Get subscribers to the VK group: free and paid ways. Subscriptions and subscribers in VK: what you need to know about them Inviting users to VKontakte groups

Many Vkontakte users dream of gaining popularity. However, this can be very, very difficult to achieve. There are those among them who just want to make their page a little more presentable.

Whatever reason brings you to this page, it will help you cheat subscribers Vkontakte. It is thanks to her that you can quickly and effortlessly give the page solidity, and possibly even make money on it. You can read about all the nuances of the cheating process below.

Actors, musicians and other famous Vkontakte users have thousands of subscribers. First of all, this can be associated with their activities, however, how then to explain the presence of hundreds and sometimes even thousands of subscribers among ordinary Vkontakte users?

Such popularity is brought to the latter by the cheating of likes and subscribers of Vkontakte. While it’s easy to guess why a person has so many followers, some of their friends are still beginning to wonder what benefits multiple followers bring.

Even before the worldwide network gained its wild popularity, the word subscriber was primarily associated with a reading, inquisitive person. Today, subscribers are called a kind of followers who are not only interested in something, but also show considerable activity.

Thoughtful and timely cheating of Vkontakte subscribers online will help you not only become popular, but also attract the attention of many users to you and your activities. Thanks to the cheating of subscribers, you will have new friends, partners and clients who will make your Vkontakte page more presentable, and soon their number will increase from hundreds of cheated subscribers to thousands who have found you on their own.

So, you have learned how the cheating of VK subscribers works and why it is necessary. It's time to move on to practice! The wonderful Bonuslike service will help you to wind up VK subscribers, registration in which will take you only a minute.


1. Registration

Registration in the service is simple and will not take you much time. Upon completion, you will be able to enter the site and start cheating.

2. Earning points

To successfully wind up subscribers in VK, you will need points - the internal currency of the service. Earning points is very simple - you just need to help other users to cheat. You will need a simple addition to friends, subscription to pages or liking. It's worth noting that you can always skip a page if you don't like it for any reason. This is how it works cheating subscribers in vk- and you will have only those people who are interested in you in your subscribers.

3. Adding a task

When you have enough points, you can get followers on Vkontakte already for myself. To do this, you do not have to make excessive efforts - everything is simple and convenient on our website. You need to create a task to cheat subscribers and set the necessary parameters. As soon as you do this, the cheating of Vkontakte subscribers will begin to bring you the first results.

Is cheating Vkontakte subscribers safe?

Before winding up Vkontakte subscribers, many users are wondering about the safety of this process. Nobody wants to take risks, and the tempting prospect of becoming more popular haunts. We dare to assure you that with the site service you can wind up VK subscribers without dogs and damage to yourself! As you might have guessed, you will be joined by users who are entirely interested in staying on the site as long as possible and becoming more popular. It is also important to understand that Vkontakte will not be able to distinguish a subscriber who was added for a fee from one who accidentally found your page on the network and decided to subscribe.

Do not hesitate for a second - you can wind up Vkontakte subscribers for free and Vkontakte will not apply any sanctions! As well as:

  • You do not provide us with any personal data;
  • You don't spend a dime;
  • Points are transferred to users only when they subscribe to you;
  • Instant effect.

It will be difficult to promote the group in 2019. There are many competitors and just posting quality content is not enough. No matter how great you lead the group, it will never reach the top, because the group has few subscribers. People are now saturated with information and are very lazy to join new groups. You need to cheat subscribers into the group in order to get into the coveted top VK in your category.

There are many ways to cheat like cockroaches in a communal apartment, in a sense. But not all yogurt methods are equally useful.

I regularly test new methods, as well as old ones, for effectiveness and safety. I create groups for this purpose and order a cheat.

Not all services pass this test.

My quality criteria:

  • After cheating, there should not be more than 10% of dogs. Dogs are blocked VK users. They have a dog on their avatar;
  • Subscribers must not be bots. Bots are accounts managed by bot programs;

It consists in the fact that you create several fake accounts, and send invitations to friends from each. And then invite everyone who added you to the group.

