Windows OS backup. How to use built-in Windows tools to create a backup copy for system recovery


Security of information and the ability to quickly restore it in case of failures, critical errors and breakdowns of computer hardware components are extremely worrying for many users. Due to this, backup Data science comes to one of the first places in the list of knowledge and skills of anyone who works with modern computer technology.

Many users experience irritation and express indignation when the operating system begins to work intermittently due to various factors - accumulated program errors, actions computer viruses, hardware problems... I really want, and sometimes I just need to return everything to its previous state. A timely created image of the operating system will provide invaluable assistance at this moment.

Windows Backup Tools

Fortunately, today there are special means, which allow you to easily back up individual files, folders, partitions or entire drives. With this software You can restore your computer’s functionality without losing important data at any time. Let's figure out how to work with Windows archiving tools, including installed programs, settings, users, files and other important information.

Method 1: Acronis True Image

  1. Launching Paragon Hard Disk Manager and we find ourselves in the main program window, somewhat overloaded with various menus, links and buttons. This is the mode "For experienced users» . To create a regular backup of a Windows partition, the functionality is sufficient "Easy mode". To go to the simplified interface, press the button "Easy Mode" in the upper right part of the window.
  2. In simple mode, to create a backup we need a button "Archiving", press it.
  3. An ascetic window opens , here we press the button "Next".
  4. In the window that opens, select the item "Archive files"- this will allow you to indicate in more detail to the program exactly what data needs to be archived.
  5. To create a system image in the improvised Explorer that opens, you should expand local disk, on which the OS is installed and tick the folder "Windows", "System Volume Information", "Users". If backup saving of installed programs is required, additionally mark the folders "Program Files", "Program Files(86)", "Program Data". If you are concerned that a folder has been forgotten, the best option will select the entire disk with installed Windows and programs. After everything you need is checked, press the button "Next".
  6. The next step is to select the storage location and, if desired, the name of the future backup file, as well as its description. Define the parameters and press the button "Next". Everything is ready to create the image. Click on the button “Create archive now”

    and watch the progress bar. You can minimize the window by clicking on a special link and continue working on your computer without interrupting the archiving process.

  7. Upon completion of the operation, a window appears confirming that everything was successful. At this point, the creation of a backup copy can be considered complete.
  8. In the case of Paragon Hard Disk Manager backup is a folder with files that is stored in the path specified during the wizard. Renaming, deleting and moving individual files in this folder is highly not recommended. But the entire folder can be renamed, archived, moved, password protected, etc.

Method 3: AOMEI Backupper

The backup solution from Chinese programmers will delight lovers of simplicity and minimalism. AOMEI program Backupper has a small distribution size, is not overloaded with “unnecessary” functions, and has a very pleasant and intuitive interface. At the same time, it has gained popularity among users due to its effectiveness. In general, it can be recommended for novice users and people who do not want to understand the settings and intricacies of the process. The only thing that can upset us is the lack of official support for the Russian interface language, although enthusiasts have created a Russifier.

Method 4: Built-in Windows OS Tools

Microsoft offers users of its operating systems own funds for backup. These tools are integrated into the OS, moving from one Windows versions in subsequent years and are used by a certain circle of users.

The utilities in question in Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10 work identically, only their name and method of calling are slightly different. In the "seven" - you will need a tool called "Archiving and recovery" V "Control Panels", having the function "Creating a system image". In later versions, the ability to create a system image is for some reason not so obvious.

As you can see, creating a Windows backup is a fairly simple task to complete, and there are many methods for solving it. Whichever method of the above is chosen, it is important to do the archiving procedure regularly and ensure that the resulting files are stored on reliable media and in a safe place.

As people say, admins are divided into two types, the first type are those who have not yet done Backup and the second are those who are already doing it. So let’s get down to business right away and not associate ourselves with these types.

