You can read more about traffic arbitration using doorways on Wikipedia. And we move on.

Spam methods in traffic arbitration

These include:

  • Email spam;
  • Spam on forums;
  • In Q&A services;
  • In social networks: mass following, mass liking, sending private messages, spam in public, etc.

Not all affiliate programs accept spam traffic, and you can even get banned for it and lose your earnings. Before you start making money on spam, ask the technical support of the affiliate program if these methods of attracting traffic can be used.

The advantage is that you can deal with spam manually and not pay for traffic at all, i.e. . Another option is to buy a program that will spam for you automatically and much faster. The cost pays off pretty quickly with the right approach. The main thing is to know the technology of traffic extraction.

Motivated traffic

Motivated traffic is traffic that you get by agreement with people.

  1. For example, you need a person to register in the game, and you will receive 50 rubles for a rega in an affiliate program.
  2. Go to special services(boxes), where you can get a person for 10 rubles will be registered via your link or take another required action.
  3. You are in profit for 40 rubles.

Simply, to disgrace. But the catch is that affiliate programs in most cases do not recognize motivated traffic and harshly ban dishonest affiliates. Although there are options where it is allowed. Check for current offers.

SEO and traffic arbitrage

SEO is a softer way to get traffic with almost no investment. To make a website, you only need to pay for hosting and a domain. By the way, you can get free hosting for 3 months with a 2nd level domain for 1 year. Moreover, this hosting is of high quality, because I myself have been using it for many years. It has this blog. If you want to start without investment at all within 3 months, I tell you in this post how you can get this privilege for free and without a catch;).

General algorithm of actions:

  • Register a domain and buy hosting;
  • We select the engine on which the site will function (Wordpress, for example);
  • Installing the template
  • We fill articles optimized for these keys (unique - you can write / rewrite yourself or hire specialists);
  • We promote;
  • After a while, traffic begins to flow, which you will monetize with banners, links and other promotional materials from affiliate programs.

The main thing is to immediately choose a niche and see if there are affiliate programs for it. The income will go in six months or a year, when enough traffic from search engines.

Setting up statistics and optimizing conversions

At this step, many merge, go with the rest of the advertising budget back to work for hire. That is, they choose an offer, an affiliate program, start sending traffic, go into the red and that's it! Then they shout that arbitration is a scam and there is no money here. Although they were on the verge of success.

3.4 Rating 3.40 (15 Votes)

Description: ADVANCETS is a system that will allow you to manage your media advertising, effectively monitor the latest in the advertising market and keep abreast of popular topics affiliate marketing. It saves you time and allows you to earn more. A huge amount of routine work that you used to do yourself, the AdvanceTS service will do for you. Now in minutes, not hours, you can create a project, set up teasers (advertising) upload them to teaser networks.

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Description: ADSBRIDGE is one of the best SaaS trackers for arbitrageurs and Internet marketers, which allows you to optimize advertising campaigns and conduct split-testing of ads. There are a large number of tools and templates for connecting an ad network or affiliate program. In addition, the service offers a landing page builder, targeting settings, link transition hiding, bot filtering, and much more. For novice users there is detailed guide on working with ADSBRIDGE, which describes in detail how to set up a campaign, add a traffic source, affiliate network, offer, etc.

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Rates: The cost of using the basic tariff is from $29 per month. There is a free trial version for 14 days with all the functionality.

Services: Web and mobile traffic monitoring, online reporting, automatic campaign optimization using machine learning technologies.