The method is good because people who really liked it are added to the group. This means that they will be active, read the news, and buy if you sell products. The downside is that if you do not like the invitation, you will be sent to spam and banned.

Officially, you can send no more than 50 invitations per day from one account - the VK page. I wrote in detail about how many friends you can actually add in the article.

You can’t add everyone as a friend, you need to select the target audience. The keyword is “target”, i.e. suitable for the purposes of the group by gender, age, city, interests. If you have not yet thought about what your group's goal really is, then read the article "". The entire first half of the article is devoted to the goals of the group.

The method has been tested more than once on personal experience, and as a result, I naturally thought about automating this process when there were more than 4 accounts. And that's why:

  • It really takes a lot of time to add friends. Imagine that every morning and evening, you add at least 360 people as friends. You still need to solve the captcha. This captcha really bored me. I remember these traffic lights, hydrants and shop windows in great detail. If you have ever solved a captcha, you will understand me.
  • When you invite many friends from different accounts, you inevitably start to confuse who you invited from which account. There was a case when I added one girl as a friend from 3 accounts. When she knocked fourth, she could no longer stand it and wrote: “You are already sick of being added, remove me from your list.”

I realized that this could not continue anymore and began to look for how to automate all this. And found.

Programs for automation of wrapping

There are bot programs that manage your accounts automatically. You set them up, specify what exactly your accounts should do and how often: add to friends, invite to a group, like, etc. Then turn on the bot and go about your business, it does everything without you, as long as it is turned on computer and internet.

Now the automation programs do not work. Vkontakte immediately bans you, so don't even think about using this method. Better to order VKtarget 1 ruble per subscriber. Living people will and will not be banned. I tried it myself. Read about VKTarget below.

There are many such programs, but I settled on Brobot. Because this program allows you to manage one account completely free of charge, and you can try all the functions without restrictions to understand whether it suits you or not.

And they can also give the full version for free if you write them a story about how BroBot helped you promote the group.

Why BroBot is good:

  • He remembers who you invited and distributes himself from which account to whom to send invitations. You simply give a list of VK users or specify their criteria and BroBot will search for them;
  • He can add friends, invite, like, repost, chat!
  • He solves the captcha himself;
  • Allows you to chat with users in one window, no matter what account they wrote to. Can answer itself! if you set it up.
  • Antiban system - shows the probability of a ban for each profile. If it is high, then you can temporarily exclude the account from work so that it rests;
  • Great good forum. A lot of useful information on setting up and working tips on promotion strategies.

Guys, if you have more than 3 accounts for an invitation, then get yourself a BroBot, save a lot of time on invitations, stop losing customers because you didn’t see the message on time. Get busy filling the group with good articles, and let BroBot invite you.

Try the free version for 1 account first. On it you can check how all the functions work. And yes, be sure to read the tips on setting up the bot, although it has an anti-ban system, VK can ban your profile for aggressive invitations.

Download BroBot for free.

TOP 3 services for cheating live subscribers

Let's move on to a faster way. I must say right away that here, unlike the previous method, it will be more difficult to collect the target audience. In all services, settings are limited by age, gender and city.

But you don’t need to set up anything, create fake accounts, and so on. I ordered 1000 subscribers and in a couple of days they are all in the group.

How many rubbish methods I have tried, such as mutual entries and free drugs in services.

And I warn you fraternally, never wind people into a group with such methods. The probability of a ban is approaching 100%. Vkontakte calculates a free cheat at a time. Here's how to wind up likes on your page - that's please.

Therefore, here I will only talk about proven and safe methods of cheating in services, because I am responsible for the information that I tell.

Cheat subscribers in VKtarget

VKtarget is a service for cheating subscribers, likes, friends, reposts.

How does he work.

You register in the VKtarget service and create an order to join the community. Pay for the order: 1 subscriber - 1 ruble.

Service performers perform your task - they join the group. The service pays for their work.

Yes, these people join for money, but they are not bots. If you are interested in a group, then they will not be active. But even if your group is UG, then the subscribers will not run away, since VKTarget strictly forbids performers to unsubscribe and punishes them for this, and returns the money to you.