Where did it all start and it all started with the fact that one wonderful day I flew hard drive on a laptop, I was not too upset in terms of the fact that I would need to spend money on a new screw and the costs, as always, did not come at the right time. Having purchased new hard disk, inserted a disc with Acronis 11, booted from this girl and began to restore the system from a previously created image that Acronis 11 itself periodically created according to a schedule. But I didn’t have to rejoice for a long time because incredible troubles with Acronis 11 began; he didn’t want to deploy the image at all, he didn’t even do anything, he even gave it to the admins of one bank who didn’t believe and knocked on the chest that this couldn’t happen and everything should unfold in a bundle, but They didn’t knock for a long time and threw up their hands, saying dude, it’s the first time we’ve seen this. We decided to experiment with the same admins from one fairly large bank, making an image of their laptop with Windows 7, and they merged the image onto an external drive that weighed almost 40GB. They inserted my screw into their laptop and with a grin on their face and the phrase, look, everything will be a bundle and they say you did something wrong. But they didn’t have to smile for long, and it was an hour before the error message was sent out. I don’t remember the error code, but the Internet was buzzing about the difference in the Acronisa versions, although ours were all the same. In the end, they did everything they could and changed the screw and created partitions, changed the Acronisa version, whatever they did, but to no avail, and the admins stopped smiling for a long time and then stopped altogether when their own images were not deployed on the servers, fortunately they caught on early and managed to draw conclusions and we came to a different solution to the problem of how to do Backup systems and other things. You'll probably ask what kind of admins are they that don't use Raid arrays and all standard ones around the world. I’ll answer they do, but every administrator has not only servers with raid and SCSI screws, but also all sorts of things for work in different companies where the server is usually a regular Desktop because there is always not enough finance or for other reasons. In short, anyone who is an admin in life will understand what I mean. The problem was never solved, they gave up on Acronis and began to consider a simple and reliable alternative for one thing and there were four of us testing and everyone had to provide their own version of Backup, but at the end of the week of tests we met over a glass of beer and came to almost the same solution . The solution was simple and gave 93% fault tolerance about which I have now created this topic and for the benefit of timely warning ordinary mortal people from losing important information on their PC.

And so to the point. I will do everything on Windows 7, but the actions are 100% compatible with operating systems such as 2003, Vista, 8, 2008R2 (Only under Windows 2003 you need to install).

Archive and Restore

1. Go to the control panel and find Archiving and Restore there, launch and see the following

Select “Create a system image” in the left corner and then see the following

We choose any option that you like, but my advice is not to choose the option to save the system image on the same disk. Backup should always be stored on another source and preferably on two! After you have chosen, click next and see the following window that informs us about what will be done

Click the “Archive” button after the image is created, create a system recovery disk

In this way, it was quite simple to make a backup of the system and all installed programs with their settings to system disk. Then in the future you can safely insert boot disk which we created and restore the system. You can also set up an archiving system to automatic mode at your own discretion. Next, I will tell you how to backup information on other drives and individual folders using standard utility which is included in the delivery of the operating systems given in the post, which is called robocopy.

Robocopy.exe - Multi-threaded copying

Robocopy is designed for fault-tolerant copying of directories and directory trees. It has the ability to copy all (or selected) NTFS attributes and properties, has additional code for restart when used with network connection in case of ruptures.

So, let's get down to business. We create text file and write the following in it:

@echo off chcp 1251 robocopy.exe D:\MyProject E:\Backup\MyProject /mir /log:E:\Backup\MyProject \backup.log

What is happening and what is happening is that we are mirroring files and directories from drive D from the MyProject folder to drive E to the Backup\MyProject folder which is located on the external USB disk. The files that have been changed are copied; there is no constant overwriting of files. We also get Log file where it is described in detail what was copied and what was not and what errors there were.

We save the file and rename it to any name that is understandable to you, but instead of the .txt extension we put .bat or .cmd, whatever you like.

Next, go to the control panel - administration - launch the task scheduler and create a new task, give it a name, set the task launch time in triggers, in actions indicate the launch of our file xxxxxxx.bat or xxxxxxx.cmd Now we have an automatic backup of data according to our schedule. We sleep peacefully and don’t worry.

P.S Perhaps this article may seem like a bayan to many, but I don’t think so this method It has saved me more than once from losing information and restoring the system. Yes, and it helped other people who asked me for advice on how to do it. I wrote this article in order to also objectively be able to comment on the posts of other participants and write new articles, if possible, that will help people.

P.S.S Regarding Backup Windows XP, I want to hear advice from you, gentlemen, but bypassing Acronis at least version 11.