What can be ordered in VK Target to cheat subscribers:

  • Directly subscribers to the group: specify how many you need and criteria: age, city. You can set a limit per day. For new groups, I recommend setting a limit of 100 subscribers per day. If you do more, then VK can ban you for a sharp increase in participants;
  • Post repost. Make a cool post and order its repost. Artists will repost it on their pages, and if the post is interesting, then their friends will join the group;
  • Posting to other groups. Specify the category of groups where you want to post and the service will post your post. The post should be interesting, otherwise just throw away the money.

What are the advantages of VK Target:

  • Subscriber quality. The service checks the performers, if they are bots, then it bans. This ensures that live people enter;
  • Money Back Guarantee. If the performer left the group, VK Target will return the money to you, and the performer will be punished;
  • Quick addition of subscribers - order at least 1000 per day if you already have a promoted group. I repeat that if your group is young and it has less than 1000 subscribers, then do not wind up more than 100 people a day, otherwise they will be banned. VK target has a setting to limit the daily number of entries;
  • Full automation. Set once and forget. You can periodically check how things are going, but in general, your intervention is not required. The service does everything itself.
  • Transparent reporting. You can see how many people have joined, who they are, how progress is being made.

Order subscribers in VKTarget.

In VKtarget, you can earn money yourself by completing tasks, and then spend money on ordering subscribers for your group. But that's a completely different story.

Socelin cheat service

This service uses different methods to attract subscribers to cheat users: not only offers. Offers are people who join groups for money.

Therefore, their cost is more expensive, but the subscribers are of better quality. According to Soceline, they attract people who are really interested in your group.

Attraction methods used by Socelin:

  • Pay a fee;
  • Use bonuses;
  • Exchange likes;
  • Add offers;
  • Invite friends;

They can order:

  • Like;
  • Repost;

However, you can count on a big salary if you have a live audience. Therefore, I wondered, how to get a million live subscribers to the VKontakte group?

Guide to recruiting live subscribers VKontakte

You can buy a ready-made VKontakte group with a million subscribers at However, such communities cost a million rubles each, which means the price per subscriber is 1-2 rubles.

If you create a group from scratch and do step-by-step development, then it will take you 5-10 times less budget to get 1,000,000 people. True, there are factors that affect the growth rate of the public.

What determines the speed of recruitment of subscribers:

  • The popularity of the topic;
  • The quality of the information provided;
  • Number of publications;
  • Activity of your audience.

For example, musical groups are well promoted due to the competent selection of songs of the same direction. And publics with humor should follow trending news and make unique jokes with memes.

1. Community feed

The feed of the community lies in a beautiful and understandable name that is easy to remember. At the same time, you need to make a beautiful hat and avatar so that people can see the differences and remember you!

Professional SMOs have long used animals and fictional characters to grab attention. The most surprising thing is that the attitude towards the group is formed on the basis of the header and the first three posts!

Therefore, a high quality picture with a direct meaning, which will indicate the direction of your subject, will be the best option! But this is just the first step to success.

2. Cheat subscribers to the group

For some reason, many users do not like to subscribe to a VKontakte group with less than two thousand subscribers. I was convinced of this more than once when I tried to open communities with the help of one advertisement.

So you have to wind up 5-10 thousand people with the help of special job exchanges. I recommend doing a cheat from 17:30 to 21:00, it is during this period that the services have the most real people!

The best cheat exchanges VKontakte:

  • is the leading stock exchange in Russia with over a hundred thousand members. For 1,000 rubles you can get 1,500 - 2,000 people.
  • - more suitable for small cities due to the ability to customize targeting. For 1,000 rubles we get 1,000 subscribers.
  • - he can cheat, but here it is best to simply remove the dogs from the group.

You will have 15-30% dogs of the total number of wraps. Try to delete blocked users every day to avoid blocking.

If job exchanges seemed too complicated for you, then you can turn to professional SMO specialists. Who will do the same job for the same money, and maybe cheaper.

3. Advertising in other groups

For 800 rubles, you can buy an advertising post from a community that has over 1,000,000 subscribers, but the effectiveness is measured by the number of views of the post and the number of likes in the first 24 hours.

Therefore, often groups with 300-500 thousand people show much better results for a lower price. To make it clearer, let's compare several publics from the subject of humor.
Even the number of likes in both groups is the same, so why pay almost 2 times more? Well, and most importantly, for 450 rubles you can get up to 50% of the audience from the number of views of the record itself.

  • is the leading ad exchange hosting almost all communities. It has many settings and gives the most detailed statistics.

Social networks have long been a part of our lives. They are used both by ordinary users for personal purposes and by many popular organizations to attract the target audience. The more subscribers a particular channel, blog or page has, the higher its popularity, which in turn creates a platform for profit. And where there is a benefit, there are special tricks, for example, subscriber cheat services.

However, the time when it was easy to capture the attention of the audience is long gone - in order to be at the top of the list of popularity, most people have to resort to cunning fraud or paid methods to increase their own fame.

It is for this reason that various programs and services used to cheat Vkontakte subscribers for a fee are now widely used. Basically, they are designed to work with such social resources as:

  • Instagram
  • Youtube
  • In contact with
  • classmates, etc.

To wind up subscribers for a fee or increase their number on their own through advertising and interesting content - everyone decides for himself. Some consider cheating services to be outright scams, but now they are an integral part of promoting an account on any social network. It is very convenient to use them, and at the same time they provide a real opportunity for a novice project to quickly gain popularity for a fee.

Why are such services needed?

Suppose someone decides to promote the popularity of a newly created Vkontakte page (be it Instagram, YouTube, classmates or any other social network). But why is this needed at all and what benefits does it provide for the owner of an account with an inflated number of subscribers?

Cheating Vkontakte subscribers for a fee most often pursues the following goals:

And this income is an order of magnitude more pleasant than working in the weaving and winding shop of an ironing and spinning factory. Young people and just thinking people who love the Internet create more and more new pages and groups. Competition today is growing like a snowball, and with the simple placement of interesting materials, promotion takes more and more time. This is where services come to the rescue, helping to quickly gather the core of the audience.

What are the pros and cons of buying subscribers?

Nobody argues that attracting the target audience for a fee with the help of services is very convenient, but it is also worth evaluating what pitfalls may be hidden behind obtaining such a benefit. As in any other business, there are positive and negative sides to buying subscribers for a fee.

Advantages of cheating Vkontakte subscribers for a fee:

  • Time saving
  • Initial push for further growth in popularity
  • An alternative to methods that require increased communication skills.

Of course, the main benefit in using artificial ways to increase popularity is time savings. After all, the process of natural account promotion can take months, while the goals for which it is started may lose their relevance, and all efforts will be in vain.

Initial push. It is often quite difficult for newly created accounts to gain popularity due to increased competition, and promotion services do a good job of gaining a certain number of subscribers to arouse the interest of the target audience. In a simple way, they help create the appearance of movement, and there the people are pulled up. In an empty group, gather an audience for a long time and slowly.

Sometimes situations arise when it is difficult for the account owner, due to their internal qualities, to negotiate to advertise their brand, product, store - or even themselves on the Internet. Cheating subscribers through websites allows you to bypass this barrier.

Cons of cheating Vkontakte subscribers:

  • Risk of account blocking
  • Most often, financial investments are required.

Sudden bursts of account popularity can be traced by the moderators of the resource and regarded as unfair advertising. Such pages are usually blocked, so it is necessary to use the subscription cheat carefully.

Free resources are often not enough to effectively and quickly promote an account, so you need to be prepared to pay a certain amount for using paid sites.

What options are available for cheating followers?

Follower - a subscriber to account updates, pages, who is interested in your topic or you personally. Does not pretend to reciprocity, at least not explicitly. Follower, adherent, moderate fan.

In general, services for the artificial increase in the number of subscriptions can be divided into the following groups:

  • Free
  • Paid


Services or programs for Vkontakte that offer to get subscribers for free, as a rule, require additional and frequent user participation in various events. As a rule, such resources offer a variety of tasks, for which a certain amount of internal currency (stars, hearts, likes, etc.) is issued, for which you can buy subscriptions. This method allows you to save some money, but in most cases it is ineffective due to the following reasons:

  1. Non-target audience or bots are involved.
  2. The risk of an account ban increases.

It is best to use free resources in the initial stages of promotion (up to 2-3 thousand subscribers) in order to understand the mechanism of work to increase the number of followers, and then go to sites with the ability to purchase subscriptions.