Nowadays, any computer user is primarily concerned about the safety of their data. Exists huge amount factors that, during operation, can lead to damage or deletion of any files. - These include malware, system and hardware failures, incompetent or accidental user intervention. Not only personal data is at risk, but also the performance of the operating system, which, following the law of meanness, “falls” at the moment when it is most needed.

Data backup is literally a panacea that solves 100% of problems with lost or damaged files(of course, provided that the backup copy was created according to all the rules). This article will present several options for creating a full backup of the current operating system with all its settings and data stored on the system partition.

You can copy documents to flash drives or parallel partitions for safety the old fashioned way hard drive, worry about the darkness of settings in the operating system, fiddle with every system file while installing third-party themes and icons. But manual labor is now a thing of the past - there is enough software on the network that has proven itself to be a reliable tool for complete backup of the entire system. A little bit wrong after the next experiments - you can return to the saved version at any time.

The Windows 7 operating system also has a built-in function for creating a copy of itself, and we will also talk about that in this article.

Method 1: AOMEI Backupper

It is rightfully considered one of best programs for backup. It has only one drawback - the lack of a Russian interface, only English. However, with the instructions below create backup copy even a novice user can do it.

The program is free and paid version, however, for the needs of the average user, the first one is sufficient. It contains all the necessary tools to create, compress and verify a backup copy of the system partition. The number of copies is limited only free space on the computer.

  1. Go to the official website of the developer using the link above, download the installation package to your computer, run it double click mouse and follow the simple Installation Wizard.
  2. Once the program is integrated into the system, launch it using the desktop shortcut. Once launched, AOMEI Backupper is immediately ready to work, but it is advisable to perform a few important settings, which will improve the quality of the backup. Open settings by clicking the button "Menu" at the top of the window, select the item in the drop-down box "Settings".
  3. In the first tab of the settings that open, there are parameters responsible for compressing the created copy to save space on the computer.
    • "None"— copying will be performed without compression. The size of the resulting file will be equal to the size of the data that will be written to it.
    • "Normal" is the default selected option. The copy will be compressed approximately 1.5-2 times the original file size.
    • "High"— the copy is compressed 2.5-3 times. This mode greatly saves space on your computer when creating multiple copies of the system, but requires more time and system resources to create a copy.
    • Select the option you need, then immediately go to the tab "Intelligent Sector"

  4. The tab that opens contains parameters responsible for the partition sectors that the program will copy.
    • "Intelligent Sector Backup"— the program will save a copy of the data of those sectors that are most often used. All fall into this category file system and recently used sectors (emptied trash and freed space). Recommended for creating intermediate points before experimenting with the system.
    • "Make an Exact Backup"— absolutely all sectors that are in the section will be included in the copy. Recommended for hard drives, which have been in use for a long time, information suitable for recovery can be stored in unused sectors special programs. If the copy is restored after the working system has been infected by a virus, the program will overwrite absolutely the entire disk down to the last sector, leaving the virus no chance to recover.

    Having selected the required item, go to last tab "Other".

  5. Here you need to check the first box. He is responsible for automatic check backup after it has been created. This setting is the key to successful recovery. This will almost double the copying time, but the user will definitely be confident in the safety of the data. Save the settings by pressing the button "OK", the program setup is completed.
  6. After this, you can proceed directly to copying. Click on the big button in the middle of the program window "Create New Backup".
  7. Select the first item "System Backup"— he is the one responsible for copying the system partition.
  8. In the next window you need to set the final backup parameters.
    • In the field we indicate the name of the backup copy. It is advisable to use only Latin characters to avoid problems with associations during recovery.
    • You need to specify the folder where the final file will be saved. You must use a partition other than the system one to protect against file deletion from the partition during a computer failure. operating system. The path must also contain only Latin characters in its name.

    Start copying by clicking the button "Start Backup".

  9. The program will begin copying the system, which can take from 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the selected settings and the size of the data that needs to be saved.
  10. First, all specified data will be copied according to the configured algorithm, then a check will be performed. Once the operation is complete, the copy is ready to be restored at any time.

AOMEI Backupper has a number of minor settings that will definitely come in handy for a user who is seriously concerned about their system. Here you can also find settings for deferred and periodic backup tasks, splitting the created file into pieces of a certain size for loading into cloud storage and entries on removable media, encrypting a copy with a password for confidentiality, as well as copying individual folders and files (great for saving critical system objects).