The best option would be to use paid resources. The set prices for cheating services are usually quite acceptable, and the rate of increase in the popularity of the account is much higher than when using free sites and programs. In this case, it will be better to cheat for a fee.

How to wind up the number of subscribers - proven ways

If you need to quickly and without special financial investments to increase the popularity of your Instagram account, you should pay attention to the following services for cheating subscribers for free and paid:

    1. . The service offers services for cheating subscribers on Instagram, Facebook, Vkontakte, YouTube, OK, Twitter and Google Plus networks. The service is very, very simple, made entirely for smartphones and tablets. The disadvantages of the service include the presence of a certain percentage of bots. But who doesn’t have them, even you and I have bots as friends.
      We recently tested (February 2018) likemania, got likes on YouTube - they got it in 1 day, with a + 2% bonus, there was no rollback.
    2. . A universal service for boosting the popularity of most well-known social networks. The positive aspects of the site include an open price list with reasonable prices and minimum amounts for replenishment. Just the perfect resource for beginners. Convenient tools will allow you not only to wind up subscriptions, but also to analyze the effectiveness.
      We tested it (February 2018), got likes on YouTube - got it in 2 days, rollback -8% (from every hundred likes then 8 disappeared), but for 100 likes +100 views and 8 subscriptions were added! Our experimental YouTuber was delighted)
    3. . This is a convenient, and most importantly, free site for those who want to increase the number of followers on Instagram. It requires mandatory registration, after which access to a variety of tasks opens, after which the account will be directly promoted. Users can also create their own tasks for other service participants.
      We tested it (February 2018), we got likes on YouTube - we got it in 2 days, a rollback of more than 50% (more than 50 likes disappeared from every hundred likes according to our statistics, but not according to the statistics of the service), no views were added, but there were a couple of offensive comments ! Our experimental youtuber was furious)
      Planned tests in VK and Insta. If it happens again, we'll replace it.
    4. . A convenient platform for quickly increasing the popularity of your Instagram account. Powerful automation from getting into the ban. Own Instagram Academy. The owner of the service, Alexander Sokolovsky, is the author of a printed edition book on promotion and earnings on Instagram. The service itself is more aimed at serious work and high incomes. Not for those content with 100 rubles a day.

    5. . The service, like, attracts live subscribers to Instagram. People mention it in the reviews. Cheaper . In addition to the functions of automatically adding likes, subscriptions and comments, there is an analytics block and a terribly curious function to spy on Instagram friends - to see by login who the people you are interested in liked and from whom they liked.


For an ordinary user of Instagram, Vkontakte, YouTube, another popular resource who wants to brag to his friends about the number of followers or likes on his profile picture, free and cheap programs and sites are suitable, with the help of which you can increase your popularity in a fairly short time.

If regular daily work is not carried out to post content for your subscribers, then neither cheat services nor anything else will help you. Everything will quickly wither away without the soul of a living person, turn into dust and decay ...

Beginners or established entrepreneurs looking to expand their reach online should definitely find one or more promotion services with a focus on live subscribers.

For results, for the return on any activity in social networks, daily regular work is required to post interesting content. It is required to give your subscribers, your audience what they came for, and what you invited people for. When there is such work, then you can use assistant services in cheating subscribers and other excellent tools. If such work is not carried out, then no cheating will help.

Social networks themselves do not really welcome the activities of cheat services and, with rough work, they can block your account, often forever, but with a careful approach, you can start very well. Facebook especially does not like cheating and manipulations, so if additional promotion tools are used there, then at the start of the project, in order to quickly pick up speed from a place. Therefore, we use everything described above at our own peril and risk, and for reliability it is better to hire a professional admin and pay him for promotion.

Active audience to you, friends!

Internet services for business.
Link to the material is required!