Method 2: Restore Point

Now let's move on to the built-in functions of the operating system itself. The most popular and in a fast way create a system backup is a restore point. It takes up relatively little space and is created almost instantly. Restore Point has the ability to return a computer to a checkpoint, restoring critical system files without affecting user data.

Method 3: Data Archiving

Windows 7 has another way to create backup copies of data from the system disk - archiving. At correct setting this tool will save all system files for later recovery. There is one global drawback - it is impossible to archive those executable files and some drivers that are in at the moment are used. However, this is an option from the developers themselves, so it also needs to be taken into account.

Despite the fact that the operating system has built-in functionality for creating backup copies, it does not inspire sufficient trust. While recovery points very often help out experimental users, problems often arise with restoring archived data. The use of third-party software significantly increases the reliability of copying, eliminates manual labor by automating the process, and provides sufficiently precise settings for maximum convenience.

It is advisable to store backup copies on other partitions, ideally on third-party physically disconnected media. IN cloud services Only download backup copies encrypted with a strong password to safely store personal data. Regularly create new copies of the system to avoid losing valuable data and settings.

Standard functionality Windows return to life in critical situations, if the system has crashed, or even does not boot at all, is not particularly popular. Microsoft itself involuntarily contributed to the fact that ordinary users did not find this tool in the jungle of system settings. Even in the version of Windows 10, where important system settings moved to the Settings application, in the Update and Security section you will see only the option and mode with special boot options, which allows you to restore Windows from a system image, essentially from a backup copy. But the function of creating this very system image must be looked for inside the control panel, preferably under the guidance step by step instructions. This will be given below. In this article, we will look at how to create a backup copy of Windows 10 using its standard functionality and how the system recovery process occurs.

1. Standard Windows 10 backup functionality

The standard backup function was inherited by Windows 10 from Windows Vista. Like third-party backup programs, a backup created using the built-in functionality is a snapshot of the system with all its settings, boot sector, installed programs and user files stored on the system disk.

All this can be restored from a backup if Windows work a crash will occur. Even if the system stops booting, you can return it to functionality from the recovery environment, called up by pressing the F8 key when the computer boots. In this environment, you can begin the process of returning the system to its backup state. You can get into the recovery environment for Windows 10 that won’t boot, if not by calling the F8 key, then in two other ways. Wednesday Windows recovery 10 is included in the system installation disk. For critical cases, you can specially prepare a Windows recovery disk; this is provided by the standard functionality of the system.

In terms of options for calling a non-bootable recovery environment Windows standard functionality as a backup tool outperforms third party programs-backups. But this is his only winning moment. In all other respects, the native functionality, alas, is far from perfect.

However, backup Windows copy and restoring it using standard functionality is the basics for those who want to master the potential of the Microsoft operating system.

2. Creating a system image

In Windows itself, the term “backup”, as in third-party backup programs, is not used, but the concept of “system image” is used. For the function of creating this very image, let's go to the control panel. For this we will use context menu on the Start button.

In the “System and Security” section of the control panel, we need the “Backup and Restore Windows 7” subsection.

You can directly get to this subsection using a system search.

Click “Create a system image.”

Next will be a window for choosing where to store the image. This could be a non-system disk partition, another hard drive (internal or external), or network resources. It is even possible to store a system image on multiple DVDs. In our case, the partition on the second connected hard drive is selected. This is a good option for choosing a place to store important data, such as a backup copy of the operating system. In the future, Windows will be able to be restored even if the main hard drive on which the system partition is located fails. Click “Next”.

The standard functionality provides not only for copying the system partition with Windows; copies of existing non-system disk partitions can be included in the image. Backup non-system data using native Windows functionality- Not best way ensure the safety of this data due to irrational use disk space. Still, to backup user data, it is better to resort to third-party software. Therefore, in our case, the composition of the image the system will enter preinstalled configuration – partition with Windows and system reserved space. Click “Next”.

In the confirmation window for archiving parameters, click “Archive”.

When the image creation process is completed, Windows 10 itself will offer to prepare a recovery disk for the future.

This offer should not be refused if we are dealing with computer device with CD/DVD drive. And, of course, if you have an empty CD or DVD available. If serious problems arise with the system, booting from the recovery disk will be easier than pressing the F8 key when booting the computer. The response time of this key is difficult to catch due to the reduced time Windows startup 10. System version 10 inherited this feature from version 8.

After inserting a blank CD/DVD into the drive, click “Create Disc”.

You can return to the process of creating a Windows recovery disc at any time. In the control panel window from which we began the process of creating a system image, there is a button “Create a system repair disk.”

Close the system image creation window.

That’s it – now the system image will be safely stored until there is no need to resuscitate Windows 10.

If there is a problem with the system, the first thing you will need to do is get to its recovery environment. It is in this environment that you will have the opportunity to apply the newly created image.

3. Paths to Windows Recovery Environment

Working system

If you have problems with Windows 10, but they do not affect its ability to boot, you can get to the recovery environment by using the Settings application. In "Settings" select "Update and Security".

F8 key

If Windows does not boot, you can try to get into the recovery environment using the F8 key mentioned above. The key must be pressed before the Windows logo appears.

Windows 10 installation disc

The recovery environment for your current system is provided as part of its installation disc. Naturally, we're talking about about the official installation Windows disk 10. Installation discs with "homemade" Windows builds may only be intended for clean install new system and does not contain functionality for restoring the current system. Booting from a flash drive or DVD with Windows distribution 10, we pass the welcome window.

Recovery disk

Inability Windows boot 10 – the case of using the recovery disk mentioned above. We boot from it and press any key to continue booting from the CD/DVD.

Selecting a keyboard layout

4. Windows Recovery

Using any of the methods discussed above, we will get to the action selection menu. In this menu, select the “Diagnostics” section, and in it – “Advanced parameters”.

The next step is “Restore the system image.” This is the standard tool for restoring Windows 10 from a backup.

The system is preparing for the recovery process.

A step-by-step wizard for restoring Windows from a system image will launch. By default, the last image created will be selected. But if the system needs to be restored from an earlier image, you must manually specify the path to it. Click “Next”.

Now click “Finish”.

We confirm the start of the Windows recovery process and wait for it to complete.

After successful completion, reboot the computer.

That's it - Windows 10 will return to the state it was in when the image was created. The system will have the same settings, the same installed programs, the same user files on drive C.

Have a great day!

Few new computer owners are limited to the default settings from the computer store. Each of them has a normal desire to customize everything to your taste, right down to the arrangement of icons on the desktop and the welcome picture at startup. And how painful it can be when, due to some glitch, everything suddenly disappears! And only after this comes an understanding of why to archive data! To avoid ending up broke, you still need to know how to make a backup copy of Windows 7.

Select available reservation methods.

There are many ways and means to accomplish this task:

  • online or offline backup, full or selective, stored inside or outside the computer.
  • Acronis True Image, Norton Ghost, Backup to DVD/CD, APBackup – what to choose from the well-known list of third-party backup programs?
  • what to take to save backups - hard drive, external hard disk or DVD/CD?

The topic of data backup is very voluminous, and each user, depending on the degree of his computer literacy, chooses the tools that are suitable for him.

We will look at the easiest way to create a backup copy of Windows 7 using standard tools of the operating system itself.

Windows 7 will help us.

The first thing we do is find the starting point for setting up archiving - “ Start», « Control Panel», « Archiving and recovery» . In the window that opens, you will see a message that archiving is indeed not configured and there is no backup archive.

To correct this situation, click “Set up backup”. The computer will scan itself for available storage media and prompt you to specify where to save the image. Choose a space that is as free as possible; preference will be given to existing external media. Then you need to decide who will select the data for backup: the system or you will specify it yourself.

When choosing a system, a Windows 7 backup will include archiving the entire disk. You can delve into the depths of your computer yourself and select only what you want to have in a backup copy.

But if you think that saving your desktop wallpaper is much more important system files, entrust the creation of an archive to the operating room Windows system and do not make any changes to the settings. The archive can be created once, or you can set an archiving schedule.

Check all the settings, and if you are happy with everything, click “Save settings and start archiving.” After the operation is completed, you will find a backup on the selected media. copy of windows 7.

The schedule parameters you set will be saved in the task scheduler. And the next time you start archiving, your presence will not be required. When saving an archive, Windows 7 includes the archiving date in it. In the future, it will not be difficult for you to delete old archives, thereby freeing up space for new copies.
